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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 25, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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more than a third of voters. the country has approached the current elections significantly, having updated a number of the most important elements of the political system, changes and additions have been made to the constitution, and the legislation regulating the activities of political parties and public associations has been improved. yes, all this made it possible to get rid of numerous structures that existed only on paper, or from those. which were managed or financed from outside, well, let me remind you that we are located in the 478th section of the city of minsk, we are waiting for the head of the city to arrive here any minute state, at his place of residence , alexander lukashenko will vote here. by the way, such a nuance, despite the importance of party building in belarus , most of you...
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by the way, i want to share the results of a study conducted by the institute of sociology of the academy of sciences, conducted at the end of last year, more than 60% of respondents believe that, first of all, in the election the program of a candidate for deputy should reflect specific proposals for solving problematic issues, well, are they some kind of promises or slogans? what is preferable in
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to a large extent, this is a characteristic of the personality of a candidate for deputy, but citizens are less interested in their personal life, religious and party affiliation. we see the press waiting, the final technical details are being completed, everything is ready. we are expecting the arrival of the head of state any minute at the 478th precinct of the city of minsk. you can hear how my colleagues are working right now live. that's what will happen.
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we just saw live how the president of belarus made his choice, now the head of state, according to tradition, answers questions journalists, details in the next issues of our information channel. compiled the first data on overall voter turnout, taking into account the start of voting today, as of 9:00 am. across the country , 43.64% of belarusians voted. picture by region on your screens. in the mogilev and gomel regions, more than
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50% of voters came to the polling stations. observers note the interest of belarusians in the company in a new format. let me remind you, those voters who cannot come to the polling station due to their condition. health or for other valid reasons have the right vote at home. some of the most active voters and military personnel in many polling stations where people in uniform vote, turnout in early voting exceeds 40%. and this morning, the military is also actively visiting polling stations. our correspondent, yuri shevchuk, is now at one of these locations. yura, where exactly are you working now and what is special about this polling station? now we are on the territory of the military commandant’s office, polling station number 645 has been organized here. both military personnel undergoing compulsory military service, both in the minsk military commandant’s office and
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military unit 29591, as well as military personnel serving in the sports committee of the armed forces of the republic of belarus, but not only, can vote here. they also vote here and civilians, these are people who live in nearby areas, about 2 thousand people in total, a little more, by the way, a very high early voting turnout was registered here, it’s about 40%, 44% have already voted here, this moment voting is going on quite actively, the chairman of the election commission is next to me now, i’ll ask him a few words, please tell me: how is voting going at this precinct, what are the specifics? the specificity of our site is that in addition to civilian voters, we vote in case of conscript military service of various military units, all our guys are young, they vote, as a rule , for the first time and, like any other citizen
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, based on the voting results, they are awarded a small bonus to the constitution, everything goes well us without violations on the part of both voters and our national observers, who... thank you very much, we met one of these young, handsome guys at the polling station, he voted, we’ll ask him a couple of questions, please tell us why you’re giving your vote, i give my vote for the future, for the future of our country, since by our constitutional right we choose those candidates whom we trust and to whom we entrust our country so that they develop it in the right direction.
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cis, today, as in commonwealth, in no part of the world are there unorganized elections, democratic , accessible, transparent, from the point of view of the organization from the point of view of the possible will of the statement, any options, please , if you want, come to the polling station, if you want in advance, if you want on voting day, if you want, if if necessary, they can provide voting at home for such people who are not... able to leave the house, that is, all the conditions for the expression of the will of any citizen to take place
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are provided, moreover, i want to say that in belarus has done everything possible to ensure that everything is carried out at a very high quality level; international observers from the mission of the cis interparliamentary assembly have already visited polling stations in the regions, they note that the level of preparation and organization does not differ from the capital, we are in the region. received, there is no large influx of calls and requests, this is due to informing the population during early voting,
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voters also write to the chatbot of the telegram channel, which is called observation. the questions mainly concern the location of sites and the candidate program. all issues are resolved promptly, sufficiently, we are constantly in contact with our regional coordinators, they all know the situation for each site, if any issue needs to be resolved. let me remind you that the hotline of the public election observation center is open until 8:00 pm. and, of course, elections are not only an important political event, for belarusians they are a holiday, and this is how it happened historically. what will be the future of the country, your choice today did young mothers? patients of the maternity hospital of the capital's hospital number 6 took part in the voting. all appropriate
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conditions were created for this. the hospitals have their own closed area, each department has its own commission representatives who collect ballots. voting lists are formed on friday, but if patients arrived later, then of course they can also exercise their right and take part in the vote. we have a common commission for our entire clinic at...our polling station, the commission members are divided and several representatives in in every building , a vote is held and taking place, we vote for the sake of the bright future of our children, so that in the future they have the best possible life, the opportunity to vote is given to everyone now in the maternity hospital of the sixth hospital for pregnant women and women in labor, there are only 120 patients. no, not indifferent to the future of belarus and youth and, as the students emphasize, they give their
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vote for the development of our cities and villages, the strengthening of traditional values, for the opportunity to actively express themselves in science, sports, and the public life of the country. i think, that our generation must take part and i am confident that the future of our country is in good hands. as for our students, they come from almost all of belarus; we have students from all regions.
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alena, why you love the new year is already in this question. laid down, the answer is laid down: i don’t know people who don’t like the new year, and personally, i love the new year for its strong confidence. the fact that everything bad that happened this year will never be included in the new year , and the new year will certainly be better than the previous one, even if just a little bit, something like that.
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there are only a few days left until the new year, when we will buy gifts, set the table, gather loved ones and, of course, turn on the tv to celebrate the holiday with the whole country under the blue light, my guest will also be there on the light, congratulating you on the new year, but i will open secret, new year's greetings have long been withdrawn from... this is how television people actually celebrate the new year, we will now find out. today my guest is the honored artist of the republic of belarus, tv presenter alena speredovich. hello alena, hello, our meeting is taking place on new year's eve, when everything around is filled with a feeling of some kind of holiday, miracle,
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magic, they say that this feeling is felt most of all in childhood. i would argue about children’s age , because the new year is such an amazing holiday, and even the most serious of us, it doesn’t matter, but they make wishes, they write some notes on new year’s eve, they burn them in a candle, throw them in champagne, drink, who who does what, but the most important thing is that we all... regardless of age, regardless of position, which we occupy, we believe that these wishes made on new year's eve will come true, and i believe in it, and do you know why? but i still think that if at the same time a huge number of people wish for goodness,
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joy, happiness. health, mutual understanding , peace, love, because that’s all they think about , of course, these are everyday wishes, it seems to me that something like this is happening in heaven at this time, and heaven is becoming more generous to us, that’s why wishes come true, how the new year was celebrated in your family, how in all families? there was a christmas tree or tangerines, i was waiting for gifts under the tree, they were always there, i believed in santa claus, so i wrote letters to him, well, i made some wishes, well then everything came true, just, you know, if i ask santa claus, then i have good parents,
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yes, so my childhood dreams all came true, so... and i knew for sure that for this you just need to be a good, good girl, listen to your parents, at what age did you understand that santa claus is really - is this dad in disguise? well, first of all, i don't have there was always a dad in disguise, my dad, actor boris vasilyevich borisyonok, who worked in tyuz for more than 50 years, that’s why, as you understand in grandfathers...
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at new year’s matinees, what roles did you play? i even, listen, i don’t remember, valery, i, come on, come on, plunge into the past, probably a snowflake was something for me, that’s something i remember, but this is completely, completely, when she was little and, probably, it had more to do with some kind of dance in which all the girls had to be a snowflake, well, this is a classic. here about roles, but somehow, listen, i never wanted to be an artist, that is, because. mom is a director, dad is an actor , i have this desire, well, i never had it since childhood, probably because somehow, i’m dad’s
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tail, so, when all the children were sent to pioneer camps, dad took me on tour with him , uh-huh, then i went, well , stayed in some small town, well, for example, in myadel, yes, in... some other city, but a small one, and by the end of school, i knew belarus very well , and i also knew that acting he is not as lightly beautiful as many people think from the outside, so when...
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when i looked at the subjects that future journalists study, there was so much literature, from different, different periods, i thought with great pleasure, it ’s just you coming your student work involves reading a lot. a show where fighting is not done using physical force. scientists have proven that smart athletes
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are more likely to achieve success compared to those who rely only on physical strength. let's upgrade our sports too! knowledge. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. which of them had a higher transfer price at the time of transfer to a new club, according to the authoritative resource transfermarkt. messi. everything, but activity will also play a role, who are these guys rocking, this is carla ancelot, this is the wrong answer, this is zinedine zedan, 2020, real madrid became the champion for the thirty-fourth time, on the grounds of which complex will the olympic tennis tournament in paris be held in 2024 , in paris at the orlango ros venues, absolutely right, ralango ros, look intellectual and sports show. head game on our tv channel. let's preserve civilization and increase wealth. results of the supreme state council
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of the union state. in general, our situation is developing very vigorously. trade turnover is constantly growing. russia is the largest investor. our investors invested $4 billion in the economy of belarus. the whole process begins with the procurement of our own raw materials.
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but it’s no secret that the new year for artists and tv presenters is like this, it’s christmas trees, it’s corporate parties, well, in a word, it’s new year’s chess, do you prefer to work on new year 's eve or new year's eve, no, no, you know that i... communication, because,
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well, you and i know, you can't earn all the money, i made a decision that in my life there will be holidays, so i keep them for myself, and the new year is one of my favorite holidays, which i spend with the people i love, well , this year you don’t change your traditions at home, no, no, friends, you are very good.
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entered each other's families, that is, i met his wife, he met my husband, with my family, with his family, and then we just realized that we want to communicate and see each other, the owner or hostess, when preparing a dish, has the opportunity, to those who gathered at the table, to say about their love, about your respect , about your tenderness, about your affection, well, it’s true, it’s true, and let us also express our tenderness and affection to our dear tv viewers by preparing a boiled pig, excellent, so, a boiled pig, yes, well, in general, sounds very simple, yes, trivial, i i would say, i know that it won’t be trivial with us, true, yes, but this is not about us, yes, yes,
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well, they say: what - when you celebrate the new year, this is how you will spend it, you believe in this sign, of course, so where did this um, my strong desire come from, to keep this holiday for myself and spend it with my friends, that’s how we continue for the whole year, and communicate with those who are pleasant to you, whom you respect, whom you love, but we have fun together, joke together, cook together, well, in general, this is how the year goes by, and what other new year’s you certainly follow traditions, for many years, my husband every new year puts on a mini-performance in which everyone present takes part and, of course, it’s always a lot of fun, among our friends
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there is... uh, one, i would say , so god -kissed girl, who films all this wonderfully, then edits it into very funny films, which we watch throughout the year, and show to friends, those who were not at the same table with us, well, in general, all this is fun, we already have a whole video library, so new year's, new year's performances, alena, how much? a month before the new year, decorations begin , it feels as if my husband works in one of the stores, on december 1st you already go to the store, yes, which you often go to, yes, well , you go there for bread, and then everything is different, because it’s already a new year for them, so it is for me.
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in the house, ask when the christmas trees are removed, for the old new year, i beg you, i don’t, before, before, my husband gave me this gift on march 8, last year, for various reasons, and i stamped my foot before easter and said: i hate these lights, well, it’s just as beautiful, look, everything is blinking, you prefer the traditional uh winter with frost, sun, i really love the sun, my favorite color is yellow, and i don’t have enough, you understand, even this time, for me, well, this time...
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is already improving, yes, that’s when it’s completely, when it’s a little over 7 o’clock in the day, yes, the headlights on my car turn on automatically. then champagne cannot be consumed together with fruit, that is, can you imagine, on every on the new year's table there is champagne , and there are tangerines, but you can't, because there's something there
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, and all things mayonnaise are also prohibited, i don't know, but how can we live without olivier salad, well, how can we live without it, so i'm on the table right away. but i know that this is a new year's box, when i come across something like this, well, i always keep this in mind, yes, when it comes to new year's gifts, to the choice of new year's gifts, you are selective, yes, of course, of course, yes, and you
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have already hinted to santa claus what you would like as a gift this year, tell me the secret, not mine santa claus knows everything himself, but that’s not a fact, by the way. that the gift will be just on new year's eve, it could be new year's eve, and it can happen anytime, but the main thing is that it should be there, santa claus is nearby. paleshuk - these people who live in harmony with nature, the yaselda river, it gave life, it fed this river, and since sditova
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is located on the banks of the yaselda, we somehow feel this power that the river gives us, but not i know a little bit about the old days and i get it out. jokes on tv channel belarus 24. we will bring you closer the viewer to science, how science, and specifically biotechnology, helps turn grain into gold. the product from which amino acids are made is our glucose syrup,
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which bacteria eat and produce amino acids, to put it very simply. it is very simple and the most important thing is that it is clear. let's tell you how talented scientists changed our lives. we are like scientists. we are cautious in our forecasts, but let’s get to the bottom of it , we don’t rule out that in the near future a lot of people will be talking about agronomics. our project is about agriculture, well respectively, agro. further, after all, we are more about the economy, so agronomics, that is, a hint of agriculture, since the project should help increase the profitability of enterprises, increase control over their execution, accordingly, the name briefly makes it clear what this project will be about. look. project science is nearby on our tv channel.
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on the eve of the new year, it is somehow customary to always sum up the results, i propose to do it right now, do you mind? no, of course, let's try, of course, let's let's try. what are you grateful for in the past year? in fact, this is an extraordinary year for me, and if we talk about... i won’t say that i dreamed of receiving
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this gift on stage one day, but this is the most striking event that happened to me this year, i myself in fact, i always knew that the slavic bazaar in vitebsk was my festival, i always said so, but this year it really was my festival. i somehow don’t know, no, i somehow managed
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without surprises, maybe i know myself too well, listen, maybe some details they leave, as if they are not considered, maybe not so important, but something happens , maybe some small joys are so unexpected, but no, in life something is always happening, every day something happens... a little joy, yes, you woke up there , looked at the sunny day, yes, it’s already good, yes , you went out, bloomed a flower, right by your porch, yesterday it wasn’t there yet, this is already joy, you run, yes, to take a closer look at it , yes, it seems to me that a person who goes through life with open eyes, and this... is the person who will see everything
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it’s good what’s happening around, a lot of interesting things are happening around, if you knew with what elation, but the audience will already see this, next year, when they air, the next season of the factorby 60+ project will be released, i have the honor of being the host . they know how to go towards their dreams, no matter what
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, thank god, yes, thank god, when there is such a job, you understand, now i even catch myself telling you, telling you about this, but my voice is trembling , can you imagine, i, well, i prefer, i i’m not a loud person at all, and i prefer not to talk loudly about happiness. well, well , i just want to say in a whisper that it is probably a great happiness when in your life there is such a job, such a thing, where you can be useful, like this. remember the last new year, if you go back to the beginning of 2023, so that you, if it were possible, so that you... everything is very simple:
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go where you see fit, do what is dear to you, and love your loved ones, love your country, do what you like, everything will be fine, that's what event you would wanted to leave it in the past year and never think about it again, but you know, i don’t even want to forget about some not very pleasant things that happen, well , of course, i’m a normal person, well...
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about the things that don’t something very good happened in your life, it’s better to remember it in order to avoid some mistakes, probably in the future. what things have you put off for next year? well, firstly, i never manage to follow this rule, many consider it mandatory, so. all things need to be completed, yes, yes, yes, yes, here, but i, no, i, i love, well, first of all, i like to do things that i like, i don’t like to do anything in a hurry, yeah, that ’s why, what didn’t have time, it means it will be done
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next year, if so i didn’t have time , there’s no big problem, it’s better than in a hurry, and maybe you’ll miss something important, are you a fatalist about some things? no, will what needs to happen happen? no, no, i still think that it’s a lot, it’s easy to be a fatalist, yes, well, like, this is how everything will be, yes, and then i’ll have children and wait, yes, it seems to me that so many. still depends on us, and this is not because we need to run, fuss, grab something, redo something, urgently need to change something, no, it seems to me, it’s from our attitude - to people, to life, to oneself, a lot depends,
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the words of pushkin come to mind, the service of mus does not tolerate fuss. yes, well , the last, most important question: what do you expect from the new year? i really want to live this year in peace, in joy, with those people who are dear to you, i really... i want to wish this to everyone who is watching us now, may love live in your life, may it never get sick, and may you be healthy, may everyone you love be healthy, this is very
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important, and may, may your dreams be forgotten, this is a great reason to start. dream today, and dreams will come true if we really want it. alena, every new year brings us something new, sometimes unexpected and unusual. we ourselves are also constantly changing, becoming a little older, wiser, more experienced, but nevertheless we really want to. thank you very much, thank you, valery, you asked about joys, that happen every day, yes, for
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me our meeting today is a joy, and this bouquet made me very happy, thank you very much. thank you very much, it is truly a great joy for me to meet you on the eve of the new year, happy holiday, happy new year, everyone, everyone, everyone, this was the meaning of alena speredovich’s life. how long has it been since you held a book in your hands? we turned over page after page, greedily devouring every word. of all the manifestations
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of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books; by reading , a person survives centuries; reading brings generations together; we value the past for our present. belarus.
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it’s too late, well, to pick up epithets here, any bright words of the real wheels of belarusian sports, and that only these walls that appeared during reconstruction were not seen in the first post-war period, but it is also symbolic that above them as since this modern marquee rises, which comfortably hides the spectators and allows you to simply enjoy any moment, we must understand that in any case , the stadium is a social object. and of course, i will repeat once again that first of all we are focused on sports, but at the same time we want to show ordinary citizens, residents, and guests that we are open. dynamo stadium
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today is an ultra-modern multifunctional complex. the latest reconstruction has made the sports arena, in fact, an open-air concert hall. behind the reconstruction of dynamo, which ended in 2018, was followed by the whole country, and later the whole world, because the old european games were approaching. now it’s impossible to imagine. in fact, some for the coffee that was prepared on the sand, some for the pies, some for the market, but everyone remembers this dynamo stadium as a point of attraction. and for each dynamo it is
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completely different, just like for the legendary announcer leonid bondarovich, who is no longer with us, but who spent his whole life near the stadium. i grew up as a child and saw the arena that was being rebuilt after the war. here's the one fantastic shot. talya bandarovich observed the large-scale reconstruction before the moscow olympics and saw the renovation of the stadium in the early nineties. finally, with its brilliant bareton... declared the dynamo stadium open in 2018 at that moment i was happy. we welcome you, dearly beloved, here we are. i know a little bit about...
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i catch myself thinking that when young guys come, conventionally, they think that it has always been like this, here we are standing now, here is the uruch, but it seems that it was always so multifunctional, but that's not so, yes, i think you remember very well what was here and how it became here, initially it was an athletics arena, a rather serious complex, but in december 2015, this facility underwent a radical reconstruction, that is, now at the moment this facility is called palace of team sports. geta peramoga, the armed forces of minsk won the ussr cup for the third time. the main three arenas are a multi-purpose hall, a ganball hall , a training ground, and there is also a medical rehabilitation center at the facility cauna with swimming pool and gym. the main task was to make it a socially significant object, that is, not only for
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professional athletes, but also for people. as i understand it, you also have the opportunity here for conditional training. rent badminton, this is also your story, this is also our history, yes, in addition to the gym, as you already said , in badminton, here people can get services not only for individual training, there are also group training, halls always open, that is, when there is free time, we provide it to amateurs, we even have, let’s say, regular clients who even hold amateur tournaments at the facility, gold card holders, well, practically a sports fan.
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ukraine, kazakhstan, russia, belarus, all winter sports athletes are here, stars, they are all here, because they say that the only place in the soviet union that has been preserved is here. calling raubich belarusian switzerland, as is popular among the people, would even be somewhat dishonest in relation to our native complex.
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recent years are such a social story, any person born in the name, and not only a resident of our capital, can come and spend a good time here, a novelty in recent years, this is probably such a rope town, which is already known to many guests of this complex, it is a process in general something new is constantly appearing, so i come here all the time, i see something new with you, that is, how long will this last, well, in a good way, well, since 1919 we haven’t had a single year where we have any... then capital we didn’t make any investments,
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we have eight tennis courts, they are actively used by both tennis players and... amateurs, what i saw was hokfilson, ruholding, that is, of course, the facilities are also quite good, a new place, a large facility, well, such an economy as ours , probably not found anywhere else, multifunctionality for a professional athlete, at the same time accessibility for any belarusian, this is a feature of most facilities in our country. the sports complex - labor reserves, which appeared on our sports map in 1982, survived the fire and restoration. and subsequent reconstruction, which continues today. at the moment it is a first-class athletics base. the infrastructure of the belarusian state university of physical culture is also in constant dynamics, because its facilities are currently being used by various national teams. to the same extent , the capital's sokolympic water sports palace is a full-fledged sports base, which also has a specialized freestyle center. gymnastics palace, mushroom bases in minsk,
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zaslavlie in rest, names of large ones, so so-called physical education and health centers, which literally... the whole country is overgrown with, pay attention to the number of cool workout venues, the historical place is such a place of prayer, you can. say for our athletes , because we understand that today stayki is actually, well, if i may say so, a revenue- forming institution in the country, which includes 13 sports, since the forty-seventh year since the formation of this tent camp historically, on the basis of which were preparing for the all-union holiday, our athletes, the all-union parade, well, of course , many years passed, and of course, the flocks that were then and that were, in general , this entire... period of time that is today, these are completely different things, the complex is really multifunctional, today we are truly capable, having a good, fairly good sports infrastructure and material
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support, to deploy within a few days for any team, which means preparing a facility for them to conduct training training camps, right now, literally now, the thais continue to acquire new sports facilities , fresh. copied for thai boxing , where not only such beautiful graphics behind me, such as, for example, the image of our titled athlete andrei kulebin, but most importantly, there is everything here to engage in professional sports, now that we are around our, well, really brilliant sports infrastructure, it seems to you that not everyone understands this, how much effort is put into it, how much this is really heaven and earth in just 20 years, it seemed that people get used to good things very quickly, people perhaps underestimate that contribution, including the state.
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culture, even this communication, well, we have generally raised it to a fairly high level, and this work does not stop, because without memory, without history, well, we will not have a present and a future. in 24 hours you can do a lot, in 7 days is even more. in our project you will learn about key
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dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and not. only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.


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