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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 28, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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dobre raadici. belarus, good morning, belarus, wake up country, olga renskaya, nina mozheika, we are glad to welcome you to belarus tv channels, one of the satellite channels belarus 24, and today is february 28, oh, wow, what a beautiful date, what a beautiful day, and i would like to congratulate everyone, friends, on the last day of winter, but no , we won’t do this, because i remind you that 2024 is a boneless year, which means...
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spring will have to wait one more day, well , it is believed that the weightless year is not easy and subconsciously causes many people have concerns although it’s not clear why this could be, why it could actually be bad, because this is a purely astronomical phenomenon, but friends, now we’ll tell you everything in detail, an additional day in the high-altitude year was introduced for a reason, but to compensate for the discrepancy between the movement of the sun, and calendar, it is known that the earth makes a full revolution around the sun not in 365 days, but to be more precise, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes, 46 seconds, wow, what calculations early in the morning, yes, yes, imagine , now further more complex mathematics, this extra time accumulates per day for every four revolutions of our planet around the sun, so they decided to add them to the shortest month of the year, although remember, like the harrow-maker of mark zakharov’s beloved film, that same menhausen, yes, so that we remember this story, he wanted to make humanity happy by giving people another day 30.
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may 2, maybe it would be better if there was one - better an extra day of spring than winter, don’t you agree? there is logic in this, but i’ll tell you this, there’s no point in blaming the weather this year, it’s spring it feels like it happened a long time ago, especially yesterday, in my opinion, something was amazing in terms of the weather, i hope today, friends, that the weather will not disappoint us, more about the temperature indicators a little later, but let’s just say, winter is gone in english and okay, we’re not waiting for it, right now let’s wake up in a good mood to good music on the air.
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and i was young, i went to the market, to the market, to the market, to the market, and i was young , i bought perch, perch, perch, i bought perch, and i was young, i cooked yushki, i cooked yushki, i yushki, yushki i cooked, and i’m young, i fed my husband,
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i fed my husband, i fed my husband, and i’m young, my father-in-law did n’t eat, my father-in-law, my father-in-law, i didn’t eat my husband , but i was told by my young son, yakuy god, what did you do? god, then dad, yes she said, and to me when i was young, you told me, great, great. i didn’t get married, but it seemed to me as a young man, great-grandmother, great-padzesh , i’m happily married, but when i was young i thought, handsome, handsome, such a long time ago, and to me as a young dymatsi she said, you’ll perish, great...
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today, by the way, in the capital, supposedly promises we'll see the same spring weather as yesterday, we'll tell you about temperature indicators a little later, but today we, olga venskaya, nina mazhaika, will be your alarm clocks, right now we'll tell you what will happen during 3 hours of our live broadcast. so, spring
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open days have started at the country's universities, we'll take a look at one of them, they say that sweets are for joy, here. can they help overcome stress? our zoo experts will tell you. sewing is a delicate craft, let's find out where tailors are trained, they celebrate today your professional holiday. pushkinsky, eugene onegin dressed like the london dandy, we remember that. again , today we’ll look at dandy’s style in a woman’s wardrobe. this happens, it turns out. well , we’ll figure it out and, as always, on wednesdays we’ll get in touch with gomel, together with masha khrustaleva we’ll discuss the hottest...
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for breakfast we have liver pancakes, they’re not at all difficult to prepare, but the result is a very nutritious, satisfying, tasty dish for all family. to prepare them we need: beef liver, semolina, garlic, eggs sour cream. cut the thoroughly washed beef liver into medium pieces, remove the films from the internal ducts, place the liver in a blender. peel and finely chop a couple of cloves of garlic, add to the liver, beat everything until smooth , add two eggs and two tablespoons of sour cream to the resulting liver mass, give the proportion for 600 g of liver, beat again,
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transfer the liver mass to a deep bowl, add to half a glass of semolina, add salt and pepper. stir and leave for 15-20 minutes for the semolina to swell cereals heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, and spoon the liver mass onto the hot oil. fry the pancakes on both sides for 2-3 minutes. according to the internet, beef liver has no contraindications. it increases hemoglobin. supports intensive brain activity, removes harmful toxins from the human body, supports the nervous system and prevents the formation of blood clots, and also relieves insomnia from stress. eat liver aladiyas and look forward to a new day.
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you will definitely like this breakfast, enjoy appetite and good mood. a review of popular print and online publications is presented by the telenews agency. the work of trade is always visible and heard. we regularly go to stores and judge the work of an entire industry by the stock of shelves, service and prices, which have received increased attention lately. thanks to new strict approaches to control, inflation in 2023 was below the target value, amounting to 5.8%. as the main factors allow. about inflation expectations in 2024, assortment and the provision of fresh vegetables in the off-season, the republic’s correspondents talked with the minister of antimonopoly regulation and
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trade of belarus alexei bogdanov. belarus has introduced additional conditions for the early use of family capital. the order of its delivery is constantly perfect. the new decree number 69, which the head of state signed on february 23, is aimed at this. one of the innovations for the early use of family capital concerns the improvement of living conditions. the commission that considers the application from families with many children for the right to early use of family capital will take into account all housing owned by the family on the territory of belarus. permission for the early use of family capital will be received by those who do not own housing, where there are 15 m2 or more per person, in minsk 10 km or more. read what else has changed on the pages of sb belarus today. minsk is constantly growing with new ones. social institutions, schools and kindergartens, clinics and hospitals buildings, sports and cultural facilities.
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this year is no exception. for example, in the field of education, 20 objects are in operation at once , reports the minsk-novosti news agency. it is planned to design several more preschool institutions. will also finance the project of transforming the former vostochny bus station into a center for technical creativity for children and youth. the renovation of the pobeda cinema will soon be completed, resulting in one of the oldest screening facilities in the capital. the cinema will become a multiplex, what to build in the capital now, which buildings are still at the design stage, and which will be completed this year? read on the agency's website. we can already feel the arrival of spring, the most common problem after a long cold period, wearing a hat, being in rooms with insufficient air humidity, is the condition of our hair, split ends, fragility, dullness and even hair loss. first of all, proper nutrition will help correct the situation. it should be varied and rich in vitamins, they will also come to the rescue specially developed complexes of vitamins
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and collagen, while it must be taken into account that hair and scalp care products are a strictly individual matter, recommendations from a trichologist on the pages of a national newspaper. hello, hello, today i came up with a very cool workout, you will have to give it your all, are you ready for it? yes, so, the first exercise we will have with you is jumping in the style of lunges, but at the same time we will also turn the body, we hold the ball with both hands in order to better concentrate, we jump, jumped, turned around, the ladder between the legs and in the second direction again. between the legs, op, op,
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we will do the second exercise as follows: we must run into each square, but not just run, we run, run out and run to the other as quickly as possible. side, we need to get our bearings, in order to run into the square again , we run again, run out and run across to the other side, it is important not to get confused in this exercise, at first glance it is very simple, but in fact it is very difficult to coordinate. the third exercise we will have is jumping. but for for this we will use a tennis ball, our task is to jump and throw the tennis
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ball into the center of the square, while the ball is flying, we must jump back into the square to catch it, we do it as follows: once, catch, once, catch, once, catch, this is an exercise also on coordination, on attentiveness, and it works great on all the muscles of the body, because you strain everything, everything, everything, everything, let's go, dim. combine these three exercises into one circuit, perform one after another: do one circuit, rest for one minute, do a second circuit, rest one minute, made the third circle, rested for one minute, it perfectly develops attentiveness, perfectly develops the whole body, your child will definitely be satisfied, because this is a playing style that will challenge him to do better, more accurately and faster. so, to develop
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coordination, dexterity and work out all the child’s muscle groups, use the proposed exercises with a coordination ladder, a tennis ball and a medicine ball. the weight of the metball should not exceed 1 kg. monitor the accuracy of the child’s movement and gradually increase rhythm. perform the exercises one by one in a circle, each for 30-60. seconds, the optimal number of laps is three, rest between laps is no more than one minute.
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friends, the awakening morning broadcast of the good ranitsa belarus program continues , ninazhe from kolgavenskaya is working for you with pleasure today, of course, we welcome all those who meet us, this is an amazing, still february morning, although you know, it feels like a long time ago not february, here are the details about the weather for today, the penultimate day of february, the twenty-eighth date on the calendar, my colleague nina mozheika will tell you, nina we are waiting for details, dear friends, well, this is the very case when i can safely say, look at the weather , well... just look at the sawn-off shotgun, for example, well +13 + 15 today, but this is amazing, it’s simple, it’s not like spring , it already seems to me, almost even a rehearsal for summer, the only thing that complicates the issue, perhaps even slightly, is that precipitation is expected in brest today, but to me it seems that these are not very significant changes, in minsk up to +11°, today it will be partly cloudy, in northern capital +7 +9, cloudy with
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clearings, the sun will definitely come out, in gomel too, there today until +10, 11:13. behind the plus sign in grodno today there is also light precipitation in the form of rain, in mogilev +8 +10. well, this is how it turns out, in my opinion, it’s great this year, it’s kind of official, it’s still winter on the calendar, and the temperature indicators are spring, but you know, the meteors of this day are a long way off, the absolute maximum air temperature in february was recorded at the brest weather station, this happened february 21 1990, then the temperature rose to 17°c. moreover, it also happened that the last winter month remembered that it was still fierce, and the lowest temperature in february was recorded at the dokrzyce weather station on february 1, 1956, then a temperature of almost -41° was recorded, but oh well, what happens this, i can’t even imagine, if this is not yakutsk, then i can’t believe it, fortunately we
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didn’t experience such frosts, i hope that we won’t, in belarus it has become quite a so -called european winter, you know, when everything is fine. state university at the faculty of journalism, here, in addition to getting acquainted with specialties, other career guidance activities are carried out. our career guidance work is carried out by teachers who go to schools and secondary educational institutions and talk about our faculty. open days at
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the faculty of journalism are an event where we invite applicants and their parents. in addition to the leadership of the faculty. we invite our famous graduates, among them tv presenters and media managers, who not only they teach, but they head their own media centers, channels and broadcast. parents and children can directly meet future employers and understand what they will do. during the open day , master classes and excursions around the faculty are held at zherfak. you shouldn't read just for the sake of consuming pages and pages. but in order to be able to analyze the information that you have presented in the book. here , students themselves can come and film some of their projects within the framework of academic disciplines, and also yourself. as part of the excursion, applicants saw the entire kitchen of the faculty of journalism and even had the opportunity to try themselves as tv presenters. and we're on the air. an emergency situation
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occurred when a truck and a minibus collided in the smalevichi district on monday . the driver was trapped under the wreckage of the car. to find out all the necessary information, but to get to know teachers and specialties in order to answer the most important question: do i really want to do exactly this?
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a real man should be able to take it 100 m. you'll become a man here when you're around only women, dad, who is he, what is his name? i have no idea, and where did you meet him, nowhere, i ordered him, well , at least one installer would come to me, and this is for you, thank you for throwing out all my ideas, it was really rubbish, please contact me if that, in fact, there is another one. the circumstance, what, you are looking after your mother, when you are thinking of starting to look after, you have not changed, you too, i asked you to look after the child
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, i see how you are looking after, you are not allowed on the screen, you will break millions of women’s hearts, so you don’t have to wait for her, she's walking in now park with my daughter and my husband, don’t believe me, look, oh, sorry, i accidentally, look, it’s so beautiful, thank you very much, thank you,
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ciao, ciao, can i touch the device, yes, that’s it, let’s go, ah, gaila, ah, how beautiful she is, her head is very round, he even screams like that, very cute, just like garipotter. yes, that's what i wanted to say too. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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a nosy cat, but believe me, you can look at each one for hours, you know, there are such really cozy fluffies that you want to squeeze, there are cats that are curled up balls, there are playful cats
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, they all remind you that you need to, you know, be kinder in life and treat everything with a little smile, but i want to draw the audience’s attention to the name of the author of the paintings , well, i’m sure he has a love for cats it’s no coincidence, after all, even at the root of his last name there is a cat, well, i wouldn’t be surprised if at the exhibition, the atmosphere of our wonderful city , in principle, such exhibitions add to minsk and not only, so friends , welcome to the exhibition of wonderful cats, so don't miss the opportunity admire the painted cats and pet the real ones... and meanwhile in china the atmosphere of the new year holidays has gone back to normal, well, listen, it’s time to know the honor, as they say, 2 weeks, the celestial lantern festival took place,
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which ended. two-week festive events on the occasion of the lunar new year . the most interesting part of the celebration took place at dusk, when the moon appeared in the sky. at this time , lanterns were lit everywhere, which in the traditional manner are made of paper or silk on bamboo frame. the atmosphere of the holiday was complemented by various compositions, installations and flower displays, which were placed in all the largest parks of the country. well, for the reason that we would, of course, now ooh and aah, marvel at how large it is, how beautiful it is, but we already have it. it’s also not the first year that the botanical garden in minsk has held similar exhibitions, light installations, by the way, are still working, as far as i know, this exhibition is something we can enjoy, there is another interesting feature of the celebration of the chinese new year, when it is customary to give dolls for the new year to adults, and why in order for them to make a wish and at the same time draw an eye for this doll, maybe they will finish drawing the second eye at the end of the year, what do you think nina, why isn’t one eye woke up, don’t you think they
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’re just watching a program? belarus, china is a bit far away and not enough, but on the other hand, if a wish comes true, a second eye will definitely appear on the doll, this will happen at the end of the year, this is such a realization, in my opinion a wonderful story, in general, now is a fertile time to really plan for the coming year, make some wishes, make big grandiose plans, everything will work out, friends, well, the most interesting thing is just beginning, the dawn is already breaking out outside the windows, very soon the majority of belarusians will go to beloved, i hope work to do this. it’s a truly good morning of the country, right now we invite you to meet another specialist in our traditional most popular section of the profession. my name is alexander yarma, i work at the production of gas electric shelters in the city of bresten as an equipment operator. well, my day usually starts at 6 am, i wake up.
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i do a little exercise, have breakfast, and get ready for work. my day usually starts at 7:00 am, i check all the components, all the safety mechanisms, emergency buttons, and then start my work. well, this is our line for assembling gas valves with a safety device, this is our control panel, here we assemble gas valves. here we have a nut, one piece that makes up the faucet jacket, this robot takes the plug , inserts it into the faucet, and then the assembly process proceeds, here we have a screw for adjusting the flame, they are different, for a larger flame, for a smaller one, here we have a spacer ring, well, it all comes together automatically, here
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a spring is added, then there is a telego with a plug, the plug is needed to close and open the gas supply, by the way, it is also done here nearby, i first came to this profession for practice after training, well, my leadership liked it, how i work and i i stayed, i love my job because here i can improve technically, because i can develop here. something new, a new team, new people, and i really like everything. after the entire assembly process, we receive a finished gas tap, which can already be used for the production of gas stoves. a good service technician must have a good technical mind, be able to read drawings, various technical documentation, and, well, improve. love
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my job and want to learn something new, my profession as a service technician is very important, because the safety of our products depends on it, i love my job because it makes the morning of my country good. fortune gives everyone a chance in life , the roads you and i have are so different, we often fall, but we get up to move forward while tired legs carry us, through the emptiness, through the depths, you hear, i will come, i will not deceive you. through
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time, through the universe, through the sacred spring. through the memory of despair, through the endless waiting, bright, hot moments are important, hurricanes are raging in my head, his doubts, ghosts of time, and we... caravans of blind people float, there is only you, there is only me, lovingly whispering to you, through time
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, through the universe, through the sacred spring, through the memory of the desperate, through the infinite. eternal waiting, through time, through the universe. through sacred spring, through memory, despair, through endless anticipation.
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through endless waiting. we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. byzantine architecture, which had passed its time with a bang, was floating on the diligent, so called diligent russian style.
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and that’s all that the people of the 19th century remember, this is the same project, the russian style, it is working on and the recovery of such treasures. elements of that old architecture, which had already become different. let's look at their history and basic facts. the theatre, the mass theater, was built up from outstanding red elements, and all this madness, i had a white color scheme that worked in contrast and madness, emphasized the emphasis on these elements. jars of 20-gas bags of uzho were planned for us. there was a great amount of historical reminders with quarters for supraconika, a look at the project, the architecture of belarus on our tv channel. we are embarking on a journey in which we will take care of
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the most cultural places of our country. eight geta pabudov, yana presvechanaya karal mindaug, first karanavanam karal, dzyakuyuchy to whom he appeared. our current land is belarus. did you know that the most popular musical instruments are the piano and the guitar. here, unfortunately, you are not a fan, but you can look at musical tools collected from all over belarus. let's find out more. the first educational regulations in belarus were announced today. at the 11th century in the principality of polack, the cathedral of st. safia was published, like in the byzantine tradition...
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charmed them at first sight, your people are just so tall, beautiful, beautiful girls everywhere, this i think is the most when the vivid impression ,
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friends, the live broadcast of the most awakening show in the country of good morning belarus continues and today nina mozheiko, olga venskaya, and we act as alarm clocks we're calling, and i'm even wheezing a little today in order to make your awakening, well , at maximum pleasant, friends, today... because a new day
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has really arrived for us, and we want to move on to film news, you know what's today the republican film festival kinovek starts, which will begin the festive event for the centenary of belarusian cinema, it will last until december 11, during this entire time more than thirty of the best films of the national film studio belarusfil will be shown in all cinemas of the country. festival in minsk will take place at the pioneer cinema, and the festival will open with the restored film the famous forest. this film was not mine, so in the capital he will be accompanied by a topper, as it was before, now some people have asked what kind of topper he is, what kind of specialty, and you know, or somehow the musicians are sitting on the piano, plays, and accompanies, and in the regions, by the way, the film lesnaya byl, not mine , will have superimposed music, but it also seems to me a very interesting effect, effective in any case, and so on throughout festival, new films will be shown every week on wednesdays; the list includes many classic works and adventures. pinocchio, my name is harlequin. war under the roofs and many others. before
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the screening, speeches by film experts, film critics, cinema employees and teachers from our educational institutions in the field of culture are planned. it seems to me that this unique opportunity is very important, you really shouldn’t miss it, it will be interesting for both children and adults. and this is really very informative, even for those who think, well that’s it, i know everything about cinema, you’ll surprise me, believe me, you’ll be surprised, because, for example, here’s some wonderful news in los angeles. the thirtieth screen actors guild awards ceremony took place . let's look at the laureates again and admire them. the biographical drama by christopher nolan, opengamer, became a triumph. irish actor cilian murphy, who played the main role in this film, received an award for this most important male role. and american actor robert downey, junior for best supporting actor. good, it was good, i confirm. but the film itself was awarded the main award of the evening for best actor.
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look at this beauty, she is over 80 years old , she looks so fresh, still as fresh as a may rose, it’s true, let me remind you that this award is prestigious, awarded since 1995, the actors guild is a professional union representing more than 120,000 artists who work in the usa. well, listen, barbra streisend really caught our attention, and well, first of all, this is a person who, it seems to me, was at least ahead of her time, who in all era looks very relevant, and moreover, even... at some point became a musical meme, if you remember, this hit
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by barbara, i think it’s still on everyone’s lips, and i think it’s cool , fame goes ahead of you, barbara streisent has not yet appeared, and you are already waiting for her , as they say, moreover, this is a truly unique person also because there is such a thing as the barbara streisend phenomenon or the barbara straind cancellation phenomenon, this was before everyone cancellations of our time, yes, when she i wanted to take some photographs from the internet, but because the fuss about this had begun. yes, that’s for sure, well, this kind of event, in any case, is not only a fierce on-screen battle, but also a place to declare yourself as a modern style icon, a whole regiment of stylists works on the images of stars, without tailor designers , well, you know, yes, some people have problems, it seems to me simply with taste, and not with them themselves, but with the stylists, yes, yes, indeed, for some
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, i know specifically, the desks sew some kind dresses, suits and so on, by the way, the latter today celebrates their very own party, their professional holiday, here... where we train specialists of this kind, our correspondent, alesya boyarskikh, will tell you. sewing, restoration, alteration of garments and more. and today our team looked into the capital’s college, where they train future tailors. elisaveta linnik did not choose the profession of a tailor by chance; since childhood, she liked to watch the process of sewing clothes, because her parents had their own hotel, where the girl often spent time. time. now elisaveta is studying at the minsk state college of fashion industry and can already demonstrate her work. here we have a sort of top made with interesting shape-forming things. all seams are done inside out in order to add a little casualness to the whole look. at the back of the back we have a fold here and also
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these interesting cutouts at the elbows, all the seams are also finished inside out. for 78 years of work, minsk state. specialists such as a tailor cutter for a technical school to prepare city ​​atelier. during the learning process, students study general education subjects as well as subjects. professional component, materials science, special drawings, equipment for sewing production, and special items, this is the design of clothing, technology of sewing production, as for the peculiarities of the tailor’s profession, it is as follows: the tailor
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carries out the product from beginning to end, the cut comes, he sews for fitting, further carries out individual parts and units for this sewing machine. products, final installation of the product finishing. during the classes, future tailors are taught to work with all types of fabrics and materials, including knitwear, fur and leather. we work with synthetic silk, the complexity of this fabric lies in the fact that it gives high slip, fraying, different shades, we introduce all these points, how to work, how to avoid them. is it difficult to work with a sewing machine? at first it was hard to sit at a sewing machine, but over time i got used to it and now i work with this device without any problems. what's happening now? what are you doing? at this stage i sew down the back and front panels of the trousers. where to start? the parts lie in front of you, you take them
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, align the cuts, make sure that your stitching goes 1.5 cm, press the pedal and. flew for the first time , you are doing great, you can at least sew at the machine, please tell me what kind of beauty this is, where are you preparing it, this is a model for our teacher’s collection, it was created on the basis of belarusian ceramics, these are unusual details, these pockets, let’s just say they are made. based jugs, students have at their disposal 15 educational workshops and 16 classrooms, which are equipped with high-tech modern equipment. the center of competence has equipment starting from the design of garments, this is a self-cutting machine for creating design drawings and ending with the finishing
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of the product, this is, for example, a machine for printing on fabric, there are also automatic processing machines. after graduating from the minsk state college of fashion industry , guys can get several professions at once: tailor, cutter and seamstress. well, we once again we congratulate all the students on their professional holiday and wish them the implementation of their ideas. we look at individual copies and understand what to listen to. there are questions about some models in the good sense of the word, i just wanted to look at them, touch them, you also know tactility, i liked the interesting shoulders, when they seem to be no longer puffs, but relevant a season ago, but also like that.
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the morning broadcast continues, there are literally only 2 days left until the beginning of spring, well, these are the official data, menchan already now invites you to take part in the annual green yard event together, its goal is to make the yards of our city, and indeed all the cities of belarus, even more beautiful, although it said. would be much more beautiful, but there is no limit to perfection, we remember this, and taking part in landscaping is very simple: residents of the capital can choose a place for planting plants, according to their type, you just need to leave a request on the gavby city website, after which the service staff housing organizations will coordinate a convenient time and help you unite with like-minded people, and will also provide equipment and planting material. well, it is known that during the entire period of this project, almost 3.00 menchan residents took part in it.
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because it is worth noting that the trend towards ecology is observed in the automotive industry, which i will tell you about now, yes, yes, the winner of the european competition for the car of the year was announced in geneva, it was the electrified crossover renault scenic, this is a futuristic car, it received high marks from the international experts numbering 59 professionals from 22 different countries ultimately collected 329 points, leaving six competitors behind. i ended up in second place. the top five of the new generation bmw with 308 points was closed by the peugeot 3008 crossover, which scored 197 points. as
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the organizers note, in the current sixty-first competition there are four cars, the finalists of the seven were electric models. three other cars have electric or hybrid versions. no, well, i understand that electric cars are all about environmental friendliness, although experts argue about this, but we won’t go into details. i thought, why don’t we do reviews, for example, on the eve of spring, some new features of bicycles, right? i just wanted to say about this, you just took it literally from my man, because we have to wait for spring, it will finally come into play, and we’ll take it, yes, friends, if suddenly you also have some kind of cool bike, if you recommend the purchase from the bottom of your heart, saying it drives great, you don’t have to turn the pedals so much, how lucky he is for himself, make a review, a video, post it in your instagram story, tag the account good difference belarus, we want to... know what kind of healthy lifestyle you are, well, in any case, the bike definitely won’t do any harm , in contrast to the myth that
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sugar is still harmful and this has already been proven, it remains to find out the safe dose of sweets, so the experts from zoshrubrika will help us in this matter. good morning, i’m ekaterina, a healthy eating expert, and let’s talk about the myths around sugar. watching your diet is fashionable, as is give up sweets. is sugar always evil? and which sweet myths are real? let's figure it out. myth number one: sugar will help sweeten your life. many people actually reward themselves with sweets when they are dealing with stress. sugar
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in its pure form, all refined carbohydrates such as pasta, desserts, rolls, sweets, lead to thickening of bile. thick bile disrupts intestinal motility and constipation occurs, which indicates a large number of toxins in your body, which reduce immunity and cause diseases. myth number two: sweet foods are needed for energy, and energy is life. yes, sweet foods are excellent suppliers of energy, and this is the favorite fuel of our body's cells, but simple carbohydrates do not require long digestion and are transported directly into the blood. as a result, the blood sugar level rises sharply, and this is the path to diabetes. if your goal is to be healthy and energetic, to easily cope with all issues, and at the same time have a slim figure,
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then choose as a source of energy: root vegetables, legumes, wholemeal bread, cereals, green leafy vegetables take longer to digest, which ensures gradual penetration of sugar into the blood. everything good in life seems sweet, and there is no need to give it up; the key to health is a competent approach to sweets. and we continue to welcome wednesday morning , february 28th, on our calendar, and by the way, we continue to share useful information with you, it seems to me that the weather forecast is no exception, it seems to me that olga definitely has these current indicators venskaya, judging by her face, olya, i agree, it’s some kind of song, not the weather, you know, or you want to perform the famous hit of the singers, half an hour before spring, almost like that, today
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i’ll remind you, february 28, literally 2 days officially remain until end of winter, beginning of spring. accordingly, this is what belhydromed gives us about this in the morning in minsk quite comfortable 0 +2 but to be honest it feels like +5 for example it’s really comfortable in brest in the morning it’s also warm spring +5 +7 in vitebsk today 0 +2 that’s how it is strangely coldest of all the regional ones centers gomel here is 0 -2 this is the only regional center where it is a little frosty this morning in grodno +5 +7 and mogilev has not yet decided on it after all. these are the temperature swings, but what’s nice in all regional cities with the exception of the city of grodno, without precipitation in the morning, cloudy with clearings, nina, you already feel spring, is not the right word, and moreover, i breathe deeply this spring air, i already practiced it yesterday, today, i hope, we will repeat it, especially in some regions of our country, especially if we are talking about brest and grodno, today up to +15 to +13°, i
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think this is a great rehearsal for spring, this seems like great inspiration to me. in order to go to brest, friends, breathe in the spring there and return to minsk and bring this very spring with you, and in general it seems to me that spring is the time when we all want to add bright colors, not only to life , but in our wardrobe, we should remember that if you want to be well dressed, you don’t have to wear what catches your eye, this is the main principle of the dandy style, look at our bright suits, well, you and i generally personify the orange level of danger, apparently, which is not there today, friends, so let’s get to know each other better. this is a style not only for men, but also for women, stylish and sophisticated, strong and decisive, the very embodiment of bright individuality. the founding father of the style is considered to be the englishman george bramel, the english dandy of the regency era; he is considered the creator of
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the classic men's suit, in addition to his... creation, he taught men how to dress accordingly, take care of hygiene in appearance, just like a male dandy, a female one has a number of basic characteristics: noticeable inconspicuousness, thoughtful negligence and iconic detail. the main features of the dandy style for men and women are the external simplicity of clothing combined with very expensive fabric and impeccable cut. in the color scheme, muted colors are predominant. the tie plays a very important role. which adorns a white shirt. using the example of two of our models, i would like to show you how impressive you can look in your everyday life, because the denzi style is a great tool for this. for our first model, we used a classic gray suit, which is now very relevant, because it has stripes, as well as a shortened trench coat, which in this case is very similar to the hair color of our heroines. and
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a clear attribute of the dandy style in this case is the turtleneck, which is. and the third layer in this costume ensemble. on our second model, the style-forming element is a tie and an element of a man’s wardrobe. in this case it's classic a white shirt, as well as classic black breeches. and in order not to make the look too prim, we complemented it with a beige coat. a woman's wardrobe must include formal jackets, men's cut trousers, blouses, skirts, ties, scarves, frills, hats and... men's shoes as zappanka jewelry, possibly with precious metals and stones, brooches, original buttons, woman, dressed in inconspicuous clothes, she will not get lost in the crowd, she will look feminine and elegant, at the same time stylish, and elements of masculine wardrobe will highlight her seductive sensuality. this fashionista knows how to look straight into the eyes and withstand any gaze. her
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gait is leisurely, and her facial expressions are under the influence. belarus ends after the news release, we will contact gomel and find out what interesting things happened during the week in this region. in fact, there are a lot of plans, besides this, in the second hour on our live broadcast there will be a premiere of the video for the song “you are in my dna”, wonderful musicians, friends of the good ranitsa belarus program, theo and olga ryzhikova. friends, our parting will not be long, we will soon return to you and again tell you, good morning, belarus. we all rush after miracles, but there are no miracles, not
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nothing, something like the earth under heaven, where is the roof of your house, where is the roof of your house. and if suddenly you feel sad, then sadness does not mean anything when you know that under the sun there is the roof of your house, there is the roof of your house. in a moment, any grief will disappear, every last one
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, just remember the blue stars above the roof of your house above the roof of your house. the world is full of joy, happiness, but the native land dearest of all, and it’s so wonderful to return under the roof of your house, under the roof of your house.


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