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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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shopping arcades with a wide range of products returned, and catering outlets offered a huge selection of treats for every taste. and in the mogilev region, all 693 sites worked, including in hospitals and sanatoriums. many became not only the site of the main political event of the week, both in cities and agricultural towns, but also offered cultural programs. musicians and folk groups performed, everything to support the festive mood of the voters who cast their votes.
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to prosper do everything in order to there was peace on earth. in total , over 5,300 national observers, as well as international ones, monitored the election process in the mogilev region. information from all regions of the country, both during early voting and on the main day, was received by the public election monitoring center. it is located on the basis of the trade union federation. thus, on a single voting day, the hotline received about 80 calls. in total , about 400 people applied on voting days, mainly for consultations; complaints were isolated, as shown by the public control, the election process was well organized , there were practically no comments to the commissions, not only observers informed us about what was happening at the polling stations, but also thanks to the telephone hotline and the chatbot of the telegram channel, any citizen could call and express any comments , questions, proposals for improving the electoral process.
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in some places, dana is offered to place voting stations in other premises; citizens say that today it may be necessary to do it differently, in a different format, more fully somehow provide information about the candidates for deputies who are located at voting stations, so we accumulate all these proposals from citizens, different opinions, different questions, process them and transfer them to the central election commission in order to make a decision on what to do with these sentences below. the final results of the national observation are being summed up in these minutes. polling stations across the country closed the day before at exactly 80 pm. first, the commission members worked through the lists and canceled the unused newsletters. this is exactly what the protocol requires only after the counting has officially begun. first of all, ballot boxes were opened for early voting and for those who decided to make their choice at home. then the ballots filled out directly on the single voting day were recounted.
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worthy people, it is gratifying that the observers who carried out the observations made no comments, and there were also no complaints from citizens who came to the polling station all these days. let us remind you that the preliminary results of the elections of deputies in the country's central election commission will announce the unified voting day at 14:00. a single voting day is, without a doubt , a significant page in the history of our country, and most importantly important. stage for the future of belarus,
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citizens have chosen the course of development, let's hear what the belarusian artists voted for? elections are some kind of, let’s say, brick that a person puts into his own labor, into his own country, into his own home, so from this position i believe that you can’t rely on someone else, you can’t wait , that someone someone else will build you a house, because... the house that suits you, you can only build yourself, first of all, you look at the candidate’s competence, you look at the experience, you look at how the person has already proven himself, because well, in any in this case , you already have some kind of background, so you vote for someone you trust, someone you can ask later, this is also important, that’s how the person showed himself, the single voting day in belarus was held in accordance with all democratic principles, this is the assessment ?
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international observers and the expert community. our country has once again demonstrated a high level of organization of the electoral process, and citizens have shown a serious approach to such an important issue. we have entered the period of formation, well, essentially, of new government bodies, such as the supreme national assembly, and part of the deputy corps, local councils, all the deputies of parliament will be included there, who will these people be in the new status, in the status of deputies, delegates of the supreme national assembly, this is according to essentially a new generation of managers, the president spoke about this, so now this shift is coming, but in order for this shift to gain experience, it needs to go through. experience of public administration, legislative power, the all-belarusian people's assembly, it is gratifying that a large number of young people are coming, this is pleasing, this is pleasant, there is no need to pull them, that is , they have a desire, they are ready to bring someone with them friends, comrades, do not
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show that you need to sit at home and not go to the polls, the same for us in the russian federation, of course, there are presidential elections ahead, we must defend our vote, we do not we must give it to anyone, let us remind you.
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independent experts from germany, switzerland, france, and poland also came to our country to observe the progress of the single voting day. for some, this is their first visit to belarus; their assessments of the impressions are the most positive, noting the high level of organization and compliance with the standards of democratic elections. it is important to note the security measures associated with the organization of elections, the protection of both commission members and voters is at a high level. we all understand that there is a war, and therefore security is very important now, and this is something that deserves great
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respect, ensuring security on the part of the belarusian state. and what is also important, what distinguishes elections in belarus from elections in poland, is the atmosphere. belarus has entered a new stage of its political development, we have made a choice who will represent interests in parliament and locally. the deputy has a major job ahead of him, and the year requires him to implement his plans efficiently. we are confident that work with the population will be carried out in the same vein. the work of those who is ready with his work, his decisions to determine the life course of society and the state.
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and wanted us to continue to live in a peaceful , calm time. i love you, belarusians, this is what lives in my heart, i love you, belarusians, i love you from belarus, we are belarus.
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and what do those who imagine themselves as world democracies allow themselves in elections, drinking violations, falsifications, dead souls, ballots for the elected, family blah even re-elections a few years later, germany, austria, the usa and others to whom everything is possible. clear policy we will show western tricks and absurdity without any problems. watch today. after the panorama.
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polish farmers are not going to make concessions, the blockade of the ukrainian-polish border continues, almost 2,500 trucks have already accumulated there, protesters are breaking the wheels of vehicles with ukrainian license plates, scattering nails on the road, and emptying the wagons with grain from the square. poles. they also blocked the movement of trucks on a key highway on the border with germany, while they promise
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to protest until lunch, but demand the arrival of the prime minister if the authorities do not react, they intend to extend the promotion for a month. however, official warsaw has more important concerns than the problems of agricultural producers. nato exercises dregon 2024 have started on the territory of poland . about 20 thousand soldiers and 3,500 pieces of equipment from 10 member states of the alliance are taking part in the maneuvers. from my side. called for demonstrators in amsterdam. participants came to the rally with white and blue flags with a dove symbolizing peace, as well as flags for a peaceful dialogue on the ukrainian conflict with russia. activists came out in support peace negotiations and against arms supplies to ukraine. participants in the march in berlin also called for an immediate stop to sending deadly cargo to kiev. the international community must force it, activists said. countries to come to the negotiating table to achieve a peaceful solution to the conflict.
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work on modernizing power plants will be expanded in belarus, energy minister viktor karankevich spoke about this. last year , about 2,700 km of power lines were built and modernized. the goal here is to increase the volume to 3,000. also work continues on the reconstruction of substations of various voltage classes; 20 such facilities were put into operation last year. majority. they are implemented using the latest automation and digitalization technologies, which significantly increases the reliability of energy supply to consumers. in general, in 2023, the volume of electrical energy consumption amounted to 41.1 billion hours, an increase by 2.5 billion or 6.6% by the twenty-second year. at the same time, the growth of electricity consumption is ensured both directly by the real sector of the economy, so on... the population at a faster pace , i would like to note that such an increase occurred in
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those areas where incentive measures were taken at the level of the head of state and government, these are energy-intensive enterprises using electrical energy for heating hot water supply to the population, electric transport. large-scale electrification thanks to the belarusian nuclear power plant, the station has already generated a total of 25.4 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, which made it possible to replace almost 7 billion meters of natural gas. not work on modernizing the infrastructure will also stop, so traffic on the road bridge across pripyat at the entrance to mozyr will be opened no later than november 7 , 2025. a socially significant object will be a gift to the right people. the work is being carried out on both banks; more than 50 people are currently working, and 20 units of special equipment are involved. large-scale reconstruction of a bridge structure located on the r-131 kalinka highway. chuzar began in october last year, since then the builders have been working despite difficult
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weather conditions, going ahead of schedule. the bridge will become 3 m wider, making the pedestrian area more spacious. we will be disassembling it further in the near future. 14 out of twenty-six spans have already been dismantled, eight supports out of twenty- seven have been removed. the movement post will be made no later than november 7, 2025. the work is being completed ahead of schedule, everything is on time, there are no problematic issues. the road bridge in mozyr is almost a kilometer long, and by belarusian standards this is a record length. steps away from the top three winners. for the first time in its history, the belarusian beach soccer team made it to the playoffs of the planetary forum and reached the semi-finals, where it was disappointing to only lose to the italian team in a penalty shootout. emotions and passion reigned both in the stands and on the field. this annoying cutoff in psychological terms probably prevented the belarusians from providing worthy resistance
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to iran in the match for third place. our correspondent yuri vaitenkov sums up the results of the world cup. from dubai. the belarusian national team played its last match on the dubai sand. alas, today in the bronze medal match we lost to the iranians with a score of 1:6. since the semi-finals, when communicating with the guys, i felt nervousness and anxiety. they would have lost, in a fight and with relatively strange refereeing. it’s no secret that any athlete is a maximalist by nature, and we, moreover, are a real discovery of this world championship. the guys sincerely believed in a possible victory and did not put themselves in authority. liters of sweat are laid on the altar of achievement. spilled during training, ask every player on the team, everyone will answer with regret that not everything worked out, ask any fan of our team and the phrase “it was legendary, here are two sides of the coin." earning the attention and love of the whole country with your performance is worth a lot, and even though the game for bronze did not work out, but in the dubai district arena everyone knew who the hero was here, as for the meeting itself, it may have seemed but we were emasculated both morally and physically
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, the emotional swing with the italians took all the juice out of us, the iranians took the ball and converted their chances, nikita tchaikovsky scored the only goal from a free kick, but everything tends to end. the world beach soccer championship has come to an end, and it would be interesting to know the guys’ opinions on its results. emotions, maybe there weren’t enough emotions, maybe there were some other factors. because, as it seemed to me, everything just went wrong for them, literally, literally five shots, five goals. we seemed to be holding the ball, controlling it, yes, we allowed us to create something, they had a shot, a ricochet, and the ball flew into the goal, maybe we were unlucky in this match, but unfortunately, that’s how it turned out, we went to every match, as if they were going out for the last battle, proved, uh, so it’s good that we won every match, it gave
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confidence, gave strength, and we gained strength along the way and we believed that we... much, much more, maybe 100 points, composition, because everything they approached everything professionally, the coaching staff, all the federations , the organizations here are at the highest level, the medical staff came up, i am very grateful to them all , i want to say thank you to all the guys, they worked 100%, everyone approached the whole matter, the recovery process , as professionally as possible , to training, to game, i am very grateful to everyone, this is the best result in history for our team. the beach team gave us amazing emotions that we are sure will not be forgotten soon. fundamental rivalry, drama, everything was in this championship and we hope that next time it will be even better. yuri vatenkov, oleg sorkin, vladislav krivoshchekov, specially from dubai for the telenews agency. new information at 13:00. see you.
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time is forward, today many still remember the screensaver of the main news program of the once huge country of the soviet union. suite written in the mid-sixties by composer georgy sviridov under the same name. subsequently not only its symbol, but also a unique brand of soviet television. it was with her that the evening program “time” began,
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which they were waiting for. from the messages they learned the latest news about the situation in the country and the world. it was back in 1971. for the successes achieved in production activities, his team was awarded the order of the red banner of labor. the award of a high award brought an end to the most difficult and a crucial period not only for factory workers. belarus confidently declared itself as a large industrial region of the ussr, where
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giant enterprises were successfully built and operating. at one time, of course, a wonderful decision was made for belarus: to build one oil refinery and build a second oil refinery. there has always been good science, good economics, from a point of view. how belarus coped with the difficult task of building a fundamentally new production facility for the republic in reports central belarusian television of that period. all the most significant events that took place in the bssr at that time, they, of
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course, were in the center of attention of this young media. not a single major economic construction, factory, or plant was spared by the television crews; they constantly covered the progress of this kind of construction. the attention to the oil refinery in novopolotsk is a special, unique enterprise; in terms of scale and output, there are no equals either in the soviet union or in europe. about success the polotsk oil refinery was reported in the first program in 1962 by central television. i started working.
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but how the construction of a fundamentally new production facility, an oil refinery, began in the republic in 1958 was first reported by belarusian television. tv people, they not only covered the construction of this plant, but also the development of this young city itself, from the moment of
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its creation. plant from the moment of construction to its commissioning, to the creation of the first, first products. in its news programs, it covered its main milestones, talked about the first successes and achievements, talked about the heroism of the people who were the first to begin the construction of the largest production facility in the ussr, practically from scratch. on the site where the plant was to be built, there was small forest, in the fall of 1958, i remember i was given the task of driving six dump trucks here to the former village of sloboda for construction, to participate in the construction, here we are along the road from
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polotsk, a kilometer away... its residents, already from the screens as an announcer of the republic, a radio announcer, first turned to belarusian television; it began broadcasting as the belarusian program of the central television of the ussr. television appeared in belarus, well, if you don’t count moscow, we were the fourth, it first appeared in kiev, then it appeared in latvia in estonia with a television studio in tallinn and then.
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this means that in minsk in 1956 the debut of broadcasting took place at the minsk television studio, well, this famous fact was when announcer tamara bastun began broadcasting, the first the program, as you know, consisted of a newsreel and a feature film; it lasted one and a half to two hours, no more. then it became an event akin to a technical revolution, television was included in every family, culture, sports, weather, but the main thing was politics, economics, the achievements of the ussr in various spheres of the national economy. at the same time , another obligatory topic appeared on central television: regional news.
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the programs were positive, the mood of the people was also somehow optimistic, keep in mind that after such a war the country is being restored, factories, factories, everything was destroyed, everything had to be restored, then the message that on june 7, 1958 became important for the republic.


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