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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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from the cis, this was stated by the head of the mission sergei lebedzev during a press conference at the cec information center. 235 representatives of the mission worked throughout the country; no violations were identified in their field of election of deputies to the house of representatives. and our assessment of these elections is that they were held in an organized, dignified manner, without violations, we carefully analyzed the electoral code of the republic of belarus, these changes contribute. mm, that means they are fully consistent with the affirmation of democratic principles in the process of observation, so such generally accepted norms - democratic conduct of elections. there were practically no comments to the commissions; all necessary procedures from sealing ballot boxes, opening polling stations, issuing ballots and commissions were observed. this was stated by the deputy chairman of the federation of trade unions, vadim grachev in the center.
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public observation summed up the results of the single voting day, in order to receive the latest information from the field, over 36 thousand observers worked, and not a union of parties, they organized a hotline, a chat bot worked telegram channel, monitoring is underway, for the entire time, about 400 questions have been received, some moments or incidents that unfortunately happened at the polling stations, they are related to the fact that our citizens do not fully know the legislation, for example, what to take pictures at the polling station possible... only with the permission of the chairman of the precinct commission, and photographing a completed ballot, or even more so, taking it out of the polling station is strictly prohibited, but our observers recorded these cases, even if they were isolated, but they were not, and today with these cases are already being dealt with by the security authorities, there were some technical issues when citizens at their place of registration were not on the voting lists, but these issues were also promptly resolved, they were able to include citizens in additional lists.
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vote, the public observation center emphasized violations of the law that could affect the course and result of the election campaign, no, the work in the elections was smooth and organized. belgian farmers took the siege of eu agriculture ministers. officials gathered in brussels for their next meeting. the peasants are trying to make them understand that it is time to deal not with secondary problems, but with the main one - to save european farmers from ruin. hundreds of tractors have descended on brussels, people are erecting barricades, car tops are on fire, police cordons are being thrown with manure, law enforcers are using tear gas and water cannons. the complaints of belgian peasants are the same as those of their french, spanish, and polish colleagues, the import of virgin and low-quality ukrainian food is ruining european farmers. recently extended
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the regime of duty-free import of agricultural products for kiev, farmers of the old world regard this as a declaration of war of extermination and are ready to fight for their survival. at 19:00 more information, see you in the evening newscast. near the belarusian-russian border on the banks of the dnieper lies a picturesque town, which nature has endowed with incredible beauty. the rhythm of life here is set not only by the measured flow of the river, and the slow movement a shooter from the distant past. 6 centuries ago the city was founded on the site of a dense oak grove, this fact...
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from the calling card of london, height 13 m. this clock will become the starting point of our mini-trip around dubrovno. welcome.
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the fate of this region is truly unique. it is connected with the life of the great states that, in different centuries, ruled history on the territory of modern belarus. it is known that in the second half of the 14th century the dubrovin lands became part of the grand duchy of lithuania. then the city was ruled representatives of the glebovich family. gentlemen of nobility and status built a castle here, which turned into an important cultural, commercial and political center of this land. this region also belonged to the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, but dubrovna received its greatest development three centuries ago, becoming part of the russian one. state in the 1780s, dubrovna was the watch capital of the empire; wall, mantel and pocket chronometers were not inferior to the famous swiss ones. what's the secret? the wisdom of local watchmakers was taught by pyotr
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nurtstein, a talented swiss inventor. in 1784 he organized his own production in dubrovno. at that time, at the local manufactory, belarusian craftsmen were able to produce up to ten mechanisms per month. the products, by the way, were in great demand among rich people from russia and europe. indeed, in those days, the most ordinary watches were considered an incredible luxury that not everyone could afford. it turns out that this is the first watch factory. appeared in 1769 in st. petersburg, then in moscow. before this, the production of chronometers was carried out by single artisans. therefore, the opinion that the dubrovinsk watch factory is a pioneer in watchmaking in russia is erroneous. the clocks from dubrovna are real
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works of art. they were supplied to the imperial court. individual copies are said to be kept in funds. umitage. unfortunately, the factory, which at one time was very profitable, stopped working a few years after the death of the investor, grigory potemkin, who was given the reins of power by catherine ii. in 1791 it was purchased from the prince's heirs. at that time , among the masters there were 57 boys and 35 girls. they first moved to moscow, then to its outskirts in the village of kupavna near moscow. already at this place the watch manufactory operated until its closure. according to some sources, this happened on december 21 , 1804, according to others in 1812. the dubrovno land
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has always been known for its craftsmen and artisans. the town on the dnieper was made famous not only by its watch production company. in 1899, the construction of a weaving factory was announced in dubrovno; after 5 years , about 400 local residents worked there; in 1910, the staff increased to half a thousand people. this red brick building, located on the eastern outskirts of the city, perfectly recalls the times when one of the oldest belarusian enterprises, the dnieper manufactory, operated in dubrovna. it was considered the largest manufacturer of talis in the tsarist empire; it was destined to survive even the revolution of 1917 and become one of the most famous enterprises of soviet times. only jews worked here. for 8 years
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, semyon rosenblum was the manager and enjoyed authority among the blue-collar workers. thanks to a volunteer fire brigade worked for him here. comfortable baths, orchestra, library. 400 workers, 168 machines. average salary - 9 rubles. 71 kop. these are the indicators of the first year of operation of the manufactory. in 1910, for example, the fixed capital of the enterprise was already 10.20 rubles. at the cloth factory. in dubrovno, flax was processed and dyed. this vat dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. a special solution was poured into it, dyes were added and the yarn was soaked. thus, she acquired the desired shade. the bright building used to be like
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you already understood, a dye shop. the initiator of the construction of the dnieper manufactory was the capitalist lazar polikov. now it is a monument of industrial architecture. in the post-war period , flax was produced in one of the surviving factory buildings. it seems to me that the authenticity of the ancient building has been well preserved, and the locals, by the way, call it the house of flax. there are many exhibits here that tell about the history of the flax mill. thanks to these silent witnesses , we can understand how our ancestors grew.
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they are distinguished by their kindness and ingenuity hard work, i am one of those people who are ready to surprise, surprise, first of all, myself. without interest, without fantasizing, without living any illusions of their life, it is, well,
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why then, a small country, but big people, with the same heart and soul. my dream from school, to become an artist and singer , came true on march 1 , 1987, i don’t regret it at all, and they, belarusians. more. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world
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that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24x7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. this is a local history museum. the first hall is dedicated to the ethnography and life of our predecessors. special attention to towels. we have more than thirty units of towels in our museum, and they are completely different from each other.
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and health to my family, this towel is passed down through the female line from generation to generation, i got it from my mother, my mother got it. mine, and i would like to give it to the museum, we asked her a question, why are you giving it to the museum, give it to your children, she said, yes, yes, she said that in my family there are only men, only sons, but they pass it on through the female line, on this towel are written the words that a woman must observe throughout her life, from youth
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to old age. next door, household items that are now a curiosity. lon's ancestors combed their hair using a special wooden comb. moreover, mainly in october. you know, in belarusian this month is called castrychnik. why? because while cleaning the flax, fires flew in all directions. here she is. most of the exhibition is devoted to military topics. the nazis occupied the dubrovensky district on july 16, 1941. they established their rules on the territory, komsomol members and communists were mercilessly destroyed, resistance, underground organizations and partisan brigades grew. people kept diaries in which they recorded the events of those years. later , these priceless records found a place in the museum. the name of the author of this exhibit is unknown. it
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was found post-war in the attic of a residential building by its new owners. yellowed pages immediately. in the morning, what happened on the territory of the city of dubrovna, when they were harvesting potatoes , what tax had to be paid to the nazis and how people of that time lived, you can find out in this diary, another pride of the locals, fought in forty-three, liberated in forty so he liberated dubrovensky district with the fourth, reached berlin, survived this terrible war, returned from the war, then he
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true, he lived in the krasnensky district , next door to the dubrovensky district, but at a meeting with a veteran... of his motto, he came to the territory of the dubrovensky district to the memory of those who, at the cost of their own lives, gave us a bright sky above our heads, in dubrovno they treat with special reverence , the art school, which is located in the very center of the city, also bears the name of the hero. lieutenant farid yarulin commanded a rifle platoon of the nineteenth tank corps, died in october 43, was buried in a mass grave in the village. there and we keep our way, volleys of enemy guns, screams and groans, so the fires of the second world war broke out, the inhabitants
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of the dubrovno region did not flinch in the face of a terrible disaster and bravely set out on a long, bloody, full ... organizations of nearby villages, the enemy was raging, as everywhere else, and did not spare either a child or an old man. in the dubrovinsky ghetto, the nazis killed hundreds of people. 3470 civilians. residents became victims of fascist genocide. more 38,000 soviet soldiers and officers found their last refuge in thirty military graves in the dubroven region. about 500 fellow countrymen never returned to their native land. it is known that on june 23, 1944,
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the legendary operation bogration began from here. front. in the east of bitibshchyna stood for 9 months. not far from the rylinka memorial complex there used to be a military hospital, and even in the pre-war years there was a civilian cemetery here. today this place reminds of the heroism and faith in victory of 10 thousand soldiers who are buried in a mass grave. behind each surname - eternity. from october 1943 to june 44. the dubrovno region did not know a moment of peace, the lives of ordinary people were divided before and after, the front in the east of the vitebsk region stood for 9 months, only 26. 1944, the area was liberated, not far from the grave, relatives of the liberator soldiers erected an orthodox chapel in honor icons
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of the mother of god, the ryllinka memorial complex on the border with russia, it is one of the links that connects us with our eastern neighbors. by the way, despite the ongoing reconstruction, visitors are always welcome here. destroyed the land was not easily restored during the war. now dubrovenshchina is a cozy city, hospitable villages with their inhabitants, whose names are remembered by descendants centuries later. financier yakov polyakov, astronomer yuri libsky, playwright alexey dudarev, famous natives of the region. this is where the first woman professor in europe comes from. philosophy anna esther tumarkina. violinist tsvit setlin, decembrist peter fallenberg. the list goes on. this
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year the city will turn 627 years old. the first mention of it is in 1393. during this time , a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. according to legend, where the oak groves parted, and a village arose immediately at the confluence of two rivers. over time it grew, first appeared. the castle, then the streets of the city of dubrovna itself, i heard that the oak groves that grew on the banks of the dnieper had a bad reputation, supposedly few people returned from there, and now there are practically no trees left, why, where are those famous dubrovna oak groves? the locals unanimously answer: the war is to blame. first the napoleonic war, then the great patriotic war, during which the dubrovno region was destroyed by 90%. now the oaks they grow only in a few places, so
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you won’t be able to find them right away, but you can easily notice a local landmark, the bernardine monastery, founded in 1630. all that remains of the monastery is a two-story residential building. according to legend, it was built by francis to savery lubomirski to make amends for setting fire to the shrine. indeed, in the 20th century the building burned. according to legend, the monks married a prince’s daughter to a simple nobleman on a dark night. the bride's father, prince lubomirski, found out about this, got angry and ordered it. burn wooden monastery, but the story did not end there, in the morning in the dnieper they discovered two drowned people, who were they, the monks who married the young,
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soon the prince’s anger passed, and in order to make amends to the servants , lyubomirsky built a luxurious stone monastery in the baroque style on the site of the chimney, this is only one of the versions, there is a special energy here, but i recommend coming here exclusively... in the daytime, they say, at night you can hear blood-curdling groans. not surprising, in any self-respecting old building there is always there are ghosts. still, we won’t tease fate; it’s better to go to the shrine, which, unlike the monastery, has managed to be well preserved to this day. review of the most important sporting events. perhaps
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the next sharangovich will soon be born here. loud statements accompanied the opening of the forty -sixth honorary yuda site in belarus. we are confident that future hockey champions will grow here. exclusive interviews with athletes. previously, the national teams were predominantly represented by mink guys. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. their life in polesian villages
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and... hard work, resourcefulness, passion, the main quality of these people, my grandfather was a jack of all trades, as a child i remember when we came, on almost every tree there were nesting boxes, and he hollowed them out of a whole log. my interest is in history in general and to the end of knowledge, and menavita i somehow immediately know the course that i will learn the history
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of menavita osavets in the first lesson. books of architecture in this place grew up at the beginning of the 19th century, unfortunately, as such almost no historical data has been preserved, research work is underway, but we can only rely on the knowledge of parishioners. it is known for sure that the temple was built in 1809 by savery lyubomirsky. at one time, when i was still a child, my grandmother brought me to this temple and
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told me that despite... this local temple is the guardian of human lives. it was possible to save several rare icons. the date of this writing is unknown. which of the masters had a hand in a good cause, too. the moment depicted on the icon coronation of the holy virgin mary. unfortunately, due to lack of funds, the shrine is losing its original appearance, and this is important for art lovers and for people who constantly go to the temple. the shrine is prayed for - they say,
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thanks to her. even miracles happen, however, again only from the words of parishioners, there is no reliable evidence of this. the dubrovno region has long been famous for its clay crafts. it is known that there was even a goncharnaya street in the city. in the 20th century, the famous master anna moracheva lived on it. the name of a craftswoman. v encyclopedia of folk art in belarus, her works were known far beyond the borders of the vitebsk province. the whistles of the famous craftswoman are even kept in the state museum of ethnography of st. petersburg. this is the level. we're going through the frets. we go through the frets, like this. yes, then it will be. that's the sound. something like this.
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yes, but i can also give you this sound, look what kind of top we have, this is the top, they all make different sounds, of course, it depends on the size of the chamber, on the size of the lods, in what place it is located, of course on the size himself - the air flow channel that we have here is probably...


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