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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 25, 2024 7:55pm-10:00pm MSK

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hello, this is the main broadcast, 19:55 on the clock and this is the most complete picture of a single voting day. in just a few minutes , belarus will enter a new stage of its political development. belarusians have made a choice about who will represent their interests in parliament and locally, well, someone still has time to cast their vote at this moment. there is still time, exactly until 80, it is necessary to note the predecessor of the current election campaign.
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large-scale work to improve legislation, this is the republican referendum of the twenty-second year with amendments to the constitution, this served as the basis for a series of events to transform the electoral system of belarus, draft amendments and additions to both the main law and the electoral code, which is very important, all public discussions took place, well, it seems that the candidates are behind the busy days when in meetings with people , topical issues were discussed, such as foreign policy and some everyday problems, but the main work lies ahead, and especially since the year obliges us to implement our plans efficiently, year quality, and we are confident that work with the population will be carried out in the same vein: the work of those who are ready to determine the life course of society and the state with their ideas, decisions, and labor. today we will collect the opinions of voters from polling stations, observers, experts, including those from abroad. of course, together with you we will witness how the counting of votes begins and we will sum it up. and
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for now, let's see together how the country is waiting for its first guests any minute, and spent this day, a single voting day, our future depends on us, on our every vote, i care about how i live, how my family lives, how my country develops. i make my choice, vote for my country, for my future, for the development of my country. ice is not scary, rain is not scary, so come with a good mood, yes, we will choose, we live in a strong independent country, and i wanted us to continue to live in a peaceful, calm time. i love you, belarusians, this is what lives in my heart, i... love you, belarusians, i love you
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belarusians, we are belarusians , i lyudzi, sertsem, addarny yalona, ​​so, literally in a few seconds, a few minutes remain until the polling stations close, but only for voting, in fact, the work there is in full swing, the counting of votes is about to begin, according to tradition we show live, as this happens, in parallel , current data flows into the center of the electoral commission, so we see what is happening now at one of the...
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voting at the polling stations, i would also note that they probably chose the date and time perfectly elections because it's not winter holiday time, not vacation time, not summer cottage time, so what to do with a beautiful
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sunday winter day, of course, come to the polling stations to determine the future of your country, in general, today at a press conference, except here.. journalists asked questions about official statistics and also dispelled various information fakes, for example, one of them was recently literally faked that it was not korpenko personally, but indicated the scheme, determined those polling stations where observers should go, and so observers refuted this information and said that everything was being carried out in a dignified, organized, honest and open manner ; we expect new information at 21:00.
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the number of us has already been counted, unused ballots have already been counted and we have canceled them, packed them, installed them. at the moment, at the moment, those who voted on the list have their lists already packed, but now my colleagues are finishing up, great, and we are ready to open the early voting ballot box, we already have everything. we can do it, yes, so let's do it, let's please i ask you, alexander viktorovich, so , go around, please, of course, i go around, yes, so, colleagues, dear observers, yeah,
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that is, this is the procedure, procedure, oh, let's open it up here, yeah, all this is under the control of observers , here they are behind ours. so look, this is an early voting box, dear observers, pay attention , observers are now approaching, this is a mandatory procedure, also according to the protocol, now they are starting to pour them out, let’s see, they are, of two different colors, into this company, them first the queue needs to be sorted, veronica, i have already explained to our viewers that they are of two different colors, why they need to be sorted, they need to be sorted because green.
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eighth gymnasium, that’s right, parents come here to see you, in what mood is my last question for you, you are the director, including parents, and how many people came, did they come today? a lot of people, parents and children came in a great mood, elated, so, i would say, definitely festive, well , this is not surprising, because we are all today we are participants in a unique event, because in our independent belarus this is the first time, when on a single day all voters, responsible citizens elect deputies of different levels, i think that everyone should remember this unique event, tell me, by the number, how many should have come ? in your opinion, just visually, how many people were there? well, today it’s definitely more than 50%, the turnout is 100%. at our
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polling station the turnout was very high. did they even look at who the candidates were or did they know? this is how it was with the campaigning in your opinion same? the campaigning took place at a high level, because those voters who went today, 80 percent of them clearly understood who they were voting for, that is, they practically did not stop near the stand with biographical information, they clearly walked for whom they were voting for, they chose the future for themselves children. thank you very much, well, we have 2 hours of continuous work ahead of us, then these documents will be sent to the central election commission, the same thing is happening across the country, we will monitor the numbers on our air, if you want to know everything promptly, don’t switch, this is belarus 1. thank you very much, thank you katerina, thank you to all the employees of the election commission for letting us watch live how the ballot box is opened and the counting of votes begins. so, we got the latest information from the site and from the info. votes based on the results of parliamentary elections and local council elections.
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the president also made his choice on a single voting day. alexander lukashenko arrived in the morning at the site, which is located at the university of physical culture, on the sidelines. press out of habit calls it precinct number one, although in fact its number is 478, well, that’s how it happened. it’s just that here, according to tradition, the first person in the country votes. alexander lukashenko always greets you upon arrival.
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journalistic landing, and here there were not only representatives of the belarusian media, but foreign ones, attacked alexander lukashenko with questions, they related to the current election campaign and the upcoming presidential elections. the conversation touched on topics of the day: the situation around belarus, the plans of fugitives, prospects for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine, the state of affairs in the csto in connection with the position of armenia, they talked about strength and...
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riots, as they were before, have not been seen and will not be seen, because we know how to draw conclusions from
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our mistakes, we see our mistakes and have drawn the appropriate conclusions , so we are doing this for ourselves, that we need them to recognize us, you really need this, well, they will recognize you, well , if turkey starts a war in the middle east, and goes against israel, god forbid, of course, this will happen ...for them grace, limited conflicts around the world in different points - this is what they want, then they will talk less about multipolarity, and a unipolar world will remain. americans, as before, like a gendarme, with their sleeves rolled up , their hands covered in blood, they will walk all over the planet, only the turkish and belarusian peoples and others don’t need this, they want to solve issues, like in ukraine, with someone else’s hands, what ukraine has achieved, well, it’s already so democratic, there’s nowhere else to go, and these
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crazy ones, especially the europeans, okay, the americans understand what they want, but why are these people hanging around there? it’s a holiday for us, it’s always been like that, and if in soviet times they somehow faked it, i remember, well, everything was there, there were buffets and drinks, snacks, everything was there, but it was somehow forced, it was soulless, for us , it all goes away mentally, so we are pursuing a sincere, honest policy, just like elections, we don’t
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need wars or clashes, we need a quiet life.
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these are our elections for us, as i said, this is the first, second, if we had invited them, the result is obvious, today i was driving, i think, well, i’ll tell you how it was, they came, we we met, everything was there, well, as usual, hospitality, they prepared the conclusion protocols in advance, they lost them, well , naturally, our guys found them and took pictures on my table, we didn’t take them from them, they took pictures on my table. listen, 2 days before the elections , this preliminary voting is underway, they have already crossed out our elections, it’s bad, bad, really bad, well, why invite them here if absolutely normal people come, then they came now, they get good money, protocols were written for them from above , ordered as it must be, the handwriting was american with such
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an anglo-saxon flavor, all this was familiar to me, on the very first day. let’s be considered, the main thing is to consider , they say, let them come before the evening, so i ’ll let them all into belarus without visas, if they want, let them come, after the elections, let them come, experienced people will see the situation and can correlate the election results with that reality , which will take shape after the elections, in the context of the current
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election campaign, the opposition is beginning to promote the topic: will you go or not the next presidential election is next year. a short clarification, your statements regarding the participation of the upcoming company in a year, is this an official statement or is it an official warning, taking into account the fact that today’s vote, well, in essence it is. the start of a generally new electoral architecture or, well, let’s frankly say a new long-term electoral cycle in that this is an electoral cycle and that they will pump us up until
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the presidential elections, and this will be the apogee of everything, well, i’ve already talked about this a lot, that’s why this is a cycle, officially unofficially, well, what a question, such an answer, in my opinion, i answered the way they asked me the question, but if i need to be more specific... i’m thinking about how to make the quality strong, powerful this year, so that even , if the president does not go to the polls
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, so that you remember, and the latter is all remembered , so this year will be very active, and i am setting up society for this, the entire vertical of power, which worked honestly and conscientiously , will work until the elections, if you understand me, then that i'm the outgoing president tomorrow i’ll leave, no, now is the moment... such that it will be tantamount to betrayal. i know that many officials don’t like me and so on, because i strictly demand that at least our agreements and decisions made by the president be fulfilled. if they are not fulfilled, then the entire structure of power will collapse and society will drown. yes, i understand this , probably journalists too, not everyone likes me because of my character and so on, but the good thing is that... journalists, and then society, thanks to journalists, begin to understand, so lukashenko said something there, demanded , strictly did not understand, it turned out he was right, well , take the pandemic, who
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supported me then, i had to go alone, only those journalists who followed me in intensive care, they understood that something there is, but what they didn’t understand, because the whole world was going in a different direction, who turned out to be right, it’s my job, to sit and think using my experiences.
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works. a little later we will return and show answers to other pressing questions. and representatives of the country’s party are joining us live in the studio. we are with us today i’ll introduce you, well, i’ll start from left to right. andrey bugrov, chairman of the minsk branch of the belarusian party white russia. sergei klishevich, member of the communist party of belarus. alexander markevich, member of the political council of the republican party. good evening, let me remind you that 110 deputies of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus and 12,514 deputies of local councils of deputies are to be elected. thank you victoria for these numbers, everyone voted for their candidate in their constituency today. well, dear guests, how are you?
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rate the vote which? has already ended, we have passed a kind of test on the maturity of the political system, andrei aleksandrovich, great for you, well, firstly, elections are always a holiday for us and for our people, and before political parties you said very correctly, at least for the belarusian party this is the first such real party exam in belaya russia, i am sure that we passed it perfectly, and of course, seeing our voters who were interested. that our party is united, they all came, to support, in independence, the one with the programs of the candidates who spoke about or another party, this is very pleasing, because our society has matured, and this suggests that our four parties, which are represented today, are doing everything to unite people , and most importantly, work for results, work for your country. you were all at the polling stations today, how was the atmosphere at yours, alek sergeevich?
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i want to note a few points. the first is that people heard, not only the president, we heard everyone, here is the call that the fate of the country should not be decided on the street, at the polling stations, we saw that people understood this, after the twentieth year, after the start of events in ukraine, after what is happening in the world, and today is a truly historic day , this is the turnout that we can already ascertain, that interest in the elections, that activity, so today i went to polling stations, both where i voted, and as the leader of the party, visited others, well, people really go in families. the second point is very important, it’s like elections passed, i want today, as the leader of the party, to thank the central election commission for the assistance they provided, for the support they provided for the parliamentary candidates; in fact, the feedback was excellent. and another important point that the president of the country noted today is that this is an important
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step in the development of the country’s political system. very important, today is a historic day, the elections should strengthen the country, our country after these elections, i am convinced, will become stronger, this is 100%. and we also held elections for myself and my people, today i want to say this, the president says: come, count, look, observe, but they will never come to the runes, why? remember, the president called for a training session with ours, to see that there was no threat, they didn’t come because they were mired.
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exclusively evolutionary, we , unfortunately, already in the history of our state quite recently had such an example, i mean now perestroika, when they accelerated, when it means democratization at an accelerated pace, when openness, when criticism, ultimately to what all this led to, we saw very well, according to some historians, more people died as a result of all these processes than during the great patriotic war, so of course, we have learned from our history and will carefully move forward, increasing the role of parliament and
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election cycle and this year , next year, so that these processes become irreversible, so that the limit of the revolution has already been exhausted, it was clearly said, and we see it, there is still, absolutely, absolutely, oleg sergeevich says, you went through today we went to the polling stations, and i voted early and i’ll also tell you , the interest of the population was very high, and belarusians are going to vote early, 42% is also such a good figure, now they’ll give us almost 42%, what does this mean, this high level of responsibility? of course, this is a high level of responsibility and this is the work of all of us after the twentieth year, we must say thank you to journalists, to all political parties, our largest public organizations, because people really heard us, but i want to note one point, i read
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these scoundrels there, sometimes i look in the west, they say: your debates were somehow different, you didn’t argue with each other at the debates, you didn’t throw mud at each other , so remember. regarding the osce, that means, well, how many times have we invited them, they have come to us, it’s really hospitality, kindness, yes, but we always end up with the same, so to speak,
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result, your elections do not meet the standards, norms and rules, and we ask, let us read these standards, where they can be published somewhere on the internet, maybe there is some kind of brochure so that we can see what these standards are, but there are no such standards, that’s why. i note that the dppb came from germany and told me: your elections are better than ours, that is, the europeans who came here,
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representatives of parties who want normal relations with our country, walk the streets themselves, they have heard enough of this propaganda, clean streets, cheerful people, a holiday, they happily go to the polling stations, and most importantly quantity. were not invited, although they were invited, today the organizations were still very worried that their president invited them again, as you noticed , he says, come, i’ll let you in without a visa,
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you’ll do the math, yes, that’s what you can answer them, maybe it’s time for them already change methods, somehow ourselves , but all this is not a copycat, well, it was absolutely correct by the head of state, these countries, their political elites, i mean today many western countries, they are under complete...
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these calls remained on the internet and more look, it means there is no fifth column in the elections, this is great, and what have we lost, what have we lost, competition is as it was, competition is even better if you don’t have a crazy person in your district who... is not really for power i fought, but i just earned money, on the contrary, it became more difficult, in the district there are two , for example, people, two who have achieved something, this is competition, this is real competition, the second point, there are no fights in the streets, no rallies, there were some kind of rallies, festive , concert, joy, no one hit anyone in the face, it’s wonderful that we a most importantly, look at the turnout, more than 70%, let’s return to this at the end of the conversation.
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dear guests, thank you very much
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, yes, indeed, society has consolidated ; politicians, businessmen, athletes, artists, doctors, teachers, families, and even individually came to the polling stations today, well, all those who care who will be represent the interests of a specific person. an electoral marathon, an event, truly historical and fateful, about voting that united the entire country. elena's story. for the first time, specially for the single voting day
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in belarus, they released such a gift series of the constitution, and this is over 180.00 copies. the basic law of the country in a convenient format is hardcover and gold embossing. the present is symbolic. it was given to those who voted for the first time. a memorable printed charter appeared in the bondarev family today. daniil became a debutant in the electoral campaign. the walls of my native school, as well as the support of my parents and younger brother, helped me make an adult choice. an important action. think about our homeland, because we will live
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here together and i want us all to live somehow together, unitedly, we must be true patriots, we must build the future, and every voice, like a brick, creates this future , if you pull one out, pull out the second one, the building will fall apart, so we have to build it all together. today we have essentially laid the foundation on which in the next 5 years we will build comfortable housing and educational new buildings, we will also see repaired roads and landscaped parks, it would seem so familiar and ordinary, but that’s what life is all about. those who found a second home in our country and received belarusian citizenship also fulfilled their duty with gratitude. calm, peaceful, that's all.
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therefore, i think that this news is pleasant, good, and we will vote for our president. in 2025, i will gladly go to the polls and cast my vote for lukashenko. and why? because, first of
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all, i believe that we have a peaceful sky only thanks to him. we have free education and affordable healthcare. our country - this is truly a state created for the people in the interests of the people. comfortable conditions , care for everyone was observed, and during voting at polling stations, a barrier-free environment was helped by volunteers and mobile groups worked for those who were ill for health reasons.
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realize over 600 patients. all of our voting rights were well organized here, because i would like to be at home, but such circumstances have developed that i am in the hospital, so i still want to express my civic position. they brought ballots to the chamber, voted. i read everything, it means that due to health reasons, i don’t move well, i’m disabled in the second group, well, i’m very happy, and i want there to be a calm world, peace, for us all to live happily, yes, the electoral marathon is a crucial period, but it’s the main voting day always accompanied by atmospheric
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bonuses, family quests and tastings, exhibitions, photo zones and concerts, clear, about how the country chose deputies with its soul, in the main broadcast, elena vitko. and again , the assessments of the elections in belarus were monitored by international observers, here are those who did not stands under the whip of western forces, today they speak out boldly, and minsk remains open, despite the open hostility from the european union and washington. and while our election campaign is characterized by a moderate pace, in the west you can watch a parliamentary talk show. what is the reaction?
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conceptual points, the difference between democracy and democratic values, in fact, democratic values
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​​exist in europe, why? because democratic values ​​are a certain ideal that every resident of europe strives for, but after all, our country has not yet reached this level, unfortunately, this also applies to bergia, that political system or... the political leadership that is now in belarus is not at all happy with the conditional west, the west is in confrontation with these political forces, accordingly , the elections will not be accepted by the conditional west, this all, well, only causes despondency, anxiety, because, because after all, if elections are held, then well, at least we must send our observers, which...could have instead recorded whether they were held fairly, whether there were any violations, and so from afar, lump sum, immediately
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announce that yes, the elections are dishonest, that’s all, we don’t recognize them, this is, of course, just a one-sided idea, in reality, let’s return to the president’s conversation with journalists, of course, there was a question about ukraine, ... the parties have the opportunity to come to peace, alexander lukashenko emphasized, there are enough prerequisites, everyone is following the news, then, is there a chance, what... then the reason is that this year ukraine finally agrees to move on to peaceful negotiations, you see how events in ukraine are developing, they are developing badly, it’s not about avdiivka, listen, with avdiivka it would have been decided long ago if the russians fought like in a patriotic war, hundreds of thousands of people were abandoned, it doesn’t matter how many. will die, i know this for sure, how carefully the russian military and
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president putin have to work, i often discuss this issue with him, i feel sorry for people, sitting with him, he tells me everything, i feel sorry for the people, they could have done it faster, but he will die very a lot of people, for sure so the point is not in avdievka or other points, but the whole point is that many people will die, very...
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for those who received belarusian citizenship, and now with even greater responsibility they give their peace and their vote for peace, for prosperity and stability, everything is quiet and peaceful, so that we can live under a peaceful sky. vladimir and natalya gerikovich moved to sineokaya from ukraine more than 10 years ago, now they live in the agricultural town of oltush, the past year was special, the family received belarusian citizenship, and now they have come to fulfill their citizenship.
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then there was nowhere to work there, if now someone offered me to go back, i would not return, well, i would only go to visit my parents. vladimir and natalya emphasize that in belarus everything has been done for the people, there is room for development, the married couple has two daughters, the eldest is receiving a pedagogical education, the youngest is still in school. we really like belarus; when we first arrived here, we were given a one-room apartment in a four-story building, and we lived there. 5 years old, when our youngest daughter, ivanna, was born, we were immediately given a three-room apartment, quiet,
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calm, we also like the work, we both work. livestock breeders , olga s talmakova now has belarusian citizenship, she is originally from moldova, and her husband belarus is from novopolotsk. in a young, promising city , they started a family, are raising children, their eighteen-year-old son zhenya votes with olga, and ten-year-old masha is in the support group. for me, this was a rather important, responsible decision, i was waiting for these elections, these were my first elections. they gave me a constitution, which i will of course come home with, i'll read it. this is my first time voting as a citizen of the republic of belarus and for me this is very important and responsible, the country is friendly, the people are good, compared to the country where i was born, really, everything that is dear to me is already here, a caring mother, a successful woman, and also an activist, colleagues add , made her choice ahead of schedule in order to
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fulfill another responsible role as a member on the single voting day. in a conversation with the military, alexander lukashenko revealed the plans of the fugitives and their curators, three scenarios of action: the desired outcome, which comes down to one thing: the seizure of power and
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a coup in belarus. this will be very difficult, i’m sure, especially after this single voting day of our elections, because we will elect absolutely reliable, intelligent people who understand... all the tasks are facing our people, so they don’t have any of the options, even the most radical, will not make it into belarus, we know how to draw conclusions from our previous mistakes, so they have nothing to hope for, but they will try, they will pump, so i told you this since 1920 i told him and said that they won’t stop, why, you know, do they consider themselves
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strong, they puffed out their cheeks, puffed up, we’re so big?
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analyst of the belarusian institute of strategic studies nikolai skhodsky, hello, hello friends, what do we see, in what conditions are these elections being held, and militaristic slogans from the once
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partners of the west, well, saber rattling from ukraine, how do you generally assess these external challenges, we must unite , belarus should stand in solidarity, or we have already managed to form immunity.
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this company, in a good sense , it is no different from the previous ones, yes, well, let’s not take the company of the twentieth year, the situation here is completely different, it seems to me, and we talked about politicization, yes, society
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is politicized, it was enough in the twentieth year, now we can we are not talking about politicization, because after all, this has such a negative context, we are talking about political participation in the life of the country, about the fact that people make choices and make them quite actively, it seems to me that this situation... it is indicative of at the moment, i'm like a sociologist i look, of course, at the numbers, the numbers seem to me to speak for themselves. well, colleagues, let’s refresh our memory about what kind of competition it was, the parliament was initially registered as a candidate.
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gave such examples, and people, so to speak , checked them, but if you type on the internet, so to speak, into google, yes, a deputy of the french parliament met with the workforce, or there a deputy of the german parliament held a meeting with students, such information, you just you won’t find exhibitions in their languages ​​on the internet recently, well, they meet with their sponsors, their policies are western, this is their political model, it fundamentally does not suit us, but we naturally based our work first of all.
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kozenets square and the street, and this is just a portrait of kozenets, which means everything is calm in the country , you know, well, people are giving us such orders today, and we naturally implement them, because this is really necessary, it is important about specific orders, i , if we said these directions, then it was easier for me, i had three main directions, one of them - creating an environment of stability or , so to speak, a security system within the state, both external and internal, the second direction is the preservation... of the values ​​that we have, to some extent their development and adaptation to the interests of our society, and the third direction is development, development in all directions, by and large the implementation of the thesis about the transformation of our society, about its transition to a new level of development, all this must, as we have said more than once,
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be carried out consistently, without revolution, but by normal steps. these are the main three three points of my program, which i generally conveyed to people; there were more than thirty meetings in three, three weeks. and i will tell you that our people definitely perceive this accordingly. this is what touches the soul, this is what is needed today. calmness, stability, preservation of what we have and development. without shocks, by the way, a very important message, which we also heard at all meetings, including in solving problematic issues that need to be to say that there is also, this is justice , people feel when they are treated fairly when they are approached, maybe some small minor issue, when really someone , so to speak, neglects this or that issue, then concern naturally arises , therefore , justice is the basis of our belarusian politics and it should be the basis of every parliamentary program, well, this is just my opinion, but yes. there is always something to improve,
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and i think that was precisely the goal the current parliamentary campaign, not the times when crowds went to elections, to the presidential elections to parliament, the president said, it is people who go into politics consciously, understanding what tasks they have to solve, well, at these moments, votes are actually being counted, you, as candidates, are worried , here’s a personal question for you, you worry, like a normal person, there is always a certain factor of excitement, certain... hope that you will be supported, but at the same time fear, and maybe this won’t happen, well, let’s hope that worthy people will enter our authorities, and it’s gratifying that young people were actively involved in this election campaign, they came to meetings with candidates, i myself was at a meeting with a candidate from my district, there were a lot of young people, they asked very specific questions, they wrote down direct orders, that’s en masse they post videos on social networks today , yes. what do they vote? what does this mean?
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tell me? we are probably talking about the fact that our society is maturing, the formation of precisely those processes that are taking place in the state, they have a clear direction, of the people of power, this very thesis is clearly suitable for those processes that are being implemented today within the framework of belarusian society, probably there is also a second, the second direction: this is the growth of political activity of society, belarusians are always a little skeptical about power, this is traditional,
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why are young people today has become more active, this is just the beginning, we need to work more with young people, because they are the future, it’s clear, they will rule the state, they must understand what is happening outside of ours state inside , young people speak loudly about their choice, including on social networks, understanding and telling how they see their homeland, well, let’s get back to the numbers again, you’re probably following the assessments of the current observation company, what are your impressions of the work of international observers, monitoring, is also carried out by various international organizations, and what will they say, well, we should probably start with the fact that our task is not to please international observers and organizations; in general, the concept of legitimacy is a concept domestic, the people are
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the source of power, the people determine legitimacy, international observers are good international diplomatic will.
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telegram channels, and how they will evaluate us, let them evaluate how they want , we live for ourselves, we live for our future, for the future of our own country, and today the people who are elected, they will in the near future, shape the appearance of our laws,
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shape the appearance of our country and answer to those who elected them, we must not forget here that the assessments of those who do not participated and did not observe...
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the day of voting - all polling stations closed and began counting votes, well, i think that the first results, as we promised, we will receive around two o'clock in the morning, at two o'clock in the morning we plan to give preliminary results approximately conference, which means that our turnout at 20 o’clock at the time the polling stations closed, the turnout amounted to the entire republic. 72.98%. in the context of regions of the city of
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minsk. brest region - 75.82%. vitebsk region - 74.74%. gomel region - 75.85%. grodno region 7,6,9,90%. minsk region 74.20%, mogilev region 77, 0.3%. minsk - 61.54%. and thus 7298. well, right away i want to thank all the citizens who took part in the voting, on a single voting day, and thank the large team of observers.
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it seems to me that the figure really shows that the elections took place, that they went wonderfully, and indeed we
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have been talking a lot about electoral sovereignty lately, we have shown that we have passed the test of political maturity, the country is really on the right path, and i it seems that those deputies, who are many , may even receive some votes in advance, they must justify, justify, of course, the votes of voters, because well, as a sociologist, i can say that the most important thing is, of course, the request. that is, deputies should, in general, work for the people for the people, apparently, you and i can state that indeed our society has drawn conclusions from the twentieth year, drawn conclusions from the situation that is unfolding today in ukraine, and our people began to understand that they were really participation, conscious participation in the electoral process, in the electoral process , their personal success in life, in general , their opportunities, so to speak, the realization of their goals, objectives and dreams, which not everyone, directly depends on. they set themselves, indeed, the turnout today shows this, we are not yet 100%, we still need
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to work too, we should not forget about this, well, some regions are just a little higher, these are brest and gomel, and mogilev, that’s why, perhaps, also close to the border, so to speak, territory, but no, probably not so much, you understand, minsk is always less active than everyone else , because it, because they live well, i will complement you , you will complement me. came out of my mouth, but i didn’t want to say it, in any case, yes, people can go out of town, they are very busy, traveling and so on, but it doesn’t matter, the most important thing is different, dear friends, this is clear support for the authorities, this support for the state's course is support for the president and those people who today shape the future of our country, this is a high percentage for anyone states, we combined everything together for the first time. we tested this mechanism for the first time, which is reflected in our constitution, which we adopted 2 years
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ago, in general, this once again shows that the country is on the right path. the society is healthy, but we have room to strive, room to grow, i think there is work to be done in the coming years. thank you very much to our guests, in addition to such an important event as the election campaign in the president’s busy schedule, this week there was a series of international meetings and negotiations, at the beginning with the leader of the serbian republic, then a big serious conversation with the security bloc about the current situation in belarus and the threat. around a business trip to kazan again minsk. presentation of state awards on defender of the fatherland day. our political commentator ilona krasutskaya and her colleagues decided to show a little more this time than usual. absolute exclusive on the main broadcast. do journalists know the president's schedule in advance?
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what is lukashenka like, when do the cells leave the hall, in what conditions and where do they live on business trips? journalists of pula i. who runs the telegram channel of the same name, questions, questions, questions that people constantly address to us, asked, we answer, lukashenko, the kremlin, kazan, forward to buduchyn, how long has the head of state been working on what to say to a large audience, this is the whole strategy, why the interview with the president can be interrupted at any moment, everyone shows with their hands that enough is enough, how long is the journalist’s working day. first, we arrived at 4, at 4:00 in the morning, we will show everything right now. the first guest in the palace this working week of the first milorad dodik, president of republika srpska. not to be confused with serbia. yes, they are geographically close, but this is a different state and the president
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there is also different. republika srpska is part of bosnia and herzegovina and categorically does not support the sanctions imposed. against russia and belarus, and they get it for it. europe is constantly swamping the waters, exerting pressure, and has launched a course of expansion into the balkans, where the main goal is membership in the eu and nato. but the capital banjaluka is categorically against it. dodik brought his pool of journalists to minsk. everyone has it we have our own tasks and deadlines, so sometimes we literally don’t notice our colleagues, but the press service of the belarusian leader takes all the trouble so that the guests do not have any obstacles in their work. first there is instructions, then full accompaniment; journalists and guests are gathered near the hall where the event will take place approximately 15-20 minutes before it starts. are you okay, isn't it hard? and then another briefing, the event will take place in the first one’s office, as we see, everything
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is serious.
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his leadership, he had hard times. we exchanged experiences, talked about future and possible cooperation. aren’t you surprised, we will definitely return it later, why such a gift, specifically to our president, why did you choose this book? this is a book by iv andric, the only serbian writer who received a nobel prize for it, it best reflects how
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cultural peoples interact in the balkans. alexander lukashenko already knows very well how things are going for us. lukashenko is a living legend for our people, the serbs will never forget this visit under bombs, but we were bombed without a un security council resolution. president lukashenko is a man of peace, he is a president who has preserved peace and order in his country. i want to congratulate your president and his team for being able to maintain such a state in society. serbia with lukashenko in the center of belgrade, there are now posters everywhere with
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the image of the belarusian leader. no matter what territories the serbian people live in, even after decades they feel gratitude and support. alexander lukashenko - big friend of the serbian people. the serbian people will never forget his visit to serbia in 1999. it is obvious that our people want it.
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the most desirable thing for them is organizing a coup d'etat, or a violent seizure of power, directly during the election campaigns,
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but at the same time they themselves assess it as unlikely. the second, main one is the use of the current election campaign as a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for a coup d'état during the upcoming ones.
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decades, thanks to our intelligence and guys, i always tell ivan stanislavovich: such guys should be valued more than gold , they are for us, they should always be supported everywhere, including those who lay around for 2 weeks at the border, detaining these saboteurs from ukraine. last week , a counter-terrorist operation ended in the lelchet region of belarus; ukrainian saboteurs, on instructions from the sbu, were supposed to bring explosives across the belarusian border. the goal is to further organize terrorist attacks on the territory of belarus.
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i feel support from people, rather everyone already understands that all our actions are aimed at making our state feel calm. the next day there is an early flight to kazan at putin’s invitation to the games of the future, where cyber classic competitions are taking place at the same time, so it’s time to get used to the new word figital. while the west, under various pretexts, does not allow our athletes to participate in international competitions and dictates some conditions for the olympics, in the east they have already come up with everything. games of the future in kazan, nothing like the sports world yet did not know. more than 2.0 athletes from 17 countries
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of the world, by the way, no one put forward any conditions to anyone, you are from france, do you want to participate, please, i am a professional basketball player, i play for the french national team, and yes, this is very interesting for us, 16 teams is big tournament, for some it may not be very familiar yet, but esports really is the future, competitions are held in twenty-one disciplines, familiar sports immediately have an online version, football, hockey and gaming dota and world are understandable to everyone tanks.
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he still needs to get here, let's all read, to minsk, plane number one returned from kazan late at night from wednesday to thursday, and 13 was still delayed, the first in kazan, can it be included, specifically the first in kazan, yes, no, even after the official events are over, work continues for us, reporters need to record a stand-up. this is when a journalist speaks his text on camera, plus additional interviews or some other filming, my colleague katerina kortalevich, for example, was only at home on friday night, for several hours sleep, if you can call it that, at 9:00 in the morning already at a new event in the palace of independence, how are you doing, you know why they ask me, because we, because we arrived at four, at 4:00 in the morning, my business better than anyone, you know why, this is the best job in the world, the pool predicted this event, after all, a special day fell on
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working friday, defender’s day. fatherland and the commander-in-chief, of course, according to tradition , will present state awards for courage and military valor for service to the homeland. our people sleep peacefully, because in combat operations, sometimes officers and generals participate at the risk of their lives. thank you, dear friends, for your service, for the fact that hybrid attacks on belarus did not develop into a full-scale hot one. thank you to everyone who stands shoulder to shoulder next to you, protecting peace and quiet in their native land. despite the fact that the format of the event is often in the palace, both future owners and those responsible for the process are worried that everything will be at the highest level. it's scary to do something wrong, but in any case we set ourselves up, we rehearse a lot, so we don't think about the bad.
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understands that their howl from the polish-lithuanian swamps often has the opposite effect. they made an attempt, so to speak, to appeal to the belarusians. most likely, because these individuals appear only in extremist crime chronicles, and no one would have noticed anything unusual. but we decided to wait for the result, which foreign appraisers usually do not resort to. so this is the result: the turnout at the elections began to increase, especially for the narrow-minded traitors to the motherland, we will show it again. fresh
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numbers. in general, we must pay tribute to the fact that our foreign agents working under cover, thus helping to build the future. many voters perceived this signal from cutlet experts as a trigger: they must do it with precision, but on the contrary, the turnout was spurred, so the action was a success, well , of course, we understand that this is such a hidden attempt to apologize to the belarusians, but too subtly. gratitude, of course, is from us, but in the end this will not affect responsibility in any way. and the sponsor of such a video broadcast was one of our local figures from among the regime shakers, who provided those abroad with access to the servers. myself same in this. at the same time he fled to poland, which is confirmed by these images from the checkpoint . but one more piquant detail: this figure owed a lot of money to return, which, of course, he did not intend to. such ideological shakers. apparently,
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the top management ran away with money so badly that with this wretched action, which had the opposite effect, they tried to influence the outcome of the elections, spanish shame. by the way, access to commercial information is leaking in europe as well.
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early voting in the grodno region began, let’s say, more calmly, but in in principle, during the second, third, fourth, fifth days of early voting, the numbers, let’s say, became a little higher, but based on the results of a single voting day
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, the grodno region now occupies one of the leading positions, but it’s really surprising , tell me, that is, it turns out somewhere... then closer to the middle of the night they will already count the total number of these votes, and of course the polling stations. are now busy counting votes, separating the ballots that were in the voting boxes for early voting at the location of voters, respectively the precinct election commission will now determine who won in this or that constituency. have any complaints or comments been received by the election commission? we are working with appeals throughout the very beginning of the election campaign, i already said today that...
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that everything is happening very clearly and quickly, that is, i instantly found where i should go to get a ballot, they explained everything to me, showed me, and it happened very quickly assembled. well , it seems to me that the voting procedure is quite simple, let’s say, and standard, the law regulates it clearly. initially, precinct election commissions, say, carry out preliminary work to clarify the list so that at the moment voting begins, from the moment voting begins, yes, this work will be on... numbers? press conference of the chairman when the final results
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of the central election commission are announced tomorrow , scheduled for 2 p.m., we will announce, i think, the preliminary results of the voting results. thank you, the secretary of the central election commission was in touch with us, elena moldovskaya. studio, thank you very much, our political commentator evgeniy gorin was in direct communication from the cec information center. now let's go back to the polling station where the president voted today. during the conversation, journalists raised the most pressing topics related to international politics and security. this is really important today. one of the instruments of stability in the region is the organization of a collective security treaty. the csto has proven its effectiveness over time.
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i believe that azerbaijan and armenia, to unfortunately, through the war, we eventually came to the correct solution to the issue, but i think, why, why are there such statements, the prime minister said this, but they tracked what happened next, they communicate with emmanuel macron all the time there in france, they followed statement, france will help with limited air defense systems in the military field.
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georgians moved in the sense that this is their independent, sovereign country, the west began to put pressure on them, and above all the united states of america, well, we must draw the appropriate conclusion, they are in the west for no one are not needed, there are a thousand thousand problems, so you don’t need to lose what you hold in your hands, it’s easy to get out, but then it will be difficult to get in, for example, again georgia, well, it left the cis of all structures, is that better for it, no ?
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i choked there, so the armenians don’t need to rush, it seems to me that nikola vavaevich was just in a hurry and made an emotional statement. yes, the way the west first lures people with cookies, and then plunges them into this icy reality, for some reason is not an indicator for the authorities of a number of countries. well, one wonders and whose interests are they defending, their personal ones or those of the people? with those who do not follow the lead, the conversation is even shorter, unfounded criticism, sanctions, pressure, such a position is taken when... it comes to belarus, well, a logical
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question, but who are the judges, the west, whose electoral system certainly cannot be called standard, during election campaigns some kind of administrative resource is always included there, whoever pays the most will be represented by the politician. yes, the slogan has been working there for a long time with promises and a revolver, you can achieve more than just promises. andrey sych immersed himself in truly democratic examples. outrage, scandals and murders in western society traditionally carry out bright and intense election campaigns. attention has long been focused not on the preferences of voters, but on the forms and means of obtaining power by candidates. as expected, the tone in electoral battles is set by the stronghold of democracy. the presidential elections in the united states have truly entered the annals of history;
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there was no such scale of fraud even in the banana republics. take wisconsin for example, where i was confidently in the lead on election night. in the end , miraculously lost with a difference of only 20 thousand votes, i’ll show you now, look, this is wisconsin, we are leading by a huge margin, suddenly, at exactly 3:42 a.m., this happens, a powerful vote stuffing, mostly for biden, and almost everyone is for biden, and to this day everyone is trying to understand where they came from, and how it happened that i won by one goal, but lost because... the placement of remote voting boxes in all the nooks and crannies of the country motivated , as you understand, caring about people’s health, then it’s a matter of technology,
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volunteers from non-profit organizations associated with the democratic party bought ballots, filled out ballots, independent investigators proved it. falsified votes, it was possible to identify 2.0 involved couriers. they gave me $5 to vote for biden. democratic officials avoid transparency and accountability at every turn. now they keep our observers at such a distance that they cannot see anything. parody american warsaw juniors are striving for a political system. as in the usa, the population's choice is artificially limited. two batch tablets. tusk's civic platform is skochinsky's right and justice. but it’s just that the polish mancheks capulets managed to tear society into two irreconcilable camps. on the eve of the parliamentary elections , the country was brought to the brink of civil war. peace spent years building the image of a defender of poland, but in reality it turned out that
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even his own generals did not support the party. the military abandoned the politicians and resigned. the head of miid turned out to be the main supplier. migrants selling polish visas in africa and asia. do you know who is bringing muslim emigrants to europe, the government that scares them the loudest? government pis. last year alone it issued 135,000 permits to visitors from muslim countries. as for the influx of people from outside, poland has left behind even countries such as france and germany. the poles have just found out why. the president of the country is elected by members of parliament, that’s who they will choose from, they decide at a different level, for example, from
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2007 to 2011 the country was led by a president from a zoo. latvian oligarchs, walking between the enclosures, accepted the compromise. and the deputies rushed to support him. the only thing that unites the top officials of the latvian state is the tradition of having dual citizenship. we appoint a president, but we do not have direct elections of the president by the people. look, we have vaira freiberge from the usa, we had the first female president. now we have a president from germany, that is, they all have important citizenship. and this is latvia as a business trip. that's all. and the people understand this. "if i had said this on latvian television, i would have had very big problems after that. the social contract in the western world has become a fig leaf, barely covering the shame of pseudo-democratic processes. people's opinions have given way to the interests of corporations, and politicians are put on a short leash by those who pays for their
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election campaign. about elections without choice, andrei sych in the section screenshot. therefore, the caravan moves on, while barking is heard from the west, so the belarusians understand, today's voting is an important and responsible mission for every voter. our star pool cast their votes today, these are famous artists, athletes, many voted early. yulia alferova under. belarus approached its first single voting day not only with colossal electoral experience and a strong political system, but the ninety-sixth became decisive in this issue, when we had two chambers of parliament with a whole vertical of the deputy corps. today, as then, the word of the belarusians remains fundamental, and
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the election campaign invariably unites people regardless of social status, profession or position in society. free and equal are such principles. it’s hard not to be impressed by the 482nd section of minsk, which is located in the olympic training center for rhythmic gymnastics. among the names on the voter list are those very well known to the entire belarusian society, kachanovo. for whom the speaker of the upper
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house of parliament votes, of course, this will preserve the secrets of voting, this is what can be voiced, gathered in laconic patriotism and indifference. for deputies , it’s a fundamental thing to live by people’s problems, and not by lawmaking alone. you probably understand to a greater extent what kind of people should come and work in parliament, because your life is directly connected with this work. collaboration has an effect, the deputy prime minister is sure. in the council of ministers, igor petrishenko oversees medicine, education, culture, sports, and those areas that are closest
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to each person. their development is an indicator of the state’s concern, and it is not partly, largely depends on those who will join the new parliamentary corps. a reasonable combination of wisdom, life experience, and most importantly there must be young innovative ideas and what. it’s very nice that our youth heard, realized that they are involved in governing the state, it is important for us, and that the guys go, actively vote, and i think they see that the future of our country is in their hands, igor petrishenko’s colleague, pyotr parkhomchik also preferred the choice during the day to participate in voting at the main one at minsk polling station 78 receives two ballots, there are the names of candidates, the lower house and the minsk city council, a single day for...
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2.8%, this is a very good result. the economic course of the country is also determined by the deputies; leadership experience, if any, education and communication skills will also be useful. but first of all, he must be a patriot who understands the problems of ordinary people and is ready to defend the interests of voters. these messages are close to everyone, both in the capital and in the regions. personally, i am waiting for this day, impatiently, in order to come here with a feeling of pride, with sense of duty. cast your vote , time will pass, and we will remember these years, and with such delight, the prosperity of our
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country, the multiple achievements in our country, we are truly proud of what the belarusians have long declared to the whole world about their abilities and character, we are going our own way and even in the conditions of difficult geopolitics we continue to loudly declare ourselves, the names of belarusian athletes are heard at the most prestigious international olympiads, the bar or...
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the schedule is time to visit the site and for this category of voters the responsibility for the choice is at least double, among other things, soon after taking office, the newly elected deputies will have to make their choice, we will talk about the composition of the council of the republic, and then together we will gather delegates of the supreme council. of course, it is difficult to call this kind of voters ordinary; they are not just electing new members of parliament, essentially colleagues who
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should become a fulcrum in the implementation of important state... tasks, and the work is not about earning money or profit, but about serving the people who last sunday february showed their civic position. yulia alferova, ivan mozgoy are a large team of a television news agency on the main broadcast. it is noteworthy that early voting in the russian presidential elections began today. and everyone knows that together it is always easier to confront any challenges and threats, be they political or economic, no matter the result of coordinated work.
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the political process has begun, presidential elections in russia, 25 years of the union state, you are now with the operation in belarus, big vladimir putin somehow kept him in such a turbulent time , i want to ask for advice, here’s how to preserve this union state, how to preserve within nations, as they say on the internet, collective lukashenko and collective putin, we must do what we are doing, we must treat each other with respect, as we are doing now , do you remember when we had different times? and so we entered into a clinch seriously, i said a long time ago, even before the conflict in ukraine and so on, that in economics everything can happen, in diplomacy, politics, we can quarrel and so on, but security is sacred and further, the time will come when we will stand with our backs to defend each other, in russia how they perceived it, i’ll tell you a secret, what about belarus, we have missiles, we are these
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700-800 km from the russian border. csto, well, maybe we don’t need a union state and so on, in russia politicians took this into account and began to argue, then the president just became president, time passed, i tell him, what’s annoying about
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the union state project, does it bother anyone? and then i suggested, let’s call it multi-level integration. yes, there is the cis, eurozes is the most advanced structure. further, deeper integration is already an example of what direction to move in, two independent states, we even have a different economy in some ways. but nevertheless, we have done a lot within the framework of the union state, and now we have at least started to talk about it, talk a lot. that’s why we kept this project calm, we’re moving forward in this regard, but what’s bad? i see how my colleagues, this does not concern president putin, two or three others, maybe even the military, this does not concern russia, they understand that there must be two sovereign, independent states, which, as i said, can create a unique association that will be more powerful than
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any unitary state, today ... there was such a favorable atmosphere in section number one, where alexander lukashenko made his choice. everyone who voted could go to the buffet. and the head of state looked at how trade was organized and what they were treated to.
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we can’t let you go just like that, thank you for everything you have delicious, i can’t, we ’re guests, it’s all ours, of course, well girls, don’t be tempted, just one marshmallow, which one do you want? okay, i bought chocolate , we’ll eat it on the way, oh dear, when i was a deputy , i was going home, the store was on the road, they always sold dried goods, you know, such as machine gun belts, i bought dry goods for the children, but they probably don’t exist anymore such, yes, delicious sushi, yes, tasty, good, exactly like that, delicious.
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i drank, can i have some currants, come on, but what about me, what about cranberries for you, what’s your name? luda, come on, is your health married, no, he still turned out to be a good man, i found a big problem, but god forbid, i hope we will try, well, come on, thank you, girls, don’t suggest, oh, alena, alena maybe, we represent the victoria khrenuka hotel chain, there is.
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chocolate spoons, it’s so delicious that you can bite off a spoon, so with natural cranberries, eat a spoon, it’s cheap, it’s happiness, wonderful, i’ll come to the commune, i’ll definitely come. voting day is always a holiday for belarusians, as it happened historically. by the way, international observers who worked in our country today for the first time
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were pleasantly surprised by this very fact. well let's get some more expert opinions about the current election campaign right now. we visited many polling stations, observed the voting process in detail, citizens vote without any problems. so i think the atmosphere is friendly and calm. and today we really choose those people who, on our behalf, over the coming years, will inform the same executive power about what we need, what we don’t need, where
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to spend budget money, where not, what local problem to solve first queue, and the cat, and which one to leave for later, and those citizens who are skeptical about this process, about the electoral process, they first of all attach their personal interest,


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