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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 4, 2024 8:15am-9:00am MSK

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following him , a twenty-five-year-old citizen of a neighboring state was detained, from whom the stolen money was seized. it was established that all the defendants acted on instructions from abroad. their involvement in similar crimes is explained. i confused the compote with a chemical anti-pollution agent. investigators from the mogilev region are looking into the circumstances of the emergency in cherikov, where last friday a five-year-old boy was admitted to intensive care with poisoning. now the child's life is not in danger. according to the investigative committee, the boy together with my grandfather , they were repairing the car in the garage while the older man. was troubleshooting a problem under the hood, the grandson took a bottle of pink liquid from inside the car and quenched his thirst with it. it was engine cleaner. in a similar container, next to it lay a cherry drink. one person died, four more were taken to the hospital. the circumstances of the terrible accident near mogilev are still being clarified as part of the investigation, the gi reported. the tragedy happened in the village of zimnitsa last saturday. according to a preliminary version, a forty-year-old resident of slavgorod, driving a peugeot, could not control while driving, he crashed into a passing renault driving in front of him. from the impact, the driver of the car with... ended in guy they added that
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the deceased, in principle, could not drive, because he was deprived of his driver's license for drunk driving. there were three passengers in the car with him; they and the passenger of the minibus were taken from the scene of the accident to the clinic. and this is a consequence of an accident in the litsky district, where a loaded truck ran into a concrete fence and then lay on its side. according to preliminary information from guy , everything happened because while driving across the bridge neman, where major repairs are currently underway, a tire burst under heavy load. the sixty- one-year-old driver was not injured, but it took road workers 3 hours to arrive. in order to resume traffic on the section of the road and a good story of rescue from the orsha region , the day before, a resident of the village of dachnaya addressed the ministry of emergency situations with a request to free her pet from the basement, the dog was covered with concrete blocks in the area where construction was taking place, the ministry of emergency situations soldiers , using tools, quickly freed the animal from the trap, rescued four-legged the hostage was safe, but slightly frightened. this
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was news from zone x, stay tuned to belarus 1!
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belarus, good morning, country, a new day on the belarus tv channel, one of the belarus 24 travellers, we meet you, nina mozheiko and anna kviloria. today is monday, march 4th. i'll tell you, this is the first monday in march, and we'll find out what the first month of spring will bring us from our astrological forecast. number we will feel the influence and on march 25 there will be a lunar eclipse in the sign of virgo and accordingly it will most affect the zodiac sign is virgo, as well as for everyone...
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born in march, that is, these are pisces and aries and aries, yeah, and what an eclipse is one of those that we have to experience, the most turning point for all zodiac signs without exception, i i think that it will still be more turning... eclipses in the fall, spring eclipses will be lighter on the one hand, this is a rehearsal, rather, yes, this is a rehearsal, but on the other hand it is simply a continuation of the trends that, in principle, you have in life, that is, they are not revolutionary, will not bring any special changes, rather they will aggravate the situations that currently exist, but the autumn eclipses will be based on new energies, and there may be very unexpected events, and therefore the spring ones are calmer, but nevertheless, except for the eclipse corridor. we will also have a planetary war. seriously, really, as an information feed. two planets will collide in the sign of aquarius - mars and saturn. the planets are quite tough, serious with such not the softest energies, so in march there will be tough, strict,
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break the dishes leave, no, rather not conflicting, but more collected, strictness is needed. restraint, deliberation , in no case should you show impulsiveness and emotionality, because saturn and mars are still emotions, not bright, but rather restrained, and the sign of aquarius itself is also under the influence of saturn to some extent, so here it is very it is important to be serious, measure seven times, cut once, do not make sharp turning movements and do not make some kind of revolution in your life, do not suddenly tear what you want cut off from yourself and... and not make any changes, that is, i understand correctly that for aquarius, by the way, here we have anna valerievna, a bright representative of the aquarius sign, and this is a time of opportunities, including, although these are not simple , let’s say, there will be conditions for them, yes created, but opportunities, aquarius and pisces are two signs of the zodiac that will feel the wind of change, so they
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may just have some changes in life, unexpected, cardinal, interesting in the best side, that is, there is no need to be afraid of them, and with this two sign of the zodiac i would advised them to say yes to the opportunities and offers that come into their lives. let's go through the rest of the zodiac signs so that it doesn't get offensive. this is a difficult month for a virgo; it is very important to take care of your health, especially the health of your intestines and stomach; food digestion may suffer a little, so take pity on your stomach and avoid heavy foods. there may also be some kind of nervous and stressful situations in a virgin, so this regime is very important. turn on energy saving, and it will be an interesting month for aries, by the way, they should also take care of your health , because there may be burnout, that is, too much will fall on the shoulders of aries, it is important to cope with this, and for libra there will most likely be a period
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of rest, vacation, if there is an opportunity to go somewhere, relax, travel, switch from some everyday issues to something lighter, unobtrusive, it would be great. and also libra should pay attention to sleep, healthy sleep is very important this month, and the rest of the zodiac signs are more likely to continue, in principle, the processes in which they are now, nothing fateful or acute is expected, but in general , march is very important for them, as a month that sums up a certain result, that is, if there were some difficult situations in life, then you will feel it. unfavorable influence especially on yourself of some aspects that you, for example, tried not to notice or somehow put off solving some issue, you will still have to decide after all, but let’s face it, and this is also if favorable some
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processes you are in this month will show you the sources of your inspiration , your energy, your joy, professional growth, there may be a partner who will somehow illuminate the space for you, with whom... you feel good, comfortable, with whom you are in love, in mutual understanding, you will need turn in his direction, in general, all processes will seem to become more vivid, exactly those that exist, katya, please tell us, maybe there are some days in march that we should especially pay attention to, of course, there are two unfavorable days, these are 10 and 14 march, the tenth, because it is a new moon, there is no full moon in the sky, so there will be an emotionally weakened day, even somewhere physical health may not be very good, there will be... a little bit of apathy, a depressive mood, but this is simply due to cycles of the moon, the fourteenth day itself is simply unfavorable, but there are more favorable days, these are the fifteenth, sixteenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty -seventh and twenty-ninth, despite the fact that the twenty-seventh twenty-ninth is already fall into the corridor of eclipses, nevertheless
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, you can still plan something for these days, and they will be more or less good in this corridor of eclipses, great, you remember, ninochka, i ’ve already marked it on my calendar... good , this is what concerns the day that worries us, march 8, someone will ask this question, this is an auspicious day, this is what the pros mean, they will never miss an important question. yes, you know, this year, if i’m not mistaken, it so happened that march 8 is friday, it’s the day of venus, and venus is this is a female planet , a planet of love, ideality came together, everything just came together, really this day must be spent in beauty , in a beautiful place, in a beautiful dress, with a beautiful dinner, in some beautiful setting, you ’re not looking at us, tell me, there’s a camera there somewhere that ’s going to show you a close-up, you tell men so clearly, yes, i definitely advise men to give flowers this friday, march 8th. jewelry would be a good gift, also some kind of romantic evening, a romantic trip, in general, an evening at
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candlelight, in addition, march 8, in addition to romance, beautiful events, is suitable for spiritual practice, if you, for example, are alone or, for some family reasons, you cannot spend this day with your beloved woman, then well and a woman, including with her beloved man, then this day is very good... we wish you a good day and a good month, by the way, may it also be quite productive for you, in april, yes, that
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was the astrological forecast from katerina korneva, well, right now we pass the floor to our food blogger anatoly moiseev, good morning, today for breakfast there is a very tasty and satisfying dish of georgian cuisine kubdari, in our opinion khachapkuri with meat, but as mathematicians like to say, from the change of names. the taste doesn't change. for the dough we need eggs, kefir, baking powder, wheat flour and vegetable oil. for the filling: minced meat, onion, garlic, hops, suneli, pepper, salt. pour one and a half glasses of kefir into a bowl, add a little salt and sugar to it. follow with two tablespoons of vegetable oil, stir until... sift two cups of flour, add
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baking powder, beat in one egg , knead the soft dough and send it to rest for a couple of minutes, prepare the filling, peel the onion and finely chop it, fry it in vegetable oil until transparent, then add the prepared minced meat, fry. together for about 7-8 minutes over medium heat, when the minced meat completely changes color and begins to fry, add finely chopped garlic, hops, suneli, pepper and salt, take out the dough and divide into four equal parts, roll each part into a small thick flatbread, put quite a lot of filling in the center of the flatbread, collect and pinch the edges of the flatbread. place seam side down and roll out a little. fry the flatbreads in a dry
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frying pan under the lid for 5-6 minutes on each side. grease the finished kupdari with butter and serve. the finished flatbreads exude such an aroma that it is simply impossible not to wake up. fluffy kefir dough , juicy spicy filling. excite the taste buds, dari's cup just melts in your mouth, you will definitely like this breakfast, have a nice appetite and good mood, good evening, let's sing. what is the forecast for us today, dear
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, what did you wake up with again, just tell me, lord, have mercy, what kind of blah do you mean, most importantly, the weather in the house. and everything else, vanity, there is me and you, everything except lightweight. with the help of an umbrella, there is me and you, everything except easy to settle with the help of an umbrella, what is the forecast, is it rainy or foggy, is there any misfortune unexpectedly awaiting us, you are like a
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volcanic eruption. i can never predict, the most important thing is that - for everything else, vanity, there is me and you, everything except it is easy to settle with the help of questions, if me and you! anything other than easy to handle with an umbrella, how are you doing?
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what is the forecast, as long as it’s not... the sky is starry , what should we expect in spring or winter, tell me everything, and if it’s too late, then only we will be to blame, most importantly, the weather in the house, everything else, vanity, there is me and.. . "and everything that is easy to settle with the help of the task, there is me and you, for everything that is easy to settle with the help of the task,
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well, let’s sing one more time, with me. yes, the most important thing is that, everything else , vanity, there is me and you, everything that is not easy to settle, with the help of the zandar there is me and you, everything that is not easy to settle with the help of the tsart.
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hey there!
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the live broadcast of the good ranti program continues. belarus, anna kveloria, nina mazhaiko, we welcome you to the tv channels belarus 1 of the satellites belarus24, we meet together on march 4, this is a week. and we continue to share interesting information with you: medals for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. the nazi invaders will be handed over on victory day. on the front side there is a figure of an ordinary worker and peasant of the red army in summer deception with a pistol and a shpagin machine gun in his hands, and to the right is the figure of a partisan with a dekterev light machine gun. the anniversary medal will be awarded to veterans of the great patriotic war, former prisoners of fascist camps, ghettos, as well as foreign citizens who directly took part in the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders during the years.
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let's meet larisa mishchuk. my name is larisa mishchuk, i work as a nurse in the surgical office of the malolitsk central district hospital. i wake up in 6:30, my morning begins with a shower. i drink a glass of warm water with honey, smile and go into a new day. i come to work at 7:30, since we have a sensitive office and i need to perform certain actions in the morning in order to prepare the office for the appointment,
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that is, lay out sterile material, prepare instruments, make solutions, lay out outpatient cards for the appointment, well, at 8 o’clock we start receiving appointments, i came to this profession consciously, since i was probably surrounded by a large number of medical workers from childhood who called in i... was delighted with admiration, and i wanted to always be like them. i love my job because when we fully dedicate ourselves and our work, we receive a lot of positive emotions, words, compliments, kindness, wishes addressed to us, which remain with us outside the walls of our medical institution. as in any job, you have to deal with various emergency situations, but everything is resolved. thanks to our competent team, work experience, polite attitude towards our patients, and of course , smiles in caring for our patients. i think,
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that's our job. one of the most important, since any person tends to get sick or get injured, every person wants to receive qualified emergency medical care, but in any job you must always remain a kind, sensitive, caring person, since you can always find yourself in the place of this patient . i love my job because... it makes my country's mornings good. we wish such a smiling larisa an easy morning and a fruitful working day. and our broadcast continues with international news. scientists from the university of southern denmark have proven that whales have unique social skills capable of making sounds similar to songs. the gartan, vocal cords and arytenoid cartilages are involved in the formation of singing sounds. yes, yes, there are some. the mechanism is similar to that used by other
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mammals, but... whales had to adapt it for underwater conditions. according to experts, whales critically depend on the reproduction of sounds, so female whales and their calves communicate with each other using these very sounds, males sing to attract females. the study also showed that the whales' vocalizations are in the same frequency range and at the same ocean depth of about 100 m as the sounds of ships, and this makes it difficult for them to communicate. i have only one question: are they for the whales or is it for the ships? could you please remove your boat, i can’t reach the female, i just wanted to say that this sound is more reminiscent of whales, then excuse me, there’s some kind of engine sound, but that’s when the boat starts, that’s about the same story, so it seems to me that in this situation it’s still difficult for the courts to reach out, but could you take your whale then in this case, so that i can send a signal to the next boat, and another cute creature that you simply must see, no, it’s not a whale, it’s a dog,
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her name is sharon, good morning, on your way today a dog named sharon will be looking for home, she is a 4-year-old beauty, an affectionate, smart girl, sharon has already managed to fight for her existence in this world, she once had a home and a loving one. the owner, who, unfortunately, passed away this winter, relatives take care of the dog they refused and sent her to a shelter. our sharon is a gentle girl who will never miss the opportunity to lick a person on the cheek; once you meet her, you obviously won’t want to leave. this is a beautiful, sensitive, playful, sociable dog with an easy-going character, she easily adapts to others and circumstances. seron is adored. this little girl
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is cheerful and energetic, so she is constantly on the move, and she also quickly becomes attached to a person. our sharon is absolutely healthy, sterilized, vaccinated and treated for parasites, and she is also beautiful. with others animals, this beauty prefers chicken and dog food for food, sharon only fits into a home, either with a large friendly family or with a lonely person who is in search of a faithful four-legged friend. sharon is looking forward to meeting her future owner. take a closer look at
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this girl and call her on the phone. indicated on your screen. we wish sharon to find her family as soon as possible. well, now we suggest turning to our meteorological map to find out what the weather is like today. so friends, let's let's take a look at the temperature map together. today, of course, there are enough spring indicators, but nevertheless, they are still incomplete. it’s spring, we’re still in rehearsals, in minsk today it’s up to +4°, no rain is expected, at least for now, in brest there will be precipitation up to +6, +3 +5, these are the same indicators in the northern capital in vitebsk up to + 7 the air will warm up in gomel, in grodno to +5, 4:6 with a plus sign in mogilev, in general it seems to me that it’s quite spring, but again, we’re still rehearsing, right an? yes, because forecasters predict
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standard temperatures for the coming week. the weather for the beginning of march, it will freeze, then there will be advantages, in general, friends, we are far from hiding down jackets and fur coats, let them be somewhere at hand, well, now, now we want to show you. good story, right, ninotchka? well, naturally, our correspondent, natalya khomich, will tell you everything about how to do the redevelopment correctly and not waste your nerves; the legislation won’t bother you either. let's get a look. isn't it time to remodel? but how can changes to an apartment be legalized? using this apartment as an example, what can i redesign? this is a studio apartment. separating the kitchen and bedroom separately, erecting a partition between them, this will already be a redevelopment, the owner will have the obligation to obtain a new registration certificate. to do this, you need to contact the one window of the district administration and provide a package
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of documents. this is an application, passport, technical passport, that is, certifying documents for the apartment, technical passport, registration certificate for the apartment, well all. owners, co-owners living in this apartment are registered, must give consent to this redevelopment. in the technical passport you need to display the planned changes; you can draw or write down what exactly you want to change. have you heard that load-bearing walls cannot be dismantled, this is not entirely true. it’s possible, but to do this you need to make a project with expertise. this is exactly what you will not be allowed to place a bathroom above the kitchen of the apartment below, if the kitchen with gas equipment partially enlarges the kitchen for account of the living room, since it will be directly above the living room below
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the apartment located, it is also impossible to touch the air ducts, touch or dismantle part of the air duct there either. question: what to do with newfangled buildings with an open plan, is it really necessary to coordinate each one? when erecting new partitions, the obligation then arises to approve a new technical passport. if you have unauthorized redevelopment, you need to contact the technical inventory bureau. if there are no barriers to redevelopment, it will be recognized valid, although it is better, of course, to do everything on time. so, now you are savvy from the point of view of the law and from the point of view, in general, in principle, of some everyday rules. well, let's move on to the next, very important and festive topic: believe in a new day and not grumble, this is sung in the new song by ruslan berezovsky, find your way, we are glad to meet him on our almost concert stage, on
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our comfortable comfortable sofa, ruslan , we are glad to see you in our studio, good morning, especially since we have such a festive occasion introduce your premiere, ruslan, please tell us about the song, who are the authors of the composition? the song, in my opinion, is a very chic song, good, the main thing is correct. in our time this is very important, the music was written by leonid shirin, the words were written by natalya tambovtseva, this is a very famous tandem, we know many songs that you friends love, you just don’t always know who actually wrote the words and music, the song begins with words without hesitation, i chose my path, and this is the essence of my story, that is, this is a song of such well real men, well, yes, actually, such a dedication is still to the day of the police, which we celebrate today, or not really, or is it for all men? no, most likely for all men, for the entire strong half of our, so to speak, humanity, that’s for sure, find your way, well, in this song i really wanted to show that that real path, a man to
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his goal, does not give up, does not grumble , of course, did not forget the most important thing, his history, the history of his family, the history of the country. for today this is the most important thing ruslan, as i understand it, the song is autobiographical, there is a share of, let's say, some kind of your story, a personal relationship, even, let's say, it just coincided, when leoned shirin showed me a sketch of this song, it so coincided that it became close to me, very similar in this song from my life, for example, from my destiny, well, for example , about a blow, yes, taking a blow and not giving up, we remember that there was such a fact in your destiny, you survived.
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thank you for everything, ruslan, it’s your turn, with pleasure, friends, i want to congratulate everyone on police day, wish you good health, fortitude. safety in the service and , of course, peaceful skies above all of us, happy holiday, guys, happy police day and perhaps the song that you hear literally immediately after the advertisement will be the one that will warm you up in the service, will be yours, you know, such a camp , maybe even composition, you said it very correctly, indeed, well, we are nina mozheika and anna keloria, we say goodbye to you for today, we will see you tomorrow, because you remember that it is necessary to include belarus 1 in on friday and even on saturday, here
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so dear friends , we’ll see you very soon, right now we’re passing the floor, well , first to advertising, and then to ruslan berezovsky, see you, hello everyone, today we’re performing a complex of exercise machines, a very convenient simulator, as it allows you to work in all kinds of planes, and today we will work the back muscles, chest muscles and leg muscles, in general, we will work the whole body. the first exercise is a vertical row, for this we will need the upper handles, grab them with our hands and begin to pull them down under control shoulders. in addition, it is necessary to place our feet confidently so that we maintain balance while sitting on the fitball. in this case, we held them with a parallel grip, but the grip can be anything.
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the second exercise is to perform the hands in a lying position. in this exercise it is very important not to lose balance. and the third exercise is a squat in kinesis, we take hold of the lower handles and begin to squat with them, it feels like we are carrying two large bags, we squatted and stood up. in this exercise, the knees should not be collected inward, and we should not round the back, and... it is straight with a natural arch in the lower back and we exhale during the rise.
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so, to strengthen the main muscle groups with a strength load that is safe for the child, use the exercise in the kinesis simulator. instead of a bench, take a fitball and even the laziest stabilizer muscles will be forced to wake up. the optimal number of repetitions is 15 in each of the four approaches. the resistance weight should be kept to a minimum. monitor the starting position, amplitude and trajectory of the child’s movements. let's plunge into the physical and intellectual world of sports, where everything is important. everyone worked on the lines, great. even, say, a slight hitch for dasha kudaeva on the stand, but nevertheless, third
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place is very cool, victory, defeat, to be honest, one can only envy, because today, tomorrow you have such an amazing opportunity to feel yourself the role of a professional athlete, try on this role for yourself, look from the outside, look at the other guys, well, understand that yes, this is mine, minutes and seconds, and we still remember this match and guys, how many of ours are there zhoden football fans came and how they supported the team, from our side i promise that we will do everything to win this super circle, only sports, only belarus 24.
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without hesitation, i chose the path, my history, this is the essence. putting my chest to the wind, holding the blow, i believed in a new day and did not complain , i paid for everything, thank god that i stayed with myself,
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find your way into the muddy dawn, you... never give up, and the best century will come, here is the wind that carries the years in the heart, may faith and love always burn, me i experienced the strength of the world, but i strove into the distance and i loved. i was ready to lead myself, i didn’t change myself halfway, i walked forward on my own path, and was always myself, find your
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way into the coming dawn, you never give up. and the best century will come, through the wind that the years have carried, let faith and love always burn in your heart. find your way into the coming dawn, never give up, and the
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best century will come, let the wind that carries the years always burn in your heart, and faith.
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