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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 24, 2024 6:35pm-7:06pm MSK

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weight, i, as a specialist, know how much feeding is needed per day, and the workers sprinkle the compound feed like this, uh-huh, well, the fish eats, these are bottom-dwelling fish, so they are not particularly visible, oh, i see, i see one, we can see the silhouettes, yes, oh, i also see, and what is the maximum, i don’t know, length, weight, it reaches, it reaches 350 kg, 350 kg, nu lena seply, russian set, this. in nature, we have individuals, well , about 10-15, i see this huge silhouette, friends, she’s huge, i don’t know if we can handle her, this is very it’s difficult, but it comes out cunningly, that’s 10 kilograms, amazing! at the agricultural plant they say: the secret
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of success is in the ability to study market trends, and today, in the year of quality , they rely on the consumer and production automation. we thank the non-svezhsky region for its hospitality and say goodbye to it, i hope, not for long, because this place protects. there are still many secrets and mysteries within.
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when joining the service, our main duty is to carry out our work efficiently to ensure road safety , which will help our citizens live in dating world. my work, the purpose of life is service. the people, the law, you can work somewhere else, here it is spelled out, we have a code, the service of the people is the law, that’s why everyone serves us, we don’t have such a concept of work. i believe that the special unit strela is an excellent service. our entire country looks like our service; guests arriving here are first greeted by the state traffic inspectorate of striva. well, our suspicion has always been completed, first of all, with all the technical devices, equipment, and communications equipment. initially, what we have if it is being developed somewhere, then... in the boom
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we immediately look at all these technical parts, our equipment is at the highest level, in addition to ensuring road safety, we provide practical assistance to other road users and territorial divisions of the civil code, we also check how they perform their service, communicate with citizens, and communicate with other road users, make it humane, firstly, secondly, how would you like to be communicated with, if you look at the officer of special suspicion arrow. he is already an example in himself, he is not only for others, he is for himself, and if he is an example for himself, then for others he will also be an example, initially everyone looks at him, it turns out that if a person, an employee, initially, he should be a person, and he should be an example only for himself, and others will look at him within the framework of all concepts, i believe that there should initially be determination, professional education, psychological preparation of the employee. involve
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working with all categories of citizens who we have, you need to be a worthy officer, a worthy person, so that behind his back, when he retires, they will say that he was a worthy person who served, gave everything to his homeland and his service to the people. what is happiness? over the years, you understand that , first of all, it is fate that you have been given a chance to do something very, very useful in your life, something that will remain after you for many years, and maybe even 100 years, that will benefit people. i am grateful to the republic of belarus, grateful to the president, that i had such a chance about my life. my
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name is daniil uritsky, i am the general director of the belarusian national biotechnology corporation. here we are creating a new biotechnological industry in our country. this is the belarusian national biotechnological corporation , why is it a corporation, because it unites in its production diversified factories, this is the feed industry, this is the food industry,
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factories that are built on biosynthesis technology, in total these are 96 buildings, if today we are talking... in historical development, then plus 23 collective farms of four districts of two regions of the republic of belarus, this is 1800 people working in the main production and 3600 people working in the countryside, why national? because, probably, this is a new step towards a new life towards new technologies in the 21st century. belarusian, because it is located in belarus and because for the first time in 40 years of the existence of biotechnological production, primarily in china, the main world leader in this industry, thanks to the agreements of the two
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presidents, these biotechnologies have become property, including belarus. production, especially biotechnological production , is unique. in total , there are 20 factories producing lysine monochlorgrit and lysine sulfate in the world; in total , over 5 million tons of lysine are produced in the world, of which bnbc intends to produce 65,000 tons per year, that is, a little more than 1%. there are only 12 factories producing trianin, six factories producing triptophan in the world, one of them in belarus. the average person is interested in what they produce and what is an essential amino acid? an essential amino acid is called because it cannot be
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produce, except by the method of biosynthesis, and they are produced only by these strains of bacteria, no other living organism synthesizes them, but... the human body and the body of all living things, birds, and animals, and fish, cannot do without essential amino acids, humans essential amino acids are obtained through food, red meat is very rich in lysine, essential amino acids are needed so that everything you...
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salmon costs 20 dollars, conversion unit, the cost of pork meat. feed cost 75%. the cost of poultry meat is 70% of the cost of feed. this is called conversion. we also produce essential amino acids for people. the most obvious example of the use of our products is fitness - people. they eat sports nutrition, there is wheat gluten, gluten, macroelements. elements, vitamins, essential amino acids, and he is handsome or beautiful, as they say now, sexy, so without our amino acids, well, you won’t get either a sexy pig or a sexy trout. a show
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where fighting is not done using physical force. scientists have proven that smart athletes are more likely to achieve success compared to those who rely only on physical strength. let us also... upgrade our sports knowledge, a show where the main weapon is intelligence, which of them had a higher transfer value at the time of transfer to a new club according to the authoritative resource transfermarkt, messi, messi, but activity will also play its part role, who are these guys pumping up, this is carland, this is the wrong answer, this is zinedine zedan, 2020, real madrid became the champion for the thirty-fourth time, on the grounds of which complex? the olympic tennis tournament will be held in paris in 2024, in paris at the
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orlangaros venues, absolutely right, rolangoros. watch the intellectual and sports show " head game" on our tv channel. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we are located in a small town in the grodno region, called bridges. welcome. having eaten quite a lot.
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from one place to another, now, as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors have begun to appear, this is, of course, a miracle of god, watch the program of the city of belarus on the tv channel belarus 24. conventionally, bnbc products can be divided into three large blocks, because the list
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of products includes 150 items, these are feed and premixes for farm animals, these are compound feeds for valuable fish species, these are amino acids, these are food products such as wheat gluten and so on and so on, along with other by- products, because we have... waste-free technology, everything we produce is, in principle , sold, that’s why the project is called full-cycle deep processing of grain. this the beginning of biotechnological production, on the left side, is flour milling. byller plant. the capacity of this production is 1.0 tons of grain we process per day.
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the produced bran goes to the wheat product plant. this plant also receives the spare parts into which we divided the grain. these are wheat fibers, wheat pintasans, non-fermentable starch b, also in the form of a solution, which goes through these pipes to this plant. the porridge is made on... a base of wheat pipes, then in these huge ovens this is all dried, the product is obtained , as we say, food for food, we feed our food, which we eat, eggs, milk, meat, fish and so on, and when making food for food, we understand perfectly well that this food can also be eat , that is, essentially... this is fried wheat with a double portion of starch, is it possible to feed wheat
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to cattle, it is possible, but 60% of this wheat will go into manure, it is called feed digestion, and it costs 150 dollars, and if you feed it, 90% is absorbed into the meat, and it only costs $100. this is the production of separation starch, one of the key industries that ends with the production of glucose. flour comes from the flour mill here and is made from flour along with water. chatterbox and this chatterbox must fly, travel 94 km through all the pipes in order to be divided into five important products: this is starch a, this is starch b, wheat fiber, wheat pintasans, wheat gluten. ultimately, our main goal in
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this production is to obtain high-quality starch, which will subsequently turn into glucose. starch is real starch, it it is saccharified, glucose can be made from it , fermented, brachal at the molecular level, a starch molecule, a carbohydrate , a protein molecule are stuck to each other, here we wash and separate products with water, this cannot be washed off with water at the molecular level, this...
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new raw materials for the subsequent plant for lysine fermentation, trianine fermentation, trictophan fermentation. the process of saccharification takes place here; this is the first stage of the preparatory period of biosynthesis, although biosynthesis is already underway here. in general, the word biosynthesis is what it is fashionable, sounds good, but our grandmothers were engaged in biosynthesis when making sour milk. let's start with the raw materials, we were just now at the starch separation plant, we isolated the main starch product for us, we call it starch milk because it looks like milk, after preparing the starch we go to fermentation and get this pure glucose, it is 30% glucose
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for our bacteria, until it goes away, after that... we return to the second floor and filtration takes place there, we remove excess from it we get sixty-five percent glucose from the water, this is a broth for the cultural liquid that eats our strains, bacteria and produces essential amino acids for us, this is... our fermentation and extraction production in miniature, this is a 500-fold reduced copy of the existing bnbc production facility. well, a huge production begins with this small test tube. we need to take just one cell from this test tube in order
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to ensure our huge production, we... took our bacteria out of the freezer, now we need to fatten it up, we inoculate it on a nutrient medium in a petri dish, well , this is roughly what the growth of a bacteria looks like, already revived, as before we chose a worker, put a large cup of food, whoever ate a lot was hired, we do this in scientific and practical center, the bacterium that most loves... to reproduce, and for this it eats the most, is our employee. we are located in the central laboratory of biotechnological production. here, on these laboratory inoculators , all technological processes are worked out,
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which are then simulated in reality in production. here, all batches of strains are checked before they enter the factory fermentator, only when their productivity, their viability, and fermentation rate have been verified in the laboratory, after which they are delivered to the factory. we are in the operator's factory fermentation of benzine, and the workshop is noisy because there is a large supply of air steam. bacteria from the laboratory are planted in the aniculator, there the bacteria get used to the environment, to the temperature, to the culture liquid that we eat we feed them. they grow, multiply, and when they can no longer fit into the inoculator, we transplant them into the prefermenter. this is a 600 cubic meter vessel. imagine a pot in my kitchen
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that holds 10 railroad tanks in one pot. our task is to maintain the temperature, our task is to provide everyone with delicious food, to create conditions for their productivity. and reproduction. waste products are essential amino acids. when the biosynthesis process is completed, we kill these bacteria. this whole process goes further to crystallization, then precipitation of resins, then purification of the product. this whole process is called extraction. after extraction we get lysine monochlorgrit of a given high purity, and after fermentation, if we salt this liquid and dry it, there will be lysine sulfate, it is 70%,
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this is lysine monochlorgrit, purity 98.5, this is our final product, our large-scale production, our production capacity per month 3,200 tons, this is also our product lysine sulfate, you see that both lysine, it differs in color, purity, it is a purer product, it is an ordinary product, the next stage is our splat, from which our consumers receive finished products, for belarusian customers we keep an emergency reserve of 200. this is the general need of the entire republic of belarus for one hundred percent import substitution, today we are independent of anyone, we provide ourselves
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with what yesterday we bought for foreign currency, there are a number of by-products, heavy chemical products settle in the form of ammonium sulfate, this fertilizer is our by-product for our collective farms, we fertilize them with it... we collect bacteria, dry them, granulate them, this is live meat, 82% protein of animal origin, we add it to fish feed, this is a very expensive product, and sometimes i am asked the question, what is waste at the bnbk, we have two types of waste that we do not sell, sterile air, and why sterile? we collect air from all factories, pass it through a discharge of 400,000 v, then precipitate
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it with cold water, at the output, like after a thunderstorm, the ozone smells good, fresh, this is the air we release into the atmosphere, and after our treatment facilities we are in drichensky channel we dump fish water. we are located in one of the six laboratories of our corporation in the agro-industrial production laboratory. the purpose of this
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laboratory is to control the incoming quality of raw materials. every machine, every barrel, every pallet is tested for compliance with its standards and the declared quality parameters for which we paid. and of course this is important for us, because this is health, this is food. this is the volume of ingredients, the basic ones, that we use to produce fish food, this includes soy oil, and fish oil, and phosphates, and chalk, in the end we get compound feed, this is floating feed, that’s why. it is light, it tastes like popcorn, and fish such as carp, carp, and our lake fish eat it. this is new
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technology, why is it important for the food to float? the first is eatability, it will float until the fish eats it, everything you put in water will be eaten. second, there is a high protein content here, but what does protein do at temperature? it spoils, then it starts to smell bad when we're in the old one we use technology to feed fish, sinking food, then it is with...
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i’ll tell you this, in belarus there are only a few laboratories that have similar equipment and have the right to issue official conclusions of their results. we are one of them. the buyers of this batch are the kletsky feed mill, which will produce feed for suckling piglets. and
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we have now produced this feed especially for this feed mill, for calves aged 10-75 days for the production of fine feed and for the bnbk. we are with you now in golotsk in the joint-stock company pukhovicheskiy district, this is one of the twenty. collective farms, which is in trust management of bnbk. we believed and believe that large processors, large enterprises should have joint responsibility for the development of affairs in agriculture, bnbc in the first place. why? these are our clients, these are our partners, this is the industry for which bnbc was built.
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here is our client, he was born on november 8, he already has kr1 compound feed in his feeder, he is complete, complete, on the right mixes made using technology with extrusion and exposure of food, this will allow him to have proper health from the first days of his life, and he will grow out of it.
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our chinese colleagues gave us strains of bacteria, gave us technology, and together with them we launched and went through the cycles.


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