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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 2, 2024 4:15am-4:51am MSK

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in belarus, my wife and i often go for rides , i always tell her that it’s not the villages... that are
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the best, i haven’t seen a better village, in my village everything is more fun, everything is brighter, somehow a little better than in other villages, everything is close, everything is original, there is a proverb: the walls of the house help, in fact this is so. the village of makhro is located in the southern part of the ivanovo district and is the calling card of the republic of belarus, because we are located on the very border and are the gates of the republic of belarus. the village itself is the center of the village council. first mention the village of makhro dates back to 1515. not far from the village there is the dneprobukhsky canal, that is, an advantageous position.
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there is no economic-geographical sufficient data on the origin of the name of the village of makhro, but there is a legend that there were once impenetrable swamps around the village, there was a lot of moss, a large amount of moss influenced the name of the village of makhro, in 2015 in honor of the 500th anniversary in the village of makhro , a worship cross was installed, a memorial heel was installed on the site of the old rural cemetery. makhro is one of the largest villages in the ivanovo region, there are about 1,300 inhabitants. modern infrastructure is represented by a school, a kindergarten, a modern cultural center, a large number of young people, young people are being built, the village is alive, my entire childhood was spent in the village of makhro, as all rural children do.
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rural affairs , that is, the introduction of personal support for parents was helped, firstly, everything depends on the upbringing of the parents, well, secondly, this is the land where i first went, where the closest people live, so you somehow feel you feel comfortable, when you go to big cities , you feel somewhat absent-minded, lost, the movement is fast and in the village there is also movement, but in the village everything is yours, you know what, where, how, to whom, what to say. since childhood, my parents taught me to work, so now , of course, there is little free time, together with my parents we run a private farm, livestock farming, that is, we keep a cow, rabbits, poultry - chickens, several years ago we planted blueberries, there are also the garden that was left over from grandma and the garden planted by dad, we are harvesting apples in autumn. that is, these products are not
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bought in the store, all the products are our own, environmentally friendly. on the territory of the reserve there are six picturesque lakes, these are lake zavyshanskoye, lake beloye, lake unnamed, lake rosnoe, lake khulets, lake okunino. white lake is named so because the water in it is very clean. once upon a time there were specimens of common eels here; large eels and crucian carp and roach are also caught here. all these lakes belong to lakes of natural origin, that is, when the glacier moved, it swept away, there were holes left in its path, which were filled with water during the melting process of the glacier. the forest appeared later. during childhood, every child probably thinks about how to spend his time no longer. to play with entertainment, since our
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territory is an area of ​​picturesque lakes, with the neighboring children we visited the lakes, went fishing, in the winter... nearby the neighboring village there are dunes of natural origin, we went skiing in the forest. when i was young, we rode motorcycles with the neighborhood kids and studied local attractions, forest paths, well, it was interesting to visit local lakes, we fished not only on the white lake, but on an unnamed lake, lake... the lake is not producing these sopropels, but in the future it is, this lake is also famous for its production crucian carp, that is, in
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the summer, the entire shore here is lined with fishermen and each of these fishermen always goes to the sulov, all the lakes are connected to each other by reclamation canals. you can only get there along one path, the ground shakes under your feet, the trees that they stand side by side, they also stagger when you put a big stick, roughly speaking, in the window that is in front of you, in front of your feet, the stick goes, goes into the ground, that is, it does not stop, that is, a very bottomless lake, each lake is perceived in its own way,
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the cleanest is the lake, white, clear water , that is, more calm, a calm environment, lake akunina is... a terrible lake, a deep lake, that is, many legends about that lake have survived to this day, an unnamed lake, this is something... then the average is, the depth here is also small, but the only thing it is famous for is the catching of crucian carp; during the summer holidays , multi-day tourist trips are organized, most children from hunting are distracted by these initiatives, sometimes there are not even enough places, on average there are more than twenty students annually, thank you. before going on a hike, goals and objectives of the hike are developed, entertainment activities are also developed, that is, orientation , pickets are laid out in unfamiliar areas, in the evening, already at
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dusk, children look for these pickets on maps, they note that children can combine their work activities with leisure, that is, they would be interested. in nature, they organize it for themselves, cook for themselves, eat, in this territory that we are passing through, there are historical monuments from the times of the first and second world war, so what we are doing is beautifying these monuments, or restoring objects , which once lost their architectural value. we are located in the southern part of the ivanovo district on local territory. holiday inflated, which was created with the purpose conservation of species biodiversity of flora and fauna of polesie. we are on lake beloe, on the shore of which there is the grave of an unknown soldier from the first world war. for the first time i
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found myself in this place as a small child, a schoolboy, that is, i had an interest in fishing, i learned more seriously about this object when i started working as a teacher at the makhrovskaya secondary school during. description of scientific and practical work on the study of flora and fauna of the zavyshye reserve. showed us this place in more detail described by local huntsman moslyak leonid pavlovich. together with the huntsman, we fed the animals in the winter. a quarterly count of animals in the reserve was also carried out. all our cis countries went through a period of building a vertical of power, not all of them have built it yet, so where the vertical has been built, some kind of integration needs to be carried out, the westerners creating some kind of networks there, they are constantly working to
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ungroup these internal forces, but the task is to ungroup our decision-making center, so that we could have a conditionally parliamentary republic there, there would be some 10 clans there that hate each other, their task is to keep us in such statelessness all the time. state, our neighbors sometimes hang up horror stories, posters that say that if you go to belarus, you can stay there or not come back, lithuanians who are in the country, they see completely different things and understand. that they, of course, live in an absolutely information vacuum, we only have 160,000 constantly living foreigners and 62,000 persons who have a temporary residence permit in the country according to the results of working for the twenty -third year, today i am in such a beautiful flower, but i could wear all the medals in fact, i put on the medals at the conservatory, went out to the students and said: you you know, guys, i am a living example of how in belarus you can make a happy and professional career, remain faithful to your homeland, your country and not leave anywhere. project markov nothing personal watch on tv channel belarus 24. secrets of good morning and good
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mood. dobroya ranitsa belarus. on air on the satellite tv channel belarus 24, the program good ranitsa belarus. my name is svetlana barovskaya. girls, never say how old you are, your girlfriends will always do it for you. ivanovna, your on the spot, said everything, worked and went home. you are so cute.
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my favorite subject at school was biology, and geography, as a related subject , i graduated from the brest pedagogical university named after alexander sergeevich pushkin, ended up in the makhrovskaya secondary school as a teacher of technical labor, then a vacant position as a geography teacher appeared, so technical work and geography are already combined, on the twenty-first.
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and i work in my own village, you always have to look into the eyes of the parents of the students you teach, that is , you have to conduct your lessons with dignity, because the highest mark is what the student will say about you, and how you will look him in the eyes parents and school graduates are already in the eleventh grade, and not in the sixth, the most important the educational cultural center of the village of makhro is the makhrovskaya secondary school, in the administrative building of the school on... there is a historical and cultural museum, which has the title of folk and the art hall of anatoly
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pavlovich abanovich. a native of the village of makhro, his father was a priest of our church. during the great patriotic war, the german occupiers elected anatoly pavlovich rubanovich, the head of the village. at that time he was the most educated person, knew six foreign languages, twice saved a village from shooting from burning. after finishing. war , he could have gone abroad, but he felt it necessary to stay in his small homeland and received 10 years of prison repression. after his release, he returned to his native school and continued to teach drawing, well, he graduated a large number of his students, who are currently also drawing and famous throughout the world, in 2006, the school staff and students also filed a petition for... restoration of the pure name of anatoly pavlovich rubanovich, a monument was erected
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there are rural cemeteries for him and one of the streets in the village of makhro is named after him. it is very important that the adult generation passes on what it has accumulated to the younger generation so that children can understand and appreciate the history that was, is, and so that it is not rewritten in the future, so that everything is correct. honestly, there is... the expression the law of history never ceases, that is, history is constantly moving forward, a patriotic museum circle operates on the basis of our school. knowledge in which children are searching for historical artifacts, at the site of the parking lot, an example of the headquarters of the pinsk-partisan brigade, we are looking for lost values ​​that were once taken out of our territory, for example, a painting by anatoly pavlovich rubanovich was found in sokovik napinshchina, which was in
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the library of the city of minsk , also records the memories of older people. the old mines do not chalk the kalyar rashennya, but in case of illness, red and black colors appear. the ornamentation is characterized by symmetrical patterns. on the male costume, the front part was added, the front part and sleeves. it was possible to respect the lost ukrainian traditions, the swear words. on zhanochy kastsum indicate ўplyў approaching mastatstva, vykarystoўvaetstsa garsed, sleeveless, geta
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french words. then the language, karunki, and english style of the kainer appeared. a man's suit, linen trousers, a floral koszul with an ornament, trousers, like scrolls, sewn and linen, here is a casing for them. i like the teaching profession at school, that is, i can say that i found myself in it, i like doing the things that we do with the guys in technical lessons labor, in geography lessons , in my research activities, in the eyes of the younger generation, that is... i notice a spark, that is, that they are interested in it, they need it. in addition to the school, in the center of our village, there is a cultural center for folk traditions. an exhibition of alexey vasilyevich kuzmich was organized at the house of culture. in addition to paintings, the art room also houses his personal belongings and tools for painting. alexey vasilyevich kuzmich
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was born in the village of makhro on june 1, 1945, is a student.
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you are just a peep, such a jumper for me. i am very glad that the zaslavs have opened the doors of the belarusian malyavanka museum. and we are so familiar with everything that, well, it’s not a magical phenomenon, as long as the right little ones were being washed away, and we didn’t know these lions. sergey davidovich, known as a writer and a writer, he is the leader of many people.
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created on the site of the bloody events of 1944, where the battle for the crossing took place, it consists of a defense line, a trench and dugouts. the crossing was held and within a few hours the main forces of the tank moved along it. housings. with us, you will receive a charge of positive emotions. is it possible for stars to appear in the frame? my eyes, because this is incredibly delicious, visit the bright sights of our country. dear friends, we are in a city that has long been considered a cultural center. in belarus , it is famous primarily for its luxurious castle, which for a long time was the residence of the rodivils. tourists can easily
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immerse themselves in the era when this place was ruled by the famous magnate company. who knows, maybe someone once sat in this chair from the princes rodivilov. see in the program the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel . we are on the last frontier of the republic of belarus, this is the village of koleno. the village of koleno is notable for the fact that during the great patriotic war the only underground village council operated here, which included eight villages of the republic of belarus and five villages of ukraine. behind us we can see the house in which the village council was located. in great years. patriotic war performed a coordinating function, supplied food to the partisan camp, and also obtained intelligence information about the enemy’s location in
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kamenkashirsk and lyubeshov. a resident of the village of kolin, kananchuk maxim korneevich, was elected chairman of the village council. konanchuk, maxim korneevich was an active citizen, engaged in intelligence information, supplied food, also for... the future commander of the pinsk-partisan brigade with the choice of the site of the brigade headquarters. we are located in the southern part of the ivanovo district at the location of headquarters of the pinsk partisan brigade, operating during the great patriotic war. according to archival documents, this territory was called the poslovsky forest during the great patriotic war due to the fact that pan puslovsky lived near the village of zavoshye; these were his possessions. today this territory is called the karasina tract, the name was given because of the lake that is located nearby, this is lake karasino. in turn, lake karasino
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received this name due to the fact that the main fish that lives in this lake is this is crucian carp. determining the location of the headquarters of the pinsk partisan brigade was determined according to the following principle: by the inaccessibility of this territory at that time. it was surrounded on all sides by swamps and there was a large forest, that is, from the air the territory was invisible, but along the earthly path it was difficult to access. the camp was located on a hill, a kind of island. the area around the camp was already more low-lying. 1976, the first attempt to reconstruct the site of the headquarters of the pinsk partisan brigade, which was initiated by the commander here this... my partisan brigade, this is shubettidze ivan georgievich. on his initiative, in the seventy-sixth year , a memorial sign to stella was installed and one dugout was restored. the dugout
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stood for decades and collapsed. the second attempt at reconstruction was initiated by makhrovsky students during multi-day hiking trips. initially, we developed a plan, that is, what we will do, what we want to do. it was suggested by me to the students. the formation of a dugout, the children liked this idea, until the summer we have there was time, that is, in the spring we processed historical materials, that is , falsified documents that the structure was being built, and already in the summer we began to carry out the work. the territory of the camp was divided into two parts: the first part was the economic part, the second part was the household part. on the territory of the camp there were about 28 residential dugouts and accommodation. all 1024 people. a residential dugout is a structure designed to accommodate personnel. average residential size
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the dugouts were 3x5 m. initially, residential dugouts were built with one entrance. later they began to build with two entrances to improve the mobility of personnel in case of military alarm. inside the dwelling , there were bunks with bags of hay, on which they slept with forelocks. there was a table for eating, there were benches; in winter there were potbelly stoves, which were heated only with dry wood so that there was no smoke from the air. dugout hospital, made from an old dilapidated empty house, this was practiced during the great patriotic war, old barns were transported to the partisan site, which... in which
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medicines and medical instruments were found, the dugout hospital is a structure made from a dilapidated house, in which there are four rooms: the first room is a rest room for medical staff, the next room is the ward in which the sick and wounded partisans lay; the operating ward, due to the fact that during the great patriotic war there were no various types of medicines, they were treated mainly with folk remedies, in as a tool for carrying out operations , they used carpentry tools to disinfect the air in the premises , they used brooms made of softwood so that the resin would kill some microbes, because the main disease at that time was typhus. the headquarters dugout is located in the center of the camp, connected between all
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other architectural... structures using a connecting trench. the headquarters was built according to the principle of the sanitary unit, due to the fact that documents were stored at the headquarters. these are personal lists, award lists, certificates. this dugout it had a plank floor, unlike all the other dugouts. in the middle of the headquarters dugout there is a topographic map of the area. potbelly stove for heating in winter. long table, soviet portraits. leaders and rulers. the main purpose of the headquarters dugout is to develop sabotage operations on enemy territory. also rewarding personnel for excellent performance of operations. there is also a partisan school on the territory of the camp; the partisans went with whole families, due to the fact that any information was assessed very harshly by the germans and the family was subject to execution if there was a husband in the partisan
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camp... there was a husband, so there were children in the camp, the children studied the basics of reconnaissance, all objects in the camp were connected to each other by a connecting trench, the average depth of the trench was up to 1.20, the parapet is made of sand, the walls are lined with either plank material or round timber. the trench has a non-rectilinear shape, and is limed so that when an enemy shell hits there are minimal losses. further along the perimeter of the entire camp there is a trench defensive, every 3-5 m there is a gunner's firing point. very often, the commanders of the partisan camp were given exercises to occupy their combat points, that is, to practice defensive operations. trench defensive trench:
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connecting trench were built according to the same principle, only the connecting trench had a more straightforward appearance. a drinking water well, on the territory of the camp, there were eight of them, one of the wells was restored, the wells were used not only for domestic purposes, but were used for cooling weapons, that is, near the dugout there was a machine gun crew and there was always a well for cooling the machine gun. in the krasin tract, not far from the site of the headquarters of the pinsk partisan brigade , there is an oak monument, the waters of the great patriotic war there was a partisan cemetery here, the partisans who were buried here, who died in battles, were in this place until 1976, in 1976 they were buried rural cemetery, the oak tree was buried. during
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the great patriotic war and the names and years of life of those who died and were buried here are carved time of people, due to the fact that the oak bark was constantly overgrown, these inscriptions were destroyed over the years, by our time it was no longer possible to read this information reliably, so we turned to the pinsk forensic examination department, with the help of ultraviolet we were able to accurately read the information written on the tree. that is, we managed to establish the names of four missing people, this site is a kind of creation of an environment for the social and patriotic education of youth, that is, the site gives children the opportunity to plunge into that...
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feel it for yourself, in what conditions did your grandfathers and great-grandfathers live, put yourself in their place instead of wondering if you could do it now? i believe that my pedagogical activity is directed in the right direction. i work in my own school, where i studied, i know all the students who attend our school, i know their parents, but i try to teach my lessons with dignity, because in the future i don’t have to look my parents in the eyes. or in the future these graduates who graduate from school will return to their small homeland, that is, to the village, i will meet with them, and if they grow up to be disobedient, i will blame myself for this, because i am also responsible for them.
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with all our strength we partake, you rightly bequeath the free land, to the land, to the land, to our bright name , to the people, to the people of our forefathers' union, our love. our beloved mother, dear mother, eternally alive belarus, our beloved mother, forever alive and belarus, thunderstorms
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of the country, husband. and we have slaughtered our dear people, and by slaughtering you, by slaughtering, our forgotten efforts, the layers of our earth, bright elina, glory to the people. we are the kraver union, ours my people, yagradina, live forever


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