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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 29, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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coated three-layer cardboard, which no one produces in belarus, we are the first and only one who has mastered the production of this cardboard, due to the fact that there is a great need for it and the market is growing. the successes of the dobruzhskaya paper mill today are the successes of those heroic years after the military restoration of the enterprise, the fifties and sixties. then she did it together with the country. a breakthrough in its development, developing potential for decades to come, this was the time when the wood-processing paper industry declared itself in the world modern products, became the flagship of the economy of belarus and the soviet union.
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we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production and development of integrated circuits. our multimedia complexes are suitable for effective work not only with a group visitor, but with an individual, and here we can look at additional information on such tickets, get to know people who sincerely dedicated to our work, we meet history with mystery, we reveal these secrets and preserve the legacy for...
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i am happy to come to work and understand that i will produce a product that will bring joy to people, bring peace and goodness to the family. i am sure that my work is the key to peace and creation. as a child, i dreamed of visiting a factory where candy is made. a childhood dream came true, it immediately came true, and as an adult, it became my profession.
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this year marks 20 years since i have been working at the kommuna factory, the factory has been very has changed a lot, new workshops have been added, many new lines have been added, now it is such a giant that provides the entire market for its products, does not stand still, develops, the factory is thriving, for 20 years i tried my hand at many processes, then ours opened one of our... new lines is the mogul line, so i got there, now i work there as an operator, a foreman, this is one of our most powerful lines with a productivity of up to a ton per hour, this can be said to be a workplace , this is the heart of the line, i am in the very heart, by the type of our activity, during the work shift we try the product that we cast, well, of course i try to limit myself from sweets, but it’s hard, working in a factory and seeing so many delicious... beautiful candies - it’s very
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hard, this is constant work on yourself. every day at our factory we have excursions, children from school come to us, when they see so many candies, when their eyes light up, when they want to try everything, just smiles, it makes me happy, it also brings me pleasure. when is this you see the amount of candies produced every day, you understand that you put effort into this, this is your work, and that they will go into thousands. families and will bring joy to people, this is a product, some kind of hormone of happiness, that is, you bring positivity to families, well , the heart rejoices, hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, let's talk about complex things, in simple language, today about how they changed... the rule for admission to
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our universities, who will have to improve the average score of the certificate, why in belarus again adjusts the functioning of the education system. go! before the new year 20. on december 9, our president signed a decree that changed the conditions for admission to higher and secondary educational institutions, this issue concerns thousands of belarusian families, because commentators on internet resources, out of habit, raised a ruckus on the internet, but what exactly had changed was far from understood all. those who have already entered do not want to delve into it, and those who are just preparing for admission do not know how it was before, so they cannot say whether changes will benefit the education system or not, now we will explain what... what has changed, and you will evaluate these changes yourself. the first important change that everyone who wants to enroll in universities this year needs to make to their calendars: registration for centralized testing will take place from april 9 to april 22. previously
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, it was possible to register from may 10 to june 1, that is, the event was moved back a month. it is important. it's a shame to waste a year. simply because i forgot to register for the ct on time. an application for this procedure can be submitted on paper to at specially designated registration points, or it will be possible online, but to obtain access to the central heating center you will have to go to a physical registration point. there will be about forty of them throughout the country. nothing has changed here since last year. let's say an applicant has registered for the ct. next, on may 27 , the country will simultaneously hold a centralized inspection. an exam in a subject that school graduates will choose themselves, and centralized testing for those who have graduated from schools long ago; on may 30 , the ce and ct in the russian and belarusian languages ​​will be held, which one will choose? june 3 for those interested
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only the ct in the chosen subject will be able to enroll; each applicant will determine it based on the list of certificates required for admission to the specialty of their choice. for admission, graduates need certificates in mathematics, belarusian language and chemistry. he decides to take a centralized exam in mathematics when leaving school and takes it on may 27. on may 30 he takes an exam in the belarusian language, and on june 3 he takes a ct in chemistry. on the same days, those entering not after school, who do not have valid certificates on the necessary subjects, they write ct on them on a general basis. it turns out that's it. the guys go through tests, whether it’s an exam or testing , at the same time, receive documents in their hands at the same time, and therefore are under the same load under equal conditions when submitting documents to universities. as the mother of a student who enrolled just 2 years before the concept of a centralized
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exam was introduced, i once again want to focus on how convenient it is for applicants now, they don’t need to be nervous about graduation first exams, then on three ct. 20. the implemented exams, which actually replaced graduation schools, were equated to ct. based on their results, certificates are issued that work like ct certificates and are also valid for 2 years. a person only needs to pass two exams at the end of school and pass one ct in order to have documents in hand for admission to a university. children will receive ce certificates this year in mid-june. ct is near its end. those who do not pass the ct for a good reason. will be able to do this on reserve days, they will be organized in early july, dates will be announced later. guys who took the tests last year, but didn’t make it, will be able to use last year’s certificates. at the same time, anyone who wants to improve the test result will be able
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to take it again and use the certificate with the higher score for admission. now about what has changed for gifted and motivated applicants. guys who are done. school with a gold or silver medal, as well as holders of a diploma of secondary specialized education with honors, will be able to enter regional universities without entrance examinations, they will only be given a certificate from the centralized examination for the school course. according to such light rules , only medical universities, faculties of international relations, international and economic law, jurisprudence, public administration and law, as well as oriental studies will not be admitted. you will still have to pass special internal tests if your specialty is related to creativity or physical education. it was impossible to cancel here, because according to the ce certificate, the voluminous imagination of the future architect or you can’t put a price on an athlete’s endurance. but in specialties from the list of those especially in demand
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by the economy, medalists and excellent students will be able to enter any university without entrance examinations, no matter if it is located in the region or in the capital. so far on this list. positions and can be found on the website of the ministry of education, it was approved by departmental decree number 44 of february 9, 2023, but... the list is now being revised to expand, so very soon it will change in a direction beneficial for applicants. except in addition, there will be more specialties that graduates of the national children's technology park will be able to take without entrance tests. and for children who have graduated from specialized military-patriotic classes or attended military-patriotic clubs, it will be easier for them to enter universities that train military security forces. the following changes apply to applicants who are going to study according to the target distribution. from now on, the average score of such an applicant should not be
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lower than seven. a lower figure is allowed only if a person enters a specialty from the list of those especially in demand by the economy. if not, the average score is below seven, the target does not shine. since last year, target students have been applying separately from everyone else, and they also have a separate competition, but it happens that their competition is declared unsuccessful. then the guys who went for this format of training are left without entering the university at all, now the situation has been corrected, if the competition did not take place, the target student can apply to non-target students on a general basis even after training to be assigned to the company from which i went to study. for example, one organization tells a university that it needs 10 employees, the second asks for five. the university allocates 15 places for courses for targeted students for these two employers, but one of them goes to communicate with future graduates, invites them to his workshops or office, shows how
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interesting it is to work for him and shares professional tips, the second does not nothing. 10 guys interested in the first employer enter into an agreement with him, come to the university and try to enroll in the target distribution, again declared by the second employer, do not arrive. the competition is declared invalid, and previously these 10 guys would have lost a year in the next year. now, if the competition fails, they have the prospect of receiving trained employees. they will be able to simply act with the rest of the applicants on the same basis, finish their studies within the planned period and start working in a company where they believed in their strength when they were still schoolchildren. actually, these are the main changes for applicants this year. prospects for work experience for university graduates, who are studying. paid could become the topic of another program, perhaps someday it will, but for now there is nothing to talk about
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. our youth study according to the current education code; no one has repealed it; it does not say anything about the mandatory distribution of paying students. the ministry of education worked on this issue, studied the experience of other countries, the interests of students, employers of universities, the needs of enterprises and the prospects for the development of regions, but so far there is nothing concrete... no, what it will be like when, whether it will be planned at all early on, as you can see, the changes affected completely different aspects, and conversation on this topic is pointless. for those who think that the changes in the education system are too much , it’s worth considering this: we are accelerating the economy because we are becoming a significant element of a multipolar world, such horizons are opening up for our industry that it’s scary to jinx them, and the country needs them. personnel of a new format, not just functionaries, people passionate about their work, we have a
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lot of them, the education system needed to be rebuilt so that it would be easier to identify them still at the stage of personality formation, and then let everyone open up, reforms in the educational sphere have been going on for many years and it was not good for us to follow an example here, the advice of western experts to limit schooling to four subjects and simplify the programs to the level of tic-tac-toe led ... if we were to face a fatal shortage of personnel and the collapse of the economy, we had to create a methodology for training specialists ourselves, adapting the best from the soviet school to the era of artificial intelligence flying cars. the main thing has already been done. in belarus an effective system has been created that makes it possible to identify promising personnel at the stage of study in secondary school, give them the opportunity to grow at the stage of entering universities and provide professional choice to those who are equal. passionate about self-realization in complex professions. here i would like to draw attention to an important point: for the economy there are no
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valuable or non-valuable citizens, there are only personnel units of different formats. the one who works with zeal in the field on a tractor is as valuable as the one who writes owls for this tractor. a woman who dedicated herself raising children is no less important for the country than the doctor who delivered her child. there will be no doctors, there will be no one to save children, there will be no ready women. the country of new citizens will have a hard time raising doctors. the task of the education system is to give everyone the opportunity to realize themselves in the field most suitable for them. and the main change in the operation of this mechanism is... have already happened, and the current adjustments are simply polishing the elements, and not working on mistakes, as some are trying to present. teaching young people to learn to hear themselves, and then learn implement what you hear. the older generation remembers that the desire of our children to learn largely depends on us. for those who are looking for themselves,
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master the main science in everyone’s life, the science of being happy to allow others. different from your happiness, for some it is exclusively in the family, for others they need hard work to achieve it, but remember that if at a certain stage of life you want to change one for the other or combine both options, it is never too late to work on your mistakes . belarus has everything for this conditions. i’m marina karaman and what has changed in the education system, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you later. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. today my route is built into a region of picturesque landscapes, crystal
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clear lakes and impassable swamps. we always show the knitting, my friend, the wife was terrified. bathed uladzislava francaina, who was here in the first place, when the museum was built here, when people came here and were given the same meat, for the work of our father. and we set off on an exciting journey through our country. once in this village there was a large church with two domes and a belfry with seven bells, but after the second world war the temple was closed and gradually began to be destroyed. and all the same key is given to us by the adzin from the guideline there.
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let's preserve civilization and increase wealth. results of the supreme state council of the union state. in general, our situation is developing very vigorously. trade turnover is constantly growing. russia is the largest investor. 4 billion dollars, our investors invested in economy of belarus. the whole process begins with the procurement of our own raw materials. trees are cut down on leased plots allocated by the state. some 20 years ago, they cut them and sold them as raw materials. but they stopped and restarted in time. in a country with one of the most forested areas in the world , it was natural for woodworking to take root. primokombinat today includes 43 countries around the world where we supply our products. the president of our country gives the products of our plant as souvenirs. last year in the visa-free
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okay, almost 247 citizens came to us from lithuania, about 126.00 residents and more from latvia...
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to belarus 1 news is now in the studio.


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