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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 4, 2024 11:35am-12:01pm MSK

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prohar, thank you very much and the smile at the end is like an exclamation point. dmitry, what do you think? well, granite is kind of like that and a brown-red stone. what type of minerals? i can't give an answer. understand. it seems to me that prokhor can answer absolutely any question. this is a mineral, does it burn? no. watch an intellectual and entertaining project, i know. on the tv channel belarus 24.
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i came from syria to belarus to study childbirth, i studied to be a tv film director at the academy of arts, i graduated with honors when i came to belarus, right away, the first time i saw belarusian people and as friends, communicated with them and so, it was like i saw people who don’t like to have fun, love life, especially that i came from syria as a war, so i saw it here at all.
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then i start speaking russian, such a stupid russian: i want to eat, i want to sleep , such things, then i became an art academy, a student, a first-year tv director, and there i saw friends, the problem here in belarus is what he says to whom, who says little english, we had a group of 12-13 people, only one person spoke english properly , the rest did not speak english, it was difficult, as we know, any people, if a person wants to be one of them, then he must speak their language, otherwise he will not be one of them - so i’ll have to learn russian, especially that russian is a fourth language for me, like my mother is arabic, syrian, my dad is british, i learned french at school, russian was the fourth and yes it was, but it wasn’t difficult, just communicating with people, i’m just me i think that it is not difficult to learn russian with people, but how difficult it is to communicate with people like me have a different mentality, like me they just have a different brain, they have a different brain, what is permissible for me is abnormal, for them it is normal.
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what is abnormal for them is normal for me , it was, like, a real difficulty, not the language, yes, but now everything is fine, i already have many friends, and many students, and a lot, but as they say, life, how i have a life now, belarus is not at all like siri , it’s so hot there, it’s very cold here , let’s say even the people there are different, people are warmer, faster let’s say, like me now, but here you have people just like
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a building, because i already decided, as i had an idea, to open an entertainment center for children and not even children, where there would be fitness, yoga, dancing, a playstation room, a cafe, a restaurant, but how all this together, this is my idea, like a franchise or a michael london franchise, to open here first, just test the belarusian market, the belarusian market, then to the whole world, then to minsk to dubai and... in many places even before i lived in minsk , it’s like minsk - it’s the capital, there ’s everything there, cinemas, restaurants, cafes, a lot what is there, when i later finished studying at the academy of arts, i bought a house on nivo-1, this is a gardening partnership, it’s nearby 4 km from here,
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when i lived there, i noticed that there really is nothing, just like there’s a lot of things needed, like it starts from the fact that a lot of things are needed, i will be the first, yes, but i will not be the last, because that’s how the economy works, they opened the lane. in a year or two, probably, who knows, maybe here is las vegas, or even better than minsk, we don’t know, how i always worked in syria with children, in the theater, at school, and so on, this idea has not yet left me, i still remember, then - time moves on, so technology also moves on, helping both dancers and musicians, so now it will be like a dance school here, mainly for children, there there will be fitness for adults and yoga, but mostly like michael london. for children, what was here was breakdance and hip-hop and so, here there will be the latest, the latest, let’s say, technology that helps these children do what i did at 6 years old as a dancer, they can do in two three months, because the technology helps here,
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and geforce and the floor is made like this, as not as i trained, when i trained, there was no opportunity, as now i will give them, and because i am a dancer, so i definitely i know what they need. when it becomes difficult, we will close this issue, that it was not painful, it was not as safe as possible, especially that this is a franchise, like a british franchise, so as in london, as here, everything will be safe, everything will be thought out to the smallest detail, as much as possible you say, and how to say, technology in a beautiful form for everyone, for everything kind of people, all the children who will always find something for them here, that's for sure, there will be not only lessons or courses in dance, here every 6 months there will be... like a graduation performance for them, to show their parents what they did , show viewers, even journalists, i will use my connection, my fame, my channels on youtube, on facebook, on instagram, that i will develop this place more, that these are the children who were here, they were not only students, they will be students only first and then
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they will be artists, because i worked with local people before for about 6 months, i saw that they are kind, good, love me and know me, so - i always believe in people, especially these people who live here, who between them i didn’t feel like a foreigner or not , on the contrary i felt at home, however, they were very good, they gave me - as their children believed me, i saw them as a brother and sometimes like a father, because they are small children, and for i beat my parents like a family friend, it's a very good feeling, so i decided that yes, these people deserve everything that is good, this is still not enough for them, as we saw, there is a place that i just bought, it still needs renovation, it is not ready yet, but after that , in a couple of months, when it will be ready and it will be like a business, as mikel london
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will be already, uh, it will be like i made here 3d 3d, let's say, a model, will show us where, what will be, let's say, this hall, which... will be this hall, which will be mirrors, that's all, then we go here, there will be caffeine, which we showed you, such a room, here there will be caffeine, a bar, it will be for parents , of course, that their children could sit and wait while their children dance or play, let's say a playstation, as we see here, this is a room, only for playstation, and here there will be a place in the hall where for airubic safe, this is the case and as we said here for everything, this is my complex, which will be the entertainment center of london, but i won’t stop at this, like this, this will just be my business, my family business that works there, the arts , as i like, but when i have free ones time or just two hours for me
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, let's just say i just share music, the motivation to make music is sometimes because someone wants, because or i want, let's say, to show my friends or so that i can do something, i used to give our friend for her birthday, music under her name, she put it on spotify and... got money for it somehow, a song that i made for her, i believe that this is a gift that lives with her , a song for it, of course, i will make music through a synthesizer and launchpad, launchpad is such a thing that you can do where dobstep and electro music, like electronics, but in the end the most important thing is the program that a person works, and i see music, how i draw music, to the point that i see music, i draw it, what what in the end picture, i'm listening. music is like a picture , therefore, let’s say i listen first, i need
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to add something because it’s missing and what music gave me is like an international language, let’s say, and it motivates me, it motivates me, like every time in a different way, love, suffering, i want, let’s say i’m very happy, we bought buildings, let's say, 9 months of waiting, at the end i could, i could do everything i want, i really came home, let's say, i was very happy, i sat and started simply, i'm glad, and this will be visible in my music, that such cheerful music, guitars, flute, 808 mafia, the kind of instrument that i use when i'm happy, no way, no way, the kind of instrument that
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i use when i'm sad, it will be seen, uh, in the end, like - music is a feeling, it music is a feeling, and it seems to me that for me to show people what i feel through music is sometimes easier than to say, now i know a lot of things, as i am already 30 years old, just as i was taught a lot of things, because i just love to always teach. i know how to do editing on i just know everything about autorekt academy 4 years i what i did is sit on after efect. music also completed a course with a good artist themselves - this is skrx, this is the most famous artists in doop music, editing, 3d graphics, i work on cinema 4d, but i don’t work very hard, but i can do whatever i think, close my eyes and i share. i’ve been dancing all my life, it’s clear, i do a film, i recently wrote books, it's called
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a playbook, you can buy it on amazon, 20 script or 20 plan, as the girls say, because a lot of guys are like that, so these were the books, i inspired my friend that he is handsome, but he’s just afraid, afraid of rejection, suddenly he’s talking to a girl who rejected me, but he wrote books, 20 plan and fast and easy and two such intro and outro pages. and a lot of other advice, advice, what he can do and how he plans somehow, what a girl can say and doesn’t look like, what he says the girl, that there will be no refusal, now i have there will be this school michael london, everything that i learned in my life, 30 years, editing, graphics, music, writing, ideas, everything that i taught, i want to use there, i want to make an advertisement for children, mine, who will be there , the best graphics, the best, like marvel, like goliu quality, because i can do it now. i couldn’t do it before, i can do it now, any child, it’s like thor, it’s like spiderman, i can
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do it now, they, as i said, he won’t be just a student, he’ll be a star later, and then he’ll be it will end from the london t-shirt, and journalists will talk about it , there will be a lot of competition, and it will be cool, there is an idea that the team is preparing, i will send them to the american academy, because i am a bylant, i know what is needed for such programs, i know where, on what are they looking at, the goal, can we end up, where do we end up? i don’t know, i want, of course, always more more, but i think that mile london will be mine, mine as the last station to work for myself, now i will start working for the new generation, for other people, this is the time, when i taught at the academy of arts and tried a lot of things in different directions in the arts, i worked with a lot of people, directors and musicians, because i wanted to know more and i want to know what they know, but now i can say i have a lot of things i know... before that, that i worked a lot and worked a lot where and worked with a lot of people, i received so many
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awards and prizes and won a lot of things, not only in belarus and the whole world, so let's start with this, it's called a file my life, that's all i'll do in life as good things here, here is my diploma, honors diploma , teacher and director, so written, here is what will show that my video clip, four wisers, four whispers took the prize, the festival is called 12 mf director of the months as director of the month, because the director would be there my brother dia, here we won the same thing. the medal is my agreement with google , google adsense, that i work with it, this is my diploma in russian at bntu, i got a 77, a seven, because, but how i learned russian was not because of the academy, not because university,
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i learned it because of my friends, because, as they say, life, the street, this. this is a festival of short footage competition in america in los angeles, more precisely, we won a prize for a film made by my brother diya alshikh, his name is also, as the director at the academy of arts said, he has now almost finished his graduate school and won there the best director's work and the best script and installation as editing.
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recently a festival abroad, i was there as a dancer, i also took third place as a dancer and soloist and choreographer, that’s it, that was mine file, which is offline, which is offline, i will always show it later to my children in the future and i will show it to my friends, i will show it to those who are close to me, who know me personally. i was born in syria, my mother is syrian , her name is gilda, my father is british, his name is salem, my brother diya, he is also syrian, he lives in minsk, and my sister is british, her name is suzen, they are like mother and sister in london, father too, dad works in english literature in london, as a driver, mom is an astrologer, she
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just looks at the stars and tells how their effect on our lives for... all sorts of things, she she studied and studied this for a very long time , she works, so my brother is also a director, he will also graduate with me at the academy of arts, but he is now a graduate student, and my sister is also a media director in london in london tv plus, she also graduated and is a director, too, like me like a brother, like a mother, for me it’s like an idol, like a hero, she, she lived in syria without my dad for almost 10 years, she was always... for us, me and my brother and my sister, she was always supported us, everything we want, but it’s logical, let’s say, when i wanted to go to this program, arabgot talent , arabic minute of fame, i said, mom, i'm going there as a dancer, she said yes, as a dancer, go, you 're a good dancer, you can win there, but if let's say, i would say, i'm going to voice, she would say, no, don't go, you have a very
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bad voice, she knows it, she supports us in a logical place, like when necessary, never just my children everything. any mother has such energy that when she is happy for her son or her son, everything will be fine, everything works out for the son, how is it so, i think, that as far as i did, my mother is happy , as far as i succeed and everything will be fine, i’m starting to take up dance, because my father, he loves the drum bongo conga, he is a musician, he has such a hobby, let’s say, he likes to play the drum conga , such, he loves it very much, and my mother also worked , wrote a script for... for an important series in syria, like a sketch, a sketch for a series, so how was i born into such a family, good luck to be born into such a family who is a creative family, and my brother is like him, because dad was always not in syria, not with us, so my, my brother was my dad almost, he started, as always, his younger brother wants to show his brother who taught him that look, i'm cool,
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look, i'm good, what are you you love, then me and my brother opened the group. in syria and not in syria in the arab world and even in holland in europe, but when i was about 18 19 years old, i looked at tv, there was such a program for talents as you have a minute a minute of glory for dancing, anything is possible, anything, how many talents are different and against each other, and i said, this is how i know american talent, which is american. the second season , what to submit to follow him, then, unfortunately , the war in syria began, they did not go to syria for this program, they were in jordan, they said
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that siriski, you can go to jordan there and there will be a casting there, it was very scary, because i woke up at 7 am then and my turn to film was only at 10 at night, 10 at night i was very tired, hungry, no energy at all, and then i went to them, saw the kind of stars that i sometimes see... tv - on live, as in life, it was very, they look like such a real 3d and everything is scary, and i specifically, that i know what kind of camera, how people in the studio there are spectators in the studio, but they are few, but for the camera there are 300 million people watching, i know this, so any movement, any word, the effect is then the semi-final, then the final and won, progress will never end, progress has no limit, so when... not just a talented person who loves it as an amateur, no,
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i'm a professional amateur, yes, but now i’m a professional amateur , i have a diploma, i’m a director, and for this i need to use this prize, which was given to me in the right place, so i chose to go to belarus to study as a director and live here, and how it is that you need money to live in an apartment, everything, but i think... it ’s always in the right place, because uh, director or art - it doesn’t matter where i graduated from the academy, where i graduated, what academy i graduated from, the main thing is what happens inside the frame and what people will see later all. belarus for me one word, but very important: the opportunity, like here i am, as an artist and as an artist, a businessman, i can realize my idea, which is connected with art here, i can find the right people who help me and the right... place and that, yes, of course , there is bureaucracy everywhere, but in the end we need a result, we like it, no matter what happened, what matters is that in the end, in the end everything
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will be fine, because i know that everything will be fine . their possessions and hobis are here and there is a favorite pratsa. we looked for our place for a very long time. to me during such a sound meditation, when i was in a meditative state, the name home came straight to me. sound, we are eager to share our history: here we make vases, dispensers, larger pots,
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smaller pots, and a lot of different beauty from concrete and architectural plaster. people who are happy to reveal some of the secrets of their professions. those panglings that a person experiences in the process, they don’t need to be fantasized. it’s just that you really are lying there and you really feel these sensations in body, directly, although there is no contact with sound with your body, but at the same time they are completely bodily and tactile sensations. probably almost all of our friends have our products, it’s not like that, yes, that is, and it’s not like that because we were like, oh, cool, we ’re making it here ourselves, let’s go and bring it as a gift, no , that is, i see that friends, relatives there, that they want these products.
12:00 pm
midday news on belarus 1, in the studio vladislav bunders, hello, at the beginning , briefly about the main thing. belarus-kazakhstan - bet on industrial cooperation. ambassador country in the independence palace. there is an agricultural crisis in poland, the european union is to blame and the ex-government agrees on this.


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