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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 9:10am-10:46am MSK

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belarus 24 and discover belarus. hello, this is the main broadcast, 19:55 on the clock, and this is the most complete picture of a single voting day. in just a few minutes , belarus will enter a new stage of its political development. belarusians have made a choice about who will represent their local interests in parliament, well, someone still has time to cast their vote at this moment. there is still time until exactly 80. it should be noted that the current
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election campaign was preceded by large-scale work to improve legislation, this is a republican the referendum of 22 with amendments to the constitution, this served as the basis for a series of events to transform the electoral system of belarus; draft amendments and additions to both the main law and the electoral code, which is very important, passed all public discussions. well, it seems that the candidates’ busy days are behind them, when topical issues were discussed at meetings with people, including foreign policy and some everyday problems, but the main work lies ahead, and especially since the year obliges us to implement our plans efficiently, year quality, and we are confident that work with the population will be carried out in the same vein: the work of those who are ready to determine the life course of society and the state with their ideas and decisions, and their work. today we will collect the opinions of voters from polling stations, observers, experts, including those from abroad. of course, we will become witnesses together with you. and we
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are expecting our first guests any minute, but for now let’s see together how the country spent this day, a single voting day, ours depends on us, on each of our votes future, i care about how i live, how my family lives, how it develops. my country. i make my choice, vote for my country, for my future, for the development of my country. ice is not scary, rain is not scary, so come in a good mood. yes, we will choose. we live in a strong independent country, and i would like us to continue to live in a peaceful, calm time. i love you, belarusians, this is what... lives in my heart,
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i love you, belarusians, i love you, belarusians, we are belarusians, peaceful, yalyuski, sercem, giving hole on the ground. so, literally in a few seconds, a few minutes remain until the polling stations close, but only for voting, in fact, work there is in full swing, the counting of votes is about to begin, according to tradition , we show live how this happens, at the same time people are flocking to the center of the electoral commission current data, we see what
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is happening now at one of the sites in the information center at the same time, our correspondent katerina krutalevich is working at one of the sites today, and in the palace of the republic veronica buta. ekaterina, i would really like to start with you, but apparently, the counting procedure has not yet begun. good evening, colleagues, you know that they are not taking any steps towards television on this issue, we were told, exactly 8:00 pm,
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brest region, mogilev and gomel regions. well, we can say that belarusians made their choice, they determined the future of the country, they determined the future of the regions. by the way , i would like to note that this year the turnout threshold for elections was abolished, that is, in any case, the elections took place, but more than 70%, you see, is a figure very high, especially if we remember that this is not a presidential election campaign, therefore. observers highly appreciate this political campaign, largely saying that this is, of course, the merit of the organizers , because everything is organized at the highest level, including thanking my media colleagues for the work, they say that it is largely thanks to the active information
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support of the electoral race, we see such numbers. in addition, we can also say what observers note, and why is it so high number, because many of them, by the way, are observers, this is not the first electoral race we have here in belarus, and they note that the level of political literacy, the level of political awareness of belarusians has become significantly higher, plus, probably, belarusians have realized that we are building a new political system, where state administration will be intertwined, plus elements of public policy, that is , the level, or something, is rising, the significance of every vote that... was cast today and during early voting at polling stations, on our own i’ll also note that they probably chose the date and time of the elections perfectly, because winter is not the time for vacations, not the time for holidays, not the time for dachas, so what to do
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with a beautiful sunday winter day, of course, come to the polling station for voting to determine the future of their country as a whole... today at the press conference, in addition to the official statistics, journalists asked questions, and also dispelled various infake stories, for example, one of them was recently literally faked, saying that it was not personally korpenko indicated the scheme and identified those voting stations where observers should go, and so the observers refuted this information, they said that everything was being carried out in a dignified, organized, honest manner and... the central election commission will hold it on march 1. ekaterina, are the polling stations already closed? is everything ready for the vote count? just a second
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ago they closed, there was even applause, they applauded the team that had been working all day, we are now walking like this. technological processes, we will now talk to the chairman of the site, veronica sabevich, hello, hello , please tell us what will happen now, because everyone is very interested in this secret counting, at the moment, at the moment, we have already counted unused ballots, we canceled them, packed them, set the number those who voted according to the list, the lists are already packed, but now my colleagues are finishing, great, and we are ready to open the...
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now the observers are coming, this is a mandatory procedure, also according to the protocol , now they are starting to pour out, you see, they - two different colors to this company, they first need to be sorted. veronica, i have already explained to our viewers that they are of two different colors, why? we need to sort, we need to sort, because the green ones are ballots for the house of representatives of the national assembly, and the white ones are our ballots for the minsk city council of deputies, now members of the election commission will divide them into two groups of ballots, and we will then sort them depending on the candidates.
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please tell me approximately how much is this? takes time and what happens next? i believe that we still have two hours of intense team work ahead of us, and then they go somewhere, then, of course, we take it. all accompanied by representatives of law enforcement agencies to the district commission. veronica, i have one last question for you, you are the director of the eighth gymnasium, right, parents come to you here, what mood did they come with, including parents? and how many people came? today a lot of people came, parents and children came in beautiful in such an elevated mood , i would say in general it is definitely festive, well, this is not surprising, because today we are all participants in a unique event, because in our independent belarus this is the first time, when on a single day all voters, responsible citizens elect deputies of different levels, i think that everyone should... remember this unique event, tell me, but in terms of numbers, how many should have come, in your opinion, just visually, how many people there were, well, today there was definitely more than 50% turnout -
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this is 100%, at our polling station the turnout was very high, but in general they looked at who the candidates were or knew, that’s how it was with the campaigning in your opinion, the campaigning also took place at a high level, because those voters who went today, 80 percent of them they clearly understood who they were voting for, that is, they practically did not stop near the stand with biographical information, they clearly...
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the president also made his choice on a single voting day. alexander lukashenko arrived in the morning at the site, which is located at the university physical culture. on the sidelines, the press, out of habit, calls it polling station number one, although in fact its number is 478, well, that’s how it happened, it’s just that the first person in the country votes here according to tradition. his son nikolai also arrived. that's it, together with the head of state for the election here. journalistic landing, and here there were
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not only representatives of the belarusian media, but foreign ones, attacked alexander lukashenko with questions, they related to both the current election campaign and the upcoming presidential elections. in the conversation touched on topics on the topic of the day: the situation around belarus, the plans of the fugitives, the prospects for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine, the state of affairs in the csto in connection with the position of armenia, they talked about the strength and importance of belarusian-russian integration in the current realities, we will definitely show all fragments throughout main broadcast, but first about the elections, about what the belarusian president was guided by when casting his vote, what you based your choice on today when you cast your vote, and which people in general, in your opinion, should come to parliament and local councils in the light of large-scale political reforms in the country, my choice today is based on...
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we need a quiet life, in the name of this we will do everything, we do not hold power with trembling hands, and no one will give or give power to anyone, but this should be based on the people’s trust in this government, i believe that in our country, well, in the overwhelming majority today , the people trust the government, although they criticize, this is normal, we did not invite observers from the osce this year. talked a lot about the reasons why in private observers were invited, but in general , we did not invite observers from the osce, and this means that we are not interested in their opinion, and this is directly the position for the future , including, you know, everyone who asked to come to us, well, in my opinion, no one was refused, if the osce wanted to come to us and made
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such a request, we would have considered it, most likely positively, well... they didn’t ask, but why should we crawl to them, these are our elections for us, as i said, this is the first, second, if we invited them, the result obvious, today i was traveling, i think, well, i’ll tell you how it was, they arrived, we met them, everything was there, well, as usual, hospitality, they prepared the conclusion protocols in advance , lost them, naturally our guys found them , took photographs on my table, we they... weren’t taken, they were photographed on the table, listen , 2 days before the elections this preliminary voting is going on, they have already crossed out our elections, bad bad really bad, well , why invite them here if absolutely normal people are coming, then they came now, they they get good money, protocols were written to them from above, they were ordered as they should be, the handwriting was
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american, with such an anglo-saxon flavor, all this is familiar to me.
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worry, we will do what is necessary for belarus. a short clarification: your statements regarding the participation of the upcoming company in a year, is this an official statement, or is this an official warning , taking into account the fact that. today's vote, well, in fact, this is the start of a completely new electoral architecture and, well, let's frankly say a new electoral cycle for the topic, well, is that this is an electoral
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cycle and that we will be pumped up until the presidential elections, and this will be the apogee of everything, well, i’ve already talked a lot about this, so this is a cycle, officially, not officially, well, what’s the question, this answer, in my opinion, i answered the way they asked me the question.
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and so on, but the good thing is that journalists, and then society, thanks to journalists, begin to understand, lukashenko said something there, demanded, harshly, did not understand,
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it turned out he was right, well, take the pandemic, who supported me then, had to go to alone, only those journalists who followed me in intensive care, they understood that there was something here, but they didn’t understand, because the whole world was going in a different direction, who turned out to be right, it’s my job to sit... think using experience and my knowledge, i must predict, if the president does not have this, there is no point in doing this, so this is the main quality of the president, well, naturally there must be iron intuition, and most importantly, you must always remember where you came from, be an earthly person to remember that 10 million people and three million who come here to relax and so on, these are the people to whom you owe money, you owe them.
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my task for everyone who works with me today. a little later we will return and show answers to other pressing questions. and representatives of the country’s party are joining us live in the studio. today i will introduce you, well, i’ll start from left to right, andrei bugrov, chairman of the minsk branch of the belarusian party “belaya rus”. sergei klishevich, member of the communist party of belarus. alexander markevich. member political council of the republican party of labor and justice, oleg gaidukevich, chairman of the liberal democratic party. hello, good evening, let me remind you that 110 deputies of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus and 12,514 deputies of local councils of deputies are to be elected. thank you, victoria, for these numbers, everyone voted today for their candidate in their constituency, well,
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dear guests.
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there is no threat, they didn’t come because they were mired in lies, and we held these elections for our own people, the people said their weighty answer , no matter who wins in which district, one thing must be said, these are patriots of the country, and the country will become stronger, but not through the prism of the western media , those who dared to come today saw it with their own eyes on a single voting day, sergei mikhailovich, the president said today that the role of parliament will increase, of course, but the president also said
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very important things: that we will not do anything in a revolutionary way, exclusively evolutionary, we, unfortunately, have already history of our state quite recently there was such an example, i mean now perestroika, when they accelerated , when it means democratization at an accelerated pace , when glasnost, when criticism, in the end, what all this led to, we saw very well, according to some historians, more people died people as a result of all these processes, rather than during the great patriotic war, so of course, we have learned from our history and will be careful. as part of collecting signatures as part of the campaign and at polling stations, people realized this, people understand this, we are today we see how effective this political education
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of our society is, how it influences our society today... first of all, what is enshrined in the constitution, dozens of laws, in the development of constitutional provisions have been adopted, we have already begun to provide and looked at on a single voting day, what electoral sovereignty is, saw its
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effectiveness, saw the will of the belarusian people, but what is noteworthy is that representatives of all parties, non-partisan, they were for the evolutionary path of development of belarus, we don’t need to dwell on this, we...
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so you didn’t throw mud at each other, so remember, they are waiting for our split, here are four representatives of four political parties sitting here, they won’t wait for this, we are in parliament, whoever gets in, we will work together, as one team, they are just waiting, to split patriots, to split political parties, public organizations, so we deliberately at the debates, here sits sergei mikhailovich, a representative of the communist party, we deliberately did so that people people saw our programs.
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after all, these are standards , but there are no such standards, so the mission, the osce observation mission , is exclusively an instrument of influence on the sovereignty and independence of all states, not just ours, they always use this all over the world in their own interests, so that’s the whole result, let us read the standards , there are none, let us those who noted the level of responsibility today during the voting process, namely by working at polling stations, communicating with the electorate, with people, because these were not only representatives of the cis countries, switzerland, germany, france and poland watched. when we discussed this issue with the head of state, each party present here invited observers, including from the countries of the european union, as the leader of the ldp, i note, they came from germany and told me, your elections are better than
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ours, that is, the europeans those who came here, representatives of parties who want normal relations with our country, walk the streets themselves, they have heard enough of this propaganda, clean streets, cheerful people come, a holiday with joy.
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so what kind of elections could there be? equal right, here we are, you and i are deputies of the current parliament, they called us to the elections, they are interested in our opinion in poland, how the elections are being held, in lithuania, where there have been no elections for a long time, we are holding elections for our own people, the president said correctly, we we don’t close, if you want, come, but we don’t care about your opinion, because the elections are for our people, the opinion of our people, we are interested in what the belarusians will say, how they feel about this election campaign, and we already see today, we don’t know yet results, we...
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people, they too, when they came to vote, we also had a lot of innovations, namely in the electoral process directly at the time of voting, but we saw that this found support because we hear people, unlike our western partners, if this in quotes you can say, there is a visa-free regime, come and see, i am sure that those deputies of all levels, including parliaments, who were elected, they will show their really real work.
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all levels were chosen for the first time in such a synchronous format. specially for one day
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voting in belarus released this gift series of the constitution, and this is over 180,000 copies. the basic law of the country in a convenient format is hardcover and gold embossing. the present is symbolic. it was given to those who voted for the first time. a memorable printed charter appeared in the bondarev family today. daniil became a debutant in the electoral campaign. the walls of my native school, as well as support, helped me make an adult choice. parents and younger brother, an important act in the life of every citizen, especially when a person reaches the age of majority, well , after voting, he thus passes the citizenship test, so to speak, with the candidates, got acquainted, made a choice. people's representatives were responsibly elected in all regions, and this is almost 5,500 polling stations; the record holder for their number was the gomel region. today i celebrate my eighteenth birthday, i also came to vote for the first time, we are electing deputies. this is important because young people should think
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about their homeland, because we will live here friendly and i want us all to be , for everyone to somehow live together, unitedly, we must be real patriots, we must build the future, and every voice, like a brick, creates this future, if you pull out one, pull out the second, the building will fall apart , so we have to build it all together. today, in fact, we laid the foundation on which in the next 5 years we will build comfortable housing, educational new buildings, and we will also see them renovated. roads and well-maintained parks, it would seem so familiar and ordinary, but this is what life is all about, those who found a second home in our country and received belarusian citizenship also fulfilled their duty with gratitude. calm, peaceful, everything is fine, the main thing is, yes, we arrived in 2014, we used to live in the donetsk region, the city of makeevka, well, due to the events that took place there, we were forced to leave with the children, we are voting for the first time, since we are in we received citizenship in december last year, so of course
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it is very exciting and responsible for us, we are glad that our voice is still involved in the fate of the whole country. belarusians consciously make their choice, understand that our future will depend on a correctly made decision, especially now, when there is political pressure on belarus, when the twentieth year showed how important it is to be united, how correctly the path of development of the country was chosen by the head of state, because only strong authorities, competent state policy can become a guarantor of independence and creativity. we vote for political, socio-economic stability, for a peaceful sky above our heads. i am pleased to hear that the president of our country , alexander grigorievich lukashenko, announced that he will run in the presidential elections of the twenty-fifth year, so i think that this news is pleasant, good, and we will vote for our president. in 2025, i will gladly go to
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the polls and cast my vote for lukashenko. and why? because, first of all, i believe that we have a peaceful sky only thanks to him. we have. free education, affordable medicine, this is very important, our president is the guarantor of our safe future order in the country, the protection of the interests of our state of every citizen. our country is truly a state created for the people in the interests of the people. comfortable conditions , care for everyone, this was evident and during voting at polling stations, a barrier-free environment , volunteers helped and worked.
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to be together for an affordable choice and the so-called closed areas on the basis of hospitals and sanatoriums in households , there are only 215 such areas, for example, on the territory of the grudnensky university clinic, over 600 patients were able to exercise their right to vote here. everything is very good organized because i would like to be at home, but the circumstances are such that i am in the hospital, so i still want to express my civic position.
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journalists, of course, could not avoid the question of ukraine, the parties have the opportunity . let's return to the president's conversation with coming to peace, alexander lukashenko emphasized, there are enough prerequisites, everyone is following the news. is there a chance, any grounds, that this year ukraine will finally agree to make the transition?
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seriously committed to a peaceful resolution of this conflict, especially now, i don’t want to throw people into hell , there is an opportunity to come to an agreement, uh... nazification, demilitarization and so on , listen, these are terms, it’s all decided at the negotiating table, this is still politics, but
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if the west helps ukraine like it is now , then the days of ukraine are finished. well, after these words, it is important that belarus has become a second home for families who are now choosing their future in their new homeland, the future that was taken away from them on the maidan when the war came to power.
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for an apartment in a four-story building, we lived there for 5 from age to year, when our youngest daughter ivanna was born, we were immediately given a three-room
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apartment, quiet, calm, we also like the work, we both work as livestock breeders, olga stalmakova now has belarusian citizenship, she is originally from moldova, her belarusian husband is from novopolotsk, in they started a family in a young, promising city , are raising children, and vote with olga ... eighteen-year-old son zhenya, and ten-year-old masha in the support group. for me it was a rather important, responsible decision, i was waiting for these elections, these were mine the first elections, they gave me a constitution, which , of course, i will come home, read, study it, i am voting for the first time as a citizen of the republic of belarus and for me this is very important and responsible, the country is friendly, the people are good, compared to the country where i was born , but here is already all my family, a caring mother, a successful woman, and also an activist, colleagues add,
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she made her choice ahead of schedule in order to fulfill another responsible role on the single voting day, a member of the precinct commission. the commission is in a good mood, well ours voters, i think, are also leaving us, having cast their vote, having fulfilled their civic duty, also in a good mood, having chosen our country as their place to live, its new... citizens dream that belarus will become even more beautiful. what our home will be like depends on everyone. this is why it is so important to make the right choice. marina romanovskaya, anna buikevich, agency, tv news. and another important point is that the election campaign is taking place against a difficult geopolitical background. the authorities do not hide the fact that the military-political situation around our country is complex. sanctions pressure, increasing militarization at the border. all this forces you to be on alert. safety issues are a priority. in a conversation with the military, alexander lukashenko revealed the plans of the fugitives and their curators, three scenarios of action, the desired
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outcome of which boils down to one thing: the seizure of power and a coup in belarus. what should belarus oppose and how can it resist? regardless, they will play long or short. there is only one goal: belarus must be turned in the opposite direction, and in order to turn it around, it must be overthrown.
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they have puffed out their cheeks, swelled up, we are so big , there is some kind of belarus here, we need to trample it closer, move there to the east to resources closer to moscow and so on, we understand this, i have said many times that with president putin we envisaged different scenarios developments of events, and counteract this, we will always be united with russia, and you understand that in such a situation we... can stand against any enemy, the current world is power, they understand only power, if, forgive me, we let go and fight for democracy and some kind of ephemeral freedom, you saw, there is no such freedom, there are no democracies, and those who gave us, you see what kind of democracy they have, so we need to see our goals, our interests, be sincere and
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pursue a policy of justice. you know, i don’t know this either, if this is absolutely true, because in order for us to counter what natasha asked, then we must inform people, our society must be absolutely informed, when we talk about this, this is not in order to stress someone, society, as they write there, they shout, no
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, we don’t need this, we don’t need it, on the contrary, i need it to be quiet and calm, so we don’t need...
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as they say, kobrinskoye of some district or even malorita, malorita is nearby, okay, kobrin is far from the border , but these cities were also called, seize a piece of land, declare power, everyone will recognize this power, the government will turn to nato, troops will be brought in, this is not a vomit, absolutely not a vomit, these are the plans being discussed, so we informed you in all directions, in addition to such an important event as... the power unit, about the current situation in belarus and the threats around, a business trip to kazan again minsk. presentation of state awards on defender of the fatherland day. our political observer ilona krasutskaya, together with her colleagues, decided this time to show a little
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more than usual. absolute exclusive on the main broadcast. do journalists know the presidential schedule in advance, what lukashenko is like, when the cameras leave the hall, in what conditions and where do the journalists of the first who run the telegram channel of the same name live on business trips, questions, questions, questions, which people constantly address to us, they asked, we answer, lukashenko, the kremlin, kazan, forward to the future, how long the head of state has been working on the topic. what to say to a large audience? that's the whole strategy, why can an interview with the president be interrupted at any moment? is everyone showing with their hands that enough is enough? how long is the working day of journalist poole 1? we greeted the morning. we'll show you everything right now! the first guest in
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the palace this working week is the first milorad. dodik, president of republika srpska, not to be confused with serbia, yes, geographically they are nearby, but this is a different state, and the president there is also different. republika srpska is categorically part of bosnia and herzegovina.
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the west also interprets this as a challenge. a compact state with a million people shows that it is interested in cooperating with everyone who wants it, but without subordination, which is very consistent with the politics of belarus. only courage and perseverance and strength today,
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unfortunately, can determine the future of this or that country, i think that you are firmly standing there, representing the interests of orthodox people, people who trust and believe in you, we are on your side in this regard.
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his visit to serbia in 1999. it is obvious that our people want much larger and closer ties, both with belarus and with russia. belarusians, we will always be with you. all events outside the palace of independence are usually called off-site events by journalists in slang. this is about a serious conversation between the president and the security bloc.
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for almost 3 hours there was a conversation between the president and the security bloc, reports from the secretary of state of the security council, the minister of defense, the prosecutor general, and so on, although in world practice the details of this area how security is not usually advertised, but what is permissible and not to the detriment, the head of state and competent structures always share, not in order to intimidate, but so that people understand the real situation, what threats there are, and scenarios for the development of events. the first,
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the most desirable for them, is the organization of a coup d'etat, or a violent seizure of power directly during the electoral campaigns, but at the same time they themselves assess it as unlikely. second, main, use of the current election campaign as a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for a coup d'etat in...
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last week , a counter-terrorism operation ended in the lelchet region of belarus; ukrainian saboteurs, on instructions from the sbu, were supposed to carry explosives across the belarusian border. the goal is to further organize a terrorist attack. on the territory of belarus
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russia, the violators were detained, criminal cases were initiated, as soon as the signal was received, the commander of the special operation forces unit, alexander felanovich, was also sent to strengthen the border, in our country all information about this event is being worked on openly, it is then covered in the media, and people understand what kind of event it was, i think this is the main thing, that we have mutual understanding with people, people see this situation around our country and no matter in what area. .. you complete the task, you feel support from people, most likely you already understand that all our actions are aimed at making our state feel calm. the next day, early flight to kazan at putin’s invitation to the games future, where cyber classic competitions take place simultaneously, so it's time to get used to the new word "fidzital".
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he does not allow our athletes to participate in international competitions with pretexts and dictates some conditions for the olympics, in the east they have already come up with everything, the games of the future are in kazan, the sports world has never known anything like this. more than 2.0 athletes from 107 countries, by the way, no one imposed any conditions on anyone. you are from france, would you like to participate please? i'm a professional basketball player, i play for the french national team, and yes, it's very interesting for us. 16 teams is a big tournament. it may not be very familiar to some, but esports really is the future. competitions are held in twenty -one disciplines, the usual sports are immediately their online version, football, hockey and gaming dota and world of tanks are understandable to everyone. figital games are already being called an alternative to the olympics , they are much more modern, plus in these sports all the stars are new, like sports history itself, grandiose is the most appropriate word. forward to the future, dear ones. on business trips
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nothing at home, belarusian journalists have to work differently, taking into account many nuances. there are whole legends about the life of a journalist, we can immediately shoot without sleep, and then skip breakfast and lunch. a separate story is the technical nuances of our work. the most romantic part of working in the pool is the reading, because in the middle of a noisy ball you have to find a quiet room. as a rule, this is something in a warehouse, semi-basement, and so on. he still needs to get here. that's it, let's read it. airplane number one has returned to minsk. from kazan late at night from wednesday to thursday, and 1:30 was still delayed, the first one in kazan, you can turn it on, specifically the first one in kazan, yes, no, even after the end of official events, work continues for us.
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this hot slaughter, thanks to everyone who stands shoulder to shoulder next to you, protecting peace and quiet in their native land. despite the fact that the format of the event is often in the palace, both future owners and those responsible for the process are worried that everything will be at the highest level.
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it's scary to do something wrong, but in any case we set ourselves up, we rehearse a lot, so we don't think. most likely, because these individuals appear only in extremist crime chronicles and no one would notice anything unusual. but we decided to wait for the result, which
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foreign appraisers usually do not resort to. so this is the result, the turnout at the elections began to grow, we will show it especially for the narrow-minded traitors to the motherland. and again, fresh numbers. in general, we must pay tribute to the fact that our foreign agents working undercover are helping to build the future in this way. this signal from cutlet experts many voters was perceived as a trigger: it must be done with precision, but on the contrary, the turnout was spurred, so the action was a success, well, of course, we understand that this is such a hidden attempt to apologize to the belarusians, but too subtly. gratitude, of course, is from us, but in the end it is not our responsibility. no matter how it will affect, the sponsor of such a video broadcast was one of our local figures from among the shakers of the regime, he provided those abroad with access to the servers, and at the same time he fled to poland, which is confirmed by these footage from the checkpoint, but one more
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a piquant detail, this figure owed a lot of money to return, which naturally he had no intention of, these are the ideological shakers , apparently, with money in the fugitive elite it is so bad that with this wretched action, which had the opposite effect, they tried to influence the outcome of the elections , spanish shame. by the way, we are sure that the leak of access to commercial information will be appreciated in europe as well. therefore, kravan goes further, while barking is heard from the west, so belarusians understand that today’s vote is an important and responsible mission for everyone voter. our star voted today.
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status, profession or position in society. free and equal. such principles regarding elections are provided to us by the articles of the constitution; only the voter decides to vote or not to vote for whom, but the days of early voting have already shown us that belarusians do not intend to remain aloof from important political decisions, but on the main day not only those who on the weekend, but also those who, on principle, come to be imbued with this atmosphere of unity and cohesion. girls, i don’t have time, i’m in a hurry for the anniversary. 77 years old, two sevens, well, you found the time to come to polling station 77, definitely, specially 25, that’s it, thank you, it’s hard not to be attracted to her... the polling station in minsk, it’s located in the olympic training center for rhythmic gymnastics,
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there are names among the voters on the list very famous for the entire belarusian society, kachanovo. who does the speaker of the upper house of parliament vote for? of course, this will preserve the secret voting; that’s what can be voiced, gathered into laconic patriotism and concern. for for a deputy, things are fundamental when you live by people’s problems, and not by lawmaking alone. you probably understand to a greater extent what people are like.
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4% compared to last year, and gdp was 2.8%, this is a very good result. the economic course of the country is also determined by the deputies; leadership experience, if any, education and communication skills will be useful here, but first of all, it must be a patriot who understands the problems of ordinary people and is ready to defend the interests of voters, these messages are close to everyone, as in the capital , and regions. personally, i'm waiting for this day.
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the names of belarusian athletes sound at the most prestigious international olympias: a bar or a tradition, but this was the case long before sovereignty, dmitry davgalyonok, champion of the summer games in barcelona in 1992, kayaking and horse riding, and now vice-president of the national olympic committee, knows this well, today, too, with a ballot in his hands, he votes for moving forward, somehow it happened, i haven’t missed a single election, starting from the age of 16, when i was already given a passport...
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we have to make our choice, we are talking about the composition of the council of the republic, and then together we will
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gather delegates of the supreme council. of course, it is difficult to call this kind of voters ordinary ; they are not just electing a new department... a composition of essentially colleagues who should become a fulcrum in the implementation of important government tasks, and the work is not about earning money or profit, but about serving the people who the last sundays of february showed their civic position. yulia alferova, ivan mazgoi are a large team of a television news agency on the main broadcast. it is noteworthy that today early voting has begun for the russian presidential election. and everyone knows that together it is always easier to face any challenges and...
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belarus, we have missiles, we have these 700-800 km from the russian border to nato, the missiles can be flown, it is not necessary to involve belarus here, and so on and so forth, in this that was the spirit of the reasoning, it was said to my face, i calmly transferred this, it turns out belarus history speaks about this, i’m telling you as a historian, it’s always the most poignant.
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by the way, all over the country in places for voting always tries to create a festive and inviting atmosphere, and this was the case at polling stations number one, where alexander lukashenko made his choice. every voter could go to the buffet, and the head of state could see how trade was organized and what they treated voters to? hello, hello, dear
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alexander grigorievich, fresh, the clipper and i are our caraban, thank you. i feel that they are fresh, alexander grigorievich, what can i treat you with, what can i surprise you with? no, thank you, everything that you have is delicious, i can’t, we can’t have you let us go just the way we came to visit, everything is ours, of course. well girls, don’t be tempted, just one marshmallow, which one do you want? yes, okay, i bought chocolate, we’ll eat it on the way , oh dear, when i was a deputy, i’m going home , the store was on the road, they always sold dryers, you know, like the ones like machine gun belts, i bought dryers for the children, but they were already, probably not like that, yes, try it.
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these are currants, sea buckthorn, cherries, what are you going to do? i drank cranberries, can i have currants? come on, what do i need? and for you a hook? what is your name? luda, come on, your health, are you married? no, it turned out to be a good man, i found a big problem, but god forbid, i hope we will try, well, come on, thanks, girls, don’t offer,
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let me give you a gift that no one in the world has, a book, a book made of lard, a year quality, lard with bread, where the bread is, there's layering. chocolate spoons, it’s so tasty that you can bite off a spoon, but with natural cranberries, eating a spoon is a hedgehog, it’s happiness. great, well, the communati will come, definitely, definitely, western democracy has cracked, what are they allowed to do in the elections?
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those who imagine themselves to be world standards , blatant violations, falsifications, dead souls, ballots for the elite, family cronyism and even re-elections a few years later, germany, austria, the usa, and others to whom everything is possible, in understandable politics we will show western tricks and absurdity no problem. watch it on monday after the panorama.
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well, this is the complete picture of this week, the main event being the single voting day. tomorrow morning we will sum up the results of the parliamentary and local elections, we are waiting for the results in the news, thank you for being with us. see you on the main broadcast, all the best.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today my route is built in...
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built, some kind of integration needs to be carried out there, westerners, creating some kind of networks there, they are constantly working to ungroup these internal forces, but the task is to ungroup we have a decision-making center, so that we have a conditionally parliamentary republic there, in it there are some 10 clans that hate each other, their task is to keep us like this all the time in a stateless state, our neighbors sometimes hang up horror stories, posters that say that if you go to belarus, you may stay there or not return, the icelanders who are in the country, they see completely different things
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, they understand that of course... .live in an absolutely information vacuum, we have only 160,000 permanently residing foreigners and 62,000 persons who have a temporary residence permit in the country, based on the results of the twenty-third year, today i am in such a beautiful flower, but i could actually wear all the medals, i put on my medals at the conservatory, went out to the students and said: you know, guys, i am a living example of how in belarus you can make a happy and professional career, remain faithful to your homeland, your country and nowhere leave project: markov nothing personal watch on belarus 24 tv channel only for our viewers, we choose the best routes. we are located in a small town in the grodno region, called bridges. welcome. fairly overfed for a long time they could not eat either baked fish or fish soup, they just sat and said sol lin. from then on the name of the city, stolin, came into being.
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travel at the end of the 15th century there was a large settlement in this place, and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, meman bresse-vilnius. the almans are a real tourist highlight, the only ones preserved in their natural state in belarus and the largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty-nine years. i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture. sidewalks appeared and highway. trees were planted and new beautiful buildings were built to show how unusually wonderful our country is, when he moved from one place to another, it was the believers themselves who unharnessed and transported the horses, the jews, from one place to another, now, as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors have begun to appear, this is, of course, a miracle of god,
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watch the program, cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. the song of iradzim is still standing. it’s possible that everything is different, but it’s not possible. do not be familiar with the smoke of spring. only geta budze not hours, life will be eternal, as it is, bright folk words, monthly expressing on the grass, and life will not be a great sand, you, kama aychyny pain will come, there will be a song, there will be a song. and
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live in rodzima. before sovereignty , there were only four indoor ice skating rinks on the territory of belarus.
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conduct the educational and training process, but the school allowed not only to further close it in a year-round cycle. we see the general level of training in the sports reserve has increased, plus this has also allowed us to open short track department. 71 days after
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the collapse of the soviet union , the belarusian hockey federation was organized. after another 2 months , the organization joined the international ihf family. at the beginning, our squad performed. in the lower divisions, however, 5 years later, students of the soviet hockey school won a ticket to the elite class of the strongest, to this day the best results of our team are fourth place at the salt city olympic games in 2002 and sixth place at the riga planetary forum in 2006. confirm that in belarus still has hockey.
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centers, and then the construction of arenas began in different regions. great things can be seen from a distance, i am convinced that a little time will pass and you will agree with what has been created.


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