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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 24, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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but i try to conduct my lessons with dignity, because in the future i don’t have to look my parents in the eyes, or in the future these graduates who graduate from school will return to their small homeland, that is, to the village, i will meet with them, and if they grow up to be troublesome people, then i will blame myself for it, because i am also responsible for them.
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and the union, our beloved mother, our food, belarus, beloved skin, mother, live forever, and melorus once...
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and joy is holy, evil of the earth, our light and name, words. pologratel union, ours beloved yanech by ours, spark belarus, our beloved mother in russia, live forever.
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hello, for service to the homeland, military valor and courage, the president presented awards to the defenders of the fatherland. our first gold at the games of the future, belarusian cyclists, the first in a virtual race, and hits for the soul, today at 20:45 on belarus 1, the only show in the country in which age is a plus. factorby 60. plus the most sincere and sincere television project, but in the meantime we are preparing for the people's show, watching in panorama. for military services in peacetime. presentation of state awards and military ranks today takes place in the palace of independence in a solemn atmosphere on
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february 23. we’ll tell you how it all happened and show you in panorama. the country celebrates defenders of the fatherland day. on this occasion , ceremonial events were held, we honor. who gave their lives for peace and tranquility on earth, and we also congratulate our men. open election campaign, assessment of foreign missions, joint plans of the center of election commissions, we will tell you the details of the bilateral meetings on the fourth day of early voting. to call or not to call is an electoral question sovereignty. why are observers from the osce not invited to the elections in belarus, why are they meekly observing... let us recall the so-called security missions in the section katyushin 's calculation: what are the nato military afraid of, what is the difference between our fighters and the alliance, what is the strength of belarusian officers soldier? answers in the new issue according to the form. the president
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of belarus today presented state awards and general's shoulder straps to representatives of senior officers. it's a decade long journey to deserve this. recognition, you need to go through everything, from studying in your youth through dozens of different positions, investigations and combat missions to responsible positions. these people protect belarus, control the internal and external security of our country, as they say, 24x7. this is february 23rd, a milestone in their service. katerina krutalevich will continue. these are rare moments when they give interviews to themselves. major generals of the armed forces of the ministry of internal affairs, colonels of justice, as a rule, due to ensuring the security of the state or the secrecy of the investigation, rarely speak to journalists, such work. but today is a special case, there is a reason to remember how it all began. you know, i remember, of course, the first criminal
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case that i took part in, my career path, i started in the internal affairs bodies and was an investigator in the oktyabrsky district of the city of minsk, and of course, how every investigator remembers exactly that in life. .. the first case, the first investigative action that he carried out on his initial path, but there was also before the competition of 16 people for a place at the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, today’s colonel of justice will smile, then it turned out to be seconds before failure, but everything worked out, then work, a lot of work in different ranks and positions. investigator, senior, investigator for particularly important cases, drug trafficking, crimes against the person, against information security, if translated into civilian language, these people catch scammers on the internet, the latter. a high-profile case was the cessation of the work of all call centers in belarus and the detention of 50 people who were luring money out of gullible citizens as supposedly representatives of investment companies. this work within the country, the security that you and i see and can feel,
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not to mention those who protect our external contour, the efforts they make every day, is difficult to imagine for civilians. this is also the same kind of work, the officers say. state awards. for such work, well-deserved thanks, my people, so i’ll be frank, the president will start with this, it’s really very difficult for the security forces today, alexander lukashenko will utter a phrase that very... clearly defines why the officers are so highly marked, you and i don’t see this. we reward true defenders of the fatherland for military merits in peacetime. and it remains peaceful for us, because our soldiers stand today in the path of the real enemy, like an obstacle. they stand like an insurmountable wall, promptly identifying, detaining saboteurs, and carrying out mine clearance. explosive devices, we have peace and quiet, because our
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guys are infiltrating terrorist groups at the risk of their lives, blocking the supply channels of lethal weapons and ammunition into the country, and suppressing espionage activities foreign intelligence services. our people sleep peacefully, because in combat operations, sometimes at the risk of their lives. officers and generals participate. today, the best of them have been awarded high state awards of the highest military ranks. thank you, dear friends, for your service, for preventing the hybrid attacks on belarus from developing into a full-scale hot massacre. thank you to everyone who stands shoulder to shoulder next to you, protecting peace in the world. service is a vocation, and many of today's officers say that they understand this, the road to being
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a military man while still in school, an example in the family, an example from books, an example from a movie, it would seem very romanticized, but it really works like that, and one day they came to our school and asked who wants to go with a suvorov veteran, well, of course we and the suvorov veteran and films and oriol of glory and all that’s interesting, let’s go and go medical examination, passed the exam with excellent marks, and became suvorov graduates. that’s it, my eyes lit up, somehow i couldn’t even imagine life in the army, so with one impulse, in one spirit, we walked, walked, served, not looking back at the difficulties, not looking back at everyone else questions, yes it was hard, yes there were difficult times, but we served, and to be honest, i have never regretted being very grateful to my family, first of all, that they supported me in these moments, absolutely, well, let’s say, they did not prevent me from serving, today this
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... the rule is that modern technologies have not improved the means of combat, without the fortitude of a fortress, the spirit of a warrior, there are no and cannot be victories, again, as always , the focus is on the person, the order for military valor, the award goes to those who have distinguished themselves by being brave, decisive actions that ensured completion of combat missions and a medal for courage, there is no need to explain here. alexander lukashenko’s meeting with the military the day before determined a clear list of tasks for the system;
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last year alone , 25 military conflicts were unleashed and continued in different regions on different continents. they are constantly trying to drag their neighbors into the hot ukrainian conflict. poland hopes so much, quote: to change the belarusian regime and claim what it seems to be their legitimate rights to part of our territories, this is not for anyone secret. the west also has ambitions for russian lands, this is... big geopolitics and it is important for belarus to survive in it. our army must be equipped, mobile, and priority should be given to combat training. the military commander-in-chief heard. today we congratulate everyone who wears shoulder straps. this means that this is not only a men's holiday. it has already become a national women's and men's holiday, because many of our good and valiant women wear the shoulder straps of military personnel today. therefore, once again on this national, bright holiday i want you
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congratulate. happiness to you, your loved ones, health, success in your service for the good of our homeland. the officers begin their day off with a traditional symbolic glass of champagne, as they themselves say, with a smile, with a high degree of probability, this means that if everything goes well, if everything goes according to plan, then this plan will work for the country. they do not belong to themselves, the homeland comes first, this is the meaning of the phrase to serve the fatherland, and these people consider such difficult work a great privilege, katerina krutalevich, veronika buta, ivan martynovich, andrey.
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our task is to preserve peace, protect the borders and independence that our grandfathers defended for us, fulfilling their male duty. steli's wreath minsk, the hero city, was laid down by the mission of sco observers who arrived in belarus to monitor the progress of the elections. today, some visited polling stations
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for the good of our homeland, protect our borders, our interests, of course, this is a landmark holiday, a holiday for all residents of the city of minsk, for all residents of our country, february 23, a holiday, but together with that we must understand that we must remember how much it took to fight for us to be an independent country. congratulations from the fair sex on defenders of the fatherland day went to the fighters. information front of the belarusian radio company: news tension is growing, provocations, fakes towards belarusians, journalists are always on the front line, ready to repel any information attacks, of course, intercept the agenda. everyone says that fortunately we are not participating in a real war, but
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we have been participating in an information war for a long time, and of course, the role of journalists... our time has increased significantly, and the people who work in this area work under enormous pressure, with enormous tension and are actually doing a very great job, so i congratulate everyone who is not only involved in the armed forces of the republic belarus or the soviet union, but also those who are considered journalists or work in the field of journalism, because well, probably, february 23 is already a holiday and...
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the shanghai cooperation organization. what kind of third-party negotiations took place with delegations uzbekistan, tajikistan, kazakhstan, russia. the meeting took place with observers . do they assess our elections? material by vladislav bonder. how the flags were changed at
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the central election commission and protocol photos were taken with the delegates, consider it an indicator that we are holding elections. open. yes, we are not talking about a biased osce, although more than two dozen european observers are accredited. let us emphasize, independent, this is a matter of transparency. and at bilateral negotiations, our cec chairman greeted his foreign colleagues as partners and friends. in uzbekistan, last year was a double electoral year. amendments to the constitution in the spring, early presidential elections in the summer. and belarus, among the observers and representatives of the electoral body, already said then: “we can cooperate more.” speed ​​up. rapprochement at the level of leaders during the recent visit to the country of our president, the age of the majority of voters in uzbekistan is under 35 years old, we saw how we are increasing the electoral culture among young people and...
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the corps is waiting for the prime minister. roman golovchenko with he has already decided on his candidates and emphasized: the government expects to work in tandem with parliament, because according to the constitution, the role of legislators has gained more weight. in the elections for candidates for the minsk city council , i personally know only one candidate, then for the house of representatives i had to think about it, although i had, of course, prepared in advance and asked for materials about these candidates, but i thought about it due to the fact that i know these people personally and... they are all worthy, on this site in minsk you could even meet santa claus, even if without a fur coat, gray beard and makeup, the main performer of the role in the country, honored artist
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of belarus vladimir radevilov also voted early. i vote in advance because i have a big traveling concert on the 22nd, but the 25th is the deadline when everyone should vote and give their vote for those deputies who will be for... quite logical and justified, well , there’s no point in coming here to to look for some fictitious, frankly speaking, pitfalls in the organization of elections, violations, that
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the campaign in the country is taking place as usual, the chairman of the central election commission notified representatives of all delegations, observers from the sco emphasized that the mission would be impartial and objective. since yesterday, all members of the mission have already arrived in minsk, we have already held the first organizational meeting, defined tasks, a work plan, distributed all members of the mission into groups, assigned them the areas that need to be visited, and i would like to note that we are determining the areas ourselves, a mission of observers, without any influence or pressure from outside, and also a meeting with observers from russia, kazakhstan, in a word , all day in the spirit of belarusian hospitality and open doors for those who are knocking with the world, and not trying to bring destruction to our home. vladislav bunder, yulia khmel, svetlana lukinyuk, alexey kondratenko, nikita makhodkin and dmitry garkusha. tv news agency. and to the issue of electoral security. so what
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dictated the decision not to invite observers from the abce to the elections? chairman of the standing committee of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus andrei savinykh, speaking at a meeting of the osce parliamentary assembly in vienna, recalled that one of the justifications was that the countries of the collective west had introduced. advances the interests of the nato military bloc, this is a matter of electoral sovereignty. so why are observers from the osce not invited to the elections, why are they observing meekly?
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important signatory, this was the first package of 2014, and the mission was supposed to be a neutral party, monitoring the implementation of the peace agreement and preventing further conflict, however the peace organization coordinated all its actions with kiev, which means indirectly with nato, did not react to the killing of civilians in donbass, here is footage from 2014, i cannot.
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here it is, here it is, here it is, here it is, here it is in 2017, the mission was already working, run, run here, come here, moreover, this organization, neutral on paper, spied and transferred intelligence data to adjust the fire to the forces of the ukrainian armed forces, they were already bombing cities in the south east, along the entire line of combat contact there were towers, video surveillance, one of these... cameras was discovered with the beginning of the north military district, and that ’s not all, the beginning of the end of yugoslavia was also laid by the osce, not directly, of course, but the head of the mission in kosovo at that time was william walker, closely associated with the cia. today he is called one of the perpetrators of information provocation, which became the reason to ironize belgrade. in the kosovo village of rachek in 1999 , information was received that the serbian police allegedly executed 45 albanian civilians. to the village.
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the head of the osce verification mission in kosovo and metohija, american william walker, suddenly appeared and made a statement widely reported in the world media statements about executed civilians. without trial or investigation, the blame was placed on the serbian police; after 78 days, nato aircraft bombed belgrade and other areas of yugoslavia. the western press will call this barbarity a humanitarian intervention. a year later, it turned out that there were no mass executions, much less...
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development of regions, creation of social infrastructure in a small village, in a large city, as well as care for large families, support for pensioners, conditions for the development of youth, our state is making every effort to belarusians did not need anything and were under reliable protection, so that paid western politicians, who certainly had not heard anything about what it means to love, would not want there? their people, apparently, are beyond their european values, which they are trying in every possible way to impose on the world, and thereby weaken moral principles, divide society and destroy traditional values, as was the case in the twentieth. remember how destructive portals and communities called for people to take to the streets, how they promised mountains of gold for personal data, journalists, people in uniform, how they tried
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to put pressure on people who stood up to defend the country. but in fact, these same administrators from abroad supervised the protest movements, and of course, all this was not for the sake of the well-being of our people, what are those who believed them now regretting? and why is it so important not to repeat the mistake? report by marina romanovskaya. when did this mass mailing of all kinds of posts start? now i understand that you are stupid to leave comments, but people react. it was all a storm of emotions, now having control over them, marina clearly understands why fake stuff is needed, who benefits from fakes, and what does the collective west and ordinary belarusians have to do with it, for example, from braslov. it is unlikely that they are concerned about their well-being somewhere thousands of kilometers away, if they cannot even provide their european citizens with basic food and working conditions. the interest in our people in the twenties was different:
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to shake up the situation, sow a seed of doubt, then continue according to the script while it’s hot. i made a mistake and i want to tell people how to protect themselves from unwanted actions, warn against thoughtless ones. that bring harm , bring destruction, think about the future of our country, understand that you need to be responsible for every action you take, think, evaluate correctly everything you do, and if for someone , support for extremist resources, well, for example, a succinct comment, a temporary clouding, as they themselves now say, then for some a conscious choice in favor of destruction, all these leaders and portraits of a hanged rebel from the home interior of those, then our history even by virtue of their profession should know, but in fact the substitution of concepts and a refrigerator magnet with the image of the warhead flag under which belarusians were killed is also about incredible patriotism.
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they offered to subscribe to some groups that disseminated material of an extremist nature, caused some kind of destruction of society, the state, how can you call for the destruction of your own home, i still want to s... save and build something for the future of my children , direct all your efforts to preserve, and if you are for an opinion, no matter how they try to twist the meaning, distort the facts destructive resources to please their masters are not provided for, but for extremist activities, we are talking about distributing publications, about financing extremist projects, the punishment is real, and so on throughout the civilized world, if that’s what you like, examples of democracy. the belarusians have passed a difficult exam,
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they really now repent, they sincerely repent, but those who were at the helm, in my opinion, they must be judged as traitors to the fatherland. belarusians clearly remember the twentieth, how they tried to control them consciousness, took them out into the streets, promised an incredibly bright future, and then drove off closer to the feeding trough. fugitive traitors are trying to shake up the situation now on the eve of the single voting day, because the dollars and euros invested in their tour of europe need to be earned back. here's one. in the proposal from extremist groups to install hidden cameras at voting stations, here is about the correct angles about the natural camouflage of a video camera about the video format. the instructions clearly outline how to help extremists: follow the link, click and the person is trapped.
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and, of course, the extremist platform guarantees complete anonymity to those who thus want to collaborate for the benefit of the fugitives. here is the next plan: something similar was already offered to belarusians in one click, their personal data ended up at the disposal of extremists, then everyone has their own plan for leaking information, even about those who did not press start, neither in the twentieth nor now is incredible consider it necessary to warn about the consequences for helping extremists. and also to the question of whether fugitives worry about people, when do they offer to share their story on a given topic with extremist publications? liability is provided, administrative criminal, or they are asked to donate on extremist platforms in the clear understanding that for such cooperation the support of someone who has escaped from the regime and is now starving somewhere in lithuania or poland,
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an adherent of democratic values, or from the latter, when they are called to film with a hidden camera , what is happening at the polling stations, ask yourself, for what purposes? obviously not for well-being. well, here’s a clear example of what the loss of sovereignty leads to, who actually owns ukraine, the country has a third of the world’s reserves of black soil, almost half has already been sold to foreign companies, so for whom are military operations, their daily bread, facts and methods of pumping out resources, a lesson among them and for our state. experts and guests in the new edition of the editors' club discuss the fundamental reasons. a bloody conflict from which someone is simply profiting. by the way,
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speaking about the land, we forgot about it in basically, but this law on the sale of land to foreign companies to foreigners, it was adopted by zelensky one of the first, they actually led him to this, they bought it, they actually own it, this was before the north military district, they will defend it, they ask him a question, but also another portion of fake western propaganda, we are spending more of it. their media is deceiving its audience, watch the new edition of the editors club, today immediately after the factorby 60 plus project. even rodents and mice decided to fight the regime of kiev hucksters and terrorists literally ate western military equipment. so unexpected. the information is published by the french newspaper figoro. the fact is that
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some wire sheaths are made from edible corn fiber. this decision was made within the company for environmentally friendly technologies, and the cars are intended as a technology demonstration. but on the battlefield , the green agenda is no good. and now, thanks to ordinary gray mice, some of the western equipment has been chewed off and completely immobilized. army. belarus has definitely become stronger over the past year, in new polonaises and communications systems have come into line, and attack drones and small arms are next in line. our military is learning real combat experience from their russian colleagues. what can we say about our training grounds, where there is a fiery glow day and night, but behind the defensive citadel, first of all, there are people, about their fortitude, courage and unshakable strength in the new issue in the form with anna. nato soldiers
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refuse to fight in bad weather conditions. this statement was made by the commander of the group of british allies , lieutenant colonel james fern. we are talking about during the exercises in estonia, over a thousand military personnel from france, great britain and the united states trained in moroz. there is a combat mission due to the weather. this applies to
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both officers and soldiers. we military correspondents actually live at the training grounds and see how combat training takes place and how the military behaves in certain conditions. you can say in one word, worthy. now you will see everything for yourself. november 23. arrival of the csto leaders and the organization itself. snezhnaya burya airport. military personnel of the honor guard company. they stand at the landing gate without moving for more than an hour strip in anticipation of russian president vladimir putin. the wind turns the faces of the soldiers crimson, and their uniforms are covered with snow. nobody even moved. the protocol was followed perfectly. these shots were taken in march 2023. tactical training classes with cadets of the belarusian military academy. rain alternates with snow. bertsu. drowning in the mud, the guys don’t pay attention to it, they’re training,
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they’re outside all day, they’re no strangers, they ’re forging not only professionalism here, they’re creating new selves here, late november the thermometer is +1, military divers are diving under the water, according to information in this area there may be ammunition from the times of the great patriotic war, military personnel need to remove them... and as you understand, the feat of these fighters does not lie in physical hardening at all. august is overboard +33, the same kilometer. special forces soldiers need to overcome it at once, and also break the clouds with a parachute, save the wounded, empty the clip of all small arms, blow up a couple of kilograms of waste, swim across the lake and withstand sparring with three fighters. this is not an excerpt from an adventure novel, this
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annual submission for the badge of valor and skill. a five-day test for the strongest in both body and spirit. and this is not footage of natural disasters, just heavy rain in june, a territorial defense exercise, the wet military continues to carry out their assigned tasks, no one even thinks of going to wait out the bad weather, and then, when the clouds clear, they will continue their studies. no, they are working, brothers. the following shots are not the activities of the blue berets. this is a training exercise for belarusian military journalists. every year correspondents are in uniform. goes through fire and water, and also refresh knowledge on fire, tactical, psychological, medical training, a five-day marathon for survival, in order to be able to stand up for the country not only a pen, they are different, our military, they are sure that they are cold, hard, and sometimes
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tired off your feet, but no one whines, no one gives up, no one complains about the vagaries of nature, there is a task that must be completed. and the footage that you saw on the screen is only 1% of the events that happen every day in the army. our military protects the border, carries out combat duty, trains day and night, in the lungs they often have not oxygen, but gunpowder. they put time with family, relaxation, and hobbies on the altar of the service. and every morning they fasten the buttons of their jacket, lace up their ankle boots and go to protect them. country, these are not pretentious words, i see this truth with my own eyes every day.
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belarus and zimbabwe reaffirmed their interest in developing interstate contacts today. the minister of foreign affairs of our country was received by the president of this african republic. sergei oleynik conveyed a message from the president of the republic to the head of the zimbabwean state belarus, dedicated to preparing the return visit of emerson mongagwa to minsk. the president of zimbabwe, in turn, conveyed his best wishes to his colleague and friend, alexander lukashenko, and once again confirmed his readiness to visit our country in the near future. the meeting focused on cooperation in the economic sphere. there was a general understanding of the need for effective.
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arts slavic bazaar in vitebsk. one of the symbols of our sovereignty and stability, state system, the palace of independence. today employees of the integral and agat control system enterprises visited. the guests were told how they passed the exam for speed and quality.
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of our state , well, first of all, of course, the scale is striking, because the ceilings are 18 m high, you don’t see that every day, and
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another celebrants: 55 years old on monday will be celebrated by the agat control systems enterprise, one of the country’s leading companies in the creation of automated control systems general and special purpose, navigation aid systems, air ground robotic platforms, the company's team numbers almost thousands. our predecessors did a lot of things, we went to the expo, we work with more than twenty countries of the world, so we have a large circle of contacts outside the republic of belarus, now we are developing, we came here with great interest, everyone who came, well, here we are the first impression, of course, is truly beauty, this is history, there is not a single centimeter here that the eye does not stop at. everything is interesting in the life of the palace, this is the life of our state as a whole, it takes place here,
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the most fateful decisions are made internationally and in domestic politics. the excursion participants - more than 100 people - got acquainted with the stories of the halls of the palace of independence with the events that took place within its walls. let me note that the building is open for tours by order of the head of state. the strongest, most resilient and strong men today celebrated the day of defenders of the fatherland with a traditional race. the number of applicants significantly exceeded the number of application places. the participants showed themselves on the creative side, for some such a race is already an integral part of their sports pastime, and for others it is another opportunity to note how important love for their homeland is in their lives. two, one.
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we show the younger generation that they must always be in order, they must always be, play sports, sports are health, it’s not very hard, because we have been doing this since childhood and love it, so for us , on the contrary, it’s a bit of a thrill, in honor of such a holiday, we went out to run in such a uniform, it seemed that it was a little hard to be. women's race. the race of real men took place in march and they will take part in the same way for the seventh time. the belarusian athletics federation is holding it together with the mingur executive committee and the ministry of sports and tourism of belarus. the best sports qualities. our cyclists demonstrated today. the belarusian team won the first gold at the games of the future in kazan.
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the virtual cycling race consisted of four stages - an individual time trial, a knockout race, and a 30 km scratch criterion. our team took the lead after first type of program and did not slow down until the very end of the competition. let me remind you that athletes from 107 countries are participating in the games of the future, total size. visa fund 10 million dollars.


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