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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 4, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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in the cathedral, illuminated in moscow during the coronation of emperor nicholas ii. and this is one of the most ancient parishes in the city, the church of the holy trinity. the first prayers were said here back in 1834. history stubbornly keeps silent about the name of its architect. however, even then the object was monumental, because it was built in stones. the joy of the parishioners knew no bounds. but more than 20 years after construction, the temple was engulfed in fire. its exact cause is unknown. today, in contrast to the motives of herostratus, but to restore it took about 7 years, the restoration was completed by 1865, but the last war caused no less serious damage to the temple. but it was not for the sake of the holy word that the walls of the temple were brought into decent shape, but for the sake of training in the design and operation of residential premises. after renovation, the educational building of the construction college, and later an archive and a museum, were located here. fortunately, today is the time to decide. the mistake
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of the political regime in favor of justice , everything returned to normal. now the troet church has been consecrated in honor of the monk silouan of athos. the event occurred in 2016 celebration of the millennium of the presence of russian monasticism on holy mount athos. as expected, everything is delicious for dessert. what we have before us is unique. architectural monument of mstislavl, the church of the assumption of the mother of god, better known as the church of the carmelites. even from afar, it attracts with its grandeur and monumental structure, which once again emphasizes the significance of the catholic order to which it belonged, although initially the church was wooden and inconspicuous, and only in 1637 a building in the boroko style rose in its place. remember the phrase by clothes meets, so this is the same case. if
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the facade of the temple has been preserved quite well, then the interior of the church has been in this condition for many years. the huge space with built-in columns and high vaults is now shackled from floor to ceiling with scaffolding, through which the remains of ancient 16th-century buildings can be seen. they have been magically preserved and illustrate battle scenes from the russian-polish war. one of the most tragic. episodes went down in history as the trubetskoy massacre. then half of the city’s population fell into prince trubetskoy’s wax grinder, and 15,000 people were killed. perhaps the reason for the protracted reconstruction of the church was political conflicts; this version would have a right to exist, alive, for example, in the sixties. then they were going to lift the church into the air. the reason is the same unique preskies. once upon a time, the temple
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had five altars, services were held by up to six priests, there was an organ, persian carpets lay on the floor, and the windows were decorated with mosaic stained glass windows. in soviet times, the temple was converted to the warehouse, barrels of cabbage with deer were stored in the basements, the salt was so ingrained into the earthen floor that it now continues to destroy the foundation, the caretaker of the church suggests going down to the basement, where i feel a little creepy, goosebumps run down my skin, in the old days there was a crypto-tomb here, there are walled niches in the walls; bones were also found in them. there was probably a whole system of underground passages here. now it is unlikely that it will be possible to verify this. as for the church, reconstruction is currently suspended due to lack of funding. the temple exists only on the donations of parishioners, but this is like a drop in the bucket. at the same time, the shrine remains operational and awaits pilgrims. if you think that we have told you about all the attractions. this city,
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you are very much mistaken, because it is almost impossible to do this within the framework of just one program, but you come and see everything for yourself, and we will discover new, incredibly interesting cities of belarus. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. to cooking evoked only the most positive emotions; it needed to be prepared from high-quality products. take a close look at the product itself. liquid in the package is the first sign of loss of freshness. if small pieces of fat layer are colored red, this means that... the meat was
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partially frozen. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. i hope you didn’t have breakfast today, because today i will surprise you with the breakfast of champions. oh, today we will cook green pea olata, chicken pastrami with pepper sauce, sounds very tasty, let 's get started, don't forget about the invigorating exercises, lift the heel of your foot off the floor a little, stay in the center, open your arms and do these calm circular movements with your right and left hands, see the breakfast of the champion project.
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it was already planned for our father, there was a great amount of historical reminders with quarters for the supraconnika, looking at the project of the architecture of belarus on our tv channel.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is national news abroad. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden. norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany , france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia.
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set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day. day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. from a memo to a german soldier: remember, do it. you just have to act, not
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be afraid of anything. no nerves, no heart, no pity, you are made of german iron. destroy pity and compassion in yourself. “kill every russian, soviet, don’t stop if in front of you is an old man or a woman, a girl or a boy, and there was no pity, this will be confirmed in new investigations by the general prosecutor’s office of the republic into the facts of genocide against the belarusian people, from witness testimony of vich,
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a man, they set fire to a barn with people, and people burned, we heard shooting.
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so in the early spring of 1942, under the pretext of fighting partisans, another large-scale operation of the bamberg fascists began ; it began on march 20 with punitive actions simultaneously in the bobruisk and glusk districts of the mogilev region, the lyubansky, minsk region, the oktyabrsky and kapotkevichi districts of the polezh region, which were.
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the road did not allow access to the outback; it was more convenient to simply bomb the inaccessible terrain. thus, the fastas completely destroyed four villages. local nationalists also acted against the civilian population, who, under the slogan of moderation, also killed and robbed.
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at the beginning of the forty-second year, the partisans completely cleared the kapotkevich, glush, domanovichi districts of the october partisan zone, as well as the zhidkovychi polesie region, from the germans and their accomplices.
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on april 2, 1942, in the village of korpilovka , popolevo region, another massacre of civilians took place. they were all herded into a barn, from which screams could be heard, a child's raincoat. two police officers pressed on the doors, trying to close them. tightly, people leaned on them from the inside, trying to break out of captivity. to one woman. she succeeded with shouts: “sister, me, sister!” she nodded towards ragovich, a fellow villager who was sitting on the underwater, who had once been a neighbor, and now served as a fascist and fired at their huts. she dragged the frightened boy by the hand, heading towards the water. in
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the ensuing panic, no one began to find out if this was so, and the woman calmly walked away home, but the road was unexpectedly blocked by two germans, one immediately pointed a machine gun at a woman with a child, “sister, i am sister, ” she said in a calm, confident voice, smiling at the fascists and pointing towards the policeman. german. he fired the machine gun, they let the woman through, behind the house, the forest became the salvation , the nazis each time invented new
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methods of reprisal, more sadistic and cruel. residents of the village of korpilovka, where there were 127 households, did not immediately burn it down. the punishers began to count 10 people and take them to the stables. soon a burst of gunfire was heard from there. but the fate of the residents of karpilovka during the punitive operation of bamberg was repeated in hundreds.
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korpilovka, but there were no partisans there, only small skirmishes, although according to german intelligence, there were more than 2 thousand of them in this area alone. there were no direct clashes with them in other areas of the luboń zone.
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an operational operation took place at the location of the partisan detachment under the command of alexander ivanovich dalidovich in the swamp in the area of ​​lake zyslov on the twentieth of march forty-two.
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having assessed the situation, the detachment's leadership was a decision was made to leave the sites of the proposed battles, not to engage in direct clashes with the enemy, and to remove the civilian population from them as much as possible. as a result of the punitive operation of bamberg, the nazis failed to liquidate the october-luben partisan zone. it was successful only against the civilian population. during the period of the so- called moderation action
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, about 80 belarusian villages were affected. 3,600 houses were burned and more than 500 residents died. the punitive forces committed particular atrocities against village "khvoyni". petrikovsky district, where 1419 of its residents were killed. the nazis were preparing to take revenge for their failures at the front in the fight against the partisans. the population of the republic had to endure even more bloody and large-scale punitive operations of the nazis.
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everything you wanted to know about human meaning. for everyone there is the providence of god, this providence will already be fully revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the second coming of christ, when the lord will reward everyone according to their deeds. on the religious education of children. i am like priest, i very often try to be at school and invite children to our events from school, including excursions and various spiritual and moral events that we exhibit.
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sincere consciousness of our sins, which, like dust, covers our soul, and some become a stone wall, distancing us from god. look, in the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . amazing people of our country, every instrument presented here is primarily for harmonization. sansula,
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touches very subtle strings of the soul, especially when i start singing to it.
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padzyak for his dedicated service, the deputies of the minsk garadsky council of the 28th meeting were arrested by the mayor of the city. everyday life and saints guard our safety, professional saints and supra-principal militias .


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