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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 25, 2024 3:35pm-4:16pm MSK

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it’s nice that there are a lot of active people who are ready to accept fate and make their choice, and the main thing is that this choice must be correct, because our country should be beautiful, bright, the envy of everyone that is not mine. here , please, is confirmation that even a single voting day is truly a holiday, i hope that in the regions there were also concerts today, 40 teams are working in the capital, 127 concerts are being held at 300 polling stations, and of course, one cannot simply remain indifferent , the concerts will last somewhere until 5:00 pm, what a reason to join, studio over to you. thank you lida, either you
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are going for the holiday, or the holiday is for you, now the word is from dachko from the public observation center, data about voting and possible violations is also flowing here , everyone can express their comments and suggestions, there is a hotline and a telegram channel. dasha, what kind of requests do belarusians call with? dear colleagues, i propose to immediately sum up the results of the first half of this day, more than fifty appeals were received, they are advisory.
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to vote, we inform and explain to everyone to come to the polling station for an elderly person and the observer confirms this, that there are volunteers, everyone is working. no serious violations have been recorded, the elections are being held as usual, all issues are being resolved promptly. the progress of the campaign is being monitored by international observers and a delegation from the parliamentary assembly. the dkbb did not reveal any gross violations at the polling stations themselves. also at these moments, the center is visited by independent experts from switzerland. they were told how the work was going. mp cantonal parliament patrick kretz noted. quote: everything is well organized, people go to the polls motivated. the center , to be honest, struck me with the efficiency with which decisions were made right here in the trade union. although
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it turns out there is no polling station here, yes , it’s organized here, it’s great, this is the first time i’ve seen it, to be honest , they also went through another polling station, well, the ministry of agriculture, the autonomic clinic and the military commandant’s office, well, everything is organized, clearly, we haven’t seen anything yet we don’t see any violations, the hotline continues to receive calls, let me remind you... thank you dasha, it’s good that the campaign as a whole is going calmly, follow the elections, yes, calmly, and at the same time actively on the part of the belarusians. yes, international observers continue to monitor the progress of the elections, marking everything clearly, in accordance with the law and as transparently as possible.
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belarus, due to its excellent democratic standards in holding elections, was punished with some kind of sanctions. i have already been able to visit several sites, i am pleasantly surprised that there are so many people working here that i personally really like that there is a festive atmosphere, and in general elections are a holiday for voters, so i think the atmosphere is friendly and calm. and again we return to the place where all operational information flows.
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the election commission center accumulates an accurate picture of the voting process. svetlana lukinyuk gets in touch with us. good afternoon, sveta, we are waiting for new details. good afternoon, colleagues, good afternoon to all our tv viewers. i'll say right away that. press conference here in information center ended just a minute ago, maybe even less, i will say that journalists are getting more questions for the chairman of the central election commission, the press is waking up, as our voters are waking up. i think it would not be amiss to recall the figures on the turnout of those who voted at the moment, which were announced by the central commission. so at this moment, the total vote in the country was 59.17.
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the region itself is the regional center, as well as the district village councils. generally speaking, what was noted was some global violations was not recorded, this is also noted by those who work in election commissions; observers did not contact them about this . another thing that is noted is that in the gomen region today, as they said, the weather is good and sunny, unlike minsk, where it is raining, but still, the weather also does not prevent you from coming and voting at your polling station. also on gomische.
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another of the questions that were asked, maybe interesting here, was whether there was such, say, social blackmail during the election campaign, meaning that that, for example, citizens appealed to the central election commission, if you don’t fix the road, don’t install gas, then we won’t go to the polls. so, igor karapenko noted that, in principle, there were no such people, although he remembered one letter in advance that yes , indeed, some voters wrote that if they don’t fix our cellar, we won’t go to vote, however, that’s all at the end of the letter.. they said: help, and of course, we will come to the elections. but this shows the voter turnout that belarusians are active in this election campaign, their political culture is growing and political education. let me remind you that the next press conference in this hall will be at 17:00,
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the secretary of the central election commission will speak to us, well , the election commissions from the grodno region will be in touch, we will follow all the information. colleagues, thank you, svetlana. we hope they will help you sort out all everyday issues, and let me remind you that our on-site studio operates in the palace of the republic. we continue to keep in touch with our colleagues. at the information center, our correspondents continue to collect expert opinions. head of the communist party alexey sokol is confident that today is a historic day and the fairly high turnout shows the interest of ordinary citizens in the election campaign. our population has united even more and, let’s say, is taking a more responsible approach to choosing such important ones. let's say this about the people who will participate and shape the agenda and life of our society, this is very important, i think that there will be a result, our citizens will make a truly responsible choice in the formation of a truly professional, patriotic and truly such worker
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bodies such as the house of representatives of the national assembly and deputies at local levels throughout the country. yulia, how i exercised my right to vote on the very first day of voting could be seen live. have you managed to vote? and i, vlad, despite working today, chose the main voting day in order to feel recharged by the atmosphere of this important day. but as? a campaign is taking place in the regions in the vitebsk region, 2,212 deputies are to be elected on a single voting day, i made my choice today head of the region alexander subotin. this is probably one of the largest and most powerful levers of government. today, one of the branches of government, the legislative, is being formed , so the importance of all this should probably be felt not only by those who vote, but also by those who will then... be elected, because a lot depends on them and on their position, active position depends very, very
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much, especially in the coming years, probably. there is a festive atmosphere at the polling stations in the forty-seventh school named after ivanovsky, where four site, schoolchildren have prepared a concert, and there is off-site trade with reasonable prices. i was in a festive mood, my child and i asked to vote, so we came to support.
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for the first time, voters are presented with the constitution of the republic of belarus as a souvenir of the important event. there are 193 closed voting stations in medical centers and hospitals in belarus. the task of the entire healthcare system is to ensure the right to participate in elections even for those who are undergoing treatment. only in the minsk emergency hospital today in hospitals there are about. voted, i think that people’s self-awareness, consciousness has become much higher, because
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i see even with early voting, quite a lot of people are going to vote. the emergency hospital is the largest hospital in the country; on average, more than 200 people are admitted here per day. belarusians vote loudly today, and this is noticeable in videos on social networks. photos and... videos, more and more voters are sharing their emotions and declaring their civic position. belarusians, peaceful, i am lyuski, given over to the earth. belarusians are also participating in a challenge from our tv channel. my choice is this. continuing this phrase.
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there's more of the day's highlights right now, and we'll update at 5:00 p.m. see you soon.
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condemnation who, julian asenge's latest protest in the united kingdom, a manifesto on wheels, tanks from the polish government against'.
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the journalist declassified more than one volume of american military tyranny from lawlessness in cia prisons, a diary of the afghan war , secret documents of black and white exposing the trace of states in warriors around the world. for the inconvenient state truth, american the elites included hackers in the list of enemies of the people and gave them generous amounts. but journalism is not a crime, reminded the army of sunak’s downing street office. evgeniy belausov knows where freedom of speech goes when secrets become apparent. the more than ten-year struggle of the american authorities with the founder of wikileaks, julianne assange, is getting closer to a denouement. unlike stars and stripes
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movies, in real life fights with the system rarely lead to a happy ending. in the high court. responsibility. the united states in iraq and afghanistan has pretty much tarnished the image of the administration of then white house head barack obama, and no one was going to forgive such humiliation. obama prosecuted
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and much more, and the video of two us combat helicopters shooting at civilians in iraqi baghdad literally blew up the world community. during the strike, according to various sources, up to 18 people were killed, including two reuters reporters. in total, assange was charged with as many as 18 charges for inconvenient truth. in the united states under these articles. he faces up to 175 years in prison, at the beginning of the hand of the american retaliation tried to get to the journalist through sweden, where at that time he spent most of his time, but somehow it didn’t work out, as a result, the stockholm prosecutor’s office decided to charge the journalist with rape and harassment, and then, as they say, it all started. in november 2010, he was put on the international wanted list by interpol, and
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in december he was arrested by london police after he voluntarily appeared at the station. a week later, the high court in london released asange on bail, and a couple of months later ordered his extradition to sweden. this the journalist tried to challenge the decision, but after failure, he took refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in the british one. this is exactly what happened in april 2019 for repeated violations of international conventions and the ecuadorian cohabitation protocol. assange was deprived of asylum, and at the same time his citizenship. after this, he was immediately detained and sent to belmarsh prison. there the journalist developed clinical depression.
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doctors also diagnosed him with autism and suicidal tendencies. in 2022, the uk home office announced that assange would be extradited to the united states. now the journalist there was one of the last chances to avoid falling into the hands of the americans. the london high court is expected to announce its verdict in early march. fought for all our freedoms and he made a huge sacrifice, now he is in prison, he faces life imprisonment and extradition to the united states. the need for his
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pardons cannot be delayed. those who protested outside the courthouse throughout the days during which the hearings were held are also demanding the release of asandzha. but the world media somehow didn’t pay much attention to them. who is interested? a statement by people who dared to oppose the british decision. we must challenge what is happening, our country is increasingly becoming a very repressive state, a journalist who exposes war crimes is himself being prosecuted, i think this is simply outrageous, we should not tolerate it, because this is a slippery slope to the suppression of any dissent. what awaits assange if deported? it’s not hard to guess the conditions of detention in the metropolitan correctional center in new york, where you can end up the founder of wikileaks is much worse than in the english dungeons, where, by the way,
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the famous lover of younger girls, epstein, also died. death in this place is only a matter of time. this prison is designed solely to break you spiritually, to break your will to resist, your will to fight. but even without the new york prison, the ruler. the united states seems to have already broken assange and made his life hell. 14 years of painful struggle, uncertainty and fear for yourself and your family. his wife all this time supports her husband and does not give up trying to reach justice, despite the danger that threatens her, and her two growing children risk never knowing the happiness of being with their father. some kind of extremely perverted sadistic revenge, why and why? the answer, i think, is on the surface in edification. others, so that they remember how attempts to reveal the truth will turn out, for the american society, all sympathizers are thus discouraged from any desire to dig where it is prohibited.
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you are content with what officials and controlled media report, it’s easier for everyone, the authorities will continue to be able to commit heinous crimes all over the world, working citizens, without realizing it, will continue to sponsor murderers, as they say, the less you know, the better you sleep. evgeny belousov, around. sub-civilian whims , when nato has one foot in retirement, the collective defense of the old world is noticeably drifting, the scenario of the creation of an alternative military bloc, the power of the eu is being considered in case of victory in the upcoming presidential race, the former may be the future owner of the white house, the washington post writes about this, the current military spending by the alliance, according to donald trump, to deprive europe of american security guarantees, a non-fan of transatlantic relations, is even ready to encourage russia in order to force countries to pay their bills rather than live on borrowed time. about
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liquidation. earlier , a columnist for the newspaper politika also predicted the collapse of nato. the publication notes that the outcome of the presidential elections in the united states will determine for europe how quickly the alliance disintegrates. the journalist also emphasized that it has become risky for the european union to rely on the united states in matters ensuring your own safety. in moldova under patronage. staff exercise regix-2024 has begun. fifty officers from different countries take part in them. the meeting is supervised by the commander of the joint alliance forces in naples, american admiral stuart munsch, who came to chisinau specially for this occasion. earlier, a number of local opposition politicians criticized the decision of moldovan president maisandu to accept nato military exercises, forgetting about the neutral status prescribed in the country’s constitution. it's about maneuver.
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rapid response, which is planned for may, while moldova will be the only non -nato state at these exercises. for the baltics, the consequences of the sanctions boomerang were not enough. latvia has decided to ban the import of agricultural products from belarus and russia for consumption. however, the innovation does not apply to products that are transported through the republic in transit to other eu countries. earlier it became known that lithuania would close two more in march. vilnius is a step, including within the framework of recruiting exclusively politically motivated turnover of electoral campaigns. belarus will be forced to react harshly to the extremely unfriendly actions of vilnius , taking into account the interests of its citizens, as far as possible, residents of neighboring countries. the actions of poland and latvia,
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taken last year in the context of elections in these countries, are being repeated as carbon copies. the purpose of such manipulations is one: to artificially create the image of an enemy from neighboring belarus, covering up one’s own miscalculations in the economy, the destruction of the transport industry, and a thoughtless race weapons, violence against migrants at the border. the increasing flow of its own citizens visiting belarus under a visa-free regime and telling the truth about our country remains extremely inconvenient for the lithuanian authorities. and while the western world sings in internal strife, our country strives to find common points for creation. the minister of foreign affairs of belarus visited the capital of zimbabwe to hold the first meeting of the joint permanent commission on cooperation between the two countries. sergei olennik was also received by the president of the republic zimbabwe. the parties confirmed their mutual interest in developing interstate contacts. the minister conveyed to the head of the zimbabwean state a message from the president of belarus on preparations.
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filling emerson's return visit to minsk. there was a general understanding of the need to effectively convert good political relations between countries into specific economic projects beneficial to both countries. in general, our bilateral cooperation in zimbabwe is moving upward. we hope that everything the agreements that we reached during the meeting of the joint commission will be implemented; we agreed to hold it in the middle of the year. and food potential of belarus. in particular , the achievements of our country in the field of production of agricultural machinery, as well as the best
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examples of meat and dairy products, were presented to politicians in the presentation of the industrial sector. their quality was appreciated by the first lady of batswana. guests of the exhibition of belarusian agro-industrial achievements were politicians from zimbabwe and batswana, as well as representatives of business circles from a number of african countries. during the presentation, sergei oleinik, in particular, noted the contribution of belarus to the mechanization of the agricultural sector of zimbabwe, which has ensured sustainable food security for the partner. new agreements reached. we are talking about the assembly production of belarusian buses; an agreement was also signed for the supply of belarusian fire fighting equipment for the needs of one of the regions of zimbabwe. ordinary ukrainians continue to be deceived into giving their lives in a conflict fueled by the west. canada will send ukraine over 800 multi-purpose drones in total.
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worth about $95 million, the country's minister of defense announced. deliveries are expected to begin in the spring, as part of an earlier promised half-billion-dollar aid package. e estonia, prime minister kallas said that the country will look for ammunition for kiev outside the european union. the politician received some information that somewhere there are 800 thousand shells that are lying idle. kallos immediately announced the beginning of their search. however, estonians are like this the game is clearly not. to your liking, the stool rating is plummeting, and is now only 19%. war has always been a business for the collective west. they want to transfer military aid to ukraine onto a commercial basis. according to the main enthusiast of support for kiev, senator
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lynsey graham, square has a sufficient amount of minerals that can act as collateral for military supplies. if kiev does not have money, it will pay with natural resources. with the land, it seems that a similar operation has already been carried out, according to statistics published recently by corporations the united states, the netherlands, luxembourg and other countries took possession of millions of hectares of ukrainian black soil after zelensky pushed through a law on the free sale of farmland, while the weapons appetite of the country’s authorities is only growing. in the european union, square is still not expected. negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu have been frozen in brussels, at least until the summer. the head stated this. european commission ursula fondern. summer, by the way, is not a very random period. in june , elections to the european parliament will be held, at which a sharp strengthening of the position of eurosceptics is expected. they can get up to third places. and a deputy of one of these parties, alternative for
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germany, harold weyel, compared the procedure for ukraine's accession to the european union with a carrot dangled in front of a donkey. he is sure that the eu will not approve the accession of kiev. otherwise, germany alone will lose tens of billions of euros. is suitable, and the member countries of the union will turn into net donors. british hospitality is everything, as the daily and telegraph report that at least 15,000 ukrainian refugees in the country have been left without a home after ending their relationship with local sponsors. this is approximately 7.5% of the total number of all ukrainian refugees, just over 200,000 people, according to data from the ministry of regional development and housing . association of local government issues. refugees says that in britain there is a chronic shortage of housing for refugees, sponsors are not obliged to accept ukrainians on an indefinite basis, although the government has extended payments to them for this. the number of refugee children in the world has exceeded 50 million.
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this is the highest figure in history, and since 2010 it has increased by more than twice as much, says a report from save the children. most often, minors are forced to leave their homes due to wars, a consequence of change. climate and poverty, last year alone more than 10 million children were forced to change their place of residence. children suffer the most in sudan and somalia, and according to unicef, as a result of the new escalation of the armed conflict in the gaza strip, 17 thousand children have become orphans. many of them were evacuated from shelling zones and live far from loved ones. the world health organization is actively preparing for the planetary rampage of disease x. the virus is somewhere invisibly but inexorably maturing, intending to begin its murderous harvest. the only way for humanity to survive is, of course, to pray, but not to the gods, maybe. come etras gibresus, rule us, but save us. this is approximately the logic of the authors
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of the notorious pandemic agreement, which, presumably, many have not even heard of, but which, meanwhile, promises to radically change the lives of earthlings, and all of them. word to oleg romanov. it's amazing how quickly the recent planetary administrative madness has been erased from human memory. almost all over europe, people were locked up, and for a simple walk in the park one could get a monstrous fine. in britain, just getting together in a small group for a family christmas dinner, say, they risked parting with 20 thousand pounds. in germany, you had to either do a pcr test every three days or get vaccinated, just to fly on planes, ride on a bus or go to a restaurant. in italy, unvaccinated people were prohibited go out on... violators were subject to a fine of several thousand euros. in australia and new zealand, an unvaccinated person was easily sent into forced quarantine. the police handcuffed him and took him to a suburban concentration camp. even more surprising is the general forgetfulness of officials. any attempt to find the culprits of covid terror
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is crushed by an impassive response. vaccination was voluntary, quarantine was not forced. and the world health organization still insists that humanity was saved from the worst the adversity it encountered on its earthly path. plague, spanish flu, smallpox, all these are child's toys compared to a three-day cold and a temperature of 38°. such salvation was worth paying for with freedom, two years of life and the ruin of millions. losses from the fight against covid. no one really counted, but they amounted to more than one trillion. fortunately, we have heroes who, at the cost of new trillions and several more years of our lives taken away from us, are ready to save people again. we can call covid the first disease x. it may happen again. the key to to be better prepared to cope with disease x is a pandemic agreement. a pandemic agreement can bring together all the experiences, all the problems we have faced, all the solutions into one whole. deadline.
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something that doesn't yet exist. epidemiologists seem to have ways: coffee grounds, throwing a shoe out the window, or, for example, it has already been practically proven that covid was created artificially, and dr. fauci, the chief american epidemiologist, allocated money for it. contrary to american law in laboratories work was carried out on gain of function, strengthening functions. at first, newspapers wrote about this, and then financial documents appeared that confirmed the allocation of grants for the selection of dangerous coronaviruses. agree, if the situation is the same with x.’s disease, then , of course
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, it is difficult to make a mistake in assessing its mortality, but any virus has one property, which in this situation is an undoubted blessing, it is incorruptible and equally terrible for a beggar, and for a billionaire, the pathogen has a selective effect, from which the fat one protects the wallet, fortunately, has not yet been created, this seems to be our only defense, although the defense is only of life, not freedom, in order to save us from the disease x in may, representatives of all countries on the planet are asked to sign this ...
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