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tv   100  BELARUSTV  February 25, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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mandatory, we are in the class in which electric train drivers undergo practical tests on a simulator, which we purchased in 2015; this simulator can be used to simulate almost all cases of malfunctions that may arise while a driver is working on the line. young drivers with up to 1 year of work experience pass twice a month, electric train driver, great responsibility for driving an electric train, during rush hour he has... the price can be up to one and a half thousand people, every button, every organ controls are very important here, the door opening buttons, the emergency braking button , the driver's tap is used for the brakes and , of course, the vigilance button, designed to control the driver's vigilance in certain conditions, a train collision cannot occur either due to the driver's loss of vigilance or for some reason other actions, this is provided by the als ars system, an automatic locomotive signaling system with automatic regulation. speed in
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the staff of the minsk metro there are more than 500 people, electric train drivers - 360 human. a lot of theoretical preparation is needed. five disciplines are studied, this is the first rule of technical operation, which include instructions for movement and shunting work, instructions for signaling on the subway. then the same disciplines take place in pneumatic equipment, mechanical equipment, and electrical equipment. an exam is taken to control an electric train, after which they are sent to train practice, after completing this production practice, a final exam is passed qualification commission and, upon successful passing of this exam, receive a certificate for the right to manage electrical use. we have a very big competition, about the last group consisted of 250 candidates, we needed to choose 25 people, so we chose, i want.
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lines of the minsk metro and six units for work on the third line of the minsk metro. the body of this composition is made of aluminum alloys, resistant to corrosion. the service life of the composition is 50 years. the body is made using noise-absorbing materials to reduce noise level both in the cabin and in the car interiors. each carriage has special designated areas for recharging electronic devices. our new achievements have been introduced at four stations of the third line. in november 2020
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. the uniqueness of the third line of the minsk metro is that here we have new equipment for the minsk metro, these are automatic station doors, this is a barrier fence that is designed to prevent passengers or foreign objects from entering the zone intentionally or accidentally train movements on the track. for example, almost 90% of train traffic stops. in the minsk metro is associated precisely with the fall of passengers or objects on the way. there are 20 automatic sliding doors on each path. also, each carriage has two emergency exit doors equipped with anti-panic handles, that is, in the event of any emergency situations, so that passengers can leave the carriage at any time. currently, the minsk metro has 33 operating stations, the operational length of three lines is almost 41 km. the inventory fleet of cars is 390 units,
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the average operating speed of minsk metro trains, taking into account stops , is 40.7 km/h. this year, the minsk metro zadomon, which is located in russia, signed a contractual agreement for the supply of 28 cars for the minsk metro, which will be formed into seven trains; they will run on the third line. these are new innovative compounds. which have a lot of different functions and modern options, they are of the european level, so i think that over time our passengers will appreciate their level, the russians have already. the minsk metro is a unique enterprise; it is unique both in the type of activity and the people who work here. professionals of the highest level perform their duties flawlessly, with a mark of quality. these are people who know, appreciate and love it. my work
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is life, it is growth, growth in knowledge, this is what makes up a significant part of my life, defines me as a person, family and work are the most important thing in life, this is the meaning of life.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute a guest will come to us and answer all the questions: are you ready to meet our heroine? natalya ivanovna, what do you expect from the children in the studio, of course their questions, undoubtedly, because that’s the way the program is, but... i really want the kids to enjoy our meeting. in what mood do you go into a conversation? with magnificent. promise to tell only the truth. only the truth. good luck then! we welcome our
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guest, chairman of the council of the republic of the national assembly natalya khachanova. natalya ivanovna, i want to warn you, that according to the rules of our program you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, i hope you will not use it, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well now you have one minute to briefly talk about myself, time has passed, i am natalya kachanova, a native polachanka, born and raised in the city of polotsk, i studied at school there, and i studied at the institute in novopolotsk. now i work here in the city of minsk, chairman of the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, i am a daughter, i sister, i am a mother, my wife is a grandmother, i love my country madly, i am a true patriot of my
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homeland, my people, and i madly love my small homeland, the city of polotsk. great, you did it in less than half a minute. we have 100 children in the studio, each of them has their own question, let's see how much time you have to answer, who will be the first to ask their question, please, red sector, hello, i'm eva, good afternoon, they say that politics is a matter for men, but men and women are equal in politics or not, of course, this is a man's business , undoubtedly, but you know, politics is difficult.
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every woman, taking on such responsibility, must understand that you are responsible for the country, for the people, and you must do everything to ensure that in this country there is peace, tranquility and people live comfortably, if we take our country, then i believe that of course , a man should be in power, lead the country, why, because for us, you know, the president is not just representative functions, for us it is painstaking, daily, every second... work, caring about people , about a person, therefore of course, this is very difficult. natalya ivanovna, to your right in the black sector. and the next question comes from there. tell me, is politics a dirty business? sometimes yes. unfortunately, what, in general, should not
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really exist, but we see it, we see it today, and we feel it very acutely, because what is happening in relation to our country is an absolute lie. on the part of the authorities of some countries, which is absolutely not confirmed by anything for the sake of unclear goals, and we are a sovereign state, so... unfortunately, sometimes we have to face the fact that yes, politics happens when it's a dirty business. we are moving to the purple sector. you became the first woman speaker in the history of our country. tell me, please, do you consider yourself a careerist? no, i never considered myself a careerist, that’s true. and moreover, if we talk about the fact that i would like to make my own career, i never thought about it. and... my, my credo was this: always work very responsibly in that position and doing the work that
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you do, do it very honestly and responsibly, well, due to the fact that probably somewhere it worked out well, well, i was offered such career advancements, and of course i am very pleased today that i head such an important government body as the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, but i don’t consider myself a careerist. natalya ivanovna, to your right is the red sector. let's say i want to connect my life with politics, is it necessary to study for tens only? i think no. i ’ll tell you right away that i wasn’t an excellent student, we had a five-point system back then and i didn’t there were some excellent grades in the certificate, but at the same time, you just need to be a competent person who understands
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... good afternoon, natalya ivanovna, my name is elisha, you are a very important person for ours, for our native belarus, because you were deputy prime minister, then head of the presidential administration, now you are chairman of the council of the republic, and of course you. thank you, an example for the future
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middle and current generation, that is , for us, i have a question for you, many adults say that childhood is the best time in their life, well, i wasn’t an adult yet, so i don’t know the answer to this question, was childhood the most wonderful time in your life for you? here is elisha , a great question, in my opinion, i very often remember my childhood; moreover , i’ll tell you, you know, when i have a granddaughter, she tells me every time, grandmother, when we have free time, she says: tell me about my childhood, when i start to remember it, of course, you can’t even imagine such warmth in your soul, right now you realize that you still have a lot ahead of you, yes, but childhood will never return, and of course... this is your home, these are your parents, this is the warmth of friends, so i
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always remember my childhood with a great sense of joy. the girl with the red microphone, natalya ivanovna, is on your right. did you have beliefs as a child that were shattered to smithereens in adulthood? well, you know, yes, probably, yes, in general i always, always treat kly very kindly now. and it always seemed to me that a person cannot treat another person differently, as only compassion , mercy, kindness, openness, well now i see that this is not always the case, unfortunately, and of course, then in my childhood it seemed to me that this is the country in which i live, those priorities, all this will be forever, but it turned out that this is not entirely true, it happened that... that we began to live in our own, sovereign, independent country, happiness that this country today
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is like this, that it is no worse than that country, but in many respects much better than the one we lived in, so yes, what it would seem to me is unshakable and will be forever, it so happened that no, then the yellow sector, to your right, have you done anything in your life that you would not want yours to be repeated? children are such an interesting question, yes, probably not, i always tried to do everything so as not to upset my parents, well, in life, that’s how i lived, and i tried... to do everything so that my parents would be calm for me , even, you know, you asked, but i don’t know, i didn’t do, in my opinion, anything bad for me to feel ashamed today in front of her children and in front of her past, now natalya ivanovna will have to turn around, purple sector, hello, my name is sophia, what do you
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think, we are children, we can be wiser in some ways than adults, i think yes, i think... yes and i have no doubt at all, sometimes children give out very wise thoughts that we adults use in our lives, especially since today you have such a flow of information that sometimes we cannot cope with it, believe me, sometimes i don’t even understand, as far as a child can, here are gadgets, here is a phone, here tablet, there’s a tv, he manages to watch everything somewhere, yes, you know, i think so, natalya ivanovna, hello, my name is... why do adults fight with each other? so i'm thinking, why? i also don’t understand, in general, for every person, in my opinion, what is important? life, life under a peaceful sky , it’s calm when you can live, study, work, start a family, give birth to children, well, enjoy all the benefits that exist today in the modern world, and people
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fight, you know, probably for the sake of that what someone wants. be simply more important someone, when someone wants to dominate and subjugate another, this probably happens because of this, because in general, of course, people should live in a world of tranquility, but can a war be just? well, probably, when the warring parties have one side, there is another side, everyone has their own truth somewhere, yes, fair.
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natalya ivanovna, good afternoon, my name is artyom and i would be interested to know what you think, will there be a third world war? you know, i can't say whether she will or not, no one is immune from anything, and today it’s difficult to answer this question, in fact, but you know, we agreed to tell the truth, and the truth is like this, it all depends
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on us, how we will live, how we will love our country and do everything. in order for it to develop in peace, this is where the role of politicians, those leaders who lead countries and states today, is important, their wisdom in making decisions, and their wisdom in preventing the incitement of this world conflict, here here we need to find common ground, find a common language, what our president always calls for, let’s sit down at the negotiating table, which foreign politician would you like to have a heart-to-heart talk with? good question, heart to heart? well, in the good sense of the word, if we had a good conversation, then you
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know, of course, maybe even with many, so to speak. yes, but to say that i had a complex from which i suffered is absolutely not, i accepted myself for who i am, well, besides, i’ll tell you that this is growth now and so
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looks higher, that there was a girl, at that time i was quite tall, and but no , i didn’t have such a complex, i’ll sincerely say, although i never considered myself attractive there, that’s how it really was, well, that’s how- then so. the black sector is again to your left. hello, my name is katya. natalya ivanovna, you are always very elegantly dressed, you know, as they say, brand new. and please tell me, do you have a personal stylist who helps you choose clothes? well, first of all, thank you for being you really appreciated what you see me in . no, i don’t have a stylist, i don’t have a makeup artist. it so happened, i have this for myself, i developed a clothing style like this. this one is more businesslike, conservative, i’m generally conservative by nature, all that i’m wearing are our belarusian manufacturers, but i sew, i sew in an atelier, i have one, i had one - well
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, this one is very good, kind, not even, unfortunately, she passed away this year. the master who sewed all my costumes now sews for others. here at one of the enterprises our belarusian, which they sew for me somewhere to order, somewhere i buy a ready-made one, this is a ready-made suit, our belarusian one. next, the yellow sector, to your left. sometimes you and i argue about what i should wear. and the question is, did you have the same problems with your daughters, and how did you solve them? i’ll tell you right away that my daughters and i have completely different tastes. absolutely, something happened that way. you see, you’re dressed in what i could, my youngest daughter says: listen, why am i always dressed like this in photographs? i say: you
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should buy it at all then, well, that’s how it was with us we couldn’t afford them to buy anything, it was, unfortunately, we had half-empty stores and to buy something, i knitted, i knitted what i could, my mother sewed one for my daughters, probably they would like dress better, i'm not good at that. i have no doubt, well then we simply didn’t have such opportunities, but in general now what i can say is that our tastes are different, that is, they adhere to a different style of clothing, but that’s right, they’re young, i’m a different age , sometimes i have them to ask whether this or that thing is good or bad, i can say my opinion, but it seems to me that it is not decisive for them, then the next question is in the red sector, were they? when you were a child, did you have conflicts with your parents? did they understand you? i’m lucky in life, my mom and dad are alive, i love them immensely, i
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tried not to create problems in life for my parents and i never had conflicts, on the contrary, i tried to help them, support them, and for me they are such good friends , i still consult with my mother, sometimes i have such moments when i know for sure that she will say she is right. therefore, take care of your parents, this is very important, you know, there is no person in the world who would love you more than your mom and dad. hello, my name is gudko svyatoslav, i really like the city of polotsk, it is so small and cozy, i have been there several times, please tell me, have you had such a situation? which changed your character, tastes, views on life, which changed my views, by and large,
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of course, when you occupy another position, you start working in a different field , of course you become somewhat different, it’s true, in general i am a very kind person by nature, a very kind person, i love all people madly, it doesn’t matter to me who’s position, who’s what... age, here , but i feel that i, of course, have changed in my approach to my colleagues, in my work, why, because maybe i have become tougher, more demanding, probably life changes you, in terms of your inner qualities are unchangeable, and what you have to do and what you do, of course, you forces you to behave somewhat differently in a given situation, so i... i don’t know if you understand, i explained, but sometimes, being a kind person there, very much like that, yes, you have to maybe say somewhere unpleasant things to your colleagues,
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because... well, this is necessary, this requires this, and i think that this is how we can quickly achieve the result that, well, we must achieve all together. the next question is from the red sector. my name is danila. i have a question for you: would you like to learn to dance? oh, very much actually this is my dream. you know, i said that when i am free, i will no longer work, well, if my health allows, i will take up dancing. but my dream.
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thank you very much, we are moving to the yellow sector, to your right. natalya ivanovna, what modern gadgets do you use? phones on the table , i have a computer at work, i have a tablet , well, that’s it, really, well, phones, i have mobile phones on the internet, i’m not present, i think that the telegram channels that we have at work are enough, they cover our activities, everything that i personally have, so i always tell it very openly, and so
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that i can post some of my own there. there are personal reflections on instagram, well, i don’t have that, then, the black sector to your right, what tv channels, or maybe programs, do you watch? unfortunately, i don’t have much time, but i see that i always wake up in the morning at 6:00 am, and i immediately turn on the tv, turn it on, because while i ’m getting ready for work, i have the bt program playing in the background. there good morning or good morning on ont, any others, why? because that, well, firstly, there are news programs there, it is interesting how the activities of our country are covered, what is happening in our country, what is happening in the world, well, in addition, there are some entertaining moments, weather forecast in the end you will hear, during the break, if i have such an opportunity at lunchtime, i don’t go anywhere for lunch, i stay, if i’m at work at
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my place, i turn on the news at 13:00 at 13:30 in order to watch the news programs again. hello, my name is mikhail. do you think our economy is strong? well, in general, you understand that our belarus is a country that does not have such serious reserves of raw materials, although we have oil in small quantities. now our oil refineries are opening new wells there, where we see that there are reserves, we have wealth, forests, natural resources, water, things that other countries lack, but in general, of course, it’s not very easy for us build that economic component, which today is the foundation for development of our country, because also because we are a socially oriented state, this
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means that in our country without...
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the country in which i live, i really want our country to be peaceful and calm, so that it will help my children and my grandchildren lived in such a country, developed in accordance with their traditions, with the way our people live, this is very important, there is nothing more valuable than living in your own country, where you are in demand, where your roots are, there, where your parents lived, where everything is dear to you, you know, wherever i was in any countries, i have visited many places. “i always want to go home, i want to go home so much that you can’t even imagine, i live in minsk, when i come to my native polotsk, i’ve already said it many times, i drive up, it seems to me that my soul thaws, that’s how i am
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, next in line is the red sector, to your right, natalya ivanovna, natalya ivanovna , hello, my name is lyubov, this year i was lucky enough to become a participant in the memory train project, the topic of patriotic education is now": very relevant, what do you think, can patriotism be dangerous? you know, everything can be dangerous , you don’t have to go to some crazy limits , what is patriotism, it’s just love for your family, for your parents, for your country, for the people who live next to you, that’s patriotism and that you will never betray, but when it develops into some kind of nazism, nationalism...
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yourself, then life will be easier and simpler for you, we are not eternal on this earth, but this life must be lived in such a way that you are not ashamed, but in general the worst thing is the truth in front of yourself, when you are left alone alone, every evening i think whether i did the right thing, the wrong thing, whether i said it right or wrong, and i reevaluate everything, i rethink it, when it starts to bite you there, that’s your conscience, then this is normal. when you understand that you did everything right, well, with yours, you are in harmony with yourself, then that’s that patriotism. we are crossing the red sector, please turn left. hello, my name is
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pasha, i have a question for you: do you believe in god? i believe, i believe, uh, although i came to this not very long ago, in fact, i think that this is... a powerful help in the life of every person, it couldn’t be any other way, if you were writing a book, what would it be about? you know, i once thought about this, i would probably just write a book about my life, but a simple one. a girl who just doesn’t have any of those, you know, sometimes there’s a stereotype that in order to achieve something, you need to have some kind of patrons, have something, and i would write a book like this, i i even thought about
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it, how can i just live an ordinary life? life of a person and to achieve in my life this is what i have achieved in my professional growth, and i think that it would not be without interest. natalya ivanovna, which book about... made the strongest impression on you, i have always read a lot, this has been my hobby since childhood, you know, when i went to school, i immediately signed up for the library and went, i liked it smell. these are books, i still love books very much, i actually wanted to be a teacher in a kindergarten, so i read further that it already affected me made an impression, these are, of course, those books that dealt with some kind of pedagogy, yes, when with examples you could once again more keenly feel patriotism, attitude towards parents or something else, but i read the classics, i read all the works .
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next, the red sector, to your right, natalya ivanovna, hello, you often appear in the same frame with the president, so what do you think, is your life, closeness to the president, a plus or a minus? oh thanks for the question, you know it's a big one responsibility, this is not a plus, not a minus, in no way, well... i was quite mature, to put it mildly, i moved to work in
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the city of minsk, when i began to work closer to the president of our country, the first time when i appointed to the position of deputy prime minister, i thought, oh, how often i will have to meet and in general how to say and what to do, well, because you understand that this is such a responsibility, when i got to know this person better, i realized that i i will go with him to the end, why... what about that love to my people, to my land, to my country, everything that was created here, i have not seen, perhaps, a single person, this is not because it is there that i need to say this or i am currying favor with someone, this is our leader and my supervisor, no, it’s because it’s true, it’s the sincere truth, to say that it was a big plus for me, why, because for me it was and is a good school. the school i study, study,
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study, and you remember, if you work, in some position, somewhere, remember, school is not study, it is study all my life, then, therefore, this is a teacher , for me, a top-level leader, from whom i need to learn attitude towards people, attitude towards my country, you know, and a huge responsibility, not to let me down, to do everything as the president says, because i probably haven’t yet met something that went against or was directed against my country, against the people, believe me, if it were different, i would never, i sincerely tell you, i would never do that, what am i doing today? i support that policy, which is carried out by the president of our country, and he says very simply, what is our policy, what are people, the ordinary lives of people?
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that’s it, please tell me how many times the president calls you a day, you know, well, not so often now, then when i worked as head of the administration, of course, this conversation was daily, it ’s almost every day, even this, well, if only on business trips , somewhere else, now, well, as and when it is necessary to resolve some issues, of course, alexander grigorievich calls, or i can call on my own initiative. he never makes a decision spontaneously and
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individually, so any meeting that takes place, why such an expanded composition is invited there, because he wants to hear an alternative, he wants to hear a different opinion, different from the one that those officials convey to him, well, that’s why the issue on which the meeting is being held, and i will tell you, moreover, we have created an expert council , all the documents that are signed when...
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good, he always tells me: no, you tell me where there are problems about the bad, good is good when it's good. i'm arina, i have the following question for you: do you have many friends? you know, you probably can’t have too many friends, i have a friend with whom i ’ve been friends since school, and we are with her now. we keep in touch, well, to say that we meet so often, no, but in general , of course, it’s good to have friends, but uh, friends should be like-minded people, you know, when you’re friends, then you should be truly friends, and if suddenly such moments occur that you do not understand, you must
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say it all openly to a friend, and if a friend turns away from you, well, that means it wasn’t a friend, who do you trust? my secrets , but secrets, secrets , well, i don’t particularly have such secrets, but if it’s something, probably to myself, but if it concerns personal things, i already said, i can ask my mother something, consult with my children, i can consult with my husband, there is no question about this, but this is all that does not concern work, as for work, i can only ask their opinion on this or that event, because well, they are also watching, they live in society, they work, they... communicate with people, of course , i’m interested in this, but secrets, you know, at that age there aren’t so many of them, you know, when you have some secrets as a child , there you love him, you like him or don’t like him, and you know, i read a very good saying by one writer, how good it is to be old, you don’t have to think about who
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likes you, who doesn’t like you, when you are still young, in as a teenager, you always want to look like something for yourself, so there are some secrets there. here , at this age, there are probably no such secrets, well, something like this. we are moving to the red sector, on your right. natalya ivanovna, has anyone tried to take advantage of your acquaintance to resolve the issue of connections? i’ll tell you this, guys, there are a lot of people who turn to me, as the head of the council of the republic, with various questions, and i’m always ready.
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no, acquaintance, stranger, me, everyone knows this, i will do everything to help this person. let's continue further. now the internet is an integral part of our lives, mainly the current generation meets on social networks, but where did you meet your husband? oh, listen, what a good question you raised, well, in general, i met my husband at sports competitions, but for the first time we met him there, but
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this is how our family life turned out, we have been living with him for 39 years, and what do you care? he liked it right away, but at first he didn’t like it. well , not that i liked it, my colleague there noticed it and said: what a he’s a handsome young man, i looked at him, well, i thought, well, nothing special, and then , when he showed interest in me, well, i kind of liked him, but i probably liked the fact that he’s smart, he knows, he’s well-read, he really understands in many matters, well, at that time, of course, i also liked the athlete, thank you, that’s what concerns him. dating on the internet, well , in general, guys, you must understand that everything that happens in life, your career, studies, education, everything else, friends, it’s all good. but family is very it's important when you get older, you understand that this is one of the main things
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that keeps you in this life, helps you survive everything that comes your way, believe me, over the years you will understand that i was absolutely right, so you you are still young, it may be too early for you to think about this, but still keep in mind that this is very important for every person, especially when you have children, this is very important. and children become your like-minded people, so when arina asked me a question about friends, then you you understand, you know, years pass and you understand that your real friends are your family, thank god when you are friends, thank god when you are on the same wavelength, when you are not, it’s very, it’s, it ’s sad, then think about where to meet someone, it doesn’t matter, maybe on the internet. we are moving to the red sector, to your right , hello, my name is roma , i like a girl, tell me how i
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can confess my love to her without words, even love right away, and why without words, i don’t want to say, yes, what i like you, come on let’s be friends, at least like that, no, but in any case, well, we need to show some signs of attention, well, invite her, after all, where are you going now? to a pizzeria, to a cafe , to say, listen, there, how is it, natasha, masha, but now natasha is not, practically, now i see, after all, the names are different, well , talk, meet somewhere, go to the library somewhere -something together, and well , you need to show that she is not indifferent to you, i think, well, we need to do something like this, thank you, and what time did you have your first love, in kindergarten? "i liked the boy very much in kindergarten, yes, well, i won’t say whether it was really love, but i liked him
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, yes, something like that, well, well, we are people, we should sympathize with each other, however, i have a granddaughter i was already getting married in kindergarten, so everything is fine. have you ever had to choose between a career and a family? no, i didn’t have to choose between a career and a family, but moreover, i’ll tell you, when i was offered another job, a transition to..."
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well, we distribute, the one who can do what does it, well, i cook on the weekend, he cooks on weekdays, it’s not difficult to do laundry now,
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he can start the washing machine , there’s no doubt about that, but i do the cleaning myself, because somehow, that’s how it worked out for us, and my husband cooks for me, yeah, that’s it i always take with me to work everything that my husband cooks, do you have a signature dish, mine, that i cook, yes, well, am i good?
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it’s difficult to track prices, but we are also doing this, and not just me as a buyer, but as well, members of the council of the republic, as a senior official, i must see, today i have information on growth on my desk prices and in general about changes in prices or, on the contrary, not an increase in prices, for what positions, literally today i was writing out the mail before leaving to meet you and i see where what positions are. of course, of course, perhaps when you spend time with your family or in some other way, well, we all know that you are a pretty busy person, but please tell me if you have time on saturday evening, for example, i i go to the pool you have a free minute, weekends, once a week, there is such a thing, yes, when
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it works out, well, it happens, business trip, then of course. i miss it, but in general on sunday i try to meet and spend time with my family, with my grandchildren in order to communicate with them, i haven’t met or seen this week, my granddaughter went to first grade, i would like to know her impressions, so of course i’m trying , this is such a soul for me, why did i tell her when answering the question, but i saw the girls’ reaction when they shook their heads about marriage, because it really helps you, well, relax somewhere. well, to talk and well, in general it’s interesting, of course communicate with your family and friends, your grandchildren understand what a big boss you are, i don’t think, because in general we are for our children, for our grandchildren, but ordinary grandmothers, ordinary mothers, there is no doubt about this, but you know, just recently i took my grandchildren, on a day off i came to work, i took them with me,
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brought them, showed them, well, i told them. about what the council of the republic is doing, well , so that they know and understand, they know that grandma works there, well, they see and television shows everything, well, we’re not at home much we are talking about my work, therefore, and for them i am an ordinary grandmother, like your grandmothers are for you, do you read lullabies to your grandchildren, we live in different places, that is, not together, but when they spend the night with me. i don’t have a lullaby anymore, but i once sang when we were little, we lived there back in polotsk, i sang, yes, i read poetry, i read children’s poems, we teach, but can you please sing us this lullaby, oh, well, i have it right away lullabies are sleeping mice and whippersnappers, sleeping cars at the garage, you're a dachshund when calling your mother, lie down quietly, that's what i sang to my
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grandson, but then his mother was... infinity, if you are actively involved in politics in a party in a public organization, you can do this all your life, and if we talk about the civil service, then 65 years is the maximum age for being in the civil service, judge the constitutional court there 70 years now, if you have been acquitted and are working and you are the one who is needed in the country today, then the president
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has the right to extend this age, but what do you plan to do? time of retirement, i will take up dancing if my physical condition allows it, but i think that i don’t care i will be involved in public life , in fact, i am in the belarusian women's union, i am a member of belaya rus, a public organization, i am a member of a trade union, so i thought for myself that i would do what i like, because i already understand that well, the children probably already need me to some extent, of course, but not that much, but what about in general? i ’m very interested in life, i love social work, i like it, and believe me, today there are a lot of people who need your help, so i’m building one for myself life, that’s the dream you have, my dream is just peace and tranquility, that’s all, that’s peace and tranquility in our country, and that you live in a peaceful country, and there won’t be these
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confrontations with our neighbors who are next to us, therefore like this. thank you. this signal means that there is no time to ask questions to the hero . natalya ivanovna, now you have to choose the best question of this program. you know, in fact, guys, i am sincerely grateful to you all for your questions, because the questions were all excellent, but there is a question that is for me today so, perhaps, this is about just and unjust warriors, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from the guest, applause, please come out on stage, i’m with a huge one. hands you this souvenir, thank you, be happy, be healthy, all the best, natalya ivanovna, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question:
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the new school year has begun, just recently, you know, the president of our country spoke here, alexander grigorievich once again about education, many times, because we we understand that education is the basis of everything, do you generally feel comfortable or difficult at school? yes, please, in fact, i am quite comfortable at school, firstly, i am quite interested in studying, but tell me, are the programs difficult for you or not? well, in fact , everything comes quite easily to me, but sometimes there is a lot of homework, which makes it a little difficult. that’s what i’m talking about, there’s a lot of homework. there are, of course, some aspects in our school curriculum that sometimes confuse us, especially in the tenth year, eleventh grade. well, personally, it seems to me that there is. something superfluous and for example, well, for example, physics, physics, yeah, well, just some subjects, for example, we study in specialized classes, but sometimes it happens that we study specialized subjects not
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as often as , for example, the same physics and chemistry, although we ourselves don’t really want to do this and we will definitely discuss this issue with the minister, well, we need to look at the programs, but now we have a unique opportunity to review all these questions, to polish it up, as i said...
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they are such serious people with whom you can’t joke or smile, but natalya ivanovna simply shattered all my myths. natalya ivanovna was very cheerful today, i didn’t expect this from her and in general, i didn’t know that there was such a kind person in politics, especially when she talked about parents, children, grandchildren, she herself glowed, which shows that for her family always... comes first, she said this more than once, and i really respected this woman, children, who thinks that natalya ivanovna was slightly disingenuous when answering question?


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