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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent, in the studio of svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is a candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, member.
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this is participation in legislative activity, so in the last year alone, 2023 , 110 bills passed through the council of the republic, 110, well, that’s understandable, we are now...
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in the field on earth, so well , there were a little more meetings, every day, we held with my proxies 6-7 meetings in work collectives. at my place of residence, especially since i ran in a new way for me district, this is the eighty-ninth osipovichi constituency, here is the osipovichi district, klichevsky district and gluzhsky district, these are very specific regions of our eastern part of belarus, what are their specifics, well , what are the specifics, here is the osipovichi district, these are more than 36,000 voters, this is a large industrial center, large factories and enterprises, both state and private, these are our... military units that are located there, this is also a certain specificity of working with military personnel, because it was necessary bring to everyone your electoral program, election program , its main provisions, and of course we came closer to the city of minsk, still 10 km, well, at
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these meetings with voters, you can say, despite the fact that you there were different categories of people with whom you met, can you tell me, i don’t know , the top three issues that concern and interest you? here are countries, preserving peace, issues that relate to preserving our national, original culture, building a fair society, then in other areas of the district, there are more questions, of course, related to the work of housing and communal services, here are road repairs, and housing stock, in addition to this , questions were raised, so i had a meeting with veterans, soldiers, internationalists, questions were raised a very painful issue for them, this is a decrease in the retirement age for them, because the guys fought, and many
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got sick, returned from the afghan war, but they retire at the same age as other citizens, so they such an order was given, well, there were a lot of such questions and... there were some extraordinary cases when, well, we just remember the twentieth year, when experts met in classrooms, and people came to meetings, among them there were provocateurs who spoke with with such slogans, so to speak, and with some accusations, no, the elections were held very calmly, very calmly, and although many voters came to meet with such provocative actions.
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let us have similar processes, that’s why, well, like this he’s an interesting person, that’s his point of view , but young people were present at these meetings, just like they were, i had meetings not only with the population, i had them in work collectives with teachers, and there was a very interesting meeting in the historical and cultural museum of the city of glusk, there there were representatives of youth organizations, of course they are also concerned about issues of peace and security, but what is also important for the region is a social guarantee for young... specialists, this topic was also raised, how can a young specialist stay in the region today, to take root and work there after , among other things, compulsory service, which is for university graduates who received their education at the expense of the budget, these
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topics also concern them, and what is this, this is a question of salary, this is a question of providing housing, this is a comfortable social environment, because young people need to resolve issues in their personal lives, because it works. they were provided for, they have a job and a good job, but a family needs to be created, and how to create a family, the social structure must be developed, where they can meet young people, get acquainted, well, like in the good old days, there are clubs, discos, well, you drove through the districts, you saw how this social infrastructure is arranged, are there clubs, are there again shops, schools , kindergartens, and shops are there, but schools, unfortunately... are now being optimized, because the population in rural areas is decreasing, and this is pain, this is anxiety for us, this, by the way, is not the first year, i explained to people the cause-and-effect connections, when the process of labor migration from rural areas began people were leaving for the cities, this is not
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even a problem of the 2000s, this is a problem of the fifties and sixties of the last century, when belarusian youth left the countryside and left not only for our belarusian cities.
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but here time is important for us, we need time , i was also asked a lot of questions about patriotic education, there are processes that objectively go on for 20-25 years, this is when the generation of youth grows up, today we are already doing a lot for young people, today children sing the anthem and respect they have an attitude towards state symbols, although some of these adult people already have an element of skepticism such that, oh well, they will move away, they will understand these adults of ours , that’s
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what the president said, the turnout was unexpected, i’ll be honest, i i didn’t even expect that we would have such a turnout in elections; we have never had such a turnout in councils or local authorities. turnout, there are enough nuances here, well, really , we are not used to seeing such numbers in elections of deputies, be it parliament, be it parliamentary elections, there have never been such local councils, but there has always been a high interest in the presidential elections, as evidenced by the great interest of belarusians in the current election campaign, well, firstly, i myself witnessed a high turnout for early
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voting, because having worked in terms of outreach work with my voters. district , as a senator, on saturday i visited voting stations in the modelyovo district and visited them until they closed until 7:00 pm, so i confirm that yes, the voter turnout was very high, because literally 10-15 minutes before the polling station closes, people are walking, people are walking, it’s calm, the polling stations are not empty, well, okay, what about the state government? stated that the elections were held in an atmosphere of fear, barel says that they were driven to the polling stations, that everything was under duress, listen, what is the state department for us, what kind of structure is this in general, you never know what they say, let them sort it out there themselves in the united states, this is how to calculate the elections with trump there, how normal relations will be established, everything, so what are they saying there or the barrel, well, who
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such a barrel, well, here i will say in the words of the president, we needed to provide.
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great help, provide support, because they come to a professional parliament, the lower house, it works on a professional basis, as we know, with a very good professional, they understand the intricacies, the nuances of their professional activities, so i think this there will be a very strong, very strong convocation, well, even judging by the kind of specialists gathered there, this includes healthcare, education, and the military sphere, political science, and philosophy, everything, history, everything that just... the whole world is possible, so to speak, yes, so let’s hope that any bill will be considered from all points of view, of course, and the parliament should be combative today, because there are a lot of external challenges,
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say don’t be silent, subscribe, invite us guests, ask questions, we are in touch. do you know that i have a wedding in 3 weeks? he even gave me a garnet bracelet on this occasion. well hello, beauty. happy birthday to me, this is what a man can do live. remind me, please, what am i doing here? well, honey, this will be the best wedding film, you understand? son-in-law, look, this is an old stable on a long-term lease, the director is still here, smoke it out, matvey ivanovich didn’t handle things like that.
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watch the series love without memory on the belarus 24 tv channel, in order to become one of your own in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there , it’s enough to behave at a party like the host of the show, like at home, and says stop, where are you looking, we’ll go there, wait, i’m all spinning, two foreign students.
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surprise, you are so handsome in shape, simply handsome, today turned out to be an amazing day, yes, our adventures get better and better every time, watch the project at home, on our tv channel. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is oleg
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dzyachenko, candidate of philosophy, associate professor, member of the council of the republic. oleg viktorovich, well, the elections of deputies have passed, they have taken place, but the election campaign, one might say, continues, we have presidential elections ahead in 2025, alexander lukashenko said that he plans to run, let's remind the audience what i said about this. they followed him into battle, so the more they strain you, me and society, the faster i will go to these elections, so don’t
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worry, we will do it the way it is... and of course the preparation and conduct of elections of the head of state, and of course here, if we talk in comparison with 2020, of course the situation is very calm, those destructive elements that tried to unravel the political situation in the republic of belarus have now been neutralized, someone shabrakov went to foreign countries in his capacity, now, by the way, they have the opportunity to return by appealing to
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the commission.
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what we don’t need in the country, we seem to have forgotten how in the nineties we began to train crowds of lawyers, economists who, having received a diploma, went to work as taxi drivers and pizza delivery boys, and now after graduating from university many graduates work outside their profile, i have repeatedly drawn attention to this topic, training of non-core specialists, low retention rate in the first job, leaving... the profession is it’s an unaffordable luxury for our state that we have nowhere to spend money. in your opinion, why does our education not keep up with the needs of the market, why are they recruiting students who do not plan to work in their specialty in the future, and is there any other way to track this disinterested student at the time of admission to the university? a very complex topic, since it is a question of professional self-determination,
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professional socialization.
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i talked about this, but we need to rebuild the entire system of work, by the way, a lot has already been done for this, there is a special program that today diagnoses high school students on the subject of which ones they have more, where they should go best, when they have a cat, and here it is also important to take into account other features, features of temperament, that’s because, well, plus an interesting experience here... our journalism faculty, we had representatives, deputy deans of the faculty of journalism, they said that they now have such a tendency that 100% of their applicants are budget students, this is also high motivation, because if
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a person goes to a paid course, we get something , what we get, this is where i will argue, among my classmates there were budget students who later did not work a day in their specialty, i think that among current state employees there is also a certain percentage. it’s impossible to work from scratch if you’ve made a mistake, you’ve made a mistake in your choice of profession, so here , well, maybe there’s still an opportunity in the first year to transfer to another university, and pass exams, by the way, there is such a thing, there’s such an opportunity, and master the profession that after your heart, another option.
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carry out such experiments on teaching staff, so this needs to be stopped, stopped , this is a conservative system, it should train not only professionals, but patriots, statesmen, but here this is not done at the click of a button, i have already said that it takes a generation, it takes time to...
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well deserved, let's listen, education has never been and cannot be outside of politics, you don't just give a profession, you shape the worldview of young people, i'll tell you straight, you are the first to be responsible for national security and are responsible for preserving sovereignty of the country, if there are still people working among you who do not share our approaches, our policies and state ideology, if...
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i think you heard me. oleg viktorovich, have you ever thought about when and how we lost our youth, that they so easily fell for western values, despising everything that they have in the country. of course, the youth who took to the streets in the twenties is the result, this is a consequence of the work that was carried out with them in the nineties, which is what i’m talking about, that they have grown generation. a person is conservative, if it
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is difficult to correct or change their attitudes, because the consciousness of everyone has formed specific archetypes of political behavior, here is religious behavior, corrections. we’ve been building everything from scratch for 30 years, what
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universities were doing, well, look, the beginning of the nineties, yes - how many western foundations we had, i won’t speak for the soros foundation, which developed programs, developed textbooks, our president is the glory god drove this man out of our country, yes, but the consequences remained, the soros foundation worked with a specific segment of our society. and that this money was invested just like that? no, the development of so-called
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non-governmental organizations, the so-called, in quotes, civil society is controlled by the western sabotage, i would say, center? it’s not just that everything was invested, so today there is a colossal amount of work ahead, in politics here it is impossible to take such drastic steps, because politics is the art of the possible, it is always a compromise, it is always a consensus, we really need to be careful.
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now you say, yes, that is, modern students, modern youth, require
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a different approach. do you have some kind of, let’s say, your own vision of what you can now offer to students, current students, well, i understand, there are student teams, yes, that is , following the example there, say, of our parents, who went to raise virgin soil and build for you there and so on, yes, student teams were a very popular trend, so to speak, now they are also being revived, but what else can we offer students besides these?
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then here, please, with a personal example today, those images of young people who today realize themselves, uh, in social activities, in political activities, in economic activities, they are contagious. well, the work, of course, is ours. the example of our southern neighbor should also have a little influence, yes, on these hot minds and cool them down a little, because in pursuit of this europe, for the same western values, we are now seeing what ukraine has become. nevertheless, some citizens there are already beginning to realize their mistakes, here i am i recently saw a video on the internet about how
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a resident of ukraine, during a street survey, was not afraid to express her opinion. let's listen to what she said. i want... three republics, belarus, ukraine and russia , to be together, no one would ever touch them, never, why would europe do this, with their lgbt people or whatever it is, we don’t need it, everything was great with us , yeah, i love both ukraine and russia, my husband and i have lived in ukraine my entire adult life. my ukrainian, who has now been paralyzed for 7 years, we don’t tell anyone are needed here, by no one, i want this war to be stopped tomorrow, but an agreement can be reached, well, that is, this is an example of, yes, that you need to realize in time , stop in time, appreciate what is and not let it go in order to realize what is happening, not to bring
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the country to war, in order to understand what is really valuable, i will say more that the ukrainian people today are a hostage to... does not belong to itself, of course, it is under external control, they are paying for this, for this adventure of the kiev political regime, ordinary citizens when they receive coffins, when entire cemeteries grow near ukrainian villages, towns, cities, this is
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of course, this is more of a tragedy, sooner or later the ukrainian people will wake up from this. all kinds of father makhnoy, father angels , who ruled everything there, well, then soviet power was established and , as they say, the country was revived , the wounds were healed, now we will heal the wounds, we will heal the wounds, after all, this is a tragedy, but for this we need to remove external mentors, external mentors , they have already proven themselves, as i say, the new york
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times published, the new york times did not some other new york times newspaper, and we 'll take a break for a while, after a short pause we'll return to this studio again, sign for now. the program say don’t be silent is on air again in our studio, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, member of the council of the republic, oleg dzichenko. oleg viktorov. in your telegram channel you published a video called “music of a bygone century”, let’s listen, the ship flew away,
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the ship dissipated, a girl, a boy became an adult. in which there is a very rich unique ethnographic exhibition and there is a mobile an exhibition, a traveling exhibition - this is, in essence, a reconstruction of soviet life, a collection... it excited our youth, in this atmosphere, when i was immersed in it, well, such a good
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nostalgia for youth and even childhood, but about representatives of the authorities of the late soviet period said that they are terribly far from the people, well, you probably can’t say that about you, you haven’t become bronzed, probably, and let’s also see how you recently lit up in the agricultural town of veina in the mogilev region. did you surprise those present then? well of course i i was at the polling station
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as an observer, from the council of the republic i watched how the main one was going on on the main voting day, well, i already talked about this today, our art created a festive atmosphere for the residents of the agricultural town, and of course i joined, that’s why to our citizens. we also felt this holiday atmosphere, and of course people also supported, so i’m very pleased, because we do everything for our people, at every voting station there were artists who prepared from our cultural system special programs were performed and made people happy, well, i would like people to also get involved in this process, after all, we are belarusians, we are such simple , creative people, it seems to me that this is even a distinctive feature of ours...
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it is very necessary, neither deputies, neither senators, even after being elected, should isolate themselves from ordinary people, but should be more with their people, so for all my constituents, whom i did not manage to reach during the election campaign, here i am undernourished, we will meet with them in we will hold meetings, we will hold additional meetings in work collectives, because we had limited time from january 31 to february 24, here is the auditing company.
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what impressed you most? this is the temple of god, this is the temple of god, i was, i was here at the inauguration of the head of state, well , this is what was said when the head of state held a meeting with the newly elected parliament, here you really feel proud of our country, it’s very important, that you are not only my workplace for the head of state, where he holds important receptions negotiations are underway, especially since...
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these materials are not always published in the media, and of course the museum, the museum is divine, it is the work of human hands, god bless everyone, it’s just that i’ll tell you more , well, for museum exhibitions, where these gifts from the rulers of the world are today from foreign delegations, you need three 3-4 hours separately, because i, as a person who started as a museum worker, as a museum worker, i worked for a year as heads of museums, i understand
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the value of each exhibit, you know what kind of energy comes from there, that’s in general. you come up, here is this canvas, which was brought as a gift from chinese delegations, from the people's republic of china, you are completely immersed in this atmosphere, here in china, you feel such a positive coming, or gifts that were brought from other statesmen and political figures, there, well 3-4 hours, only you need to visit the museum and the famous machine gun with which alexander lukashenko came out in august 2020, of course, these are generally epoch-making things, i feel like he won’t give us up.
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is always with us, and we will be with him, that’s why, oleg viktorovich, we are in solidarity, we also always voted for alexander grigorievich, unfortunately, you were not in our polling station, so we did not have the opportunity to vote for you, but we we are sincerely glad that you are in this position, a new interesting position, you will now have a lot of work, but much of it is already familiar to you, so we wish you further success and, of course, we are imbued with your open, truthful energy today, thank you. what answered many, including pressing questions, thanks again, success, tatyana cherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, oleg dechenko is speaking now, we are entering a new period of our historical development, therefore, i will not take a step back, only forward, together for a sovereign and independent belarus. oleg viktorovich, well, in
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conclusion, according to our established tradition, i will ask you to leave an autograph and some wish, we will not take a step back, only forward, we will do good together. thank you, thank you.
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we will show you one day in the life of specialists. what is happiness? over the years , you understand that, first of all, it is fate in which you are given a chance to do something very, very useful in your life. something that will remain after you for many years, and maybe even 100 years. all the mechanisms are working properly, which means he did his job correctly, reliably and efficiently, professions in which the best human qualities are revealed, people who proudly do more than just work, every employee is either an employee of my workshop, or this is an employee of some auxiliary workshop, or this is the person who sits at the control panel of the account, this is, in principle
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, a small particle from which... a link is put together, i would say, a ball that rotates around the clock 24x7. here we are creating a new biotechnological industry in our country. watch the project for one day on our tv channel. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened in a week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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we’ll go with you to the coolest and most iconic spots in our country. we came to the village of makashi with a six-hundred-year history to see the local landmark in person. and we decided to combine the mediterranean snail with our potatoes, this is the belarusian potato, the mediterranean snail, that’s me i understand, emotions, feelings, uniqueness
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that will remain with you in your memory for a long time, you can play it like that, or you can collect it like that and tap on the side and...
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