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tv   100  BELARUSTV  February 27, 2024 3:55am-4:51am MSK

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i can only advise the younger generation to also give birth to children, a life with many children is worth living.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute. a hero will come out to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions to the heroes: natalya, why do you think the children chose you to talk to, well , maybe because they haven’t talked to me yet, and you’re ready for the fact that children sometimes ask tough questions? no, of course, i only have four of them, not 100, so it will be more difficult here, promise to be honest, i will try, then good luck, dear participants of the program, today the chairman of the belarusian federation is visiting us.
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natalia, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions; at the end of the program, you will have to choose the best one. well now you have one minute to briefly tell us about yourself. time has passed. well, what can you tell about me? i'm usually human, i have two arms, two legs, one head on everyone. there’s nothing unusual about me, i’m probably just good at setting goals and achieving them. then i was probably lucky; throughout my life i came across very good people who wished me well.
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i probably knew how to draw conclusions , so i was able to achieve something, but i want to start right away by giving the children advice: never, never be discouraged, in life there are always a lot of opportunities and chances, never despair and know that only the best is always ahead. you didn't make it in a minute, but gave the children excellent advice. and what can we say, your life is worthy of a great dialogue. let's get started with it. we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer. you are ready? yes, then let's begin! raise your hand, who's ready to ask a question? hello natalya, my name is angelina, how often do you remember how you started your career? well, i remember it quite often, because my career is not over, it has just reached a different stage, i am no longer an athlete, but i am.
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i still remain in sports, in cycling, in in particular, well, this is part of my life, so i think about it quite often. how did you realize that you wanted to connect your life with this? maybe someone helped you understand this? i didn’t understand right away, but i was very lucky with my first coach, he made me fall in love with this sport, and i stayed in it, it’s the love of my life, but in general i dreamed of becoming a surgeon, and then something went wrong so, well, i don’t know what kind of surgeon i would be. but i seem to have turned out to be a good athlete, i also think i’ve become a good mother, well, that’s necessary of course, ask my children, well, my mother , i also dreamed of having a large family, i grew up alone, i only had a cousin, but no relatives, and i always wanted many children, now i have four, so probably this it all came together, this is the most important thing, it seems to me that we are moving into the purple sector, to your right.
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hello, my name is daria. when do you especially think about your mother? do you remember anything about her? you know? well , i don’t remember much, because we spent a lot of time together, at what moments i remember, yes almost at all, like any normal person, the first thing that always comes to mind is mom, you feel bad, good, sad, happy, you’re still the first person you think about, what about mom, so i’m normal , natalya, what happened to my mother, she died. how old were you? i was 13. who raised you? grandmother and grandfather. well, well, before my mother died, my grandmother died a year earlier, my grandfather died when i was 16,
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then we started living with my dad. but there is such an expression: time heals, that’s what in fact, this is true, of course, but... you can come to terms with pain, with loss, forgive something, but you never forget, and this is the most important thing - our loved ones are with us as long as we remember about them. natalya, hello, my name is daria, how hopeless do you think people are who do poorly at school, you know, i believe that there are no hopeless people in general, i know many examples of children who... did poorly at school , have achieved very good results in life, i have a classmate, a big businessman, at school i studied, well, so-so, because studying
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is not a criterion of our intelligence, it is the level of education, but how did you study at school, what grades did you have, i didn’t have c’s. i studied at 4.5 , i liked studying, i loved going to school, but 4.5 we had a five-point system, then natalya to your right is reaching up with a yellow microphone, hello, my name is sofia and my question to you: when did you stop playing into dolls? i never stopped, i never started, i had one doll, and somehow, well, there was was. i was more interested in cars, bicycles, some kind of war games , hide and seek, something more active, and i loved reading books, i’ve been reading since i was four years old, and dolls, well, i was indifferent, but in general, when
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does an athlete’s childhood end and begin? adulthood? an athlete's childhood ends when he is an athlete. to be an athlete, because, despite our physical exertion, we do some exorbitant things, but we are essentially children, in terms of what, what is our task, i trained, ate, rested, and well, it’s cyclical, yes, it, it all goes in a circle, and you went to competitions, won them, well, an athlete has no other goal, it’s just that everything else is done for you by people who...
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for each competition there are different prizes depending on on the status of the competition, and well , we have very good prize money, who is ready to ask a question? raise your hand, you have a huge number of medals, and where do you keep them, do you know how much they weigh? well, not so huge, here are 51 - this is already for an adult career, and where do i keep them, they hang on the wall, there is a wall, so they probably weigh a little, which medal is the most valuable to you and why? well, it would probably be correct to say that it’s olympic, but i can’t downplay all my other medals,
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because behind each medal there is a lot of work, great losses and hardships in terms of the fact that you, well, the athlete closes his eyes a lot and from a lot refuses, so i wouldn’t say that there is any particularly valuable one, i value them all and am proud of them, thank you, children, we have a little surprise for you, we asked you to... bring all your medals to the studio, take them out, please, well, here i took a few, natalya, maybe one of the children can try to weigh them, raise your hand, who is ready to come out, come out, young man, how much do you think these medals weigh? for 1 kg 300 g, it seems to me that a kilogram is 100
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g. who else is ready to guess? who's ready to guess? but it seems to me that there are about 2 kg here, well, somewhere around 800 kilograms, let ’s still resolve this dispute, i’ll ask you to bring the scales into the studio now, let’s weigh all the medals. natal tselinsky, let's find out how much this victory weighs 665, 665 is not weight, it’s a sample. you became world champion eight times and the national anthem was played for you eight times, how
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did you feel at that moment? and the anthem sounded much more often, to my pride, because at every victory, when you win any competition, the anthem of your country plays, and what is this for me, well, this is the anthem of my homeland, this is pride, this feeling, you know , here is the rise of double strength, the fact that we are a very small but proud country, the whole world is around you, and it, well, is defeated by you, and well it’s difficult to describe these feelings, they are always so overwhelming, but this is undoubtedly pride and happiness. the next question in the yellow sector is about
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sports politics? ah, unfortunately, sports were connected with politics a long time ago, this is a well-known phrase that sports is not politics, it has not worked for a long time. well, you know what i tell my athletes, that we are not racing there now, well, it’s not us who are unlucky, it’s their unlucky, the fact that they can’t compete with us, well, let them wait, we’ll come back and show them .
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stagodzi in the principality of polatka published a cathedral saint saphia, like the byzantine... it’s easy to explore belarus, just create a non-trivial route. adventure awaits us today. in general, horses love it when they are looked after, stroked , but the horse has no hands, no fingers, she cannot scratch herself, to scratch herself, she needs to rock somewhere in the sand, in
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snowballs. the most important thing is to be open to amazing secrets and facts. thank you very much, see the project route built on the belarus 244 tv channel
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. what is the maximum speed you developed on on your bike? maybe you have your own personal record? well, somehow my task was never to set a speed record, the task, well, also my view, five hundred times there, well, yes, maybe if you break a record, then it’s a record, but the main thing is to actually win the competition, in the sprint there in general , everything is clear to you.
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well, we rode there in the region of 90, but we walked downhill for about a hundred, i heard that the most expensive bicycles are decorated with gold and precious stones, so that’s why the bicycles of professional riders don’t look the same, well, so as not to distract us, probably, during competitions, well, this is a joke, of course, but we have different criteria and parameters in bicycles, the bicycle must be rigid, streamlined, and there must be complete symbiosis between the athlete and the bicycle, that is, all efforts, that you invest in turning the pedals, they must be clearly directed for... redirected to the forward movement of the bicycle, but rhinestones, gold - that’s all, well, it’s also acceptable, probably, but in a slightly different
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sport, riding , what kind there is, well, it has place to be, next, yellow sector, natalya, on your right, why do you think the bicycle remains one of the most popular means of transportation? well, it’s a strange question, you ride a bike , but it’s fun, well, it’s just, well, it ’s great, so you ride and the picture changes all the time, the wind blows on you when it’s hot, yes, when it’s cold, you ride and warm up a little faster, but the picture still changes, well, for me this is a question, but i never... about it, well, i didn’t think about why, but it’s just, well, you’re driving, well, everyone has been driving since childhood on a bike, yes, now, of course, you all have bicycles, but we used
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to have three bicycles for the whole yard, and so you stand and think, christmas trees, when will it be my turn to ride it, because that it’s cool, you fall , you scrape your knee, well, that’s also cool, because you got up and rode on, well, because probably on a bike... an indescribable feeling, and you can work yourself out on a bike, that is, go in for sports , yes, even when you are not a professional athlete, but also just completely in the pleasure of riding and not even getting into sleep, but what is preferable for you now, a car or a bicycle? well, of course, as an adult, i have to say that it’s a bicycle, but i... i said today that we adults don’t always lie, so of course a car, because on a bicycle i simply won’t be able to do everything that i need to do, plus
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there are no four luggage racks on the bike, and if i need to go with the children, then i simply have nowhere to shove them, are there any signs in cycling, in our country it is considered a bad sign, when you put on... a new uniform, in order for it to become not new, you just need to throw the overalls on the floor and stomp on it, and it’s no longer new, just like that, this is the only thing i observed from will accept, because i didn’t want to fall, hello, natalya, capercaillie, ram, postman, what other funny terms are there in cycling and what do they mean? postman, what is this? postmen are... cyclists who avoid active struggle and prefer, well, race passively, oh, how did you know, i didn’t know that, well, for the first time
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i hear, what is it, and what is a ram , a ram is a steering wheel, it’s like a ram that goes, but it ’s supposed to be a road steering wheel, like the most common one in racing bicycles, natalya, and a capercaillie, what is it? a capercaillie is a road bike with brakes, but without... shifters, that is, there is a direct transmission, like on a track, we don’t have brakes, and we slow down with a gear, because that’s how it is on a children’s bike, remember, you twist forward, you go forward, turn backwards, go backwards, this is a track bike and there are no brakes, on highway is a special bicycle on which we do certain work, but but, but it has brakes, i heard another very beautiful term in my opinion, dancer, this is when... you stand still on a bicycle, and your feet are on on a bicycle, on pedals, but this is a technique that is called, in the correct language they call
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surprise, they use it for the sprinter, because very often there is a struggle for position, when both people in a race need second position, that’s when surprise appears, they used to stand for hours, but then the price goes up airtime, this surprise dance duration was reduced to 30 seconds. very informative, now i understand how cycling is related to linguistics. we are moving to the yellow sector, to your left. is it true that all cyclist racers shave their legs for better streamlining? not only for streamlining, but we also fall, then these are our abrasions, these, they are very difficult to treat when the legs are covered. natural vegetation, so yes, all cyclists shave their legs. do you communicate with anyone from your old environment, for example, with
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childhood friends, and how generally successful. does your career affect your relationships with friends? well, a successful career, in principle, does not affect anything, yes, it does affect the crown that i was talking about, but if it gets stuck in the opening, then it already affects, but a career doesn’t not affect, on the contrary, it can only help, because communication is becoming wider, yes, my best friend, we have been together for 41 years, we have been together since the first grade, along with cycling, my daughter’s godmother came to practice cycling, in general, well, there are a lot of friends from childhood, well , maybe they are not so close, but we always meet with pleasure and communicate, are the athletes friends with each other or just compete with each other? well, it’s like ordinary people, it’s impossible to be friends with all our competitors, but we have very smooth, warm
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relations in... no river, but there are actually people with whom we are friends and correspond , we still meet at competitions, we communicate with pleasure, let’s move on to the yellow sector, every girl dreamed of a prince, no matter what kind of prince you when i was a child, i imagined whether my dreams would come together with reality, i didn’t play with dolls, what kind of prince, i don’t know, some... well, somehow i didn’t dream, because since i was a kid, well, i told you what i played as a child, and i, too, are like princes, when you are pirates with them, here are pirates, yes, but pirates, well , that’s understandable, yes, and you are an amorous person, yes, well, it’s even normal, it seems to me like do you think you are lucky in love or not, of course, definitely i have four...
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wonderful children, so i am 100% lucky in love, and you are generally a difficult person for your family or is it easy with you? i’m probably not an easy person, because i generally don’t understand this concept, what is an easy person or a difficult person, a difficult person, but in communication, well, every person, every person has his own character, and he... maybe for someone like it and someone doesn’t like it, but remember the song, let’s not bend to the changing world, let it bend to us better, it’s impossible to be good for everyone, you just need to appreciate the fact that the person next to you also has the right to their own opinion, human life above all else with this
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be considered, but at the same time... remain yourself, how much time do you devote to your family? unfortunately, less than i would like, because well, i always want to give more, to do, to do, but the work also takes a lot of time, and well, somewhere, somewhere, i get tired, imagine, just don’t tell anyone about this, so , well , that’s why i would like to devote more. time , but i, i’m working on it, you give the impression of such a strong, such a strong-willed woman, is this really so, you saw through me, yes, by the end of the program, but unfortunately yes, why unfortunately, because i’m a girl, and a girl should be light and airy.
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and well, in my opinion, i would like to be a girl and do girlish things, yes, and let the men there start duels because of us, they fight with swords, you know, we fit into our trousers, we pretend to be a man’s career , therefore, well, this is how the world is now , this is how the world dictates the rules, but still, it seems to me that it was created... we are still different for some reason, and i would like to live in a time when men shook hands with you , moved away or they pulled a chair for you, they didn’t swear in front of you, i would like to live in this time, and you, well, you will be a woman, you will look after, you will love and wait, at what moments in your life do you allow yourself to be weak and how does this manifest itself? , probably in
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a dream? because, well, that’s how the world is now, unfortunately. natalya, you have many children, do you often want to be alone? eh, well, not as much for me, so no, there are some pauses, but my little ones see for themselves when i arrived there already like that, they know that 15 minutes of pause, then i closed myself. they don’t touch me, well, then they still want to eat, so they often tell me, you know, oh, mine doesn’t eat anything, or i don’t eat anything, i have four, at least one, let’s see how it is children don’t eat anything, and for you, moments of loneliness are more likely to be sad
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or good, sad, sad, because well, that means i’ve lost my strength somewhere and then i need to accumulate there, well, in general, i prefer to be . your children are not the only ones who somehow display a talent for sports? my eldest daughter went in for sports, whether she had a big career or not, well, it’s hard to say, because she graduated early, the younger ones are not seriously involved in sports yet, so we’ll wait and see, and you yell at your children, if so, then according to what? i scream, i don’t like it, yes, but yes, for what reason, yes for no reason, but since i have four of them, when
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they don’t listen all together, then of course it’s already here, well, i’m not absolutely proud of it, but if i i’m sometimes wrong, this also happens, naturally, i apologize, but what do you think, parents? hello, my name is anya, i have the following question for you: what is the best consolation when you are generally sad or ill? i very rarely feel sad and bad, because i perceive everything in life as an incomplete line, light black, even if it seems like a dead end, so i’m really depressed there. yesterday i had 3 hours of depression, i was somehow so tired that i’m just that’s it, i understand, my battery ran out, that’s it, but i can’t bear to spend 3 more hours allow, and what is the best medicine, well, my kids, of course, because even though they
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are noisy and don’t listen, i yell at them, but still this is the best exercise, are you always...
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the opposite of me, to balance in general , pink, so white, fluffy, absolute , this is my life, because i am there, as you said, i am heavy, yes, complex, well, he is absolutely light, an absolute counterbalance to me.
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what did you dream about as a child, about a dog and me , a sneaker, i didn’t have sneakers, i had sneakers, and here i am, well, i was still very small, i... read about sneakers, then, by the way
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, when i came to cycling , a girl trained with us, she was older, she received, received a uniform, athletes receive equipment, we receive tracksuits, sneakers, and she received, these were not the first sneakers, she gave them to me, and then i said that i would also give my first sneakers to someone, and i didn’t receive the first sneakers, but i won and i came to minsk from moscow and also gave them to the girl at the base . well, well, now i have sneakers and dogs i have one too, so my childhood dreams came true, i saw that you didn’t come to the studio alone, introduce us to your friend, your girlfriend soon, well, i’ll be happy to, the main thing is that she wants it secret, natalya came here with her beloved dog and we all... want to see her, what's her name? oh,
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now let's open the scary one, in general her name is cinnamon, that's it, but i call her babaka, hello, god, how scary, that's it, that's it. babaka kisses yes, that's right, the make-up artist is dissatisfied, i think, oh, that's the one, that's it, that's right, a borderline dog, because this is our most there is a noisy dog ​​in the house , by the way, why babaka, by the way, because for a long time they could not come up with a name, and i, well, you have to call the person something, so i started calling her babaka, then they came up with cinnamon for her. i say, well, cinnamon is good, but babak
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is better, so everyone has cinnamon, and i have babak, the next question is in the yellow sector, how much time do you spend on the internet, fortunately not much, i just... i understand how it sucks me in, and i practically don’t get along on social networks, anywhere, because, well, it’s for me it doesn’t give anything, the people i want to communicate with, i have them, i don’t even like to write sms, it’s better for me to hear a voice, at least, but even better is a live meeting, and what was the last query you entered into the search bar, and this morning there was a minor repair, the sofa was torn
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, i realized something that i couldn’t fix it on my own, so today i felt good, thank you, if you compare the time when you were involved in cycling, has much changed now, or is it easier now? athletes to achieve their goals, time in the sport has changed, now , well, cycling is not the same as it was when i was doing it, because the approaches have changed , the speeds have changed, and the speeds have become higher, well, this is a normal trend, in general in life, that we go faster, higher, stronger , yes, but has it become easier for athletes to achieve their goal, no, not easier, but not more difficult either, i will say, that is, sport is not always an easy matter, and how we worked before, well, excuse the word, and also they now, well, it ’s like this... a separate sports life, the
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biggest problem in sports is that sports life ends very early , but it’s already quite late, and already at such a mature age you have to radically change your life, that is, the profession of an athlete is not forever, you cannot work at it until retirement and you change your life like that somewhere after thirty, and this is no longer easy, because you are already... a formed personality is no longer so flexible, this is so painful, but nothing. natalya, you love your children very much, and have you ever had such a thing that you wanted to quit sports in order to do more? time to spend with my family, and when i was my big sport, i didn’t have four children yet, i had an eldest daughter, masha, she, well, no, we didn’t spend all the time
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together, because she was already studying at school , but quite a lot of what was possible, because... i trained in moscow, there was no track in minsk, so she often came to me, not even during school holidays, but to quit for the sake of it, it’s wrong , do something, stop doing one thing for the sake of something else, you will regret it later, so you need to find possibilities. and try to combine and, well, not do it to the detriment of something, please tell me, what other peak do you want to conquer? well, everest, i probably don’t know, you
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know what peak i want to conquer, today the peak is mine, to be a good mother. natalya, this signal means that the time for questions for the hero has expired, now you have to choose the best questions of this program, this is a question about a dog, there is another question about mom, who asked? about cycling terms, so, well, in my opinion, today these three questions won, according to rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, hello, somehow
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only the girls turned out like this, well... but what beauties, really, thank you specially for your questions, well, i think that you will find there something necessary and useful for yourself, a backpack is convenient for cycling, riding a shift, and carrying to school. natalya, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. i won’t get into one question. let's have a few, natalya. but one will flow from the other simply. which one of you is ready give up gadgets? what is the difference for you between communicating on a social network and communicating live with a person? well
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, on a social network you just see a person not in real life, but it’s much more interesting to communicate with a person when you are with him, well... talk to her, this seems to me the best, why did i ask this, because for it’s a sore subject for me today, my children are often older, when they come home from school, well, this doesn’t always happen, but very often they hand over their mobile phones,
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because well, they’re at home, and there’s something at home to do, well, here are the basic things, let’s take the school curriculum and... lately parents have been thinking that there is too much physical education, i even once said at a parent meeting, let’s cancel physical education lessons altogether for a month, i’m just wondering, the children will last a week without physical education, no, it’s exciting, because this physical relaxation, it really gives the big brain a chance to rest, we have english, mathematics, physics, where we go and hire a tutor. and physical education does not need to hire a tutor, you just need to take the gadget away, because today two muscles are developed in a person, in a young person, these are the muscles on the thumbs and the chewing muscle. this whole social network, she will not share the emotion with you, this , these are not the joys in life, that you have
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100-500 thousand friends on social networks, i have one best, i have many friends, one is the best, she will do everything for me, and i will do everything for her, this is what i tell my children about, you know, life, it is alive, it is not on a social network. natalya, it's time to say goodbye to our audience. chairman belarusian cycling federation, eight-time world champion, olympic bronze medalist natalya valeryevna tselinskaya. today we are visiting the program with 100 questions for adults. natalya, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. here i ask you to stay. natalya, tell me what the assignments are today.
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well, if you call, then of course i will come. i address our audience. do you think that our hero was as open as possible today? who thinks so, raise your hands. natalya was as honest as possible today, it was clear from her, and there was no such place anywhere, where would she collect it? it seems to me that what natalya said and... she answered everything as it is, even if she might not like this question for some reason. natalya was honest,
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because after she was asked a question, she seemed to think about it, and then just answered, that is, she didn’t say the answer right away, as if she knew, what can i say about him, well, who thinks that natalya was a little disingenuous today and was hiding something? not a single person. natalya, we have this rule: the last word is always with us. hero. summarize the conversation that took place. no, i really really liked it. and you know, dear fellow journalists, learn from our children. there were a lot of questions that you had not yet thought of. chairman of the belarusian cycling federation natalya tselinskaya was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. watch
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in the next episode! today our guest is the people's artist of belarus, soloist of the bolshoi opera and ballet theater, vladimir gromov, we will meet who gave you such a beautiful voice, and what what place does belarus occupy in the art of opera? will opera singers insure their voices? yes, probably incredible. you were awarded the title of people's artist, what does this recognition mean to you? is it true that the greater the weight
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of an opera piss, the better his voice; your voice can break a glass? what do you perform among friends? 100 questions for an adult! oh you darling!
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belarus, peaceful people, dear phantoms, rake up the earth, we have created such a holy village, give your will yourself, glory to
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our bright land. i bow to the peoples of prater union, our beloved matsi, blessed, eternally alive, belarus, our beloved matsi, slave of the wedding.
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i said to the land our bright name, hailing the peoples of the versian union, our beloved, mother and homeland, our forever belarus, ours.


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