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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 1, 2024 1:50pm-2:05pm MSK

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commits suicide in the world, thousands of doctors went on strike, thousands of doctors and trainees quit, the reason for the government’s plans is to solve the problem of shortage of specialists, primarily in rural areas, as now in south korea the quota for training doctors is just over 3,000 places for the entire country, from next year they want to increase the threshold to 5,000, by the thirty-fifth year to increase it to 10,000 places, because... the shortage of specialists is expected to be
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around 15,000 doctors. korea's population is rapidly aging, demand for medical services are growing, especially from older people. today there are 2 and a half doctors per thousand people. what's the problem, you ask? the problem is that current doctors believe that the emergence of additional specialists will democratize, that is, it will reduce their salaries. according to the law of the market. well, in general, they don't want prices. few people think about this, but today’s world is almost completely free from pain; even 200 years ago it did not leave a person from birth to grave, that is, the famous religion is the opium of the people meant among other things, that prayer is the only salvation from physical torment, humanity did not know any other painkillers, but...
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they performed a miracle, pharmacology saved people from suffering, thereby prolonging their lives, making them happy and serene. the joy was short-lived; medicine today is again beginning to fall into insignificance. over the past two years , newspaper headlines have increasingly screamed: life expectancy is decreasing around the world. in the states the reduction was 6 months, in spain as much as a year and a half. we must understand that we are not talking about specific problems of omissions here. individual governments. healthcare is facing a crisis of global proportions. now the alarm bell rings, the personnel crisis in european medicine. it won’t start tomorrow, it’s already here. in the old world, healthcare has long become a global parasite. in the united kingdom, doctors are mainly from india and pakistan. local graduates of medical universities, having received their diplomas, board planes in almost entire parallels and fly from delhi and karachi to london. from point of view.
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salaries have actually been frozen for 15 years, and island doctors see everything differently: they have shrunk twice and thrice, because inflation is raging and reaches 10% per annum. as a result, the endless revolt of doctors has been going on for almost a year and does not promise to soon. ends, the authorities even passed a law banning strikes in this area, and they threaten to replace orderlies with soldiers without diplomas of experience. similar processes are taking place throughout the rest of europe, polish doctors are fleeing en masse to germany, graduates of romanian honeys leave almost all of western europe every year, but the great migration from kulaapy it doesn’t solve problems and only creates new ones. in the east, medicine is deteriorating, but in the west.
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too, because newcomers greatly lower the bar for quality, salaries in the industry, and the efficiency of medical care. the entire last year has been the usual state of european medicine, strikes, ultimatums to the authorities, refusal to fulfill demands for new strikes. in january, for example, the germans went on strike, a little earlier - the french and the spanish, and the scots and the irish. medicine is becoming less accessible and more commercial, although it would seem that america is an example. everyone should be science: in the states they treat well when the patient is swollen from money, he is prescribed such a diet that he instantly loses financial weight. what is mass commercial medicine ? the american opioid crisis has shown that for 20 years now, in the states, the number of prescriptions for pain-relieving drugs with a narcotic component has been growing. more than 200 million of them are prescribed per year. it is easier to buy the drug at a pharmacy than aspirin, every year out of 100 thousand.
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20 citizens of apiata are killed, almost as many are killed on the streets in chicago, the most dangerous city in america. added to more quenching drugs 40 million people, but who , to be honest, counted them, in general, in the states there is enough opium for the people, no religion is needed, enough prescriptions are prescribed, and the interns’ strike in south korea became another proof: there is no corner on the planet where the medical crisis would not have raged in full force. 900 graduates of medical universities refuse to go to work for...
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and in korea and in europe, in the states, because the disease is not treated, but is driven into misery. in a world where health is measured in money, money ends up making health unimportant. trifle. and now to the achievements of modern pr. by the way, this is a skill that post-soviet countries almost do not know how to play, they still have some difficulty within themselves, but at the international level there is nothing special to boast about. recently , such an extravagant showbiz personality as kanye west, musician and fashion designer, demonstrated a real lesson in how to make big money from nothing and
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subvert the capitalist system, this despite constant attempts to plunge him into cancel culture. in the usa there is actually a national holiday. superball, final championship game national football league. appearing there is instant fame across all 50 states. the pleasure costs 7 million dollars. stinging price tag. what did kani do? first, he posted a provocative video with a black model on his instagram, indicating that this was an advertisement for the super bowl. a discussion immediately broke out in the comments: will they be allowed to broadcast this? of course not. the video quickly gained 25 million views, which is only four times less than the super bowl itself, and what was shown was just blatant mockery, filmed on mobile phone, in the dark, gleaming with titanium fixes, kani mumbled something barely
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intelligible for 30 seconds, how much does such a production cost, not at all, 0 dollars 0 cents. great, this is kani, and this is like my commercial, or rather , i have already spent all the money on buying time on the broadcast, so there is no money left for the commercial. what's the catch? go to my website, i ’ll spell it out for you now, and i’ll write its name below, i have all kinds of shoes there and, well, that’s all. at first glance it looks kind of rural fool, but this is not so. having spent zero on production, kani. in the end, he earned $20 million at the time of this material , there is a nuance, this video was broadcast on the super bowl, but the cunning rapper bought placement in just a couple of states, got all the missing impressions through hype on social networks, and
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did not pay the hefty price tag, like some, one can only applaud his entrepreneurial spirit, another black boy in san francisco did not follow in the footsteps of the pro... the united states has been gripped by a crash epidemic. what is this for? makes it clear from this video. appetite comes with eating. 49 iphones are tens of thousands of dollars, but the robber is not detained. but he passes by a police car parked right at the entrance to the store, calmly gets into his car and drives away, we can only guess what will happen next with thefts in the usa.
2:00 pm
this was the trends program, all the best to you. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project. broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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secrets of good morning and good mood, good ranitsa belarus, on the air of the satellite tv channel belarus 24, program good ranitsa belarus. my name is svetlana barovskaya. girls, never say how old you are, your girlfriends will always do it for you. ivanovna, yours is there, he said
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that's it, i worked and went home. you are so cute, i’m nothing else either, yes, you should have seen me at 16 years old. meeting amazing people. hello. vladimir. very nice. you are a pop group, honey. 24!
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