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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 6:15pm-6:51pm MSK

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love sports and we are abavyazkova yashche daubachymi. that's all, more on our site the evening and the gatherings of tomorrow. belarus is easy. a non-trivial route, adventures await us today, but in general horses love it when you look after them, pet them and comb them, the horse has no hands, no fingers, she can’t scratch herself, in order to scratch herself she needs to rock somewhere in the sand, in a snowball, the most important thing is to be open to the amazing secret facts, i put the question to a vote, who is in favor of accepting the hero maria ivanovna as a member. please vote, who is for? and
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don’t forget to give free rein to positive emotions. let's not rush, it's just a delight. this is the first one, what is this? bowl, what is it? well, this is a jug, this is the first jug made with your own hands from clay. sergey, thank you very much. look at the project, the route was built on the tv channel. belarus 24 shows where they fight not with the help of physical force. scientists have proven that smart athletes are more likely to achieve success compared to those who rely only on physical strength. let's pump it up too your sports knowledge. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. which of them had a higher transfer price at the time of transfer to a new club, according to the authoritative resource transfermarkt. messi. messi, but
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activity will also play a role. who are these guys rocking? is this karlandoch? this is the wrong answer, this is zinedine zedan, 2020, real madrid became champions for the thirty-fourth time. which complex will host the olympic tennis tournament in paris in 2024? in paris, at the sites of rlango ros. absolutely correct, rlango ros. look intellectual and sports. head game on our tv channel. i want to grow up and become and create helicopters for the present, build all sorts of things. missiles
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, all sorts of combat vehicles and all sorts of military equipment, when i grow up, i want to make it, i want to do something so that then all sorts of military men would sit on them and fight and...
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how to connect them together, but at the same time there is only one true one, choose it was him, in order to turn the idea into reality , to create a unique type of weapon, a task that has been facing belarusian gunsmiths for many years, 20 of which they work under the shg brand. the mid-nineties, the once powerful army of the soviet union is divided, the combat potential is based on weapons that entered the troops back in the 70s-80s. the army of that time was similar to the hero grozny, but not like... a similar situation
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is developing at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, many factories in the defense sector remain without government orders from moscow, and, as a result, without funds. reorienting to other markets was not easy, especially since some there was no specialized team to find new partners, and there was no team to collaborate with old ones. after the collapse of the soviet union, there was some confusion, a number of, let’s say, organizations, the then non-existent military-industrial sector of the economy of the republic of belarus, each lived on its own, that is, an organization. i found a certain foreign exhibition, tried to go there, looked for partners on my own, that is , this process was not regulated, it was of such a chaotic nature, such a difficult situation affected both the people, professionals
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in their field quit because they could not feed their families with a penny salary, and the combat potential of the army, despite the fact that the armed forces of independent belarus were inherited. a large amount of military equipment , it was almost impossible to use it if necessary, because a huge part of the combat vehicles and tanks looked more like a pile of scrap metal, something had to be done with a huge amount of such military equipment, the way out of the difficult situation was the creation of a single structure that was supposed to start putting things in order at the enterprises of the country's defense sector. goskomprom appeared virtually from scratch, compared to our other ministry departments.
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belarus alexander lukashenko signed decree number 599 on the creation of the state military-industrial committee of the republic of belarus. from that day on, many belarusian gunsmiths entered into a structure with a planned systemic organization of labor, determined solely in the interests of the country’s national security. they now have tasks, functions, powers, and most importantly, confidence in tomorrow. the head of state made an absolutely correct decision. this certainly made it possible to purposefully follow a certain path, the main task , so to speak, and the main goal was - this is really the creation of products for , so to speak, ensuring national
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security, but for, again, to promote special products there to foreign markets, which means, well and of course this is much... more productive, much more effective for the state. with the creation of the state military-industrial committee, the activities organizations included in its system was stabilized and became coordinated. enterprises involved in the creation of military products were under centralized all-union control. through the efforts of the new committee, a regulatory legal framework began to be formed, which was constantly improved, based on expediency, depending.
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repaired, but even then the main focus was on the modernization of weapons, and industry enterprises also formed plans for long-term development, repair and modernization of effective soviet weapons. modernization is no less labor-intensive process than the creation of any sample; a product that we would like to see of high quality will only be available when the customer and performer are completely interested in it. percent on both sides , that is, this is the, if you want to say, team that makes this single product that should see the results of its work, and over time, the focus on modernization began to bear fruit, here is just one of the striking examples, already in march 2005
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year at the 558th aircraft repair plant, the mig-29 aircraft was successfully modernized and received the bm prefix, after this upgrade it was... set 15 officially registered world records. by the way, the belarusian modernization of aircraft such as the mig-29 and su-27 increases the combat potential of these combat winged vehicles. than three times. but the plans included not only the resuscitation of the old, but the creation of completely new types of weapons. one of the first signs was the deeply modernized rszzo grad. at the beginning of the 2000s, from the assembly line of plant 2566 for repairs radio-electronic weapons, its new version is coming off belgrade. the legendary installation on the mazovsky chassis, and by the end of 2006, in
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the total volume of industrial production , the development, creation and repair of military and special equipment in the interests of domestic law enforcement agencies will amount to almost 70%. our main task is to plan new promising weapons developments. equipment in the interests of the armed forces of the republic of belarus. we prepare planning documents, we prepare specific proposals for the development of certain new promising models of weapons and military equipment. of course, we closely interact with the ministry of defense of the republic of belarus, based on their needs, based on their priorities, we prepare appropriate proposals and... we prepare, therefore, software projects, what we can do is no worse than
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foreign manufacturers of military equipment, domestic gunsmiths have proven this more than once; here it is worth at least recalling the belarusian polones multiple launch rocket system. the complex was successfully tested for the first time in 2016, the system with high accurately hit all designated targets at a distance of 200 km. polones has already confirmed his effectiveness more than once during military exercises. today this is a domestic development, which is in service with the belarusian army, and is rightfully considered the pride of our military industry. and one of the best products of this class in the world arms production, so the notes of our polonaise are already known abroad. the industrial committee began this work with development. that is, all design documentation. developed specifically by state enterprises military-industrial committee, ranging from small units to large units
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, chassis, domestic minsk wheel tractor plant, launch containers, precision electromechanics production plants, therefore, large cooperation of enterprises of the state military-industrial committee, starting from development, that is, all designers worked together, harmoniously on this development, it was not such that one enterprise makes one part, a second enterprise makes the second part, the process of creating a polonaise assembly on... clearly demonstrates the essence of the work of the state military-industrial committee, after the president’s order to create a rszz with unique characteristics, the gunsmiths got down to business, the employees of the central apparatus acted , so to speak, as producers, they selected suitable designers at the enterprises and brought them together as a single team, also, the gvpk was responsible for logistics and control of the assembly process, according to the same principle ...
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the uniqueness of our system, which we are now, by and large, implementing, and this result is in those developed products, in those products that have been put into service, they have been used for a long time both in the republic of belarus and abroad, this is the practical result of our activities. the sad experience of the conflict in ukraine has proven that drones and...
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defense sector enterprises from vitebsk are at the forefront of military operations today. samples of attack drones are being produced on display. this is a test of combat drones. this technique was also developed by the quadra 1400 loitering tube. in 2021 these attack unmanned aerial systems successfully passed state tests and were recommended for adoption by the belarusian army. it is very important not to produce one product all the time, it is very important over time, therefore , state committee for industry enterprises constantly analyze events on the world stage , including military operations, and we are not aiming to do something similar, we are aiming to to do something superior, so at the moment development and refinement of domestic free
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aviation complexes, including production with modernization, so this direction is developing very widely. domestic drones are used by the armed forces, but in addition to their drones, belarusian designers of military equipment are working on complexes that are aimed at combating attack copters, and belarusians have something to offer in this segment of military equipment, for example, one of the latest developments of domestic gunsmiths in the field of combating drones complex krechek, but not only to intercept the enemy drone, but also to detect its operator, with such a task. cbd developments of the genus can be easily handled. the design bureau is today a leader in the production of equipment designed to combat drones; a whole complex has been developed, including mobile guns, stationary installations and even a station on wheels. already at the stage of preliminary tests, state tests, here we are very scrupulously carrying out this
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work together, so as to take into account all the nuances and experience, including from other military conflicts experience.
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then the export of military products created by the domestic defense industry reached , but for export, here it is worth remembering 2018, its historical maximum and exceeded a billion dollars, golden times for the defense sector of the country, well, golden times when the republic of belarus, as an exporter of military equipment was, let's say, even among the top ten leading exporting countries, yes.
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for success. today, the volume of industrial production throughout history is beneficial for such cooperation, then it is engaged the existence of the state military industry committee approached $7 billion. exports of military products manufactured by belarusian gunsmiths exceeded $11 billion. total investments in fixed capital of industry enterprises amounted to about $900 million. this case is still developing today. investments are very important, and every year we invest from 30 to 50 million dollars directly into the development of our industrial base, into the creation of very serious parts and assemblies, which will then be components of one type or another weapons.
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work in order to sign any contract at the exhibition , significant and lengthy work remains until the signing itself, this is a constant process, which means that you signed contracts at the exhibition, at the same time you held negotiations, which means that the negotiations laid the foundation for signing future contracts. in just 20
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years, the state military industry committee has established business contacts with 121 countries of the world, that is , in almost all regions of the globe. intergovernmental commissions and committees on military-technical cooperation. they know goskommenprom. all over the world, the enterprises of the state military industry have already proven themselves so well that they are on the best side for the state, but the whole world is already paying attention to them in what form, in the form of sanctions on individual enterprises there already, and i don’t know how many times, as it were yes, well, of course, bans are imposed on someone who really is.
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in general, 2023 has become significant in many ways for
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the country’s defense sector. in may, by order of the minister of defense, the tank was armed t-72-bm2, modernized at the 140th repair plant. but the real takeoff for the industry occurred in july, when an interdepartmental agreement was signed between belarus and russia. and enterprises of the russian federation, after which the organization of production has already begun, the necessary equipment is being purchased and the corresponding workshops are being built, so
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the full cycle of aircraft manufacturing will be organized in the republic of belarus. and in 2023, the final firing of the new sapphire grenade launcher, which has unique characteristics, was successfully completed. this is another one a new direction for our gunsmiths. the end of the year has arrived. successful final tests of domestic 122-mm rockets, launching such production was an order of the president, but perhaps one of the most striking events was the transfer to the armed forces of the new divisional complex polones e, which is capable of using different types of missiles with different warheads to ensure accurate destruction of targets on range is already up to 300 km. polonesm - it really is. pride of the republic of belarus, it is necessary to note about the fact is that in a very short time, we just very quickly mastered the production
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of a fairly wide range of various ammunition, what i was talking about is rockets, we are now completing work on mastering the production of artillery ammunition. create your own weapons and modernize them on your own, this thesis of the president has become fundamental for the industry, and we are talking not only about heavy equipment, small arms, sights, counter-intelligence devices, drones, communications equipment, this is just a small the share of what the state committee for military industry produces today is more than a thousand units in total, the lion's share of this number are walkie-talkies and radio stations, today we are proud... to declare that our military-industrial complex has mastered the production of all types of communications, starting from the classic radio station
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shortwave range... ending with the most serious satellite communication systems. all this allowed us to maintain a high level of readiness. in the future, gunsmiths will have to play an important role in addressing issues of import substitution and achieving technological sovereignty. a large layer of work lies ahead to increase production volumes of ammunition, small arms, and drones, and to ensure further growth of production capacity for serial production.
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will be implemented, enterprises are modernized, enterprises purchase the necessary equipment and develop and implement technologies. today , the state military industry committee successfully solves the tasks assigned to it with the help of 25 organizations included in its system and more than 150 enterprises in the defense sector of the economy, which is more than 14 thousands of specialists. the history of the organization within the department's system ranges from 12 to 150 years, thereby symbolically personifying the fusion of experience and youth. the industry is 20 years old, but some of our enterprises are already more than 100 years old, and of course there are dynasties at these enterprises, the dynasties are very large and very long and it is very easy to track the history of the development of the finished enterprise, including the corresponding dynasties. for gunsmiths
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, continuity of generations is not just words; here they remember and honor the work of veterans, and this not surprising, because those who are now working here will also be replaced by a new generation, maybe even one of these kids who assemble tanks and helicopters from construction sets, this is the law of samsara, the cycle of people.
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everything you wanted to know about the meaning of human existence is god’s providence for everyone; this providence will already be fully revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the second coming of christ, when the lord will reward everyone according to their deeds. on the religious education of children. i am like priest, i very often try to be at school
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and invite children to... our events from school, including excursions and various spiritual and moral events, exhibitions and others that take place on the territory of our temple, so the temple is ours.. kali chalavek with loose gonars and any adnositsa and everything that is in their temple, then such abrases are captured, not looking at the fact that from the point of tracking the traditional steps, i have already fallen they were eager to hear spiritual instructions. about the eternal important sign the meeting of a person with the lord is a sincere consciousness of his sins, which , like dust, covers our soul, and some become a stone wall, separating us from
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god, look at the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, we go on an expedition to the corners of our country... we repent , in order to get rid of the same mission, adjudicate on the basis of the festive songs of the people who were not only taken away , but also in the future. further and forward from the past braščyny. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. i’ll guess, this past year we visited khmelev, in the zhabinka region. in 1725 , the people published the salvationist abrazhenskaya tsarka. adzin from the oldest temples in brascin. halls of the temple of the men's monastery. oh lark, i'm an early bird. from
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old traditions to new life. oh, chago shakrana. how long have you been holding a book in your hands, flipping through page after page, greedily drinking every word? of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. in books the thoughts of past times live on.
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people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic. by reading, a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. our republican rehabilitation center was built according to the program of the president of the children of belarus, this is a unique institution , the ministry of labor, social protection, this is one of the forms of rehabilitation in such a special form of rehabilitation as social
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institutions, mainly children with cerebral palsy, 80% - these are children with musculoskeletal disorders and this is a group of cerebral palsy; recently we have begun to accept children with concomitant pathologies for rehabilitation.


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