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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 27, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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we've arrived, please! i already miss you, uh-huh, just one more time, i can’t resist, i need to talk to you, something with the target, but no. what are you talking about? well, i saw you
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with eduard mikhailovich, but what’s wrong? this is not your sister’s husband and in general my personal life doesn’t concern you, so how can it not? we 're not strangers, are we, natasha? was the affair with igor not enough for you? yes, be quiet, don’t compare at all, edik is not igor and he... it’s better to marry me, but what about his wife? but they get divorced, they don’t have children, what’s the problem? i didn’t know you were like this, what, such, inhumane, you build your happiness on the misfortune of another person, listen, who gave you the right to judge me, and in general the saint turned up, i’m tired of your advice, samsonova, they came to you for a massage.
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well, now i’ll massage it from the front, lower, lower, even lower. even lower, are you crazy? come on, i know you masseuses, you are all the same , you stand like a pillar, do it, come on, leave, a session, are you crazy, or sex for a fee, what are you doing, leave, what are you doing, wait a minute, yes, yes, mom, what? how i got sick
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what temperature? in general, what are you allowing yourself to do, i understand, i’ll come soon, okay, i’ll try, mothers, i’ll come soon, yes mom, yes. call eduard mikhailovich, but i need to leave, they’re waiting at home, nothing, they’ll wait, you’ll go and apologize, i wonder why i should apologize? so, nadezhda, don’t make things worse, you know perfectly well why, interrupted the session, kicked oleg dmitrievich out into the corridor. and yours, oleg dmitrievich. told me
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what he offered me, i’m not obliged to sleep with clients and i’m not going to, who? me, and this, edik, where did you get such boorish staff, legs mine won't be here anymore, who talked about rudeness? nat, is it difficult for you to apologize, but do you also think that i just kicked him out? i think you needed to learn some manners. ah, that's it, thank you.
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well, how did he fall asleep? and the temperature, thank god , subsided, we suffered all night, i thought, well, he couldn’t have been poisoned, he could have caught a cold too, then i thought maybe it was a tooth, and i actually touched the tooth, we have a painkiller gel, but i applied it, hopefully , he immediately calmed down, fell asleep, and i rushed like crazy, forgive me, nadyush, i was so scared and alarmed you. nothing , i just got fired from work today , oh, look what apples we grew up with you, oh, oh, what, let’s pick an apple, oh, mishenka will eat an apple, let me
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help you put it in your pocket, oh, look, what do we have here, what are these berries, fruits, berries called? i’ll also tell you what they are called, you know, no, these are pears, yes, look, this is what we have? come on, let's see, it's a tomato, we'll take the salad to grandma, we'll make it, yes, it will be delicious salad, hi, hi, are you alone or with vadim , i’m alone, thank you, what, natasha is still here, but they said that she left, well, she left, mishenka, while we still have, hmm, and you’re still like mother teresa you're playing, right? “you have nothing to do, i came here to relax , to spend a vacation, i should have warned you, i would have stayed in the city, ir, stop it, what are you doing, ir, hello, girl, can i take a taxi to the bezlyudovka,
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right now, since there are no cars , return the nine who brought me, why are you making a show here that i didn’t come to the resort?” dad, the fact of the matter is that i came to my home, but for the second year in a row i feel like i’m superfluous here, vadim doesn’t even want to come to you anymore. ir, listen, you know, i don’t want to talk to you at all. nadyush, why are you standing there, go call natasha, let her take the child, or she’s already settled in, mom, and mishenka has nothing to do with it, he’s not bothering anyone here. what, are you going to babysit him all your life? well, a little help is enough. go call. hello! hello, what's your connection here? leonid lvovich, yes, yes, i came to say goodbye. and as they say, don’t remember it badly. well, how could you put such a pig on me. what
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do you mean? why did you go to sansanovich to complain? haven’t you been taught that you’re not supposed to go over the head of your boss directly? and now i don’t have bosses, i’m a bird. i didn’t go to complain, i just happened to meet santsanyche at the hospital, accidentally advised samsonov to take my place, i shared my thoughts with him, and he’s known me for almost a quarter of a century, so he listened, and slyly, she shared her thoughts, oh, go with my eyes, stay happy, you won’t get sick, are you used to it? damn, why is everyone running around you? well, should i leave after all ? well, nadya, daughter, where are you going? what did you think of this? nadya, come back! nadia! come on, come in!
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well, let's go, let's go, let's go! oh, tamara petrovna, i thought i wouldn’t find you, hello, hello! oh, mishenka, well , i stayed late while i said goodbye to everyone, my little piece of junk! i collected it, where are you going? are there problems with the baby? no, he’s fine, i’m tamara petrovna, i wanted to see you borrow money, so what? edik began to pay less, and i no longer work for him, come to me, well, quietly, mishenka, quietly, but this salary of mine is not enough for a nanny and an apartment, how come you don’t work anymore? what other nanny with an apartment are you missing? yes, i, i just left the house, well, let's go, nadyusha, let's go, let's go to my place, you'll tell me everything, let's go,
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mishenka, father, finish, uh-huh , let's go to dinner, what? nadya has been gone for a long time, but call and find out how long she plans to hang around with this natasha. hello, nat, you'll be there soon. you'll be like you won’t come back, it’s like living with tamara petrovna, what kind of nonsense is this, nadya, she hung up the phone, oh, nastya, and my back was twisted again, a mosquito gored her, so nadya is not at home, well, mother, father’s father with her beloved ira, she finally achieved her goal, so i don’t understand, what is she doing? he won’t come at all, he won’t come, but what about my back, and you and
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your back are still conscientious, i hope you know why i called you, well, don’t interrupt, today is in our department. new senior nurse, management of not only the department, but the hospital i thought for a long time, deliberated and decided to appoint, appoint samsonova, that i, lord, cannot be in the world? there is justice,
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that's it, let's move away, are you ashamed of your own child, hello my dear, hello my little one, i miss my mommy, when are you going to pick up the baby? why is nadya still angry with me? nadya left home because of you, oh, what a bad time, bad time, at least you can think about someone else besides yourself, not only did you get involved with a married man, and he’s already divorced, we submitted applications to the legislative office, congratulations, well, it’s time to introduce your men, fiance and son, tamara petrovna, i beg you, just don’t say anything, tedik doesn’t know at all that i have a son. i don’t know, but it’s going to take a long time to explain, i beg you, i can at least
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hold out until the wedding, natasha, do you even understand what you’re playing at, i have a hopeless situation, huh? why don’t you go home if you have nothing to do at work? yes, i basically have nothing to do at home, well, how can it be, and i’m so bored, listen, why suddenly, but you know, since you became addicted to this nasty thing, you have some kind of simply unbearable character, one might think your nasty. better , well, but it’s more fun, do you want, let’s try it together, i’m not going
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to smoke all that rubbish, but why smoke, there are much better things, yes, for example, in the safe of your head nurse, you recently received a new batch, what are you suggesting to me, looking for drugs that are strictly accountable, what kind of predator is that? no one will notice that one package is missing, let’s discuss it with your dad, how will he react to it? you're a coward, a nonentity, a drug addict, a boredom addict, i think we need to celebrate your promotion, get together as a team, i'll bake low-calorie pies, with cabbage and mushrooms, how do you like it? tolya, well, you know that tamara petrovna sits with the child all day,
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well, at least you know, let’s sit together somewhere for an hour, nah, what’s the matter, hey, what are you doing, let’s go, man, you feel bad , well, you have to get over it, he’s not drunk, can you hear me? raise your left hand and your right, then let’s go catch a car, well let's call, someone will come for him, who will come, are you crazy, where will we call, do you see how he looks like? stroke, every minute is expensive, go catch a car , listen, where we’ll take him, where, where, to our hospital, now, quickly, well, eat something, after all, i’m hungry in the morning, but i’m just a piece i can’t help but think about how
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she’s doing, and mishenka too, i should have thought about it earlier. well, that’s what, and your conscience is tormenting you, oh, dad, what does conscience have to do with it, and now vadim called me and said that he was unexpectedly given a vacation, they have a ticket to tourist center, well, go ahead, i like it, i came, alarmed everyone, and now give her a recreation center, you know what, dad, i mean ... why are the circumstances turning out this way? who is guilty? i don’t know, that’s enough, now try to write your middle name. and the patronymic also begins with i: ilyich, iosifovich, igorevich,
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ivanovich, ivan ivanovich, well, you see how good everything is. “i’m very glad to meet you ivan ivanovich, now write a phone number where you can contact your relatives, problems with relatives, well nothing, we’ll get you on your feet, and we’ll definitely contact them , don’t worry, we’ll definitely get you up,
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so he gave us such a check, we pumped in so much money so that the center wouldn’t be closed, so now edik doesn’t want to hear anything about nadya, just don't tell her, okay. well, of course, of course, that’s it, you’ll run while you’re a beauty, there’s so much to do, so much to do, a wedding, two, three, you see, it’s working out great, but i
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’ve seen enough of stroke patients, some of them you look at and you think, they’ll never get up. six months pass, he is already running, and talks, and some people think that in a couple of months everything will be restored, but even after six months he drags his foot, he can’t say a word, but you know what’s the matter, that’s right, willpower, either you’re a disease, or it’s you.
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i’ll go warm up dinner, irochka will be back soon, she’ll heat it up herself, she’s not little. “ is it enough that this white-handed woman has never cooked anything for all this time, okay, father, hey, there’s someone alive, great, villagers , villagers, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, what’s this, and that's all he is. stuck like a burr, let's go, he says, let's go, tsits women, i came to raise the morale, or rather, we came to raise the morale, oh, we just don't have enough crazy people, and you! there, so tell me, anastasia, what they did at the front during the war, when things were at the seams, but how do i know what they did during the war, well, my father told me that when
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there was absolutely nowhere to go, then they called propaganda brigade, or they organized amateur performances there themselves, because there is nothing worse for a soldier at the front than the loss of fighting spirit, you realize what you’re up to are you hinting, quietly, what? nastya and i are completely in shambles, or what? i’m not hinting at anything, not you, but us, that’s why we’re sitting now like we’re exhausted, because we have no breath, that’s why i came to raise our morale, come on, start, so, i don’t understand, what’s this , sabotage, or what? well, what sabotage, hush, i told you that a song needs a mood, what a... mood, semyon, well, woman, that’s okay, and you , maria, start with all your might, let
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us live and breathe, let us i will at least be angry with my heart. but for now the song is in kersky is heard, trouble will pass by, joy spills out in song, i can’t change the words, on my endless heart. here, daughter, what are you doing, come to your
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recreation center, yes, irka, below the back, there is a hole, she ruined the whole song. what color is this? yellow? no, open tamara petrovna? oh, me myself. what kind of yellow is this, look at it, what color is this? dad? where is it from? yes, i arrived at the hospital, and they said, you ’re not on duty today? i asked him where he lives? mara petrovna, let's go home, nadyukha, i won't go anywhere without him, so let's go with him,
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no, it’s better for ira to get out of breath, and mom won’t be nervous again, but irka, irka didn’t have a rest, she went back, it’s clear, what do you understand? mother doesn’t sleep at night, cries, worries that she hurt you in vain, the gate knocks, she runs, thinks that you’ve returned, what are you girls doing with your mother, again, it’s all my fault, well, stop sorting things out, get ready, let's go, and you'll come with us, i'll work as a buffer, but are you going to overdo it on the road? you don’t mind, semyon alekseevich, well, how can i be against it, i’ve done it so many times nadyukhe said, invite your tamara to visit, she’s inconvenient, but there’s no time, dad
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, well, i mean tamara petrovna, oh, nadyusha, how right you are, your places here are simply amazing, i haven’t seen anything like this for 100 years, that’s for sure, this is ours a natural temple, there... there's a beaver lake , on the other side, yes, yeah, there are beavers there, yes, yes no, well, probably once there were beavers, now only one name remains, quietly, so you came with us , suddenly someone needs that crossing, so what, but there are a lot of boats over there, look, you click on anyone, he will cross you, and i'm done today, it's a holiday, the sucker is back, yes, yes, our air is some kind of miracle, yes, why didn't you like the city guy? heaven and earth, heaven and earth, listen, sam, when we celebrate this return to spirits, and everything is quiet, we didn’t celebrate, now
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we can only drink compotes together. and have a mineral water snack , oh, you were crazy in the city, well, what times have gone, there, you know, there is a crisis in the world, a global one, and you don’t want to celebrate the return to spirits, what a crisis, tihan, what are you talking about, you what, you don’t watch tv, no, today they handed over sandpaper, he crashed , who, who, well, sandpaper, quietly, well, in front of tamara petrovna, you would have expressed yourself more decently, but you know, don’t reveal all the secrets right away, i’ll tell you, wait, sandpaper, your dark personality , this is an american stock index, oh, i found someone to worry about, when a year and a half ago the colorado potato beetle ate our potatoes,
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i understand that there was a crisis. no, semyon, you still don’t have an analytical mind. yes. you can’t even assemble the stroller, you can’t take it apart. yes, great. if i find out about this again, i’ll fire him. damn mother. i'll call you back. don’t forget to quartz, everyone. 3 hours for 15 minutes, 10 minutes, then ventilate, i understand, i understand everything, that's it, come on, bye, that's it, all the best, bye, oh, hello, what's wrong with you, what happened, yes, i'm going from eremeev, to one patient complained to me that i was having fun with young patients in my office, i didn’t have time for her, but isn’t
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that so, but it’s not for eremeev to judge me. he 's got such a fluff on his face, you told him so, am i sick or something, i wanted to go with him it’s normal to talk to a man, but he ’s completely off the hook, hmm, by the way , you weren’t the one who hit him by accident, are you crazy , of course not, okay, i’ll run, i have a child at home alone, come on, okay , igor , hold on, no, thank you, max, no accommodation... we need a room booked at the hotel de krion, well, old man, honeymoon, yes, if you meet me at the airport, i will be very grateful, i’ll introduce you to my wife, oh , that's it, dear, that's it, happy, see you, kiss, hug, why did you get up so early, sun my, how early, it’s already 2 o’clock, look, it’s frosty and sunny, it’s a wonderful day, you’re still dozing, your friend has arrived, it’s time, beauty, wake up!
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do you remember that we have a plane this evening, we are flying with you, yes, yes, i haven’t got my things packed yet, what are you doing, uh-huh, well, go pack it, and sleep a little, no, no, no, no, just no, hurray, adyu, how are you, nothing , i just calmed down, the temperature just won’t subside, and i’m already late for work, okay, okay, i don’t know how to leave him, okay, okay, misha, okay call natasha, let her he’ll come and look after his child, you think, of course, i don’t even know, hello, nadya,
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i hope it’s not very serious, the temperature, of course, no, i can’t come, yes , we’re almost on the plane, yes, we’re flying to paris, well kiss him for me, but as soon as i arrive, i’ll come straight to you, yes, until, well, you’re still not ready, honey. we have a taxi in an hour and a half, i know who called, but i have one friend, i’ll have to bring her a sovereign from france, okay.
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it's here, girl, girl. one second, can you tell me where you have morozov? who? morozov is lying down. ivan ivanovich. oh, ivan ivanovich, here? and here? wait, who are you? no, this one, this one, here. ivan ivanovich, dear, why are you scaring us so much? we have already deployed police in two regions. yes, to be honest, we thought that you were no longer alive. nester's phone has been disconnected for the second week. hush, hush, lyosha, stay. and you go away, come on, come on, well, tell me, well, that means this is why i gave you the clinic,
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so that you can sit here and sit, candidates for this place are a dime a dozen. i was counting on sveta being with you, if not if he becomes a man, at least he’ll stop smoking, but what about you? alexey, to remain silent means so, son-in-law, or you come to your senses, start behaving like a caring spouse, or go back to your hospital on a meager salary, put away these toys, they set up a kindergarten here, fuck you! i understand, well, why didn’t you tell me right away, ivan ivanovich recently started talking, we didn’t know who he was, who to call, where, hopefully, you
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fell from the moon, how can you not know morozov, who is he, eureka concern, metal structures plant, holding, furniture factory, comfort, gas station network. or haven't you heard? i heard, and that it’s all his? well, yes, listen to you, so the whole city belongs to him? not all of it, but a significant part, but why didn’t you look for him yourself, didn’t call the hospital? we looked, but not here, his wife almost went crazy from worries, it’s strange, he never talked about his wife and didn’t want to see anyone at all. good evening, larochka, good evening, at home, yeah, but he asked not to let anyone in, and i won’t bother him too much, i just want to take a couple of days off, i need my son to see the doctors
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to take me, but if it depended on me, he asked not to let anyone in at all, little girl, please, i’ll just be there for a minute, that’s it, i ’m not here, happily, bye. igor ramanovich, come in. do you want a drink? thank you, i don't drink. igor, something happened, maybe i can help? thank you. is it possible to help a person who
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sold his soul? igor, you can't drink so much. stop it, i'm as cracked as glass. i was drunk when i decided that all this would give me freedom and perspective. but in reality this is a trap. kan for gullible idiots, like me, click, i can’t get out of here , is it really that bad, bad, who said bad, i’m doing great, great job, faithful wife, friends, even with a shovel, life, someone else’s, no one needs me, but these are little things,
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help me, uh-huh, what to do higher, yeah, right, now we’ll drink like this, a little more, like that. oh, okay, yeah, well, hello, well van , what did you arrange, that it was impossible to ask someone to call me or lyosha, it’s impossible, i was partially paralyzed, ivan ivanovich couldn’t speak, why did you let dima go, what my mistress went to see her, well... what kind of lover nina is, if it weren’t for this, we would have found you long ago,
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or maybe this is exactly what you didn’t want , of course, you wanted to take a break from your hysteria, stop worrying about him, maybe another insurrection will happen , don’t tell me, good evening, good evening, how are we doing, i’ll go, leonid lvovich, yes, yes, go sapsonova, who are you? behind the department, and you, excuse me, nina stanislavovna, wife, it’s very nice, but what ’s going on in your department, leonid lvovich, you couldn’t immediately call your loved ones, nina stanislavovna , don’t worry, we’ll sort it out, we’ll punish the culprits, the room is without air conditioning, well, that’s not a problem , we’ll figure out what kind of bed it is, some kind of old testament horror, well, we’ll pick it up from the best examples, we’ll pick it up, we don’t have others, apparently, have not visited you for a long time.
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they don’t give it, let’s not disturb your husband, let’s go to my office and think about the future course, okay, let’s go, i ask you, but your father went fishing, what’s the weather like? we have a good year this year, nadyuzh, look who came to us, hello, look at the scarf natasha brought me, here you go, natural silk, and she brought you perfume, the most fashionable scent of the season, she decided to pay off, natasha, what, do you think this is a dinosaur? his mother will replace him, but i wanted the best, i spent the last day
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choosing gifts, refused the excursion , come to me, my little one, come here, come, take it, go, give it to me, but i know that it’s my fault, only now i don’t understand how to fix it. i should have said ethics right away about my son, but who needs a woman with a child, but i don’t know how to say it now, yes it’s too late to admit, i’ve been getting it for so long. i was deceiving, she doesn’t want to understand me, but everything will work out, natasha, we have a quick-witted one, you talk to her, she ’ll understand.
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you know, sometimes i envy you, you envy me, everything is simple with you, this is black, this is white, this is meanness, and this is honesty, you can do this, but you can’t do that, meanness, it’s even in africa, meanness, you just never i found myself in a situation where i had to lie, even betray, because there was no other way, one might think. you were tortured, you are it you don’t understand and will never understand, you are strong and self-sufficient , you don’t need anyone at all, but i can’t, i’m lost without a man, edik brought me back to life, i can’t lose him, what do you know about me, do you think
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me no one betrayed me, do you think loneliness didn’t kill me, didn’t you... did you have someone? you won’t believe it, i stepped on the same rake as you, do you mean igor? why do you think you can’t even pay attention to me? no, i'm sorry, i didn't mean that, i just couldn't even imagine, that you were having an affair. one thing is that i was luckier than you, i didn’t have time to get pregnant, or maybe i wasn’t lucky, at least i would have had a child , but if you loved him, why did you help me , who would have helped you then, well, you could
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arrange your life, and you were messing around with me, even with someone else’s child, don’t talk nonsense, the target is like my own. that's it, we closed the topic, but what brought you to our region? it’s far from the station, and from the center too, i needed to see one person, a woman. daughter, daughter, dasha, beautiful name, wife doesn’t know, i i didn’t know myself, sonya, dasha’s mother didn’t say,
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she knew that i was married, it’s clear, that’s understandable, sonya. died recently, so dasha found me , i don’t understand why such difficulties, you can’t just divorce him, you don’t know my dad, he’ll arrange this, but setting me up... i don’t want to, in the chair of the head physician, you want , who constantly whines, i’m 100 times cooler than eremeev, so go ahead and prove that
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you’re cooler. yes, we did everything, we did everything, yes, but everything we managed to do. we'll take the turk from the intensive care unit. but i’ll buy him a sambi. yes all let's do it. do you have a hospital or a brothel here? sorry, i'll call you back. what's happened? we decided to provide for my husband and transfer him there. where he will be provided with decent treatment, but he refuses, well, it’s not surprising, we have the best doctors treating him here, lavraj has the situation under control, the dynamics of recovery are excellent, and we have created the conditions for him. you ask, what are the conditions, he has a relationship with the closest thing to a european one, yes , your nurse, with whom with nadya, i don’t remember
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her, with samsonova, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, it can’t be, well, yes, no, what are you saying, yes, no, this doesn’t look like her, i don’t care who looks like whom, the only thing i want is to get my husband out of here, or you will you help me with this, or i will help you, none, or, of course, i will help, i ask you , let’s see, you’ll excuse me, excuse me for god ’s sake, well, rest, nadya, i have a serious conversation with you, what’s the urgency, i haven’t yet i gave injections to all the patients, but the patients have nothing to do with it, you constantly avoid me, if it’s only because you are the head nurse, and i’m a simple orderly, so tell me, what nonsense, it means you ’re not embarrassed to communicate with me, of course not, and you won’t refuse to go to the cinema with me in the evening, i bought two tickets, well, where can i get away from you, hello,
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please tell me, you often visit the office of marya kirillovna, the head nurse, but you’ve been a couple of times, but what should i do there, i need to be friends with such people, but has it ever happened that you go into her office, and she leaves the office? why you asking? and i’m inquisitive, if i’m so inquisitive, go and check it yourself, it doesn’t suit you to be mean, but aren't you going to fool me? ok, i’m telling it like it is, but to no one. the fact is that svetka’s dealer, who supplied the drugs, was closed. in general, but i cannot refuse a woman if she asks, i understand. and what are you going to do? it’s not a big deal, you go into the office, i... from the safe, that ’s all, then it’s my business, you think i’m crazy, you think i don’t understand that
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you can get imprisoned for this, okay, okay, i was joking, don’t get excited, i see you’re very gloomy, i think, let me entertain you, selat vyacheslavovich, you there are patients waiting, yes, yes, i’m coming, here you go, comedian, and you think carefully, zapsonova. tell me, how dare you start mischief at work? what are you about? i’m talking about morozovo, everyone has gone crazy, i take care of him like a nurse, but how you take care of him doesn’t interest me, but the sooner they take him away, the better, where they take him, his excellency’s place is in a special clinic for tough people, and he he doesn’t want to go because of you, why, because of me, so i’m wondering why she brought the source of trouble to the hospital. let's do what you want, but this owner of factories , newspapers, ships should not be here, you know, otherwise i won’t survive another meeting with his wife, understand me samsonova, ivan
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ivanovich, they say they want to transfer you to another clinic, they’ll get by, but i think you'd better agree. “so it’s because of me that you ’re in trouble, no, but they use advanced foreign techniques, not like our last century, and the conditions are more comfortable and the staff is qualified, so it means trouble, hello, hello, how are you?” “there’s nothing here, but you’re terrible, not only are there problems at work, they also found onymia in glebushka, the main thing is that it’s not clear how to treat
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it, he can’t stand his liver, iron drugs make him sick, it’s a nightmare, i’m afraid i’ll have to give injections, but have you tried goat’s milk, and what helps, they cured my anemia as a child, if you want i’ll bring it, of course i want, thank you, we don’t have our own kazy , so i took it from my owl, but don’t worry, her goat is young, well-groomed, the milk is excellent, oh, what a goat, such a thing is happening here with milk, igor was taken away, arrested, right let's go.
2:57 pm
all our cis countries went through a period of building a vertical power structure, and they still don’t have one everything has been built, so where the vertical has been built, some kind of integration needs to be carried out there, the westerners, creating some kind of networks there, they are constantly working to ungroup these internal forces, but the task is to ungroup our decision-making centers so that we were a conditionally parliamentary republic, there were some 10 clans there that hated each other, their task was to keep us in such a stateless state all the time, our
2:58 pm
neighbors sometimes hang up horror stories, posters that say that if you go to belarus, you there
2:59 pm
3:00 pm
you watch the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing. implementation of investment projects and analysis of enterprise performance. the city hall discussed the results of the socio-economic development of minsk over the past year and identified tasks for the future. not a single word about peace. results of the paris conference on ukraine. we'll tell you what the atmosphere was like at the meeting and what.


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