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tv   100  BELARUSTV  February 24, 2024 3:45pm-4:46pm MSK

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don’t worry about loading your business to 100%. the plant is purchased from neighboring areas, and this is not the same economy. we are planning to produce cottage cheese, so to achieve our goals we need a lot of milk. developing the local cheese zone is a strategic task for the entire vitebsk region. yes, at the end of the five-year period, there will be over a hundred daily mtks, and there will be a lot of cash flow. volga
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maslowskaya, mikhail khristafora, vitebsk region. yashche znacheni ўklad u kharchovoy byaspeku i ekspartny patencyal. minskaya at the beginning of the year, the region became a leader in the creativity of the country's rural and cultural heritage. and geta kalya is 27% of our total, or amal is 9 billion rubles. the last part of the ukrainian season has reached a record level. the farmers of the region have crossed a two-mile border between the creation of small crops and the top crops... for example, amal 400 high school students of the minsk region have chosen.
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students in the engineering specialty, we cooperate with institutions of higher education; since september 1, we have established cooperation with the belarusian state technological university during research work and career guidance conversations, and during this period we have already visited this university three times, in the tenth grade i decided that i should go and try myself in an engineering class, in the future i want to try to develop this direction of engineering, i want to enroll somewhere .
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high and high levels of education and pedagogical careers are the most popular among academic institutions and universities. young people are so active in their careers that they accumulate money. robe, football, sumo,
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the essence of the game is this: two football players on the field , i like playing robo-football even more . i really love playing real football, but against two football players on the field, we control using phones, we need to score as many goals as possible in two halves, to distinguish the trajectory of the game. the ball across... the field of zagadzya program the robot for the walk in the kamanze with a machine partner, adjust the optimal handling of the muscle in the green zone. robafootball is a true cyber science and a whole skill with code and algorithm. alexander zhurba collects my intelligent machine it’s a year to work as a champion. it has two large wheels, a module, and wires that hold the motors that are there. there are several ways to win, e.g. you can put here
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to make a dribbler that will suck the ball in the game. in the capital's robot clubs there are intellectual battles today, the hell of spartan attacks, which take away the knot from the rescue team. knowing the world and more serious applications of applied products, artsy pyatnitskiy is designing mobile smart manipulators. mashyna ruhaetstsa on the specified trajectories, the removal of the object and the movement from point a to point b. the chalavek unit is not possible in this process. the difficulty of this robot is that you need to invent it so that it can drive along a line, go through a maze, and also have a grip. i think this robot can be used on some.
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zabornistva 11 minsk closed robaturnir, it passed in steel these years. ilya tsvyatkov, anatol dalatovski, agencyvin, minsk. three partisan attacks on teritors of the same district. large-scale supration and gerism of carnivorous roasters. in dzyatlavshchyna
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, the history of the vyalikay chinese war is being popularized. it is noticeable that, in the right way, the myastov schoolchildren created a 3d model of the partisan hospital, and spread the information on the internet. interactive tourist routes have been promoted in the area during months of great glory. report by yury karnyalovich. at the museum of the history of the secondary school no. 3 of the city of dzyatlava, the meetings are crowded. here we talk about the heroism of meat roasters and the terrible tragedies that happened in the territory of the region ў bastards of the vyalikay ichynna war. it is noteworthy that most of the exhibits and archival materials were collected by the schoolchildren themselves. the future generation should know to remember the heroic deeds of people who sacrificed their lives.
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special exhibitions have been created, the history of the belarusian ivan susanin is learned from monumental monuments, and in meat museums , schools, in regional centers and on sunny days . the right call of my great-grandfather, alena chaikovskaya, is told from the heat of the fire. 13 great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. we are all here as much as possible with this monument we remember the heroic past events of the patriotic war. in the years of the great patriotic war, the number of applicants exceeded 17 thousand peaceful people in dzyatlaushchyny. it was no less cruel to the enemy; three
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partisan attacks took place in the former region, which lasted for more than 1000 years. yana paspyakhova let the military trains fall and destroy the police garrisons. dzyatlava has his own heroic history. here they sold special tourist routes in months of great glory, and on the 80th anniversary of belarus, the city of dzyatlava is recognized for pennants for courage and perseverance in the city.
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and i also wanted to make these for myself, so i gradually developed, when i do work , i put a part of my soul into it, the mood of the day, i don’t have several works that are the same, i have something somewhere new and new and new , straw is such a wonderful material. the development of national and international exhibitions, large-scale
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projects, and the transfer of folk traditions to the young lard is more valuable. my hands have worked thousands of things in different ways. known to the ladies and the oldest bunches, they made barrels for storing different crops. cat drops of dolls in pastayannaya exposition of the district center of folk art, part of the work of alyna zaruk. darechy, kalya worked here for 20 years. let’s say for such a hat you need to weave a catfish braid, weave roses for decoration, leaves, also here, it’s not like you took, weaved everything, here are the girls weaving blanks, i’m very happy that there are such children that they love the straw weaving club, they love the activities.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions for the heroes. natalya, why do you think the children chose you to talk to? well, maybe because they haven't talked to me yet. are you prepared for
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the fact that children sometimes ask tough questions? no, of course, i only have four of them, not 100, that’s why here. it will be more difficult, promise to be honest, i will try, then good luck, dear program participants, today our guest is the chairman of the belarusian cycling federation, eight-time world champion, olympic bronze medalist, natalya valeryevna tselinskaya, we welcome you. natalya, i want to warn you that according to our rules. program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions at the end of the program, you will have to choose the best one, well now you have one minute to briefly talk about myself, time has passed, but what about me tell me, i’m an ordinary person, i have two arms, two legs, one head for all, and
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there’s nothing unusual about me, it’s just... i probably correctly know how to set goals and achieve them, and then i’m probably lucky, life, i came across very good people who wished me well, and i probably knew how to draw conclusions, so i was able to achieve something, but i want to start right away by giving the children advice, never, never be discouraged, life always has a lot of opportunities and chances, never despair, and you know, that there is always ahead... only the best was not done in a minute, but you gave the children excellent advice, and what can we say, your life is worthy of a great dialogue, let’s get started with it, we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question , let's see how much you have time to answer, are you ready, yes, then let's begin, raise your hand, who is ready to ask a question, hello natalya, my name is
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angelina, how do you often remember how you started? my career, well , i remember it quite often, because my career is not over, it just came to a different stage, i’m no longer an athlete, but i still remain in sports, in cycling in particular, well , it’s part of my life, so i think about it quite often, but how did you realize that you want to connect your life with this, maybe someone could help you need to understand this, i didn’t understand it right away, but i was very lucky with my first coach, he made me fall in love with this sport, and... and i stayed in it, it’s the love of my life, and in general i dreamed of becoming a surgeon , and then something went wrong, well, i don’t know what kind of surgeon i would be, but i’m kind of an athlete it worked out. not bad, it also seems to me that i have become a good mother, well, of course, you need to ask my children this, well, mom, i also dreamed of being in a large family, i grew up alone
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, i only had a cousin, but there were no relatives, and i always i wanted a lot of children, now i have four, so it probably came together, this is the most important thing, it seems to me that we are moving into the purple sector, to your right. hello, my name is daria. when do you especially think about your mother? do you remember anything about her? ah, you know, well, i don’t remember much, because we spent a lot of time together, at what moments i remember, and in almost everything, like any normal person, the first thing that comes to mind is always this mother, you feel bad, good, sad, happy, you still the first. who do you think about, what about mom, so i’m normal, sort of. natalya, what happened to mom? she died? how old were you?
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i was 13. who raised you? grandmother and grandfather? well, well, well, before my mother died, my grandmother died a year earlier, my grandfather died when i was 16. then we became began to live with dad already , there is such an expression: time heals, this is really true, of course, but you can come to terms with pain, with loss, forgive something, but you never forget, and this is the most important thing, our loved ones with us as long as we remember them. natalya, hello, my name is daria, how hopeless do you think people who feel bad are? at school, and you know, i believe that in general there are no hopeless people, i know many examples where children who
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did poorly at school achieved very good results in life, yes, i classmate, a big businessman , he studied at school, well, so-so, because studying is not... they stopped playing with dolls, i never stopped, i didn’t even start, i had one doll, and somehow, well
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was and was, i was more interested in cars, bicycles , some kind of war games, hide and seek , something more active and i loved to read books, i’ve been reading since i was four years old, but dolls, well, i was indifferent to them, but in general at what time ends childish? the athlete's adult life begins; the athlete's childhood ends when the athlete ceases to be an athlete, because despite our physical activity , we do some exorbitant things, but we are essentially children, in terms of what, what is our task, i trained, ate, rested, and well, cyclical, right? won them, well, the athlete simply has no other goal, everything else is done for you by the people who are next
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to you, you don’t know how to buy tickets for yourself, how to get a visa for yourself, your food is always prepared, well, that’s why an athlete's childhood ends with the end of your career, that’s when adult life begins and you learn to do everything on your own. is it true that even at the moment you remain the most titled athlete of the republic of belarus in cycling? well, unfortunately, yes, but i ’m working on it, because i promised the head of state an olympic gold medal in cycling, it will definitely come, your status helps you in everyday life, the main thing is not to interfere. this is the most important thing, you need to remain a person with all your titles, just like athletes earn from
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do they pay for life? depending on the status of the competition, and well , we have very good prizes, who is ready to ask a question, raise your hand, you have a huge number of medals, and where do you keep them? do you know how much they weigh? well, it’s not so huge - here’s 51 - that’s already for an adult career, and where i keep them, they hang on
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the wall. the wall is standing, so they probably weigh a little. which medal is the most valuable to you? and why? well, it would probably be correct to say that the olympic one, but i can’t downplay all my other medals, because that behind every medal there is a lot of work , great losses and hardships in terms of the fact that you, well, an athlete turns a blind eye to a lot and refuses a lot, so i... didn’t say that there is one that is especially valuable, i value them all and i’m proud, thank you, children , we have a little surprise for you, we asked natalya to bring all her medals to the studio, please take them out, well, here i took a few, natalya, maybe one of the children can try to weigh them, pick them up
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hand. whoever is ready to come out, come out, young man man, how much do you think these medals weigh? probably 1 kg 300 g. it seems to me that a kilogram is 100 g. who else is ready to guess, who is ready to guess? but it seems to me that there is about 2 kg, well, somewhere around a kilogram. let's still resolve this dispute, i'll ask you to bring the scales into the studio now, let's weigh all of natalia tselinskaya's medals, find out how much this victory weighs, 665, 665 is not a weight, it's a sample.
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you became world champion eight times and the national anthem was played for you eight times, how did you feel at that moment? and the anthem sounded much more often, to my pride, because at every victory, when you win any. the anthem of your country is playing , and what is this for me, well, this is the anthem of my homeland, this, this is pride, this feeling, you know, this is the rise of double strength, the fact that we are a very small but proud country, the whole world is around you, and he, well, is defeated by you, and well, it’s hard
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to describe these feelings. and why do you think they say that these merits also apply to the state? firstly, this is not the merit of neither the athlete, nor the coach, the individual, and not even yours, this is the merit of the whole team, because , well, in particular in my sport, this is also a mechanic who services your bike, this is a massage therapist who leads and restores your muscles, this is a doctor who monitors, well, we must monitor our health , but nevertheless the doctor is involved in this, because well, we are living people, we can get sick, and this is
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categorically unacceptable for an athlete. why is the state involved in this? well, first of all, let's start with the fact that in the republic of belarus all sports are free, all children's sections free and you come there. ah, unfortunately, sports were connected with politics a long time ago, this well-known phrase that sports is outside of politics, it hasn’t worked for a long time, well, you know what i tell my athletes, that we don’t race there now, well so it’s not us who are unlucky, it
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’s them who are unlucky because they can’t compete with us, well, let him wait, we ’ll come back and show him. well, somehow i never had a task, like setting a speed record, the task, well, also my appearance, heel there is time, well, yes, maybe,
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if you break a record, then it’s a record, but the main thing is to actually win the competition, in the sprint everything is clear there, you don’t care about the speed at all, the time you show at the distance, because they went for... a hundred, i heard that the most expensive bicycles are decorated with gold and precious stones, so that’s why the bicycles of professional racers do not look the same, well, so as not to distract us, probably during
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competitions, well, this is a joke, of course, but we have different criteria and parameters in bicycles, the bicycle must be rigid, streamlined and must be full. why do you think the bicycle remains one of the most popular means of transportation, well, it’s a strange question, you ride a bicycle, but it’s fun, well, well
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, it’s just, well, it’s great, so you’re riding and the picture changes all the time, the wind blows your way it blows when it’s hot, and when it’s cold, you drive and warm up a little faster. but the picture still changes, well, well, for me this is a question, yes, i’ve never thought about it, well, i never thought about why, but it’s simple, well, you ’re driving, well, since childhood everyone has been driving bike, yes, now, of course, you all have bicycles, but we used to have three bicycles for the whole yard, and so you stand and think, christmas trees, when will it be my turn to ride it, because well, that’s... cool, you’ll fall, you’ll scrape your knee, but it’s also already cool, because you got up and went on, well, because it’s probably an indescribable feeling on a bike, and you can push yourself on a bike,
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that is, go in for sports, yes, even when you are not a professional athlete, but also it’s just that it’s absolutely fun to ride and not even get sleepy, but what is preferable for you now, a car or a bicycle? well, of course, as an adult, i have to say that the bicycle, well, i said today that we are not all adults. yes, we’re lying, so of course it’s a car, because on a bike i simply won’t be able to do everything i need to do, plus there are no four luggage racks on a bike, and if i need to go with children, then i simply have nowhere to shove them, are there any in cycling? -these are signs, in our country it is considered a bad omen when you wear for competitions, a new uniform , so that... it becomes not new, the overalls just need to be thrown on the floor and trampled
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on, and it is no longer new, as if, like this, this is the only thing i followed from the signs, because i didn't want to fall. hello, natalya, capercaillie, ram, postman, what other funny terms are there in cycling, and what do they mean? postman, what is this? postmen are cyclists who avoid active combat and prefer. as it were, the most common in racing which works, but it’s supposed to be a road steering wheel for bicycles. natalya, what is a capercaillie? a wood grouse is a road bike with brakes, but without shifters, that is, it has a direct transmission. like on a track, we don’t have brakes, and we slow down with a gear, because
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it’s like on a children’s bike, remember, you turn forward, you go forward, you turn back, you go back, this is a track bike and there are no brakes, on the highway it’s a special one a bicycle on which we do certain work, but, but, but it has brakes, i also heard one very beautiful term, in my opinion , dancer, is when you stand still on a bicycle and your feet are on... a bicycle on the pedals, but this is a technique that is called, in the correct language they call surprise, they use it as a sprinter, because very often there is a struggle for position, when both people in a race need a second position, that’s when the surprise appears, before they stood for hours, but then with the rise in price of airtime, this is the duration of the surprise. reduced to 30 seconds. very informative, now i understand how cycling
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associated with linguistics. we are moving to the yellow sector, to your left. is it true that all cyclists shave their legs for better streamlining? not just for streamlining. also, we fall, then these are our abrasions, these are very difficult to treat when our legs are covered with natural vegetation, so yes, that’s it... racers shave their legs. do you keep in touch with anyone from your old circle? well, for example, with childhood friends. and how does a successful career in general affect relationships with acquaintances? well, a successful career in principle doesn't affect anything. yes, this affects the crown that i was talking about, but if it gets stuck in the opening, then it already has an effect. and so, career does not affect, on the contrary, it can only help, because communication becomes wider. yes, my best friend , we have been together for 41 years, we have been together since the first grade
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, we came to do cycling together, we are godmothers to my daughters, in general, well, there are a lot of friends from childhood, well, maybe they are not so close, but we are always happy to meet and communicate, whether the athletes are friends with each other or just compete between. with ourselves, well, it’s like ordinary people, it’s impossible to be friends with all our competitors, but we have very smooth, warm relations outside the track, but there are really people with whom we are friends and correspond , we still meet at competitions and communicate with pleasure, let’s move on to yellow sector, every girl dreamed of a prince, what kind of prince did you imagine as a child, did your dreams come true, ah? i
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didn’t play with dolls, some kind of prince, i don’t know, some kind of one, but somehow i didn’t dream, because since my dad, well, i told you i told you what i played in childhood, and i too, that’s what princes they are, when you ’re pirates with them, those are pirates, yes, but pirates, well, that’s understandable, yes, and you are an amorous person, yes, well... it’s even normal, it seems to me, whether you think you’re lucky in love or not, undoubtedly, definitely i have four beautiful children, so i’m 100%. evil in love, are you generally a difficult person for your family or is it easy with you? i’m probably not an easy person, because i generally don’t understand this concept, what is an easy person or a difficult person, a heavy one, but in
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communication, well, every person, every person has his own character, and someone may like him and someone may not like him, but... sing a song: let’s not bend to the changing world, let it better bend to us. it is impossible to be good to everyone, you just need to appreciate the fact that the person next to you also has the right to their own opinion, human life is above all, take this into account, but at the same time remain yourself. unfortunately, you devote less time to your family than you would like, because, well, you always want to give, do, more, but work also takes a lot of time, and well , somewhere, somewhere, i get tired, just imagine
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, just don’t tell anyone about this, so, well, that’s why i would like to devote more time, but i’m working on it. you give the impression of such a strong, strong-willed woman, is this really so? they figured me out, yes, by the end of the program, but unfortunately, yes, why unfortunately, because i’m a girl, and a girl should be light, airy, well, in my opinion, i would like it.
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and i would like to live in a time when men gave you their hand, moved you away, or they pulled a chair for you , they didn’t swear in front of you, i would like to live in this time, and you, well, you will be a woman, you will look after, you will love and wait, at what moments in your life do you allow yourself to be weak and how does it manifest itself, probably in a dream, because well... the world is like this now, unfortunately, natalya, you have many children, do you often
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want to be alone? well, not as much for me, so no, there are some ... pauses, well, my little ones see for themselves when i got there already like that, they know that 15 minutes of pause, there i locked myself in, they don’t touch me, well, then they still want to eat, so they often tell me, you know, oh, mine doesn’t eat anything, there or mine doesn’t eat anything , i have four, at least one , just look at how the children don’t eat anything, and for you - moments of loneliness are rather sad or good, sad, sad, because well... that means i’ve lost my strength somewhere and then i need to accumulate there well, in general, i prefer not to be alone. is somehow reflected in your children talent for sports? and my eldest daughter went in for sports, whether she had a great
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career or not, well, it’s hard to say, because she graduated early. the younger ones don’t play sports seriously yet, that’s why. let's wait and see, do you yell at your children, if so, for what reason? i scream, i don’t like it, yes, but yes, for what reason? yes, for no reason, but since i have four of them, when they all don’t obey , then of course, there’s already... well, i’m not absolutely proud of it, but if i’m wrong, this also happens, of course, then i apologize. do you think parents should apologize to their children if they are wrong, no doubt, no doubt. hello, my name is anya, i have the following question for you: what is the best consolation when you are generally sad or ill?
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i very rarely feel sad and bad, because i perceive everything in life as an incomplete line, it’s light black, even if it seems like a dead end, and therefore, well, i’m really depressed there, yesterday i had 3 hours of depression, what am i i'm so tired that... i that’s all, i understand, my battery is dead, that’s all, but i can’t afford 3 hours anymore, and what’s the best medicine, well , my kids, of course, because even though they are noisy and don’t listen, i scream at them, but still this is the best exercise, have you always dreamed of having many children? yes, i always dreamed of it, because i was an only child, well, if there was an opportunity, i would like to, yes, perhaps, well
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, in an unnatural way, perhaps, well, there will be some child whom i can help, and he will also be part of my family. what do you believe in, maybe in fate, in god, in horoscopes? well, i’m not a defective, so to speak , christian, who goes to church, to services, but i still try to observe these church canons in my life, i know that there is undoubtedly a higher power, and i undoubtedly believe in myself, well, in a person , because well, we are unique creatures. therefore, i believe in myself, in my children, in my loved ones, in my friends, in my country, i wish the same for you, you
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need to believe in yourself and move towards your goal goals, and you believe that every person has their own guardian angel, this is exactly what yours looks like, well, it’s probably all pink, so white, fluffy, absolute. me, in order to balance this in general, this is my life, because i am there, as you said, heavy, yes, complex, well, he is absolutely light, an absolute counterbalance to me.
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our skin loss on palessa is a sapraudnaya cultural-historical expedition, the lieutenant of the lieutenant, and all the hets of the lehvan of the lied of the dazabi, and all the times fell i'm glad, as if i were giving it to the skin race.
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we are the only ones in the post-soviet space that produces the amino acid in this form. let's tell you how talented scientists changed our lives. and today our scientists make discoveries every year that quite possibly will become the basis for a scientific revolution in the future. well, i’ve been dealing with this problem for 15 years, how i laugh, i ’m a pediatric surgeon by vocation, and my hobby is burn injury, so i like to treat wounds - in the new episode of the program we will talk about this or that object or discovery without which the world
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today is difficult. your development is unrivaled from the first minutes of presentation, watch the scientific project, science is nearby on our tv channel. what did you dream about as a child? about a dog and me a sneaker, i didn’t have sneakers, i had sneakers, and i, well, i was still very young, i dreamed of sneakers, then,
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by the way, when she came to cycling with us... she was training as a girl, she was older, she, ah, received, received a uniform, athletes receive equipment, we also receive tracksuits, sneakers, she received, these were not the first sneakers, she gave them to me , and then i said that i would also give my first sneakers to someone, and i didn’t receive the first sneakers, but i won and i came to minsk from moscow and also gave them to the girls at the base , well , now i have sneakers and i also have dogs. that’s why, well, childhood dreams came true, i saw that you didn’t come to the studio alone, introduce us to your friend, your girlfriend, rather, well, i ’ll be happy to, the main thing is that she wants it, but what should i tell you a little secret, natalya i came here with my beloved dog, and we all
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want to see her, what is her name? oh, now let's open the scary one. in general, her name is cinnamon , that's all, but i call her babaka, hello, god, how stra, that's it, that's it, babaka is a kisser, yes, that's right, the make-up artist is unhappy, i think. oh, that’s right, that’s right, a border dog, because this is the noisiest dog in our house, by the way, why babaka, by the way, because it took them a long time to come up with a name, and i’m her, but she needs to be called something person, so i started calling it babaka, then they came up with cinnamon, i
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i say, well, cinnamon is good, but babak is better. that’s why everyone is cringing, but i’m a babaka, the next question is in the yellow sector, how much time do you spend on the internet? fortunately a little, i just understand how sucked he is, and i practically don’t get along. neither on a social network, nor anywhere, because well , it doesn’t give me anything, the people i want to communicate with, i have them, i don’t even like to write sms, it’s better for me to hear a voice, at least, well, even better live meeting, and what was the last query you entered into the line search, and this morning, uh, minor furniture repairs, the sofa was torn, i somehow... realized
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that i couldn’t fix it on my own, so today i started, okay, thank you, if you compare the time when you were involved in cycling, has much changed now, or is it now easier for athletes to achieve their goals? the times in sports have changed. now, well, cycling is not the same as it was when i was doing it, because the approaches have changed, the speeds have changed, and the speeds have become higher. well, this is a normal tendency in life in general that we go faster, higher, stronger, yes, but has it become easier for athletes to achieve their goals? no , it’s not easier, but it’s not more difficult either, i’ll say, that is , sport is always not an easy matter, and how we worked before, well, excuse the word, and they do the same now, well, it’s such a separate
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sporting life, the most a big problem in sports. the fact that sports life ends very early, but it’s already quite late, and you have to radically change your life at such a mature age.
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well, she often came to me not even during school holidays, but for the sake of quitting, this it’s wrong to do something, stop doing one thing for the sake of something else, you will regret it later, so you need to find opportunities and try to combine and, well, not do it... to the detriment of something, please tell me, you what other peak do you want to conquer? well, everest, i probably don’t
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know, you know what peak i want to conquer, today my peak is to be a good mother, because i have to raise my children with dignity, and you... in fact, every day some kind of peak you conquer. natalya, this signal means that it’s time for questions to the hero has expired, now you have to choose the best questions of this program. this is a question about a dog. there is one more question about mom, who asked about cycling terms, so, well, here’s mine. look today, these three questions won, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, hello, somehow
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only the girls turned out like this, but what beauties, really, thank you. separately for the questions, well, i think that you will find something necessary and useful for yourself there, a backpack convenient to ride a bicycle, wear a change of clothes to school. natalya, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. i won’t get into one question. let's have a few, natalya. one will flow from the other, simply. how many of you are ready to give up gadgets? what is the difference for you between communication on a social network
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