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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 2:55am-3:26am MSK

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energy, in order to gradually power up the same reconstruction of subscriptions, individuals in each agricultural town, if we consider the general comprehensive measures that were taken at the level of the head of state, the government as a whole has allowed the volume of electricity consumption in the country to reach 41 billion kilowatt hours, 41, 10, this is an increase of 6.6%, and there is significant growth here...
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it would improve the conditions for electricity consumption, a good niche, it should be used, our entrepreneurs or industrialists should actively organizations, well, an air heat pump.
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of course, this is very attractive from the point of view of both environmental friendliness and convenience , that is, we especially saw that yes, environmental friendliness , and even here they showed the territories of khonika, these are our chernobyl territories, according to the chernobyl program, which has been carried out for many years, the sixth program is currently being carried out, an important section is precisely the transition to clean forms of energy, yes, that is, not the use of places.
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in our case, you just need to work well, that is, the development of nuclear energy in our country - this is correct, this is creating conditions for it to develop, this is an integrated approach, connected from... and despite the fact that we can apply it, apply it ourselves, that is, develop, that is, not stand in one place, despite the fact that the facility was built for 60 years with the possibility of extension to twenty, that is, this does not mean that we will simply come to work, just work on it, we will look for options on how to do it even better, and accordingly this and...
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permission, we create a list of conditions he recently took an exam with us , he also received the validity of such personal permits, and it is certainly noted there that the regulatory framework is changing, safety requirements are increasing, work, dear colleagues, raise your level, prove that the station also strives for the maximum, for the ideal, well it is clear that the ideal is unattainable, but i really want us to move in this direction. belarusian energy, the belarusian nuclear industry is primarily in the future, it is sustainability, sustainability through good personnel training using modern it technologies, modern modeling methods, with advanced training of teachers, we will raise
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new scientists in this field, but this is how we create such a common infrastructure and develop a safety culture, this is what we have... nuclear energy should not stop there, at least in the near future with the construction of another station. this is something to think about. thank you for your opinion, thank you for taking the time to with a busy schedule, come to our studio of the bel
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tv and radio company on makayonko 9. we thank our guests and say goodbye to you: use your energy effectively for the benefit of our country. and then the economic environment for us. everyone will be auspicious, goodbye, keep your eyes open, you have a spouse, but no, not yet, that you are a happy person, india gulong shows legendary locks, and the door to it was open, then the music flowed throughout the entire floor,
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belarus castle on territory of the country in different eras there were at least 150 unique buildings, each of them with history, architecture, landscape, only a few have survived to this day, of many there is no trace left, those that have survived are revered like the apple of the eye, government efforts are aimed at everything so that... the heirs can touch the centuries-old history, millions of rubles are spent on restoration and preservation of antiquity. nesvizh, mir, lida, novogrudok, gomel, kosovo, the heritage of the people is closer than it seems, intiagulonga takes a timid step into the past. shrouded in riddles,
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secrets, legends, this castle and park the complex has been rising majestically on belarusian lands for five centuries. its construction in those years was the care of tycoon yuri ilyinich; due to his sudden death, he never had a chance to see the finished structure. storage units, mainly those items that correspond to certain eras.
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masterpieces are everywhere, the ceiling of the hall is decorated with stucco with gilding, the walls are upholstered in fabric, and there is natural stone on the floor. describing the grandeur of the interiors is such a hassle. products made of faience, porcelain, and carved furniture were brought here from all the princely factories. in the 18th century mir castle had more than 100 fireplace stoves, it was said.
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medieval musical instruments, gold decor. for lavish receptions , kilometer-long tables were set, served with silverware and handmade cutlery. the main attractions of the hut's dining room are the quilt ceiling, tiled stove, and locally produced tiles for decoration. it consists of such cells, kitsons, by the way, this one cell weighs approximately 100 kg. yes. if there are 81 cells in this hall, then the ceiling is over 8 tons. medieval bins, balls and
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techniques are standards of scrupulous preparation. in the basements of the castle there are labyrinths of utility rooms, weighing rooms, storerooms, and wine cellars. most often , products were stored in the form of pickles. the prototype of a modern refrigerator stood here. the ice in it was regularly changed by servants; their rooms were located on the basement of the building. so what's here? and here we have a descent into the lower prison, we will go down to a depth of approximately 4 m, intiagu is not ready to go up the steep narrow stairs, but the pull of history turns out to be stronger than fear. no, there's already a beast here. imprisonment in the castle could have two types. more lenient is a sentence in the upper prison. particularly dangerous criminals served their sentences in these cozimates.
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prisoners emerged from behind the walls with poor health. within six months, in darkness, dampness, cold, and a meager diet, people lost their sight, health, and reason. you felt like a prisoner, probably now you should feel like a warrior. come on, okay, let's go to the tower. 320,000 per year and visited our museum in 2019, due to the fact that 2020 was covid, but we did not closed, we worked, the height of each of the five towers of the castle is 25 m. three-layer masonry was used in their construction. the outer interior of the walls was made of brick interspersed with boulders. the space between them. was filled with small stones, a room where in the last century, in the 15th century,
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there were cannons, and they probably don’t shoot through the fire, well, there were no windows, but yes, that is, the cannon was lifted here on ropes, then, if the cannon failed, it was thrown out, intyagulonga climbs to the very top high point of the castle, well, there’s strength , there’s still strength, because there’s another staircase at the top, oh, it hurts so much, it’s just that yesterday i was on the black salic trine. it was still very difficult to climb up this small staircase , i’m already in pain of pure horror, the scale of the legend, to appreciate the scope of the mir castle, a few hours is not enough, a fan of... local antiquities advise staying here for another day, thank you very much, it was very interesting, i than we were embarrassed by your idea, but well, i think that you will come to us for more balls, yes, of course, of course, i've worked up an appetite , pretty hungry intiagulonga rushes headlong into the refectory, good afternoon , hello, what's your name, vika, the restaurant's kitchen
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is located on the ground floor of the castle, the restaurant's menu includes age-old national classics, they serve dried beef, pork neck, duck breast, lard, skip. among a dozen ancient recipes, those same sorcerers are a separate hit. begin. first of all , we take the potatoes and start grating them . sorcerers are the closest relatives of dumplings, ravioli dumplings. they appeared at 13 century on the territory of on. according to legend , the belarusian-lithuanian tatars brought the recipe with them. they lived on these lands.
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proofread and develop other different dishes there; when it is prepared by hand, it gives some kind of energy. onion is also added to the minced meat, its work is coarsely grated, spices are poured in, then the first part of the future sorcerer is lowered directly onto a hot frying pan into a round shape, then the filling is sent , sealed on top with dough, the test is some kind of standard, well, if it is a professional kitchen, always should be the same, yes standard, of course, mine
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is probably ok for the first time, after frying the dish is necessary for...
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lazy intiagulonga is starting to make the first progress, i need to try it sometime, well , of course, now you can go to the table and sit down, they will bring you out, you will try , thank you very much, the leader of the whites could hardly wait for this moment, dinner time seemed to never come, right inside such tenderness they just salted it, no more, no less, how very correct. we are going on an expedition in the depths of our land and in the world. we are trying to get rid of this whole mission, advocating for the eternal songs of the people who were not only captured, but also
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for the future. there are further breaches ahead.
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the country was visited by nearly a million foreigners, the number of palace and castle buildings in the country exceeded a hundred. unique sights, myths, legends, it excites the mind and makes you want to see it. intiogulongo was convinced that centuries-old buildings are experiencing a rebirth. the presenter walked around the world's castle is a fraction across. no, there is already a light here. he went to prison. the prisoner was in such stocks. knocked off his feet , well, there is still strength, because at the top there is another staircase, who else will be there, that’s what’s next,
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this palace and park ensemble also belonged to the rich family of radivils, they disposed of it as a personal estate, and intiagu tuned in to history with geography, good afternoon, good afternoon, belarusians are people of their history who can be proud. show her, well, as evidence, today you saw how many people visit us, this means that we are one of the top three most visited museums in belarus, now we are actually back to pre-covid times, we had a little over 4,000 visitors per year. the castle dates back to the beginning of the 16th century, when the owner of the city, nikolai christofordivil sirotka, ordered the first wooden structure to be built here, since then it has been rebuilt more than once. the last in 1583, this year is considered the official founding date of the complex, for almost two decades in a row in the prestigious list of
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unesco world heritage sites. we are in in the inner courtyard of the castle, here you can see the main buildings, the palace where the family lived, the stone house where the kitchens and dining rooms were located, the arsenal, the courtyard was used for receiving guests, for a long time it was also a parade ground for soldiers, because they had their own... on three on the floors of the luxurious palace , about thirty halls are open to visitors, wealth and grandeur emanate from each. princes built such castles to demonstrate their high status and strengthen their position of power. we are now in the men's half. yes. here tourists can see one of the authentic moments that have been preserved within the walls of this castle. these are static interiors, stoves with heraldry. yeah, and household items. the main tradition of all times is the division of the central part of the palace into male and female zones. in the first, business receptions were held and
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negotiations were scheduled. the prince's bedroom, the prince's office and the hall for receiving guests, small, it is called the stars. one of the well- preserved halls is the fireplace hall. at different times its names changed, it was also known as a dining room and portrait. here. portraits, because the man who had his big pedigree, he should know his ancestors, and the more of these ancestors he has, the more pedigree, the more he could boast, say that he is a man who has a very long history, his family is very old, very ancient, the rustle of dresses, each hall is decorated in a unique style, the white ballroom sparkles with neoclassicism, only guests were invited to receptions under its arches, guests could dance here.
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industrial scale. the radevils founded dozens of cult manufactories, producing liboks glass, sverzhinsky faience, slutsk silk belts. in the old days, the reception hall of the nobles was decorated with 40 woven masterpieces. now the castle houses two originals of the relic. wow! is this an arched room? well, this is not a room, this is some kind of hall. to say, this is a hall for ceremonial receptions, it also had several names, its most famous name and what it corresponds to is the golden hall. precious
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story. gold leaf. shines with luxury through the centuries, expensive inlay emphasized status, symbolized the title, due to the mirrors, there are two mirrors , such a volume was created that if you stand in front of the mirror and look from mirror to mirror, you can see infinity, big politics played a key role in the life of princes, steam after sharp feuds was released on the hunt, this hall with a gallery of trophies - more one reason to show off greatness. the hunt was prepared, that is, it was not that you got up in the morning and wanted to go hunting, no, there were beaters, there were huntsmen, forest rangers who kept track of where the animal lived and how to get it. the wife of one of the hetmen, radivilov became the first a female playwright at the palace. ursula, or as she was called, the nesvezh sabfo, opened the curtain of the court theater.
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special stages were used to create spectacular performances. the sand went up, it was necessary to open the sluice , all this poured down, created the sound of rain, dry gunpowder, machines were required to protect the fortress, a worker behind the scenes grew the machine, artillery, foundry workshops were located nearby by the highest order, most of the cannons presented in the museum were recreated copies , genuine collection heirs. the devils were taken out of the country at the beginning of the last century, so we started looking to bring it all back here, this armor, this is lansknecht armor from the end of the 16th century, that is, the same age as the castle, in fact, it turns out it was sold in the usa. the women's half of the palace has been recreated one-on-one with examples of 19th-century interiors. furniture that belonged to a family of magnates was brought from a foreign mansion, expensive lots, art historians
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in... bought at an auction in new york, here is a different style, here is already a french style, here is provence characteristic, because one of the mistress of these rooms at the end of the 19th century was a frenchwoman, here she is maria detelran de castellan radivil. flights of history, after massive stairs, having covered several tens of thousands of steps in half a day, and intiagulonga is ready to move on, it is breathtaking. to see how long ago it was, it’s as if i feel now, well, my mind just wants to build some kind of movie, that people have already walked here, ran around all sorts of massacres, all sorts of epic stories, now my head is playing. belarusian versailles, an object of the so-called first category of historical and cultural value international heritage. a year ago
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, after many years of restoration , the bulgakov palace opened its doors, the white ros team considered it their duty to visit here too. hello, hello, glad to see you, very nice. with an eye on a masterpiece. according to art historians, over the years the estate surpassed the radivilov residence in luxury. the construction of the century was launched by ignatius bulgak exactly 200 years ago.
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