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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 25, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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good morning, we are starting the information channel television news agency, in the studio of sergei lugovsky and polina shuba. there is a single voting day in belarus, today is february 25, the main day. the importance of the events, its special significance is that for the first time we are electing deputies at all levels at once. this is a qualitatively new approach to the current election campaign. the polling stations opened a few minutes ago and will be open. to 8:00 pm, our correspondents
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are already in various locations throughout the country, throughout the day, and until late evening, we will keep you updated on the main events. today we together choose those who, through their work and decisions, will influence our lives tomorrow. belarus clearly defined its social course back in the nineties, and we have not deviated from it to this day. we have a state for the whole people and the people’s representatives should do this.
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unity for us is the main condition for the preservation and life of our state. we need to help our people, that’s why we live and work. we will not allow anyone to destroy what has been created over centuries.
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districts, with an average of almost 62,000 voters per district. it is worth noting that deputies of the house of representatives exercise their powers on a professional basis and have a term of office of 5 years. and today we are electing deputies of local councils of the 29th convocation; more than 12,500 people are to be elected from almost 19,000 candidates. they will form regional, district, city, town and village councils of deputies. these are government agencies. the basis of local self-government, the term of office is also 5 years. we will tell you how the elections are going in our information channel throughout the day, correspondents from the television news agency will collect a complete picture of the single voting day. ahead is the inclusion from the center of the election commission, the information center and polling stations, colleagues, we welcome you. hello, colleagues, today we are working at the most famous polling station in the country. it is located at the belarusian state university.
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physical culture, exclusive footage will be taken here of how the head of state votes. polling stations opened today across the country, only in grodno region, there are more than 600 of them. journalists from the television news agency will monitor the voting progress throughout the day. throughout the day we will keep you up to date with the most current information that comes to the information center of the central election commission, we will discuss what is happening with knowledgeable experts, analysts and public figures of our country. thank you, colleagues, and we are waiting for detailed information from you. well, by this time the results of the early voting are already known . days the turnout was 41.7%. such
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the data was published by the election commission center. picture by region on your screens. as you can see, early voting took place with a high turnout. in the mogilev and gomel regions , almost 50% of voters came to the polling stations. observers have noted the interest of belarusians in the election campaign in the new format. let us remind you that those voters who cannot come to the polling station for health reasons or other valid reasons have the right to vote at home. and right now we are transported to the site in the journalistic environment called number 1, there, let us remind you, your choice traditionally done by the head of state, as well as famous athletes and stars.
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but the turnout here is already very good in terms of early voting, more than a third of voters voted, and given the specifics of this site, the belarusian state university of physical culture, 90% of students also did it in advance , cast their vote, we were all in this status, it’s clear to someone we need to go home and so
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on, in the future we plan to communicate with the chairman of the election commission to talk about the progress of early voting, innovations of this company, and the work of observers, well, considering that... we are on air literally every hour, we will share information very quickly, colleagues, thank you, lona, we don’t say goodbye, see you in the next issue, elections in belarus are taking place clearly in in accordance with the law and as transparently as possible, this is invariably noted by foreign observers who are closely monitoring the voting process in different parts of our country,
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from various spheres, here on monday night at a press conference preliminary voting figures will be announced chairman of the central election commission igor korpenko. a television news agency also operates a field studio in the palace of the republic. hello hello. vadim sergeevich, some citizens have a definite
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opinion that their vote specifically at the polling station is of no use and in general, in general, it does not directly affect their lives. in your opinion, how realistic is this? the state, in order to implement this or that state policy, needs to know the interests of the people, every time on every issue address the population directly, this is objective. perhaps that is why today people have not come up with anything better than representative bodies of power, and today we really elect those people who, on our behalf, over the coming years, will inform the same executive power about what we need and what we don’t it is necessary where to spend budget money, where not, which local problem to solve first, and which one to leave for later, and those citizens who are skeptical about this process, to the electoral process...
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it is your duty as a citizen, if the way of life that is happening in our
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country suits you, and you would like it to continue in this way, please, exercise your civil right, well, in your opinion, is public policy in belarus currently at what level of development? we have a very unique situation in our country, it can be called a democracy of consent, we have been walking to this point for a long time, we were based only on our national experience of state building in as a result... agreement on specific legislative initiatives or explanations to the population
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of certain government decisions - this, as they say, is the business of each individual deputy. well, look, our system of democracy is developing quite actively, and any decisions in the country that are made first, they pass through discussion platforms in all regions of our country. in your opinion, why did this practice arise? the thing is, the internet, of course.
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thank you andrey, from the palace of the republic on throughout the day we will receive operational information, we are waiting for inclusions. well, now some more statistics: a total of 5,411 voting stations have been created in the country, the numbers differ in different regions and... there are three regional centers in rural areas with four ballots each for the election of a deputy of the house of representatives of the regional district rural
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or settlement council of deputies. our correspondents from the very opening. good morning, minsk, more than 7,000 people will be able to exercise their right to vote in the grodno region; 602 polling stations are operating out of... 35 closed ones in healthcare institutions and military units, all polling stations are ready for voting, a barrier-free environment is provided, a cultural program is planned, catering points will be open all day, the polling station is ready, we have done all the preparatory work very efficiently , the lists have been compiled, all voters have been entered,
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so you can see everything, it’s working as usual, members of the election commission, professionals, we’ll answer:
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by heaven, to sineokaya vladimir and natalya the gerikovichs moved from ukraine more than 10 years ago, now they live in the agricultural town of oltush, the past year was special, the family received belarusian citizenship, and they came to fulfill their civic duty, to vote for peace in their new home. in the agricultural town of oltush there is one polling station, 762 voters are registered, voter turnout is quite
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active, everything is going as normal, calmly. according to the electoral code of the republic of belarus, we think that our votes will help us move forward even better, we really liked it there, salaries were paid month after month , since there was nowhere for us to work in ukraine, if now someone had offered me to go back, i wouldn’t have returned, well, i’d only go to my parents at eight o’clock. vladimir and natalya emphasize that in belarus everything has been done for the people, there is a place to develop, in the family. couples, two daughters, the eldest is receiving a pedagogical education, the youngest is still in school. we really like belarus, when we first arrived here, we were given a one-room apartment, a four-story building, we lived there for 5 years, when our youngest daughter , ivanna, was born, we were immediately given a three-room apartment, quiet, calm, we also
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like the work, we both work as livestock breeders, belarusian citizenship now and... in a young promising city we started a family, are raising children, vote together with olga and eighteen-year-old son zhenya, and ten-year-old masha in the support group. for me, this was a rather important, responsible decision, i was waiting for these elections, these were my first elections, they presented me with a constitution, which i , of course, will come home, read, and study. i this is my first time voting as a citizen. activist, colleagues add, her choice . a caring mother, a successful woman, and she also did it ahead of schedule in order to fulfill another responsible
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role on the single voting day, a member of the precinct commission. the commission is in a good mood, well, our voters, i think, are also leaving us, having cast their vote, fulfilling their civic duty, also in a good mood, having chosen our country as their place to live, its new citizens dream that... belarus became even more beautiful, what our home will be like, depends on everyone, which is why it is so important to make the right choice. marina romanovskaya, anna buikevich, television news agency. yes, all conditions have been created in belarus so that everyone can exercise the right to vote. this is emphasized by observers who follow the progress of the company. information from all regions of the country. goes to the center for public observation of elections, it is located on the basis of the federation of trade unions. during the 5 days of early voting, the center received about 300 calls, most of them questions
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advisory nature. for example, how to vote for people with limited mobility or how to find your polling station. in addition, there were comments that are taken into account and efforts are made to promptly resolve. let me remind you that today voters can contact the hotline with comments and suggestions about the voting process. this can be done. by phone from 8:00 in the morning until 8:00 in the evening, requests are also accepted via the chat bot of the telegram channel, and surveillance is carried out. hotline work, organized in the central election commission, specialists advise daily voters on emerging issues. the information and reference center has been operating since november 22, its line has already received more than a thousand calls, and today its work will last until 8:00 pm. what our future will be, we determine together today, everyone makes their own choice. what belarusians vote for, let's listen. i think that each of us must
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make the right choice for ourselves, a choice for the future of our country. a lot has been done, so i would like it to continue in the same spirit, so that we can be happy for the peaceful the sky above your head. i go to vote for the prosperity of our country, and i believe it is a civic duty. for every person , a lot has been done recently , agricultural towns are developing, various fields of activity are developing, as well as physical education, medicine, education, so it is important to make your choice in order to preserve all this, i understand that it also depends on me what our state will be like next how reforms will be carried out in it, what will be further improved, improved, especially since this year has been declared the year of quality, not the quality of our life depends only on us voters, but...
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in the european union, with the constant change of power, some nazis are exchanged for other nazis, the results, as you see, are completely different, i am now near the kommunarka factory, if only there were one like this in riga uzvara, and now she’s a nobody, right? and in minsk your commune works and develops, so that’s what i mean, belarusians, take care of your power, value your power, i’m serious about you, i envy you very much, even though i’m not a citizen of belarus, but if it were my will, i i wish i could just copy-paste was done by your power over all other countries for more than 30 years of its supposed independence. latvia, with supposedly democratic authorities, lost more than 1 million of its population. in search of a better life, young people leave for richer countries. at
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the same time, riga confidently ranks. the country is confidently among the winners in terms of poverty risks and the number of poor people is ahead of most eu countries in terms of inflation. and the authorities’ sanctions policy towards minsk and moscow is finally finishing off the already dying economy of the baltic republic. on polling stations have all conditions for people with disabilities. the approach is comprehensive at the entrance - there are ramps , handrails, and mobile ones. there are inclusive elements inside the publications , volunteers are also ready to help, larger booths with low tables are equipped in the places, there are also special signs, absolutely everything is created at the site, a barrier-free environment , everything is prepared, everything is done correctly, all the booths, every booth for every voter prepared, everything is done at the highest level, in my opinion, the candidate should
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be promising. young, with some experience, with knowledge already, therefore promising, young, knowing his business and approaching this business with enthusiasm. today, citizens with limited mobility have the opportunity to vote at home. this format is relevant for those who, for health reasons or other valid reasons, cannot visit the site. applications to the commission are accepted in writing or orally, including by telephone. special commission lists are formed. today until 18:00. however, the elections this is not only an important political event, it is, first of all, a holiday for many belarusians. these are our traditions, the areas do not skimp on hospitality, everyone sets the table. and all this to the accompaniment of songs from famous artists. lidia zablotskaya has already tasted the most delicate dessert of the single voting day. freshly baked material straight from the workshops. what
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the single voting day will taste like is being decided literally from midnight, we are at the legendary integral, and today they will integrate into the world not only microcircuits, but also, of course, the most delicious confectionery fresh baked goods, which we literally join in according to the gost, and they told me that all this delicious food usually doesn’t leave the company, but today the residents will be lucky, though in the oktyabrsky district of the capital. the heat from the winners of the ministry of industry competition of 600 cakes, a thousand flour works of culinary art: the life of a painting with oils, coconut and meringue lasts only a day. there are no chemical additives in the ingredients, as otherwise in the year of quality, for those who vote with quality, the recipe is effective for nostalgia receptors. every person always wants to remember to go back to their childhood there, as it was before, when they eat
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our pastries or cakes.


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