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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 25, 2024 9:00am-9:36am MSK

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good morning, the telenews agency continues its information channel, in the studio are sergei lugovsky and polina shuba. today , february 25, is the culmination of a single voting day. for the first time, we are electing deputies of all levels at once, and this is a new approach to the current election campaign. together we determine what our future will be. our state is for all the people and the people’s representatives must remember this every day. on this sovereign territory, which belongs to our people, only we make decisions. peace is the most important value for any nation, especially belarusian, because we know its prices. unity is the main condition for us. preservation and life of our
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state, we need to help our people, why do we live and work, we will not allow anyone to destroy what has been created for centuries, for belarus talented people, the intelligence of the nation, this is the greatest wealth. you are special people for me, you know this, since the very morning correspondents of the tv news agency have been working in different parts of our country to cover this important political event from all angles, we are waiting for live inclusions from the election commission center, information center and electoral. we continue to work at
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the polling station, which journalists call number one. today alexander lukashenko votes here. and now we are in the coolest polling station, the rocketman club. the cadets of the military academy of the republic will also vote here.
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by the way, the political literacy and activity of young people has noticeably increased during this election campaign, which can be easily seen on social networks. posts from the polling stations actively appeared in feeds for a week, we are sure today this trend will continue. i figured out how to post the elections without breaking anything. is it possible to film at a polling station? definitely yes, the question is different, how and what, and here it is worth delving not only into the administrative, but also into the electoral code; for this election campaign, it was significantly supplemented by clearly stating the ban on video and photography of a completed ballot. as for me, the measure is quite logical; it not only violates the secrecy of voting, but can also be regarded as campaigning, which, of course, however, is prohibited on the main voting day. however, we arrived at school 135, here is the eightieth polling station of the members of the commission with... we ask how to run the elections and
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not violate anything, the main principle of a journalist’s work at a polling station is not to disturb not from... voters, not those who are here works, the same is required for those who want to work, conditionally, just like journalists, they come with a video camera, start shooting videos and reports, this can be done by those who are accredited at the site, yes, the same applies bloggers need accreditation to come here to shoot a blog, so let’s go register. please work , thank you, and this measure, of course, does not apply to ordinary voters, for example, those who wanted to take a photo near the ballot box, casting their ballot, of course, especially when this is done for the first time, to do this you just need to approach a member of the commission, notify him that you want to take this photo, so that such a post on social networks does not become
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a reason for bringing to administrative responsibility, which places are strictly prohibited taking photographs and posting them somewhere is only prohibited. everything that is happening here, we have not had such cases yet, nothing special, ordinary bloggers are not, well, they are trying to somehow fix order in a public place, and here there is an election process, so the requirements are special, as in any public
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place, of course, if if you would like to film members of election commissions with your photo or video camera, you just need to ask permission, do they mind being your heroes? we asked if it was okay, so we combine professional and civic duty, we go to vote , first we make our choice, and then a photo as a keepsake and we are transported to... number one, that’s what they call it among journalists, where, according to tradition, the head of state makes his choice. a tv news agency team has been working at the site since the morning. ilona krasudskaya is in touch. ilona, ​​share information. colleagues, we continue to work at the 478 minsk
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precinct, i will note, but yes, you are right, we journalists still call it number one, because according to tradition, this is our place of registration the head of state votes. how does alexander lukashenko make his choice? we expect to see you very soon. we also expect to communicate, journalists are quietly gathering here at the polling station, while all sorts of technical nuances are going on, cameras, light, setting up the equipment, the picture must be perfect, but in the meantime, the situation at this site will talk with the chairmen of the commission, with the chairman of the commission, alexei gototulin, good day, good afternoon, how are things like, it’s not crowded yet, well the situation is very calm, i want to emphasize that a lot of people came to the early voting... families with children, that is , they voted, tried to capture this moment, we are very pleased with this, well, as if in comparison with the sad and stupid events of the twentieth year, excellent environment, friendly, all members of the commission are experienced people, it turns out that
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almost 90 of the members there, 5% of the composition are those who have already taken part in the electoral process, so we are ready, we are working, everything is very good, i know that early you're very happy with the voting, right? we have specifics, our students most often take part in some kind of sports competitions on weekends or try to go home, so 94% of students have already voted early, also on the territory of our polling station there is a dormitory of the ministry of emergency situations, 100% of the workers, they have , apparently, today is also a difficult day, they have already voted, so we are only waiting for voters who live in houses in our area. well, everything was fine during the early voting, we have multi-colored ballots in the minsk city council, there is conventionally
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green, in the house of representatives of the national assembly, there is just a white ballot and we explain to people that both ballots are put into one ballot box, everything is completely calm. okay, they voted adequately, you talked about your team, they are truly experienced people, but we also already mentioned some events, everything happened, happened in our history, like this year, were there any nuances? there was no pressure put on members of the election commission, we we remember that even social networks were broken there, how did everything happen now? no, i want to say that despite everything that happened, all the members of the commission who worked continue to work in our election commission, well, young people have come, which means we should probably also think about a change, about who will, as it were, intercept and support us, so i personally did not contact any members of the commission.
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people are not used to putting off until later what can be done now, in fact,
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they are slowly starting to flock here and vote, there are two precincts here , 641 and 642, we are now at 641, and its peculiarity is that about 70% of voters here have already voted early, at 642 a little less, about 40%, about the other features of this precinct for voting 641, i will ask you to tell the guest who is next to me now, this is kirill tikhomirov, secretary of the election commission, kirill, please tell us what features you have here at your polling station during early voting, as has already happened you said earlier, about 70 voted, more than 70%, which means that the distinctive feature of this precinct is: that in this precinct, citizens of the republic of belarus and students of the educational institution of the military
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academy of the republic of belarus vote, that is, not only here we have cadets, here we also have ordinary people who live in nearby areas, yes, who live along the streets, which is located near the educational institution of the military academy of the republic of belarus. please tell me how the early voting went, maybe there were violations all over normal mode? everything took place as usual, early voting took place from february 20 to february 24, everything was in accordance with the electoral code of the republic of belarus. i would also like to note that this polling station was visited by international observers who received complete answers to their questions, and there were no comments. thank you very much, kirill, speaking of international observers, we managed to meet, literally 30 seconds before our live broadcast, with one of them,
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even during the early voting period, actively, well, 70% in this area is a pretty decent figure, this is in this area, we work in several areas that are periodically visited, but people are walking, people are showing their so-called activity, even starting from the period there before the morning, everything is friendly, everything is clear , everything seems to be supplied with information materials, well , the members themselves... the commissions and as national observers, they are very actively involved in the process, everything is very positive,
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thank you very much, thank you, in this area we are finishing our work and will move on on the other, to one of the schools in the city of minsk, let’s say, a classic polling station, we will tell you how voting takes place there in our next live broadcast, colleagues, yes yura, thank you. communications in the next issues, elections in belarus are held strictly in accordance with the law and to the maximum extent possible. transparently, this is invariably noted by numerous foreign observers who closely monitor the voting process in different parts of our country. specialists are united by the mission of the commonwealth of independent states in its ranks representatives of the interparliamentary assembly of the cis, the csto, the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus and russia, and this is the largest mission: 235 people, including about 20 observers
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from the shanghai cooperation organization, as well as representatives of voters. authorities of foreign states. the doors of polling stations are open to more than twenty independent observers, including from germany, france, switzerland, as well as poland, bulgaria and serbia. in total there are about 300 international experts. one month of preparation and no violations were identified during early voting. this is noted by the heads of the mission. by the way, they actively exchange experiences; one of the important tasks of their activities is to suppress external pressure or influence voters. including third parties, and considers impartiality and professionalism to be the main thing in his work. the mission of the shanghai cooperation organization, it operates in accordance with the principles and regulations that are established by its state members. uh, one of the operating principles of this mission is political neutrality
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, objectivity, non-interference in the internal affairs of the state where elections are taking place, the exclusion of any side of state bodies, any third states, even from the side of the head of the mission, he cannot influence the members of the observer mission, all assessments are made based on personal observations, conclusions and facts, first of all. up-to-date information about the progress of outside influence or pressure, as from the vote, comes to the information center, it is located in the palace of the republic, today tomorrow work there is going on virtually non-stop. in a palace. this is the on-site studio of the television news agency, the most up-to-date information, comments from expert observers. our correspondent andrei sych gets in touch again. andrey, good morning, it’s been an hour since voting has been going on at the polling stations and the polling stations are crowded, but how is work going in the information center? hello, colleagues, this is actually quite an interesting situation, experts, political scientists,
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and analysts are already actively arriving at the information center, and behind-the-scenes discussions are gradually unfolding about how the elections are going. experts respond to requests from journalists to comment on certain events , by 10 o’clock the first press conference should take place, at which, as we expect, the first results will be announced, or some relevant information from the sbercom center, but for now we have our guest analyst dmitry shvaiba. dmitry nikolaevich, hello, such a concept as electoral sovereignty is now actively breaking into public discourse. in your opinion, why?
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all operational information itself flows into including from observers , the regions were connected, i will say , they gave a start to a single voting day, and confidently, all polling stations opened on time, during this time only one call was received, it concerned polling stations, they did not know how and where to find, but i will say , that this is the most common and during early voting there was also a hotline, and in 5 days 300 requests were received, including in addition to polling stations, asking how and where they could get acquainted...
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all these issues were resolved very quickly directly on the ground . generally 300 are there many or few requests? how do you rate it? you know, this is probably the figure that shows the keen interest of our voters in the elections, and this is very correct. as for the number, the trend was downward from day to day of early voting. this suggests that the system of informing our citizens was very correctly and correctly built at all levels. were there any complaints from observers? we did not record any serious complaints from observers, those that could have a serious impact on the course of the election process and on the will of the
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our citizens. great, thank you very much for the interview, and i remind you that the hotline of the public election observation center is open until 8:00 pm, you can also write your requests to the observation telegram chatbot, colleagues, thank you dasha, about the work of the public observation center. daria rachko told us about the elections. today belarusians vote for peace, stability and development of our country and of course the regions. at exactly 8 a.m., 693 polling stations opened in the vitebsk region. everything is organized for convenience of people. many come with families, working hard for the first hour at site number 22 in the cultural center of the vitebsk academy of veterinary medicine. and as voters note. today is a particularly important day, because what will the future of belarus be like depends on everyone? i see the future of our country as stable, so that everything in our country will be for
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the people, and also that our country will develop in all areas. deputies in local councils determine how people will live here, in the city, in the region, and deputies in the house of representatives depend on what we will have laws and how they will be implemented, how the constitution will be, we are now starting our updated political course, what stages we have to go through in building a new system of government, veronica buta will tell you in the context section.
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a new political system is being built in belarus, or rather, you and i are building it with our own hands. another vertical of power is being formed, where public administration is actively supplemented by elements of public policy. by adopting an updated constitution in 2022, we demonstrated the readiness of society to seek power and, most importantly, find compromises. preserving belarus. this is reinsurance in case someone starts breaking the law. the position of the government is strengthening, the role of parliament is increasing. the all-belarusian people's assembly will stand above all public structures. in other words, the people are the source of power, and the supreme national assembly is the highest representative body. we elect delegates for
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5 years. everything is official. the status of the people's council is enshrined in the constitution. first meeting must take place no later than april 25, that is, no later than 60 days after the single voting day. this is another feature of the country's new political system. the 2024 electoral campaign, especially because we are electing deputies at all levels: from village, town council, district, city, to deputies, the house of representatives. next, by april 11 , we will form the composition of the council of the republic. in parallel, from march 12 to march 31, we are nominating delegates to the entire belarusian people's assembly. in belarus, it is the people who determine who will make an important decision for the country in the fight for votes in the same conditions, non-partisan and party representatives. by the way, the transformation affected them. the main requirement for parties is to be modern, express the interests of citizens and provide the opportunity to conduct a diverse dialogue. yes, belarusian parties today can hardly
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be called a powerful political force, but that’s all. they gradually increase their authority. there are four officially registered political parties in belarus. white russia, communist, liberal democratic and the republican justice labor party. they are assigned an important mission: to be a bridge between the state and society, strengthening stability within the country and protecting destructive ideologies, which can lead to irreversible consequences. our political system adapts to the challenges of the time, without a hubbub, gradually, step by step, when... society is ready for these changes, because it is important not to chase reform for the sake of reform, it is important that the institutions of the state work effectively, it is important to maintain continuity, it is important to do so, so that the new enriches and does not destroy what has been achieved. we talked about the country’s new political system without taking anything out of context. and that’s how...
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it was in this wonderful country that i grew up , received an education, my parents are here, i got married here, raised children, and i want my children to grow up as people, this is important to me personally, because i care on how i live, how my family lives, how my country is developing, i would really like the country to develop in the same direction, so that...
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in the mogilev region, let me remind you, there are 693 polling station, special attention today to those who are performing their civic duty for the first time, young voters over 18 years old, these are students. college students festively greeted them at polling station number 56 of magilev, and presented them with commemorative booklets of the publication of the constitution of belarus and a wish to remain a patriot of their country as gifts. it’s really nice , since i’m voting for the first time, and this day is especially important for me. i want to vote for the right candidate so that our future prospers, we are for more attention was given to youth. we must be real patriots, we must build.
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they were born in different parts of the world. hello everyone, my name is xing kaijen, i’m from china, i’m currently studying for a master’s degree in journalism, and i’m living in belarus. and everyone found something for themselves here. belarus is just one word for me, but very important, an opportunity, i can realize my idea, which is related to the arts, i found the most important people for me here, i also found myself.
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