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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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some are awkward, but together they are one whole, together, they are harmony; looking at them, you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer.
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live panorama in elena nasacheva’s studio. hello. belarusians made their choice, the turnout was over 73%. the west is expectedly dissatisfied. our president discussed the voting results today with the cis secretary general. the progress of the election campaign, but primarily the removal of economic barriers in the eu, was discussed by the chairman of the eec board. the largest nato exercise in 30 years is taking place in poland near our borders.
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councils, international observers gave their assessment, details in the panorama: there is no bottom, or about the nuances of western social research against belarus. what those who imagine themselves to be world democracies allow themselves to do in elections are blatant violations, falsifications, dead souls, ballots for the elected, family cronyism and even re-elections after a few years. germany, austria, usa and others to whom everything is possible. in a clear policy, we will show western tricks and absurdity without problems. the elections in belarus were
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organized and calm, people trust the authorities, are committed to an evolutionary transformation of the political system; this is perhaps the main conclusion after a single voting day in the country. the election results were discussed today during working meetings at the independence palace. the president's morning began with conversations with the chairman of the board of the eurasian economic commission, betegzhan sagentayev. he began working in this important post in february, and his visit to us coincided with the holding. election campaign, but the conversation started with economic issues, they are always at the forefront corner. economy is the main interest of minsk in various integration structures, not only in the eu, but in the cis, in the union state. here , belarus and russia have advanced the furthest, so alexander lukashenko considers it quite logical to use this experience for the eurasian union. the main thing is that we have an economic union itself. a number
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of problems that need to be seriously worked on, of an economic nature, we would really like, and this should be done during your chairmanship, since kazakhstan itself plays a very important role in the union, we really i would like us to remove all sorts of barriers that unfortunately still exist in our country, we need to agree on energy issues so that there are... equal opportunities for states, we need common markets, gas, oil, a common market, we need to create, from we will not go anywhere, you see how the situation is developing around us, and the very circumstances around us are pushing us towards closer cooperation within the framework of the eurasian economic union. i always talk about how, as an economist, what the economy will be, will be policy.
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that is, a very positive assessment, quiet , calm, people are happy, organized, in all areas, the election process was discussed in more detail at the meeting of the president with the cis secretary general, head of the mission to the observer of the commonwealth alexander lukashenko thanked sergei lebedev and his colleagues for their objectivity
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for their work in belarus at such a crucial and even historical moment, when the entire vertical of representative bodies of power was simultaneously elected, from village councils to parliamentary deputies.
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hesitant, well, naturally , there are also dissatisfied people, we understand this very well, therefore in this election cycle, we need to analyze and draw appropriate conclusions, we need to correct something, we have few such problems, we will fix them in a year, correct them, and i am sure that people will come to the presidential elections in even greater numbers, although it will not be an easy process, you are an expert in this matter.
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passed calmly and were well organized, while the westerners, unfortunately, had already managed to draw conclusions about the alleged absence democracy, our assessments of the elections were positive, you probably heard, and today the president and i talked about this, exchanged opinions, that the state department press secretary has already stated that the elections were held in an atmosphere of fear in belarus, well, i ’ll tell you honestly , i didn’t see any fear among the voters, on the contrary, a joyful mood, so well, it’s also amazing that since i worked in the states and i know, it means...
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the decision of the leadership of the belarusian ministry of foreign affairs not to invite western observers is quite logical and justified, why? because one cannot expect objective assessments from them. lebedzev confirmed that observers from the cis were able to visit polling stations in all regions of belarus, communicate with voters and see a broad picture of how elections are taking place. so, as the cec noted, the elections in belarus were held with a high turnout. 73% of belarusians.
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it worked, the election campaign and the single day went smoothly. igor vasilievich, hello. good afternoon. we, of course, congratulate you, because a lot of work has been done. how do you assess, say, maybe even this?
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well, completely different from previous campaigns, we believe, and preliminary, we also discussed this topic, that the electoral legislation, in general, which was changed in line with changes in the constitution and, based on the experience of conducting the campaign, based on the tasks that was put before this company, in general it went well in practice, and we can say today that there was no rejection of any norms. legislative yes there were some maybe nuances in their application, somewhere there may not be we had enough experience in conducting such a campaign
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, well, it was being carried out for the first time, but at the same time, we did not feel any rejection of this legislation in the electoral process , that is, this electoral legislation worked, this suggests that our legislators had a good hand here, well, 73% turnout, among other things, probably raises the level of elections to local councils, but sometimes they didn’t proceed that way. let's say, with such an active voter turnout, it turns out that we also actively chose those who would be nearby to work in my village council, somewhere in the region, do you know what else pleased me about this company? that candidates for deputies of local councils and candidates for deputies of parliament, they somehow interacted very closely within the district, and sometimes even united for some kind of joint information, campaign events, joint pickets, joint meetings, joint public
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events , this was quite a new phenomenon in our electoral system.
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turnout figures objectively reflect the number those who came to the polling stations, but do not convey the atmosphere of the main voting day. people walked with their whole families, with children in their arms , some voted for the first time, others on their own birthday, some were helped by volunteers because their health was failing them, but their civic position did not allow them to remain silent or stay at home while waiting for the members of the surna commission.
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country, for your future, for the development of your country, ice is not scary, rain is not scary, so come with a good mood, yes, we will choose, it was beautiful and decisive, and this is how belarusians will remember the first single voting day in history, such an experience , by the way, is not new in international practice, it seems that we also liked it, the cycle in this regard tried to ensure that innovations least of all affected voters directly, what was noticed at the polling stations , so this is the quantity.
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but we can and have shown this, only we will decide how to live further and what political changes we really need. we decided on them back in 2022, when we voted for amendments to the constitution, it is no coincidence that the main document in such a gift version
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accompanied the entire electoral process. it was presented to everyone who made a choice for the first time, such absentee citizens, this figure is even higher than that given in general by appearances in the country. this is not even about a brick, a strong wall that you can lean on in the future. we are building it exclusively for ourselves and learning. on his mistakes, the head of state noticed this after voting in the elections, emphasizing, among other things, the calm atmosphere. absolutely sincerely, honestly,
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nowhere in the world are there open, honest, principled elections like in belarus, it’s a holiday for us, it’s always been like that, and if in soviet times they were somehow fake, i remember, well, everything was there and there were buffets for drinks and snacks, everything was there. it was somehow forced, it was without a soul, for us it all goes away mentally, so we are pursuing a sincere, honest policy, just like these elections, we don’t need wars or clashes, we need a quiet life, in the name of this we we will do everything, and absolutely, we do not need outside comments, what did such unsolicited advice lead to ? we have been observing this for several years at the southern borders. who is suffering, ordinary people?
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and deputy prime ministers will take this opportunity to talk about their achievements and personal beliefs in their choice. everyone has their own, some give preference to experience, others to youth, but there are similar messages that are formed in development, prosperity and peace, the value of which is especially felt today. yulia alferova, television news agency. the election campaign in belarus was conducted honestly and transparently. representatives of the sco and cis observer mission made their decision. based on the results of work in our country. there is significant involvement of belarusians in the electoral process and activity at voting stations. details of the final statements are from andrey such. all eyes are focused on
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belarus; almost half of the world watched the single voting day in our country. representatives of the sco observer mission of the largest international organizations monitored compliance with election procedures in all aspects electoral process. a total of 294 international observers were accredited from various organizations. mission observers visited polling stations without prior notification to the executive and electoral bodies of the republic of belarus. the choice of polling stations to visit was carried out by members of the mission independently and no obstacles were created for a member of the mission to visit a particular polling station. the mission did not note any violations of national legislation that cast doubt on the legitimacy of the elections. organization level. stunning, simply stunning, beautiful, calm, measured, and without fuss, everything was organized very decently, and the most important thing is that i saw people, i
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saw a lot. which made me happy. one of the key points that observers paid attention to was compliance with the basic principles of democratic elections, freedom and confidentiality of voting, equal access to information, openness and transparency of the vote counting process. we understand that assessing the political system, assessing domestic policy, foreign policy country - this is direct interference in its internal affairs. politics are determined by the people, and the political system is determined.
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showed consciousness and an active civic position, our society understands its responsibility for the future of the country, every vote played a decisive role, the elections were held in an atmosphere of intense competition, this was also confirmed by european observers. a big plus, great respect, excellent european world standard of these elections, i wanted to say that if anywhere in the world, in european union or even in the republic
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of poland, there will be a voice that... questions the legality and correctness and, frankly, the unique style of elections held in the republic of belarus, we cannot allow belarus, due to the excellent democratic standards of conducting elections, was punished with some kind of sanctions. i would like to particularly highlight the ability to vote remotely. in belarus, each election commission has a mobile group that can come and allow people with disabilities to vote at home. disabilities, elderly people. unfortunately, in germany. there is no such thing, in our country people can vote by mail, starting 6 weeks before the main vote, and no one gives any guarantee, this process is not sufficiently controlled, the letter can simply be lost, so this practice would not interfere with the german electoral system. the work of a foreign observer mission emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in maintaining democratic values ​​in our country. andrey sych, dmitry gorkusha, tv news agency. there are observers
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who directly followed the voting process in belarus; no questions arose, but western spiteful critics cannot calm down so as not to prick our country, even from overseas they know better. the us state debt, represented by the head of the press service, matthew miller, called the elections to belarus effective and undemocratic. mid reacted immediately, firstly, no one asked him about this, but... his complaint was not listed, the foreign ministry indicated, so that it is not realistic to determine which of the district commissions should respond to the complaint of an american official? we spent the whole night together with the central election commission of belarus looking for citizen miller in the voter lists in order to determine which of the district commissions should respond to his
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complaints, so for... not a single reason why we should listen to the statements of the us state department about a single voting day in the republic of belarus, while we strongly recommend that the current american administration introduce mandatory testing for employees on knowledge of the basics of international relations and international law, part of which, by the way, is the charter of the united nations
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. 55% believe that their results were rigged, so it’s time to sort out your own kitchen and not interfere in someone else’s garden. but that was not the case, we went even further, the new york times convinces its reader. quote: belarusians
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who do not vote risk losing their jobs in state companies and institutions or being brought in for questioning by the authorities state security, as exiled opposition activists claim. what can i say? their sponsor is probably on the verge of madness, because the arithmetic is simple, according to the central election commission, 73% of voters took part in the voting, which means that the remaining quarter of belarusians, according to the authors of the new york times, have already lost their jobs, and more than a million people have been summoned for questioning in the kgb, which surprised with its knowledge of the belarusian electoral system, and the austrian kronin saing, reported the following: for many years, voting by mail was a popular tool... used by the government apparatus of long-time ruler lukashenko to achieve desired results without any possibility of verification. apparently the author, cronin saitong, is seriously shell-shocked by observing the american elections. it is there that postal
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voting, according to many, is an instrument of massive fraud. in belarus, it is not at all possible to send a ballot in an envelope to the polling station. such a procedure is simply not provided for by the voting regulations. so let yourself elections of those who imagine themselves in a world democracy? flagrant violations, falsifications, dead souls, ballots for the elected, family cronyism and even re-elections after a few years. germany, austria, usa and others to whom everything is possible. in a clear policy , we will show western tricks and absurdity without problems. watch today after the panorama.
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and about another tool for manipulation
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when it is in the hands of political charlatans. sociology is an exact science, with a certain set of research methods, and they can only be carried out by accredited organizations, only their conclusions can be trusted. the notorious i believe, i don’t believe, it doesn’t fit here, lyudmila gladka. in more detail, well, that's it, get ready, now all sorts of sociologists and sociology abroad will tell you and me how bad life is for us and in general that everything is bad, in general lies are their most popular tool of manipulation, and even more so flavored with supposedly sociological and political research . in general, sociology is not simple, i came, i saw, i interviewed, it is a huge number of tools and research methods, and only accredited organization, there are 12 of them in belarus . those who, without accreditation, conduct surveys on socio-political topics
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violate the law, and it is impossible to judge the reliability of the data they publish. about manipulation. let me give you an example of how a finnish analytical center fabricates data in order to get anti-chinese, anti-russian, but pro-american results. finns believe that the states are a country with an extremely high level of social inequality, that 82% are convinced that america is engulfed in internal divisions, that only 27% of those surveyed consider the united states to be part of the european cultural sphere, only 17 see it as an exemplary democracy. the vast majority of respondents, 71%, also answered that finland should not become dependent on the united states, but it is all somewhere. there in small print. let's return to our pre-election
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summer of 2020. on july 20, in some telegram channels, information appeared about conducting telephone surveys from abroad, supposedly a social study about life in belarus. at the same time , on one of the call recordings you can hear that the operator calls himself a representative famous american company. let's skip the details, something else is important. then this company itself hastened to announce that it had not conducted any such surveys with us. it is also important that... that fake research and reports then form the basis for manipulation on international platforms, as was the case with the promotion of the topic against belarus and russia, allegedly in the theft of children. if we leave out the lowest level of our fugitives, the main campaign to denigrate belarus was prepared based on a report by a research group at yale university. didn't stand aside human rights activists who hinted at our humanitarian responsibility under the genocide convention. based on the report of the american organization , a page in russian on wikipedia was created. the united states also keeps the topic on the agenda, in general, it’s nonsense, but
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it worked as a cog in the planned campaign to denigrate our countries and the subsequent political decisions. another example. the february report of a research group on ukraine, and the so-called russian training program, adoption of ukrainian children, was useful in promoting the case against commissioner for children's rights in russia in the international criminal court, and this is an instrument of pressure. by the way, they are trying to repeat the precedent in relation. through fake analytics on the same sensitive children's topic, the states are trying to discredit the role of belarus as a regional humanitarian peacemaker in the negotiating platform, they say there is a candidate more suitable for this role, in general, any agenda will now be promoted to expand sanctions, to block the integration of belarus into the northern corridor south, to block the allied gain states and other associations beneficial to us, as well as various sociologists and researchers. they are trying to convince us that we are european to the core, and that our
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bright future is only within the european union, and not all this. by the way, stones have already been thrown towards the all-belarusian people's assembly and attempts are visible to discredit the very concept of elections, and so on. recently , signals have become more frequent from the population that telephone surveys are being conducted from numbers in other states, supposedly to measure the ratings of candidates in presidents. yes, all these specialists are there. in the states, lithuania, britain, poland, germany, the czech republic, it is important to understand the main thing. every false analysis has a sponsor. client dedicated to promoting democracy and political education. there is a very specific goal. it can be traced by taking a closer look at the questions and the general nature of the survey. by the way, some of these studies then disappear from the internet.
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nato's largest exercise in 30 years, dragon 2024, has entered an active phase. over the past few days , the us military has been bringing in additional ammunition to the borders of our country. the general staff of the polish army warned citizens that in february there will be active movement of military equipment related to the exercises on roads throughout the country. at the same time, the authorities announced severe punishment for any publication of information about troop movements. the poles, however, continue to post photos and videos of the movement of military equipment, including indicating the location and date of filming. units of military equipment. warsaw sent 15.00 people to participate in the exercises. and a few hours ago the hungarian parliament approved application. sweden to join nato. from now on , the alliance consists of 32 countries, since all
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other consents to the accession of stockholm were given to the wound. belarus and saudi arabia are strengthening cooperation in various areas. today, the ministers of justice of the two countries discussed the main directions of development of legal systems. the meeting participants noted a trend towards expanding relations. in confirmation of this, the parties. and the reasons for today's arrival is the signing of the road map for 2024-25. the meaning of signing this card is the harmonization of those legislation on issues that will relate to the economy, agriculture, and the development of international relations. as stated in the ministry of justice, the strategic
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direction for the development of relations in our country is friendship with all states. this example shows that we have reliable friends who are ready. bosnia and herzegovina milorad dodik is called the head of the belarusian state a legend and a man of peace, who, among other things, preserved peace for his country and his people. alexander lukashenko was the only leader who supported the serbian people when in 1999 nato bombed yugoslavia without a security council resolution. the assistance provided by the serbs at that time.
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the brez region opened the series of presentations at vdnkh in moscow. now the days of the vitebsk region are ending, and by the end of the month the exhibition halls will be occupied by representatives of grodno. a number of agreements have already been signed between administrations and business representatives. olga moslovskaya collected impressions from exhibition visitors, business circles and regional leaders. gorgeous, belarusians, you are great, we
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we love you. beauty, simply, really, well done. very colorful, fun, soulful. remarkable 3,000 visitors every day, the belarusian pavilion navad in moscow presents the days of the vitebsk region, an exhibition, sales of products from well -established brands, a historical excursion cultural program, of course, an illustration of industrial potential. the exhibition turned out to be dynamic, interesting and interesting specifically for visitors. vdnkh, in general, is a platform that was created for ordinary people, that is, people who are just on it resting. the vitebsk region is geographically the closest region to russia, hence the close historical cultural ties. hundreds of bridges in the economy. the northern region of belarus has partners in all federal districts of russia. last year, sales to the russian federation amounted to one and a half billion
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dollars, and this is a record figure for the vitebsk region. the structure of exports is dominated by polymers, chemical fibers, and glass fabrics. more than 20% is...


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