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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 3, 2024 9:20am-10:41am MSK

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set up a satellite dish satellite azerspace 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. we introduce you to architectural. we remember belarus from different eras and centuries. byzantine architecture, which had passed its time in history, was very seriously applied to the ancient style, as the ancient russian style is called. and that’s all that we really know from the 19th century, this is the main palitichny project. russians aim. yon patrabava i vykaristannya such remarkable elements of that old architecture, which would have already materialized. let's look at
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their history and basic facts. the theatre, the mass theatres, would have been built up from the issued red tsegly, and the whole of this azdoba, yana was a white color scheme. it was the work of contrast and madness that emphasized these elements. banks for the first part of the 20th century were already planned. there was a great amount of historical memorabilia, s quater. for a supraconcial view and development of the architecture of belarus on our tv channel.
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when my parents found out that i was going to pioneer camp, they made a fuss, what kind of teacher are you, you’re still a child yourself, confrontation, that means, well, yes, they wanted to get me into architecture, my dad has an acquaintance there. and i decided
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to go to the pedagogical school only by correspondence, exams in the fall, but for now to the camp for one shift for practice, well, how do you like it, nothing so far, the boss scared me a little , the squad says it’s difficult, there are a lot of boarding school children, but so far it’s okay, guys like guys, maria igorimlya, who do you like better, shtirlis, not shtirlis, but vyacheslav tikhonov or jean marais, i tikhonov, oh her, tikhonov, tikhonov, tikhonov, tikhonov. quiet, come on, novikov, where is andryusha, novikov? here i am! check that no one is behind. loban will come, he will show you. i'm afraid of your laban. but when he comes, then you will know. moroshkin, why are you pestering him? did he start it first? i just hear. laban, laban, who is this laban? yes, a guy like everyone else, the son of a famous surgeon, maybe you heard, labano? how come you didn't come? nothing, you'll find out. who
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the surgeon is not, zhenya, he should come today, everyone is here except kupchinkin, kupchinkin is not there again, woe to me with this kupchin, no worry, maria igorevna, i’ll be there in a moment. just run faster, tina, where, oh , there you are, merchant, i’m maria grinyshcha, what are you, on, who, who, i’m asking, here it is a river, hurray, guys, wait, there must be order, hurry up !
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the figurine is such a statue and also men for me, maria igorevna, maria igorevna, what else? come on, open your eyes, have you read a book about an aunt, not about an aunt, but about a lady, and a lady, what not? ok, ok, what is your lady famous for? she swam across the channel, so you want me to swim across the river? yes, of course, why? block it? just for fun, you'll swim
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, we'll watch, i'm not going to, go swim, you'll have to go out soon, it can't be, in all the squads there's leather, it arrives twice by river, back and forth, it can't, who can't? well, where is it deeper? here, here, at least you know how to swim; at school you swam 50 m, but here it will be 200 m, maria igorevna, take a cap so you don’t get your hair wet, thank you, go away. look everyone, maria igorevna is swimming, crawl, oh, she switched to breaststroke, well done,
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listen, bro, where can you use your legs? and here with your feet nowhere, everywhere here, quiet, quiet, what's going on here? where is maria igorevna? swam to the other side? floated away? for what? don’t worry, nina ivanovna, she’ll be right back. maria igorevna, come back now,
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maria igorevna. here's a new one for you. they send whoever they hit. why are you, maria igorevna, swimming, abandoned the squad, but nothing happened
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, it wasn’t enough for it to happen, by the way, your predecessor elsa georgievna, never swam away from her children, and elsa didn’t know how to swim, quietly, victor mikhailovich, it’s time for the children get dressed, look, they're all blue , genka teyapkina is a bee, she's already here , let's run for a swim, run, run away, dear guys, we invite you to listen to the program at your request and according to your letters that radiona received, dad, this is also there, boots put the rubber ones down, they promised rain on the radio, coincidence, yeah, coincidence.
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you get up, where should you go, zhenya’s surgery is not for wimps, there are people there, you know what
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they should be like, well, i understand, well, who is there, can i see my son off, what does the mother say, well, give me a blunt, well, old man, you’re asking, yes do not cry you, in a month he will dance like an apple for you.
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a show where fighting is not done using physical force. scientists have proven that smart athletes are more likely to achieve success compared to those who rely only on physical strength. let us also improve our sports knowledge. a show where the main weapon is intelligence.
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which of them had a higher transfer price at the time of transfer to a new club, according to the authoritative resource transfermarkt. messi. messi, but activity will also play a role. who are these guys rocking? is this karlandoch? this is the wrong answer, this is zinedine zedan, 2020, real madrid became champions for the thirty-fourth time. which complex will host the olympic tennis tournament in paris in 2024? in paris at the rlango ros venues. absolutely right. watch intellectual and sports. show heading on our tv channel. we choose the best routes only for our viewers. we are located in a small town in the grodno region called bridges. welcome. having probably eaten too much for a long time, they could not eat either baked fish or fish soup. only sat and sentenced a hundred lin. since then
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the name of the city has come. stolin. and we set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the 15th century , there was a large settlement in this place, and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, nemansky and bresko-vilnius. the almans are a real tourist highlight, the only ones preserved in their natural state in belarus and the largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty- nine years. i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture. sidewalks and highways appeared, people landed trees. and new beautiful buildings were built to show how unusually wonderful our country is, when he moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed and transported by the believers themselves, the jew from one place to another, now, as we see, the image is clearly visible ,
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colors began to appear, this is, of course, a miracle of god, delicious, watch the program, cities of belarus. what, which is better, a boomerang or a tomohawk? probably a tomohawk, because it’s iron, and a boomerang is a crocheted stick, okay? clearly, he gets thrown away, but he comes back, oh, kuptinkin, you know everything, partisans , forward, hurray, beat measles,
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stop, stop right now, hooligans, but we ’re like crushing a goat, “they always attack us, and we run away like fools, cunning, forward, y you're a crazy leader, guys , stop, stop, there are fewer of them than us , what's going on here, kupchinkin from the third detachment, why are you fighting, kupchinkin? maria igorina fell for it like this to
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ruin our luck, friends! blow the trumpet, let the songs bloom surely, together with our counselor along the road of discovery, we went to the first flight, golden dreams, morning sunrises, a good song on the way, a high sky and a brave bird flying a little ahead, a tall not... yes a brave bird flying a little ahead, there is one dear planet, there is on... children are the only friend, on open the road, in a world of scarlet dawns, the winds are blowing, hopes of separation, dreams, golden,
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dawns, a good song on the way, high sky and a brave bird flying a little ahead, high sky, and a brave bird. flying a little ahead, dreams, golden mornings, a good song on the way, high sky. yes, a brave bird flying a little ahead, high sky, and a brave bird flying a little ahead, pull yourself up, pull yourself up,
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edit, stop, left! everyone should go to sleep, quiet time , whoever is hanging around the camp will fly in, disperse, that’s where you are, you are a merchant, or a crazy person or a traitor, what did i do, who told the boss that the mataku are crazy, like yes, guys, guys, look , who came,
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you can, but nothing is new, pressed in, and elsa , where maria igorina did not arrive, is also swimming great. we crawl and quickly, today we had enough of wild people, we left them, and elsa still it was equally better, but i like maria igor, you’ll see, you’ll like her, let’s see what the noise is, why aren’t you sleeping, it’s you lovbanov, at least, my name is maria igorevna, it’s very nice. “well, settle down, don’t worry, i know everything here better than you, hurry up,
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the rounds will be coming soon, and you’re already scared, you don’t want to sleep, go to the bedroom, what are you doing, laban, otherwise maria igorin will fly in, go to nevanna, say that you’ve come to drop off your suitcase at the fruit store, and you?” go to bed, girls, what's the matter, why isn't he sleeping, and what happened next, girls, go to bed everyone go to sleep, well, maria igorevna, natasha , no maria igorevna, put it away, go to bed, i told everyone, hurry, hurry, this concerns everyone, girls, go away, maria igorevna, when we elect a chairman, today, and that there is already a candidate, yes, there's luda. what kind of people, i’m kokareva, my last name, luda was the chairman of the detachment council that shift, at school, she’s the chairman, she’s already
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outlined a work plan, there’s a plan, there’s one, all that’s left is to approve it, and if the kids don’t like your plan, maybe they will have their own ideas, what ideas, once planned, carry out. girls, be quiet, what if you are not elected chairman? oh, what are you going to choose, maria igorevna, you can’t push boys into leadership positions, it’s all up to us girls, and luda has a lot of experience, she will help you, hush, hush, guys! and why did he make a complete fool
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of the newcomers? it’s raining outside, and i have rubber boots, and the choice, nonsense, all this, anyway, the chairman of the detachment will be lyudka kokoryu, lyutorev the chairman, you obviously didn’t understand me, understand, let’s vote who’s for luda kukorev, raise your hands, who is against?
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we continue the elections: i propose that the members of the squad council choose olya anikina. who is this? annikina, get up. fits. those in favor, raise your hand. who's against it? unanimous. i propose to choose nina klemenova as the editor of the newspaper walls. who agrees? i don’t know what to do , i think i followed their lead, but they seemed to treat me well, hello, now today i wanted the chairmen to choose a boy, no boy , but labanov just left, and you let him go, well, yes, he turned to me in english, i was confused by the ban, this is not the surgeon’s son, he is the one. well,
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did you do the right thing by letting him go? you think? well, of course, after all, labanov is the leader, he needs a special noise and bustle around him, and you cut him off from your friends, but in general i understand you, it’s difficult, then the guys haven’t forgotten elsa georgievna yet, i feel like i want to be like her, why, you are so sweet, sincere, and...
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why did you do that? and the imagination is not enough, labanov has created consumer goods, the yakar, the little mermaid, maria igorevna, we must run for the doctor, i’ll have a blood poisoning, well, you run, maria igorevna, go get the doctor,
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girls, stop it, how did she guess, alza even bought into it, remember andry, here’s kogushen, run, wash a towel, but maria doesn’t i like it, come on, guys, people are leading the boss like this, hold it up, young drummer.
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so what's going on here, what? did anything happen? no, it's that simple. well, what do you say, trackers? 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, one is missing, who, kupchinkin, guys, where is kupchinkin, he
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went to the line, why, put a nail under his belt, he wants to make a dagger, no one leaves, i’m now, kolya, wait for me. we won’t go and that’s it, we haven’t seen the forest, but what to do in the camp, we’ll go to the old trench , we’ll look for a helmet, let’s go, i don’t agree with you, i ’m teaching with everyone, well, run, i like to pick mushrooms, let him run. dude, who gave you permission to come on line, what are you doing? the rail is listening, buzzing, the train will come soon. what are you doing? go to camp immediately? wait, i'll just put it in. merchant, stop!
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kupchinkin, dear. stay there, don't move. look, yours is hot, you want to hold it, i i want to tear your ears off, when your mother comes, i’ll say that... i tore it out, but my mother doesn’t beat me, she’s kind to me, maria igorevna, you run well, catch up with me , warm the ice, rebuild, maria igorevna is coming, squad ,
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stand up, maria igorevna wanted to overtake me, you’ll bring her down again, you’ll get it, but she didn’t get angry, she’s kind. polva , she’s responsible for us, everyone is here, everyone, then let’s go, but i don’t want to go into the forest with everyone, i won’t go either, and i don’t want anything, that’s why, so you stay, we stay, labanov , i’m not asking you, maria igorevna. they’re not just playing the fool, go, go, novikov, leave them, novikov, leave them alone, novikov, stop it, let’s go, maria igorevna, otherwise i’m wasting time for them, let’s go, why waste time
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, lead the squad, the squad at a walk, march, and you won’t step outside viktor mikhailovich’s territory, clear, clear, catch up. don’t bother, well, let’s go get a helmet , there are no more helmets there, they dug up the last shift, what are we going to do then, well , why do i know, we shouldn’t have stayed with you, fools, if anyone is
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a fool, it’s you, and you no, i no, why i’m the fool, and you’re not, let’s go and play ping pong, i don’t feel like it. i’d rather run after my people, well, run, well, i’ll run, maybe the forehead is together, you run, run, traitor. guys, maria igor, just wait. and there he is in
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the camp, danoeva maria igorevna, can i go with you, of course. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer all your questions. are you ready to meet our guest? and each of them has a question for an adult. the questions are honest and they really ask what what really interests them. what do you expect from the children you meet now? i am waiting. interesting questions and interesting
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thoughts. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. you always pay attention to clothes and hairstyle. i look at hair and clothes, so i continue to develop my brain. which celebrities do you know personally? vysotsky vladimir semenovich, then? a name for you, a singer, an artist, so i was familiar with him, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel, all our cis countries went through a period of building a vertical of power , not everyone has built it yet, so where the vertical was built, some kind of integration needs to be carried out there, westerners creating some kind of these networks, they are constantly working to ungroup these internal forces. but the task is to ungroup our decision-making center so that we have a conditionally
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parliamentary republic there, in it there are some 10 clans that are there for each other they hate us, their task is to keep us in such a stateless state all the time, our neighbors sometimes hang up horror stories, posters that say that if you go to belarus, you may stay there or not come back, the lithuanians who are in the country, they they see completely different things , they understand that they, of course, live in an absolutely information vacuum, we have only 160,000 permanently residing foreigners and 62 who have a temporary residence permit in the country based on the results of work twenty third year, today i am in such a beautiful flower, but i could wear all the medals, in fact , i put on my medals at the conservatory, went out to the students and said: you know, guys, i am a living example of how you can make a career happily and professionally in belarus , remain faithful to your homeland, your country and not leave anywhere. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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stop, stop, stop, stop, what are you doing? why are you getting in your way here? so what are you all doing? yeah i understood? where are you going? naked? this is a drill march! get ready! sanya, let him drum! leave me alone laban, it's not your time!
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without you, no big moves, okay, bring that shield over there, migotin, it will help you, let's go , guys, yeah, let's go, come in, go over there, okay, be careful, be careful, let me take it on my head, and you support it from behind , he’s coming, migotin, take him where, well, drag him, well, well, not there , well, you’ll strangle me, come quickly, well
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, take it off, what have you done, and you understand what you’ve done, you pierced the camp equipment with your stupid head, what are you doing, get out of here, uh you, ay, ay, what a nice clearing here, a clearing here.
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oh, where are you? tuta, let’s go quickly,
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we’ll read maryana about gaidar. look what a mushroom i found. wow, white, probably, but what else? guys, maria igorevna, a merchant of the white gris. i found it, playfully, i found kupchinin , come on, show me what kind of mushroom it is, it’s not white, it’s an aspen mushroom, no, it’s white , i don’t understand boletus mushrooms, no, it’s not covered, and i say white, kupchinkin, well, show me the mushroom, oh , what ’s normal, what a handsome guy, and guys, yes, only kupchinkin, kleymenovo is right, this aspen boletus, no, white, it’s a pity laban is not with us, he understands mushrooms better than anyone, well , stop babbling, kupchina, maria igorevna, read, read, maria, read, maria
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igorevna, read, okay, let’s begin. from here, he was 16, and under his command there were 400 people, soldiers discharged from hospitals, the remnants of our destroyed units, he taught the soldiers shooting, discipline, forming detachments that immediately went to the front, in june twenty-first in tambovshch, where the gangs rebelled. they sent him to tambov at tukhachensky's headquarters.
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the cable went, but what about your geography? four? speck, he himself boasted that you only have c grades, akshara, guys, pull up , kokareva, luda, lead the squad, squad, pull up, maria igorevich, i want to talk to you, let's fall behind a little, the conversation is secret, come on, good. get into line, but maybe i don’t want to, go, go, maria igorevna, do you love mayakovsky? yes, probably, but
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i love yesenin. suchkova, why aren’t you building? what's your business, we're having a secret conversation. maybe i'm having a secret conversation? hush, hush, girls, i'll talk to you separately, then, okay. so, what did you want to tell me? i’ll read my poem, i want to. the red rider of the sunrise galloped across the green field. his heart was warm, beating in his powerful chest. our gaidar fought for freedom and freedom. and the people called him, the horseman galloping ahead, he raised regiments, battalions and companies behind him. the best people, the most faithful strong friends, and they helped him, his machine guns, hundreds of brave
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fighters, hundreds of his brave trumpeters, good poems, you liked them, just don’t say no one who wrote them, otherwise this kokorevo will force the collection to read, i won’t say, noobs.
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squad, stand to the right, pull up quickly, here is maria igorevna, will you say something, yes, guys, there are still 40 minutes until lunch, now... each of you, who is hiding there? are you labanov? come on, show yourself! come closer, closer! zhenya, they say you understand mushrooms well, check with everyone, can they be poisonous? are you afraid of the poisoner? of course i'm afraid! guys, now! each of you will show your mushrooms to zhenya labanov, but not all at once. one by one. i can’t do it alone, let klemenova
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help me. klemenova, get out of line. squad, stand in two lines. help zhenya sort it out. fine. the onics of the run will overwhelm us. why did you jump in line? well, get out of here. i stood here. didn't stand, you're here.
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migotin-rap, he lied. your work is not going well, maria igorevna. everything has some touch of childhood. either you are crossing a river, or you are fighting with wild ones. well, now it ’s some kind of nonsense, slavery. what does it mean? yes, this is a game like that. who recommended it to you? nobody. i'm
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warning you. no gag. take it from the elder one. they brought us children, and we will return the psychos, very good, in childhood we all played different games, for some reason nina ivanovna did not become psychos, but are you like me? i see, maria igorevna is a joker, but now we have no time for jokes, you don’t know much, ask, any of us will help you, our work is not easy, it requires invention, but don’t turn fiction into bullshit, don’t open the americas, everyone is free,
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comrades. maria igorevna, masha, viktor mikhailovich, it’s not like all the big shots in the squad fall on me. and you, by the way, teacher maria igorevna, what kind of teacher am i, i clean myself with it, in fact, i coach the camp football team. maria igorevna, i will do everything, just tell me. marya igorevna, masha, how are you feeling? it’s bad, nora semyonovna. all the troubles come from the fact that we know how to raise, and we don’t know how to make children love us, and sometimes we ourselves don’t know how to love, who, what are you talking about, they’re all so simple, like i don’t know what, but some people feel sick just by the sight of it, but what are you talking about, he’s just funny, nora semyonovna, nora semyonovna, i have a question, dear, help, we could organize an orchestra in the camp, why did you contact this
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boss, we need more than anyone, i myself will draw up plans, write... whatever, be quiet, the water is noisy , our washbasin taps weren’t turned off, what’s wrong with her, busybody, kolya, kolya, come here,
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boy, boy, where could she be, it’s unclear.
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“hello, hello, i ’m kupchinkin’s mother, it’s very nice, but how is he here, my idiot, you know, it’s great, he’s very flexible, what are you, this is the first time i hear that i don’t have time to raise him, i myself work as a nurse at one and a half times the rate, my father is gone, so. there’s no one to fight, why, there’s no need , well, thank you, god forbid, as they say, happiness to you, thank you, well, andryukha, let’s go to
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the corners, okay, okay, take it, there
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’s a perfectly competitive market, it doesn’t exist in western europe, in the united states, for the first time the state began to intervene, by the way, not in the russian empire, not ... in europe, in the united states, when the antitrust law was adopted in 1891 , we have represented here since ancient times a special civilization, it is different from western european in various respects, this is religion, these are legal customs, a different mentality, i am not calling for fencing off with borders, it’s just that this europeanness was abhorrent. into a real phantom, behind which there is nothing useful, in europe we would be turned into a periphery into a dead end, what the baltic states are turning into now, when you say, i’m from belarus, they will definitely
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tell you, either i was in belarus, i want to come here, or i heard very good and i want to go see or try this or that a different product, and rightly so, tell the project , don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus tv channel. hello, it’s very nice, you are a pop group, medovitsa, the folk vocal ensemble medovitsa, and there is also a lot of useful and
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interesting information, and how many cars are there, tell me, there are two models of lada, 2103, one was blue, the other was beige, so let’s do a little mini-lesson. that's it, zhenya, let's go,
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this is for the new little one, right, just understand? this is a secret, help me, tell me that they sent a bus with a driver, it’s coming, do you want to make a slave like this? well, the doctor teaches, but no, i just decided that i can trust you, so if i do it myself, they ’ll guess, okay, i’ll tell you, no, it’s better that i do it myself, do you think that i’ll eat their candy or gingerbread, very i need this, i don’t think so, i’m afraid of something else, you might offend them, make something funny, i’m you, why did you decide that, i judge by myself, so answer me, why are you?
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you don't like it, why do you think so? i feel it, i don’t know why, but i feel it, listen, let’s talk theta-teto, you understand what it is means, eye to eye, right, so why don’t you love me, that’s why klemenova was chosen as editor, i draw her better, but you yourself went to the meeting, and in vain, maybe they would have chosen you, i personally hear for the first time, that you can draw, after all, you dodged the answer, but i don’t care. you don't have to answer.
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“i look like my mother, yes, yes, why don’t we have a photo, mom, we loved each other so much that we had no time to take pictures, it looks like, what about you, he’s driving like a tank, he’s like a stormtrooper flying, dropping a bomb , is yours the drawing is now not allowed for the competition , there’s nothing to show, maria evna, mariavna, can i draw a butterfly, but which yellow one do you want , that’s it, draw what you want, but i went to the post office, and why aren’t you drawing, show me already, it’s a secret, you what a competition in the pioneer room today, guys, will you have time to hang it up
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? yes, keep order here, okay, let's go take pictures, girls, i'm in a hurry, no, don't, not like that, sit sideways, look at me, hands on your knee, that's good , that's right, now. it doesn’t look like maria igorevna is more beautiful, what do you understand?
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guys, i can’t do it anymore, i’m in a hurry, maria igorevna, i’m closing the post office for lunch, you want to pick him up, i can’t. i have to leave for a few days, maybe to another detachment, maybe to you, to me? you are a man, you will find a common language, by the way, we will translate kupchinkin too, they shut down this kupchinkin, i don’t agree. with what? i believe that such a question
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cannot be resolved in the absence of maria igorevna, is it enough that you, teacher, are present? you still have to wait for her, but your friend can’t wait? yes, i have a train in 40 minutes, i still don’t agree, but can this issue be brought forward for decision by the detachment council? let the guys decide for themselves whether to translate or not, that’s the matter, i’m completely here. gather the squad, viktor mikhailovich, guys, everyone is in place, gathering, girls, what about the gathering for the boys, what kind of gathering will it be? emergency, and what is emergency, bring the chairs, that's it, bring the chairs, well , emergency, that means that's it, that's it boy, what is emergency, i'll explain to you later, okay? labanov, kupchinkin, here, so clear everything from the table, wait a minute, katya,
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come on! well, how are you doing? nothing. listen, i i can’t take you home now. well, you see, i need to leave for a week, but in the meantime you will be transferred to the second detachment. for what? did you write? dad, don’t transfer me, i beg you. you say, you're putting me in an awkward position, we ask you, let's start, but why should i, but no, please, and you, zhenya , too, i won't go, guys, guys, rather
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, an urgent gathering, urgent, rather, to the dacha, there find out, oh, who are you, we don’t know you. i’m zhenya labanova’s father, you can be present, well, thank you, laban doesn’t go to anyone, what’s ours without him? the gathering is dedicated, nina ivanovna has the floor, just a minute, tevka, hit the moram man on the neck so
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he doesn’t creak the bed, that’s enough, now we can. guys, since your squad turned out to be the largest, and this interferes with normal educational work, the camp management decided to transfer two of your guys, zhenya labanov and kupchinkin, to other squads. what? what did they do? they didn’t do anything, it’s just difficult for maria igorevna. she said it herself, that's when she told you. that's why.
10:31 am
comrades, i, as chairman of the detachment council and how simply i propose not to give up labanov, or kupchinkin , for any kind of rugs, that’s right, lyudka, not to give everything up, not for some towers, buy, laban ourselves need it, if it weren’t for laban, we would all have poisoned ourselves with mushrooms, verkusochko wanted to slip us a fly agaric, when you yourself are a fly agaric, zhenya! they always draw headlines in the newspapers, they are beautiful, right, who dug up the kazka and the medallion last shift? labano, because of him, our detachment is grateful to the thought, that’s who made the bridge out of nails, a merchant, yes, a merchant of all trades, it’s me, yes, you, you sit, keep quiet,
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we won’t give it back without the merchant, that’s right, we won’t give it away, we won’t give it away, we won’t give it away, we won’t give it away, we won’t give it away, not a thank you very much, nina ivanovna, thank you for your concern, everything is fine, but chairman, be healthy, thank you guys, lead on meeting, hush, hush , don’t give up either a merchant or a lapat, moramites, now you hit moroshkin on the neck, let him not be gold, i’ll put it to a vote, who is in favor of not... giving, loudmouths will be born of you, but how are they for you because of this merchant?
10:33 am
maria igorevna, my dad. lobanov, dmitry stepanovich. it's very nice to have him here, doesn't bother you too much? no, what are you saying, zhenya is a nice guy, he will be an artist, yes, let’s see if we can, he will take me to the station, yes, of course, please, goodbye, goodbye.
10:34 am
not bad, but when there is a mother, it’s probably better, the mothers bring gingerbread to the other guys, gingerbread, uh, if you want, i ’ll deliver you a carload of gingerbread, who should i marry, maria igorevna, who? at our counselors, with cauldrons, and what? everyone likes maria igorevna, she is kind. yes, and swim across the river back and forth, that’s all, but what, little, nothing
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the other counselor doesn’t show up, she has a good figure, why, all the guys think so , let’s go, i’ll be late for the train, dad, i told the truth, why aren’t they letting us in, why aren’t they letting us in, why aren’t they letting us in? why only flowers? this is from nature. ah, from nature. this is good. yes, but it's kind of boring. where is the children's fantasy? where is the individuality? but the mass character is evident. no, that's good, let's see what the second detachment has prepared for us.
10:36 am
here, please, individuality, fantasy, yes, this is another matter, guys, where volodya, well, hold the sephirchik, like this, what a beauty, and greatness. come on, art is also art, okay, where is maria igorevna, i’m here, are you crazy? no, comrades, just look.
10:37 am
but this is a very good portrait. it's outrageous to force children to draw themselves. but i didn’t force you, but you yourself sent me away. to the post office, and at that time they were drawing some tanks, planes, butterflies, and hanging it all up without me, yes, the third detachment surpassed everyone, labanov, and labanov is just a talent, the little devil understands, he drew it labano, it’s signed, it looks as good as the spitting image? where is mariana?
10:38 am
yes, you should be proud, not cry, but i didn’t do anything to make them love me. i came, expecting any kind of cover, but they took it, nora semyonna, i’m ashamed to accept such a thing from them, mashenka, well, who is ashamed of their victories, so i even envy you, because my children also love me, but no one
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loves me i drew it, which means i ’m not a little ahead for them, but... somewhere later, first tanks, daisies, then me, that’s what’s offensive, so, you haven’t changed your mind about these yet pedagogical, what are you, only in pedagogical only for correspondence, what happened? it’s okay, we’re bored, maria igorevna, read something funny , about a spy, about a spy, okay, i’ll read it, only someone is missing, a merchant, what, who , guys, laban, he’s probably missing, me,
10:40 am
i’m here, maria igorevna, good luck to us. friends , work hard, let the sky bloom from songs , together with our guide along the road, open we set off on our first flight, dreams, golden, dawns, a good song on the way, high sky, and a brave bird flying a little ahead, high sky. yes, a brave bird flying a little ahead, there is one dear planet, there is a single friend in the world, on the road to open the world to scarlet dawns, the winds are singing, hopes of separation, dreams, golden, morning sunrises, a good
10:41 am
song on the way. high sky, and a brave bird flying a little ahead, high sky, and a brave bird, flattering a little ahead, they will not condemn our faith, they will not litter a nest in the heart of a spub, and in...


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