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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 5, 2024 9:30am-10:33am MSK

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zhuk conducted a poll on the streets of minsk, i didn’t even post it, because it ’s just embarrassing, you approach people, especially young guys, that is, my peers 20-25 years old, you ask what the queen of sports, gymnastics, football is, hockey , everything except athletics, yeah, that is , this, unfortunately, unfortunately, is scary, our generation has exclusively clip thinking, which is brought up by tiktok, instagram, fast... formation, so-called fast food, chewing gum, which no benefit is, is, extremely harmful, but nevertheless our young brains are very actively willingly fed with this bullshit, so we turn into, i’m not afraid of this word , morons, how to get them back, how to make them develop, or what? it is necessary, i think, to fight on their territory, that is, if they are on instagram, then you need to learn how to use instagram, only there to do what... seems to have
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a grain of righteousness in it, it is clear that in a one-minute video some kind of then deep information regarding the theory of physical training methods, philosophy sports, sports psychology , to fit in, well, it’s extremely difficult and it’s very superficial, but we live in such a century that we have a big question whether our teenagers have at least some knowledge, so i think that we need to shoot just a similar plan video, develop social networks in this direction. and promote, in general, some kind of agenda, which will be aimed at somehow redirecting the guys from, i don’t know, computer clubs here, to the gyms. then what needs to be done so that the viewer comes to the dynamo stadium during during the belarusian athletics championships, i sat in the stands next to the jumping section and cheered for you. i will say this thing, perhaps it is for many.
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now the olympic movement is simply becoming unprofitable for the hosting countries of the games, these are only losses, in general, so i believe that in order to popularize our sport, athletics, we need to go beyond the stadium, that is, now we see a lot of similar formats of competitions in europe, in the russian federation they are now holding the same starts, this is a platform. in one direction
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there is a pit for jumping in the sixth, in the other direction there is a pit for long jump, that is, we leave the chamber stadiums and just go to the city, just to the city, also i recently, for example, i really love the city of nesvesh, i go there often, i’ve already been there three times in this six months, i just like the city, i like the atmosphere there, even the first time, when i came there in 2020, i was about 16 years old, i immediately realized that the castle courtyard, this niche , which... is simply the most, probably, the best and one of the most unique venues for holding such an event, that is , pole vaulting inside the castle, this topic, if you promote it well, that is , find sponsors, i think a lot of people, a lot of enterprises will be very interested in this, it’s just that no one knows about pole vaulting, no one sees what it is, just imagine, a person using a projectile jumps to the third floor, take some football player, well, any person, that is, he can come, of course not at the same level as... uh messi, but anyone
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a person can kick a ball, and if you give a person a pole in his hands, what will he do, it will simply break, it will immediately break, make a mess, in addition to the fact that you must be very strong, very fast, you must also be very brave, yeah , because sometimes i sit just wondering what we are doing, you run into a stick that is 5 m long, that is, you have a 5 m stick in your hands, so you have to run into it at full speed, make sure that your back didn’t break while doing this, and yet to accomplish...
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that’s it, i fulfilled the olympic standard, i about the world championship in theory now, that is , a potential participant in the olympics in paris, you believe that they won’t, that’s what it ’s all about... you know, that is, now i’m the only way i see to promote this sport, this is to do internal starts on a scale no less serious than there , you know, that is, if they have already shown us their teeth from there, we must show them our fangs and say that they can’t joke with us, like this, do your starts, we will do it 10 times better than yours, intellectual reserve, reserve emotional, for me personally, it is 100 times higher than... anyone in that sector. an alternative start is the friendship games, but , relatively speaking, duplantis will not come, because he is afraid that there will be sanctions. nobody will come, none of the high-level european athletes will come, because in general they are sitting in a cushy place, they feel good, they don’t need it. so what?
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duplantis won’t come, some shmuplantis will come, also from greece, someone from france, whom no one knows, but who... is training and wants to perform, those who can’t find a place for themselves will come, then to what extent they will create world-class competition, it doesn’t matter, we will create world-class competition with the guys from russia and we will create such competition that these will sit there, talk, and this is not a real fake result, they all use doping there, their main slogan is that everyone uses doping in russia, in belarus, but that the russian team is now the most tested in the world. no one is interested, we had one jumper there sixth, they found a prohibited substance in his sample, that is, a drug, he said that i was there with someone, which means i kissed, so it got into my blood, if i or maxim nedosekov had said that, what would they have told us, you they would have simply destroyed us, they would have simply destroyed
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us, you know, that is, but there it’s normal , well, what can you do, this guy is so funny, there’s no talk of any kind of justice at all, now there’s no question of it, they don’t want to be on good terms with us, ok, we'll be like that with you. as you are with us, we extend our hand to you, and you extend your hand remove the plan that they have been implementing throughout our entire history, wherever you point at the map of temporary years, absolutely everywhere there is some kind of oppression, that is, a struggle of an existential nature, there is no other way to call it, i will find out what will now begin after this interview, i’ve been living here for as long as i’ve lived here, these 4 years, i’ve been this long, matvey volkov, everything is taken out of context, absolutely everything.
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there is sebastian coe, who said that there will definitely be no belarusians and russians in athletics in france in the summer. you could say the root system of a tree, that is, on the lungs athletics holds together the entire array of all other sports. athletics sets a trend towards something, now the world athletics federation - in the person of sebastian cole - is going through very, very difficult times. world athletics minus 10 million dollars, this was last year or even 2 years ago, that is , now it is probably more, they are now even resorting to the fact that they have stopped separating records in the arena and records on the street, why? because as soon as duplantis started jumping
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world records, each world record costs a pretty penny, exactly 100,000 dollars, but they thought that somehow all this was not very profitable for us, although it would seem that you have... an ambassador who is carrying all of yours now a rotting sport , this man is dragging all of athletics along with him, you should generally carry him in your arms, he should ask you, you should give him everything he wants, as long as he jumps, as long as he advertises, no, they have attributed everything now everything was done with the same brush, jumped 6:20 on the street, jumped 620 playpen, there is no difference, now the only option i see is our reunion. and jumpers in the sixth - this is the creation of a separate jumping federation in the sixth, which will no longer have anything to do with this whole madhouse, as if it turns out very illogically, where is race walking and where is shot put, in one shot put, three of these or four girls are walkers, but unfortunately
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there’s simply no money in this anymore, uh-huh, everything that could be sucked out, they sucked it all out, we will remain, as it were, in athletics, but she will be in favor of the bulk of the competition. outside the stadium, but only under its own auspices. and finally, one women's story from sports, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand what the girls from... the level of training was approaching its peak, there is a game ahead of the season leader
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dynamo moscow, and there on the roster, olympic champions, world champions, only stars are higher , and even then in the sky. but the cheating girls were focused on their work. from the 22nd, this is about a month, an attentive viewer immediately noticed that he was on a par with everyone else elena fedorinchik works in her signature position as a manager. she has not been seen on the court since 2022, and there is a significant personal reason for this: our sports couple welcomed their first child, a father, a famous minifootball coach igor fedorinchik. physically, yes, it is felt, a slower, perhaps not the same reaction, but of course it takes about one and a half hours.
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an outside viewer will never say that she had to take a break from sports for more than a year. to a lifestyle that is quite active. it is clear that a sports person will always try to keep his body in good shape, but when this is a game, then the body receives completely different loads. it is important to listen to yourself, to your body, because we are not made of iron, so even the body often signals to us through some kind of injury that it ’s probably time to stop listening. now everything is different, now... life is a little divided, there is home life, there is a child who is always waiting for you, and
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no matter how tired i am, i come home and he runs towards me on all fours, he is already running straight, yes, he runs, smiles and waits, for the sake of this moment i’m going home, two different lives and i enjoy it here and there and switch, in fact, when i came here for the first time after a long break, there was no feeling that this was something long forgotten. no, i came home, i’m ready, this is a relative word in percentage terms, yes, how physically fit i am now, of course, i still need time, but the faster, the more gaming practice i gain, the faster i’ll get in shape , the fact that the volleyball player was preparing to return to the court became known even earlier than at the pre-game training, on the first day of february, when social networks
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were born, these were the general internal sensations, not only physical, but such moral ones, but it was probably not easy, during training i began to think that i had forgotten about that someone was waiting for me at home, these feelings were unusual, yes, because both maternity leave and a certain period of time after childbirth, when all the time is devoted only to the baby, but here i came out and this is a wonderful feeling, because the body needed physical load, and of course, i enjoyed the training. this training, let me remind you, is pre-game against the leader of dynamo moscow. a day later
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, the main composition will become known, for which a place will be found for elena fedorinchik. head coach of dynamo moscow konstantin ushakov, who not long ago helped from the belarusian national team, fielded a combat-ready minsk squad. the minsk resident put up a fight, showed her worth in attack, but still lost to the strongest team in the super league right now. ifidorinchik played the entire game. and with such a serious opponent, and after the match, the main fans, of whom there were at least one more over the previous year. of course, i want to play for myself for that guy. well , i’m glad, i’m glad that there is additional support.
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we had to go through the level to achieve this, and that’s all for today, the arena will be on air in a week, see you.
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on the air of the belarusians, belarus is in charge in the studio , veronica buta, hello. in the elections in belarus. the people in the country won and the results of the single voting day were summed up. all. the electoral marathon continues prepare for a presidential candidate. lukashenko confirmed his participation in the election campaign next year. tell them i'll go. belarusians' response to western rhetoric and objective assessments of observers. this is precisely the desire to ensure peace and stability in belarus. the choice has been made: who will represent interests in parliament and locally in the country, and what do belarusians value on the external circuit? the fact that union relations with the russian federation is an absolute priority is agreed upon by more and more people every year. respondents to whom we ask these questions.
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on the factors of unity of the people, the results of a large social study. double degree program, projects. radio electronics and a joint battle for the harvest, the regions are willing to meet halfway. where we have potential is public transport. we are really looking forward to belarusian passenger equipment also being included in the russian subsidy format, because there are certainly very good solutions, electric buses, buses, and we will be happy to purchase them. minsk and veliky novgorod jointly decide economic tasks. to make your eyes sparkle, belarus joined the “bashkir longevity” program.
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this week, the leaders of belarus and russia once again confirmed their commitment to the chosen course of integration within the framework of the union state. the presidents of belarus and russia had a telephone conversation. alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin discussed current issues of belarusian-russian relations and summed up the results of previous high-level contact events - including the meeting in kazan, meetings supreme state council of the union state, scheduled. prospects for the near future in the development of bilateral relations, the presidents discussed issues in the work of integration structures, the eurasian economic union, the csto and other formats. alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin also discussed the most pressing international topics and the situation in the region, and the prospects for its development. belarus has summed up the results of the single
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voting day. elections of deputies at all levels were organized and calm. belarusians are committed to evolutionary transformation political system of the country. this is perhaps the main conclusion. desire to ensure peace and stability. in the country and region encouraged people to take an active part in voting. 73% of citizens demonstrated concern for their future. the next big campaign is the presidential election. alexander lukashenko has already announced his participation in them. the choice of belarusians is the main theme of the program. belarus held elections for itself and its people, observing legislation and legal norms, expert opinion says, the new
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electoral legislation worked, the election campaign and the single voting day, which was new for belarus, went smoothly. the level of organization is amazing, simply amazing, beautiful, calm, measured, without fuss, everything is organized very decently, and most importantly. that i saw people, i saw a lot of young people, which made me happy. 73% - a high turnout in some areas, even 77, even though there are no turnout thresholds in the new electoral code, and this is a manifestation of that same civic position and concern for the future of the country. we understand that an assessment of a political system, an assessment of a country's domestic policy and foreign policy is a direct intervention in its internal affairs. politics is determined by the people, the political system is determined by the people. the electoral system is formed by the people , here in belarus all this has been done consistently, legitimately and democratically, we are absolutely satisfied, we have seen, i would like
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to especially note the opportunity to vote remotely, in belarus every election commission has a mobile group that can come and allow you to vote at home people with disabilities, elderly people. unfortunately, this is not the case in germany; here people can vote by mail starting 6 weeks before the main vote. and no one gives any guarantee, this process is not sufficiently controlled, the letter can simply be lost , by the way, when elections were still in full swing in minsk, the results of the belarusian election campaign were summed up in washington, how did such a false start happen in the world, they threw up their hands, but there is no common sense to be found and in other actions of american politicians, having lost, after the failure in 1920, assistants inside without prompting, belarus forgot about time zones. state department press secretary. stated that the elections were held in an atmosphere of fear, i did not see any fear in the voter, on the contrary, a joyful mood, about the biased approach of western observers,
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it seems to me that there is no need to even spoil it, this is already obvious, however, they did not expect anything else in belarus from pseudo-democracy with their american elections by mail and archaic electoral system, everything was predictable, and the belarusian leader, having cast his ballot, remembered the incident of past years, which of the observers? all then lost the workpiece with the results, history is silent. they prepared the detention protocols in advance and lost them. naturally, our guys found and took photographs on my table. tomorrow morning they read this protocol, we will compare them one to one. the true reason for the overseas cry of the soul was given by international observers, many of whom, including the west, came to belarus. belarus has abandoned american influence.
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trust in those whom they literally know personally: on business in cities, regions, public speeches from different platforms , the people have delegated broad powers to them, because
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the role of the parliament in belarus is growing, and part of the powers is being transferred to the president, the modernization of the political system continues in the country, they will also be involved in lawmaking in the future, that is, to develop and pass laws by which we will live further we, our children, it is very important, when a person who works with us in production works in parliament, we vote for political, socio-economic stability, for peaceful sky overhead, our country is truly a state created for people. in the interests of the people , we received citizenship in december last year, so for us, of course, it is very exciting , responsible, we are glad that our voice is still participating in the fate of the whole country, all 110 deputies have been elected, the house of representatives of the national assembly is about to become well-known names of senators, then the parliament will be fully formed, for the first time in history , deputies of all levels will be elected simultaneously, we see people...
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who don’t need to prove themselves, don’t need to hang a parliamentary badge on themselves in order to emphasize their importance and say that i have the right to speak, now the leaders of public opinion are really coming, and have entered parliament, this is already known, we hope that at the local level as well there will be many of these recognizable people who today, with their already established authority and their visibility, recognition, public activity, will raise the actual authority of parliamentarism as a system of public administration based on people's representation. speaking with journalists on election day, the belarusian leader answered a dozen pressing questions, including about confronting an enemy who is just waiting for an opportunity to bring to life aggressive scenarios about a union state where common security is sacred. the fact that president putin and i envisaged different scenarios for the development
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of events. and counteract this, we will always be united with russia, and you understand that in such a situation we can resist any enemy, the current world is a force, i understand only strength, if, forgive me, we let go and fight for democracy and some kind of ephemeral freedom, you saw, there are no such freedoms, there is no democracy, and those who gave it to us, you see what kind of democracy they have. and therefore we need to see our goals, our interests, be sincere and pursue a policy of justice. 2 years of a special military operation, now a big political process has begun in belarus, presidential elections in russia, 25 years of the union state, you and vladimir putin somehow kept it in such turbulent times time, how to preserve this union state, how to preserve within the nations, as they say on the internet, the collective lukashenko and
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the collective putin, we must do what... what we do, we must treat each other with respect, as we are doing now, everything in the economy maybe diplomacy, in politics we can quarrel and so on, but security is sacred, there must be two sovereign, independent states that can create a unique association that will be more powerful than some unitary state. alexander lukashenko reassured everyone who was tormented by the question: will he go to the presidential elections, a year away, the quintessence of the answer, will he leave the country. at such a moment it is akin to betrayal, by the way, expert opinion, judging by the persons of the elected deputy corps, the current government and course are supported by more than 87% of citizens, tell them that i will go, the more difficult the situation becomes, not a single responsible person, the president will abandon his people, who followed him into battle, so the more they strain you, me and society, the faster i i'll go to these elections. before the presidential
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... elections, belarusians still have an all-belarusian people's assembly, where the modernization of the political system will continue, but for now the memory will remain of a calm, single voting day, and it is worth saying, very festive, what can i treat you with, what will surprise you, thank you, everything that you have you are delicious, i can’t, we can’t let you go just like we came to visit, everything is ours, of course, well, girls, don’t be tempted, one marshmallow, whatever you want, okay, chocolate. we'll eat on the way, oh dear, when i was a deputy, i'm going home, the store was on the road, they always sold dryers, you know, like machine gun belts, i bought dryers for the children, but they are probably not the same anymore, yes, the dryers, yes, they are good, exactly the same, good afternoon,
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happy holiday. let's try our best.
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so, belarusians made their choice, voted for those people who, in essence , will determine the further course of the history of the country’s development, approving laws, creating a legal basis for the further development of the state. about the election results from the point
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of view of scientific sociologists, about expectations and requirements of the belarusian voter for politicians, we will talk with the guest of our program, director of the institute of sociology of belarus nikolai myslivets.
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important preparation for other election campaigns, such a high percentage of turnout , where did it actually come from, these are largely the results of the great work that has been done in belarusian society over a number of previous years, the forms of work with the population were diverse, diverse, various types of platforms , discussions, meetings with experts, open microphones meeting in work collectives.
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in a panoramic view of the processes that are taking place in the modern world, in the union state, we were able to see, probably, many points that until recently seemed to us either self-evident or not of interest, but as a result of the fact that many new sources have appeared information, many new communication channels have absolutely emerged...
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i believe in all the next ones, at a minimum, it will remain very high, and may grow even more. when we talk about trust in government, very often we immediately talk about the number of appeals from citizens, because it’s logical that if you are dissatisfied with the way the authorities are working, the number of appeals increases greatly. i know that your institute conducted a social study on how positively or negatively people evaluate their work.
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people see that they are generally being solved quite successfully, and there is no need, there is no reason to go to the executive committee, contact the local deputy, the existing system of government bodies, i believe, successfully solves its problems, so this indicator of those who found it difficult, that is, it is a four, at least, at least a four, is assessed positively by every third person, obviously these are those.
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structures, economic entities, the same executive authorities, they quite successfully resolve all issues that are significant for modern belarusians. but if these figures are considered in dynamics, can we say that trust in the authorities, in local authorities, is growing among belarusians? yes, our research results indicate that, of course, this is the percentage trust, it has a pronounced tendency to increase, this is... a reaction to the very
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active, i believe, activities of local authorities, central authorities, government bodies, in solving pressing problems that are important to us: the city, transport, and housing and communal services, health issues, they are in the focus of attention , including thanks to our journalists, who focus on these issues, attracting public opinion, well... and there is control over all these issues, therefore, letting the work go by itself carelessly, well, this is a very large measure of responsibility, if you choose exactly. such a strategy of behavior, to work effectively , to work effectively, this is kind of our trend, i believe, well, perhaps such figures are also related to the fact that local authorities today have more powers, we are talking about decentralization, this is also of course, we are really in our practice began to pay much more attention, well, to pay not just
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to regions, regions have always been the focus of attention, but nevertheless we understand what life outside the minsk ring road is well done.
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denmark, we did not identify any complex , pressing issues that, well, would interfere with not putting champagne on the table, not stealing the new year tree and joyfully not celebrating each new year, well, taking into account the unstable external agenda, taking into account political turbulence , but do they, i don’t know, come out in the top five or in the top three of the expectations and wishes for the new year of belarusians about peace, political stability within the country? we are certainly much more we clearly, much more acutely begin to understand what peace is , what security is, what the opportunity to study, work, raise children in peace is, yes, this is a certain reaction to the events that
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occur in the external circuit, this is a certain result of the implementation of that policy, historical memory, which our belarusian state implements. without reminders of the horrors that happened several decades ago, it is impossible to understand and truly appreciate what is happening here now, but for all that, thank god that such expectations, they actually represent a reaction, some kind of reaction of thinking, a reaction of awareness, a reaction of assessment to, first of all , external events, in general belarusians still...
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do not care at all about the disappearance of some or players in the market, yes, we understand that certain goods were within walking distance in our arsenal, but this is , first of all, the opening of new opportunities for belarusian commodity producers, for russian commodity producers, for expanding trade contacts in this particular sphere, a timely import substitution policy. absolutely true , so here, first of all, there is an opportunity, this also needs to be understood, if some nostalgic notes are heard, well, this is natural, because
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we tend to be nostalgic for some things, but we need to look at the past, look into the future and consider it as possible a corridor along which you need to walk confidently, to walk quickly enough, to look not only at which doors are opening, but to open these many doors yourself.
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rhetoric was prepared by the union youth, what kind of special varieties of novgorod potatoes are purchased by belarus and how to extend longevity when traveling, we will return to the studio in a few minutes, we will introduce you to the architectural memorials of belarus from different eras and... byzantine architecture, which has passed its hour since the dawn of time, yana sur'ezna floated on the old , so
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the ones are diligent-hard-brown, i eight, that prao ўzgagvyuts have 19 stegodzhas, gatu qjalov palikych is prakt, ruskі sunal, yun patrubava і oakyannya of the pades, that old archetacture, ale materyal would have been different. let’s fall into their history and... theatre, mass theaters were built up from outstanding red corners, and all this asdoba, i was in a white color scheme, which worked in contrast and madness, emphasized the importance of these elements. banks of the 20th century were already planned for pa-inshamu, there was a great amount of historical reminders with quarters for supraconnika, looking at the architecture of belarus on our tv channel. we will introduce you to belarusians
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who deliberately exchanged the city for the village. vladimir alexandrovich, you, i i know, there are a lot of crops growing here, right? but the three most important ones are potatoes. this enterprise produces from four to 6,000 tons of potatoes per year. and you are the same family that once in your life bought. the bed of the islach river, it is now frozen, vanya stands right on the bank of the old one, 50 meters from here you run through a small forest, there we have our own beach, directly next to the islach river itself, if, for example, how early potatoes begin to be harvested from the field, the one that doesn't clean up. this one, i take it home, boiled it, i took off the skin, that’s it, well, i took off the skin, everything that’s smaller is many times more useful, because
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the amount of endosperm is what ’s useful... lukashenko is engaged in work and makes decisions, and if we talk about it, it’s about the work and the decisions made decisions, and does not try to please the electorate in any situation, the politician thinks about the next elections, and the leader about the next generation. another of the beautiful events of awarding awards for spirituality. revival, gratitude from the president to those who devote themselves to service, to society, this is us, belarusians, we are belarusians, creators of at our core, from ancient times we live by our own minds, therefore we have preserved the way of life, culture and spirituality of the most difficult periods of development. over the past few years, in the face of constant threats, we have fallen in love with our country
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more deeply, we have also learned to speak a little more boldly about our... love homeland, which we, frankly speaking, lacked before, perhaps in the year of quality the time has come for all of us in a single impulse, not only to love and talk about it, but also to prove it in practice. propaganda project, watch on belarus 24 tv channel. today belarus decides many things economic tasks, together with russian ones. partners, especially since the regions are willing to meet them halfway. these are the stages of active trade - a natural transition to closer cooperation in industry, defense industry, science, we will tell you using the example of the novgorod region of russia. it is curious that minsk and veliky novgorod have been the capitals of radio electronics since soviet times, and today this is a good help in the development of new technologies. and it turns out that the novgorod region supplies special varieties of potatoes to belarus. olga
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onishchenko, about what may surprise us in agenda. veliky novgorod is often called the birthplace of russia, for good reason; statehood in russia, orthodoxy, democracy and writing began here, and to this day it is a city of science. locals will tell us that novgorod is in for a big transformation, the residents are not at all against turning it into a university city, this is when there are many students among the townspeople, and the main university is one of... it is actively growing next to a modern university campus, according to the plan it will become the center attraction of science and students. lisa is a future pharmacist, belarusian, she is sure of that. the girl came to novgorod from mogilev several years ago to enroll and decided to try it here, the reviews about the university and the city encouraged her to move. moreover, novgorod is close to the world, and
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there are no borders, language barriers and, most importantly, mutual recognition of diplomas. all this is a reason to think about it, and not to give up or study in russia or vice versa. over the years of integration, minsk and moscow have managed to become one educational whole. the only difference is the schedule, nothing more. number of hours of reading different items are absolutely the same. i can find employment in many places, but i see my future exclusively in belarus. quotas in russian universities are a common thing for our students. 1300 free places.
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that someone else has a chance to get their hands on a historical piece within 5 minutes. in general , belarusians buy belarusians in the novgorod region and not only tractors. it's here. almost the entire line, a lot, more by a quarter, if you compare it with the picture from three years ago, working with the machines is easy, spare parts are not a problem, service is always available, and what else need to? the question, of course, is rhetorical: there is a customer with individual requests, but this also works on the image of belarusian factories, recently they have often started asking for air conditioners, they are already a umtz plant, they fulfill these requirements, and install new... improved tracking systems, systems work with attachments, no worse than western manufacturers, and let’s just say, every time everything turns out better and better,
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in a word, digitalization, if you keep up with it, a good competitive bonus, asian the manufacturer is stepping on the heels, in this sense, it’s good that belarusian equipment is included in regional subsidy programs, the governor noted, that is , for the buyer, for example, a solution, electric buses, buses, we will be happy to purchase them. but in the opposite direction to belarus from the novgorod region it goes, so you might think, potatoes, or rather its seeds. potatoes in
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the novgorod region come from test tubes. microplants, this is what they look like, are literally groomed and nurtured in special sterile conditions. this is all in order to eventually get the ideal planting material. this is how novgorod seed production, a potato region, is developing. it is truly known that several centuries ago it was here that the first potatoes in russia began to be planted, so the novgorod land is also the birthplace of potato growing. since then, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, farmers figured out how to weed out all diseases and viruses, and so test tube clones were created, guaranteeing that such a bulb would not get sick. in addition to the fact that high yield is the quality of storage, that is, in this in this case, we obtain bacteria-free material, not only from viruses, but also from bacteria. and such a test tube is a lifeline . there is another side to the coins. high yields lead to overproduction. the potato harvest in russia last year broke all records. fortunately, the recycling market is developing more actively than ever. chips, mashed potatoes -
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frozen product for fries. the modern world doesn’t like to cook, so the harvests won’t be wasted, however, there is one catch. varieties that are suitable for processing. so far neither in the line of russian varieties nor belarusian ones, they no. we need special varieties, special varieties, special storage, if we can store ordinary table potatoes at temperatures up to 3°, then it is no longer advisable to store potatoes that are used for processing by the lower family, yes, so these are completely different storage facilities, but there is a demand, and that means wait for an offer, there is a big restructuring ahead, in order to offer everything for processing your potatoes, the belarusian request for seeds will also be accepted, however, it is there now, as well as the first trial deliveries, but this is not enough. it's still safety territorial and food, yes, 20 years were allowed, this is all absolutely we are hooked on the needle of imports, so now the government is faced with the task of localizing production as much as possible inside
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and doing some kind of selection of russian varieties, with potatoes this is in principle possible, that is, over the course of there for 10 years, i think that a line of varieties will appear, there is an active exchange of breeding developments through communication scientists of the academy of sciences. the farmer is confident that if there is a customer, movement will begin, new potato processing plants are capable of market to revive, so that they not only believe in the selection, they are waiting for the results so that the belarusian-russian fries will also take place. the world youth festival has started in sochi; it has already been called one of the largest events of 2024. 20,000 participants from more than 100 countries. today at the planetary forum, among them is the belarusian delegation, which is one of the largest. let’s ask the leader of the largest youth movement in belarus, the first secretary of the central committee of the belarusian republican youth union, what plans did the young people come to the forum with?
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alexandra lukyayanov, who is in direct contact with us. good afternoon, alexander, what tasks does the forum set for itself and what did the belarusian delegation arrive with? good afternoon, dear colleagues, let me convey greetings to you from. belarusian delegation, which has been on the territory of the festival city of sochi for several days, and the active work of various platforms provides an opportunity not only to meet and communicate with belarusian youth, but of course, first of all, to expand the circle of contacts of the belarusian republican youth union, our youth organizations of associations, which are represented in one of the largest youth organizations on the festival territory, it is worth noting that more than 100 countries took part in the festival and belarus is represented by more than 630 young people. of course, a very important goal of the task is: not only expanding those
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same contacts, and concrete agreements, we have signed a number of agreements with cuban youth, with youth from mongolia, and are also developing cooperation within integration platforms of the sco and brix, and you know, this is the narrative that some kind of sanctions agenda is being imposed on our country, some organizations do not cooperate here, they are completely broken, and those facts of expansion. not only global


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