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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 29, 2024 1:10am-1:31am MSK

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i see the music, i draw it, what is the picture at the end, i listen to the music as a picture, so let’s say this one doesn’t work, i need to add it, it’s not enough, but i add something. music is like an international language, let's say, and it motivates me , it motivates me, like every time differently, love, suffering, i want, let's say, i'm very happy, we bought buildings, let's say, 9 months of waiting, in the end i could to do everything i want, i came home very much, let’s say, i’m very happy, i sat and started, i’m just happy, and it will be clear that my music is so...
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i’m 30 years old and i’ve been taught a lot of things , because i just love to always teach, and i know how to do editing, but i just know everything about autoeffect, the academy is 4 years old , what i did was sit on autorect everything, i didn’t do anything further, i write music, i also writeton live , i also completed a course in music with the best artist - this is skrulex, these are the most famous artists in dupe music, editing, 3d graphics, i work on... 4d, but i don’t
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work very much, but i can do whatever i think, i close my eyes and do it, even as i dance all life, it’s clear, i’m making a film, i recently wrote a book, it’s called a playbook, you can buy it on amazon, 20 script or 20 plan, as he says with girls, because a lot of guys are like that, so this is this book was i inspired in my friend that he is handsome, but he is just afraid, afraid of rejection, suddenly the girl says she rejected me.
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there is the best graphics, the best, like marvel, like golu quality, because i can do it now, but i couldn’t before, i can do any regional now, i have some kind of torus, like spiderman, i do it i can do it now, and he’s not, as i said, he won’t be just a student, he’ll be a star later, and he’s because he ’ll run out of london t-shirts, and journalists will talk about him, participate in a lot of competitions and he’ll be cool, there’s an idea what the team is preparing, i will send them to the us because i have this talent, i know what is needed for such programs. i know where and what they are looking at. the goal, we may end up, where we end up, i don't know, i want, of course, there's always more more, but i think mike and london are will be mine, mine, as the last station to work for myself, now i will start working for the new generation, for other people, this is the time when i studied at the academy of arts and tried a lot of things in different directions in the arts, i worked with a lot of people, directors and musicians, because i wanted from... more and i want to know what they
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know, but now i can say, i know a lot of things, and because of this, they worked a lot of things and worked a lot where, a lot with whom i worked for, i received so many awards and prizes, and won a lot of things, not only in belarus, and the whole world , let's start with this, this is called the file of my life, this is everything i will do in life, like good things here, here, this is my diploma, honors diploma, teacher, director, so it’s written here that so far...
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i’m working with him, this is my russian language diploma at bntuy, i got 7-7, seven, because, but how i learned russian was not because of the academy, not because for the university, i taught and... because of my friends, because, as they say, life, the street, this is a short film festival, competition in america in los angeles, more precisely, we won three prizes for a film made by my brother, diya alshikh, his name is, he, too, as he said, is a director at the academy of arts, he is now a graduate student, almost finished, and we won the most good directorial work.
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editor, winner, like grapes , this is the latest one recently, the festival is beyond, i was there as a dancer, i also took third place, as a dancer soloist and choreographer, that’s all, and this was my file, which is offline, which is offline , i will always show it then i will show my children to the future and my friends, and i will show those who are close to me, who know me personally. the world has really come to the point when
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the entire legacy of the second world war, more precisely the post-war system of yaaltinsk podzdamska, has already been destroyed to zero, there are no restraining factors left, no... the war is now going on, including for resources, because the west cannot live at their own expense, they live by robbing the middle east, africa and the post-soviet space, they don’t want us to live independently calmly, so that’s when the president says peace and sovereignty is expensive. the project
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is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will bring the viewer closer to science, like science, specifically. biotechnology helps turn grain into gold, the product from which amino acids are made - this is our glucose syrup, which bacteria eat and produce amino acids, to put it very simply, it is very simple and the most important thing is that it is clear, we will tell you how talented scientists have changed our lives. we are like scientists in we are cautious in our forecasts, but having understood the essence , we do not rule out that in the near future many people will start talking about agronomics. our project is about agriculture. accordingly , agro, then after all, we are more about the economy, so agronomics, that is, a hint of agriculture, since the project should help increase the profitability of enterprises, increase control over their execution, accordingly
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, the name briefly makes it clear what this project will be about, see the project science is nearby on our tv channel. to the stars will tell how their effect on our lives and the zodiacs are like that, she taught it for a very long time , she was doing it, she works, so my brother is also a director, he will also graduate with me at the academy of arts, but he is now a graduate student, and my sister
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is also a media director in london in london tv plus, she also graduated from hamar and the director is also like me, like my brother, like my mother, for me it’s like an idol, like a hero, she, as far as i did, my mother is happy, how happy i will be and everything will be fine. i start dancing because my
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father, he loves drum bongo conga, he is a musician, he has such a hobby as let's say he loves to play drum skong, such, he loves it very much, and my mother also worked, wrote a script for an important series in syria, as a sketch, a sketch for a series, so i was born into such a family, luck. such that he was born into such a family, which, a creative family, and my brother, like him, because dad was always not in syria, not with us, so my, my brother was my dad almost, he started, as always, the youngest brother wants to show his brother who taught him that look, i'm cool, look, i'm good, that's what you love, then my brother and i opened a group, a team, a dance group, called danskru, we were, we did a lot of performances in syria and not in syria in the arab world and even in holland, in europe.
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i already saw it was late for the first season on tv, and i was waiting for the second season to watch it, then, unfortunately, the war in syria began, they didn’t have this program in syria, they were in jordan, they said that siriski, you can go to jordan there and there will be a casting there, it was very scary, because i woke up at 7 in the morning and then it was my turn filming was only at 10 at night, that is, the night was very tired, hungry, no energy at all, and then i... went to them and saw the kind of stars that sometimes i see on tv
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live, as in life, it was very , they look like such a real 3d and everything is scary, and i specifically, that i know what kind of camera, how people in the studio there are spectators in the studio, but they are few, but there are 300 million people watching behind the camera, i know that, so any movement, any words, the effect is then the families of the finale, then the finale and won progress. never ends - progress there is no limit, so when i won this program - i had the opportunity that i was as an artist more academic as with a diploma - a professional, uh, not just a talented person who - loves it as an amateur, no, i'm a professional amateur , yes, but now i’m a professional amateur, i have a diploma, i’m a director, and for this i need to use this prize, which gave me the right place, so i chose to go to belarus to study as a director and live with
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i can find the right people who help me and the right place and the right yes, yes, of course, there is bureaucracy everywhere, but in the end we need a result, it doesn’t matter to us what happened, what matters is that in the end, in the end everything will be fine, because i know that everything will be fine.
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whenever you held a book in your hands, you turned through page after page. eagerly tasting every word, of all manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention. these are books, the thoughts of past times live in books, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as it were magic on the pages of books, reading a person
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experiences... reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. in this bustle of days, we are always
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running somewhere, sometimes not paying attention to the beauty that surrounds us. a moment of spring wind, bright and warm sun rays, chirping birds or fiery colors of autumn, but among us there are those who were able to see the beauty and grandeur of belarusian nature. we are at the art belarus gallery, where the exhibition project “look at the faraway look” is presented. who are they, the famous ones? representatives of the belarusian school of landscape, and what else we don’t know about this, it would seem, in such a well-known genre of art. landscape is a genre of fine art that is at the same time simply laconic for perception and at the same time carries within itself the power of the secrets of the universe. if you think about it, nature has always been an observer of the process
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of human development. historical eras changed, and the landscape acted as their theatrical backdrop. being the main character of this endless great performance. even poets and writers sang in their works the beauty of the native land. it is true that the nature of the native land is close to a person’s consciousness and his subconscious. it is this closeness that explains the fact that the landscape is so easy for viewers to perceive, so the exhibition has a far-reaching look, collected works by artists of different generations, whose work. covers almost a century and a half of belarusian art. the exhibition presents authors who throughout their lives wrote only motifs of their native land, and who, by the will of fate, worked outside the country. the curator will tell you more about the exhibition project. alexander zenkevich. alexander vladimirovich,
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hello. good afternoon. you are a kind of artist who creates your own works of art, only in your case. demonstrated that it is very different. as for the fact that the look is distant. well, firstly, this is the artist’s refuge, where he could largely reveal himself in the sense in which he imagined himself, because a genre painting has its own requirements, it has its own certain laws, and the artist is not always within the framework
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of a genre picture can create a certain personal, personal, figurative series. can’t always experiment with color, and genres such as still life landscape, they generally create space for freedom of expression, because the belarusian faraway or the belarusian landscape is a huge layer of works, so the theme itself, the very name of the exhibition, it can outgrow numbers , there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the exhibition is arranged according to the seasons, tell us more about this, in general, there is an idea lying on the surface, to make a landscape exhibition according to the seasons, a great idea was spotted by the same kimkiduk, spring, summer, autumn. winter is spring again, this simplicity is the basis that is taken for the exhibition, plus the landscape is always divided into a kind of pastoral landscape, this...


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