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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 3, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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glory to our land, glory to our land, glory to the people of the great union, ours. i am a beloved mother, radimatechna zhitney belarus, our beloved mother, honorable be our children, ast.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up this day together. detailed conversation, negotiations between lukashenko and putin on the phone, what current issues the presidents discussed and what prospects they outlined, the iron curtain policy outrages the residents of lithuania and latvia, which the authorities of the baltic countries are afraid of, closing the borders with belarus and the unifying power of sports in kazan , the games of the future are ending, where belarusians have proven themselves in dual realities, digital and physical worlds. my colleagues will continue to announce the program.
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the speed of movement is 20 trucks per day , while the norm is the same per hour, a little more than a day has passed since lithuania closed two checkpoints with our country, what is the situation on the lithuanian border now, see the panorama. the largest nato exercises in the 20th century, what is hidden under the supposed training maneuvers on why the presence of nuclear weapons is no longer a deterrent. alliance aggression, how... when it’s dangerous, let’s look at it in detail: the production of breathing apparatus for firefighting pilots and divers in belarus russia is discussing new cooperation projects through the ministry of emergency situations. the farming season 2024 has started in the brest region, and selective sowing of oats has begun. conversation about the future of the harvest today in panorama. the attention of belarusian spectators today traveled in one minute along the route moscow to soligorsk.
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meeting of the supreme state council of the union states, presidents outlined prospects for the near future in the development of bilateral relations, discussed issues in the work of the integration structures of the eurasian economic union, odkbe and other formats, as well as the most pressing international topics, the situation in the region and prospects for its development. the conversation lasted about an hour, and according to the kremlin press service, vladimir putin congratulated alexander lukashenko on his successful conduct in belarus.
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february 25 is the single voting day. by the way, the presidents had a personal conversation most recently in kazan at the opening of the games of the future. this is a multi-sport forum where athletes compete in two realities, the digital and physical worlds. the closing ceremony will take place tomorrow, and we can say that these starts are a new round in the development of sports as a whole, because athletes from hundreds of countries have united in spite of sanctions and political ambitions. kristina kamysh will continue: let's agree right away: sport is changing, its future will be different from the usual present, we thank the politics that destroyed and discredited the entire olympic movement. the creation of alternative starts for the game of brix, friendship or cis countries is an inevitable process, and the new forum is destined for global development, no matter how the head there could, thomas bach did not resist this. admission to the olympics in paris,
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the problem is that lea was once wil, the collective west, which supports non-binary individuals , can’t decide where to compete as a transgender person, athletes are writing complaints against it, athletes can no longer compete with dignity, again their democracy turns out to be somehow half-hearted and incomplete, since in the usa they are loyal to all 54 genders, then go to the end, admit everyone. while the west is confused in its beliefs and contradicts itself, the east is fighting for the future. in modern realities, few children and teenagers want to work hard on sports fields. the distraction of gadgets: the zoomer generation has a huge temptation to compete
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with virtual reality. we follow trends and even set them. unique competitions and games are ending in kazan future. a combination of classic sports. high-tech e-sports, teams from all over the world will compete in real virtual spaces. digital reality and stadium energy. no more choosing a ball or joystick. this competition format is still unusual for the belarusian eye. but everything is simple: participants first play in a digital universe on a computer or console, and then fight each other in the real world, on the stages. in fact, this is a double event, because now to win the athlete must be. good at two measurements at the tournament, the interests of the country were defended by almost 70 people, in principle, like on a cycling track something similar, but with its own characteristics, it was interesting, difficult, fresh, everything is different in a virtual race, that is, when you ride with a professional athlete, for example on the highway, well, somewhere you have
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wind resistance, somewhere else something, but there isn’t, you just drive, look at the screen, it seems like there are silhouettes of your rivals, but you don’t understand how they feel , you just can't see them. there is a picture to for example, the speed is 60 km/h, then once someone leaves, it’s 65, and you’re like, i mean, well, you start adding more in order to catch up with him and not move away from him. these cartoon characters are not some kind of screensaver, but avatars of real people, games of the future, so interesting to fans that even the organizers did not expect such a stir. more than a billion people watched the opening ceremony live from kazan. let us remind you that the head of our state was also present at the show. and some more statistics that are amazing consciousness, on just one streaming service in china, 7 million people watched the dota 2 match online on the first day of the tournament. the format of the games of the future really arouses very serious interest among both
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the public and the athletes , many good cyber athletes gathered at the competitions, we also saw guys who ended their careers not so long ago, some even continue. playing hockey, well, everything is very, very interesting, spectacular, bright. the games of the future are a challenge to the olympics. in individual disciplines , athletes passed 10 qualifying rounds. general the prize money is such that not a single multi-sport forum could dream of 10 million dollars. the desire of foreigners to come to russia was colossal; despite all western prohibitions, over 200 people from 107 countries performed in kazan. i think this idea will be continued. holding these games of the future, i think, next year already, you know, there will probably be very serious competition to get there from the team of athletes. of course, western officials did not like the interest of their athletes in the games of the future. in the tournament fidgetal hockey was played by the latvian team
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baltic select. some of the players represent the national team, or rather they did, because now the hockey players’ licenses have been taken away and we’ll see how many more people will be punished for going. against politicians and dared to play sports. kristina kamysh, tv news agency. a little more than a day has passed since lithuania closed the next two checkpoints. now the situation at the border is queues of trucks tens of kilometers long. after all, the last two active the checkpoints are working slowly precisely on the initiative of the lithuanian border guards. my colleague alena lishkevich visited one of the operating points today. why did the baltics choose the iron curtain policy and what do ordinary people think about this? our next material. i am at the kamenny log checkpoint, a little more than a day has passed since lithuania closed two
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customs points with our country. the bulk of carriers went here. our side took the load properly, which cannot be said about... lithuanian neighbors, so looks like a queue of trucks lasting 10 km, for example, in 3 hours from 9 am to noon, the lithuanian side registered only nine trucks, but the queue: here, out of 690 heavy trucks, one can guess how long the drivers will have to endure, and many of them are carrying perishable goods products, such cars are accepted in a different order, but still there is a queue of them. we arrived at 36 am, checked in with the belarusians, but haven’t moved a meter, where are we heading to kaliningrad, where are you from? from kaliningrad, here in chernoshevsky it’s the same painting. well, it’s like this everywhere, lithuania doesn’t let me in, what do they think there, i don’t know, but
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the situation was better before, then before there were no problems at all, we constantly carry transit, well, it took me 9 hours to cross the border, now we’re standing, if people are standing it’s already been a week, of course, and because of the euro europeans, we’ve been standing there for two days, it’s as if i arrived yesterday, checked in, checked in today at 63 in the morning, well, it’s not long and... you’re just like you’re already in slippers, already at home , yes, in the car, but of course, i live and work here, this is my work place, my apartment, yes, we are there , there is no other way, one gets the feeling that the lithuanian border guards are deliberately creating a traffic jam, because according to the norms it is necessary to process 500 cars in each direction, that is, during normal work it is possible to relieve the congestion of crossings, especially employees were freed from closed points and could be redirected to active ones, as the belarusian side did. the customs service of the republic of belarus is taking all measures necessary to improve the situation at
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the border; existing checkpoints are already the maximum number of employees, as well as vehicles, have been sent, vehicles have been redirected for inspection, as well as vehicles have been scanned , that is, the standards have been established no less roughly... quickly, i’m bringing preserved fish, there’s canned food, such baby food, from moscow
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, kalingrad is home, the children are waiting for juice, and we are standing here with them, well, it might get better, no, if i just sit behind the levers of the tank, it might end, let’s calm down these unfriendly country of ours, well, they did it in vain, what they closed the cauldron, very wrongly, they themselves are escalating the situation. well, figure out for yourself that they are escalating the situation. lithuanian departments claim that such measures are aimed at solving problems of national security, smuggling, and violations of international sanctions. despite the statement by the leadership of the neighboring country to attract released employees to work at existing checkpoints, the situation is only getting worse. thus, the actual throughput capacity of the lithuanian border crossing medinenkai over the past 24 hours was slightly more than 10% of the installed one. only 54 trucks out of a possible 500 were registered there. our border guards and customs officers are 100%
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ready and continue to work, even despite the downtime of their colleagues. hoping that the situation will still be resolved in favor of the people, and not of political ambitions. alena lishkevich, andrey ivanenko, telenews agency. the real reason for the closure of checkpoints was stated by a famous blogger from latvia, dmitry mataev. in his opinion, the authorities of the baltic countries are so... they are afraid that people will compare the situation in riga and vilnius with belarus, plus will clearly not be in their favor, but instead of putting things in order at home, it is easier for them to completely stop their citizens from traveling to our country, i will explain, everything is very simple, the fact is that the official propaganda is sprat baltic, they say, that everything is bad in belarus, that there are no roads there, that there are no products in the stores, that people are being grabbed on the streets there, that... there is no democracy there, that it is bad there, there is no medical care there, and so on and so on and
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so on , a whole list of what official european union propaganda says, but according to in fact, millions of residents, millions of residents go to belarus and see nothing bad , there is not a single, really not a single video on the internet that something is bad in belarus, a beautiful metro, an abundance of stores, such a choice, something... for lithuanians latvians never even dreamed of it in their stores. meanwhile, on other lithuanian borders, polish farmers are blocking the largest border crossing point , buddiska kalvarija. farmers stop and check the volume of transported ukrainian grain. let me note that every day of protests costs lithuanian carriers 120,000 euro. and this is the polish-ukrainian border, there is a conflict between truck drivers over accusations of bribing protesters to travel. ukrainian drivers blamed their compatriots from lvov for this. it is alleged
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that those wishing to travel pay $250 per car. farmer protests in spain continue unabated. spanish farmers wanted to break into the palace in the city of zaragoza, where a government meeting was being held, but security forces with batons stood in the way; according to local media reports, after a clash with the police, one of the protesters ended up in the hospital. in germany continues to investigate.
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under the luftwaffe they are discussing how they can bomb our crimean bridge like this, how many missiles will be enough, 10 or 20, and also do it so that no one understands anything and so that scholz can continue to claim that he is not taking part in the conflict and nato is not taking part in the conflict , that his hut is on the edge, while still walking, they shoot at their so-called partners, the british americans, saying that they work almost openly, in ukraine it’s already like that, in general. deputy chairman of the federation council konstantin kosachev said that germany is directly involved in the conflict in ukraine. foreign minister sergei lavrov emphasized that
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the audio recording from germany is a damning revelation, while chancellor olaf scholz called it... a very serious problem , promised to quickly investigate everything, and bondesfer is trying to cover his tracks; a number of accounts on social networks that posted this material were blocked. at the same time , sensible people understand that it is impossible to defeat russia. conclude peace and make territorial concessions to moscow, called founder of the american private military company black water. eric prince also believes that ordinary americans do not support the kiev regime.
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at the final of the competition, at the final rehearsal, she swore at all the organizers, and said, i will not stand with russia, she left
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the stage, if you don’t want to stand with russia, so why did you come to the beauty contest? stay at home, i couldn’t stand it on the bus, the filming lasted for 14 hours, i was just wildly tired when they just told me to let you, your family, your country die together... with russia, i couldn’t restrain this, and i responded with obscenities in the same impudent style, because i believe that such people need to be treated in their language, that’s all. why the beauty contest turned into a scandal against the backdrop of politics, how russia and belarus again found themselves in the same trench of a cultural war, and where belarusian model irina maksimovich gets the strength to endure haters, watch on the main broadcast tomorrow evening. nato is holding the largest military
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exercise of the 20th century with 90 thousand participants. the maneuvers, of course, take place near the belarusian borders. why this escalation? after all, the leaders of both belarus and russia constantly say: “we don’t need war, we are for peace, but nato is expanding again.” sweden has officially joined... ukraine, the bloc will unleash a war against moscow. about lloyd austin said that in case of defeat the edges of the world and loud statements, author's commentary maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tere news agency. if you think that nato exercises are just training for soldiers and a method of intimidation, you are mistaken. let's take the current largest ones in 21 century of the standfest defender 24 exercise, on the eve of which. signed an agreement with the scandinavian countries allowing the americans to supply equipment, ammunition and military-technical equipment to northern europe on the quiet. there is such an island in
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central norway, trendelak, all covered with greenery of us rear facilities, a base for the deployment of equipment, ammunition and clothing, two airfields and naval bases. the location of the headquarters of the us marine expeditionary brigade. these supplies can support actions. nato neighbors are rapidly arming the borders of russia, that is, a union state.
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steadfest defender 24 consists of sixteen smaller national exercises, one of which will be the dragon 24 maneuvers, which will begin in poland on february 25 and end on march 14.
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15 thousand polish soldiers and several thousand soldiers from allied countries, including the usa, great britain, france, germany, spain and turkey, will take part in them. on the polish side , the main forces will be fielded by ground forces. excellent script, so that a little to divert the attention of the security bloc of belarus, against the background of the training of saboteurs on the territory of poland, against the background of constant attempts to transfer armed terrorists to belarus. all this is confirmed by the way. the largest polish media. the resistance group is planning a coup in belarus when the time is right. politics. belarusian dissidents are planning a coup in belarus, working in poland. belarusian oppositionists operating in poland are planning an assassination attempt on the lukashenko regime. that is, nato is expanding again. welcome sweden. nato countries are actively training saboteurs for terrorist attacks and coups in our country. at
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our borders again. we see at this moment that we have no signs of a change in the nuclear military situation in russia, just as nato has not changed its positions or raised the level of alarm. we, too, as an alliance, are a nuclear superpower, but we behave extremely responsibly in this situation. extremely responsibly, for the first time after a fifteen-year break, preparations are being made for the return of american nuclear weapons to britain. and if today the nuclear arsenal britain and france are a national instrument.
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protection, then tomorrow these countries are planned to become insurance for the american nuclear arsenal, let’s say, if trump is the same adequate politician to win the american elections, he wants to end the confrontation with russia, end nato aggression at our borders, but it may not work out. the british, with their nuclear umbrella and ambitions for cheap natural resources, will insure the globalists. of course, we see in europe the formation of a counter-elite with national interests, but for now they... will gain enough strength to get to power, lest the continent be mired in another world war. the spring exacerbation in madmen manifests itself in different ways, it is scary when these madmen are endowed with power and military force. even more in-depth analysis of the situation in our telegram channels. why the conflict on ukrainian territory is so beneficial for the united states is explained by american politicians, officials and journalists themselves.
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we'll hear it in the new edition of the editors' club.
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osce observers or spies, what do messengers of peace do, political blackmail instead of objectivity, work for foreign intelligence instead of respect, failures of peacekeeping missions, degradation of principles, in understandable politics, the true face of agents of influence, watch on monday, after the panorama.
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information from literally the last hour nikita. the songs took first place in the charts of various musical television and radio programs in belarus for 23 years. nikita belko, he is one of the most popular, star-studded and rotated performers in our country.
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congratulations to nikita. other belarusians and belarusians are also ready to reach for the stars. six-month preparation completed, exams delivered. marina vasilevskaya, oleg novitsky and tracy dyson for space flight. on the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft and work on the iss are ready. next, the team will go on an observation trip to baikanur. both the main and backup crews with another belarusian anastasia linkova successfully completed all the tests. the day before, the cosmonaut training center announced the results of two days of testing. the crew will stay on the iss for 12 days. our marina vasilevskaya will have to conduct seven experiments, five scientific. the scientific program includes experiments on remote sensing of the earth, this is the use of photo and video spectral equipment of belarusian production, which
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is located on the international space station and will be used by our cosmonauts when working in the hurricane experiment. the scientific program, i am sure, will be fully implemented. volume, i will try very hard to complete all the tasks that my country has entrusted to me, i am sure that all the results of scientific experiments will give a high impetus to our country, the republic of belarus, for scientific achievements to the top. the day before in the starry town crew answered questions from journalists. oleg novitsky spoke about further preparations for the tasks that will be performed during the expedition into space, which he promised.
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i am very comfortable and i am very glad that relations between russia and belarus are becoming stronger and stronger. the company was founded in the late nineties, all this time it has been headed by sergei yakovlevich barulev. even during the difficult times of perestroika, i understood how important it was
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to preserve economic sovereignty and create one’s own. we have been working together with belarus for more than 5 years, and as noted, our country is this is a reliable partner. in contrast to european companies from italy and germany, with which the enterprises consciously. stopped cooperation, although there is such an opportunity, but i no longer want to sit on their needle, we take the stamping to belarus, without your stamping we would not have done anything, you understand? to make a joint product that goes to belarus, russia, well, to countries, as they say, near abroad. the stamping material comes to the plant from novogrudok, and it is from it that the parts necessary for supplying air to breathing apparatus are then machined. silicone bases for masks review is also a product. import substitution is made entirely from russian materials, previously purchased, but
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where did you buy it? ah, well, in principle , both in russia and abroad, well, they naturally tried to make sure that it was made in russia, but now we have everything of our own, we’ll make it here at the factory, how much cheaper has it become in production if everything is our own? obviously cheaper than it was, at least for the quality we definitely already give a guarantee that it will not break, tear, come off, and so on, precisely for the quality and guarantees... a delegation from belarus came to the enterprise; these were representatives of the research institute of the ministry of emergency situations. first of all, i am interested in the production of compressed air devices. previously , they purchased german and austrian ones, but now they are planning to switch to russian ones. we also need devices for mountain rescue teams, which work 3 hours longer than usual. the device is compressed air, it has a protective action period of about 60 minutes, and this device has 4 hours, if we need to carry out. rescue work where long periods of time are required
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in order to reach the rescuer and the victims, it will be necessary to have a device with a long period of protective action. in addition to the breathing apparatus themselves, we are interested in training complexes, where rescuers learn to work in artificial conditions in case of fires, mountain falls, earthquakes, and plane crashes. training complexes are made mainly from sea containers; this one is created for civil aviation. now it looks like an apartment. where repairs are underway, but in the future there will be an aircraft cabin where flight attendants and flight attendants will work emergencies. the enterprise has a special pool where diving equipment is tested; pipes of different diameters are installed under water, which simulates work in tunnels. you can also create an artificial current, everything is done in order to check the tightness of each wetsuit. daria, alexander lyubitelev, agency. news moscow.
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the tv news agency continues to carry out quality control. this time we will check out the kommunarka confectionery factory, one of the most famous enterprises in belarus already more than 100 years, leader of the domestic industry. true, the factory had a hard time on its way; after the nineties, it struggled for a long time with foreign investors, who bought shares from the population for nothing. with gross violations of the law, as a result, there is no funding, expansion of the range , quality suffers, and people have a low social package and small salaries, only the decision of our president to completely take the factory under state control in 2012 breathed new life into the sweet industry, workshops were modernized, new ones were opening lines, increased production volumes, now kommunarka is one of the top five on the russian market and sells products to almost three dozen countries around the world. we'll tell you about everything in order tomorrow on the main broadcast. sweet business and
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bitter life that was hidden behind the packaging. to stay at the factory you had to be, maybe even a hero. the right to a golden share, which culminated the fight against unscrupulous investors. my people work here, my voters. and that's it. let's find out what the secret of perfect chocolate is. chocolate is good, and i, as a sweet tooth, understand this, and what do the workers themselves prefer, what are your favorite candies at work? i messed up, we’ll answer for the quality this sunday on the main broadcast, about work in the fields, it’s still spring on the calendar, farmers in the brez region have begun to selectively sow oats, local sowing is underway in the minsk region. the agricultural relay race was opened by perennial grasses.
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at the same time, the country's farms apply fertilizers and plow the soil. about the beginning of the 20-24 agricultural season in view of the future harvest. report by anna buikevich. ivan velovchik's experience in agriculture is approaching the forty-year mark. at first he worked as a driver, but now he works on a tractor. this is his eighteenth seeding, and therefore the entire technology of this process. i studied it thoroughly, well, today we do everything as it should, i have a new snare, the tractor too, we try, we work conscientiously, because the harvest on the farm depends on it. they emphasize that they haven’t started their sowing campaign so early yet, the weather cooperated, they started from the sun, 150 hectares are allocated for it, then they will start sowing barley, enough seeds , prepared in advance, some were purchased, some were provided independently, in total about ten crops are grown at the enterprise, this year they again count on a good harvest,
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the current winters have sprouted well, this year we also succeeded, we also purchased elite seeds, hybrids we have basically everything. we’ve introduced enough fertilizer technology, microfertilizers, yeah, and i hope we’ll get about 30 cents per hectare. the entire agricultural area in lyuboni is more than 6.00 hectares, 280 subdivisions have been introduced. the equipment, as required, prepared, almost all of it has already gone out into the field; in addition to sowing, farmers also feed water crops, and apply fertilizer to perennial grasses. preparation of equipment and wheeled tractors. passive tillage cultivating units began in december, the machine operators from the lisary treated this very responsibly, there are a total of 30 wheeled tractors, of which five are energy-rich, local sowing is already underway in the fields of the minsk region ; perennial grasses have been opened in the agricultural plant; at the same time,
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organic crops are being introduced in all areas fertilizers squeal the soil, they also feed green shoots, on the agro woodchip farm, for example, the sprayers came out earlier than usual, the nitrogen on... here 180 kg was carried away using technology. mineral fertilizers are applied in two stages, then chemical weeding. so, in good weather, they plan to complete the care complex in 10 days. in total , almost 2,500 winter crops on the farms of the kletsky district remain to be sown during the spring relay. anna buyakevich,
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elena vitko, ruslan selyuk, telenews agency. spring is always associated with renewal, and there are still many beautiful holidays. and events. this was especially touching in the first post-war years. watch the most nostalgic episode in the atn project in the public domain. tv news agency presents. in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. the belarusian capital has come to an end. ranitsa dahi. most of them are covered with frost, but the consequences are clear to everyone. flowers, like music, jump into life throughout the world. they make us happy both on the streets of our beloved city and at home. ale dze kupit іkh?
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there's a kvetak store here. no, here you are from the very heart of the merchant there is a good bouquet. dazvoltse, why don’t you fall asleep? ale da vesennykh prychosak patraben i vesenniye mood. kali weasel, the young ones from the flower gardens of minsk were sleeping. today in minsk there will be a republican view of the spring-summer day madeles,
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created by the studio of the individual pashiv. the madeles of 1959 have a smooth beach line, moderate even. it's clear for magilya , and here's the spring, and it's bringing us to a new showroom, so what's wrong? pavuchytsesya ў men, yana less capricious impulses adzeni, and yashche lepsh, gloss on the made, as the magilian masters tell you. vitsebsk for the city at the entrance.
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these are the main events of this saturday and i ’ll say goodbye to this; andrei kozlov will continue the broadcast with sports news. andrey, good evening. what interesting things can the viewer expect in your episode? good evening, tatyana, a lot of interesting things, especially since saturday - it’s always sporty, as all fans know, great, but firstly, the emotions of the football super cup and i personally congratulate the fans from zhodino, they won today, as well as the start of minsk dynamo in the gagarin hockey cup and the series will arrive on march 6 in minsk. i'm sure it will be a full house. super. in the meantime, i suggest you look at the results of today. sports day is on air, saturday is traditionally full of sporting events, andrey kozlov is with you, hello!
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let's start with football, because today the year officially started in the number one sport on the planet, the beginning, in my opinion, is promising: torpeda belas and dinamo minsk gave a great match, even if it was still physically difficult at the start of the season. but the victory of the automakers in the dramatic penalty shootout was deserved; stanislav livsky was lucky to work at the match, to whom i will be happy to give the floor. the football season in belarus is officially open; today in soligorsk , the winner of the national cup zhodenskaya torpeda and the champion dynamo minsk met in a match for the belarusian super cup. forecasters called the white-blue team the favorite, albeit a small one, but they could not confirm their status. the zhoden torpedo is the winner of this honorable trophy. so, the main time of the match ended with the score 0:0, but in the penalty shootout the automobile plant was luckier, 4:3,
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the decisive penalty was scored by team captain kiril the wise. but first of all, of course, we highlight the brilliant play of timofey yurasov, torpedo goalkeeper, who made two excellent saves. vitebsk will host, and neman will host the
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minsk football club. well, friends, let's continue to live football together and enjoy this game. in the central match of the nineteenth round, the first after the resumption of the russian premier league, where the principle rivals zenit and spartak met without a goal draw, although the bookmakers predicted victory for the st. petersburg club. thus, the leader... of the tournament table at the end of the round will remain krasnodar. i would like to note that 50 people attended the meeting in st. petersburg.


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