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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:10pm MSK

3:00 pm
you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good afternoon, and briefly about the main thing. motherhood and childhood, participation in the development of society, health protection. at a meeting with activists of the belarusian women's union, the president outlined the main goals of the association for the future and presented state awards.
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workers of the prosecutor's office and the former head of the central election commission in belgium and latvia, accusing government officials of corruption have acquired the scale of high-profile scandals. and a new interpretation of abstract works from authors from eight countries. international art of science project started in minsk. the women's movement in belarus has become a force in society that cannot be ignored. the results of recent elections to parliament and local councils of deputies are further confirmation of this. today the president held a meeting with activists of the belarusian women's union. there are more than 170,000 representatives of the fair sex in its ranks. the role of the association is growing; it is represented in all regional, city and district centers of the country. and recently, when the entire belarusian people's assembly was given constitutional status, the bsjj received the right delegate their representatives to its composition. for the president, this meeting is an opportunity to congratulate and thank the women for theirs.
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work, family responsibilities, creating the most comfortable conditions for realizing oneself in a career, in the honorary status of a mother, is one of the priority tasks. we have given women the opportunity to work part-time, on a flexible schedule or remotely, for example, at home, now you can earn money and do household chores without wasting time on the way to the office, and this is just... the beginning, i, of course, am against this , i
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supporter of the idea that a woman, ahead of a man , went to the office, to dances, to weddings, etc., was in front, and to lock her up at home, so that she would run around the kitchen and cook for men and children to eat, and so that she would remotely somewhere i managed something, it’s not mine, but you wanted it that way, i think, in a little time, you will refuse it and demand from us that we create it normally for you.
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there is no more important issue than the increase, the growth of our population, we have problems with this, i often say, 15, or even 20 million, our belarus with our able-bodied people and resources could feed us, taking into account our geopolitical situation, so we urgently need to reverse this trend of theft, well, here i am...
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exactly this, support for large families, and the military, we are not talking about them yet, we we are talking about this separately, but
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this year, in my opinion, the family capital is expiring, i think that i will have to, i will be happy to make a decision on extending this family capital. about supporting our families, the only thing is that this money goes to someone necessary, but we will preserve the family capital , firstly, health, secondly, education, thirdly, housing, i proceeded from this and would like this money to be spent first of all on this, but most of all on education, so that this child has the opportunity, like our children, both mine and yours , to have a future in this life. therefore , education is first of all, we will preserve this, i think we will preserve it, this is my position on payments for family capital, the president also told how he sees belarus in the future, how to protect young people from modern digital threats, about alien western ideology, about much more. alexander lukashenko warmly
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congratulated the women on the upcoming holiday, and also, according to good tradition, presented state awards. details of the meeting of the head of state with activists of the belarusian women's union in our evening. issues , dozens of women's names were announced today during the summing up of the election campaign at the highest political council of the belaya rus party. representatives of the fair sex won their places in local councils in a fair and competitive fight deputies and the house of representatives of the national assembly. the association provided analytical support and supported its representatives throughout the campaign. the party has done a lot of analytical work to prepare for the elections. we have created one. program of the candidate from the belaya rus party, we provided organizational support at pickets, at speeches of our colleagues with labor collectives, at meetings with citizens, voters, in general the party provided great assistance in the work of candidates
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for deputies, in total this allowed members of the belaya rus party take a good high percentage of seats both in the house of representatives of the national assembly and in local councils... belaya rus has 51 deputies in the house of representatives in local councils and has 3,234 representatives. members of the party's highest political council noted the special level of responsibility that... also during the meeting , the party's work plan for the current year was approved.


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