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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 28, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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this activity does not allow terrorists to come directly to our land and the most unpleasant thing is that among, well , there were still security officers there, it’s somehow possible to understand what tasks they are performing, but there are people with belarusian passports who play along, this is a problem, of course, that is, there are certain people who, well, are mistaken , they have always been, they always exist, these are dissatisfied people, dissatisfied with their position, we see, in principle, this is also...
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from the authorities directly during the period of election campaigns, but at the same time themselves they assess it as unlikely; they do not yet see any real prerequisites for the situation to swing by analogy with the twentieth year. the second, main one, is the use of the current election campaign as a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for a coup d'etat during the upcoming presidential elections.
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how long has sovereign belarus existed? in our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants, this is the first time i have heard of such a person, but i intuitively answered: no, it seems to me that he is mexican, mexican, how interesting, it seems to me that he is italian, here you can only rely on your own strength, this is boris's gleb church, it is located in the grodno region, who would doubt it, victortree. it’s simply tearing everyone apart, a game that will not
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leave anyone indifferent, what is the one-thousandth part of a meter called, a passage of 1 km is 1.0 m, that is, it does not fit the definition of a thousandth, an exhaustive answer, prohar, thank you very much and a smile at the end like an exclamation sign, and dmitry, what do you think, well, granite is like a uh brown-red stone, but what type mineral? i can’t give an answer, i understand, it seems to me that prohar can give an answer to absolutely any question, it’s a mineral, it burns, watch an intellectually entertaining project i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel, they were born in different parts of the world, hello everyone, my name is sing kaijen, i’m from china, i’m currently studying for a master’s degree in journalism, and i’m living in belarus and everyone is against...
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by the way, ukrainian nationalists, these are attempts to take advantage of any situation, well , it’s always clear that when it passes election campaign, then this is a time of some special political tension in society, in any society, regardless of the country, these are the principles of political science, yes, so it is always used in order to make some kind of provocative stuff during this period, to use what now it comes out at hand or is sometimes artificially fabricated.
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co-regulation that our country tried to organize, but it is even more strange and scary for them that belarus did not participate precisely as a direct participant in the military conflict, that’s what what alexander grigorevich said that they are still cherishing the idea of ​​​​however, in one way or another, in a provocative way, because
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otherwise it will not work, yes, by committing a provocation against our citizens, or by committing a provocation, supposedly from the point of view. belarusians who did something there in the west, to start a military conflict , they are waiting for you alexech, i’ll check with you and maybe with your colleagues, then immediately on friday , when you remember, the president met with the activists of the belkopsoyuz, he first for the first time then he gave details about this lelicious events, and he got hooked on this phrase, said that it was clearly not the main one, but i thought it was interesting, the vast majority of belarusians understood that it could be
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, i would like to correct here, maybe by returning to the third scenario, what we are talking about, there will be, there will be attempts to revive the infrastructure for protest actions, that is, ngos.
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as if not focused only on security, this is the economy, this is education, that is, all his speeches, all his conversations, addresses to our people are connected with shaping our normal life, naturally, no one likes this. you can do a lot in an hour, even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key
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dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel. every friday evening, the host of the travel show is at home, they know exactly how you need to behave when visiting. kayla, today i have a feeling that a wonderful journey awaits us, just look, the palace is like this, it’s just beautiful, probably, kings live here, foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore.
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sights, how beautiful, thank you very much, thank you, ciao, ciao, can i touch the device, yes, that's it, let's go, ah, gaila, oh, how beautiful she is, her head is very round, even, illustration of how these work all the streams that eventually merge into one turbulent river, and which can become a serious problem, elections for any state, this is a time of testing,
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they will try their best anyway, this is what we are talking about now, in addition to external threats, they are trying to undermine the situation from within, a fresh example from... on belarusian schools, a citizen of ukraine who spread false threats about attacks . recently, the identity of a person, sholokhov, born in 2006, was established. well , first of all, parents, talk to your children about dubious connections on the internet, convince them that no one is following them blackmails and does not force them to do what he commands.
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so that it works proactively, of course, the fact that we are now warning citizens, warning parents, keep an eye on your children, what we are voicing, publishing all these emerging threats, starting from telephone scammers who are trying to extract money from citizens under various with pretexts, from pensioners, also among the most gullible, they are trying, yes, trying to
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somehow activate youth groups. we are active and we see successful actions, that is, by the ministry of internal affairs, you will remember those companies that were carried out regarding drug trafficking, they stopped all this, remember how trading networks, that is, they were affected in kufor , that is, specialists worked, all this was stopped, it’s just that we are now in
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on the eve of certain events, we see massing, massing separately. and how to determine where it is fake, where it is not fake, you should trust the information, you shouldn’t trust it, you already have an indicator built into you by nature itself, if you feel that some the news causes you some inappropriate emotions, this heightened sensitive background , put this news aside, ask yourself a few critical questions, is this really so, why am i so excited now, where did this news come from, be sure to trust your
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body and under no circumstances don’t do things under the influence of that high emotional...
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this is what it looks like, briefly, let’s see, i will continue the work of alexei navalny, and so, when she says this to yulia konstantinovna, there is no feeling of deja vu, that another quote-unquote image of the heroine’s wife has been formed, who will now travel around europe, well, looking at her, what will she offer, sit in prison, tell us about corruption, in order to continue the work of navalny, who was targeted by the future presidents of the russian federation the federation needs to be in moscow, in russia, and not travel around europe and talk with anguish.
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the husband is a carer, the second one also has some problems, the third one also has certain problems, this is intended for those who don’t think, that’s how you see, an emotional explosion, run , come on, how many spontaneous rallies were there, after navalny’s death, spontaneous memorials, who, what, why, then, when people have already cooled down, if they check the news, and those who check the news, well, it’s gone , yes, he died, well , he died, let’s inquire about him, that is, this is a very similar situation, specifically for...
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businesses that have moved out today, but look, they don’t consider themselves a leader, they don’t want to expose themselves, they don’t want to be public figures, because it is clear that this is any public person who is on western content, she will eventually be blown away, and this will most likely be a minus for karma, yes, that’s why they put up such cardboard dummies in their place, and mrs. navalnaya is nothing more than a similar dummy, if alexei navalny himself had any complaints. he really did at least some work there, he had a foundation, so he came out there with revelations of alleged corruption, what did she do, what
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moral right does she even have? a contender for the role of leader, then it’s interesting, then it’s interesting, because it’s not only we ask such questions, how navalnaya’s behavior in munich was assessed by the famous psychologist paul ekman, author of the book fool me if you can, he drew attention to her strange smile. i will quote this psychologist. yulia navalnaya's reaction is not the reaction of a woman who recently learned about the death of her beloved husband. here we have a powerful woman who has finally received all the attention of this.
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here is assertive, yes, criticism, but there is no constructiveness and deviation, that is, from any clear rules, so, probably, most likely they took this cliche, and the image of tikhanovsky, and continued it in the story of navalny himself, but at the same time i would like to say that navalny’s murder should be looked at from the point of view , that is, of the russian federation, he was in the special regime colony where he was. .. essentially cut off both from the information space and physically, he did not pose any absolutely threat to the russian federation, so he did not receive any letters, parcels, anything, and a very interesting fact is that his health was very closely monitored carefully, after 7 minutes an ambulance arrived, and this is, in general, the yamalo-nenets district, this is such a remote
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, inaccessible territory that doctors, that is. sat, that is, and were on duty , that is, in order to save his life, well , the russian federation clearly understood what consequences, that is, this could lead, you know, this is from the area of ​​provocations, remember, that is, the navalny case is russian case, yes, there was an olympics , the case of the skripals arose, it is unclear, yes, who is this skripal, what does vladimir putin care about, yes a former retired intelligence officer living in god, so that he could still be poisoned by some people. let 's show ourselves for a while, after which we will continue the program, a couple more interesting topics somewhere in the office, there is a notice hanging that the dead sell better, in relation to the oppositionists who are not controlled, the feeling is that these western intelligence services have ahead of us , a review of the most important sporting
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events, perhaps: the next sharangovich will soon be born here. loud statements accompanied the opening of the forty-sixth ice rink in belarus. we are sure that future hockey champions will grow up here. exclusive interviews with athletes. and if earlier the national teams were predominantly represented by children from minsk schools, now we are already seeing how children from the regions are beginning to dominate, bright moments , real emotions. i myself came from...
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the cathedral of st. saphia was published in the principality of polack , as in the byzantine tradition it became the adzin educational centers of that time in our land. and so we cherish folk traditions. in belarusian traditions, bread is no different pressed, the geta was rammed, the bread
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was lamali. dyvany. 24. we continue the munich security conference. an interesting observation: while at public meetings the participants still tried to radiate optimism, at closed ones they were noticeably confused and even depressed. perhaps the saddest was the head of the lithuanian ministry of defense , lansbergis. when asked why he hung his nose, he honestly admitted that things were not going very well, many speeches tried to restore fear of russia, to prevent ukrainian issues from leaving the front pages, so the news about they grabbed navalny in a stranglehold, and his wife was right there, on the positive side,
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persuading the audience, they didn’t deceive themselves, now politics is forced to draw such a conclusion, the majority of those present assess ukraine’s chances of winning over russia with skepticism, although they are not ready. to say this openly, now the most interesting thing against this background is that in munich, in one day, zelensky signed the so-called security guarantees with germany and france. zelensky generally called the german document, quote: the most powerful document in the history of ukraine. wherein who carefully reads both documents, french and german, is unlikely to find real guarantees from paris, berlin to kiev. but it is the ukrainians who are obliged to take care of the help that they may be given.
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this is a form of integration with the west and nato in the military-political sense. then they understand that support from the united states, that is, this is the main financial support, the main source is in question, especially in connection with the upcoming elections, the european union and the core of the european union, france-germany should come to the fore, because for them, but if for the americans it’s just a business, trump will come, see that they skimmed off the cream, and continue to invest so much.
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to keep ukraine on the hook , to manage it, including this help, and of course, to prevent a complete collapse, because if this happens, there will be a redistribution, because if ukraine collapses, interesting events will begin there in the balkans, uh-huh, and it’s very interesting, you know, there’s a feeling that those people who spin this have a very unique sense of humor, they are dancing ukraine, because the guarantees of the west have marked 10 years since the tragedy on the kiev maidan, the shooting of protesting security forces. 53 people were killed then , a provocation that disrupted negotiations between the opposition and yanukovych, which were conducted under the guarantee of three european states,
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again france, germany and poland, how it all ended, we remember very well, we are watching now, unfortunately, it did not end, here on in ukraine, we were told for years that this was the work of the russians. services, suddenly in on the tenth anniversary of the tragedy in the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine, the head of the department for maidan affairs, alexey donskoy, states this: if someone wanted to hear that there were russian snipers and law enforcement officers on the maidan, then there is no such thing, this is a beautiful version that is not based on facts, crimes were committed by the hands of ukrainian law enforcement officers. viktor aleksanovich, well, they’re not shy, and they give guarantees, and the person says that this is the best, the most powerful thing that ever happened.
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ambassadors of the western powers, with one hand distributed
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guarantee, and the other distributed cookies on the maidan to those who were supposed to remove yanukovych , and we see that the very next day this agreement was violated, there were guarantees, which we also recently recalled here, were given in minsk, which were later mentioned by the western signatories themselves they said, well, we signed them , knowing that we would not fulfill them, but what kind of guarantees can we even talk about and in general...
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they have only one record, yes, they are used to living off this western support for aid, they understand perfectly well that without this western they won’t be able to withstand support, that’s why kuleba is being criticized there, and zelensky is constantly traveling around begging for help, but we see that aleksevich is right when he says that europe is involved in ukraine for a long time, this is its value point, so it’s really easy to refuse they cannot support ukraine. but europe is also not bottomless reserves, we see how
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today in europe itself it is sharply collapsing due to the image of broken relations with russia and the redistribution of the international market, their own well-being is collapsing, therefore how long this game with ukraine will last is a big question, here, yulia konstantinovna, you will now have a question, as an economist, okay, for... we will listen to one lady who, you can call her one of the mouthpieces of the anglo-saxon world, editor-in-chief of zaykona place zani minton bedaus , who explained why the west needs a war in ukraine, because it is the cheapest way, let’s listen, frankly, helping ukraine and financing it is the cheapest possible way for the united states to strengthen its security, that’s for sure , are fighting ukrainians are dying. and the usa and europe only send weapons and thus we
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repel putin. the european union, which are trying, as it were, to realize, that is , they are trying to become such a full-fledged structure from an industrial giant and a political dwarf.
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another important topic, let's return to what was heard in the officers' house, the words of the president, this time i highly recommend that if suddenly one of our many viewers, and we see this on youtube, by the way they come to our website, i'm talking about our viewers now in poland, let's listen to this fragment: another operational information, i quote verbatim, this is already important for the poles, polish american intelligence is preparing a large-scale provocation against the civilian population.
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in the polish language, we conduct various analytical programs there and author’s and tell international radio belarus has a broadcast on polish-belarusian relations, but the most interesting thing in fact is not only our news, but how the poles react, because they are the main audience, yes 95%
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subscribers, at least on youtube, are really poles and citizens of poland and from all over the world, after the statement.
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we want good and the development of normal relations and we want a certain layer of citizens to be formed in poland, which would still take power into their own hands sooner or later and for the sake of the interests of poland, not for our interests, this is important, and well this work is being carried out, at least it is achieving its goal, from my point of view, no matter how you look at it, well, this also speaks of the talent of our president. here this is a powerful message that destroys the entire information campaign that they are building against us, that is, just with one
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blow, that is, with one click, and at the same time this company or this action, which was conceived by the intelligence services of poland and america, is just this is the beginning of the plan to tear away our western regions and include the western ones into belarus. agenda. thank you for this conversation. there is also something to say, but very briefly, about the values ​​of two worlds. and as in me, the essence
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of this great confrontation between not even traditional modern, and between common sense and delusional. in general, this is the news. in britain they said that transgender people's milk is no worse than women's milk. the daily mail writes about this. doctors refer to the results of a study that measured testosterone concentrations. in milk and was not found quote: no noticeable side effects. well, let me remind you that converted men take a whole range of hormonal drugs for life, so they apparently just weren’t looking for side effects. of course, not all british doctors are enthusiastic, but they have no words gave. in fact, many breastfeeding professionals have already been threatened with disciplinary action or kicked out of social media groups for raising concerns. like this. the notorious overton window works. the west didn’t even notice how, instead of disgust from kissing men , it jumped to, well, excuse me, the healthy
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milk of transgender people. and, apparently, it won’t stop there. we need such a world, well, at least while we definitely have the opportunity to have a clear position on this issue. happily. the results of the socio-economic development of minsk for 2023 were discussed by the minsk city executive committee , focusing on the implementation of investment projects . target indicators and analysis of enterprise activities. the authorized representative of the head of state for minsk, natalya kachanova, also took part in the meeting.
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an analysis was carried out of the commissioning of new housing, import substitution, trade turnover and total budget revenues. as noted by the first deputy chairman of the minsk city executive committee , nadezhda lazarevich, over the past year the volume of foreign investments. we have completed the import substitution program. more than 300 business entities are participating in the import substitution program. the number of unprofitable business entities in minsk decreased by 155 organizations; topics of export, services,
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wholesale and retail trade, and housing construction in minsk were also touched upon. in the mogilev region , the volume of endoprosthetics operations is increasing. thus, in the traumatology and orthopedic department of mogilev hospital no. 1, more than fifty implantations are performed per month. 50 operations per the knee joint was replaced last year at the mogilev city emergency hospital. now they are planning to create a city traumatology center here; accordingly, they will be able to do more joint implantations; by the way, in belarus, implantation of domestic joints is done entirely at the expense of the budget. the country is already producing domestic pelvic implants and is now introducing knee implants. uprising square in gomel is the place where, during the great patriotic war, overpowered camps of soviet prisoners of war were located completely will be restored, the square and the park will be combined into a closed one. position, will transform everything from landscape design to traffic patterns , new elements will appear, a memorial sign will be installed to the victims of the genocide
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of the belarusian people, next to a three-meter patinated sculpture , a pedestal will be placed for laying flowers, a walking area will be landscaped, red maples will be planted along the perimeter of the park, restored on the updated paste will return the t-34 tank, and the lighting will be given special importance. on the belarusian site the state agricultural academy in gorki hosted a tractor biathlon, here everything is like in a big sport, only instead of skis there is famous equipment, the best assistant in the field and on the roads. every year the geography of participants expands and accepts. not only students of the agricultural university participated, but also guests, those who connected their lives with working on a tractor. this time participants came from grodno, minsk and tolochin. on the almost kilometer-long track of the training ground, they had to not only cope with off-road conditions, but also hit targets. i was born in city ​​of pruzhany, where i got my first experience of driving a tractor in college, then in agriculture. people are very delighted; they always smile and wave at me on the roads. i have never been to this
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part of belarus, so this is my little trip today. we are holding a tractor biathlon to show that marco belarus, tractor belarus, he can do anything, any dirt, any obstacle, he will cope, like our belarusian people, he will always come out victorious with any difficulties, the beauty of nature, as well as the grace and tenderness of a woman’s tongue choreography, the honored ensemble of horoshka will perform on the stage of the national academic theater named after yanka kupala, two concerts are planned at once, the first and the second.
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musical novelties, because now we have had, well, a small update in the orchestra, we have wonderful, talented musicians, and works have already been created for them, this is a button accordion, this is a violin, the artists are preparing with complete dedication to go on stage to show their art. after the performance in kupalovsky, the artists are planning a tour to russia. concert the program is timed to coincide with a significant date, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the signing of the treaty. creation of a union state. exhibition of reproductions of paintings by nicholas roerich holy russia began its art voyage across belarus. from the roerich museum in novosibirsk. the exhibition arrived at the minsk regional museum of local history. 40 works, lists from originals of roerich’s paintings from different periods, but the theme is the same. these are images of ancient russia, its history of fairy tales and myths, temples and monasteries, unique russian nature. among the copies that
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the museum in molodechno offers for viewing, there is also the most famous one. canvas by the legendary master. nicholas roerich wrote most of his works from life. the creative task that the author set for himself was to make the viewer fall in love with the russian lands, with the beauty of their history. roerich's creative heritage is a valuable contribution to world culture. the exhibition holy russia after molodechno will continue its journey to other cities of belarus. everything you wanted to know. in the sense of human existence, for everyone there is god’s providence; this providence will already be fully revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the second coming of christ, when the lord will reward everyone according to their deeds. on the religious education of children. i, as a priest, very often try to be at school and invite children to our events from school,
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including excursions and various spiritual and moral activities.
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we choose the best routes only for our viewers. we are located in a small town in the grodno region called bridges. welcome. fair. having eaten too much for a long time, they could not eat either baked fish or fish soup, they just sat and said stolin. with from then on the name of the city stolin came into being. and we set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the 15th century there was a large settlement on this site. and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, nemansky and bresko-vilnius. almanskie is a real tourist highlight. the only ones to survive.
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from one place to another, now, as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors have begun to appear, this is of course a miracle of god, watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. bnbc produces amino acids, in in particular lysine, trianine, tryptophan, various feeds, premium. all this goes to livestock farms and is used as animal feed. i believe that bmwc as a whole is aimed at peace and creation in our country.
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i also liked chemistry at school and after finishing it. school, he entered the belarusian state technological university, and studied biotechnology, in his third year he got an internship at the belarusian national biotechnology corporation, after completing his studies at the university he came here to work as a young specialist, i realized that this is really mine, what i like, what is interesting to do, my responsibilities include monitoring parameters, cultivation, control. parameters of lysine fermentation, control of the preparation of culture media, control of raw materials entering the workshop. in itself, the fermentation of lysine is a rather complex
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process, biochemical, microbiological, we have a lot of dangerous production factors, such as temperature and various aggressive environments, acids, alkalis, and vessels under pressure. that is, a lot of dangerous production factors are collected specifically in this sufu. i believe that my work is important for the country, and for ours, for society. our corporation is a very large-scale project, quite a large number of people work here, as far as i know, and the staff of bnbk totals 1,500 people, this is a huge number of jobs, a person must have, first of all, responsibility, because... this is working with people, working with subordinates, this is always associated with some kind of risks, since this is production, i am with i am happy to come to work at bnbk, at the moment it is, so to speak, a unique
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enterprise in the territory of the republic, and we don’t have anything like it anymore. what is happiness? over the years, you understand that , first of all, it is fate that you
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have been given a chance to do something very, very useful in your life, something that will remain after you for many years, and maybe even 100 years, will benefit people. and i am grateful to the republic of belarus, grateful to the president . i got such a chance in my life, my name is daniil uritsky, i am the general director. belarusian national biotechnology corporation, here we are creating a new biotechnology industry in our country.
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bnbk is a belarusian national biotechnology corporation. why a corporation? because it combines multi-profile factories in its production. this includes the feed industry and the food industry. factories that are built on biosynthesis technology. and in total this is 96. building, if today we are talking in historical development, then there are already plus 23 collective farms in four districts of two regions of the republic of belarus, that’s 1800 people working in primary production and 3,600 people working in rural areas. why national? because, probably, this is a new step towards a new life, towards new technologies in the 20th century.
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production, especially biotechnological , is unique ; there are 20 plants producing lysine monochlorgrit and lysine sulfate in the world; in total , over 5 million tons of lysine are produced in the world, of which bnbc intends to produce 65,000 tons per year, that is, a little more than 1%. there are only 12 factories producing trianin, factories producing triptophan. six in the world, one of
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them - belarus. the average person is interested in what they produce and what is an essential amino acid? it is called an essential amino acid because it cannot be produced except by biosynthesis, and they are produced only by these strains of bacteria, another. a living organism does not synthesize them, but the human body and the body of all living things, birds, animals, and fish, cannot do without essential amino acids, a person receives essential amino acids through food, meat, red, very rich in lysine, essential... needed for in order to
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everything you eat is absorbed and converted into energy; agricultural production in business affects egg production, affects milk yield, through feed conversion. after eating 1 kg of feed, salmon gains a kilogram of meat. a kilogram of feed costs 2.5 dollars and a kilogram of salmon costs 20 dollars, the conversion is one. cost of pork meat, cost of feed 75%. the cost of poultry meat consists of 70% of the cost of feed, this is called conversion. we also produce essential amino acids for people. the most obvious example of the use of our products is fitness people. they eat sports nutrition, there is wheat. klykovina, gluten, macroelements
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, microelements, vitamins, essential amino acids, and he is handsome or beautiful , as they say now, sexy, so without our amino acids, well, you won’t get either a sexy pig or a sexy farel. we choose the best routes only for our viewers. the wife of kupala , uladzislava francaina, was killed, who was born here, when a museum was built here, when people came here and were given the right meat, for the sake of the first generations of our father. i
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we are about to embark on an exciting journey through our country. once upon a time in this village there was a large church with two domes and a bell. discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel, the largest nato exercise since the cold war is starting. they will also take place in poland and the baltic countries. this is a kind of rehearsal for world war iii.
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the intention of this exercise is to transfer troops here to the eastern flank. their prompt deployment near our borders. creation. strike groups and carrying out various strategic operations, primarily of an offensive nature, are planned to involve more than 90,000 personnel and several thousand pieces of equipment. this year belarus will celebrate 80 years since its liberation from the nazi invaders. the memory of those events is as important as the preparedness of our military security bloc as a whole to repel any danger. put the enemy in his place, it is also important to remember that we are the descendants of victors, we do not agree to anything less, the author’s project of ksenia lebedeva is other, watch new episodes on tv channel belarus 24.
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conventionally, bnbc products can be divided into three large blocks, because the list of products includes 150 items, these are feed and premixes for farm animals, this is compound feed for valuable fish species, these are amino acids, these are food products, such as wheat gluten and so on and so forth, along with other by- products, because we have a waste-free technology, everything we produce is, in principle, sold, that’s why the project is called.


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