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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm MSK

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we do conductive exercises, slightly lift the heel of our feet off the floor, stay in the center, open our arms and make these calm circular movements with our right and left hands, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. with whose hands will we build the future of belarus for ourselves and for new ones generations, whose minds will we improve the laws so that our life becomes more comfortable, who will help in solving problems, be it a city, a village or your home? we make this choice today on a single voting day. on air information channel vladislav bunderev and yulia pertsova. hello, how is the election campaign going? at these moments , the information center is ready to announce new data. we ask the directors to display footage of the press conference of the chairmen of the central election commission. good afternoon, colleagues, we are now in the hall where press conferences are taking place and it will start in literally a minute, maybe even less. we are waiting for the latest data from the secretary of the central election commission elena baldovskaya. it must be said that here is the latest data, which... were announced at 9 in the morning, then
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there was a turnout of almost 44% across the country, but i think that literally now we will hear the general turnout throughout the country, as well as individually for each region, and after that there will be territorial connections commission, in particular this time, we will find out how they vote and what is noted in the election commissions of the vitebsk region, this is in the city of vitebsk itself, as well as in regional centers, but now we give the floor to the central election commission on voter turnout in elections on a single day. at the moment we we have the following figures: the overall turnout in the country is 50.97%, almost 51% on average, and the mogilev region, the turnout in the region is 60%, probably one by one and the numbers are displayed on the screen, let’s go alphabetically, in brest 53.12, vitebsk region 51.52,
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grodno region 48.68, minsk region 48.91, mogilev region, as i said, 59.67%, and the city of minsk 40.64%. in general, we can say, of course, that turnout in the middle of the day is quite high; in general, traditionally, turnout peaks at lunchtime .
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voted for professionalism and dedication to our people, this is how the belarusian leader commented on his choice today. alexander lukashenko cast his vote in favor of the candidates at the polling station at the university of physical education, which journalists dubbed number one. the head of state arrived in a good mood, like all voters, and presented his passport to receive a ballot. the process was monitored by dozens of photographs and television cameras. about the situation around belarus, about the union state and the openness of the belarusian state for foreign partners, about confrontation with the enemy, which is the only waiting to bring aggressive scenarios to life. taking this opportunity, journalists asked alexander lukashenko more than a dozen questions. here's what the president said regarding security. the runaway scenario does not implement.
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i once said that with president putin we envisaged different scenarios for the development of events and are countering this, we will always be united with russia, and you understand that in such a situation we can resist any enemy, i don’t want to talk more about how we will resist, because the current world is power, i understand only power if, excuse me, i’m making a fuss. and we will fight for democracy and some ephemeral freedom, you saw, there are no such freedoms, there is no democracy, and those who gave it to us, you see what kind of democracy they have, so we need to see our goals, our interests, be sincere and carry out
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policies justice, then there will be the unity of our people, well, not without the fact that somewhere someone will crawl out, as i say, from under the plinth, and blather.
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monthly, annually, part of the powers we have already we convey it to parliament and other government bodies, a certain perestroika is underway, generations are changing. but we have always said, and i encouraged you, that everywhere all processes should be of an evolutionary nature, if you go sharply , you can now, but this is a revolution, we and the russians have already exhausted the limit of the revolution, what
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can this lead to in ukraine, they are also the limit we’ve exhausted everything, but we tried, we lost the maidan, so we are calmly moving forward, modernizing our system. there was also the question of ukraine. the parties have the opportunity to come to peace - emphasized president, everyone is following the news. you see how events are developing in ukraine, they are developing badly, it’s not about avdiivka. listen, from avdeevka. it would have been decided long ago if the russians fought like in a patriotic war, hundreds of thousands of people were abandoned, no matter how many die, i know this for sure, how carefully the russian military and president putin have to work, i often discuss this issue with him, people it’s a pity, sitting with him, he always says to me: it’s a pity that people could have done it faster, a lot of people will die, that’s exactly what it’s not about avdeevka there... or other junkies, but the whole point is that a lot of people will die, very large reserves,
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nato admits this, they have been created at the front, near the contact line, very large reserves at training grounds in the russian federation , but i see that the russians are very serious about the peaceful resolution of this conflict, especially now they don’t want to. to be even stronger, and general safety is sacred. alexander lukashenko told
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reporters that yaes could borrow in its activities from the union state. more details later in our information channel. what should a deputy be like? here, perhaps, all belarusians will agree. and we , including as voters, also believe that a people’s representative is, first of all, a patriot, a person who is ready to defend our interests. deputy prime minister pyotr porhomchik also agrees with us. when making his choice, he noted that holding a single voting day is also economically justified for the country. we came to these elections with good, let’s say , financial and economic results, good we finished last year, created such, let’s say , a solid foundation, and the month of january shows that the positive dynamics of the industry in terms of the growth of gross domestic product will continue this year .
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our common future really depends on who we elect to the deputy corps, because it is the deputies who will develop laws and determine, among other things, the economic course of the country. today , every voter has an important and responsible mission. the outcome of the election race depends on your vote. about voices, then of course, let's remember about our artists. today they are creating a holiday, concert marathons planned in every area of ​​the capital. lydia zablotskaya asked alexander soladukhe if i have time to vote myself. good afternoon, colleagues, indeed, not the entire variety pool has voted yet, we specially went out of the castle to keep company with our honored artist, and for many people, alexander soladukha, is here with us today, but it seems to me that you know how...
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.all former factories, factories, universities, yes, very - welcome, yes, yes, yes, and today is my first day off, i came to vote, like all people, this is not the first time we are here with you, and it seems to me that you always prepare for elections carefully, have you studied the candidates, why? you will vote, of course, yes, but most of all, i’ll probably still say that , to be honest, i was preparing, yes, when you called me that you would come, yes, well , all my words are from the soul, from the heart. i will vote for a peaceful, prosperous belarus, for peace, most importantly, for a peaceful sky above
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our heads, above our country, yes, there are people who can ensure this world , of course, yes i spoke, i repeat, for our government, for our president, who together in the country created such conditions so that a person could work well and earn a luxurious living, as the example has been doing for several decades. we can’t let you go without a song, because four ballots await you, since you are registered in a rural area, since today you don’t have a concert venue, let it be in belarus alone today, i love you belarusians, can you at least a phrase, of course. i love you, belarusians, this is what lives in my heart, i love you, belarusians. i love you belarusians. yes, we will be warmed by your love. well, we’ll let you go, make your choice , because indeed, alexander has four ballots to choose his candidate, since we immediately took him, as they say, rushed to us, for our inclusion, but for
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now i want to say, that in fact 127 will be held in the capital today at 300 sites, and 40 teams have already left, many artists about 80 people voted early, well, alexander will be registering now, i am sure that he will make the right choice and his same snow-white smile today is like the sun in a clear sky, let it motivate you too, if...


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