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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 1, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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the yuan has fallen in price, the russian ruble has risen in price. so, american currency costs 3 rubles 22 kopecks. euro 3.49. for 10 yuan they give 4 rubles 45 kopecks. and 100 russian rubles are 3.54 belarusian. where people most often fly from the belarusian capital was told at the national airport. among regular destinations , the highest demand and workload is observed on flights to moscow, st. petersburg, dubai and istanbul. for example, there are 12 flights daily to the russian capital. four to nanev and 17 weekly flights to dubai. concerning charters, then the turkish and egyptian directions are in the lead. more than 360,000 passengers flew to these countries in 2023. and finally, china has reduced the import of imported cars by 9% in 2023. as a result , 800 million cars were imported. at the same time, the celestial empire is demonstrating record export sales. it grew by 60% compared to the level. 2022,
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in parallel, sales of new cars in the domestic market showed an increase of 12%, reaching 30 million units. thus, china confirms its status as a world leader in the automotive industry with a total fleet of 340 million cars. this was the economic news, have a nice day, see you later. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program zone x, i’m yuri shevchuk, hello! a large shipment of mephedrone was intercepted by drug control operatives in vitebsk, and the courier was also detained. twenty-seven-year-old resident of the mogilev region. worked for an online
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drug store, he received large quantities of goods from the curator, divided them into small parts and distributed them through caches with bookmarks. this time the defendant had to equip caches with mephedrone, or as drug dealers themselves also call it meow, in vitebsk and its suburbs, but it didn’t happen, local drug control fighters intervened in his plans. it was established that the youngest of the detainees found an offer for criminal part-time work on a social network and an offer. friends took part, they managed to work for 2 days, part of the money was transferred to the employer, but the police seized more than 100 thousand rubles in equivalent and returned them to the rightful owners, the defendants face up to 10 years in prison. vladimir korolev prepared a review of criminal and emergency, it will continue to release. in a fit of rage, he set the house on fire. shklov investigators opened a criminal case against... a pensioner, because of whom
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his wife suffered. a drunken man demanded money from his wife for a drink, but having received a refusal, he doused the carpet with gasoline, where a woman was lying on a bed nearby, and set it on fire. what was happening was noticed by a taxi driver who was passing by, he called a fire ambulance, and the victim is now in the hospital. the ministry of emergency situations arrived and extinguished the fire, and an ambulance took the victim to the hospital. it has been established that the house belongs to the grandson of the elderly couple. the shklov district department of the investigative committee has opened a criminal case against a sixty-six-year-old man under part two of article 218 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. this is the deliberate destruction of someone else's property, committed in a generally dangerous way. in minsk , a toyota driver was detained who caused an accident on mkat and then fled. the accident occurred on thursday in the area of ​​​​the lagoisky
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tract. while driving, the toyota lost control and collided with iveka, ejecting minibus road. having rolled, iveka crashed into the support of a self-service car wash. the minibus driver was hospitalized. soon the driver of the toyota, who drove away from the scene of the accident, was also detained. a criminal case has been opened against him for violating traffic rules, causing serious injury. these shots are from babruisk, late in the evening the forty-one-year-old owner of the citraen decided to teach a friend how to drive. both were drunk at the time of the accident. the trip did not last even 2 minutes, the driver lost control, drove off the road and collided with parked cars, examination showed that the woman had over two ppm of alcohol, there were no injuries, both face a fine. he taught me, yes, before, you didn’t have any experience, yes, you had, but yes.
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a ten-year-old boy fell into a mud trap while walking after school, the teenager got stuck waist-deep and couldn’t get out on his own, eyewitnesses called 101. an explosion in vitebsk, where specialists from the vits rescue team carried an unused pumping station, dismantling was carried out in two stages. in january they blew up the lower level of the nine-meter building, the day before explosives technicians demolished the remaining part, planting 18 kg of explosives. this was the project zone x, our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. stay with us on belarus 1, because tonight we will summarize the week with fioletta sokalovich, have a nice day.
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march is the beginning of spring, this is why this happens, yes, when you want not just to talk, but to directly sing, because the official, calendar spring has come, we congratulate you, friends, but not everyone is so enthusiastic, some they feel a loss of strength, saying that this is vitaminosis, is there such a thing as vitaminosis at all, we’ll ask our wonderful svetlana kashitskaya right now , the most popular nutritionist, we are visiting, good morning, good, good morning, let’s go straight away, vitamin deficiency is a condition when you... generally completely lack some vitamin or group of vitamins, but if you eat, this does not happen, my dears, so there is another story, a deficiency of some vitamin or group of vitamins,
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then you experience certain symptoms, it’s fatigue, it’s really a bad mood, it’s a dull complexion , it’s i can’t sleep, i’m... depressed, i don’t feel well, i’m irritated, uh-huh, and that’s all , that’s it, it’s all about vitamin deficiency, so vitamins can help us restore energy, increase immunity and prepare for our spring season, okay, but it turns out that i, for example, saw a dull complexion, which means i think that i lack vitamin c, i go to the pharmacy, buy vitamin c , or you still need to go somewhere else, well, let's start with where they are take it, now i’ll tell you which ones? we contain vitamins in our foods, and minerals, by the way, which are the most important for us in the spring, for example, vitamin c stimulates the production of the antiviral hormone interferon, sources: cranberries,
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sauerkraut, parsley, lemons. it’s wonderful, it seems to me, that our people use vitamin c to treat absolutely everything, from viral diseases to dull complexion. absolutely true, and the most important thing is that many people think that these are citrus fruits, no. top products are sauerkraut, by the way, kiwi, you know, you can’t add sauerkraut to tea when you’re sick, you really want this tea with lemon, everything is separate, sauerkraut is a separate tea, then it’s very important. the group of vitamins b1 is important - a natural antidepressant, it improves our mood, where to get it, legumes, grains, bran, nuts, seeds, light, by the way, i noticed that lately i have been drawn to legumes, i really really want it, it’s not just like that, the body always screams at you which vitamin is missing, so it’s drawn to the product, start eating it, it’s very important vitamin b2, because it accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranes and skin. increases visual acuity, but also stimulates the production of hemoglobin, where to get it in cottage cheese, in
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cereals, especially buckwheat-oatmeal, in nuts, especially almonds, firewood and greens. vitamin b4, here, girls, we are losing weight , prevents fatty infiltration of the liver, improves fat metabolism, that is, helps to lose weight faster, normalizes blood viscosity, sources: full-fat cottage cheese, chicken yolks. dates, nuts, seeds, that is, we understood you correctly, light, b4 will help us bring get into shape this season faster, you know, they’ve already shed their coats soon, and there’s a plus2, some +3, some +5, and some +8, vitamin b6 improves lipid and protein metabolism , so again it helps to lose weight, most of it is in pistachios, sunflower seeds, garlic, sesame seeds and brown rice, by the way, it is also purer. vitamin b8 again improves lipid, energy and cholesterol metabolism, which
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contains egg yolk, boiled, please, in nuts, in rice bran, in wheat sprouts, in dates, vitamin e, i wanted to say, you know, there is too much vitamin b, someone else will tell us something, here it is, this is a beauty vitamin, it accelerates the elimination of toxic substances, improves blood circulation. organs and of course the beauty of our skin, sources of all unrefined oils, nuts, further, vitamin a is very important for beauty, but it is not only for beauty, it increases the activity of leukocytes, these are our most important protectors of the body from bacteria viruses, and improves our, well, let's say, beauty, the composition of our hair, our skin, where?
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go down your nose, get tested, we can do this in our laboratories. and you will see your shortcomings. but i really liked sveta
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’s phrase that if we eat at least something, then vitamins enter our body. therefore, right now i suggest that we, of course, refresh ourselves. we have anatoly moiseev, and he has breakfast. svetlana, well , we say thank you very much for visiting us this morning. that's it, let's go have breakfast. good morning, today for breakfast a simple, very tasty cauliflower casserole with cheese, just add vitamins. to prepare it we will need cauliflower, pasta, milk, cheese, salt and pepper. boil pasta in boiling salted water until al dente. we divide the well-washed cauliflower into inflorescences. place them in a saucepan, add milk and cook for 15 minutes until the cabbage is soft. salt and pepper. grind the finished cabbage together with milk using a blender until smooth and creamy
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. grate the cheese on a fine grater. mix pasta, cauliflower sauce and 2/3 cheese. place the pasta with cauliflower sauce in a baking dish. sprinkle the remaining cheese on top, place in the oven and bake at 180° for 20 minutes. the casserole with cauliflower sauce turns out tender, creamy and very tasty; it is perfect for breakfast for anyone who adheres to a healthy diet and even those. who is on a diet, because due to its low calorie content and high fiber content, cauliflower has the ability to quickly fill you up, you will definitely like this breakfast, bon appetit and good mood, table, net, special mount, rackets and
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ball - this is all necessary for table tennis, but do kids know about this? this is definitely a net, we definitely don’t have this in karate, these are the kind of sticks they put up for tennis, tie them here, and then one person throws the second person throws, maybe it ’s tied around the belt, probably, but we don’t have one like that in choriography, what’s that? like that, yes i understand, i understand. so pass through these holes which ones these are for the little one tennis, i have a table like this on the street, it ’s called the game tennis, but you have to hit it like this , you have to hit it with rackets like this,
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you have to hit it with these rackets, you take it here. i’ll guess, this past year we visited khmelev, in the zhabinka region. in 1725, the people published the savior-abrazhenskaya church, one of the oldest churches in braščin, and the hallowed temple of the men's monastery. geta is a lark,
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i am a bird. and with old traditions and new life. oh, why the hell, the beast is flying. oh, early, early, early, beast she was flying, singing, she was flying. it’s been a while since the projects started.
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we are all aware that it is a non- magnetic phenomenon, as long as the right little one was being washed away, and we did not know these lions. let's return to the gistarych past. sergey davidovich, known as a writer and a writer. there are many sculptures in the city, and there are several sculptures that you can see in the gallery. passadzitsa on the skates, pastavits on the skates and pastavits on the bicycle of the young man, well, that’s natural. and how much do our uncles and grandmothers borrow from belarus? therefore, then, when you are young, god will require a loan. look at the project for cultural appreciation.
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today it’s especially nice for the whole country to say good morning belarus, wake up, our dear beloved tv viewers, on the calendar march 1st, friday, spring has officially arrived, friends, and spring, it seems to me, is everywhere , on the calendar, outside the window, and most importantly in the soul in your heart, katya, you feel, of course, i’ve been feeling these feelings for three hours now, i hope these feelings are conveyed to all our viewers, but in general it’s accepted all over the world. consider march 1st the most positive day of the year, because today you can compliment everyone around you without any embarrassment, thus giving a good mood to those around you, although it seems to me that this is not what is possible. but you should always do it, yes, because today is also the international day of compliments, that’s what we’re talking about, take similar kind of relay races from us, right now, give compliments throughout
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the day, not just today, let this be the rule your life, and of course, in answer, be sure to smile, will someone definitely give you a compliment, saying you have such a beautiful smile? yes, indeed, this is what residents and guests of the belarusian capital did in our next story, let’s watch it quickly. so you walk like this and think , why didn’t this handsome man tell me what i’m like, no, the main thing for me is that my husband doesn’t say, good morning, the first day of spring pleases us with beautiful weather, and i will please you with the most positive question , find out from passers-by what compliments they get most often everything, and what they would really like to hear and not only, what a sunshine, we lift people’s spirits, there is no girl, there is no girl, we’ll find him now. tell me what compliments men most often give you to such beauties, a gorgeous smile, they just tell me, very stylish, you look beautiful, and
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it’s true, they don’t lie to you, you’re a very smart person, they’re the ones who get to know you a little longer, i’m right , well, that’s good too, stylish, sweet, beloved, beloved, mommy, beloved, and what kind of woman is a man, yes, if you’ll dress beautifully, of course, oh, what a woman, you’re sweet, you’re kind, big as a closet, my love. it’s good that i have a cute snub nose and nose, that i’m great, well , well done, the main thing is that what a smile, look what the most unusual compliment you gave to your beautiful girlfriend, and that she’s smart, probably beautiful , wifey, what were the most unusual compliments you received from girls, i love you back too, so you already had a declaration of love, yes, what am i cheerful about? unusual in your opinion a compliment, right? well, probably yes , a classmate told me that i look like one character from his favorite game, don’t pass by, come to us, you have to tell me
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quickly, five compliments, and about the girl, come on, ready, 1, 2, three, sweetheart, beautiful, that’s not five - that’s two, well, yes, that’s why there’s no girl, smart girl. handsome, purposeful, hardworking, loving, thank you very much, we recognize you from the architectural memories of belarus from different eras. i'm getting cold. byzantine architecture, which has passed its time hryshchenem, yana sur'yozna floated on the old russian style.
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and that’s all that we really know from the 19th century, this is the main palitichny project. russian style. he is working on and digging out such significant elements of that old architecture, otherwise things would have already become different. let's embrace their history. and here are the facts: the theater, mass theaters were built from outstanding red tags, and all this freedom, it was a white color that worked in contrast and madness, emphasized the importance of these elements, a bank of 20 -ga stagodzia ўzho it was planned for our father, there was a great amount of historical monuments with quarters for supraconika, looking at the project... architecture of belarus on our tv channel. i am
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belarusian. i look forward to this cossack land, between the woods and the forests of hell , the miracles of the past lived. i am belarus, i am ghanaian. that i have this name, and the good glory of belarus is known to everyone for good reason, i am belarusian, and i am happy, that matsivova gave me, that i smell the native song of the peraliva and am close from afar, i am belarusian, and at least this time i will tell you , i'm giving birth from the pakorn tribe, and not by any means i'm going to start laughing, we are happy that spring has come, we are filled with love, kindness, positivity, by the way, it seems to me that this is exactly what will never go out of fashion, neither kindness nor positivity,
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it will always be relevant. yes, this is a permanent accessory that is truly valued in the world of high fashion, no less than the history of legendary fashion houses. but we will still tell you about fashion houses. so, fashion week in paris has started, or rather, it is already approaching the finale, but we have something to tell you, but really fashion week is taking place right now, as part of the largest fashion event , the fashion house deor presented its new collection. for this show, creative director marie grazia curie took inspiration from the transitional era of the late sixties, the year in which the famous women's line miss dior was born. this line of the brand began to be sold without individual tailoring in special boutiques. and this helped not only to reduce the price due to mass production of products, but also made it possible for fashion lovers to afford buy clothes from the brand for yourself. a reference to this period were the inscriptions of miss dior at this show in paris. what else was remarkable about this show? of course, autumn
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trends, because we are already looking at how we should dress. fall, so, next fall the designer suggests wearing beige trench coats, sand-colored tuxedos, golden knitted two-pieces, minimalist floor-length dresses, turtlenecks, jackets, sparkling translucent cardigans, dresses with sequins, as well as eye-catching items with leopard print and clear checks, high loose ones leather underforts and felt hats complement the looks, long pendants, small pair of sunglasses, everything would be fine, but there is a small fly in the ointment in this... fashion story. some fashion critics did not appreciate this vision of autumn, as well as the entire show as a whole. they say that many of the outfits are from previous collections, although what’s wrong with that, and if good collections were created before, yes, and they also say that the new looks seemed heavy, gloomy and boring to them. we're just getting ready for autumn, so... let it be so. listen, what’s wrong with nude shades of some bedding?
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note that they are offered. at the same time, in sparkles, in sequins, whatever way you look at it, it still looks bright, that is, don’t be afraid of nude shades, thanks to the sequins, it all also looks very festive, yes, in general, we defended dior, yes criticized the critics, that’s who we are today, well, by the way, yes, if for the critics this show looked boring and maybe even gloomy, then they obviously liked it show in milan, where the models were generally bombarded with, you know, what, garbage, the unexpected performance of the scandinavian brand shocked... fashion, well, in that case, what did the designers want to tell us, as they say, what message did they have? yes, let's figure it out, let's start from the very beginning. the start was made even before the show began, everyone present was given buckets of garbage collected right before the shows, and fashionistas were also asked not to be shy, to behave as freely as possible, and that meant they could throw garbage at any model, well, as the creators of the brand explained, in this way they want to highlight
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a topical problem, namely those... psychological violence in social networks, and also remind how important it is to remain a real person in the era of haters, some bots, some sofa critics endless, yes, according to eyewitnesses, such a message at first slightly confused the guests of the fashion show, i understand them, but after that everyone got involved in the process and happily threw away their souls by throwing garbage at the girls and guys parading, only i really, really liked them it’s a pity, because well, it seems to me very difficult, very difficult, but there is still a plus in this story, you know what, well, at least they collected garbage from the streets of milan and this... and scattered it on the podium, well, i hope that they collected then, for dessert during the show, the brand left another no less shocking surprise; during the final walk of the show , creative director beata carlson appeared on the podium, but instead of applause from the audience and models, you know what, she got a cake in the face, yes, it was so intended , well, of course i don’t want anyone offend, but it’s better to attract attention to yourself with fashion if you’re a fashion designer, and not like the show that’s going on around you.
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fashion, it turns out that if we are talking specifically about this show, then the show is now not only about fashion and about trends, now it is probably more about self-expression, and this is wonderful, friends, street stylers know how to express themselves and some designers spy on them on the streets, they say how he dresses and you can see that scarves were popular this season, i think they will be relevant in the following, because it’s cold, here are the scarves, how to mix and style them correctly, we’re with you now and we’ll look at professional advice from stylists. enveloping you in warmth and providing a feeling of comfort is not the only purpose of this accessory. today we’ll talk about fashionable scarves this season. according to one version, scarves were first worn in ancient egypt. there is evidence that nefertiti wore it over her headdress. they were also used by different segments of the population in rome. this accessory first appeared in ancient china. in 1974, archaeologists discovered
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monumental burials dating back to the reign of the chinese emperor. 7,500 figures of warriors and old cats were found in the tomb. each sculpture of a soldier had a scarf around his neck. consider white color, it can refresh any look and make your look elegant or daring. its texture plays a decisive role. heavy knitted models or light and weightless, like a cloud, with or without a smooth texture, can be trendy. you can take this one an accessory for a contrasting outfit, but in the new season the trend for a single one has been set. color palette, when all the elements of the image are the same tone and it is not clear where the boundaries between them are. the most popular type of scarf for fall and winter, the standard classic knitted version should be in the wardrobe of every fashionista. a stylish element will not only become a beautiful
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accent, but will warm you up in the cool season, which makes it universal. in this look , we selected an accessory to match the color of the main ensemble. here we have predominantly black and white shades. image in itself, quite brutal , it’s perfect for city everyday life. in the second look we used a scarf as a headdress accessory. we chose a calm, pastel color; the shades go perfectly with the clothes the model is wearing with a sweater and skirt. today, the relevance of a piece of clothing that came from antiquity is undeniable. a large number of its varieties have come into fashion. scarves cover not only the neck, but also other parts. head, shoulders, waist, hips. a well- chosen accessory will not only protect you from bad weather, but will also become a stylish addition to your outfit. along. the model can be either plain or decorated with a simple or complex geckard pattern, all you have to do is choose yours.
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friends, i remind us all that today we celebrate friday together, march 1st on our calendar, this means that the weekend is just around the corner, and we love to make plans for the weekend. yes, and we have a wonderful colleague svetlana barovskaya. who doesn’t sit at home, she inspires us to go on holiday this weekend, where to send her, to which belarusian city for now, let’s find out from the announcement, well watch the program release tomorrow at 9:10 on belarus 1, this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to karelichi, the horses are standing, it will be possible to have these horses, straw ones, eh? my god, dear parents , karelich, please forgive me, but still people, yes, with their feelings, passions , worries, yes, simply, and you are a master of your craft, fell, cheerfully, cheerfully, you understand
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how an abandoned village became a hotel , in what languages ​​does the vocal group arieta sing, why does an artist couple have an old estate, you will find out in the new issue of the program already in this one. baby, listen, i know that this happens, forgive me, please, that i pestered you with these claps, they painted the windows, it’s already fun, there’s no light, i said to the hostess, what kind of light is it in the 15th century, in the 19th, listen, well, i’ve already rounded it up, let’s just say, my god, how touching all the children in korilichi are, i can’t stand these girls. further you know, i don’t know this, oh you, because you are young, you turned it off, turn everything off, i told you, turn it off, only for our tv viewers,
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we choose the best routes, we are in small town, radn region called bridges. welcome. having eaten too much for a long time, they could not eat either baked fish or fish soup. they just sat and talked. sto-lin. since then the name of the city has come. stolin. and we set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the 15th century there was a large settlement on this site. and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, the neman brez-vilnius route. almanac and completely. a real tourist highlight, the only ones preserved in their natural state in belarus and largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty- nine years. i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture.
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sidewalks and highways appeared, trees were planted and new beautiful buildings were built. to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. when he moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed. and were transported by the believers themselves, the jews, from one place to another, now, as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors have begun to appear, of course. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. we let us introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the countryside. vladimir aleksandrovich, i know that you have a lot of crops growing here, that’s right, but the three most important ones are potatoes; this enterprise produces from 4 to 6,000 tons of potatoes per year. and you are the same family who once in their life bought one piece of land,
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restored a house there, could no longer stop, yes, they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business. our bathhouse is located right on the shore the old bed of the islych river, it’s now frozen, 50 meters from here you run through a small forest, there we have our own beach directly with the isloch river itself, if on... how early potatoes begin to be harvested from the field, the ones that are not harvested, here this one, i take it home , boiled it, removed the skin, that’s it, well, i removed the skin, everything that ’s smaller is much healthier, because the amount of endospesperm, what’s most useful, it’s under the skin, i’m a project from the village, look on the belarus tv channel on
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march 24, friday, spring has officially entered our rights and right now we, ekaterina
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antonova, olga venskaya, are appealing to dear weather, please, weather, turn on the sun, well, i think that the weather hears us, and today we already told the forecast, it will be sunny, but you know, with the same request not only we are performing, but our next guests, we are glad to welcome the belarusian group kozanostra to our studio again, this time with the premiere of a music video, hello guys, hello, hello guys, glad to see you, glad that you have such cool news. the first day of spring you filmed video for the song turn on the sun, but it seems to me that the modern video is divided into several categories, just a video sequence without meaning, but beautiful, or some kind of dramaturgy, plot, your video, what is it, what genre does it belong to, we have a serious topic is actually touched upon in the video, yes, despite the fact that the title is so bright, turn on the sun - this is a collective concept, the most...
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what can be bad is a very sad end for the earth, for the planet, if we let's not start treating each other kinder, and not change our values, we will turn them on or not. for some technical issues, here, the second
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shooting day was a full 15 hours, this was studio filming or on the street, it was a large pavilion, yes, by movie, well, our producers didn’t let us get cold or bored, we had warm blankets, we had thermal underwear , we had endless hot tea, that is, we didn’t feel any discomfort at all, you know, what’s most interesting is when such a big job is being done, the team is working so actively, when you saw this video, what was it like? your first thought, the finished result, yes, director , very talented, young, very modest, very modest, your first opinion when you saw it, the first word you said, i had no words, i had no words, because that i cried, it means there will be a wow effect, promise friends, let's see if you have the words now, now we, together with you and our viewers, will watch the music video for the song turn on the sun from the group
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cosanostra, watch. we are looking for thoughts in empty pages of other people's deceptions and voices, empty numbers, empty faces, we lose ourselves in empty eyes, we step to the left into someone else's abyss, not distinguishing between play and life, we change our essence. to uselessness and sell ourselves for the right to be, for the right to be, turn on the sun, let the world warm, turn on the sun, if there is no heat,
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turn on the sun in our hearts, quickly turn on the sun, the world is worn out. we let go without regret of everything that is holy and that is the essence, we forget the words of forgiveness, we search for our own path without reason, we wander to the left into bullshit demons, not distinguishing between the game and life, the essence changes to without... useful and we sell ourselves for the right to be, for the right to be, for the right to be, the right to be, turn on the sun, let the world warm , turn on the sun, if there is no heat, turn on the sun, in
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our hearts, rather, turn on the sun, turn on the sun, turn it on. the sun, let the world warm, turn on the sun, if there is no heat, turn on the sun in the hearts quickly, turn on the sun in the world. turn on the sun, let the world warm, turn on the sun, if there is no detail, turn on the sun in the hearts, rather, turn on the sun in the world from you sun, sun, light, turn on the sun
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in our hearts rather,
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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the studio. lazovik, good morning, in this issue: the network is reading the barrier and the entry sign is prohibited, lithuania has stopped allowing vehicles to pass at two crossings, they even turned around a bus full of people with polish license plates. expected event for...


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