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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 4, 2024 4:50am-5:35am MSK

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we are belarusians, dear people, heartless lands, we are scattering, villages, you are great. let's be afraid, glory to the earth, our light is your name, glory to the people of the fatherland union, our beloved mother, eternal living city of belarus. tosha
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beloved, matsi, slave, meshma live, and belarus, once with cities, manly meats, we are lambs, dear people, you are. having fallen in love with your slaughter, your god was created , our bright name was given to the lands, hail to the peoples of the fraternal union, our people i could hope for. for ever
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green russia our beloved mats rodima lived forever and took belarus friendship of the people power of nations hope fleeing, sleepy paths, our mountains are clear and possible, joy is holy, our land is evil, bright name, the words of the people of the prathe.
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what the artist wanted to say, europe gave a refutation to emmanuel macron’s nato announcement. not a good thing for... dubai hosted
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the most reactive start of the season, you look around the planet, we are on the air on tv channels in belarus 1 and belarus24. in the studio daria tarasova, hello! language is the enemy, emmanuel macron’s geopolitical speeches inspired by russian classics may cost the politician his residence permit in the elysee palace. v the ranks of the french who want to impeach the head of the fifth republic in the wake of the meeting of western leaders in paris have increased, the loud announcement about the arrival of the nato contingent in the square in europe did not take root, he explained himself, because of that guy, the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, they say there are no combat units in they will not send a ukrainian business trip, the white house also signed a denial. about the gaps of the sponsors of the war to the last ukrainian in communication, evgeniy belousov. thinking
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before speaking is a wonderful skill for anyone a person, and for a politician - a fundamental principle, but as it turned out, not everything that is accidental thinks so... they began to disown even the idea that a european hill would be on ukrainian soil,
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the germans were one of the first to decide to abandon the game of war, historical memory , she is like this, boots on the ground is not an option for the federal republic of germany, this is not possible. nato and allies are providing unprecedented military support to ukraine, we have been doing this since 2014, and of course, we stepped up after the full-scale invasion, but there are no plans to station nato combat units on the ground in ukraine. but perhaps the most
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striking example of anti-war rhetoric and common sense was the slovak prime minister. he went through not only macron napoleon, but the entire military bloc. when i talk about a ceasefire, we are shocked that the leaders of the eu and nato do not have a thesis on negotiations , not a single word about peace, what needs to be negotiated, there is always only war, war, war, the presence of possible foreign troops of nato and eu member countries creates security risks for slovakia, also because they will certainly be of interest to russian forces, but what if these soldiers? will find themselves in close proximity to the slovak borders, how will our interests be protected if we do not have an air defense system, i would also like to ask where this is all going, however, even madness will always have adherents, riga and tallinn
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, the idea of ​​sending european troops into they unexpectedly decided to support ukraine, so the latvian foreign minister called for breaking the stipulation to include all possible options in the toolkit. and the prime minister of estonia called the possible dispatch of western troops to ukraine for defense. in her opinion, all options should be on the table. but this is rather an exception. they didn’t reach into the pockets of the mass media for a word. the british publication spectate called macron's statement a useless bluff. they say the french president just wants to show off in front of the public and divert attention from how modest the assistance paris provided to kiev. others accused him of stupidity and... macron's diplomatic advisers are already accustomed to tearing their hair out at some of his rash proposals. macron's remarks were a departure from the restraint shown by
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western allies. he tried to fill the leadership vacuum, but his attempt to show russia strength worked against him. this could lead to the largest land conflict that europe has not seen since world war ii. macron's comments contributed to strategic ambiguity. such a move, however , would directly involve nato in the fight against russia. surprisingly, even under such pressure, macron does not give up his words of ideas. this quite serious topics. every word i say on this matter is weighed and thought out. and measuredly, this logically begs the question: what if this is still a carefully planned statement, because against the backdrop of ukraine’s global losses at the front, they are increasingly talking about peace negotiations, and this cannot be allowed in any way, therefore it is quite possible that through an intermediary
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washington decided to hint to congress that it’s time to unfreeze 60 billion for the square, and moscow also needs to be threatened, otherwise they’ve already completely lost their belts, look a little more and before kiev to... i seriously believe that nato will fight with and frankly speaking, if ukraine goes, i go with russia, such attacks from both the french and the american in russia did not go unnoticed, they made it clear there that no more threats will be made just like that will pass. they started talking about the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine, but we remember the fate,
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the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic, they must in the end, understand that we also have weapons, but they know about it, just now i said, there are also weapons that can... hit targets on their territory, but what about the europeans themselves, because macron’s words were addressed to them, how dare mere mortals even think about not helping kiev or , worse, harming them by going on strike, introducing bans, for example, on agricultural products, because the best way out is to intimidate, to choose between the prospect of sending themselves or their children to the ukrainian front, the opportunity to pay off with hard-earned euros, the answer is obvious, it’s not for nothing that they say it’s a bad world.
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trump's democratic faction in parliament will refuse to certify the elections, that is, recognize their results and transfer power to the new administration. the liberal activists are supposed to be brought out on the street, while trump's victory looks almost inevitable. now he would get 52% of the vote, and biden. they are already trying to simply not release it to the public, it is deteriorating too quickly, literally before our eyes. a new flare-up of tension between texas and the white house. according to a federal judge, the us state is not may exercise immigration powers without authorization from the federal government. but texas officials do not intend to stop their personal fight against migrants. the state's governor said texas has a constitutional right to do so. for now. moment for both the house of representatives and for trump and biden ahead of the elections, the topic
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of illegal refugees is paramount, both politicians almost simultaneously arrived at the southern border of the united states, where they accused each other of unleashing the migration crisis. instead of laundering the us's own kitchen, continue to interfere in someone else's garden. the us state debt , in the name of the head of the press service, matthew miller, called parliamentary elections on february 25 in belarus. one reason why we should listen to the statements
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of the us state department about a single non-voting in the republic of belarus. at the same time, we strongly recommend that the current american administration introduce mandatory testing for employees on knowledge of the basics of international relations and international law, part of which, by the way, is the charter of the organization united nations. there's a lot there.
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in the usa are honest, 65% believe that their results are rigged. the belarusian foreign ministry also called the eu's supposed support for the people of belarus against the backdrop of countless economic restrictions against our country as cynical duplicity. the department warned of the possibility of new criminal cases against western initiators of sanctions. all these texts with pre-prepared conclusions do not contain anything new. we are considering. them as continuing unsuccessful attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of our country, the sovereign right to govern their state belongs only to the belarusian people. illegal restrictive measures that are introduced against belarus are the subject of study by law enforcement agencies and can become a legitimate basis for new
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criminal cases against those who initiated them, including those already convicted of a similar crime. brussels' support for neo-nazis, as well as complicity with the nationalist policies of the kiev regime, cannot be justified. unable to stand it criticism and desire of the west to blame belarus for creating the migration crisis. according to data from the european agency frontex, the share of refugees from the entire eastern direction, excluding the territory of ukraine, in 2023 amounted to only about 3% of the total flow of illegal migrants. weight. interaction with some persons receiving external funding for asylum in poland and lithuania, as well as those calling for those carrying out proven activities to overthrow the legitimate government and destroy the constitutional order in belarus armed or terrorist methods means that the european union knowingly supports criminals. belarus is ready to cooperate with
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everyone on human rights issues, but on an equal basis. this was stated by the deputy minister of foreign affairs of belarus at a session of the un council in geneva. yuri ambrazevich noted that today the united states and the eu use human rights as a political instrument of pressure. this hinders the implementation of sustainable development goals declared by the international community. the approach to the issue must be changed so that the defense these rights did not bring harm to humanity, but benefit. thanks to their dominance in the international economy in the international... the united states and the countries of the european union use human rights as a pretext for interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign and independent states, for introducing economic and other restrictions against unwanted countries. it is obvious that such actions of the west directly violate the rights of ordinary
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people in punished, in quotes, countries. the detrimental nature of such a policy for the overall climate. along the crimean bridge. bundeswehr officers plan an attack, agreeing that not 10 or 20 missiles will be needed, but many more. a smaller amount simply will not cause noticeable damage to the bridge. the conversation was attended by two senior officers of the german ministry of defense, as well as two of their subordinates. this wiretapping, firstly, proves that germany is involved in the ukrainian conflict, at least at
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the planning level, and therefore is a belligerent party. secondly, officers in conversation with... formed 8 years ago, in 2016, assembling it piece by piece under the leadership of three us presidents, barack obama, donald trump and joe biden. today is the american side. provides kiev with intelligence data for missile strikes and tracks the movements of russian troops. ukraine responds by transmitting intercepts of communications and other information. in addition, the newspaper writes, the cia
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is also helping kiev train a new generation of spies who work in russia, europe, as well as in cuba and other places where the russians have a large presence. the humanitarian catastrophe in the gas sector has led to a great tragedy. army of israel. published footage showing hundreds of residents enclave is surrounded and trucks carrying humanitarian aid are allegedly robbed. as a result of the crush, including being run over by trucks, at least a hundred people died. however , gaza authorities say that the cause of these deaths is not a stampede, but israeli shelling. also , some israeli media write that tsahal actually opened fire. the baltic states continue to fence themselves off with an iron curtain from the civilized world. the lithuanian authorities do not stand on ceremony with the decision to close two checkpoints on the border with belarus. on the night of march 1, registration of vehicles was stopped. at the
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crossing adjacent to the rest stop there is a mesh fence and a prohibited entry sign. after midnight, seven cars were not allowed through from belarus. the closure of two checkpoints will lead to a significant increase in the load on the existing border crossings with lithuania, kamenny log and benyakoni. the true face of western pseudo-concern for ukrainians, according to local media reports, in square one million internally displaced persons will be deprived of social assistance at the request of the west. in particular, the right to compensation citizens who have their own home or car, foreign currency or a bank deposit will lose payment for their accommodation. the country's deputy prime minister previously noted that the decision to stop payments was made under direct pressure from western partners. let me remind you, this year in ukraine. the kiev regime expects to cover most of it with western assistance. argentina , quite expectedly, is becoming a laboratory in
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which technologies for organizing a new post-capitalist world, one would even say post-apocalyptic, are being developed, and this is not would be an exaggeration. i have only been in power for 3 months, but he has managed to do a lot, so much that the argentine state building has already shaken. the country is gradually being turned into a small room of the future of a single human community, where the commandant will be either the imf, or voz, or vev, or maybe all of them together. word to oleg romanov. somehow argentina seems like a dreamer in overseas countries. on every corner of steak mountain, paris, sasad for... all 200 years of its history the country looked something like this, or maybe it was the same under the spaniards, it’s just that no one remembers,
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the pompas have been abundantly populated with cattle for centuries, vegetarianism in these places has never been in fashion, in general, to this day there are the usual ubiquitous famous argentine carnivals, this word itself, by the way , comes from the latin carne vale, that is hello meat, much more precisely. but it seems that javier miley tore out even this fundamental bond of the national soul, uprooting it, leaving a bleeding wound in its place. by the way, the president of argentina lives in a palace, which is named after the color of its walls "rossada cash desk". they say that a soft pink hue is achieved by mixing ox blood into the paint. god knows whether this is so, but now i’m growing shallow; it’s time to also look for a use for the tears of my fellow citizens. these tears will suffice as a base for paint, even if...
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they give the latter and soon, when the bottoms are scraped out, when the lard disappears from the refrigerators, and the spaghetti from the pantries, enough shelves will be freed up to accommodate the teeth of the low-income public. why did miley deprive us of food, he took everything from us, as long as he has been in power, a couple of months since he became president, we no longer receive food from the government. if the canteen closes, my children will be left without food; when i leave for work, i want to know that they have food, but we don’t. funds for breakfast and lunch. my salary is only enough to buy food for dinner. if i don't get food here, my kids will have to switch to single
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meals. 47 million people live in argentina, according to the latest audit carried out by the ministry of social protection before its dissolution, 27 million of them live below the poverty line, more than 4 million in hopeless nothingness. the numbers are terrifying: 60% of the population is below the poverty line, 10 million homeless, these are people who literally have no food, there’s no need to guess, social tension will rise, people will fall into despair, and then...
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the impoverishment is so lightning fast that citizens did not even have time to react, while the new president with a special law prohibited strikes, gatherings of three or more, and declared any protests illegal. in general, the authorities nip riots in the bud, without being embarrassed by the police cruelty. activists gather somewhere far from busy streets and spew venom from their lips, surrounded by special forces cordons. i can confidently say that millions of families have lost food, literally a huge amount. quantity does not eat even once a day. yes, the government has the right to reform food policy, but starving people to death is a crime. in many locations where we feed the poor, we had to close canteens; in some places canteens are open once a week. in fact, the only thing the government does is extermination of the poor through the ban on charity. repression certainly curbs discontent, but only to
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a certain point. if the people's anger. will break out quickly, its destructive power will not be curbed by anything, in general, except for hunger and rising prices, melley urgently needs to give people at least some hope, this is still difficult, the country’s macro-financial circumstances have really begun to improve, the budget deficit has changed surplus, for the first time increased by 12 billion, gold and foreign exchange reserves, but this does not benefit the population warm or cold, but the exchange rate has risen 2 and a half times; prices in stores have also soared; the argentine pesso is clearly being prepared for sacrifice.
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visited him, while kissing his hands with the ardor that a rare gentleman shows towards his lady. by the end of the first 100 days of his tenure, javier miley came with results that cannot even be called contradictory, they are quite unambiguous. the heads of regional provinces, in response to the reduction in subsidies, promised not to ship oil to the federal government. the country is starting disintegrate. meley transfers the national economy to financing from the imf budget.
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about the international monetary fund, however. it is known that with his participation not a single country prospered, but almost all of them slipped into disaster. meley is breaking off relations with the left-wing governments of the continent, but there is no trace of the right among its neighbors. in fact , argentina is building a new iron wall along the perimeter of its borders. the state destroys the shallows purposefully and systematically. it seems that of all the attributes of the onov, only the man with the police baton will remain. 100 years ago argentina was one of the richest countries on the planet. 70 years ago she played in the major league of world politics and even created. atomic bomb. 40 years ago she fought with england and was a dangerous enemy. melei is quickly turning the country into a space of catastrophe, seemingly deliberately and systematically. supranational structures are trying to reform capitalism in such a way as to preserve inequality and super-incomes of the rich, but to prevent a social explosion from happening. the corresponding technologies are clearly being developed in argentina, and what will the country be renamed there? after its collapse, it doesn’t even matter at all. the post-apocalyptic dominion of the imf will lead to
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submission and it will begin to respond. you are watching a program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24. not in the team of the brussels farmers market is consistently not up to the tractor barricade of european agricultural producers. unheard by politicians, landowners continue to demonstrate dissatisfaction with rising production costs, the green deal and... with duty imports of kiev gold fields. protest figures update the publication of the politician: degree popular outrage rose in 200 european cities. germany, poland, lithuania, latvia, france, italy - these are not all the hot spots on the map of eu agricultural policy. about anger
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in a european way, tatyana volkova. border blockade, punctured tires, scattered grain under the wheels of trucks and carriages from ukraine. this is not how guests from square now greet them.
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or the opening of a second front. the statement is quite justified, because it is agriculture that provides ukraine with the main export earnings, that is, it is the most important filler of the budget, which is spent mainly way for military needs. today, iis
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consumes 60% of ukrainian food, although back in 2021 its share in agricultural exports was half as much. everything changed thanks to brussels liberalizing trade with kiev. at the same time, losses of the european agricultural sector in 2022-2023 amounted to 19 billion euros. we need to support ukraine, ensure the transit and transportation of its grain to seaports and send it to countries where ukraine has traditionally sold grain in the past. but for this we need a positive approach from ukraine, cooperation from kiev to implement this system. ukraine is not welcome in europe, and not only it, farmers and
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not only polish ones are outraged by the eu free trade agreement, including with the mercasur countries, brazil, argentina, paraguay, uruguay. the final text of the document was prepared in 2019, but has not yet been signed or ratified by any of the parties. farmer unions believe that if the agreement comes into force, it will create unequal competitive conditions, because there are no latin american farmers, unlike europeans , do not have to fulfill special requirements; old world farmers are also worried about the upcoming agreements with new zealand and australia, which could flood the european market with poultry and livestock products. britain struck a deal with canbera after leaving the european union, leaving local farmers at a disadvantage. the valians now have a new reason for discontent. the welsh parliament intends to change the mechanism of subsidies for farmers. to receive them,
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farmers will have to allocate part of their land to conservation projects, such as tree planting. local manufacturers immediately followed the example of their european colleagues. cargo is scattered on the side of roads , morocco is used along with tractors to block, another competitor is stopped, trees and tires are cut down, in addition to fair prices, it requires help to combat drought, maintain tax rebates on diesel fuel and change european agricultural policy. we are being strangled, this nothing more than demands for bans, in return
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practically nothing. we are already in an extreme situation, we are faced with drought, bureaucracy associated with the implementation of the common agricultural policy, unfair competition, unprofitable prices, and this cannot continue. the fact is that brussels’ environmental strategy imposes certain obligations on european farmers, which are already so. it is not easy to accomplish, in conditions of unfair competition it is simply impossible, so the european commission after massive speeches had already withdrawn a plan to halve the use of pesticides, but farmers again took to the streets of brussels, setting fire to hay tires and spreading manure while a meeting of european union agriculture ministers was in progress. about 900 tractors were involved in the action. the police used tear gas and water cannons.
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protecting the true breadwinners of europe. in the wake of the protests, eu countries sent more than 500 proposals to the european commission for greater flexibility at the state level, including rules for revising national strategic plans. loud statements are also being made. thus, macron, at the agricultural salon held in paris, promised to make agriculture and food products the main common interest of the french nation. true, before this he was denounced by farmers.
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requirements to keep 4% of arable land uncultivated. in addition, poland believes that the eu should return to the restrictions on ukrainian products that were in force until february 2022. that is, no matter how events develop in european agricultural markets, include in any case, ukrainian imports into it will not work without duty quotas. this means an experiment in ukraine’s de facto entry into the european union. it is possible that the next one will be
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the failure of europe's green deal. tatyana volkova, around the planet. all the stunts performed by professionals, do not try to repeat at home in dubai, they defied gravity and launched the first jet races. armed with iron man gear, the pilots flew 700 m above the water. a runtsy with a power of 1500 horses is capable. accelerate to 130 km/h. weight weighty accelerator - 27 kg. the jetpacks are powered by the same aviation fuel that powers the linerboing 777. the device is inspired by the marvel universe, the brainchild of a british engineer. it is symbolic that the jet victory went to the developer’s homeland, the united kingdom. well , who's on par with maneuverability? norwegian meteorologists. the storming report ended with a slap in the face for the weatherman.
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the journalist literally got bream and was knocked off his feet in coastal kristian sund. the comic sketch did not end there. the guy left under water, they complemented the oil painting with an open inflatable life jacket and hysterical laughter of the entire film crew. a separate form of art, comments under the publication, the audience was divided into condolences and those who wanted to give a bream from time to time. theorologists. the iron lady of the soviet screen grew up behind the scenes of the saratov drama theater. the graduate of the vologda theater school went to moscow to study her craft; she became convinced that life is theater when she entered lenkom. until the last act it served as the stage of the theater film actor. on-screen recognition came already in his
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40s, when the woman’s kingdom soltykov received a standing ovation in san sebastine. she was called the episode queen. but the monologues of the actress’s characteristic roles in the style on a wire from the pokrovsky gate firmly fit into the viewer’s mind. filmed in a new movie, bikmambetov’s night watch is decorated with the initials of the people’s artist of russia. the date of the week is march 3, the birthday of the diverse, rome and markova. you looked around the planet, thank you for being and staying with us. visit the website see the tv news agency's favorite projects. online, goodbye , cut to hell, without waiting for peritonitis, don’t be afraid, everything is sterile with me, well, drink, they’ll laugh, it’s the same, what do you need, the ingredients or the effect, the effect, well
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then drink, show off there a stent? cleverly came up with the idea, the wife, which means he should rake out the manure, and he ’ll take away the good he’s acquired with her, golefe to you, well, it’ll amaze you!
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they were born in different parts of the world. hello everyone, my name is xing kaijen, i am from china, currently studying in...


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