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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 1, 2024 1:15am-1:36am MSK

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most of all among these channels i like the kozatsky channel. those days, 1866, this canal connected lake lyuban, our lake lyuban, which is located next to divin, and the bona river. many years have passed, more than one century has passed, since then everything has changed. the cossack canal from lake lyuban is strong. tussock forest, its banks have become completely impassable, large hummocks above the knee create such big problems when you even start going to take photographs, and i go there very rarely, literally once a season, because it’s practically impossible to pass unrealistic, especially in the spring, when the cossack canal overflows and the water floods the alch forests, but there are neighboring villages near dyvin, these are khobovichi, rukhovichi, here...
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or i’m not afraid, but in general they support, follow publications in the press, many thank for the fact that they learned a lot about the natural world, that is, the same birds that they saw every day, but did not know what they were called, now they are theirs...
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when i was little, my grandmother often took me from school, then over time, i went to my mother’s work, waited for her the shift will end, now there is a café there, a date , and before they used to spin threads there, so when i came to my mother’s work, i kept saying to myself that i would be like my mother, a spinner, well, to some extent, that’s how it turned out, i’m really actually twisting... but i spin from straws, i spin, i spin various miracles from straws, the golden straw association of interests has existed in this school for almost 28 years, here in diven i studied at this school, and after graduating from art school i came to work here the head of the circle, i was very surprised today when they... when they saw me in this straw outfit,
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they looked at me with such delight, tried to touch everything, today i wanted to create a holiday atmosphere so that the children could feel not only the straw in their hands, but could see what is made of this straw, what beauty can be create, all conditions have been created for children, at school, in kindergarten, arts, there are many associations of interests, children study with pleasure, there is a sunday school where children attend classes. in our devin there are two churches, paroskeva church fridays, as our locals say, the pieta church, and the prechestsky church, there are two parishes in devin and people from certain streets come. to one church
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, from other streets to another church , that is, there is a choice, in my native dyven, in principle , you can live, you don’t have to rush to the city, there is natural gas, there is running water on the central streets and a lot of shops, the infrastructure is well developed , transport is good and public, we have several enterprises in dyven, this is the dyven... smelting workshop, there are still a sewing enterprise, this is a foreign investor who tried his best, there is a hospital, a school , a kindergarten, an art school, a cultural center, various several agricultural farms, people work in the fields, basically everyone has their own plots, they grow various vegetables there, some are engaged in fruits , there are gardens. people, or at least
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some kind of fruit crops, are sure to have it on their property, many are fond of beekeeping, we have places in the vicinity of divin. where not only are there apiaries, but also small areas like this, where there are several hives, and there are apiaries for several dozen hives , beekeepers bring their hives on platforms, i wouldn’t want to live permanently in the city, after all, nature, my native places are closer to me, and even if i then at that time in the nineties i was not interested in photography. i knew little about the plants and animals of my native land, but still, i stayed here in dyven , it turned out not in vain, because i fell in love with nature so much, i merged with it so much that now i can’t imagine myself somewhere else, well, just so go
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somewhere to see something, yes, sometimes i even want to live only here in my native town.
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kali bachysh, what kind of outstanding people were born in the day, you might think that they were more reasonable for us. architecture, entire countries speak to us in this way, and we can understand that. viciebsk town hall - classic pasta of the yuletide independence of belarus in the era
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of light. this is a duet of high-quality fashionable classicism and elaborate graceful baroque architecture. the town hall is all its own. from wood and burned ў 1624 recent pasture garadzhan suprat zhorstka uniyatska biskup iasafat kuntsevich. it is against the rights of the populace. in 1644
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, the king of poland and prince vykael gave the go-ahead for his services in the war of russia . the town hall was a cornerstone. the basement of the roof and the internal panoramic yard were paved with stone, although the small exterior and small façade of the town hall had not been chalked at all. yes, a 19-hectare patch. it will burn out and the heat will burn out several times. viciebsk town hall the navat strategy for the simple function of selecting members of the magistrate became a lucrative task for viciebsk. first of all, it is important for the city of draulians to have regular problems with
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the fire. і viciebsk town hall, like any other one, was dam_nant and adapable because it was not a cistern, so it’s not clear. any city has a city , an adsyul and such a name, navat syrod vіtsebsk , and it seems from time to time, that kalancha, the so -called vitsebsk rada, it seems, that gеta... just an adsylka, that was ў 19, the beginning of the 20th century, vykarystanne town hall yak point, as a means of monitoring the city, the adjuvant could then easily drop the signal to the sky and already fight for the city’s firemen. the new mural town hall lay on the market square on two palovayas, at the sides of which there were front and rear facades, and on the side of the 19th century... and the paunchnaya façade of the town hall building had two-pavement carpus, like i created
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the inconspicuous interiors of the panadvorak, forgotten in the hour of enchantment of the grandiose redevelopment . in 1833, on the upper tier , the curtains were tired, the mechanism of the gates was on months. then the final shatser replaced the pole with the appearance of ratonda and the spire. we are all looking at... the statue of the big hall façade and the meetings and on the pink illustrations on the other side of this folded pabudova, the carps in the blocks, the original gandley pabudovas from the shops on the first tops, from the warehouses on the other surfaces at the top, there would be a courtyard inside, it was all working, and it was an inadvertent part of the town hall, we just don’t go out for hours... we don’t know what such a thing is there, but for the people who
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have been profiting there for 200 years, yana they went to the town hall, went there further, were in these stores, went out to the market square, and sold it all completely. in 1775 , the earliest month, there was a town hall. gety budynak, it’s true, they look like they’ve been born again, they’re obsessed with our zen. pershapachatkova it would be simple in plan and two-story with four tiered vaults at the center of the facade. it ended with a flimsy tent with a spire. the body of the town hall was furnished with its own vault pastaments , and the vault was built on its own there are several different heights and decorative tiers, in which the concave tops of the scenes are typical for baroque. slab plaster. cornices and folded profiles. the section of the façade galley and
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the entire structure is decorated with flat pilasters at the top of the entire top and is cut with rectangular and beam window openings. the ceiling has wing-linear contours, and the tiers are added to each other with folded cornices. the cut corners of the curtains are decorated with pilasters, which are the basis of all currencies. yana give a budynka asable urachysta. and experience the luxury that is so characteristic of baroque and classicism. for us, the padzels of rechy paspalitay meli are not just a sense, yes, of changing the palette card, this was a more important and global, civilized process. we became a frequent russian empire, which did not care for self-care. magdeburg rights, freedom, which surrounded the gentry and the people, all this became a frequent story. at the end of the russian empire, the empress
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katsyaryna was in power, a grant of grant to the garads, which would have given the populated areas of the empire new autonomy, the establishment of a social apex, the repair of roads and all that. x not great at the first glance, private ones seem to be satisfial tasks. the viciebsk town hall was in the new varunka pavement. it’s just the place where the main administrative services of the current provincial city went. the interior of the building was built in the 80s, 20 years ago, the city hall was transferred to the capital of the museum, there was a kanchatkova original argynal layout, with the memory switched off
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on the ground floor on top and і sutarennyaў. the roof of the perch on top of the roof is built on the glazing slabs, carved from the masonry technique. elachkay. the kryzhapodobnaya sutarenna is folded with four strips of formwork, which is similar to the memory of the syredzina. all these slabs cover the square and close space and create. central campasis. the formworks serve not only the elements of the structure, but also the arganic part of the architectural architectural campaign, their softened face. the parameters fitted to the adzinam system, such sealed frames abapirrajutstsa scenes, uniformly transfer the load on top of all body parameters budynka. another palova of 18 hectares of stagodzia for the architecture of belarus is buried under the signs of vilenskaga baroka. the vilensk baroque, if you want, this is the third step in the evolutionary
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style of this style, as well as the maximum number of carnivorous trotters. vilenskaya baroka, in the opposite direction of baroka, for example, in italy, spain, was very cold, spidery, fashioned, then the side was not cut and coated with cancer and pompousness and pomp, on the contrary, completely cold, decadent raslena, strymana. baroque styles and classicism have become harmless let's develop ideas on the 17th century, a bunch of new times. the baroque style would be for... clicks of the primordial demonstration of luxury and wealth. the well-being of the fallen ematics, dynamism and rationalism and expression, in that time, as classicism is characterized by the most flattering patterns of antiquity and high-quality prostata. the baroque broadcasts ceremonial and pompousness, ancient illusions, which are said by the
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ensigns, classicism - the ruler, the harmonics of the ensign and the functional nature. what is the date of classicism, eighty flat façade, like us at the same time, they have been destroyed at once, since the 19th century the previous level is important, such a great campaign, to the right to the left hell zero, for all i understand, not the lid of the cabinet, we know that the tretsi on top of the z'eev pachatak getai vezhy, here's the tsikava it was like this vezha there grew from these two tops and went further, and the vezha... this asable one here is flat, and the vezha is not in the middle of flat scenes, they are concave, or if they are concave, then what is on the corner, and here is concave, here it is concave, and the flames are burning, and that timid masters, they are creating a vast this is the corner, and there are such flat cavalachka stsyanki, i think, there are
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such dappled stripes on these, well, such an element, like a matte, there that well, all the same on the flanks of some kind of peacock. what are the cornices here, baroque cornices ? prices atrymlivaetstsa, we know adkіdvaetstsa, and this façade is alive all the time, because the prices are crumbling on this façade, and the rosy height. these tiers, different dimensions of the windows, here, everything here is representative of the image of how it was born. characteristic details of baroka - this rich patchwork, flamboyant and jumping, balconies and bay windows, and a yashche vyalikaya kolkastsya raskravovak, geta, kali adrezak scyany radiated forward or back from all parts of the beast yes from below.
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prykmetami baroka dachshund is rich. inspired by classicism and baroque architecture, the viciebsk town hall has incorporated its own decorative elements based on these architectural guidelines, but not outdated, but rather chargovai reconstruction changes the external appearance. yes, the new trains on top and the trunks of the minimalist fronton of the cardinal changed and the parachute
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of the ideal ensigns of the town hall. there was ease and grace. porcik. the streets of the town hall were installed and the public windows were removed from the town halls, and the aggressive appearance of the lynxes became dangerous . the architects were forced to wriggle out, others on top of the tower were jumping and two balconies with openwork parenches. geta ўўѕе was ўrоblenа і іѕ іnоlу іtау: іsgladzіtsіtsіdavochnі masіўnаst budynka і і і dat іѕ thе town hall іѕ large lightness, greatness and greatness. it is necessary to heal the month, what i am borrowing, the month in the city's future situation, the street in the fall and the rise of the market , everything. yana close this whole thing, and for closing the boundary velmі padyhodzila, and also contrast and all that...


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