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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 29, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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morning news for belarus 1. in the studio , vladislav bunder, hello, this is what we will talk about in the issue: the choice of the capital, who entered the city council of deputies and the house of representatives, about the fruitful work and current legislators. assistance with returns and military supplies to ukraine will continue, but mostly on credit. wider both possibilities and audience. satellite channel belarus 24 is establishing teleconferences on a large media platform in moscow. charge at 300%. how the capital's gothball ska are preparing for the meeting with the st. petersburg zenith. the results were summed up in minsk single voting day and announced the results. on february 25, 60 deputies were elected to the minsk city council and 20 to the house of representatives in the capital. the city council included
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representatives from various fields of industry, education, science, and healthcare. among the people's representatives is the chairman of the belarusian radio company ivan eismand. he received the largest number of votes in sevastopol electoral district number 52. more than 61.5% of voters from the total number included in the list in the city made their choice in the capital. members of the house, we are confident that these are the people which today at the legislative level, at the country level, i can.
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march, then they will elect a chairman and consider procedural issues; before the deputies of the house of representatives of the new convocation began performing their professional duties, the current legislators managed to work fruitfully and held the next session. a number of bills were adopted the day before, as in the case of customs regulation. now the passenger declaration can be submitted free of charge electronically, through a single services portal, and in advance even before crossing the border. as the chairman of the state customs committee noted, this will reduce the time spent at the checkpoint, and the procedure for registering a car will be simplified and accelerated for those who have moved to us for permanent residence. now this period is 2 years, the project provides for 6 months, this is necessary primarily for those people who are moving to our country, as refugees, for other reasons, from various countries.
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the number of migrants has been increasing recently, so i think this norm will work will be well received positively in society. a number of innovations in the bill affect the work of authorized economic operators, as well as transactions with transit goods. the next step towards de-dollarization was made at a meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of the brix countries in sao paulo, brazil. the main discussions are the search for alternative dollars. payment options, including in digital currencies, here the participants expressed their readiness to exchange experiences, yet the majority spoke out in support of national currencies. rallies, strikes and clashes with police marked the anniversary of the largest train accident in the country's history in greece. in athens, all metro lines were not working, and trolleybuses were operating on routes with hours-long breaks. taxi drivers also took part in the strike. marches and rallies also took place in... a group of radicals entered into
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a confrontation with special forces, who used tear gas and stun grenades. activists pelted security forces with molotov cocktails and paint bags. supplies of military cargo to ukraine will continue. advice the european union has approved documents to increase the eu budget until 2027. we are talking about an amount of more than 64.5 billion euros. of these, 50 billion will go to kiev, the majority, however, on credit and only part in the form of grants. as reported, according to the adopted documents, they will create. ukraine assistance fund, as well as the european strategic technologies platform. us president joe biden suffers from a number of illnesses, but is still able to successfully serve as president. this follows from the published medical report. by confession white house press secretary,
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biden’s mental abilities were not checked, although the americans themselves do not need a certificate. polls show a majority of voters believe the state's incumbent leader is too old to run for second. deadline, it is noteworthy that the update on the health of the american president came against the backdrop of other news, senator mitch mccunnel, who led the republican faction for almost 20 years, announced his resignation, he is now 82, but biden is only a year younger, intends to continue working, and his presidency is already became historic, the white house administration announced. the spring field relay race began in the fields of the minsk region, an agricultural marathon. discovered perennial grasses, mainly in southern farms. at the same time, organic fertilizers are applied in all areas and green shoots are fed. at the agra chip farm, for example, the sprayers came out earlier than usual. azim wheat crops are saturated with nitrogen; this is due
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to later sowing dates. to support the growth and proper development of grains, 60 kg of the substance is added, expected from grain this season is at least 80 centners per hectare. in good weather , the running complex is planned in 10 days; in total, the kletsky district farm has almost 2.0 hectares of winter crops alone, including rapeseed plantations. another 1,500 are to be sown with spring crops. danger for drivers from forested areas. wild
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ungulates began to appear more often on highways. in the minsk region alone last year there were 20 accidents involving animals. the state traffic inspectorate warns that the main thing is to comply with the speed limit and pay attention. on the sign, special services take into account migration corridors when repairing roads, protective nets are stretched along highways, new subways for wild animals are also in the project when building roads. ilya svetkov will continue. 33 km of the m3 highway minsk-vitebsk. we are located in the lagoisky district on... one of the most dangerous sections of regional highways according to statistics from traffic police officers, here in the low beam of headlights you can suddenly meet not a pedestrian crossing the road in the wrong place or a car driving into the oncoming lane, but an unpredictable dangerous
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forest dweller. just one moment can cost the life of the driver and passenger. even pressing the brake pedal in a timely manner often does not help avoid it. collisions, because it is almost impossible to predict the behavior of a large ungulate. i was driving along the m1 highway, uh, it was twilight. literally 100-200 meters away, an elk runs out onto the road. due to my extensive driving experience, i slowed down in time. observe the speed limit, this is the first thing, especially when it is twilight, in the dark, it is better to drive safely. speed of movement. the damage that animals cause to vehicles is serious. an adult bull moose, for example, can weigh more than half a ton. it's like running into a living wall. over the past year , 20 such accidents occurred in the minsk region alone. the most accident-prone section
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of the minsk-vitersk highway, which is characterized by collisions with wild animals, is precisely the polyana cafe, which is located in front of us. there are raids on lasya. the area is characterized by the presence of two. and what attracts animals, especially in the dark, therefore , road users in general in the dark and when passing such places should move as fast as possible. caution. the state traffic inspectorate recommends that motorists be as careful as possible, change their driving style on country highways, and adhere to the speed limit. traffic police patrols regularly work on busy highways passing through forested areas. look, maybe often, if you move here, be sure to watch, be careful, slow down if necessary. this sign is sign 1.25, which means that animals may appear on the roadway. when arriving in the area covered by a road sign, drivers need to be as vigilant as possible;
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it is recommended to reduce speed and carefully monitor the road situation in order to apply the brakes in time. according to scientists, moose, deer, roe deer and wild boars move along their migration corridors, so they often have to cross busy highways, where an encounter with a person is inevitable, and animals also come out onto the roads to feast on salt, which remains on the asphalt after de-stressing treatment, so the animals make up for the lack of microelements in the winter.


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