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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 2, 2024 3:40am-3:55am MSK

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i have traveled through a lot of countries, i am familiar with a large number of nationalities, i take my hat off to the belarusian people, they have become family to me, my husband’s family, their six children have accepted me, you know what kind of mother there is, they hold everything in their hands, in their fists. “she raised such a wonderful son of my husband, they accepted me with their souls, you know, sincerely, they accepted me, i can only be grateful for that, i can’t do anything here or anywhere else, without my family and without my friends, and these friends, mostly all belarusians,
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this is nature, it’s mine, the mountains oppress me, and in austria there are gorgeous mountains, yes, and here this one is here, well, if i want a little hills, i ’ll drive 100 km to grodno, okay, uh, it’s all over, you know, that’s why belarus , she’s somehow so sincere, i can here...
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in the past hours, the noblemen’s memory was extremely masculine. the leather nobleman had a hat hanging from his belt , which is rightfully praised. adnak, our slaychinnik proves that there is a force that is greater beyond the border. law. rod sapegaў already ў 16 for centuries we have known each other. pavodle legends yon. the hell of prince gedymin himself. i will call the coat of arms “lis” because magchyma was of great character. the family grew up sick. sapega occupied high gardens and gave way to entire deposits of maentka, their people and astroina in vitsebshchyna. on the 14th of karsavik, 1557 , the light of your robe flapper appeared there. fathers, ivan and bagdan sapieha gave the pit a formidable name. leў. i'll clap another pakul.
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leva knows how she walked and ate the granite. already in this year he studied at the nyasvizh calvinist school, which was organized radziwily. pragrama sur'eznaya, latsina, starazhytna-grechskaya, nyametskaya. at 13 vundirint enters the university of the city of leipzig, learning philosophy, rhetoric, and law. in the course of time, the lad was forced to learn practical things. iago father ivan atrymau post. the court has hell with its neighbor, with whom nothing has fallen. pachuushy abvinavachvanni, old sapega znіyakaveў. iago was exposed to the self-righteous bandits, as they had stolen other people's money. paklyop. however, the court sides with the plaintiff. the expression is stern, fallen out, or the bastards are kicked out of the law. sapieha daishli yes, the karal himself and the vyalikag prince stefan batory. toi will give ivan his greatest chance and happiness. kali and the abaron of the father understand the voices
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of the twenty-year-old youths, the king is very happy, but as soon as lev becomes more sceptical, the skepticism changes in the future. lepіts laws. i don’t know , but how can a perakanauvha gety lad know how to speak havarity? abvinavachvanne is broken ўschent, karal's verdict, ivan sapieha is not at fault. father is happy to go home, but all his sons are at home. urazhany batora prapanava ya pratsu, without pamylak and jumping pocharkas storage of various documents. rakhmany yunak made every effort. i gave up, geta yagonya, and then the king straightened out on the chargov military march. sapega adklaў pyaro i apranuў daspekhi. for your pennies, you built an entire company of cavalry and on the battlefield they acted as if they were self-righteous. batory would have been struck by the heat. sapega adrazu paishoў na vyshennaya. in the 24th year
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, it was at the end of the year, according to current standards, according to the current standards of minister justytsy. ucharnі clerk is undergoing serious reforms. an analogue has appeared on our lands. verkhonaga court, tribunal of the vyalikag principality. the cyper of the skin, who would not be satisfied with the terms of the court of the myastsovag, could fall to the appeal, payna, lev well remember the dramatic history of the father. this act is currently in effect and is under the new law of the vyalikag principality. it's been over 20 years since i've been working on it. fall to the crown of leo , the canadian prapanovs were taken away from one important book, so please celebrate. the new statute has 14 sections and 500 sections. yana hoplіvalі lіtaralna ўall aspects of life, hell palіtychnaga ladu dzyarzhavy yes pravilі darozhnaga rukhu. darechy, asobny article it is forbidden to marry off my husband without a year. in these hours the veilma pragresiina.
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the right of the rulers was right for everyone. the gentry had a lot of pain. adnak salayan sapega does not give taxa to the roof. slaughter. the body of law was written in the old belarusian language, and its members were self-interested in the courts. it was said that the new statute is a simple verse of the canadian duma, it is not for nothing that they call it the hell of the first in the world. adnak sapieha understands: the situation is far from over. asabliva that article, like zabarana foreigners should go to the land or take any kind of land in the village. principality of lithuania. the polish gentry occupied our lands with their own estates, bought coins here, and enjoyed the krasnoyarsk gardens. as he protects his land, sapieha understands that if foreigners will be here, the principalities will be able to protect their independence. treba getamu perashkodzits. the statute
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raises the problem, but only gives in to the executioner’s signature. and before this law, the requirement was passed at the agul sejm of rechy paspalitay. most of the deputies the scoundrels, of course, are not fighting for such laws, but it’s happening. on the 12th snowstorm of 1586, stefan batory raptouna died in the belarusian city, which was the work of his city. and there was trouble, troubles, intrigues, and chaos. the gentry chose the attack of the caral. the messengers rescued zhygimont from the swedish dynasty vasau. navaspechanamu manarch. three times over 20. all life in prague near stockholm. iago’s mother, the swedish karalev katsyaryna yagelonka, was born in our region, but the son of the myastsovs on the right is not in the same place. yes and there is a pakul sitting on the throne nyaўpeўnena. sapega understands, so the king is a simple loser in the forest. i prapanava zhymontu
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zdzelku. i will ensure that you receive the signature of the litsvinsk gentry, and in return, add your autograph to a new status. karol pagadziusya. that time the monarchs had the worst words. on june 28, 1588, the statute came into force. the highest canadian bodies of the principality of staў valny soim svaygo kshtaltu parliament. months for arrival would be taken to slonim. garadok staraduna, ale nevyalik. hutka everyone understood the chama. to the elders or elder raivykankam, there, in the chaos of all the madness, would be that same lady lev sapega. and the hets are smart and don’t want to travel far on their journey, maybe you and me are making a move. elephants have become one of the palatine centers of the principality. at the beginning of the year, a luxurious palace appeared for passengers, the streets were broken, the streets were opened, new entrance doors
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were opened. the city of kvitney on vacha. in 1589 , sapega came into power as a chancellor and prime minister. without the heel. the new karalian decree has no force on the lands of the vyalika principality. lev husband ram intaresy razymy navat u drobyazah, tsi necessitate kazatsa, dabrazychlіўtsaў yago grabbed? sabeguvinavatsі ў from greed and greed. may i, for good measure, fill the kishen myself. the same statute allows you to earn money. sapega has exclusive rights to his friends. і saprady, mayomasst chancellor hutka rasla. yon prakupіў sabe garadok ruzhany. yago ours will have a high palace there, and i will have asveya, lepel, byalynichy, truya, zelva and dozens of other mysteries all over the country. i wouldn’t be a squatter sapega,
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i’ll take care of my aichyns and i’ll be safe, that’s my motto. in the spring of 1625 , she landed on the baltic beraz swedish troops and adrazu collapsed on polack. it was necessary for terminova to arrange for the abaron, but the treasury of the land turned out to be empty. sapega spent time in his caches and stole everything he knew. 40 thousand paid ducats, getag. a drop for the whole army, but the swedes didn’t give it to polack. yes, the entire chancellor is famous for his philanthropy, he finances published books, patronizes artists, and foundations churches of different denominations. in my native vitsebshchyna, on the top of the small charay lake , a jumping baroque tsarka appeared, which everyone calls white. a dzelya tago, cab to see the church of st. michael near vilna, it was necessary to shout at the palace palaces. you don’t have any skin for such a thing. elegant kastsel staў spachyvalnya ra sapegaў. first
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they plowed any wife darota there. then another woman, alzhbeta, died. on the 7th of june 1633 lev sapega himself took up a lot of months with him. this tombstone is a remembrance of the baroque era, and now, new memorials have emerged to the famous matchmaker. in the lepeli and the elephant. at the same time, we remember that sapieha himself created the statute of the vyalika principality. yong perazhyў navat dzyarzhava itself, dzyanіchaў is important back to 1840. yes and sennya pra yago uzgadvayutsya zgonaram. these laws have become widespread and have become patterns for many countries.
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today in the ether 24 on 7 project we will learn about current events and significant dates, go on a virtual trip to the city of chechersk in the gomel region, where we will get acquainted with the history of the city hall, and also remember the masterpieces of belarusian cinema, and of course, we will present to your attention the best releases from our projects tv channel. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday project. in the date of the week section we will find out what significant dates the outgoing week is marked in the context of belarusian culture. february 26 in the village of shirki, in the nasen region. an outstanding statesman was born into a simple peasant family. hero of the soviet union, pyotr mironovich masherov. in the first days of the war, he volunteered
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for the front. later, he headed the rosonsky underground. pyotr mironovich, one of the few partisans and underground fighters, was awarded a high rank during the war hero of the soviet union. on masherov’s initiative, monuments to the ear were erected and bathed in minsk. the majestic complexes of khatynia, the mound of glory, were created. the youth publishing house and the belarusian soviet encyclopedia were opened, and construction began.


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