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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 5, 2024 2:10am-3:11am MSK

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that the people are the only source of power in our country, and so it is, elections are an exam for the authorities, this is an exam for political parties, new ones, more precisely, well, one new three, which have undergone re-registration , it is considered that they have rebooted, for public associations, for the entire electoral system, this is also an exam for citizens on their consciousness, because this, you know, we say a lot, what is this?
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statement about the fictitiousness of the elections, the european union, well, like a decent vassal of its stumbling patron, let’s say, used exactly the same term, but in assessing our elections, well, let’s be honest, this is stupidity, snabism, inadequacy or interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country, they are simply enemies, clearly, so what is there to develop, they were not very good at our elections before admitted that now they are enemies, you understand? well, what do we want from them? let 's be honest, we somehow look at grades, what did anyone say, it's a habit, right? well, yes, the habit, by the way, is bad, and the habit that some diplomats, deputies, our public, political figures, i always hated it, when some dunja mijatović came, some other romanians and belgians, they and we understand, and they kind of forced us, asked some government officials to justify them in some way.
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but in any case, have you already experienced this moment, these moments? yes, well, look, i’m a historian, i’m always used to doing certain things like this, i’ll say that it’s not the first time, i think it’s not a big secret, they’ve offered to become a deputy. in 1919 i worked as a dean, it seemed to me then that in general this is not entirely correct, now, why did i decide to take this step, because well , as an expert i had a direct relationship with...
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it’s impressive that i chose 110 partisan, i grew up there, my youth passed right here on the border pervomaisky and partisan districts, i lived in a hostel on botanicheskaya street.
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but it also coincided with the pre-new year christmas holidays, it was necessary to do this, well, by the way, we did it and my team is fervent, that’s all, well, the team is also how those people i’ve known for a long time were formed someone someone i only recognized in this company , they themselves, when they found out that i was nominated , offered to participate, i gladly agreed because, well, there must be a large team and... the members of this initiative group, they must collect signatures, i am with them , and we did this on december 31, i remember , we had a picket, respectively, this stage of collecting signatures, in parallel this is the nomination of the labor collective of the national library, i want to tell you for the general director - this is a big exam too, because
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go out to people and talk about the political program, to your workers, count on their support, this is very important, and then get this support from the congress. and in relation to the district, well, and his vision of the processes, this is how 15 points of the main program were formed, with which we went to the voters, well, well, what was gigin’s trick for the district, for voters for the district, well, i’ll say this: here is one of
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the points, i will focus on it, that when forming the republican budget , rely on science, education, culture, but not because i am from this area. because i am deeply convinced that without this there will be no economic development, without this there will be no development of the social sphere of sports, anything, because science we need to increase the knowledge intensity of our products, this is added value, we need to support and develop and even improve the level of our education , secondary, secondary specialized, higher education, the president spoke about this, culture, you know, i remember the glory, i often cite, the head of one of the large construction...
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you are your own, and then there is a conversation on some specific problems, well, actually globally, it seems simple, but you outlined very key things, well, let’s do it this way, to be honest, i don’t remember. such a stellar composition of the parliament, but the truth is also media, sports, artistic, and representative, yes, everyone was here, mironchik ivanova, chernetsky, gaidukevich, gigin, shevtsov, this is how you explain exactly such a star landing, why time demanded such personalities, now marat sergeevich, being in this studio, i can’t help but to say that without you this landing is not stellar enough, but for me.
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there was a need to enter politics, why? because, it seems to me, until
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recently, until the twentieth year , certainly many, but not the president, yeah, very many, forgot that politics is a struggle, a struggle, well, politics, some kind of process, he says, a political process , what is a process, well, the process is the process of eating, the process there, i don’t know, the production of some kind of product, some kind of process, politics is a struggle. everyone sees their future differently fate, you know, someone, there are a lot
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of such people, ordinary, simple ones, who at a critical moment mobilize and become heroes, and then they return to their daily activities, you know, i saw a lot of these among the veterans of the great patriotic war, here i found a stupidity, and you did, i grew up with milochy, i remember disabled people of the great patriotic war, just veterans who, well, you think...
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she’s interesting, she’s so transitional from some, maybe already old, traditional, familiar , rather forms of working with
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voter to new ones, i, too, before this company, for example, did not open my own telegram channel, but did not consider it necessary, here my team convinced me for a long time, we opened it in 10 days, but telegram, social network, well, they don’t solve everything, even if you have reposts, the citations there will look, firstly, it’s not a fact that your voters will look, then it’s not a fact that they will like it, by the way. a key point of our model of democracy, and we proved this in 2020, when we created dialogue platforms, when we toured factories, when we came to the student auditorium, we proved this during...
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the candidate to talk, well, how many, well, 15 people are allowed there, but no, they will then go and tell that someone just passed by, saw a picket, someone took a leaflet , and these are dozens, dozens, they then spread to hundreds of people, that’s why i’m talking about, you should not neglect in any case any forms of work with voters, you cannot
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get carried away only by social networks , you will lose, well, they will promote you as a product, and then you will come, people with their needs, with their problems, they will say: oh, well, listen , but it turns out he doesn’t even understand, yes, uh, these are live meetings, but we must not forget new forms, because young people must be mobilized through the same social networks, so here is the balance here, it must definitely be, another thing is that we need to study, we need to hold more meetings, well, we counted the peak there on a certain day, we had six, a meeting with voters, right? well, on weekends there are mostly pickets, well, you can still more insistently demand places for meetings locally residence on weekends, not limited to pickets, we don’t have such a culture of political meetings, and we participated and organized, well, it’s something between an amateur art concert and some kind of regional fair, but well, after all, there we need to speak more boldly about
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the program, contact people, i saw that some candidates are shy about this concert you have? yes, of course, yes, in the regime of truth we remember all this, yes, but you remember how much all this was prepared then, was polished, this was the first experience, but now we need to distribute these forms further, that is, we must, here in my district there are 601 voters, something like this, so when you plan with your team, you must immediately apply all the forms and methods, which will allow you to reach this entire audience, so that this really doesn’t happen, i didn’t come to you... i don’t know, and you won’t be elected, he says: well, of course, because you’re not interested, you didn’t come to meet me, but you could come and now you say you don't know, no, voter here is the boss, and he makes this claim against you, which means you haven’t completed your work somewhere, you haven’t reached someone, you know, i often say at meetings, in the textbook, as it is written on political technologies, there is a specific case of an ordinary person in the german there
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land, who 4 years before the start of the elections decided to go to these elections. yeah, for 4 years, during this time he tried to visit all the households in his district, meet all the people, he himself later said that he was driven somewhere, somewhere he was treated to tea, they talked, but by the time the election campaign began, the whole district knew him and he was elected, this is indicative, i know such people here, well, i know the stories in about the year 21, 22, they decided, yeah, there will be elections, that means... you don’t need to go to them, you need to choose a district and hold some events there, that means giving out gifts to someone and so on, not all of them registered as candidates, but do you know why? someone burned out, someone realized that he could not fulfill all the requirements of the law, he quite strict, that’s right, because these people are given power, uh, it doesn’t matter if it
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’s the minsk city council, the village council or the parliament, but we shouldn’t forget, especially in minsk, for example, the telegram tools are already in your personal, then that you have met and will meet again, i have no doubt about that, you are present on television, on the radio too, instagram and tiktok. expect? well, yes, probably, if we now use these forms in the library, because we also need cultural information, educational information convey it in new forms, these,
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using them for yourself, if there is such a need, then why not, a club of editors. we must take this kind of accumulation of troops near our borders with all seriousness, not a single politician in the world today can guarantee that this force will not be used against us, as for weapons on the western borders, these are absolutely objectively not defensive weapons, these are all offensive units of weapons, they benefit from destabilization and expansion of the line of contact, namely therefore, the authorities are aiming belarusians at greater responsibility during the election campaign, we all...
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don't miss it on the belarus24 tv channel. why not? belaya rus, it is in the top, yes, 51 out of 110 deputies, many non-party members, 40 people, the number of communist representatives has decreased and the number of ldpb has increased slightly. that's what you connect with? schedule? well , first of all, let’s outline the trend this way: party representation has grown in principle, what we had so far was 110
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deputies, a certain number of party members elected, well, there were different convocations, there were 11-18, and then, especially the communists did this, they recruited from among the deputies who, already during their tenure , joined one or another party, but in principle, there were not many, a couple of dozen .
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government, in executive committees, they go , there be things on the sidelines, as you know, sometimes somewhere in the presidential administration, they are all supporters of our model, as they say here, well, discussions are going on, they are going, going, alone the deputy head of the administration thinks so, another thinks differently, there is the mayor of minsk he has his own opinion, but this is somewhere within the authorities hidden from public policy, from the eyes of our voters, and parliament should.
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i will say about the political institution , which is the president, here is the president, he must be above the fray, this is very important, of course, but what is party discipline, then this concept must work unconditionally, otherwise there is no point, it is impossible if the opinion member of the party, who begins to express it publicly, completely contradicts the opinion of the party itself, how then remains in the ranks, well, there is different models, which means work, there is, of course , the order of the swordsmen, as stalin said. this is a most brilliant invention, in general this is party work, as we imagine it, we see it in the example of the bolshevik communist party, yes, democratic centralism, that’s all they invented, they, as i will again mention this name of stalin’s order of the sword bearers, they are so dense party detachment and went to power, then they consolidated this power, fought, won and kept it in the country for a long time, this is one model, although they had factional struggle,
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true, it means there is a model, take the same american parties, they have different approaches, they always have some groups there, republican democrats, democratic ones, well, for example , within the republicans there is now a unique situation when trump has absolute dominance, and this is so called magicians, magicians, that is, let’s do it in the first letters.
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well, he explains it differently, igor vasilyevich, yes, he is from a legal point of view, maybe somewhere my opinion somewhere will contradict the central election commission, as i see it politically, why is this important politically , and maybe not the reasons why this decision was made, because i say again, there are legal issues, technological ones in the end, well, several key issues: first, people left the country, and subversive centers were formed abroad , many criminal cases. we have initiated special proceedings, they claim that everyone who is abroad is, as it were, their pastala, the goal of these centers is to cause maximum damage to our statehood, then the question arises: it means that if you go with the belarusian passport, then what will you influence our situation? why? why the fright? and i ’ll tell you, this is very dangerous, because,
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for example, in moldova...... the outcome of the elections is determined to a large extent by how the diaspora votes, that is, those moldovans who went to work abroad have a passport, and.. ...
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that leaving the presidential position during such a difficult and uncertain period would be tantamount to betrayal, which is why those running away howled at this phrase, and the belarusians exhaled? why did the first one choose this particular metaphor?
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well, look, firstly, the very answers to the questions at the polling station are such a special political type in ours, the speech of the president, which everyone is waiting for no less than the elections themselves, but it’s like a message from the president. such a very important important element of our political life, which , as a rule, gives clear assessments of the current situation in a very broad format and for the future program, so this was expected, really expected, and now we see the reaction of society absolutely positively, as for the fugitives, us is a very good indicator it turned out, now whether we are acting correctly or incorrectly, in my opinion, even the president spoke about this, but if they howled there somewhere, they said, what do you mean...
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but the president also emphasized several times what an all-belarusian people’s assembly is, this is protection from gorbachev, this collective lukashenko, about whom they talk so much now, that is, the phenomenon of collective lukashenko, that is, mass support for the policy and course that is being pursued,
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is institutionalized in the form of an all-belarusian people's assembly, and we are creating a whole series such protective mechanisms so that within the system, a possible, we are not immune from this, a traitor or a person with some kind of...
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disappointment, a split does not happen, but the president says: a new generation is coming, and this new generation needs to be passed on, well , may be beaten, beaten. this is a relay race comparison, but we must clearly work through this stage, and the president specifically , alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, still has a lot of work in this direction in many others, and i want to tell you, i see from international reaction, well, except for these westerners, enemies, except enemies, yes, the reaction to this statement by the president is positive everywhere, not only we breathed a sigh of relief, but believe me... in many countries of the world, because a stable belarus
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pursuing a consistent policy, the one that alexander lukashenko is carrying out is a guarantee that we will succeed in a peaceful way, without a big war, without a big one . unfortunately, very bloody military operations are taking place south of our borders, but not only there already, but without big war after all will be able to move to a new world order. vladimir frantsivich, i’ll probably, maybe even be more specific, the president is the guarantor. it is this security in the first place , but he noted that the current world understands only force, on the eve of the elections an extended meeting on national security issues is being held with the security forces, and first of all, according to the operational information of the president, we will be undermined again, he voiced three scenarios, here how do you personally assess these risks and which of the scenarios do you think is the most likely? well, none of them will be, i think implemented because... when the president voiced them, this is already a blow to these scenarios and
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we will fight them, that is , if you ask which of these scenarios is better for our enemies, everything is worse, because when we see them these scenarios, which means we will counteract, but we cannot relax , they will change methods, they can adjust the scenarios and take hybrid actions, i will tell you with a specific example, this is how balanced and careful we need to be here, why strength is important, the whole of last year on the eve of these elections, especially on the eve of the polish ones... we received signals from the west: make concessions, poles, especially before the elections, they really needed rights and justice, so that we would release their agents there, well, in order to sell them to voters, but for some reason, at least let them out what are you saying behind the scenes, well , make concessions, they blackmailed us, we’ll close the border crossing publicly, they were told , so what are you going to do to us, well, we’re some new people, we know, we can’t lift the sanctions, it’s complicated there procedure, but we won’t introduce any new ones.
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began to build a model of our independent sovereign country, this model, despite all the cultural and civilizational commonality, it differs from the russian one, well, listen, we remember in yeltsin’s russia, different oligarchs, who were also our model. for many in russia, this model is very attractive, they even sometimes idealize it. yes. and we have formed these two models of statehood development within the framework of our union. this is not our weakness, this is our strength.
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the russians will look at something from us, and we will watch something from them. u we have more influence from the state, more control, the russians have more private ownership there. yeah, svo. came, they had to strengthen state control, carry out planning, they, yes, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin is a great guy, he developed a cool tax system, which means we are adopting from them, they look at our industries, listen, belarusian goods are a symbol of quality in russia now everywhere, yes, in our social sphere, we have not kept the guests, but we have different approaches, looking at each other like this, somewhere even in a brotherly way, you know, here when the brothers live they look, yeah, i bought this car. let's move forward, if at one time it was a challenge
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to our union building, which the enemies took advantage of, we remember these milk wars, everything that was gas and so on, but now... the fact that two independent, sovereign states will set up a single integration - this is strength, and we set an example for others, we do not copy the model that the european union introduced there in portugal or in latvia and lithuania, we ourselves, yes, sometimes learn from our mistakes, but we are moving forward, these are the latest tests these years, they showed that the model is durable, the model is powerful, the model that allows you to really defend your views.
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i think, no, i want to loop back to your first question, but there should be unity here, in general - this feeling, you should, you should, if we do this, turn politics, which is a struggle, into politics, market, we will lose, and we all owe ourselves to our country, if we think about it like that, that is, well, i mean the community of belarusians and not to divide and... i elected you, that means you owe me, or i want to be elected, that means deputies , you must come to vote for me, they don’t just vote for a deputy, they confirm their belonging to our civil community, their belonging to our nation, we are voters, when we come to the polling station, i also collect, but what did i vote , when we perceive our country
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as a community in this way, as we sometimes miss this term, what society is, this is a common interest, we must have a common... interest then the candidate’s deputy program will be fulfilled, then the voters will maintain normal feedback from the authorities, and those fundamental issues that we talked about today, peace, security, independence, sovereignty, the well-being of citizens, they will be ensured, you know, you essentially confirmed that today it is still deeply rooted in us, yes, that if we elected a deputy, then he should... precisely the year of quality, when the first one said, everyone in their own way together must clearly fulfill their tasks, then completely. i will support your thesis, then we have it's going to be a really good state, we 're done, thank you, thank you.
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kharchenko, nadezhda yakovlevna, was born in 1921 in the village of korsunovka, poltava region. after the start of the great patriotic war, nadezhda yakovlevna was assigned to accompany the transport with the wounded evacuated from the hospital to the rear. on the road prest-minsk. this car, in which the wounded soldiers were traveling, was destroyed by fascist planes during a bombing. having survived
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the raid, nadezhda yakovlevna kharchenko walked to minsk, then transferred to a partisan detachment, where she performed duties nurses and took part in partisan operations. on december 22, 1942, at the decisive moment of the battle, she replaced the deceased machine gunner and... compressed the partisan attack with fire, which contributed to the success of the military operation, she died in the same battle, nadezhda yakovlevna kharchenko, was awarded the order of lenin.
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alexander lukashenko held a meeting today with the ambassador of kazakhstan to belarus erlan baizhanov. official minsk and astana understand each other well both politically and economically. at the end of last year , trade turnover between the countries amounted to more billion dollars, but... this is not the final figure, taking into account the potential of the state, noted alexander lukashenko. in the third quarter, most likely, the president of kazakhstan will fly to belarus on an official visit. it is also very important for us today to discuss some aspects of this important event for belarus, negotiations will be held at the highest level, interested parties will meet as part of this visit and... i am sure that the billion that we achieved in trade turnover, well, after this visit will turn out to be simply
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ridiculous , because with such potential countries and the friendliest states in our integration associations, such states as belarus and kazakhstan, should have the most advanced relations; we have created a good joint venture for production. observers, the assessments are positive. now the country presides over two collective organizations at once, the csto and the sco. shanghai cooperation of interesting
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belarus. we claim full participation. official astana has already ratified our documents. belarusian enterprises have concluded a number of contracts for international golf exhibition in dubai. the exhibition, made in belarus, took center stage in the main pavilion. over 400 business meetings and negotiations, visitors from 195 countries of the world - that’s more than 130,000 people, and with the participation of belarusian companies, the april calendar includes two expositions on the african continent. algeria will bring together the largest producers of the food industry; in zimbabwe, belarusian companies are preparing to present, in addition to products , light industry goods, equipment, medications, construction materials and a number of other items. the gomel enterprise medplast plans to reach full vacuum production capacity in 2026. produces dozens of types
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of tubes of various parameters, they differ in size, volume and purpose; thanks to special fillers, the functionality of gomel vacutainers is much wider than that of other containers for biomaterial. the presence of reagents on their walls simplifies the task of laboratory technicians doing tests. there is practically no difference, the assortment is the same as that of imported ones, even, probably, a little more due to the fact that test tubes appeared to determine blood groups, it is convenient for us to work, we are working, the belarusian market, its... the niche is somewhere around 25-30 million, that is, accordingly, we have some kind of reserve, we are working closely with the entry of our products into the russian market, we made a trial delivery of 400,000 of our test tubes, there were no complaints. on march 4, belarus celebrates police day. the president congratulated employees and veterans of the internal affairs bodies on the holiday. the task of law enforcement officers is not only to fight crime, but also to prevent violations and
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crimes, and this applies not only to ordinary police officers. inspectors gai. regularly visit schools to minimize road hazards in the future. over the years of service, the functions of police officers have expanded significantly, but the main task - maintaining public order - remains unchanged, for this the ministry of internal affairs has enough resources, and this experience is being adopted by more and more foreign colleagues. cooperation with cis countries is well established. last year, more than a ton of psychotropic drugs were seized, some of which were in transit. regarding interaction internal affairs bodies, all countries. countries unfriendly to us , police officers, militia understand perfectly well that if there is no interaction in law enforcement agencies, then they will not absolutely understand any result, including what will happen, through interpol we interact with more than 100 countries, namely 103 countries that provide us with a certain we provide information, including poland, germany, which seems to be not
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a friendly country to us, but... we reciprocate if they contact us. humanitarian aid for refugees in ovdeevka and mariupol, as well as an ambulance and a jeep for evacuating and transporting the wounded, were donated by the alexei talai charitable foundation. in 3 days, caring belarusians collected more than 500 food and thousands of hygiene kits in belarus and donbass packages with love from belarus. the cargo includes food, water, medicine, clothing, bedding... generators, gas cylinders and stoves. the thirty -third international art festival slavic bazaar in vitebsk will be held from july 11 to 14. dates have been set by order of the head of state, taking into account the established practice of state support for the festival , separate preferences are provided for organizers of participants. guests from 73 countries will be able to come to belarus without a visa.
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the pass for crossing the border will be an original or electronic ticket for. oh, how glad i am that you came to me, i’m sincerely glad, hello, you are
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visiting me, this is the village of vysokaya, berezovsky district. and here we study, work, goats teach us, and we teach goats, goat farming, cheese making, and this is also my home, so let's go, i introduced you. in this paddock we have all horned goats and there are just such village goats, these are our chips, for example, but our two main
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breeds are zaanin goats and... sometimes, not only white ones, they all have floppy ears. the difference between these two breeds is that zaanin goats, they produce a lot of milk, this means that after the third or fourth lambing, this is after the third, fourth time that they gave birth, they already produce 4, 5, 6, 7 liters of milk per day, taking into account that there are two or three times a day milk, but nubian goats produce less milk, somewhere there will be a maximum of 4 liters after the third. cat, but the quality of the milk is much better, there is a higher fat content , more calcium, more microelements, and we personally call this milk cheese milk, because the cheese yield is much
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greater, if we have a cheese yield of about 9% from white braids, then from paddle-eared braids, our cheese yield is already 15-16%, then of course it’s more profitable for us, but to be honest, today we mix our milk from all braids so that we have an average fat content... quantity somewhere, since we came from austria, we of course had to get alpine braids, here these alpine goats, of course, except for this horned one, because she is a village goat, all multi-colored goats, this, for example, is this france we , such a beauty, are here in this... about 5-6 months, and boys and girls
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must be separated after the fourth month, asuna, yes, these are our smallest goats, or the smallest braid, her name is asuna , japanese name. this is a multi-colored alpine goat, by far the most a big attraction on our farm, with her, well , if you pick her up two or three times every day, they all become tame, they really don’t kick anymore, and you hold her in your arms for 5 minutes , they all fall asleep, this is also for people to take pictures i really, really like it, i would say.
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i am often asked what you call your braids, why each one has its own name, you know, firstly, it has a character, and secondly, thanks to goat therapy. therapy is a concept when you don’t choose the one you liked, but she chooses you, here’s mine goat - natasha , listen, she has a wonderful character, she always plays second fiddle, but she always controls everyone, she has such horns that she will raise her husband and whoever you want, but she is calm, just as long as she is hit like that fur, fur, fur, milk gives well, does not get sick, gives a lot of children, well, just like me, mother heroin. gypsy, gypsy, my girl, my good one, gypsy, for example, we called her because her skirt is white, she’s all black, she’s very affectionate, very cunning,
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a very smart goat, yes, my good one, yes , my smart girl, yes, my glorious one, this is our adolfovna, adolfovna the revolutionary, every day she will come up with something, yes, to keep my mother in good shape, yes, yes, this is our evelina. antsevna is such a smart girl, such a good girl too, and today we have six breeds, if we can count that...


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