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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 3, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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sunday, march 3, i will tell you about the main thing in the morning, vladislav bontar, hello, watch the episode! customs sphere, financial policy and industrial development, course towards closer cooperation in the eurasian union. the trucks are not moving, which is creating a traffic jam on the lithuanian border. could ease the queues. go to ukraine yourself. the french opposed macron's sensational statement about sending nato troops. the circle of partners is wider. who were interested in belarusian manufacturers at the exhibition in dubai and where else will we present ours? potential. current issues of belarusian-russian relations were discussed the day before during a telephone conversation between alexander lukashenko and... the leaders summed up the results
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of previous events and contacts at the highest level. this includes a meeting in kazan and meetings of the supreme state council of the union state. the presidents outlined prospects for the near future in the development of bilateral relations, discussed issues in the work of integration structures of the eurasian economic union, csto and other formats, as well as the most relevant and international topics, the situation in the region and prospects for its development. also, according to the press service. deputy prime ministers of the eurasian countries almost three dozen issues of the economic union were considered at a meeting of the eec council. one of the topics of the meeting in moscow is the development of trade. at the end of last year, retail trade turnover of the eurasian five countries increased by almost 7%. also in the spotlight were issues of customs, financial policy, interaction in industry...
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the situation on the lithuanian border remains tense after the closure by the neighboring country the next two checkpoints. the line of trucks is not moving. one gets the feeling that their border guards are deliberately creating a traffic jam, because according to the norms it is necessary to process half a thousand cars in each direction, that is, during normal work it is possible to relieve congestion at the crossings. moreover , employees were released from closed points; they could be redirected to active ones, as the belarusian side did. entry vehicles are launched into our checkpoint at the entrance, ready for - registration of any number of passengers, individuals, who move across the border, as well as vehicles. drivers from different countries are standing in line both to leave and to enter from lithuania, these are not only belarusians, but also lithuanians themselves, as well as cars from moldova, kazakhstan, turkey, latvia. the scandal surrounding the leak of a conversation between high-ranking german officers continues unabated. about plans to strike
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the crimean bridge with the possible use of taurus missiles. according to local media reports, german authorities expect that the results of the investigation will be known in the near future. they clarify that only then will it become it's clear. will any measures be taken, while they assure that chancellor schulz’s position on the supply of missiles to the kiev regime has not changed, he is still against their transfer to ukraine, one of the german newspapers reports. previously, several local publications recognized the authenticity of the intercepted conversation and wrote that it was not a fake or artificial intelligence. a large peace demonstration broke out in paris. this is how local residents reacted to president macron’s statement about the possibility of sending the military. square protesters chanted go to ukraine itself has posters calling for brexit and stopping arms supplies to the kiev regime. as a sign of protest, activists demonstratively tore apart the flags of france, nato and the european union. earlier , the leader of the french patriots party said that parliament should vote
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against the war with russia and impeach president macron after his statement about sending troops from western countries to ukraine. the main news of the past week in the spotlight of guests and experts of the new edition of the editors' club, how western politicians and the media reacted to belarusian elections, specific examples of lies from those who were not even in our country during the election campaign, however, this does not prevent them from giving predictable and long- familiar assessments to us, but there were plenty of objective international observers right at the scene of events, in our press center of the cic, where throughout... there were european languages, german, a lot of people speaking different french, polish, non-european, of course, turkish, english, and they spoke to me managed to either listen or participate
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in the conversations of these people, they don’t have any of these fairy tales with which they came here, that people are forced, forced, that this is under some kind of pressure or something else, that... these are elections without a choice, that someone appointed, some of them simply had a completely destroyed picture of the world in their eyes , and even a german observer who came to the prescentre said, well, in our berlin court the court declared the elections undemocratic due to falsification and fraud, but where i don’t come, people come , fill it out themselves, throw it in, they were present both during the early voting and when voting on the main day, it was about... a test exam for our country, as well as ukrainian lawlessness, who is raking in the heat with the wrong hands, watch the full episode of the editors club on the youtube channel of the tv news agency. sociology is an exact science with a certain set of research methods; only accredited
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organizations can conduct them, and only their conclusions can be trusted. the notorious western i believe it, i don’t believe it, it doesn’t fit here. lyudmila gladkaya, more details. well, get ready, now all sorts of sociologists and sociologists will go abroad tell you and me how bad life is for us and in general that everything is bad, in general lies are their most popular tool of manipulation, and even more so flavored with supposedly sociological and political research, in general sociology is not just coming, seeing, questioning, it’s huge ... the number of research tools and methods, and they can only be carried out by accredited organizations in belarus, there are 12 of them. those who, without accreditation , conduct surveys on socio-political topics violate the law, and it is impossible judge the reliability of the data they publish. about manipulation: as an example, i’ll give you
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how a finnish analytical center fabricates data in order to get anti-chinese, anti-russian, but pro-american results; they select a certain group of respondents and use various tricks. formulates questions so that people mark the answers that developers need. interestingly, the final report lost the fact that, for example, 88% of finns consider the states to be a country with extremely high levels of social inequality, that 82% are convinced that america is engulfed in internal divisions, that only 27% of respondents consider the united states to be part of the european cultural sphere, only 17 see it as an exemplary democracy. suppresses. 71% also answered that finland should not become dependent on the united states, but all this is somewhere out there, in fine print. let's return to our pre-election summer of 2020. on july 20, in some telegram channels, information appeared about conducting
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telephone surveys from abroad, supposedly a social study about life in belarus. at the same time, on one of the recordings of the call it is heard that the operator calls himself a representative of a well-known american company. let's skip the details, it's important. other. then this company itself hastened to announce that it had not conducted any such surveys with us. it is also important that fake studies and reports then form the basis of manipulation. on international platforms, as was the case with the promotion of the topic against belarus and russia, allegedly in the theft of children, if we omit the lowest level of our fugitives, the main campaign to denigrate belarus was prepared according to the report of the yelsky research group university, human rights activists did not stand aside, hinting at our humanitarian responsibility under the genocide convention. based on the report of the american organization , a page in russian on wikipedia was created, and the us state debt also keeps the topic on the agenda. in general, nonsense. but it worked as a cog in the planned campaign to denigrate our countries and subsequent political decisions.
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another example. a february report by a research group on ukraine on the so -called russian training program for the adoption of ukrainian children was useful for promoting a case against the ombudsman for children's rights in russia in the international criminal court, and this is a tool of pressure. by the way, they are trying to repeat the precedent in relation to belarus. through fake analytics for the same sensitive children. topic, the states are trying to discredit the role of belarus as a regional humanitarian peacemaker in the negotiating platform, they say there is a candidate more suitable for this role. in general, any agenda will now be promoted to expand sanctions, to block belarus’ integration into the north-south corridor for blocking the strengthening of the union state and other associations beneficial to us. in the same way , various sociologists and researchers are trying to convince us that we are european to the core. and that our bright future is only within the european union, and not all this. by the way,
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stones have already been thrown towards the all-belarus people's assembly, and attempts are visible to discredit the very concept of elections, and so on. recently , signals have begun to come more often from the population that telephone surveys are being conducted from numbers in other countries, supposedly to measure ratings of presidential candidates. yes, all these specialists are located in the states, lithuania, britain, poland, germany, and the czech republic. by the way, some of these studies then disappear from the internet. belarusian manufacturers announced successful work at the international exhibition. gulf food in dubai, as bel interexpo notes at the forum , domestic enterprises have increased their sales
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in western european countries near and far abroad. the exhibition made in belarus took center stage in the main pavilion. over 4 thousand business meetings and negotiations with foreign partners. in total , the exhibition was visited by more than 130,000 people from 195 countries. also, with the participation of belarusian companies , two expositions will appear on the april calendar. on the african continent. algeria will bring together the largest food industry producers. and in zimbabwe, belarusian companies are preparing to present, in addition to products , pharmaceutical products, equipment, medications, building materials and a number of other items. family policy, wage growth and prevention of occupational injuries. in minsk a final meeting of the board of the ministry of labor and social protection took place, where the results of the past year were summed up. attention was paid to measures to support fertility and construction. social institutions, the rate of simple wages showed 111%, and the unemployment rate was a record
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low of 3.5%. if we talk about the number of vacancies, then today it is almost 135,000, why is there such a number of vacancies, their number is growing, including we see how the economy is developing, what level of gdp we have reached today, and this thereby also correlates with the need of the employer in order to...
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for each age category, the ministry of labor and social protection builds a direction of work, they are reflected in the national strategy of active longevity until 2030. the aroma of spring in a botanical way. residents and guests of the capital are invited to the flower exhibition. geocinths, crocuses, daffodils and of course, tulips. dozens of shades and types represent more than 130 plant varieties. the floristic story is complemented by handmade themed dolls. we can amaze your attention with blooming lilacs. so what are we waiting for? what
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as for tulips, flower growers assign them 14 classes. so tulips from eleven classes will be presented , a wide variety, but you will be able to see fringed ones, which have floral crystals along the edge of the petal, very terry, and there are fringed and terry ones, and there are also interesting parrot ones, which have petals similar to as if it were the plumage of a bird, a meeting is planned for visitors with the curator of the collection of tulips and hyacinths, and you can also attend a creative... workshop bouquets of pine cones, enjoy the spring exhibition, the botanical garden offers until march 10. that's all the news for now , you can also follow developments on our social networks or in the mobile application qr code on the screen. see you at noon on the first button.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, artistic... for all ages on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan , uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan,
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lebanon. set up your azer space satellite dish. one tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. we will introduce you to architectural monuments of belarus, different eras and styles. byzantine architecture, which has passed hour. since then, the severity of the 19th century floated on the starazhytna, so the old-russian style is called, and everything that is rightly known to the people of the 19th century, this is the basis of the palitichny project. russian style, it is being developed and the extraction of such symbolic elements of that old architecture, which had already materialized...


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