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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 1, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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about this election scam, young people are promised from 100 to 300 euros. this is, of course, justified by the protection of democracy from the onslaught of right-wing radicals. without the patrons of the authorities, such an initiative would have been immediately banned by the court. apparently, the government considered that in local elections such tactics would be more effective than directly banning the alternative for germany. true, there are federal elections ahead. this is where they can apply direct dissolution of the adc. fractional. belarusian oil workers began producing quartz sand; a unique project is being implemented in molarid region, it will reduce costs during hydraulic fracturing operations by 30%. previously, consumable materials, proppants and sands were purchased outside of belarus. a high-quality alternative was discovered precisely at the khotislovskoye deposit, and the newly created production facility for sand enrichment offers more than thirty new jobs. implement one of the most ambitious projects.
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i started creating a unique mining and processing plant years ago, completed all the work in record time, the products will be provide not only the domestic but also the foreign market. i have everything by this time, see you at 19:00.
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keep your eyes open, do you have a spouse? happy man. india gulong features legendary castles. and the door to it was open, the music spilled throughout the entire floor. palace recanopy. the musicante was not touched than the presenter, it looks more like a scasa, more modern. i was captivated by the age-old beauty. i think that i will never see in my life. who punished intiagulong for what? hands and head, look right now, in the hay, on hay gingerbread, crucified a lot of panichok, at the price, at the price of black spray, unknown, who has forgotten on the wounds, belarus is castle-like, on the territory of the country in different eras there were at least 150 unique buildings, each of them with a history,
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architecture, landscape to this day only a few have survived, of many there is no trace left, those that have survived are revered as the apple of their eye, state efforts are aimed at everything so that the heirs can touch the centuries-old history, millions of rubles are spent on the restoration and preservation of antiquity, nesvish, mir, lida, novogrudok, gomel , kosovo, the heritage of the people is closer than... shrouded in riddles, secrets, legends, this castle and park complex has risen majestically on the belarusian lands for five centuries in a row. its construction in those years was the responsibility of tycoon yuri ilyinich. due to his sudden death, he never had a chance to see the finished structure. the radivilians began to bring it to fruition. intiagulon. today we come face to face with
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legendary beauty. hello, hello, my name is, what's your name? and my name is olga, very nice. trellis, paintings, mirrors. portrait room, modern living room. from this place the acquaintance with the castle began. the huge room still rings with luxury to this day. at the moment, the main and scientific-auxiliary funds of our museum consist of approximately 5.00 storage units, basically. these are those items that correspond to certain eras. masterpieces are everywhere. the ceiling of the hall is decorated with gilded linden, the walls are upholstered with fabric, and there is natural stone on the floor. to describe the grandeur of the interiors is really hard. earthenware, porcelain, and carved furniture were brought here from all princely manufactories. in the 18th century , the mir castle had more than 100 fireplace stoves. it would seem quite a lot. however, in the castle. it was very cold, so the rodevils
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mainly used it as their country summer residence. we don't have a female in ecuador? this is not considered very old . infrastructure, which, when the spaniards, well, came to ecuador, i needed to arrange this, a matter of honor, it was not only the spectacular interiors that were striking, the owners surprised with dishes, they served bear hands, moose lips, boar’s heads on the table, beaver tails, whole baked carcasses , the preparation for the feast was done by the cook, and... it was he who supervised the work of the cooks, the cooks were only men, yes, yes, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work, the place is about food, in the food hall was expensive and rich, windows of unprecedented size, medieval musical instruments,
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golden decor, kilometer-long tables were set for magnificent receptions, they were served with silver dishes and handmade utensils, the main attractions were... tiles for locally produced decorations, it consists of such cells of kitsons, by the way, this one cell weighs approximately 100 kg, and if you consider that there are 81 cells in this hall, then the ceiling is over 8 tons. medieval granaries, balls and receptions, standards of meticulous preparation, labyrinths of utility rooms in the castle basements. wine cellars. most often, products were stored in the form of pickles. the prototype of a modern refrigerator stood here. the ice in it was regularly changed by servants. their rooms were located on the basement of the structure. so what's here? and here we have a descent to the lower prison. let's go down to
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a depth of approximately 4 m. intiagu is not ready to walk up the steep narrow stairs, but the pull of history turns out to be stronger than fear. no, it 's already here. there were two types of confinement in a castle. more lenient is a sentence in the upper prison. particularly dangerous criminals served their sentences in these cozimates. in such stocks the prisoner was in the market square, not here in prison, in the market square. yes, for people to see, everyone passing by could come up, spit, throw it at something. the prisoners were leaving.
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the height of each of the five towers of the castle is 25 m, during their construction three-layer masonry was used, the outer inner part of the walls was laid out of brick interspersed with boulders , the space between them was filled with small stones, a room where in the last century, in the 16th century, there were cannons, and this it probably doesn’t shoot through the fire, well , there weren’t any windows here, but yes, that is, the cannon was lifted here on ropes...
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an age-old national classic, they serve beef jerky here. pork neck, duck breast, lard, skip. among a dozen ancient recipes, those same sorcerers are a special hit. begin. first of all, we take potatoes and begin to grate them. sorcerers are the closest relatives of pilmeni, ravioli dumplings. they appeared in the 13th century on the territory of
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the grand duchy of lithuania. according to legend, the belarusian-lithuanian tatars brought the recipe with them. they lived on these lands for several centuries. then the dish was called. favorite pastime in the world, under the guidance of an experienced chef, the presenter without hesitation takes it into circulation, oh, well, let's go faster, a little yes, well, you can see that you you do it quickly, i'm afraid to just cut it victoria ambalova began her career in the culinary arts. 10 years ago, a woman came to work as a dishwasher, she liked the work, she decided to go to cook school, now she can handle anything, at first i wanted to love her more.
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the filling is sealed on top with dough , there is some kind of standard, well, if this is a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, yes the standard should be, mine probably isn’t, mine is too big, for the first time it’s ok, after frying the dish needs to be baked, every second counts for a hungry foreigner, but you can’t argue with the chef, 15 minutes at 180°, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot enough, it’s great that it’s hot. oh, okay, so , what are we going to do now, decorate the plate, decorate
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the plate, okay, yes, let's take it, aesthetics of taste, in the professional world there are several original rules for the design of ready-made dishes, the food on the plate should look harmonious, aesthetically pleasing, the colors should be combined with each other , contrasting shades look more impressive than others, moderate rules the score elegance, i don’t want to sport anything , of course, i’m not a professional, i’m not... in capable hands, even the eternally lazy inti agulonga begins to make the first progress, we must try, as it were, well, of course, now you can go behind the stop, sit down, they will take you out , you will try, thank you white's leader could hardly wait for this moment. lunch time, it seemed, would never come, right
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inside such tenderness, just salted, no more, not less, how very correct, you can get a lot done in 24 hours. even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about the key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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the market of perfect competition, it does not exist in western europe, in the united states, for the first time the state began to intervene, by the way, not in the russian empire, not in europe, in the united states, when there was the law on antimonopoly regulation was adopted in 1891. since ancient times , a special civilization has been represented here, it is different from western europe in various respects, this is religion, these are legal customs, a different mentality, i am not calling for isolating borders from europe, it’s just this europeanness, it has turned into a real phantom, behind which there is nothing useful, in europe we would be turned into a periphery into a dead end, what the baltic states are turning into now when... you say, i’m from belarus, they’ll definitely tell you, or i was in belarus, i want
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come here, or heard very good things, and i want to go see or try this or that product, that’s right, tell me the project , don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel, only for our viewers, we choose the best routes, we are in a small town in the grodno region called: bridges, welcome! having eaten too much for a long time, they could not eat either baked fish or fish soup, they just sat and said, “stolin.” from then on the name of the city, stolin, came into being. and we set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the 15th century there was a large settlement at this place. and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, memansky and bresko-vilnius. the almans are a real tourist highlight, the only ones preserved in their natural state in belarus and the largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty-
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nine years. i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture. sidewalks and highways appeared, trees were planted and beautiful new buildings were built to show how strangely wonderful our country was when he moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed and transported by the believers themselves, the jews , from one place to another, now, as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors have begun to appear, this is of course a miracle of god, watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel you missed this. tourist takeoff. over the past year , nearly a million foreigners have visited the country's attractions.
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the number of palace castle buildings in the country has exceeded one hundred. unique attractions here's what's next: this palace and park the ensemble also belonged to a rich family of radivils, they disposed of it as personal estates, and intiagu tuned in to history and geography. belarusians are also people with their own history, who can be proud of it, show it, well, as evidence
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today we saw how many people visit us, which means we are one of the top three visited museums in belarus. uh, now we have actually returned to pre-covid times, we had a little over 400,000 visitors a year. the castle dates back to the beginning of the 15th century, when the owner of the city, nicholas christopher devil orphan ordered the first wooden structure to be built here. since then, it has been rebuilt several times, the last in 1583. this year is considered the official founding date of the complex. almost two decades . consecutively on the prestigious list of unesco world heritage sites. we are in the courtyard of the castle, here you can see the main buildings: the palace where the family lived, the stone house where the kitchens and dining rooms were located, and the arsenal. the courtyard is used for receiving guests; for a long time it was also a parade ground for soldiers because they had their own personal armies. on three floors of the luxurious palace
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, about 30 halls are open to visitors, wealth and grandeur emanate from... each one, the princes built such castles to demonstrate high status, strengthen the position of power, we are now in the male half, yeah, here tourists can see one among the authentic moments that have been preserved within the walls of this castle are static interiors, stoves with heraldry and household items. the main tradition of all times is the division of the central part palace into men's and women's areas. in the first, business receptions were held, negotiations were scheduled: the prince’s bedroom, the prince’s office and the hall for receiving guests, small, it is called the starry one, one of the well -preserved kaminny halls, its names changed at different times, it was also known as a portrait dining room, and here are portraits, because a person who had his own large
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pedigree, he should know his ancestors, and the more of these ancestors he has, the greater the pedigree. the more he could which has a very long history, his family very old, very ancient. the rustle of dresses, boasting, saying that he is a person, each room is decorated in a unique style, the white ballroom sparkles with neoclassicism, only people were invited to receptions under its arches. here they could dance, sit, have fun, in the summer the windows were opened, the windows were open and guests could go out onto the terrace in the summer. next is the hetman's hall, which was erected. the nickname stuck because of the unbridled love for the fair sex. in the spacious office, important decisions were made, decrees and laws were signed. it's very... uh, an honor when you're in a place like this. sign some document, too, i think, in any country there is such a place, such a palace or some place of historical, industrial scope. the radevils founded
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dozens of religious manufactories, producing liboks glass, sverzhin foyance, and slutsk silk belts. in the old days, the reception hall of the nobles was decorated with 40 woven masterpieces. now the castle houses two original relics.
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all this fell down and created the sound of rain. dry powder. artillery was required to defend the fortress. foundry workshops for the highest
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by order, they settled nearby. most of the guns presented in the museum are recreated copies. the real collection was taken out of the country by the heirs of the rodivilovs at the beginning of the last century. then we started looking to bring it all back here. and this armor, this is lansknecht. because one of the mistresses of these rooms at the end of the 19th century was a frenchwoman, here she is, maria detelerde castellan radivil. flights of history: after the massive stairs, having covered
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several tens of thousands of steps in half a day, intyagulonga is ready to move on. this it’s breathtaking to see how long ago it was, it’s like i feel it now, well, my mind just wants to build something. the film that people have already walked here, ran through all sorts of massacres, all sorts of epic stories, is now playing moyugawa. belarusian versailles, an object of the so-called first category of value, a historical and cultural heritage of international standard. a year ago, after many years of restoration, the bulgakov palace opened its doors. the white team considered it their duty to visit. here, hello, hello, glad to see you, my name is, vladislav, very nice, with an eye on the masterpiece. according to art historians, at different times
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the estate surpassed the radivilov residence in luxury; the construction of the century was launched by ignatius bulgak exactly 200 years ago. the avid traveler noticed the style of the landowner in st. petersburg and was inspired by paris. ignatius kazimir bulgak was the leader of the nobility of the babrui district, it was. guests of up to a hundred people came here and naturally balls and receptions were held here , evenings of full-length beauty in the most majestic hall with eight-meter high the ceilings gathered to know after the banquet , guests were invited to familiarize themselves with the local palmarium.
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pineapples and native fruits were rented to anyone who wanted to show off. a day's rent with our money is comparable to the price of a used foreign car. all along this corridor , musicians were everywhere. yes, well, they could be everywhere, or they could, if there weren’t very many bones, move from balcony to balcony. the ballroom was designed taking into account the acoustics of the orchestra, the boxes for the musicians were located on the balconies, we find ourselves in the banquet hall, this is the largest hall of the palace, not a ballroom, just a banquet hall, the largest , the most richly decorated, that is, you can pay attention to how much gold there is, the walls, columns, all this is made of artificial red marble, then all of it really should was impressive,
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130 ko. have survived to this day in their original form. 12 of them are ceremonial, the richest, majestic quilted ceilings, original stucco moldings; over 30 million rubles were spent on the restoration of the masterpiece. with scalpels very carefully, almost surgically it was cleared, it was determined what materials were used, what colors, and physical and chemical studies were done, then , based on these studies , all this was recreated exactly in the form in which it was historically. imprint of history, interiors. recreated from photographs by jan bulgak, one of the members of the noble family , he was fond of photography, one of the salons of the palace, one of the most impressive, of course, in the soviet years, there was a technical school here, and its graduates, coming here even after 30, 40, 50 years after graduation, first of all always they ask, where is this blue hall, once the ceilings were blue, a little different, but after restoration they acquired such an original look, the front living room attracted men, there was
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a lambre... table for card games, interior the rooms have been completely revived, right down to the design of the unique wallpaper, that’s money, right? yes, yes, yes, yes, the bill is old, maybe i looked, of course, i haven’t seen it yet, like that, such old money, the paper is so big, the corner parts of the house were allocated for ladies' activities, they had the most light, here you could comfortably embroider, knit, read, everything that was left here was looted and the sale was very beautiful and details that you may not notice here are very, very
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clearly visible, there was. the entertaining story has tired the foreigner, being on his feet all day is worse than death for agulong, but the presenter brings home a lot of impressions, a storm of emotions, after the burlesque give him peace and quiet, the lively populists ask to put this desire on pause. music scene for three decades, with the ensemble has traveled all over the country with concerts, all members of the ensemble are professionals in their field. the first group, probably, that i see , there are so many different instruments, it ’s very interesting, yes, these are folk instruments, these are dulcimers, these are dulcimers, and you know the violin, the girl has a pipe, it’s probably difficult for an ecuadorian to control himself for the first time in the hands next to the artists, without thinking twice.
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black cats curse their souls, because they rub someone else's traces on their eyes, crying mother, crying in the air, with a heavy huff. wild tears, in the hay, on the hay, raspyatalichok, he’s great, i can feel, yes, that he’s interested in this, that he’s interested in music, he probably plays something himself, yes, he’s a musician himself, that’s why i feel that this is interesting to him, and this is new for him , but we were interested in meeting such a person; it’s difficult to play rhythmically, and even more difficult when...


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