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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 2, 2024 10:35am-11:31am MSK

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presentations, i tell them, and the children get carried away and then, based on all these events, they weave some of their own products, some flowers that they heard about, photographs that they saw, i have lived in dyven since birth, when i was little, me my grandmother often picked me up from school, then over time i went to my mother’s work, waited for her shift to end, now there is a café there , but before they spun threads there, so when i came to my mother’s work, i had all the time for myself i said that i would be like my mother, a spinner, but to some extent i would be like that it came out, i really am a twirler, but i twirl from straws, i twirl, i twirl various miracles from straws, the association of interests “golden straws” exists in this school, for
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almost 28 years, here in diven i studied at this school, and after graduating from art school she came to work here as the head of a circle. today i was very surprised when, seeing me in this straw outfit, they looked at me with such delight, tried to touch everything, today i wanted to create a festive atmosphere so that the children could feel it. not only in straws in their hands, but were able to see that from this straw, what beauty can be created , all conditions have been created for children, at school, in kindergarten, at art school, there are many associations of interests, children study with pleasure, there is a sunday school, where children attend classes.
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they go to one church, from other streets to another church, that is, there is a choice, in my native dyven, in principle, you can live, you don’t have to rush to the city, here... there is also natural gas, there is running water on the central streets, there are a lot of shops , well developed infrastructure, transport is good and public, we have several enterprises in dyven, this is the dyven woodworking shop, there is also a sewing enterprise, a foreign investor did their best, there is a hospital, a school, a kindergarten, an art school, a cultural center, various
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several agricultural farms, people work in the fields, basically everyone has their own plots, they grow various vegetables there, some are engaged in fruits, people have gardens, or at least some kind of fruit crops, definitely area, many are fond of beekeeping , we have places in the vicinity of divin where they... only there are apiaries, well , small areas where there are several hives, and there are apiaries for several dozen hives, beekeepers bring their hives on platforms , i wouldn’t want to live permanently in the city, after all, nature and my native places are closer to me, and even though i wasn’t interested in photography at that time in the nineties, not much. knew about the plants and animals of my native
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land, but still, i stayed here in dyven not in vain, because i was so i fell in love with nature, i merged with it so much that now i can’t imagine myself anywhere else, well, just going somewhere to see something, yes, sometimes i even want to, but live only here in my native dyvene.
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that the people are the only source of power in our country, and so it is, elections are an exam for the authorities, this is an exam for political parties, new ones, or rather, well, one new three, which have undergone re-registration, it is believed that they have rebooted, for
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public associations , for everyone electoral system, this is also a test for citizens, for their consciousness, because what is, you know, we talk a lot, what is a choice for the authorities?
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we don’t want to, let’s just say it frankly, we somehow look at the assessments, what’s there, who said, habits, yes, well, yes, the habit, by the way, is bad, and the habit that we professed, some diplomats, deputies, our public political figures, i always hated it, when some dunja mijatović came, some others there, romanians and belgians, they and us, you know, and us like some representatives of the authorities would ask the outposts to justify something to them. every time i had a desire to say , go away, blowing everyone else away, that i have to report to you for the internal policy of our country, who are you in general or who are you who came, so we must understand this approach, their assessments they have nothing to do with the law or with
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the real processes that are happening in our country, they don’t care at all, they set the task of overthrowing alexander lukashenko and bringing their puppets to power. this is how they are prepared, a complete change in our political regime, carrying out repressions against patriotic forces, separating belarus from russia, for these purposes all their assessments must be considered in this context, they have absolutely nothing to do with anything else, i very much support this thesis, then let’s not waste time on them, let’s talk about the internal, including yours, we always talk a lot about the elections themselves, very little about how actually...
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then at the congress, well, there was a congress before, already at the congress it was clear that we had to go to elections, well, naturally, yes, it was in the spring, which means when registration was underway, then it became clear, we began to talk about it.
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with people’s signatures, we remember how it all happened, this is a certain risk, you took yourself - yes, but it also coincided with
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the pre-new year christmas holidays , it was necessary to do this, well, by the way, we did it and my team is enthusiastic about all this, well, the team also how it was formed, those people whom i have known for a long time, someone, someone i only recognized in this company, they themselves, when they found out that i i’m nominated, they offered me to participate, i happily agreed, because well , there must be a big team, and the members...
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i’m convinced that without this there will be no economic development, without this there will be no development
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of the social sphere, sports, anything, because science , we need to increase the knowledge intensity of our products, this is added value, we need to maintain and develop, even improve the level of our education, secondary, secondary specialized, higher education, the president spoke about this, and culture, you know, that’s what i remember words, i often quote, from the head of one of the large construction corporations. who said, you know, why sometimes the walls in our houses are crooked, because you can say that builders are not taught history and philosophy very well, these words stuck in my mind, you see, belarusians are distinguished by a very high level of general culture, culture, in principle, as we are accustomed to understanding it, spiritual and artistic, and by betting on this, we are investing in the future of our country, this is my understanding, and i am very glad that this met with support not only from workers... in the education sector, journalists , you know, where was my first meeting, already at the stage of propaganda agitation, we are talking about this,
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in the mtz foundry, when i talked about this, i saw that people, workers, ordinary workers, they they support this, they understand this, this is what, by the way, returning to your question about unity, we have no gap in understanding the relevance of certain issues between the workers there and the intelligentsia. entrepreneurs, there is some, there is, well, of course, everyone has their own specifics, but these questions, the key issues of the development of our country are accepted by everyone, and another important point, here is the first point of the program, and you immediately...
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in belarus now a journalist is more than a journalist, the twentieth year taught us this , regardless of whether you are a doctor, a historian, again, a journalist, an engineer, but the one who showed himself in the twentieth year, they became public figures, it is obvious that... there was a need to come into politics, why? because, as it seems to me, until recently, before the twentieth year, there were definitely a lot of us, but not the president, yeah, very many forgot that politics is a struggle, a struggle, well, politics, some kind of process, he says, a political process, what is a process, well, the process is the process of food, the process
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there, i don’t know, the production of some kind of product, some kind of process then politics is a struggle. everyone sees their future fate differently, you know, someone - there are a lot of such people, ordinary, simple ones, who at a critical moment mobilize and become heroes, and then they return to their daily activities, you know, i’m like that i saw a lot among the veterans of the great patriotic war, so i found stupidity and you found it, i grew up in milovichi, i remember
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disabled people of the great patriotic war, just veterans who, you think, the guy is usually there... working as a carpenter, and then suddenly he dresses these awards are yours, you think , my god, this is a hero, a real hero, or many afghans are like that, now they celebrated 35 years of withdrawal from afghanistan, how many i have met, ordinary men, will wear awards, and you understand what is behind them such a fate is worth it, these are the people on whom our country rests, not all of them will go into politics , they don’t want this, but we rely on... support when such people, be it schools, be it factories, be it some other ... then the institutions say that they support you, a particular candidate, but you cannot change them, beautiful, frantsovich, so i will not say my opinion, yes, but a fairly patriotic and competent person, i asked him, yes, how he voted, did
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he go, he naturally says, yes i went, naturally, but i didn’t know anyone. of these candidates, i didn’t see anyone, so i voted against all of them, it’s one thing when you’re a gigantic person, you don’t need an introduction, yes, but it’s another thing when a person is not very well-known in the media, that’s where the golden mean is between the need for media presence and presence in parliament, and well, if you are not on the media field, what then, how to reach the voter, you know, this campaign is interesting. such a transition from some, perhaps already old, traditional, familiar, rather forms of work with voters to new ones, i’m also before this company, for example, did not open its own telegram channel, but did not consider it necessary, here... my team convinced me for a long time, we opened it in 10 days, but telegram, social network, well, they don’t solve everything, even if you have reposts, citations will be looked at there, firstly, it’s not a fact that
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your voters will watch it, then it’s not a fact that they will like it, by the way, this is the key point of our model of democracy, and we proved this in the twentieth year, when we created dialogue platforms, when we traveled around factories, when we came to the student audience, we this was proven during the clarification. will talk about this meeting, and this is very important, in the end you reach a huge audience, you should not under any circumstances neglect this form of work, i’ll even say for myself, i was wrong, for example, i underestimated pickets, well, i
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think, well, picket on on the street , you’re standing near a store, well, how many people will you reach in this hour, well, 15, because many people just come up to you, they want to talk and the conversation lasts 10 minutes, you can’t tell the voter, excuse me, i ’ll go to the next one, here just take the time and share it, you stand on your own, everyone wants to go with the candidate himself.
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weekends are mostly pickets, well, you can still more persistently demand places for meetings at your place of residence on weekends , limiting yourself to pickets only, we don’t have such a culture of political meetings, and we participated and organized, well, it’s something in between, between there an amateur art concert and some kind of regional fair, yes, well, after all, there we need to talk more boldly about the program, appeal to people, i saw that some candidates are embarrassed about this, you have experience in organizing a concert. conditionally yes, in the truth mode we remember all this, yes, but you remember how much all this was prepared and polished back then, this was the first experience of this kind, yes, now we need to further
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disseminate these forms, that is, we must, here i have there are 601 voters in the district, something like this , which means that when you plan with your team, you must immediately apply all the forms and methods that will allow you to reach this entire audience, so that there really is no such thing as, i came, i don’t know you. and it's you you won’t elect, he says: well, of course , because you’re not interested, you didn’t come to the meeting, but you could have come, and now you say that you don’t know, no, the voter is the main one here, he makes this claim against you, that means have you left something unfinished, have you not reached someone? you know, i often say at meetings, in the textbook, as described on political technologies, there is a specific case of an ordinary person in the german land there, who 4 years before the start of the elections decided to go to these elections, yeah. 4 years during this time he tried to get around all the households farms in his district , to meet all the people, he himself later said that
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they chased him somewhere, somewhere they treated him to tea, talked, but by the time the elections began , the entire district knew him and he was elected, this is significant, i know such people here, well, i know such stories, in about the year 21, 22 , they decided, yeah, there will be elections, so i need to go to them... after all, deputies of the minsk city council, like deputies of parliament, will become delegates all-belarusian people's assembly, from in other regions there will be certain quotas, that is, this is a huge
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power, you receive a deputy mandate. and a delegate of the all-belarusian people's assembly , and you know what the powers and functions of this highest body are, the power of the people in our country, so this was also such a distinctive feature of this entire company, well, since you have already identified these tools, it is already in your personal telegram , the fact that you met will meet again, i have no doubt about that, you are present on television, on the radio too, instagram and tiktok, well, yes, probably, if we now use these forms in the library, because we also need to convey cultural and educational information in new forms, using these, using them for ourselves, if there is such a need, then why not,
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their burying.
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944, where the battle for the crossing took place. it consists of a defensive line, a trench and dugouts. the crossing was held and within a few hours the main forces of the tank corps moved along it. with us, you will receive a charge of positive emotions. it is possible that in stars appeared from my eyes in the frame
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because this, this. incredibly tasty, visit the bright sights of our country. dear friends, we are in a city that has long been considered the cultural center of belarus. it is famous primarily for its luxurious castle, which for a long time was the residence of the rodivils. tourists can easily immerse themselves in the era when this place was ruled by the famous magnate company. who knows, perhaps once in... one of the radevil princes sat in this chair. see the program for the route built on the tv channel belarus 24. why not? belaya rus, it is in the top, yes, 51 out of
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110 deputies.
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this was discussed with the president on the eve of the election campaign, where you remember there were party leaders, the leadership of the presidential administration, and parliament. the center of the electoral commission, including me, well, probably, as a political scientist, was invited to this meeting, and there the head of the bc reported on the percentage of demand there, interest in the activities of the party, it is small, i’ll tell you more, it is small all over the world, then there is, well , a person is not interested now in everyday life, when he starts his family there, goes to work, rests, they say, how is the party doing, yes, this rarely happens, even here we are... we are so sorry for the american situation, i think, oh, there are republicans, democrats, everyone is active there, we think so, in fact, a person lives an ordinary life, if her interest in parties increases sharply, such politicization, which usually accompanies a revolutionary situation, is not very good, by the way, in principle, well
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as a historian, i already do, yes, yes, that is - therefore, the percentage of apolitical people is quite high everywhere, but if we were these 2%, three, 10, 15,
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we flew as if with one wing, and to say that we had 90% of the sofa parties , yes, yes, so they were sofa parties , but they harmed us, because i’ll tell you, the same bpf members, they had very good relations with european conservatives, let’s say the same kolyakinites were still represented and in all these internationals and so on, they were there, that is, here in principle there is no influence at all, even among the opposition
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parties there... minsk has its own opinion, but it is somewhere inside the authorities hidden from public policy, from the eyes of our voters, and the parliament should make this discussion public, and political parties help to do this,
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because it’s good, you know, sometimes so non-party, i in no way blame non-party people here and for a long time i myself remained non-party, what is called that time has already called for yes, but nevertheless so, here is your opinion on this or that issue, well...
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here are the magicians they put pressure, but it’s all the same some faction, there are others, that is
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, there may be different models, which , what model our parties will choose, we need to look, okay, zalikbes, thank you, vladimir frantsevich, the innovation of the elections of twenty -four was that polling stations were not opened outside the country, why is this good, well, listen, i see that russians and many others are looking at this experience, well, let’s do this, well, they explain it differently. they claim that everyone who is
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abroad is, as it were, their flock, the goal of these centers, cause maximum damage to our statehood, then the question arises , it means that if you are walking around with a belarusian passport, then what will you influence our situation, why are you scared, and i ’ll tell you, this is very dangerous, because, for example, the outcome
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elections... “please come to belarus, vote, there is the same opportunity, absolutely there is one, just like there is indignation, how is it possible to re-register property here, i also have to go to belarus, this is your homeland , my dear, your homeland, well, you come here once every 3 years , and as a rule, you earned money on this property here too, why, what do you understand, there is such indignation, why should i go there to re-register documents there, where should you go in all civilized in the world, what about us
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?" "at the polling station, this is our special type of political speech by the president, which everyone is waiting for no less than the elections themselves, it’s like a message from the president, this is such a very important important element of our political life, which is like the rule gives clear assessments of the current situation in a very broad format and for the future program, so this was expected, really expected, so we see the reaction of society absolutely positive, as for fugitives...
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in society, look at how the president spoke the day before at a meeting with the security forces , among part of the bureaucracy, among others, to sit it out, not to take any sharp steps, and so on, that’s what it was designed for, the president with this statement stopped all these attempts instantly, he’s coming, our
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leader, we clearly still have the presidential system, and the all-belarusian people's assembly, but what is the all-belarusian people's assembly , too, the president. i emphasized several times that this is protection from gorbachev, this collective lukashenko, about whom they talk so much now, that is, the phenomenon of collective lukashenko, that is, mass support for the policy and course that is being pursued, is institutionalized in the form of an all-belarusian people's assembly, and we are creating a whole range of such protective mechanisms so that inside system, perhaps we are not immune from this, a traitor has appeared or a person with some unstable views is, well, roughly speaking, a weakling.
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relay race, but we must clearly work through this stage, and the president, specifically alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, still
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has a lot of work, in this direction in many others, and i want to tell you, i see from the international reaction, well, besides these westerners, there are enemies except enemies. yes, the reaction to this statement by the president is positive everywhere, not only did they breathe a sigh of relief here, and believe me, in many countries of the world, because a stable belarus pursuing a consistent policy, the one pursued by alexander lukashenko, is a guarantee that we will succeed peacefully without a big war, without a big one, unfortunately. there are very bloody hostilities going on south of our borders, but...
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we will open the border crossing publicly, they were told, so what should we do? well, we ’re kind of new, you know, we can’t lift sanctions, it’s a complicated procedure, well, we won’t do any new ones introduce, for example, let’s slow down some package, well, there was a temptation, why not , well, yes, yes, but i’ll tell you, you know what happened, my dad said, there must be an iron intuition, you know what happened, they would say , well, it was the belarusians who were on their knees, asking to cancel these sanctions, they came to us, that is, not them...
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in the union itself, and security, as the most important cornerstone of the union, and not only the union, so in your opinion, why exactly these concepts, but concentrated attention on them, you know, this is when i went to voters, i also talked about this with them, we often use this term when describing our union state, mutually beneficial cooperation, well, it’s good that it exists, of course, but somehow it always offended me a little.
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power, the russians will look at something from us , we have something from them, we have more influence of the state, more control, the russians have more private owners there, yeah, theirs has come, they had to strengthen state control, carry out planning, they, yes, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, well done, developed a cool the tax system, we are taking over from them, they are looking at our industries, listen, belarusian goods are a symbol of quality in russia now everywhere, but in our social sphere we have not even kept the state standards. yes, other approaches, looking at each other like that, somewhere even like brothers, you know, when the brothers live they look: yeah,
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i bought this car, listen, she says, yes, yes, or there’s another wife saying, listen , your brother bought a car, come on, well, this is normal, it’s like that in the family, even when it happens between relatives, we’re so everyday sometimes, even competing a little, in a healthy, normal way, we develop, develop, move forward, and... these last tests of these years, they showed that the model is durable, the model is powerful, the model that allows
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you to really defend your views, in this struggle, it’s not only going on inside, it’s also going on outside, it’s going on even stronger outside, so in this fight to defend your statehood, but in russia now no one, well, any serious politicians or leaders they pose these questions, listen, i was there sergei viktorovich lavrov once held a meeting and there were some questions. every time he says, well, listen, well , this is a question of an independent state, we are in this , i even consulted with my advisers, he says, well, we are not infringing on the sovereignty of belarus, so god forbid this does not happen, this is very important, and for russia this it is valuable for your potential other ally, who i think will return to russia, more new ones will come, to show this model of relations with belarus, a respectful model, that the union with russia does not weaken you, but strengthens. that is, this should be an example, of course, of course, vladimir francevich, well, unfortunately, the last one is about a philosophical question, yeah, on sunday we ticked
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the ballot, but do it for the sake of it. tick something, well, this is the most incorrect thing, we talked a lot with you about what the deputies owe us, let us, the voters, come straight, but how can we voters help you, the deputy and the deputies, not for the sake of a tick, let’s murat sergeevich, here we are such a journalist, you are causing a split in society, deputies, voters, i think it’s you you perceive, politics, which is a struggle , turn into politics, the market, we will lose, and we all owe ourselves to our country, if we think about it like that, that is, well, i mean the community of belarusians, and not divide,
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yeah, i chose you, so you owe me. or i want to get elected, that means deputies, you must come vote for me, they don’t just vote for a deputy, they confirm their belonging to our civil community, belonging to our nation, we are voters when we come to the polling station polling station, i am also a voter, i also voted, when we perceive our country as a community in this way, as we sometimes use this term, what is society, this is a common interest, we should have a common interest, then the game
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in my opinion is exactly the year of quality , when the first one said, everyone in their place must clearly carry out their tasks, then i will fully support your thesis, then we will have a really good state, we are done, thank you, the world has really come to the point where the entire legacy of the second world war, more precisely the post-war system, the yalta-podsdam system, it has already been destroyed to zero, there are no restraining factors left, no agreements, no red lines, we have actually come to a situation where whoever is stronger is right. do we have a hot spot on our territory today, and this hot spot is precisely
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our state border. militarization of the nato bloc. what poland is doing today, concentrating its forces, this is first of all known to everyone, this is already a safe underworld, where special detachments of snipers are already concentrated, what countries are doing today the baltic states, having paramilitary units near the state borders, the war is now going on, including for resources, because the west cannot live at its own expense, they live by robbing the middle east, africa, the post-soviet space, they don’t want us to live yourself calmly. therefore, when the president speaks peace and sovereignty are expensive. the project is objective. don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is the news of the country.


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