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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 5, 2024 1:35am-2:11am MSK

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they were going to lift the church into the air, the reason was the same unique preskies. once upon a time , the church had five altars, services were held by up to six priests, and there was an organ. persian carpets lay on the floor, and mosaic stained glass windows decorated the windows. during soviet times, the temple was turned into a warehouse. barrels of cabbage and reindeer were stored in the cellars. the salt has become so ingrained into the earthen floor that it is now continuing to destroy the foundation. the caretaker of the church suggests going down to the basement, where... it becomes a little creepy, goosebumps run down your skin, in the old days there was crypto tomb, there are walled niches in the walls, bones were also found in it, there was probably a whole system of underground passages, now it’s unlikely to be convinced of this, as for the church, reconstruction is currently suspended due to lack of funding, the temple exists only on donations parishioners, but it’s like a drop in the ocean, while the shrine remains active. and
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is waiting for pilgrims, if you think that we have told you about all the attractions of this city, then you are very mistaken, because to do this in it is almost impossible within the framework of just one program, but you come and see everything for yourself, and we will discover new, incredibly interesting cities of belarus.
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oh, komvol is the soul of art, it is not just high-quality fabric, it is living fabric, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool. and wool is a natural product, environmentally friendly. during production, receiving ribbon, yarn, this ribbon comes into contact with the hands of our creators, these are our women workers, and you receive fabric made from the fabric of the product, this product has a soul. our
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employee, my name is svetlana yakovenko, i am the head of the chemical laboratory of komvol llc. our work is an art, creating high-quality fabrics containing wool. oo comvol is the largest manufacturer of yarn fabrics with a full production cycle, this is an enterprise with a long history, the beginning that is counted is 1955. enterprises,
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but the enterprise does not stand still, it is constantly modernizing, developing, times before were very difficult, in what difficult conditions we worked, dressed in telugus, because it was cold. there were workshops, dark workshops, but thanks to our government and the president, after a visit in the twelfth year, the decision was made to be a commander and not just to be, but to be one of the flagships of the republic of belarus, such a task was initially set. today we work with various companies to introduce chemical preparations.
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direction of dye materials, we are, of course, ready to study something, to understand technology, because it does not stand still, it is developing...
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our bathhouse is located right on the bank of the old bed of the isloch river, it’s now frozen , 50 meters from here you run through a small forest, there we have our own beach directly next to the isloch river itself, if, for example, when early potatoes begin to be harvested from the field, then which is not cleaned, like this one
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, i take it home, boil it, remove the skin, that’s it, well, remove the skin, everything that is smaller is many times more useful, because the amount of endospesperm, then what... project i’m from the village, watch on belarus 24 tv channel. lukashenko is engaged work and makes decisions, and if we talk, then about work and decisions made, and does not try to please the electorate in any situation. a politician thinks about the next elections, and a leader thinks about the next generation. more of the beautiful events of awarding prizes for perfumes.
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love for the homeland, which we, frankly speaking, lacked before, perhaps in the year of quality the time has come for all of us in a single impulse not only to love and talk about it, but also to prove it in practice. propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 244. raw materials received by okomvol for production fabric comes to us both in the form of fiber and finished tops. wool used for
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the production of blanket fabrics; there are no such sheep in belarus, so it is the russian federation. it comes in the form of such bamboo, formed and at the stage of arrival of the fiber, input control is first carried out, both in the form when it... comes in wool, and woolen tops. in the laboratory they control the parameters, compare them with the requirements, and after receiving the conclusions , the fiber is released into production. suppliers know very well that we have incoming control. each batch is carried out. in this case , this batch will go straight to dyeing. we have the option of either dyeing in bams, like here, or. let's weave the same tape, but it is already wound on reels, why the insert
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is currently made on fiber, numerous experience has shown that in order to obtain better coloring, even coloring, rich coloring, all this can be obtained by dyeing the fiber, and not the fabric itself. at this stage, we are observing the processing of polyester tow, at the end of the twenty-third year we received a batch, during processing we encountered a problem, its passage through this cutting machine. our colleagues have heard. our problem, they arrived in full force, after seeing this, we built
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a work plan, they sent us a pilot batch , where they worked on a slightly adjusted this type of lubricant, we took it to work yesterday, after working for a day, today is the second, we are seeing a significant improvement effect, polyamide fiber also produced in the republic of belarus. polyacrylic-nitrile in people, as we say, nitron, this is produced by our belarusian novopolotsk plant, 50% of our fabric is made in belarus, this is a combing machine, numerous combs, like combs, if we see them, they remove short fibers, comb, align along the length , because... the tape that comes here
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is often bought with a mixed composition in the product, we see on the tag, the composition can be wool, polyester, polyamide, these fibers are located in this tape, and in order for them to mix evenly and were not some kind of bunches, then this mixing happens best at this stage and at the end we already get soft, elastic, smooth paralyzed hair. we already have a ribbon, which will later go to other ribbon transfers so that we can see this thin thread, the technological cycle is very long for us, to obtain the roving, from which we obtain the yarn, it often goes through three or four stages with a draw machine, the roving . and from the roving the pulling device pulls the thread, so
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if we, probably, and the camera even she it practically does not see, only by placing the handle, you see, this is such a thin thread, which is produced at the coal plant, here we see with you the half-wool strand that has already been obtained; the machine removes it automatically.
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the yarn has already been steamed in the cob, now it is steamed, it no longer spins, and then it is rewinded into a bobbin, one of my favorite machines is not just rewinding, this machine is equipped with optics and when rewinding... the yarn from the cob to the bobbin is controlled optical and if there thickening of meadows occurs on this type of equipment.
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now i’m simulating a violation to you, which of course you can’t do, but you never know if someone came up and wanted to touch, feel, made such a movement, since we see that the automatic shutdown of the machine occurred, in order to start it, you need to remove it from the emergency start, which can made only by a female worker, it is applied to the fabric as a single thread. so the threads are twisted into two, then it goes into weaving production, magic happens there, we get fabric from the threads, satin stitch, or it is a checkered pattern, or it is melange, we
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received the raw fabric of the skate workshop, sorted, prepared for finishing in the process... various preparations are applied in the form of antistatic agents, lubricants or abrasive agents, and naturally, for further finishing, we are the first , must wash off these chemicals, the fabric becomes clean, without stains, without various lubricants, naturally it is wet, we not only dry it, but also fix it. if chemical synthetic threads are available, they is fixed at a certain temperature, then later the product that we already wear, size forty-six, turned into size forty, no shrinkage occurred,
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stabilized, again not all, then a control check of the fabric takes place. and after this control check, our craftswomen, looking through the fabric, carefully remove the debris on the surface, without disturbing the structure of the fabric, which remains insignificant. this is probably one of the technological transitions that cannot replace our lovely, beautiful women, party different from the party. that in some places there is more litter, in others there is practically no litter at all, and information is transmitted to the worker, those directions are shown, what she must do, fabric production before modernization was 90
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calendar days, now if necessary. we can do 30, but in working mode from raw materials to receiving the finished fabric, it is about 60 days. quality control of the finished product is carried out after the fabric is sorted in the technical control department. they are cut off. millet fabrics for testing arrive at chemical laboratory to check both physical-mechanical and chemical parameters. well, even from the graph it is clear that the fabric will be appropriate, the tensile characteristics are good, the program produces the final result, based on
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the physical and mechanical determination of weight. fabric moisture content, tearing characteristics, tearing characteristics, air permeability from chemicals - this is the composition of the fabric, determination of the color fastness of the fabric, its linear dimensions after washing or locking, in this case testing according to definition of peering, what people talk about in pellets. peeling is formed, it imitates friction between tissue and tissue with a certain load, evaluation occurs in a certain number of cycles. and the final cycles. there is such a problem, the fibers are pulled out in the process of friction of the fiber, fiber. we put the product on top, a jacket,
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a jacket. when pulled out, the fibers become electrified, stick and a ball on the stem is formed. this is an effect that we strive to prevent together with our chemical fiber manufacturers. now we we will evaluate the tested samples for peeling, for this we use standards in the form of templates, we can evaluate them in a horizontal position and often even outside the lighting chamber, because we are, in principle, products that we wear in different conditions, and we are also consumers of ours. ..
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the largest nato exercise since the cold war is starting, they will take place in poland and the baltic countries, too, this is a kind of
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rehearsal for the third world war. the intention of this exercise is to transfer troops here on the eastern flank, their operational deployment near our borders, the creation of strike groups and... carrying out various strategic operations, primarily of an offensive nature. in total , it is planned to involve more than 90,000 personnel and several thousand pieces of equipment. this year belarus will celebrate 80 years since its liberation from the nazi invaders. the memory of those events is as important as the preparedness of our military and security forces in general to repel any danger of placing the enemy on... it is also important to remember that we are descendants of victors and do not agree to anything less. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on tv channel
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belarus 24. the market of perfect competition, it does not exist in western europe, in the united states, for the first time the state began, by the way, to interfere not in russia.
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in the month of april in the twenty-third year , a new production site for the production of cloth fabrics and the production of fabric blankets was adopted.
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for sewing coats, lighter and with higher density, now we are with you we are in an art workshop in a room, a demonstration room, where , of course, a small assortment of our products is presented, you and i can look at the sphalt fabric, it is unusual, such a large christmas tree is presented here, but the fabric is not... it has the place to be double-sided, yes, let’s turn the wrong side over here too, it is just as beautiful as the front side, it can be combined or used on its own, a new direction is blankets, both in the composition of synthetic materials and half-woolen ones, this is a warmer, homely , let's say, soft, interesting design,
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this weave is more complex to build due to the complexity of the weave, we build on our computer in the program different colors depending on... the customer a new color scheme that is provided to us for each year, for autumn-winter, as well as for spring-summer, but that’s not all, since the eighteenth year, we opened a design center, in the decision to create a design center there was a certain correct
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chosen strategy, we show by our example, how to work with our textiles, what assortment is it suitable for, and what technological conditions must be observed in order for the product to be high-quality and effective. we have two designers, a men's assortment and a women's assortment, a process engineer who monitors the most modern technological methods for processing products, and... as the head of a design center, i simultaneously combine this mission as a playing coach, what inspires designers? our desinators offer us very interesting developments, we try to choose for our trademarks of fabric with the maximum wool content, because perhaps no one else produces a product in exactly this segment, right here...
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business, we all survived the epidemic of home clothes, yes, when, in general, everyone wore sweatpants, but thank god, the situation has changed; today this is a general global trend: the return of office clothes. our collection includes both men's and women's coats, almost 100% wool, there are business suits for men,
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we also produce.
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effect, pleasant to the touch, i think our buyer will be very satisfied. i came to the plant after being assigned in august 1987. and when i got into production. first impression , inspiration, scale, and of course , it was difficult for a young specialist, and you learned, but still you seemed to know nothing, but i
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was received with warmth, but still with responsibility, every day i kept, you know, such stamp, was preparing to come to work, the first impression of coming to... the commando is still with me to this day, when young specialists come to us, now i always i’m sharing this feeling, i’m a frequent guest, firstly, in general, at your college, but more, of course, it’s with chemists, i work, often even take laboratory practical exams there, but we are always welcome to weavers and spinners, so please contact us for any questions, we will help, we will answer, i love, honestly, i love my job, i love it very much, if my
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eyes didn’t sparkle, i would probably leave, there were offers, but without hesitation, of course not , only working here, to be of benefit, if one were burning... around me there were extinguished embers, then sooner or later my eyes went out. the most important thing for our generation is to educate, teach, so that there is someone to pass on the experience that we have. of course, we will still work, we will still work a lot, but i dream that there will be more like-minded people.
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says the new format has been successfully adapted, in your opinion, has the single voting day become a day of unity for belarusians? the main meaning of elections in principle is confirmation of the principle written in the constitution that the people
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are the only source of power in our country, and so it is: elections are an exam for the authorities, they are an exam for new political parties, or rather, well, one new one and... that is, elections are important in this regard for everyone, if considered from the point of view of unity, yes, it’s probably possible, but it seems to me that these are the key meanings. well , look, not even 3 hours have passed since the elections, the following appears on the us state department website:


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