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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 4, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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the victim was questioned. the criminal investigation against latvian officials for crimes against the safety of humanity continues. the body of the victim in the verkhnedvinsk region was found 2 days after the incident, when at the end of february a syrian man was found beaten by the latvian military at the border. the foreigner is currently undergoing treatment. since the beginning of last year , latvia's migration policy has led to 14 deaths in the previous 2 years on the latvian section of the border.
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presents his works, of course, traditional master classes, creative meetings, the minsk international forum will be held from march 14 to 17 in romashka, an administrative complex at 14 pobediteley avenue, admission is free. at 19:00 more relevant information, see you on the evening news broadcast. the residents of this city are incredibly lucky. in the fall, along with the potato harvest, they raise ancient coins and ceramics from the ground. the construction of the foundation of the house is perhaps sometimes accompanied by the presence of archaeologists, because the vegetable gardens here are full of this happiness, and the amazing exhibits found in these places, presenters dream of getting.
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this place is often compared to vilnius, and it is also called the belarusian suzdal, although there are practically no high-rise buildings in the city center today, at first glance it is more than modest. vladimir korotevich once dedicated an entire book to him, and tourists are still ready to walk here today. this is all mstislavle, welcome. if you find yourself in this cozy town in the mogilev region, which is located near the russian border, be sure to visit devichya gora, the oldest settlement on the territory of mstislavl, they say that a huge amount of earth was brought here in just one night by girls in their aprons. this was
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done during an enemy siege, which is where maiden mountain got its name. despite this, mistislavyl is often compared to rome, and only with a score of 6:7 is the belarusian city inferior to the european one. the explanation is this: if the eternal city stands on seven hills, then ours stands on six. now we are on one of them: castle hill. as for the first inhabitants of this place, that is... information that they appeared on the territory of present-day mstislavl back in the 20th century, they occupied the heights of the castle mountain , poured a high defensive rampart here, built a wooden castle with many buildings and a temple, so the mountain turned into the center of the ancient city, and today from this place there is a magnificent view of mstislava, and in general the journey along castle hill is a real quest, even at the foot you will notice three monuments, the history of this is connected with...
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in 2013, igor aleksandrovich morzalyuk, doctor of historical sciences, carried out unique underwater excavations on our vihra river, he produced them together with the sea pegasus divers club, during these excavations a unique armor of equals was found, which has no equal in belarus, the cuirass was preserved, the bracers were perfectly preserved, the remains of chain mail were preserved after restoration. this armor went to the mogilev city history museum, town hall, and the remains of their owner were buried here. two steps away from us is another memorial sign, also erected in honor of the warrior, prince
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semyon lugvin, the founder of the pustynsky monastery, which is located in the village of the mstislavsky district. particularly delighted with mountains children, as you understand, there is no travel. to the burial places of knights and princes, and animation can be ordered by first notifying the local children's art center. and then prince lugvin, in person, or the founder of the city, rostislav mstislavovich, will meet you and, as an honored guest, will lead you through his possessions. its villagers will treat you to hot pancakes and delight you with lively dances. in the meantime, don’t be surprised that castle hill is empty at this time. it's only for one day.
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they burned down and were rebuilt again in the 16th century. century, the last such tower was erected, which was restored from images, from the drawings of our famous archaeologist alekseev. soldiers were locked inside this structure and led the defense from here if the enemy managed to break through the fortress walls. today, in peacetime, thank god, this is not relevant, because there is a tower within the walls. ethnographic exhibition. tree of life. this name was not chosen by chance, because objects made of wood accompanied our ancestors all their lives. and those that are in this exhibition are by no means reconstruction. the fact that these objects
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were lifted from this very soil is eloquently demonstrated by the archaeological excavation, a fragment of a real historical city with buildings and streets of the 19th century. in all of belarus, similar ones can be seen only in brest and turov. there was an ancient forge here. there was a pavement here. there are still strips of debris lying on the pavement, as if waiting for the owner to fix them and move on on a long journey. where the logs repeat the shape of the number one, the third birch bark letter in belarus was found. a total of three were found in our country, of which there are two. in our city near mstislavl, which indicates the high level of literacy of our fellow countrymen. i give a standing ovation, having manually sorted over more than 600 cubic meters of earth, the archaeologists have done their best. it is no coincidence that the castle mountain and its surroundings
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will be dubbed the meka of archaeologists a little later. in our show , cheat sheets will not help the participants, this is the first time i ’ve heard of such a person, but intuitively i answered no, it seems to me that he is mexican, mexican, how interesting, it seems to me that he is italian, here you can only count on his strength, this is boris's gleb church, it is located in the grodno region, who would doubt it, victor simply tears everyone apart. a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, what is the name of one-thousandth of a meter, a prokhor of 1 km is 1.0 m, that is, it does not fit the definition of a thousandth, an exhaustive answer, prohar, thank you very much and the smile at
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the end is like an exclamation mark, and dmitry , what do you think, well, granite is kind of a brown-red stone, and what type of minerals, i can’t yes... answer, i understand, it seems to me that prokhor can give an answer to absolutely any question, it’s a mineral, it burns, no, look, it’s an intellectually entertaining project, i know, on a tv channel... a show where they fight not with the help of physical force. scientists have proven that smart athletes are more likely to achieve success compared to those who rely only on physical strength. let us also improve our sports knowledge. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. which of them had a higher transfer value at the time of transfer to a new club, according to an authoritative resource? transfermarkt. messi. however, activity will also play a role, who are these guys rocking,
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this is carla ancelot, this is the wrong answer, this is zinedine zedan, 2020, real madrid became the champion for the thirty-fourth time, on the grounds of which complex will the olympic tennis tournament in paris be held in 2024, in in paris at the rolango ros venues, absolutely right, rolango ros, watch the intellectual sports show. head game on our tv channel. apparently, it’s time to get acquainted with the most important figure of the city, so let’s go to the central square. spacious and clean, everything is as it should be. only the main attribute of all belarusian regional centers , the lenin monument, is not here; in
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fact, it has never been in pomin, but this one flaunts on the pedestal. well, it ’s quite a bold challenge, i’ll try to figure out what it’s connected to and what it’s justified by. there was soviet power, but there was no leader on a pedestal, as in other settlements. instead, a personality is much more significant for the townspeople. peter mstislavets. politician and pioneer printer, follower of francis skorina is an associate of ivan fedorov. one name is enough to glorify us for all ages and all times. this is the name of peter mstislavets, who was born in our city, he went to moscow, met ivan fedorov there, a printing house was founded, and they began to print liturgical books. 1563 to 1564 such liturgical
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books as the book of hours, the apostle, and the gospel were printed, but the church declared them heretics, they were forced to flee the grand duchy of lithuania, where they continued their activities. to the big unfortunately, we don’t know when pyotr mstislavets was born or when he died, but his work will survive centuries. according to some reports. fedorov, like mstislavets, is from these glorious places. if the information is confirmed, then we can safely say that book printing throughout russia arose largely thanks to the natives of the mstislav region. the petrumstislav people monument was erected on the main square in 2001, to celebrate the day of slavic literature. he is not the only one in the city. there is another one installed about a twenty minute walk 15 years earlier than that. we are heading towards him. the second monument stands near the oldest building in mstislavl, the church of st.
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michael the archangel, a 16th-century building that was later given to the orthodox. the building is currently undergoing restoration. unfortunately, it took a little longer. today there are hardly 25 catholics in the entire city. this means that the chances of restoring the shrine are sadly approaching zero. but let's return to mstislavets, who managed to conquer not only the grand duchy of lithuania, but... moscow russia, where in 1564 he printed his first dated russian the book is an apostle, a year later the light saw two more editions of the chapel. it was moscow that gave mstislavets a ticket for a long voyage. after he publicly announced to himself that he had created a new printing house. the gospel, written by the chapel, was printed in the so -called vilna font, which became the beginning of it all. in the future, more than one book will be created according to this model. since
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we are talking about printing, you and i have a unique opportunity to see the prototype of the printing press that existed in those days. we are heading towards historical and archaeological museum. right at the entrance we are met by whoever you think is the same belarusian book printer pyotr mstislaven. first, you take ink, smear the roller with ink, type the text for each letter on the machine, then take it with ink and coat it. and let's see what we got, the entire exposition of the first hall is dedicated to the life of the pioneer printer and educator. unfortunately, we don’t have much time, so we move on to explore all the halls of the museum.
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it is obvious that at one time pottery, jewelry and leather. the museum staff managed to restore the local sewing workshop, which operated under the name no inferior to the modern fashion world. down to the last detail, it is presented in the form in which it was found in the 10th century. and here you can also look at part of a torah scroll and a photo of two jewish synagogues that once operated in the city. as a reminder of two free pharmacies, that is, private ones, apothecary utensils from the second half of the nineteenth, the beginning. centuries, and i also think it’s worth visiting here with a modern the marketer is displaying advertisements for medicines of that time. no one denies that the new is the well-forgotten old, but for now i hasten to present to you the most sincere pride of the institution, kindly provided to the employees by the local whirlwind river, which from time to time throws up
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amazing finds in the fishermen’s nets, this time a knight’s helmet of the 15th century. somehow the locals decided. men went fishing, but why bother with spinning rods, they threw a net into the river once, a net came with one mud, they threw two, came with river grass, they threw it a third time and were stupefied, in the river sand they fell into the hands of a unique knight’s helmet, which had lain for centuries at the river bottom, and it is fortunate that conscientious citizens were caught without breaking the law, and this helmet, which is available today, dreams of it at any cost... for get the largest museums in europe, because the analogues they have can be counted on the fingers of one hand, it is noteworthy that until recently a helmet of this type was the only one in belarus, we hope new finds are not far off. we are heading to the
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peace park, here is the walk of fame, where the names of heroes of the great patriotic war and social labor, natives and residents of the mstislav region are immortalized. nearby is a monument to the first district commissioner and chairman of the executive committee alexander yurchenko. at the end of january 1918 , the first congress of councils of workers', peasants ' and soldiers' deputies took place in mstislavl, which proclaimed the establishment of soviet power in the city. as elsewhere, revolutionary transformations took place in conditions of intense struggle. the atmosphere was tense, and not everyone was able to control themselves . yes the words weren't always right heard by the opposite side. at one point, something went wrong, in a fierce battle with the counter-revolution, alexander yurchenko died heroically, died for the establishment of soviet power. back in the soviet years , one of the streets of the city was named after the hero, and this
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monument was erected on his grave in the park: his contemporaries have nothing against him, he is a fellow countryman after all. in the 19th century. the fires greatly undermined the economy and life in the city in general. if you voice the numbers, then in 1858 more than 500 residential buildings burned down, 5 years later the fire turned all commercial buildings into ashes rows. but as they say, a fire can be extinguished with water, but it can be prevented with intelligence, and therefore one of the first free firefighting societies in the province was created in the city, and a corresponding structure was erected, this is a fire column. since then... colancha was restored in 2016, and fire-related exhibitions are regularly held here. at fest, the windows open and people can go up to the observation deck. the windows are boarded up solely to prevent excess moisture and to protect against pigeons. but at one time the column had strategic importance for the city. since 1890
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, a fireman has been on duty at the tower around the clock to ensure timely detection. they don’t leave autographs, the building is still a historical and cultural value of belarus and is protected by the state, the architecture is quite interesting, what is especially impressive
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is not so much the gable hip roof in the neoclassical style, but the cut off side corners, completed with a thyroid atik. traditions are carefully preserved, despite the years and changes in power. the publication of the treasury is protected by the state these days. approximately from the end of the 19th century, the main function of its employees was the distribution of cash flows and accounting for financial investments. it was once here that money was counted, but today the premises are, so to speak, on a well-deserved rest. an example of eclectic architecture with elements of neoclassicism is today the historical and cultural heritage of belarus. made of brick, it looks on all four sides, the central corner of the house faces the intersection of lenin street and sovetskaya skoshin, and the floors
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are separated from each other by cornices; a sign on state, which can be seen from the soviet past, it shows gratitude to the dead from the survivors. it must be said that in mestislavl the population is a little more than 1000 people, and not only guests, but even the townspeople themselves, sometimes not always. to the right of the building of the local executive committee, in squat houses , individual entrepreneurs began active work, and by the way, the place is historical. it must be said that mstislavel has always been a trading city; the glory of its merchant traditions spread far beyond its borders. this was facilitated by the fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century
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civilization came here in the form of these rows. and today they continue to be trading. the only thing that has changed is its status; it has become more significant; now it is an architectural monument. there is nothing to be surprised at, as i already said, torque has been carried out here since the middle ages. can. assume that the place has been prayed for, and that the appropriate energy has been developed here. their life in polish villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. in the present day, it’s important, in my opinion, velma paspyakhova develops.
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we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes, so that cooking evokes only the most positive emotions; it must be prepared from
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high-quality products. carefully examine the product itself, the liquid in the package is the first sign of loss of freshness, if small pieces of the heat layer are colored red, this means that the meat was partially frozen, a proper breakfast, a guarantee of health and...
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mestislavol seemed like a capital to me, a lot of beautiful houses , especially in the square, new the cathedral is magnificent, the catholic churches are of excellent and, so to speak, beloved architecture, melting and in general there is a lot of life and movement in the city, in which there are many russian merchants. this is how fadei bulgari wrote about the city in 1835. we saw only part of the objects, so we should hurry. just like the publication of the zemstvo government, fire stations, and the treasury, in mestislavli, not far from the central square, this three-story red brick building has been perfectly preserved. today there is
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a residential building here, on the ground floor. local barber is called paris, but this territory of beauty does not pretend at all to the delights of european services, although the soldier is bad who does not dream of becoming a general, so here they strive for the ideal, and this is noticeable, the name is rather a desire to also preserve tradition, because originally the eponymous military station was located here hotel and building of the noble assembly; by the way, mstislavli also had hotels with big names. berlin and the eagle, but they did not survive, but paris somehow took root. how to compare the city with suzdal. according to the number of orthodox shrines mstislaval and raon is among the top not only in the mogilev region, but also in the republic as a whole. this is probably why, after visiting here, guests often agree. mistislavl is belarusian suzdal. it's time to return to the city to continue the theme of churches; i suggest visiting the cathedral of st. alexander
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nevsky. the architectural monument, made in the russian style, from the first days of its existence, became a worthy decoration of the center of mestislavl. according to some researchers, the temple has more historical value than artistic value. he it is interesting not only because during the great patriotic war, the nazis kept their soldiers behind it, it was also built on the foundation of an ancient bernardine church. historians think so.
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and the iveron icon of the mother of god. she is considered the protector of the home from various disasters, robberies, floods, fires, and also helps in healing mental and physical illnesses. the icon that today is in the cathedral . illuminated in moscow during the coronation of emperor nicholas ii. and this is one of the most ancient parishes of the city - the church of the holy trinity. the first prayers were said here back in 1834. history stubbornly keeps silent about the name of its architect. however, even then the object was monumental, because it was built in stones. the joy of the parishioners knew no bounds. but more than 20 years after construction, the temple was engulfed in fire. its exact cause is unknown
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today, but the motive is. to herostratus, but restoration took about 7 years. the restoration was completed by 1865. the last war caused no less serious damage to the temple. but not for the sake of the holy word, the walls of the temple were brought into decent shape, and for the sake of training, the design and operation of residential premises. after renovation, the educational building of the construction college, and later an archive and a museum, were located here. fortunately, today is the time to decide.


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