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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 1:20am-1:50am MSK

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and well, well, for now we decided to correspond , well, that’s right, that’s right, we should not rush to get married, well, okay, well, they say different things about young people, you know, but now i know for sure, you won’t let us down, protect, we will protect. that’s why we serve, tell me, oh, this is me, meet my wife, tonya, dima, tonya, alexander filipich, sereda,
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i’ll rest just a little. i’m completely full, again, again i begin to dream about the road, early in the morning, early in the morning, i turn, turn, the steering wheel, then the sun is shining clearly in the window, then the rains are noisy with all their might, but how much do we need for work, would i your partner is nearby, and the wide road, a reliable road, a happy road ahead, i greet with interest, every new stage,
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apparently i was specially born for long flights, early, early in the morning, early in the morning, i twist, turn the steering wheel, then the light shines clearly in the window the sun, then the rains are noisy with all their might, but how much do we need for business, if only your partner were nearby and there was a wide road, a reliable road, a happy road ahead, i learned very soon. i appreciate fellow travelers, because the road is good, it can replace a book, early early in the morning, i i turn, turn, the steering wheel, now the sun is shining clearly in the window, now the rains are noisy with might and main, but how much do we need for the job, if only your partner were nearby and there was a wide road and a reliable road , a happy road ahead.
1:24 am
the sun is shining clearly in the window, then the rains are noisy with all their might, how much do we need for business, if only your partner were nearby, and a wide road, a reliable road, a happy road ahead. we will bring the viewer closer to science, like science, and specifically, biotechnology helps turn grain into gold, the product from which amino acids are made, this is our glucose syrup, already which bacteria eat and produce amino acids, to put it very simply, it’s very simple and the most important thing is that it’s clear, we’ll tell you how talented we are. scientists
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have changed our lives. we, like scientists , are cautious in making predictions, but having delved into the essence, we do not rule out that in the near future many people will start talking about agronomics. our project is about agriculture, respectively agriculture, since the project is supposed to be agro, then after all, we are more about the economy, so agronomics, that is, a hint to help increase profitability enterprises, increase control over their implementation, accordingly, the name briefly makes it clear what this project will be about, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel.
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and our metro differs favorably , probably from many structures, in that it is
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clear, organized, comfortable , fast, convenient, every employee is always tactful, polite, but in general the team is very good, friendly. my experience in the press services of large structures already spans 13 years, for 8 years i was the head of the press center dsaf of the republic of belarus, worked in the central council of dsaf, for 5 years now i have been working in the minsk metro as a press secretary in my position, i came out of journalism myself, then there were printed military media, i served in the far east. in kamchatka i was also a correspondent, organizer , head of department, after that i also worked on military television, was first deputy general director, editor-in-chief, you may be a little surprised, but for some reason i always thought in childhood, in my youth, that journalism - this in principle, the prerogative of girls and women,
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somehow it seemed to me like something not very serious in terms of not such a job for a man, but it was precisely the concept of military journalism that interested me, it is connected, in general, with work in different... .and collectives, if you take it, here i am at a military school, my direction was the airborne troops, i interned in the kaunova airborne division in 1985 very successfully, in journalism i was supposed to be published in the newspapers of the airborne troops, but so it turned out to be fate a villain, so to speak, that already in the fourth year of graduation they were given assignments, but instead of four people they gave only two people to the eastern landing forces, it turned out that my friend, there were four of us friends - and my friend is sergei daskal, he worked at the headquarters i worked as a clerk , worked part-time, and he quietly signed me up for the navy, talked to the officers that a person doesn’t get there, so that we could all communicate more together, everything literally 2 weeks before graduation, i had already changed my uniform, had already passed the airborne troops, received
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naval uniform, you got everything right off the ship nabal, so to speak, the navy, and some time after graduation, when we already shouted... the last time at this moment the ringing of copper is heard, because everyone holds coins in their fists, and as soon as once, we all let go, and the clinking of coins, everything, it’s just a magnificent sight, so we lined up on the parade ground , walked for the last time , read out who was going where, everyone suddenly immediately told me that the airborne troops, my wife and i managed to do this before, literally in a week we we signed, did the cadet wedding, and then we got together. my wife and i went to the far east. the main , main task of the press secretary, here is the press secretary of the minsk metro, is to ensure the information security of the enterprise, well, they also say, in the sphere of public relations, that is , without fail, i study during the day, in the morning and in the evening, i study
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various media, what publications there are about us, what publications about transport, everything related to this. well, efficiency is probably very important for a press secretary, reliability accuracy. especially. when providing those information, when some incidents happen in the metro, this is a living organism, well, it is impossible to avoid, that is , it happens that someone becomes ill in the metro, it happens that somewhere... a person gets in the way, so you need him save, that’s when such information comes, well, i’m one of the first, the management and i, we get this information about what happened in the subway, in order to be a good press secretary, i think you just need to live, the life of the enterprise, life the entire team, i was lucky that when i came, we had just celebrated the anniversary , the thirty-fifth anniversary of the minsk metro, and i was one of those who was entrusted with making the book, and... the metro, thanks to this , i traveled through all the services, met
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all the heads of services, with the teams, because that i photographed them and prepared some information partially about them, with all the structural divisions, departments, sectors, laboratories, that is , well, in fact, in six months i became acquainted with most of these key metro figures, after 5 years working in menskoe in principle, i already know the metro , well, probably, well, if not all, then absolutely most of the accents, but i know enough weekly, every week in the transport security newspaper, this is a republican newspaper,
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i write two pages about the minsk metro, about its people, about events, even cultural , social life, sports, that is , well, everything is production in the foreground , of course, well, this is also work with the site , i fill the site with information and photographs, i directly departments, which sections are those that are the main page and others, well, at the same time already... for 15 years i seem to be taking good photographs, probably, in general, i must say that the management always meets halfway, equipped with good photographic equipment, well, my hand doesn’t seem to tremble, everything works out , that’s what’s interesting about the work, of course, is communication with people, with people from our team, here from the minsk metro, these are generally unique people, what’s unique is that you can trace the entire history of the metro in a person, that is, by talking to a person , he will tell you everything, everything, we have a machine.
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already from the moment of its creation , some kind of community of people was somehow created that was focused on the work process, on the process, so that there would be safe movement of trains, so that it would be comfortable. passengers , somehow, well, probably, take anyone, this is a woman who cleans at stations, we affectionately call them mummies, drivers of cleaning machines, our mummies, that is, well, in a kind way, they have their own hobbies, mothers of many children some, they have their own hobby, the children sing, and somehow they all somehow work in metro and feel that they belong to some kind of common process, o ivan sladimirovich, glad to see you, good afternoon, as you wish. the first train, that
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is, there were several trains, but it was the train in which the entire leadership of the republic was traveling , metro builders, metro workers, cosmonauts, in general, many creative people, very interesting, were traveling, ivan slaminovich led this train, i felt excitement, why because, to put it mildly, our metro management entrusted me to a young guy who...
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older than the metro in terms of work experience , because the belarusian railway was also in the biography, well, that’s all, the same age as the metro in terms of work experience, that’s 294 years, that’s how he started working, he hasn’t changed his whole life, in fact , the main one is so conscious in the small metro and , in general, we are proud that we have such veterans, well , it’s really impossible not to call him a veteran, but he’s always so fit
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and positive, plus he also has a dynasty with ivan slavomirovich, here and son works too, this... is very valuable, he passes on some of his knowledge to him, in his field, so well, we look up to the veterans. now we are in the driver's cabin. and the composition of the previous generation, in particular the st. petersburg composition, well, what we see here is that the mouse player himself is located quite close to the control panel, he has to, let’s say, manually manage the process of controlling the composition, that is, there are corresponding levers here, there are pedals, in general, in principle , there is no system here yet air conditioning, in general
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, well, let's put it this way, a more labor-intensive process is occupied by the work of the driver, well... in this depot, as in all depots, there are both train drivers who work on the lines, and there are also shunting drivers. today i would like to introduce you to vasily nikolai vladimirovich, he is a shunting driver who previously worked as a train driver for 12 years, now he works at a depot, and as a shunting driver. nikolayvich, please tell us the specifics of the work of a shunting driver? my specifics of work consists in the fact that i accept compositions and send compositions to the line.
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you and i have just left the mogilevskoye electric depot and immediately went down into the portal, that is, from the ground space, we went underground, into our beloved subway, now we will go to the automobile plant line, and after a while we will have the opportunity for the first time as
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part of the creative team of the tv channel belarus. they didn’t drive, no, no, for the first time, that is, it ’s the first time and you have a debut, he has a debut, that’s all, but we distract the driver while driving, he must strictly fulfill his duties, they are strictly regulated, we maintain a regime of silence, the dispatcher of the forty-third blue on the first main mogilevskaya switch route, as i can hear the communication project, forty frictions at the first mogilevskaya station, the route is ready,
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okay, i can hear you without passengers to the pushkinskaya station, i understood you before pushkinskaya without passengers, i can hear you well too, i’m leaving. now we are moving through the tunnels of the automobile plant line, but at a fairly high speed of more than about 70 km/h, but i want to say that we have restrictions in the german metro, trains move at a speed of no more than 80 km/h. this is done for the purpose of train safety. and we are in the cabin of a new modern innovative composition and you probably noticed the difference between the old composition and the new one, there is more space here, the cabin is completely air-conditioned. control panel interface, in principle , an auto-vision system has been introduced here, in fact, the driver only controls the process of controlling the train,
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but the train drives independently, the fact is that when the train moves along underground lines, tunnels, there are a lot of so-called curves, that is, turns. various ascents , descents, and , of course, descents and turns , the rails themselves wear out the most, it happens that at night you have to change a certain amount of the rail lash in order for it to be safe, but as a rule, again, this is on curves, on turns, because the greatest load is on the metal, but our workers manage to do this at night in the morning , passengers don’t feel this, they calmly go to work somewhere else in the morning from 5:30 and it doesn’t even occur to me that so much work has been done,
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well, here we are at the dead end of pushkinskaya station, basically that’s it, the train can’t go any further, trains spend the night here. well, there is such a common opinion that it’s as if trains are turning around, they don’t turn around , they just come to a dead end, then the driver, now pavel will move to another cabin , the movement begins in the opposite direction, pavel, show how this happens, dispatcher, dispatcher
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in the soviet union there was an unspoken opinion that to lay claim to the metro, to only cities with a population of one million can build a metro, of course
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, not all cities with a population of one million had subways , but nevertheless minsk received such a right, but naturally our second person is the head of the republic pyotr mironovich masherov, who made a lot of efforts to so that the minsk metro appears, so that there is decent funding for the work, and so... in the following year, in eighty-four, on june 29, 1984, so that the first eight stations of our first moscow metro are launched lines, well, the minsk metro, in principle , almost all of its objects are critically important objects, that is, they are , in general, of special control, of special importance, what happens in the underground space there are a number of restrictions on connecting electricity to, let’s say, the air.. ... the exchange must be constant, an influx of fresh air, some noise parameters, a special fire-extinguishing safety system, that is, everything here is specific, designed so that
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maximum safety for each passenger, every metro worker, from some emergency situations, well, there are also funny cases, passengers really love their pets, they try to move them somewhere in the wrong way on the subway, so one of the passengers was carrying a snake with him , and a poisonous snake, that is well... here we also had to be vigilant, there was a situation when a small dog ran away into a tunnel, we had to stop the movement, our employees found it and returned it to the owner, well, even to the point of banality , they somehow told a story, but it was a long time ago, apparently, live carp also fell on way, and the owner asked that, well , after all, she was, let’s say, a booty, one might say, who had been taken away from the store, so that, in general, well, it would be returned to her, well, maybe not everyone knows that... if even if you look at the nemiga station itself from some second tier, it resembles a boat, in general, and during excavations this was during the construction of this
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station, when the meteobuilders were working. a truly ancient castle was found, a number of archaeological artifacts were found, but construction had to be interrupted for for a long period, archaeologists worked, but in the end, in order to continue construction, it would then be necessary to make a certain decision and the archaeologists did their job and then the metro builders worked, built the station, this is what it is today, but during the construction period there were a variety of finds , there were golden jugs with gold coins, and there were also ancient historical animals, these are the remains of a mammoth, and an ancient historical elephant, in general, that is, in principle, well, at the cultural institute, let’s say, a huge warehouse the ammunition depot during the great patriotic war had to stop work because the sappers worked for a very long time, the warehouse was huge, that is, well , there were such interesting ones, there were moments when representatives of the stations had to change the course of the sveslych river for some period, and for a very long time a short period there, literally
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just a few days, in my opinion, the riverbed was returned to its place in order to do certain types of work. the minsk metro, like all other metro systems in the world, apparently also performs the function of a protective structure, then in the event of some emergency, natural disaster , a significant number of people and, probably, guests of the capital can take refuge in it, so, naturally, many things are provided for, and there is a special bolt, there are so-called closures that... let's say so , our specialists close at a certain moment when a certain number of people accumulate, then also certain life support systems, air supply, clean air, also the provision of drinking water, night training, and yes, up to what is accomplished by inserting such special fountains, there are hatches right on the platform, they open, such fountains are connected, drinking water is supplied to the people who are on the platform,
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it is acceptable that it can be... people are accommodated in trains that are placed on at the stations, if necessary, even in the tunnels of filling people, that is, so that as many people as possible can use the subway to protect themselves from certain unfavorable factors. we do a lot of work on the metro in order to talk about the rules of safe behavior on the subway, especially for children. last year we completed work on the third series of animated films; an animation was made about the rules of safe behavior in the subway. well, it was an interesting experience. was that we ourselves came up with the characters, it was pasha, dasha, pasha - a hooligan who is always in a hurry, disrupts, dasha gets him for something, and of course, the main character was mitrovich, this is how our minsk metro is cleverly designed, if you want to go to the park with cotton candy, you need to get on the escalator, in just 20 minutes you you arrive at the right station, oh , this is a turn, who behaves like
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this, they shouldn’t be allowed here... those who argue with the rules are worth it, the escalator is steep, but it’s still safe here, it’s the very first of those that appeared, it’s such a collective image of a person who runs the metro and who knows how to do everything and what to do, but how the image was created, well , the legend says, that’s what the prototype was the real head of the stations, one of our stations, we have two stations there, vladimir kozhodub mikhailovich, here... he is now works, our veteran, but he doesn’t refuse, he says, yes , so be it, so be it, that’s it, dmitrovich modeled himself on me, and after that, of course, these kinds of leaflets began to appear, of this type, they ’re in the lineups yes, we give them out on subway safety day, so that for different children who go with their parents, so that they know how to behave correctly, the most typical, the most basic rules, and we also have a large mitrovich doll sewn ,
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she's different. already so more positive, good-natured, he’s a big two-meter the figure in which our animators, the guys work, our electromechanical employees mainly, children and adults, first of all, of course, must know how to behave on the subway in order to travel safely. the work of a press secretary involves not only, let's say, such an external visual part, when you present the metro in smart suits, let's say, in a tie, a white shirt, or something else, well...


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