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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 1:50am-2:55am MSK

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shita is a big doll of mitrovich, she is different, more positive, good-natured , he is like that, a large two-meter figure in which our animators, the guys work, our electromechanical employees mainly, adult children, first of all, of course , should know how to behave in the subway to travel safely. the work of a press secretary involves not only , let's say, such an external visual part, when you present the metro in smart suits, let's say, in a tie, a white shirt, or something... else, well, that naturally, it is necessary that there should be, well, a whole row of jackets, that is , about eight jackets, there are a dozen ties, of course, there are shirts to quickly change something, and there is also such work clothes, in which we attend exercises of the ministry of emergency situations, for example, during exercises of special forces, which are held at night, so that in the metro we can create certain safe conditions to be able to react to all moments, well, naturally, when let’s say we go...
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to construction , we also announce for construction the same clothes, there must be a helmet, that’s because the settings, well, when we go into the tunnel at night, after usually somewhere, or rather at 13 at night, to relieve tension from the contact flight, we all wear reflective vests like this, like this we sign up at the duty station , a special log, she is responsible for all the people who are in... service, that's when i am captain of the second well, yes, there is also something from the previous reserve rank, i am a member of the belarusian union of military sailors, well, generally after almost 30 years of service in the navy in the armed forces of the republic of belarus.
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i went into the reserves at one time, and then i live a peaceful civilian life, for 8 years i have been the head of the dsaf compressor center, for 5 years now i have been the head, press secretary of the minsk metro. well, i had a long-standing hobby, in general , photography, so to speak, for work, it somehow developed more, there are several photo albums, somehow i participated in some - let's say, competitions, photojournalists, well, one of the hobbies, which was purchased may be about 10 years ago. this is billiards, so my friends
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and i, with colleagues from work in the dsa in the central council, we had our own table, and we played, both at lunch and somewhere in the evening, we got together, so he developed such a hobby, well, he began to go periodically with friends to the billiard halls, well, then my wife and son suddenly made such a surprise, unexpected, so they bought this cue, it’s handmade, by the way, and it’s nice that our belarusian master, my fellow countryman, here he is, let’s say, it was so unexpected, pleasant, he says, well, if you play, then play well, play with a convenient instrument , well, i am a belarusian myself, and my parents were from belarus, i have tatyana, an older sister, who has always studied music, she studied it professionally, first she graduated from a music school, then she also graduated from a music school, a music conservatory, that’s when she learned at a music school, well, my parents also wanted me to play some kind of instrument, well... it would have been interesting when
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we went to a music school, they first invited me, my sister already said that she wanted me to play the button accordion , parents they wanted an accordion, but i said that of course i wanted to play the guitar, so we came to the conclusion that i played bayan for one year, of course, well, i didn’t really take to it, so my friend and i gave up bayan and went straight to radically different industry, we went to do weightlifting at the olympic reserve school in the city of boris, i’m for... my parents, dad , unfortunately, is no longer there, he didn’t live to see 85 years old, he’s a very kind man, very decent, i’m for him for the whole i've never heard a single bad word in my life, that's it kind, he passed this on to us with his sister, my mother is wonderful, also the broadest soul , she is so open, she always helped everyone, tried, in general, and somehow we also seem to have absorbed these qualities with my sister, well, with my wife by the way, i also met in borisov, we lived literally across the street.
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ina, she and i are already walking hand in hand , we have been married for 35 years, and before that we were still friends for 5 years, in fact we have known each other for 40 years, that is, we look at such a period, it seems in the mirror, it doesn’t seem like it, what... the period is so long, so, well, therefore, of course, this is my entire hope of support, she was the censor of my first printed materials, when, when there were doubts whether to continue to engage in journalism or to engage in some more practical work, she supported and here are all those comments on the texts materials, on some stories that we did on television later, she suggested from the outside, and it was so accurate, it hit the nail on the head, the wife of a technological production, so... she worked in her profession for many years, but how all military wives, wives of officers, we had to work where there was an opportunity for such work in the garrisons where we served, there are a lot of talents, it’s very pleasant that she perfectly creates some of these, i remember back in the far east she can do it herself
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to knit a thing, to embroider it beautifully , that is, to make some kind of applique with such taste, then, well, even some artists we knew came to us, the designers were simply amazed that it was like this... just for themselves, just like that take it, make it for yourself in a few days, wear it some month, he can dress several times , make a new thing, that is, well, in general, in this regard, there is a very great talent, for me the formula for happiness is very simple, it is when you go to work with pleasure and return home to your family with pleasure, this is just an ideal, it seems simple, but it is so truly correct and vital, then you are a truly happy person, when you are in a hurry home at work, you try to do everything, you have a reliable rear and you know that... this rear will always support you, always will warm you up, let’s say, we always have such naval order, because my wife supports me, and i will say that i also learn a lot from my wife, from ina, to love animals, because somehow in our childhood it turned out like this, that the family
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didn’t have any pets, but at first we had one cat, solomon lived for 16 years, so she really loves cats in general, different animals, since childhood, and her son maxim is already... 35 years old here is an adult man, and from childhood he was instilled with a love for the whole world and through our love for animals that there was a little turtle, there were parrots talking - petrusha there was a parrot , there were nymphs, there were some squishy hamsters, they called someone there as a joke, there were deguslets, well , there was so much, now we also have a cat, irma, a beautiful british wife, says well, how come she’s alone, she’s on the street, we found a cat from... a personal one , we watched him for about 2 weeks, fed him, and now he’s been living with us for about five years, marcel, he turned out to be of noble blood, in general , wonderful, wonderful cat, so i’m learning the good news that she herself loves animals very much, she cooperates with volunteers , in general she feeds the animals herself, takes in
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some animals for foster care, well, i literally, well, financially support these endeavors, i go somewhere with her , so you learn everything in this life, and i am very grateful to my wife for... those happy years, that is, well, i count 35 years of marriage, this year 36 - this is of course a long journey, and we started with a difficult one, we went to the far east together, went to kamchatka, there for 7 years, let's say, we served together , one might say, our son maxim was born there, we survived about seven earthquakes, and two of them were quite significant, it is very important to start together with the difficult ones in order to pass these years with dignity, but we had everything in life, grinding in characters and as if everything was fire, water and honey... the pipes have passed, so now we look at it somehow, at all situations and therefore there is no reason for any disputes, we have taught each other to give in, respect each other, appreciate some of your interests, hobbies, support them, sometimes it happens, we even do the same, i ask, she comes with me, even plays in the hall
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and we set up balls, she tries, it turns out very well, naturally, every dad and mom wants for their child just to bring the most, well, classically good light, kindness.
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with a child for many, many years from childhood you maintain such a trusting connection, when you lose this connection, of course, we see that there are different things, well, in families there are very different things, children and parents grow apart. yes somehow this may be my minus, never i didn’t strive for a career, well
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, somehow it always worked out at all stages that i was offered some new jobs, new positions, i won’t say that i have many friends, but i have a lot of acquaintances, comrades, that is, well well, the phone has about 200,200 contacts in general, well, a lot of work contacts, a lot of social contacts, but there are quite a lot of acquaintances and friends, well, today i can do it.
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one of the satellite tv channel belarus 24. more than 60% of goods in belarusian stores are domestically produced. according to the application ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade in the food sector, the figures are even higher - about 78%. and for some groups of food products it reaches 100. the goal for the twenty-fourth year is to increase the total share of belarusian goods in the domestic market to 62%. the gross domestic product of belarus in january 2024 increased by 2.8%. according to the initial estimate of belstat , the volume of gdp in current prices amounted to 18 billion
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rubles, or 102.8% in comparable prices to the level of the same period last year. israel's economy fell by almost 20% year-on-year in the last quarter of last year. experts attribute the sharp decline in gdp to a large-scale call-up of reservists, increased construction funding for israelis evacuated from the country's border areas, and a shortage of labor. belarus and azerbaijan. in the twenty-third year they increased exchange trade turnover by 4.2 times. this is data from the belarusian universal commodity exchange. the amount of concluded exchange transactions over the past year reached $44.6 million. the growth in volumes is associated with active export supplies of products from the belarusian woodworking industry. in belarus, over the past year, within the framework of the one-district-one-project program, the implementation of 19 investment projects has been completed. as a result , more than a thousand jobs were created. according to the ministry of economy, in 2023, the rate of investment in fixed assets amounted to almost 115% year-on-year, the volume
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of construction and installation work increased by more than 8%, and the cost of purchasing machinery, equipment and vehicles increased by almost a third compared to the level of 22. . in magatt assessed the financial losses of the european union from reducing the use of russian nuclear energy. according to the agency's director general, reducing dependence on russia's nuclear sector will cost the region billions in losses. and it won't happen instantly. let us remind you that belarus has joined the ranks of the few states possessing peaceful atoms since the opening of the belarusian nuclear power plant. the implementation of a large-scale project made it possible to make the energy industry more independent and secure, and the national economy to a greater extent competitive. what is the role of nuclear energy in the economy of belarus? how is security ensured? can belas be considered a driver of technological development in our country? we will discuss these and other issues regarding the use of peaceful atoms with competent experts right now.
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today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in nuclear energy issues. deputy director for research , international state ecological institute named after sakharov, irina novikova, head of the department of management and technology business of sustainable development of the belarusian state technological university. dear guests, good evening, good evening. so, nuclear energy, what significance does it have in modern
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conditions, and what are its advantages over other types of energy? you know, i want to say that if in the 2000s there were some other options, a lot of attention was paid to so-called green energy, which concerned specifically the production of solar energy, wind energy, yeah, then taking into account the development factor of the economy itself, those resources which today it is necessary to invest in the economy, everyone understands perfectly well that without nuclear energy there will be no movement forward, that is, it is more environmentally friendly, right, this type of energy? it is powerful, environmentally friendly, it is understandable, and most importantly, that is, it is absolutely clear how to train personnel to work with this energy, yeah, well, i must add that nuclear energy is sustainability , there is wind, there is no wind, nuclear energy, nuclear power plant works today, will work tomorrow under proper conditions continuously,
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there is wind, there is no wind, there are hydrocarbon supplies, there are no supplies, yes, that also depends. well, even before all these events in bialystok, i saw how people live according to the biological rhythm, that is, since electricity is expensive in these northern polish regions, they get up when it’s dawn and go to bed when it’s sunny in order to optimize their own expenses, so the location was chosen, probably, i also think , taking into account the fact that lithuania and poland will
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buy, by the way, when they now raise the question that our station is well... allegedly causes environmental damage, in fact , poland entered into an agreement with the united states under their credit, they will build in this northern part, but, mind you, in 2034, but we know very well that our neighbors have an objective need for an additional source of electricity, and the statements that come from these countries, well, they are more of a political nature.
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look 10 years ahead, look 50-60, half a century ahead, and this is a view of the future, this is a station, so they will buy, the station - this is a look into the future, but let's discuss security issues, they are very important for our people, why, because we all remember the chernobyl tragedy, that is, this historical memory is preserved in people, and if we carefully analyze the statements of our opponents, they all.. they skillfully speculate on safety issues, they claim that the site is not right, and the foundation was poured incorrectly, and something was dropped there, this is wrong, this is wrong. whatever, well, sergei olegovich, let’s answer, let ’s convince people, tell them, that’s how much our nuclear power plant is modern and
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safe, what level of technology was used during its construction and what safety systems are provided there, well, i would like to say that first, we have the reference block in front of us, the reference station is las2 and... when we planned , when we built our facility , the station was already operating, which fully confirmed its safety, that is, we were not building some kind of pilot project, yeah, and as for the vvr 1200 project itself, we have it 3+, that is, with additional protection systems , security, security channels, then it should be noted here that it was born from vvr 100, that is, this is a project that has proven itself well in...
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at our station, they are replicated to our manufacturers, that is, rosatom, the organization that built this station for us , they are now being replicated on other foreign projects, almost identically in an identical form, this is turkey, this is egypt, today work is already underway in hungary, so we seem to have very good references for our station and for security systems necessary.
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in many modes, which may be some kind of extreme, it will not allow the staff to come up for about 30 minutes to fix something manually, so everything is set up, and what’s more, that is, unlike
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many projects with which, well, conventional energy, which many encounter , all the modes that work for us, they were tested before the unit was put into operation, that is, all systems were additionally tested, that is , the human factor is excluded, i think yes, of course, olga mikhailovna , tell, please, here you are, as the head of the state atomic supervision authority in our country, yes, a serious department that, in general, oversees such issues, tell me how serious the control over the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant was, whether the norms of the convention on nuclear safety were observed there and whether there are assessments of international structures, i want to say that this industry is very high-tech, it... in fact, in our country, and we already obviously see this, it has worked like a locomotive in terms of the development of related industries, from the point of view the development of interaction through science,
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through educational systems, that is, in fact, it led to the development of many areas in our life, so returning to the issue of supervision, ensuring supervision, i want to say that the construction of the first nuclear power plant is actually grandiose.. .project and very carefully monitored at the level of international structures, well, first of all , of course, magath, in terms of the organization of this process, that is, we are simply not only talking about the fact that a new facility is being created, it it is being built turnkey, not turnkey, a completely new industry is being created, a new infrastructure, and the point is that when various missions come, they do not check construction specifically, because checking construction means millions of different systems and equipment.
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assures us all that everything is under control, everything meets all the requirements and parameters, the norms of the convention on nuclear safety, everything there complies, we have accepted an obligation. belarus has signed up to two basic conventions for us, this is the convention nuclear safety and the joint convention on the safe management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management, the convention documents presuppose a certain.
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an object, yes, a nuclear power plant, perhaps people have such a phobia about it, it’s standing there emitting something, perhaps there is air, there is water around, a fox, perhaps they are polluted,
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is it possible to pick mushrooms there or not? well , the answer to the last question is: yes, you can, you can pick mushrooms and catch fish, you can catch fish you can, and you can even eat, not only catch and collect, but... the question of monitoring is a question that is very painful for our country, because we have a very large experience of the chernobyl events, and accordingly we have gained very good experience, how to organize correctly surveillance around such rationally dangerous objects as the belarusian nuclear power plant, what we know from chernobyl, we implemented everything around the belarusian nuclear power plant, in the chernobyl events we had one very big problem, we did not have time to record... active iodine, it was 40 years ago, count it back, it was a problem, today we have left this experience in real time, that is , measurements are taken online in the observation zone around
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the belarusian nuclear power plant, the presence or absence of radioactive iodine is monitored , if any information arises during the measurement that iodine appears, all emergency, emergency protection systems are turned on, the main actor is the nuclear power plant, that is, the whole question of organizing control radioactive contamination or potential releases of emissions, this is the full responsibility of the nuclear power plant, tell me, you are around the station, you are fishing in general, you are a fisherman, picking mushrooms, i am a fisherman, but i haven’t been working for that long, i haven’t had time yet, i’m not an ice fisherman, so as soon as it’s summer, yes, that is, but our staff, who fish on the lakes in vili, have no problems. well, do i understand correctly that if we summarize this part of the discussion, but about security, then in essence there are no reasons for concern, well, absolutely no, for even the people who live next to the nuclear power plant
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have no reason to worry, neither regarding the cleanliness, pollution of the air, soil, water, everything is under control by respected institutions, but first, second, that yes, the nuclear plant conducts monitoring in its own way ... in japan, yes, this is fukushima, yes , events took place, they actively cite the belarusian experience in combating it in scientific publications, that is, we have studied all this, we have work, we know how to
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overcome these consequences of pollution , take into account as well further. irina vasilyevna, your economic assessments are very interesting, well, this is very important. electrical energy, but if we take a strategic course towards digitalization, we will need a lot of energy, people just don’t understand this, and thus, what we need, etc., etc., is why we need to develop nuclear energy, this is
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absolutely correct, how it influenced, we look at today’s economic growth, it is taking place, this means production output, this means export growth, this means workers places, this is wages.
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cite that today we consume hydrocarbons, in my opinion, more than twenty, millions or billions, i don’t remember, cubic meters of gas, which means that a nuclear power plant replaces only five for us, that is , practically remember, the president said, i can still build two or three nuclear power plants, that is, if we are talking about completely replacing hydrocarbons, then this will really require the construction of at least one or two more power plants. nuclear power plants, but economic calculations, i have seen estimates
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are that nuclear power plants are tens of times cheaper, generating this amount of electricity than importing this amount of energy through hydrocarbons, you need to supply them, they need to be burned, this is the whole infrastructure, depreciation, wages plus co2, plus emissions plus environmental consequences, yes, yes, don’t forget, irina vasilyevna, but this is a catch-up question, right? what sectors of our economy, perhaps, types of activities, which of them will receive an additional impetus, well, first of all, i think that what is connected, for example, we have a metallurgical plant in the gombel region, it is an energy-consuming, energy-intensive production, plus we have, well, the main types of activity, this is mechanical engineering, this is...
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what does a nuclear power plant mean for the economy, energy and quality of life of belarusians, how safe it is, in the story of alina loppo. please. just over 10 years ago, it was difficult to imagine that belarus would become a nuclear power. today this is a fait accompli and a major milestone. stories there is no alternative to energy in our country; the reality is this: nuclear
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efficiency, the project has undoubtedly strengthened our energy security, one of the most large-scale, complex and technologically advanced projects that we are implementing together with russia. belaes has already issued 25 billion kv. energy consumption in the country both for the real sector of the economy and for the population, almost + 7% for the year. modern multi-apartment electric houses are being built in the country; over the last 3 years, over a million square meters have been brought into operation. yes, belois is working steadily and pragmatically to increase its capacity, despite the once loud protests of our european neighbors,
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which we sometimes hear to this day. western politicians are speculating as much as they can on the topic of the station’s safety, while not paying attention to magathe’s unequivocal verdicts. belarus strictly follows all regulations; advisory missions visit the republic every year. moreover, our country itself invited experts, thereby demonstrating openness and readiness to take into account the competent opinion of specialists in this sphere. but as they say, the dogs bark, the caravan moves on, minsk does not concentrate on sabotaging others, but on its work on a complex project that is important for the country, ensuring security and every stage of implementation is under control at the highest level. the nuclear power plant is not only a guarantor of energy security, but also contributes to the common cause of mitigating the effects of climate change; thanks to bilas, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced annually by approximately 7 million tons. for reference, before the construction of the nuclear power plant began, people lived in ostrovets 8,500 people, it is estimated, the population is now almost twice that. the city has grown with three new microdistricts, schools,
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kindergartens, a hospital and other important social facilities have been built. so, the northwestern region of belarus is gradually moving towards a modern industrial center. and we are also developing our scientific school, looking at energy-efficient housing and electric transport from a different angle, reducing dependence on blue fuel and fluctuations in energy prices. belarus receives a source of affordable and clean electricity decades ahead. i think this is a worthy conclusion to our discussion, and in essence our conclusions resonate with the theses that we heard. there are no objections to the plot, yes , dear colleagues, no, please tell me, sergei olegovich, if we go to the numbers, yes, that’s how much electricity our nuclear power plant is capable of generating, well , at peak power if it reaches full power, we know , that there are different modes, it produces more, less,
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different power units, it’s difficult for an uninitiated person to understand this, but that’s how much is she capable of producing at peak? and the question is, this same power needs to be somehow adsorbed in the country, that is, consumed , do you think our power distribution infrastructure is ready to accept such an amount of energy, you know, i think that regarding your question we we already live in the future, because what you say, can we accept, we already accept it all today and are working, the nuclear power plant today operates in the winter, in the most favorable production mode and daily output from two we have blocks in the range of 56-57 to 57 million ton-hours and, be that as it may, today this electricity is in demand within the country, that is, we do not sell, we
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only work for ourselves, we generate about 40% of the electricity in the country, yeah, that’s it we plan for more than a year. to produce in two units , our nuclear power plant does not have a peak, that is, we are always in the base mode, it is always peak, that is, we have no unloading, that is, we always work at the maximum and the fact that we are getting the effect today is it is precisely connected with the fact that for practically of all nuclear power plants in the world, these stations operate in the base, this is also one of the safety elements that there is no unloading, no increase in loads, and the equipment always works, well, in a gentle mode, we have until...
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the structure, well, expand, expand, modernize, right? well, that’s right , look, we are now talking about populated areas and a specific ordinary consumer who lives in a private house or apartment building, well, it could be an industrial consumer, it could be a private one for an industrial consumer there are no problems, that is, the networks that go to them today, they fully satisfy, that is, they seem to fully satisfy their needs, today we are talking about settlements that... can get electricity today, people need it , that’s where it will be necessary to have plans developed to increase consumption there, that is, practically it depends on the cross-section of the cable.
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so to speak, they are working on these issues in these countries, which means there was a conference in 1919, and they were present there, representatives from these countries, they are very afraid of this, they even came to moscow and asked to carry out an experimental shutdown to see what would happen, because the remaining industry and energy in general, which, so to speak, takes place in lithuania, could go down, and the fact that it is said that...
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maria grigorievna, dear colleagues, how are things going with the staffing of the nuclear power industry at all levels of management, this includes the operation of the plant, this and the organization of proper control, analytical, scientific support, because here we need fundamentally new competencies, this is how these issues are resolved, well, i already said that we had a base and it was quite good. the base managed to create a fairly effective operating system for training personnel, there is a state program on youth and politics
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, in this program there is a special section on training personnel for nuclear energy, within the framework of the implementation of this program specialists are trained, there are four basic universities, these are bsu and the sakharov institute, this is bntu, and this is bguir, these... adjacent ones, that's all, yes, that's all, all the staff, who came, there was a very important point here, that is, the first thing that supported us in
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preparation was invited specialists. the russian colleagues who came to us, and the russian, ukrainian, armenian colleagues who came to us, the lithuanian ones who helped us here in the implementation of our project, without them a lot of things probably wouldn’t have happened, maybe not so quickly, but it wouldn’t have worked out, so many thanks to them for the work that they did and are doing, that is, of course, their level, their work experience at operating stations was very important for our country, in addition, it must be said that a very... large layer, a very large number of our people, underwent retraining at the sites of russian universities, namely those traditional power engineers that we had already formed, a lot , well , let’s just say, a cry was thrown out, a lot of specialists responded to this cry, who went through retraining from conventional energy and today work great at our station, and all these things seem to be given to us in a compartment
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the result is that today we are fully staffed. in general, stations and the number of people that we are now recruiting, we are, to put it mildly, very selective, that is, we are not in a hurry, yeah, because we need to select, choose from the best, the desire to work at the belarusian nuclear power plant among the younger generation, there are a lot of young specialists, in order to understand this, you need not only to come to the station, for this you need to come to ostrovets. and look at the conditions in which people live, i mean housing conditions first of all, that they are surrounded, social infrastructure , what a powerful social infrastructure , that is, almost everything, the town is small , everything is within walking distance, two swimming pools, an ice palace, that is, there are things that are four schools, but one lyceum, three schools and more one construction project, that is, a city that
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is developing today, well, probably the level of wages. the board at the station is not the smallest in the country, that is, it is a strategic facility, it is necessary to maintain a high level, that is why specialists are coming, many by vocation, but this is always very important, but wages are what can keep a person there for six months, a year, yes, it is very important to create conditions where a person is interested in where he is needed, where his opinion is important, that is , when a person understands that he is in his place here, then the salary... it is high, but not at the highest level, but this is very important, when a person can think about his generations, he knows where to live, he knows what his children have going to kindergartens, schools, the prospect, of course, i think that in in the near future, ostrovets, well, a lot, it is already changing a lot quickly, but in the near future these positive changes will
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increase, all for the benefit of our people. more to say, but tell me that with personnel of the highest scientific qualifications, specialists with higher education, it’s clear that we are preparing scientists in the field of nuclear energy, this is very serious, we have a postgraduate course , well, a master’s degree, of course, there is a postgraduate course, in this graduate school is attended by specialists who specialize, well, that’s what we concerns in the field of nuclear national security, a new council has now opened at the academy of sciences in sosny, a new council has opened for... defending a dissertation, we at bsu have a specialized council in which one-time defenses can be carried out in these areas, so training highly qualified personnel is a question which, well, is constantly, constantly growing. ulga mikhailovna, how are things going with your staff, how do you resolve this issue? our personnel supplier is the same as that of the nuclear power plant, that is, there are also four universities about which maria grigorievna said, yes, they
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they trained specialists for us, we have them all. faculty of chemistry of bsu, now the question is of training specialists with just such a specialization, radiochemistry, water treatment,
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yes. of all waste, not only operational waste from nuclear power plants, then waste will be returned to us after reprocessing spent nuclear fuel, well, all the waste that we have in industry, in medicine, everything that is now, well, the lifespan, the life cycle of all of them is coming to an end sources, they will also be, they are buried in the appropriate, well, corresponding... irina vasilievna, we have already approached this aspect so carefully more than once, so i want to ask you this question directly: can the belarusian nuclear power plant be considered, well, a kind of
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driver for the technological development of our country, a kind of core of a new cluster, and if so, what types of activities will undergo changes in the near future, the fact is that in general all countries...
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need, well, i believe that in the near future, while we calmly work with one station, that is, until time will tell, experience, which today it has been developed, it will not go anywhere , that is, we will calmly work and
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develop, the competencies that personnel are acquiring today, not only ours, but those who are engaged in repair, maintenance, diagnostics, these are already belarusian specialists, yeah, experience that they get it here, it's actually in demand all over the world. and the dynamics, which, if the personnel working at the station will work at the station within belarus, then this is the prospect for those who serve us today, and we every year, with every plan with preventive repairs, we are increasing the influence and volume of work of belarusian specialists, our competencies are growing, very soon, that is, our specialists will be in much greater demand, namely repairmen, adjusters, that is, by and large , we can provide such services. we already have such experience today, that is, we are already working with rosatom on a number of objects - we accompany them, they attract us, and we see that there is great
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interest in this, in this case, sergei alegovich is absolutely correct in saying that we can export your competencies, and competencies are exported primarily through people, so we can, so to speak , provide, so to speak, this kind of thing, this is a new, yes, this is a new direction.
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let's take a look at the rational use of energy resources for the benefit of the family budget in the report by ilon and volynets. the sachenko couple cannot get used to the weather in the house; electricity has completely changed their way of life, making it more convenient to cook food and heat the apartment. i have more time for hobbies; painting pictures is much more pleasant than stocking up on firewood. here look how beautiful it is, how warm it is, and it only costs a minimum, but if you turned it on all the way, then its comfort. with benefits for
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the family budget, the use of electricity also allows you to save a lot of money, the equipment, by the way , was installed for the residents for free, we paid for it, now with heating it costs about 50 rubles. what a savings, thank you very much and to our president, and imagine, everything was done for free, and the line is all apartments, seven convectors, plus titanium, plus a towel dryer... velikiy bors became the first in in a settlement in belarus that was completely switched to electric heating, heat came to 240 apartment buildings. we built about 19 km of lines, 104 kv, updated almost all networks, increased throughput and increased the reliability of power supply. some residents did not have a centralized water supply, so we used storage water heaters, where water is filled independently. well,
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as it heats up, you could use it, that’s the know-how. in the gomel region they plan to transfer 19 agricultural towns to electric heating. obviously, this will give impetus to the development of their industrial and social potential. 19 agricultural towns, which today were not transferred to gas supply, will be electrified, the order of these agricultural towns, i think, we will finalize in the next few months, because new ones need to be installed. energy mains in order to gradually power up the same reconstruction of individual subscriptions in each agricultural town, if we consider the general comprehensive measures that adopted at the level of the head of state, the government as a whole has allowed the volume of electricity consumption in the country to reach 41 billion kilohours 41.1 - this is an increase of 6.6% and there is a significant increase here. there is growth in
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the real sector of the economy, and there is also population growth. thanks to belaes , new possibilities for using electricity are being added. over the past 2 years, the volume of reconstruction and construction of electrical networks in the country has almost doubled: the electrification of the housing stock will continue, which means the life of villagers will become even more comfortable. how are you do you think our people are ready for nuclear electrification? are they attractive enough for people?


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