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tv   100  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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watch today after the panorama.
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in ukraine, with the support of the cia, a network of twelve secret bases located along the border with russia has been created. the new york times writes about cooperation between kiev and washington in the field of intelligence and adds: the secret network began to be formed 8 years ago, assembling it piece by piece under the leadership of three presidents. usa, obama, trump and biden. today, the american side provides kiev with extensive data for missile strikes and monitors the movement of russian troops. ukraine responds by transmitting interceptions of conversations and other information. according to the newspaper, the cia is also helping kiev train a new generation of spies who work in russia, europe, cuba and other places where the russians have a large presence. polish farmers are not going to make concessions, there is a blockade of ukrainian
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trucks, protesters are breaking the wheels of cars with ukrainian license plates, scattering nails on the road, the wagons are being emptied of grain from the square. the poles blocked the movement of trucks on a key route on the border with germany, for now, promises to protest until lunch, but demands the arrival of the prime minister. if the authorities do not react, they intend to extend the action for a month. riots broke out in brussels, farmers on tractors broke through the police. to travel to the european quarter, where today there is a meeting of eu agriculture ministers. it is reported that the farmers set fire to tires, which firefighters extinguished using water cannons; they also used them to disperse the protesters. one of the main reasons for farmers’ dissatisfaction remains the economic support of ukraine and its agricultural producers, the european commission has planned a number of large ones for today.
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during the demonstration in brussels, activists previously reported that they intended to block the main roads in the belgian capital, at the entrance to it. it is expected that german, french, and dutch colleagues will join belgian farmers. belarus and saudi arabia are strengthening cooperation in various areas. today, the ministers of justice of the two countries discussed the main directions of development of legal systems. the meeting participants noted a trend towards expanding relations. in confirming this, the parties signed a roadmap for cooperation in the legal field. cooperation should always be based on the regulatory framework, one of the factors and reasons for today ’s visit is the signing of the road map for 2024-25, the meaning of signing this map is the harmonization of those legislations on issues that will relate to the economy, agriculture, and the development of international relations . as stated by the ministry of justice, the strategic
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direction for the development of relations in our country is friendship with all states. this example suggests that we have reliable friends who are ready to cooperate in any area. a resident of brest became a victim of scammers and lost tens of thousands of rubles. a man saw an investment advertisement on the internet and submitted an application to participate in the auction. the curator contacted him. following his advice, the breschanian regularly replenished the balance of his account and even took out a loan for this.
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one of the most common, despite the recent arrests in belarus, of call centers that specialized in providing false brokerage services, this case is still actively used by scammers abroad. in memory of the great ancestors and those people who gave our country a peaceful sky, the draw for the football season in the major league today was timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. first, all participants in the ceremony, including the chairman of the football federation. nikolai sherstnev and the head coach of our team, carlos allos ferrera , laid flowers on extel minsgorod-hero, then, by drawing lots, the calendar for the 2024 football season was determined. and the head of the football industry discussed the importance of such a date in the history of our country. millions
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of lives were laid down for the world for that wonderful life, that good atmosphere in which we find ourselves today. this was probably a red line after all. broadcast immediately after the news from your region , elizaveta lashkevich is already in the studio. greetings lis. lyudmila, greetings. high-quality products, export-oriented. which forestry sector in the region was the best according to the results? years, i'll tell you. and the breath of spring. the forecast for the coming days is warm and sunny. the temperature
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is higher than normal. in the middle of the week it even reaches +14. more details below. and we will see you at 17:00. see you. belarusian teams won four medals in the basketball friendship league draw 3:3, the final fifth round, which took place in smolensk. as a result , the belarusian men's and women's teams became winners in their categories. in addition, the belarus 2 quartet won silver, and the men's minsk quartet won bronze. ivan letvinovich won bronze stage of the trampoline world cup, which ended in baku. lost only to chinese athletes, in addition, the olympic champion received a special prize from the organizers for his filigree performance. it should be noted that the final competition was preceded by a two-stage selection, following which the belarusians were among the leaders. at the decisive stage, another of our athlete andrei builov
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made a mistake and ended up eighth. irina shimanovich in tandem with mexican rinata zarazu won the doubles of the puerta vallarta tournament, beating the italians in the final angelika marateli and... camillo rosatello in two sets, with a score of 6:2 in the first set with a tiebreaker in the second set of 7:1. we will bring the viewer closer to science, as science, and specifically biotechnology helps turn grain into gold. the product from which amino acids are made is our glucose syrup, which bacteria eat and produce amino acids, to put it simply, it’s very simple and the most important thing is clear, we’ll tell you how talented scientists have changed our lives, we, like scientists, are careful in making predictions , but having penetrated into the essence, not
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we exclude that in the near future many people will talk about agronomics, our project is about agriculture, well, accordingly agro, then after all, we are more about the economy, therefore... agronomics, that is , a hint of agriculture, since the project should help increase profitability of enterprises, increase control over their implementation, respectively , the short title makes it clear what this project will be about. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel. the song of iradzim is still standing, maybe everything will change, but unpadded, not visible from the smoke of spring, the cabbage is clear, only this
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life will not be hourly, it will be an eternal life, as it always is, bright folk words, a monthly squeezing on the grass. and nyakhay life is not a great sand, you, kamu aychyny pain balіts, there is radzima, there is a song. budze song, irojima live. broadcast on...
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kali golas kozhnaga signifies the future of the entire country in belarus . previously, the leaders elected deputies from the chamber of the city council and deputies from the myastsov council. active in the electoral marathon of the meeting were the hottest people of the minsk region. in the central region
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, major general of the air force reigned 899. napachatku
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vyalikay aychyny ivan tsimafeevich papanov sheragi red army on the front of the trap while studying at the aviation school. the military record has more than a hundred combat missions, liquidation of damaged aircraft, tanks, ammunition depots and supplies, for dedicated courage in the fight against fascist dumps, and bombers. ynnay vain , ivan zhurbau deserve a high rank, hero savetskaga sayuz. we were in the ussr, in georgia, in ukraine, in
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moscow, many times, i learned the most there , perhaps it’s too late to talk about it, but those who survived these nightmares will not forget, those who don’t know the horrors of war, who don’t who knows how to respect old age, who does not read books about the past, who distorts history, who destroys monuments.
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23 jobs, on this line we produce from low-grade, let’s say, lumber, boards of the third to fourth level from the domestic market, which is what we produce that is not of standard quality.
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every day you ruin the pile, tear it up, asvod rightly raids in water areas and warnings to fishermen about the sky. vyratavalnya kamyzelki, vyaruki, zachepy abavyazkova pavinny byts pry sabe, navat in tykh areas, dze ice pakul yashche tore. in the central region , winter fishing has been issued to two non-ascendants. report on thin ice by illya tsvyatkova. stable on thermometers. plus , it was a perfect day of sunshine in the waters. not all fishermen listen to recommendations and donations, because enough work is necessary to protect fish on thin ice and you can dance at the ice pasta, dapamazhytse, and well, navaratavalnyh stanzas
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in geta during the period of the year there is a tense situation, warriors in the 24:7 regime, gatov adravіtsa on... yes, i can there, who could not quickly get rid of it and take care, skin zen issued the basics of correct training on the caused z ledzyanoga palonu lyudze on dexterity and efficiency. divers are required to conduct a training dive every day when entering service, this is to hone their skills and not lose dexterity, this is done at every shift, for every diver. at the beginning of the season, during our season is carried out with frequency
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... "at the beginning of the year, the men began to click on the water , they pulled out a whistle on the camiselians. the divers carried out their task of operation and promptly ordered the rescuers. now the temperature is above zero, the ice is starting to melt, it is raining and, intensely to melt, there are only a few days, sometimes weeks left before the ice collapses, our
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rescuers are monitoring its strength, constantly making rounds every day, warning
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people . the long-term precipitation will cease. for the most part , a packet of sakavik does not work in the central region. the temperature of the roof is apuscious, ale pr getym budze vesennyamu tsepla. cossack flowers, fantastic life, landscapes with wise scenes at the exhibition of the enchanted light at the dzyarzhyn central district library. and this work is carried out by master iryna gubarevich from barysava, from the profession of creativity, and professional craftsmanship. practicing rare and working assemblies of the master's art genres stained glass painting: handicraft school in the world gubarevich is a source of many bright tales and imaginative fantasies.
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pendants, karali, brooches, leather handle adzinkaya, non-paustor. the exhibition in dziadzhynsk is not the first for the master. this expansiveness of the market is clear. grow, bright bouquets of your
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school coats gubarevich comes from nature, from the flowers of the garden. that's all, especially on our website, on our yesterday's episode. yes sustrechi.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions to heroes. natalya, why do you think the children chose you to talk to? well , maybe because they haven’t talked to me yet, and are you ready for children to sometimes ask tough questions? of course not. i have only four of them, not 100 , so it will be more difficult here, promise to be honest, i will try, then good luck, dear participants of the program, today our guest
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is the chairman of the belarusian cycling federation, eight-time world champion, olympic bronze medalist, natalya valeryevna tselinskaya, welcome. natalya, me i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well now you have i have one minute to briefly tell you about myself, time has passed, but what can i tell you about me, i’m an ordinary person, i have two arms, two legs, one head for all of them, and there’s nothing unusual about me, i’m just probably right i can set goals and achieve them, then i was probably lucky, in life i came across very good people who wished
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me well. and i probably knew how to draw conclusions, so i was able to achieve something, but i want to start right away by giving the children advice, never, never be discouraged, in life there are always a lot of opportunities and chances, never despair and know that there is always only the best ahead, you didn’t do it in a minute, but you gave the children excellent advice, and what can we say, your life is worthy of a great dialogue, so let’s get started. in our the studio has 100 participants, each with their own question, let's see how quickly you can answer. you are ready? yes, then let's begin. raise your hand if you're ready to ask a question. hello natalya, my name is angelina. how do you often remember how you started your career? well, i remember it quite often, because my career is not over, it just moved
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to another stage. i'm no longer an athlete. but i still remain in sports, in cycling, in particular, well, this is part of my life, so i think about it quite often, but how do you realized that you want to connect your life with this, maybe someone helped you understand this? i didn’t understand right away, but i was very lucky with my first coach, he made me fall in love with this sport, and i stayed in it, it’s the love of my life, but in general i dreamed of becoming a surgeon, and then something went wrong so, well, i don’t know what i would be like...
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to your right, hello, my name is daria, at what moments do you especially think about your mother, do you remember anything about her? and you know, well, i remember little, because we were together a lot of time, at what moments i remember, and in almost everything, like any normal person, the first thing that always comes to mind is mom, you feel bad, okay? sad, happy, you are still the first person you think about, your mom, so i seem normal. natalya, what happened to mom? she died, how old were you? i was 13, who raised you? grandparents, well, before my mother died, my grandmother died a year earlier.
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grandfather, when i was 16, then we began to live with my dad, there is an expression: time heals, this is really true, of course, but you can come to terms with pain, with loss, forgive something, but you never forget, and this is the most important thing, our loved ones are with us as long as we remember about them. natalia, hello, my name is daria, what do you think? how hopeless are people who do poorly in school? and you know, i believe that in general there are no hopeless people , i know many examples when children who did poorly at school achieved very good results in life, i have a classmate, a big businessman, he studied at school, well, so-so, because what - study...
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this is not a criterion of our intelligence, this is the level of education, but how did you study at school, what grades did you get? i didn’t have c grades, and i studied at 4.5, uh, i liked studying, i loved going to school, well, 4.5 we had a five-point system then, natalya, to your right there is a yellow microphone stretching up, hello, me name is... sofia, and my question to you: when did you stop playing with dolls? i never stopped, i didn’t even start, i had one doll, and somehow, well, it was there, i was more interested in it cars, bicycles, some kind of war games, hide and seek, something more active, and i loved reading books, i’ve been reading since i was four years old, but dolls, well, i was indifferent to them. in general
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, when does an athlete’s childhood end and adulthood begin? an athlete's childhood ends when he is an athlete. ceases to be an athlete, because, despite our physical exertion , the fact that we do some exorbitant things, but we are essentially children, in terms of what, what is our task, i trained, ate, rested, and well, it’s cyclical, yes, it all goes in a circle, and you went to competitions and won, well, an athlete has no other goal, it’s just that everything else is done for you by the people who... next to you you have you you don’t know how to buy tickets for yourself, how to get a visa, your food is always prepared, well, that’s why an athlete’s childhood ends with the end of his career, that ’s when adult life begins, you
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will learn to do everything on your own, but it’s true that even at the moment... you are becoming the most titled athlete of the republic belarus in cycling? well, unfortunately, yes, but i’m working on it, because i promised the head of state an olympic gold medal in cycling, there will definitely be one. helps you, you your daily life status. the main thing is not to interfere, this is the most important thing, you need to remain a person with all your titles. how do athletes earn money?
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but for each competition there is a different prize depending on the status of the competition, and well , we have very good prize money, whoever is ready to ask a question, raise your hand, you have a huge number of medals, and where do you store them, do you know how much they weigh? well, it’s not that huge, 51 is already in an adult career. and where do i keep them, they hang on the wall, the wall is standing, so they probably weigh a little, which medal is the most valuable for you , why? well, it would probably be correct to say that the olympic one, but i can’t
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downplay all my other medals, because behind each medal there is a lot of work, great losses and hardships in terms of the fact that you, well, an athlete turns a blind eye to a lot of things and a lot... refuses, so i wouldn't she said that there is one that is especially valuable, i value them all and am proud of them, thank you, children, we have a little surprise for you, we asked natalya to bring all her medals to the studio , please take them out, well, here i took a few, natalya, maybe one of the children can try? raise your hand, who is ready to come out, come out, young man, how much do you think these medals weigh? probably 1 kg 300 g. it seems to me that
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a kilogram is 100 g. who else is ready to guess, who is ready to guess? but it seems to me that here... about 2 kg, well, somewhere around 800 kilograms , let's still resolve this dispute, i 'll ask you to bring the scales into the studio now, let's weigh all natalia tselinskaya's medals, find out how much she weighs, this is a victory, 665, 665 - this is not a weight, this is a sample. you became world champion eight times,
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the national anthems were played for you eight times, how did you feel at that moment? and the anthem sounded much more often, to my pride, because on each occasion... this feeling, you know, of the rise of double strength, the fact that we are very small, but a proud country, the whole world is around you, and it, well, is defeated by you, and well, it’s hard to describe these feelings, they are always so overwhelming, but this is undoubtedly pride, happiness, the next question in the yellow sect... i’m on your right. sports achievements are more of whose
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merits, the coach's or the athlete's? and why do you think they say that these merits also apply to the state? firstly, this is not the merit of either the athlete or the coach individually, or even of both of them. this is the merit of the whole team. because, well here, in particular in my sport, this is also... a mechanic who services your bike, this is a massage therapist who leads and restores your muscles, this is a doctor who monitors, well, we must monitor our health, but not the doctor is less involved in this, because well, we are living people, we can get sick, and this is categorically unacceptable for an athlete, and why is the state involved in this? well , first of all, let's start with the fact that in the republic of belarus all sports are free, all children's sections. free and you go there and
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you are provided with a uniform, a bicycle , all other spare parts in other sports, then, when you show some results, they start taking you to training camps, to competitions at the expense of the state, and then you also receive good prizes from the state for this, now many athletes are deprived of the right to compete under the belarusian flag and due to sanctions, do you think this is possible? ah, unfortunately, sports were connected with politics a very long time ago, this well-known phrase that sports is outside of politics, it hasn’t worked for a long time, but you know what i tell my for the athletes, the fact that we are not racing there now, well, it’s not us who are unlucky, it’s them who are unlucky, the fact that they can’t compete with us, well, let them wait, we ’ll come back and show them.
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code: well, somehow my task was never to set a speed record, the task, well, also my view, the heel there is time, well... maybe if you break a record, then it’s a record, but the main thing is to actually win the competition, in in the sprint, everything is generally clear, you don’t care about the speed and time you show at a distance, because the sprint is it’s always two people , whoever is first at the finish line, it turns out , won, went further, and well, the maximum speed record,
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that was a training one, because we did the kind of work that then allowed us to go fast in competitions, during competitions, well, this joke , of course, but we have different criteria and parameters in bicycles, the bicycle must be rigid, streamlined, and there must be complete symbiosis between the athlete and the bicycle, that is, all the efforts that you put into pedaling, they must be clearly
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are aimed to be redirected to the forward movement of the bicycle, but rhinestones, gold - that's all. well, it’s also acceptable, probably, but in a slightly different sport, some kind of riding, well , it has a place to be, then, yellow sector, natalya, to your right, why do you think the bicycle remains one of the most popular means of transportation, well, strange question, you ride a bike, but is it fun? well, it’s just, well, it ’s great, so you’re driving and the picture changes all the time, the wind blows on you when it’s hot, yes, when it’s cold, you’re driving and warming up a little faster, but the picture still changes, well, for me this is a question, yes, i
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’ve never thought about it, well, i never thought about why, but it’s just, well, you’re riding, well, everyone has been riding a bike since childhood, and... so now, of course, you all have bicycles, but we used to have three bicycles for the whole yard, and so you stand and think, christmas trees, when will it be my turn to ride it, because well, it’s cool, you’ll fall , i skinned my knee, well, that’s cool too, because you got up and moved on, well, because there are probably indescribable feelings on a bicycle, and you can put a lot of stress on yourself on a bicycle, that is... that is, play sports, yes, even when you are not a professional athlete, but also just ride for complete pleasure and not even get sweaty. what is preferable for you now, a car or a bicycle? well, of course, as an adult i have to say that it’s a bicycle, but i said
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today that we adults don’t always lie, so of course a car, because well... on a bicycle i simply won’t be able to do all that i need to be on time, plus there are no four racks on the bike, and if i need to go with the children, then i simply have nowhere to shove them. are there any signs in cycling? in our country it is considered a bad omen when you wear a new uniform to a competition, but in order for it to become not new, you just need to throw the overalls on the floor and stomp on it. and it’s not new anymore, it’s like, here, like this, this is the only thing i followed from the signs, because i didn’t want to fall, hello, natalya, wood grouse, ram, postman, what else there are funny terms in cycling and what they mean, postman, what
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is it, postmen are cyclists who avoid active competition and prefer, well , race passively, oh how... if you didn't know, i didn't know that, well i heard for the first time, what is a ram, a ram is a handlebar, like a ram that goes, but this is a road handlebar in theory, like the most common one in racing bicycles. natalya, what is a capercaillie? a wood grouse is a road bike with brakes, but without shifters, that is there is a direct transmission, like on a track, we don’t have brakes and we slow down with a gear. because it’s like in a children’s bicycle, remember , you turn forward, you go forward, you turn it back, you go back, this is a river bike and there are no brakes, on the highway it’s a special bicycle on which we do certain... work, but, but it has brakes. i heard another very beautiful, in my opinion, term “dancer”. this is
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when you stand still on a bicycle, and your feet are on the bicycle, on the pedals, but this is a technique that is called correct language, they call it a surprise, they use it as a sprinter, because very often there is a struggle for position when both...
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here is the crown that i was talking about, but if it gets stuck in the opening, then it already has an effect, but the career does not have an effect, on the contrary , maybe it only helps, because communication is becoming wider, yes, my best friend, we’ve been together for 41 years, we ’ve been together since the first grade, we came to do cycling together, my daughter’s godmother, in general, well, there are a lot of friends from childhood, well , maybe they are not so close, but always with we enjoy meeting and communicating;
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are the athletes friends with each other or just competing with each other? well, it’s like ordinary people, it’s impossible to be friends with all of our competitors, but we have very smooth, warm relationships outside the track, and there really are people with whom we are friends and correspond , and still meet with pleasure at competitions. let's talk, let's move on to the yellow sector, every girl dreamed of a prince, what kind of prince did you imagine as a child , have your dreams come true? i didn’t play with dolls, what kind of prince, well, i don’t know, something like that, well, somehow i didn’t dream of it, because since i was a kid, well, i told you what i played as a child, and i, too... what princes they are, when you’re pirates with them, these are pirates , yes, well, but pirates , well, that’s understandable, yes, and you are an amorous person, yes, well
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, even normal, it seems to me, what do you think, are you lucky in love or not, undoubtedly, definitely, i have four beautiful children, so i am 100% lucky in love and... are you generally a difficult person for your family or is it easy with you? i'm probably not an easy person, because i generally don’t understand this concept, what is an easy person or a difficult person, a difficult person, but in communication, well, every person, every person has his own character, and someone may like him and someone may not like him, but then i'll give you a song.
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unfortunately, less than i would like , because well, i always want to give more, to do, to do, but the work also takes a lot of time, and well , somewhere, somewhere, i get tired, imagine, just don’t tell anyone about this, so , well , that’s why i would like to devote more time, but i’m working on it, so you’re producing the impression of such a strong, such... strong-willed woman, is this really so? they figured me out, yes, by the end of the program,
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but unfortunately yes, why unfortunately, because... i’m a girl, and a girl should be light, airy, and well, in my opinion, i would like to be like this, like this, like this, like this a girl, do girlish things, yes, let the men there start duels because of us, they fight with swords, you see, we fit into our trousers, we pretend to be a man’s career.
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at what points in your life do you allow yourself to be weak and how does this manifest itself? probably in a dream, because well, somehow the world is like that now, unfortunately. natalya, you have many children, do you often want to be alone? well, not as much for me, so no, there are some pauses there, but my little ones see for themselves when i got there already like this, they know that there is a 15-minute pause, i closed myself there, they don’t touch me, well, then it doesn’t matter they want to eat, so
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they often tell me, you know, oh my... he doesn’t eat anything, there or mine doesn’t eat anything, i have four, at least one, look how these children don’t eat anything, but for you - moments of loneliness are rather sad or good, sad, sad, because well, that means i’m out of strength somewhere and then i need to accumulate there, well, in general, i prefer not to be alone, in your children somehow shows talent for sports, eh? my eldest daughter went in for sports, whether she had a big career or not, well, it’s hard to say, because she graduated early, the younger ones are not seriously involved in sports yet, so we’ll wait and see, and you yell at your children if so , then for what reason, i shout, i don’t like
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it, yes, but... yes, for what reason? yes, for no reason, but since i have four of them, when they don’t listen all together, then of course there’s already, well, i’m not absolutely proud of it, but if i’m wrong, this also happens, of course, then i apologize. do you think parents should apologize to their children, if no doubt, no doubt. hello, my name is anya, i have. the following question for you: what is the best consolation when you are generally sad or ill? i very rarely feel sad because i perceive everything in life as an incomplete line, light black , even if it seems like a dead end, and therefore , well, i really have depression, yesterday i had 3 hours of depression, i was so tired that i’m just that, i understand,
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my battery is dead, that’s all, but... i can’t afford another hour, and what’s the best medicine, well, my kids, of course, because even though they are noisy and don’t listen, i’m on i scream at them, but still this is the best exercise, have you always dreamed of having you will have many children, but i always dreamed of it, because i was. well, there will be some child that i can help, and he will also be part of my family, what do you believe in, maybe in fate, in god, in horoscopes, well
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, i’m not... church, i know that there is undoubtedly a higher strength, and i undoubtedly believe in myself, well, in a person , because well, we are unique creatures, people, so i believe in myself, in my children, in my loved ones, in my friends, in my country, i wish the same for you, you need to believe in yourself and move towards your intended goal, do you believe? what every person has their own guardian angel, this is exactly what yours looks like, well , some kind of one, probably all pink, so white, fluffy, the absolute antithesis of me, to
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balance out my life in general, because i am there, who i am , you said, heavy, yes, complex, well, he is absolutely light, an absolute counterweight to me. what did you dream about as a child? about the dog? and
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i’m a sneaker, i didn’t have sneakers, i had sneakers, and i, well, i was still very young, i dreamed of sneakers, then, by the way, when i came to cycling, with us a girl was training, she was older, she... but they received it, she received a uniform, athletes receive equipment, we receive tracksuits, sneakers, she received them, these were not the first sneakers, she gave them to me, and then i said that i will also give my first sneakers to someone, and i didn’t receive my first sneakers, but i won and i came to minsk from moscow and also gave them to the girl at the base, well, well , i have sneakers now, and i also have dogs, that's why, well, childhood dreams came true. i saw that you didn’t come to the studio alone, introduce us to your friend, your girlfriend, rather, well, i
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’ll be happy to, the main thing is that she wants it, but what’s a little secret for me, natalya came here with her beloved dog, and we all want to see her, what is her name? oh, now let’s open the scary one, in general its name is cinnamon, that’s all, but i call it babaka. hello, oh god, how sad, oh, everything, everything, kissing woman, yes, yes, exactly, the make-up artist is unhappy, i think. oh, that's it, that 's right, the border dog, because this is the noisiest dog in our house, by the way, why babaka, by the way, because for a long time they couldn’t come up with a name, and i her, but you have to
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call a person something, so i started calling her babaka, then they came up with cinnamon for her, and i say, well, cinnamon is good, but babak it’s better, that’s why everyone is complaining, but i’m having trouble. the next question in the yellow sector is: how much time do you spend on the internet? fortunately , a little, i just understand how sucked it is, and i practically don’t screw up on social networks, or anywhere, because. well, it doesn’t give me anything, those people with whom i want communicate, i have them, i don’t even like to write sms, it’s better for me to hear a voice, at least, but even better is a live meeting, and what
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was the last query you entered into the search bar, and this morning, uh, minor furniture repairs, the sofa was torn, i realized something that i can’t fix it on my own... i’m fine today, thank you, if you compare the time when you were involved in cycling, how much has changed now, is it easier to find an athlete now?
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not an easy task, and how we worked before, well, excuse the word, and the same way they do now, well, this is such a separate sports life , the biggest problem in sports is that sports life ends very early, but it’s already quite late, and you have to radically change your life at such a mature age, that is, the profession of an athlete is not forever.
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not to spend time with my family, and when i was my big sport, i didn’t have four children yet, i had an eldest daughter, masha, she, well, no, we didn’t spend all the time together, because she was already studying at school, but quite a lot from what was perhaps because i trained in moscow, there was no track in minsk, so she often came to me, not even... during school holidays, but to quit for the sake of it, it ’s wrong, to do something, to stop doing something do it for the sake of something else, you will regret it later, so you need to find opportunities and try to combine it and, well, not do it to the detriment of something.
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please tell me what other peak you want to conquer, well, everest, i probably don’t know, you know what peak i want to conquer, for today the peak is mine, to be good mother, because i have to raise my children with dignity, and you essentially conquer some peak every day. natalya , this signal means that the time for questions for the hero has expired, now you have to choose the best questions of this program, this is a question about a dog, there is another question about mom, who asked about cycling terms, so well, in my opinion, today these three question.
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we won. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. hello. something like that they turned out to be only girls, but what beauties, right? here. thank you especially for your questions.


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