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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 5, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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our investors have invested billions of dollars in the economy of belarus. the whole process begins with the procurement of our own raw materials; trees are cut down on leased plots allocated by the state. some 20 years ago. they cut it and sold it as raw materials, but stopped in time and restarted. in a country that is one of the most forested in the world, it naturally suggested itself that wood processing would firmly establish a feed mill today - these are 43 countries around the world where we supply our products. the president of our country gives as souvenirs products from our plant. last year , almost 247,00 citizens came to us visa-free from lithuania, about 126,00 residents and more than 42,500 poles from latvia. neither the closure of checkpoints nor the attempts of our neighbors to intimidate their own citizens with far-fetched problems during their stay on belarusian territory had any effect. we come home and get some more procedures and it’s simple. you come to relax the main topics on
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the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 244 tv channel
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. this is an understandable policy, hello, be careful, blind osce, many walls in donbass are painted with such telling inscriptions. this is how local residents assessed the work of the monitoring mission, which often did not notice the actions of ukrainian militants, but if only that. an example is the village of golubovsky, where even the last dog knew that the osce, driving through the front line to the ukrainian... collected information on video recorders and transferred it to the ukrainian military, and then the federal media were amazed, how is it possible, ukrainian militants knew where and what the lugansk and donetsk troops are stationed with, why an organization called to fight for security turned out to be its killer, why peace did not come to other countries during the peacekeeping watch, a custom-made mission in an understandable policy, we will show the true face of the osce with so many facts and conclusions for you to draw.
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legally, obai is primarily a neutral organization; during conflicts, its employees monitor around the clock. the mission is unarmed, which in the same ukraine since 2014 has undertaken to impartially and objectively monitor the course of the confrontation, as well as contribute to the resolution of disputes. today it is obvious that the obeshniks failed on all counts. in april 2022, the dpr ministry of state security uncovered a spy network with the participation of osce observers. it turned out that the video cameras of the international mission were used by the ukrainian military for reconnaissance and adjusting fire on positions. it is important that the cameras appeared after an urgent request from the osce. back in 2018 , special video surveillance towers were installed along the entire line of combat contact. first isvogo mission left donbass, the towers remained. one of these cameras was discovered by the russians. retreating
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to soushniki, they shot it, but failed to completely destroy it. throughout this entire period, working in conflict conditions in the territories, they were supposed to monitor violations of the ceasefire, but they found themselves integrated into the fire control system of the armed forces of ukraine, and they directed this very fire.
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the osce special monitoring mission to ukraine was supposed to help resolve the conflict in the region. in fact, the organization's employees were spying for ministry of defense ukraine and other foreign intelligence services. there are many surprising facts in the materials of our russian colleagues. here, a detained employee of the osce mission in donbass, vadim golda, says that he had to collect information about dangerous enterprises of the dpr, such as a mercury mine and others, and perform other functions unusual for the osce in the food situation. and the video information of the mission was not controlled at all. the video surveillance system was completely subordinated to kiev. and data. cameras from the contact line went only to kiev right away, there was a team that analyzed this data and then produced the results. but how the ukrainian side used the video is also very clearly shown by journalists. the computer that was found at the positions
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of the ukrainian military contains a huge number of files recorded from those same osce cameras, what identical videos, it turns out that all this...
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is about the leadership of these republics, information was collected about military-industrial facilities in their territory, which was also used for subsequent strikes, also, again, the information that the osce collected was later used by ukraine in various, let’s say, unfriendly actions against the dpr and lpr, that is, in essence, the bsi acted simply like a shirma, accordingly, of course, it did not perform its functions, including including within the framework of the signed minsk agreements, where the osce was essentially one of the guarantors, that is , the osce, which, according to its mandate and basic principles, was supposed to be impartial, not take sides and report only objective facts, it turned out to be not easy
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biased structures, and also purposefully worked for foreign intelligence. questions also arose regarding staffing. at different times , hundreds of osce employees worked in donbass. this was the largest mission in the history of the organization, and it later turned out that among the participants there were active members of the armed forces of nato countries, using their legal status as diplomatic... among the international observers were former nato military personnel who had previously participated in combat operations in afghanistan and even employees counterintelligence of western countries. at the same time, the mission was positioned as neutral and was supposed to monitor the situation on the contact line, but in essence the employees were engaged in collecting and transferring intelligence. when the spy network under the roof of the osce was revealed theatrically. indignation, as if on cue, came from the high stands. voices well known to belarus sounded in this choir.
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this fact greatly outraged the osce chairman, the minister of foreign affairs of poland sbig nevarau, who called such actions unacceptable and demanded the release of his employees, and also caused extreme dissatisfaction with the us ambassador to the organization, michael carpenter, the same ex-adviser to president joe biden that he actively fueled in 2020. unrest in belarus, he said that the accusations of espionage by the osce mission to ukraine were lies. by the way, the monitoring mission also recruited locals for reconnaissance. thus, dmitry shabanov and maxim petrov, citizens of the lpr who worked in the abce office, received 13 years for treason. officially they worked as translators, but in fact they collected information about the military, equipment and deployment of air defense systems. recruitment of agents among localities. the missionaries dealt with the residents systematically. alexey kazakov, manager of the lugansk osce team, said that during the start
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of the special operation he was asked to report details of the situation in the lpr, report the coordinates of the location of russian units and equipment. it is noteworthy that even after expulsion from the lpr , foreign mission employees tried to continue intelligence activities and recruit spies among citizens. and after the liberation of mariupol, the russian military discovered the osce office is a mortar warehouse. directly cooperates with these western intelligence services, so there is no need to have any illusions
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, there are no independent international organizations, this does not exist in nature, as we are convinced that there are no independent organizations, but this is all happening before our eyes, all these organizations by whom -they are controlled, their goals are completely different, they carry out tasks that are assigned to them by those who, strictly speaking, finance these organizations, from a platform of dialogue to the dictates of a military alliance, it turned out to be quite a short path. after all, by coordinating its actions with kiev, it turns out that the osce, at least indirectly, interacts with nato, openly accepting one of the sides in the conflict, without reacting to the murder of civilians in donbass. the osce, like most other international organizations , turned out to be politically biased. the organization hid in its reports facts of war crimes on the part of kiev, for example, shelling of residential areas or sniper fire on civilians if those working on the ground were watching.
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can be justified in the sense that they wrote clearly those reports that the customer needed, but then let’s admit bias, let’s not teach others examples of democracy and stop hiding behind the flair of pompous words, observe impartially, promote dialogue and other maxims that the osce has learned to formulate over the years filigree. the monitoring mission was accused of espionage and incitement even before the ukrainian events. in not a single country engulfed in military conflict has the european observer mission been successful
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yourself positively or effectively. with their appearance in kosovo, the terrorist activity of albanians from the kosovo liberation army against the serbian population not only intensified, but was secretly encouraged. armenia has also questioned the relevance of the existence of the osce. foreign minister ara ayvazyan said that the osce failed to protect its core values. principles and obligations in the context of the war in nagorno -karabakh and this fact calls into question the relevance of the existence of the osce as a regional mechanism and organization for peaceful settlement of disputes. the beginning of the end of yugoslavia also has its roots here, not directly, but the connection is obvious, and the osce report also appears here. the head of the mission in kosovo at that time was the american william walker, closely associated with the cia. today he is called one of the perpetrators of information provocation, which became the reason for the brutal bombing of belgrade. everything happened in the kosovo village of
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racak. in 1999, information was received that the serbian police had allegedly executed 45 albanian civilians there; the village leader suddenly visited osce control mission in kosovo and metohija, the same william walker, after which he told the whole world that he saw a mountain of bodies, that is, shot civilians. without a trial, he placed the blame on the serbian police. and after that, nato aircraft terrorized the residents of belgrade with aerial bombs for more than two months. the western press, playing along with the osce, will call this an invasion of a sovereign state.
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raise these questions, the osce is either profaning or ignoring these facts, that is, of course, there is no independence of judgment, and there is no talk of any objectivity there for a long time now, the peace organization has miserably failed its peacekeeping tasks in many regions, transnistria, karabakh and
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others, showing a lack of political competence and, most importantly, will in resolving armed conflicts. in fact , it did nothing to implement the minsk agreements. osce missions also worked in the zone of the georgian-abkhaz conflict in south ossetia and a number of other locations of the former ussr. their presence, however, did not imply active attempts to lead the parties to resolve conflicts; it was reduced to monitoring, whose performers have been repeatedly accused of bias. in addition to working in conflict zones, the osce actively participated in monitoring elections in post-soviet countries and after each one.
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they prepared the detention protocols in advance and lost them, well, naturally, our guys found them and took a photo on my table, we didn’t take it from them, they took a photo on my table , listen, 2 days before the elections this voting is going on, they have already crossed out our elections, bad, bad, really bad, well
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, why invite them here if they come absolutely normal people, then they came now, they get... good money , protocols were written from above, they were ordered as they should be, the handwriting was american, with such an anglo-saxon flavor, all this is familiar to me, on the very first day of the night they ended voting today , tomorrow morning they read this protocol, we compare one to one, well, what’s the point of inviting, after 30 years of relations with our country, no one has been expecting anything from the osce for a long time, and therefore does not invite agents of influence. it’s strange to have a normal attitude towards the constitution, which was originally perceives himself as an enemy, and biased false clichés replace that very impartial monitoring, becoming an instrument of political blackmail and subsequent ones. pressure. in the case of the electoral process, osce observation missions became an instrument of diplomatic pressure, and sometimes outright interference in the electoral
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process. often they came to our country with ready-made manuals on how to organize democratic elections, introduced technologies that the west uses, prepared election monitoring in advance and public sentiment. over the last 30 years they have tried to impose it on us, especially the collective west.
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ensure peace and maintain relations between countries at a normal level, but the platform for respectful dialogue has transformed into a politicized and marginal structure, an appendage of the eu and nato, where washington and its vassals rule, imposing their cynical policies on the world. naturally, everyone is in favor... supposedly human rights, supposedly regulating, are not neutral, they work exclusively in their own interests and for fulfilling their tactical and strategic goals. and the balance of personnel in the same osce was not always ensured, both at the leadership level, such structures, supposedly supervisory, and at the level of workers, there was a strong bias towards the representation of western states, but if our citizens got a job in this organization, they were always looked at askance , in their regard. they always used additional political tests for political loyalty, and if such a state position was discovered, they were systematically squeezed out of the osce’s work,
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therefore, it is not surprising that our work flows to the regional level in the cis, csto and sco. the osce is turning into a club of interests, our diplomat andrei savinykh will openly say this in vienna from the rostrum of the osce parliamentary assembly. according to the sovenykhs , the regime of control over ordinary people is a thing of the past. in europe , trust-building mechanisms are paralyzed, negotiation formats are not working, the shameful practice of psychological manipulation, hysterical bombast, as well as slanderous statements that we see from the collective west, only leads to deepening dividing lines , one cannot but agree with this, the european model of ensuring security within the osce has been replaced by a nato-centric model, and if so, then the osce as a defender of european interests loses its meaning, and... security in the understanding of respecting the balanced interests of the countries of the european region, there is no longer any talk. in general, this is what the widespread imposition of democratic
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standards has resulted in, and the high-profile story of espionage for the armed forces of ukraine, it seems, has finally finished off the reputation, no longer of the osce, but rather proxy squad guarding the global west. now she is a servant for the selfish interests of the owner. and a pro-western spectacle that kills security. it's important to understand this. happily. the largest nato exercises since the cold war are starting, they will also take place in poland and the baltic countries, this is a kind of rehearsal for the third world war. the intention of this exercise is to transfer troops here to the eastern flank and to quickly deploy them nearby. our borders, the creation of strike groups and the conduct of various strategic operations, first of all, offensive in nature, it is planned to involve more than 90 thousand
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personnel and several thousand pieces of equipment. this year belarus will celebrate 80 years since its liberation from the nazi invaders. the memory of those events is as important as the preparedness of our military and security blocs. generally repel any danger of putting the enemy in his place. it is also important to remember that we are descendants of winners who will not agree to anything less. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the tv channel belarus 24.


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