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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 2, 2024 7:35pm-9:01pm MSK

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if my eyes weren’t burning, then i probably would have left, there were offers, but without hesitation, of course not, only by working here, to bring benefit, if i was the only one burning, there were extinguished embers around me, then sooner or later my eyes went out, the most important thing for our generation is to teach, to teach. so that there is someone to pass on the experience that we have, we, of course, will still work, we will still work a lot, but i dream that there will be more like-minded people.
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“we will preserve civilization and increase the wealth, the results of the supreme state council of the union state. in general, our situation is developing very vigorously, trade turnover is constantly growing, russia is the largest investor, $4 billion is our investor. invested in the belarusian economy. the whole process begins with the procurement of our own raw materials; trees are cut down on leased plots, which were allocated by the state some 20 years ago. they cut them off and sold them as raw materials, but they stopped in time and restarted. in a country with one of the most forested areas in the world , it was natural for woodworking to take root. but the plant today - these are 43 countries of the world where we supply our products. the president of our country. gives
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the products of our plant as souvenirs. last year , almost 247 citizens came to us visa-free from lithuania, about 126,00 residents and more than 42,500 poles from latvia. neither the closure of checkpoints nor the attempts of our neighbors to intimidate their own citizens with far-fetched problems while on belarusian territory had any effect. we come home, we get some other procedures, you just you come to relax. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus, in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, as it
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is developing, hospitable, bright and what is it like, belarus, business and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, athletic and team-oriented.
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hello, belarus 1 is on the air, belarus 24, as always on friday evenings. with
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a repeat sunday early in the morning on the tv channels belarus 1 belarus24 and the editors club program, we will discuss what is being discussed in the country and the world, i represent the guests who have gathered at our... and judging by the information that we have, there will be no the only representative of the liberal democratic party of belarus was re-elected as a deputy of the belarusian parliament in our parliament, for the first time in 30 years the liberal democratic party of belarus will be represented not only by the leader of the party,
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i’m proud that i was re-elected, it’s really pride and responsibility, but ivan mikhailovich, let me congratulate you on behalf of all of us on being elected, thank you, i’m still far from you, and... this is really for me, for example, it’s obvious , it’s clear and pleasant that you were elected, thank you very much, it’s a great honor for me too, i’m extremely looking forward to starting work, very interesting, good experience, i really hope that i’ll be useful while working in the minsk city council, well, the elections are naturally already for a long time topic number one in our country, the general assessment, i think... you will agree with it, the elections were held calmly, organized, without incident, despite all the efforts of our friends, and i don’t mean there are fugitives, who are not only theirs, who now
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they live in the baltic states in poland in other countries, they are a screen, today some are fugitives, tomorrow others, how many of these have already been there since 1994, the collective west is behind this, of course. it is he who, for decades , has been practically making efforts to ensure that every election campaign to blow up the country, this is the best chance, there are a lot of public events, people are wound up, all the loudmouths that exist only, quite legally, maybe they can show their pseudolant, huge amounts of money are being pumped not into the electoral campaign, into the fight against the electoral campaign, how much?
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and they live for something, well, we all know what they live for, information in the world of the internet, of course, has already become public, even we have already seen in the statement, which of course cannot be accepted, there must be opposition in the country, the president is talking about this said, different opinions should maybe you have to argue, but when you are paid by a foreign state, and even one that essentially recognizes us as their enemy, then this is a completely different story, you all saw the approach of the head of state, he let
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us build unfriendly relations with this country, i’m already silent about the economy, but it seems indecent to say that after all, friends, neighbors, brothers, what kind of economy, but the economy is also very important.
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the united states condemns the fictitious parliamentary local elections organized by the regime of alexander lukashenko, which ended today in belarus, the elections were held in an atmosphere of fear, i saw aleg sergeevich, your frightened eyes, don’t admit it, and not a single electoral process can be called democratic, said imagine.
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the united states demanded the resignation of lukashenko, the united states demanded from turkey, demanded from belarus, demanded from poland, and on and on and on. well, you scoundrel, how can you deal with them? well, you know, i’ll go back to the elections, after all, yes, well, of course, here’s how
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to characterize, for me, here’s what i saw at the polling stations, and the period of campaigning, nominations, we made elections for ourselves, for the first time, probably, we didn’t even have a shade of thought to please someone, so we got rid of this wretched complex.
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this is the second question, that the people, they calmly went until election day, another important point is the very high turnout in early voting, that is, they created for the people the mechanism that was convenient for them, and not the one into which we were driven , well, i ’ll continue a little, dmitry sanovich, well , i’ll continue a little, because i don’t even want to pay attention to election day, but monday after the elections, i held it. just in vitebsk mogilev meets with the assets of the belarusian union of women, according to tradition,
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women are those who work at polling stations, those who are members of election commissions, those who are election observers, we are represented very widely, and imagine this the women who work at the election commission, she didn’t sleep until the morning and came to meet them, but by the way they evaluate, like people who have been conducting campaigns for several years, how calm their expression is, how confident they feel that everything really happened. it’s very good and the way they even compare companies, they say that people really went to this company consciously, this is also such a very important point, not because someone forced them or something else, they went to make their own . it is very clear that this will be a very strong parliament, a strong parliament in no way replaces the strong strong hand of the head of state, a strong parliament is rather a support for the head of state, because it is clear that at the parliamentary level the laws by which
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the country lives are worked out, and here it is important and necessary to take into account everything else, that someone does not like ours. borel, assessments of the united states of america, the current government of the european union and the united states, why? if the ratings were good , it means we did something wrong, that means we elected the wrong person, and the elections went wrong, because
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in fact they can evaluate our elections well, the current government, because i hope someday it will change , only when our country. either he is on his knees, or there is a civil war going on, or a coup d’etat , then a representative of the state department would come out and say, this is a sovereign state, this is a democratic state , they are fighting russian aggression, they want to fight for freedom, it’s okay that they killed dozens there, hundreds of people, this is democracy, so the assessment is excellent, it makes me happy, the second thing that has changed in relation to the international assessment, i speak as a deputy working in an international commission, if before we read these... resolutions, now, i am telling you responsibly and honestly, we look at them with one eye, then she immediately goes to the toilet, that is, there wasn’t even any reaction from us, because no one reacts to this anymore, the third, this is the best reaction, well, it’s just, it’s just so funny and it’s ridiculous why, because if we take european estimates, well , we understand perfectly well that they depend on
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the white house, there is no sovereignty there, whatever they say there, that’s what they’ll do, now ho, although our mit from testibal them is not bad, but now about us. this means, of course, the most important result of these elections for me, as a politician , this is a huge turnout of people, which is not only impossible to deny, even our enemies saw it, because the task of the west, the task of the centers that are located abroad, was precisely to disrupt the turnout, to disrupt the elections, they tried with all their using meager methods inside the country, oh no, we removed the fifth column, but they still have money abroad, they have all this money...
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in october, in september, in august, but now the trail has passed, the third important moment for me is emotional, i remember very well, and so do you remember how the people who went through the twentieth year, what the atmosphere was like at those elections, not only on voting day, but 3 months before the voting, how much hatred they tried to pump up, anger, nastiness, and what the atmosphere was like now, to be honest, and during during the election campaign , i, as a candidate for deputy, i felt a holiday, i talked to people and... a day that you have to go through, and then somehow live, but really a milestone in the development of our state, and the activity of young people, it seems to me, it should be noted here separately,
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because in fact there were a lot of young people, young people don’t actively go to parliamentary elections so often, but here...
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regarding international monitoring, i would n’t be so categorical here either, we ourselves are inflating this thesis that the osce was not invited, they did not come, we had a sufficient number of international foreign observers, not only from the cis countries, not only from the sco countries, not only from countries from the associations of which our country is a member, but also those who came individually, including countries western europe, in our press center tsika, where. throughout sunday and saturday i was there, there were a lot of people speaking different european languages, german, french, polish, non
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-european, of course, turkish, english , and i managed to either listen to or take part in the conversations of these people, they don’t have any of these fairy tales with which they came here, that people are forced, forced, that this is under some kind of pressure or something. also that these are elections without choice, that someone was appointed, some of them simply had a completely destroyed picture of the world in their eyes, and even a german observer who came to the press center said, in our berlin court the court declared the elections undemocratic due to falsification and fraud, but in your country i don’t come, people come, fill it out themselves, throw it in, and they were present during the early voting and when voting on the main day, this...
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in other universities, colleges and schools, although schoolchildren do not participate in the election campaign, we noticed a high level of patriotism and responsibility of children and adolescents for the future of their country, before young people were not only protesting although she protestful in spirit, embarrassed or thought that all this did not concern them, it was not interesting to them , it was all a travesty, now patriotic... work, the twentieth year, the experience of those children who return from education, from the forced migration of their parents, or where they -they turned to a better fate there
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when they arrived, saying, we don’t... want this, we don’t want this, we want to live in our own country, it’s good, warm, cozy, loved , delicious, realizing that the future really depends on them of this country, involves them in political activity, while just voters coming to the polling stations, including those voting for the first time, then this will be a reliable foundation, this will be the future that the president has spoken about more than once, to whom it will be possible to transfer our country when we... we will already be watching club of editors on tv , sitting on the couch, maybe on the internet, but the most important thing was what was said in these elections and what brought joy not only to the supporters of the current president, not only to the patriotic component of our country, but and many of those who just yesterday considered themselves adherents of completely different faiths, this is what the president said: i’ll go, and many felt calmer in their souls,
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the confidence arose that... despite all the threats that are voiced against our countries from all sides, and if in the nineteenth and twentieth years many of us were leery of this, now we are observing that there is an accumulation of equipment and armed forces at our borders and, in general , statements of threats from the outside, including the leaders of some western states, we we understand that this is the only way we can preserve the sovereignty of our country and the progressive and normal development of belarus. because only a few there have any political ambitions, this is a matter of existence, for 30 years half of european officials have been living off the fact that they receive grants to fight in our country, so they
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also like it and will fight.
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remember, while sergen talks about the feat they accomplished, the cool innovation, how they changed life in the country by gaining access to this, and then you will tell, you know, if they were remembered, they usually had a lot of fun, you remember any meeting of parliament with the participation of the first one, with the participation of the president, especially when it was expanded, when the message was, yes, we always waited for them to come out and amuse the people a little, these are those one -two people who called... themselves a position, okay, and i really liked that dmitry aleksandrovich began with a phrase about complexes, yes, there is a good expression, a person should have all complexes, belarusians should have all complexes, except inferiority complex, and i really love it there, let’s say the s400 typhoon, but maybe the s500 complex is good, the tor-2 or let’s say the iskander, these are exactly the complexes that we need, without the rest we will somehow survive, there will be something to
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write about for our trash heaps... second moment this miller is wonderful , who spoke out, you probably didn’t pay attention, but this is indicative of the statement on the go on the website of the us state democratic party appeared exactly 3 hours after the end of voting, the results hadn’t even been summed up yet, but they already knew everything, they already knew everything as we always knew, but the most interesting another thing is that the european council issued a statement.
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dipoch on the election of president bush in 2004, it was such a thirty-page report, in itself quite interesting, and the whole set of shortcomings that are inherent was discussed there. american electoral system , from not allowing international observers or permission to observe elections from a distance of at least 100 m from the polling station, in some states there are such rules, violation of criminal liability, and to rules characterizing early voting, and just like that for information to our television viewers, in the twentieth year, when they chose our respected grandfather, who is the grandfather. you to us, you give us your grandfather, please, he, believe me, he has already become an integral part of our lives, because, of course, comics and memes about him are an integral part of everyday life, let's speak frankly, so then we chose the most
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interesting, about early voting, there were a lot of articles, because in america, 70 million people, 70 million people voted early, and at that time, this was colossal figure, it would be, after all, not only the president said about international observers, but our opponents began to cultivate this norm in their media , and i agree with what vladimir borisovich said, we had enough international observers, and ewronews, the most truthful
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channel , which we had until the twentieth year on cable networks in belarus and which talked about hundreds of millions of belarusians who came out and, well, naturally we must pay tribute like this...
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to the state, how the mess started with sanctions, many questions disappeared on their own, we have an immense russian market, why? because our products are in demand in russia, we can do a lot for the russians, take microelectronics for example, russia has helped us a lot in the energy sector, the world has changed and we have become in demand for each other, that is, there is a problem, solve it, don’t get ahead of yourself, and if... in russia, especially, and here in belarus, someone thinks that a union
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state, tomorrow we will unite, there will be power in the kremlin again, and so on and so forth similar, listen, i am the outgoing president , i say this often, but i am absolutely convinced, no matter who comes after me, this position will not be supported, two sovereign independent states, we are smart , educated people, to create such a union of sovereign states, independent. .. we see there is no sovereignty,
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no independence, statehood is in question, because all decisions are not made in vilnius, unfortunately, we take moldova, i am silent about ukraine, we have long lost our subjectivity, but during our stay in the union state we sovereignty and the state were strengthened. the second point is why they constantly write about the fact that we can allegedly lose this sovereignty with one goal: to destroy the union state, to push belarus against russia somehow. to scold the elites, in the good sense of the word , the elites of our countries, the president talked about this constantly, remember, the first time they wrote that the union with russia and belarus threatens sovereignty, it was on the day of its creation, the opposition immediately tried to hold rallies, right away this the topic was raised, it was raised regularly, at every meeting of two presidents, signing some mutually beneficial agreements, they raised the issue of sovereignty, while they are silent about the fact that... the army is stationed in lithuania, in poland, there,
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ukraine was thrown into the war, no one talks about this, that belarus is all these years in the union with russia he lives in peace, strengthens his economy, political system, and most importantly, only the president in this country in ours makes decisions, and not only about appointments, when, for example, in moldova any official is appointed through the us embassy , everyone knows about this, either through the fund soros, not only about appointments, about everything, we only because we are sovereign, we live in peace, in tranquility.
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let's call people by their proper names, and we must always remember, as soon as you read an article that says that belarus
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will be the eighty-sixth province or the eighty-sixth-sixth administrative territory of russia , yes?
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for a post not just in the post-soviet and european space, these are some of the most powerful world leaders today, it is clear in this situation what is needed try to create a split between them, and the president many times said things that you need to not only remember, but, yes, you need to rely on them in your judgments. 5-7 years ago he said that belarus would certainly be useful to russia; a couple of years ago he said that we would cover our back in any case.
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a split between the presidents or some kind of wedge or contradiction will be driven, this will not happen, the presidents are quite experienced, wise and
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believe me, from what our president says, they are very friendly relationships, the ability to pick up the phone at any time and settle those rough points that even the government cannot agree on. the main point is to drive a wedge or convince the elites of the two states that there is a divergence between us... and in each of these areas, these so-called stupid or false articles, there is a fairly well-developed layer of these future shocks, fears, economic concerns or, conversely, the interests of certain groups that may be affected, which are already being affected. belarusians or bad russians, this is where such speculative stuff is made, these stuff , as a rule,
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have no basis in fact for a long time, in general, for me personally, i sometimes read this, even when i come to the meeting of the supreme state council in st. petersburg in strelna, you arrive in the morning and open you read these so-called nonsense, media-like garbage dumps, which are financed directly by western intelligence services:
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this is such a message for the external circuit, because the alliance is too successful, the alliance is too strong, the alliance is too economically profitable two independent countries , therefore it is necessary to show that something will definitely happen to this union, that such unions do not exist, that today or tomorrow someone in this union must pay with their independence, this is how they convince those around, for so that at no time does any of the cis countries think that it also needs to enter more deeply into some kind of union of belarus and russia, including. yes , to deepen some of our own, this is fear for them, these are our integration ties, which are becoming stronger, so i i think that this is precisely work
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not for the russians and belarusians, but work for the external circuit in order to undermine confidence in this union, such publications will appear all the time with enviable frequency, why? because the concept of sovereignty is a sacred thing for alexander lukashenko, yes, this is what he talks and thinks about, probably every day, every part.
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or otherwise it cannot be here on equal terms, but on equal terms - this is a key concept, and another very important point, we need to realize that we should go using models that existed for 10, there 100 years, 200 years, 300 years, yes, which are essentially used today in the western world, they are trying to copy them all over the planet, they may have passed their time, they are ineffective, so... we are here for a reason we say the belarusian economic model, it is a symbiosis of different economic models, but it allows us belarusians to provide a very good standard of living, this is exactly the same political model of the union state, a symbiosis of several systems, which the president managed to find him, and then he look at 25 years, not everything was easy and
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simple, but it crystallized, and the most important thing is... this union, so i support those who said, it ensures the security and development of our states, that’s what concerns us, we could argue in the economy , there are some milk wars, something else, well, military cooperation, cooperation in the security sphere, it has always been a standard, in fact, but now think about it, just think about it, that on our territory of another sovereign state, supervisor neighboring sovereign... the state gives away a nuclear baton, yeah, just think about the level of trust, but the world doesn’t know this, well, i talked about it, but there is another important thought, as long as the west dreams of destroying russia , until then they will try to pump us up, why? because as long as there is a sovereign, independent and strong belarus,
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it is twice as difficult to get to russia, this is 100%. everyone was driven, everyone who did not vote, did not come to the polling stations, will be summoned to the state committee security for interrogation, well, we naturally appeared with our post about the fact that we will go to film the queues near the state security committee. 7 million voters voted, how much turnout we have, 73%, this is how many millions the employees of the
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state security committee need to interrogate, and almost 2 million, almost 2 million need to be interrogated, but... it’s clear, but the new york times is an american garbage dump, the austrian one is the same garbage dump, the kronen newspaper, by the way, is the most widely read, listen, elections in belarus are considered unfree and manipulative, according to according to official data, 47% of voters in belarus voted before the opening of polling stations; for many years, voting by mail has been a popular tool used by the government apparatus of long-time ruler lukashenko to achieve desired results. listen, i shouldn’t believe it, as a matter of fact, i ’m vladimirich, i’m writing to them all, i wrote to the guardian, the washington post, to the guardian about protosevich, i sent them 15 sheets of fakes, i returned their fakes with evidence, no answer, no hello, i wrote here letter to the guardian, by the way, they refer to the mirror, and in this regard i expressed condolences to them, sent screenshots of voloshin, how he instructs his employees in august 2020 to erase
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the fuckers’ comment or even delete this thread, but i asked them: tell us how we are voting by mail is arranged, what regulations are all of this regulated , the worst thing is, well, i asked that maybe you confused us with the united states of america, where this corruption scheme flourishes, i asked what if they, we have 7 million voters, can you give at least one name of the person who was driven to the polling station, well, since you write, well, they refer to the mirror, well, you see the result on the screen, it seems like an innocent thing, we know what it is for...
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just now i remembered that in the federal republic of germany, a person who takes part in elections receives a mark in his passport, and if you do not have a mark in your passport stating that you participated in the elections, you do not have the right to apply to government agencies, you are being discriminated against rights, i wrote to them, dear friends, about voting by mail and falsification, what are you hinting at, you have been voting by mail in austria for many years, well , they know what they are talking about, well, this is so for... by regarding sovereignty, a wonderful article was published in one of the western publications, i just want to quote, it will take me about a minute and a half, that there are countries
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with a president who does not decide anything at all, i mean zelensky, the story of boris johnson and not only him, who forced to fight, in this article there are quotes from officials, mainly from the united states of america and other western countries, that war is a profitable... business, let's see, and one by one, you give it to me, i'll quickly read it out. moland, we must remember that the bulk of this money goes directly back into the american economy to produce weapons, including good paying jobs in forty states. timothy gartonesh, senior emerging markets strategist, associate chatmanhouse, well, it's actually a climo, if you look at it from the point of view of profitability, support for ukraine from the united states and the west is. likely a cost-effective investment. richard blumenthal, us senator, democrat from kintuki. americans should be satisfied that we are getting our money from our investments in ukraine, he wrote. because, for less than 3%
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of our country's military budget, we allowed ukraine to reduce russia's military power by half. all without a single american serviceman or man suffering injury or loss. mitch mccon, senate minority leader. not a single american can be killed in ukraine. we are rebuilding our industrial base. the ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our biggest rivals. i find it hard to find anything wrong with this. roger wicker, american politician, us senator. this is a relatively modest amount of money that we are investing, and we are not being asked to risk life and limb. ukrainians are ready to fight for us if the west supplies them. this is a very good deal. brad stevens, american journalist, despite all the power we... have given to ukraine, we are the true beneficiaries in this relationship, and they are the true benefactors, he wrote in the new york times, pointing to the fact that nato pays only in money,
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while the ukrainians calculate the cost in the lives of lost limbs, lincius graham , you know who he is, an american politician, 4 months have passed and i like the structural path we are on, as long as we help ukraine with the weapons it needs. we provide economic support, they would fight to the last man, he declared at the start of the war, inadvertently voicing what critics of the war had often said, that the us would fight to the last ukrainian. candalisa rice, sixty-sixth us secretary of state, national security adviser to us president bush and robert michael gates, this was their joint article in the same publication. we have a determined partner in ukraine who is ready to bear the consequences of war so that we do not have to.
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since the middle east invasion of iraq in 2003, the middle east gave all the oil to the americans, where they invaded, the europeans only got a million migrants and economic problems. a war began in ukraine, europe received sanctions, from which it suffers, again migrants, americans earn money, and so on ad infinitum, but for us there is only one lesson: we, they dream, just like ukraine, in the beginning, as they started, this is sovereignty, ukraine began to lose sovereignty not...
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and spend their lives so that these, excuse me, moral monsters, make money billions of dollars , i hope they already understand, this turnout, it shows that the majority finally understand, and one more thing, remember the figures that were just recently announced by the demographic center, yes in ukraine, about what people live in ukraine today 23.6 million people.
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sensible thoughts are really starting to sound , they are already finishing the job, you know, these ones, but i keep thinking, what will they do with tens of thousands of children and teenagers who zeg, that’s what they will do with their brains, it will be like germany , may 10 in 1945, not a single nazi could be found; they were all communists.
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there in europe, they brought me firewood from belarus, i didn’t make that up, they’ve been living in poland for 3 and a half years, but nowhere in private conversations with ordinary citizens of european countries or from politicians have i heard even a hint that anyone wanted to attack the territory of belarus and seize some territories. these days there is such a terrorist organization as baypol. there is such a azarov, and there will be a person who is in rossoska. certainly found says in in interview with a belgian tv channel, belgian, a group of former belarusian police servicemen declare that they have a plan to overthrow the president of belarus lukashenko, the material says, the leader of the gangster group azarov, with whom the journalists spoke, confirmed that members of his organization are trying to organize sabotage in the territory rb and are preparing a military coup, according to him, at polish training grounds, at polish training grounds they are being trained by former...
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naturally, this fugitive man who destroyed the kupala theater is shielding its owners , the poles, yes, who pay him, but azarov is a terrorist, this is his job, the man who destroyed the kupala theater is trying to pose as a politician of the future terrorist, well , maybe the second person, he doesn’t hide that he is a terrorist, and this fugitive comrade is trying to do all the politics of such a respectable semi-european, in fact he is the same terrorist and extremist.
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if they thought that they were somehow glorifying those people who would come with weapons in their hands to fight for democracy in some kind of belarus, generally little-known to most residents of the western world, in fact they led to a completely opposite reaction, none of these blissful half-rainbow
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residents living in western countries supports terrorism, murder, military invasions in europe even more so. no one said that they were going to enter the territory of the bssr with tanks, armored vehicles and infantry aircraft. nobody talked about this, there was even a non- attack pact signed, but in fact the tragedy of our country is that we are at crossroads and through our country, always and
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here in order to conquer the resources of the country that is to the east of us, which, in their opinion, has those resources that are too much for such a thing...
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essentially destroyed the state, we, with these hands, essentially brought it closer the horror that we have every day, the war, when hundreds, perhaps thousands of people die every day, no one knows the real numbers, but if yanukovych had been in place then, if berkut
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had carried out what we paid taxes for, they were paid their salaries, if there was crimea, there would be donbass, if there were ukraine, there would not be hundreds of thousands of corpses. 15 million ukrainian emigrants all over the world, destroyed energy, economy, and destroyed everything , well done, well done, the most important thing is that these russians will not return the old ukraine, but they are so remorseful, but they are so remorseful - that’s good, let them hear them, listen to them, well done man, that he actually did it, that he repented, that he admitted that he did everything with his own hands to destroy his own state. let ours also look this year at what you are doing, you have this the battle will not end, and propagandists, shut up, they can’t, they can’t build a chain, a chain, yes, a flowering garden in a column. they had it in their heads , which is interesting, because we
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started this topic with this palpalych, it’s very surprising, we have smart viewers, they compare 2 + 2 perfectly, he himself says for 16 years that he worked in poland, yes , in every school in europe, yes, well, in every school in poland, in every one, i’m not even talking about those that were on our territory, this is the polish map, yes, where.
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that russia will defend itself, in the same way he hears the words of our president, who says quite specifically that i will answer, there is no need to hope that we will demolish this, yes, any invasion of the territory of belarus will have a completely adequate response, that’s why we will still add a spoonful of honey to our viewers in such an evening program, i personally see... there is already light at the end of the tunnel, firstly, because america has reached the limit of its power,
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those who were only yesterday are already laughing at it her allies, not only because someone's grandfather is not our grandfather, as he says , it’s a different grandfather, he doesn’t understand whether he’s alive or dead, and because there are no real levers of influence, it’s clear that if they do something unreasonable with their dollar, everything will collapse like a house of cards , secondly, lithuania, latvia, estonia, poland, bulgaria
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and so on, which received billions of euros from france and germany every year to maintain these standards, everything will fall there too, thirdly, they absolutely do not want war anymore trust their politicians if only because the main directions of their economy began to collapse, steel, chemical, automobile manufacturing enterprises were leaving for different states. agriculture is being destroyed, in eighteen countries of the european union at the moment there are large or small strikes and rallies of farmers, because everything is already the limit for them, it is unbearable and impossible for them to work, without this there will be empty shelves with nothing to fill them, this is the limit when the upper classes do not hear, the lower classes cannot live as before, but macron at this time sends, is going to fight and send to the front, he probably has a dream to send farmers who...
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in this situation it is very important to understand one circumstance, the president spoke about this on the way to journalists at the polling station, that the more they put pressure on us , the more options there are that he will remain in the position of the leader of the state, the president, now think about it, imagine an experienced captain who himself built this ship, there’s a storm ahead and he’s taking the wheel, yeah.
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centuries you have created thanks to authentic things, they were used by representatives of a famous family. discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel. let's preserve civilization and increase our wealth. results of the supreme state council of the union state. in general, our situation is developing very vigorously. trade turnover is constantly growing. russia is the largest investor, our investors have invested 4 billion dollars in the economy of belarus, the whole process begins with the procurement of our own raw materials, trees are cut down on rented areas that were allocated by the state, some 20 years ago, were cut and sold as raw materials, but they stopped in time and restarted. in a country with one of the most forested areas in the world, it was
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natural for woodworking to take root. where we supply our products, the president of our country gives the products of our plant as souvenirs. last year , almost 240,700 citizens came to us visa-free from lithuania, about 126 thousand residents and more than 42,500 poles from latvia. not the closure of checkpoints, nor our attempts neighbors to intimidate their own citizens with far-fetched problems during their stay on belarusian territory did not have any effect. we come home, we get some other procedures, you just come to relax. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let 's sum up the results of this day together: a fundamental conversation, negotiations between lukashenko and putin on the phone. what topical issues the presidents discussed and what prospects they outlined. the iron curtain policy outrages the residents of lithuania and latvia, which is what the authorities are afraid of.


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