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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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at the horizon site, involve them in economic activities, do not slow down the pace of production of our own products , increase also export sales, and of course, work out the moments of modernization of further production, that is, the purchase of equipment, the total number of areas is 59 m2, 23 of them is already involved in economic activity, a medical center is successfully functioning on the basis of the horizon, and a scientific center is concentrated. the localization of produced television equipment is also systematically increasing; almost 5.00 televisions were produced in 2 months of this year. clinical trials of the first biological prosthetic heart valves made in belarus are being carried out at the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology. seven operations have already been successfully carried out. the patients’ condition is stable; the planx b aortic endoprosthesis, created jointly with russian colleagues, helps prolong life. it is a frameless tricuspid. pericardial
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artificial heart valve. this model is designed to support the functioning of the organ and ensure normal blood circulation in the human body. the need for bioprostheses is increasing all the time. the population is aging mainly due to senile degenerative defects. now we have started testing two types of prostheses. one planx b, biological, which is produced by the planar concern. we have already performed seven operations, they all went well, and to be honest, the parameters that they give out.
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the adoption of the constitution, the year of quality and the anniversary of the classics of belarusian literature. this year the event site will be widely represented by countries near and far abroad. representatives of about 20 countries are planned to participate, including iran, egypt, russia, china, as well as the european union. during the book exhibition, there will be an international quarter, where authors will present their works, traditional master classes, and creative meetings will be held. hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, well, the first most important stage in the great electoral process has been completed, it has taken place.
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will return, including in the country, given that we will now have a very interesting time with you, nevertheless, marina nisanovna, here you are what are you personally preparing for, for responsible work, i will work the same way i worked with dedication, and you know that yes, times are difficult, but this convocation of ours, it showed that deputies are professionals, this is right, as the president says , professionals , reliable people who know how to navigate time, august...
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this is even here and there cannot be other options. here alek sergeevich, before the start of the program, said that there is still a lot to be done, so the convening of bills that are completing their work will be considered in parliament and accept. that is, in fact, the fact that the term of office has expired, practically, does not mean that bills still need to be passed , and we work almost every day with the old convocation and will work until the last day, every deputy who worked in that convocation , will be in demand by the state.
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i am convinced that everyone will find their place, and as for personal feelings, i will not pretend to be happy, of course, that is, i dreamed of being a deputy for the second time, and i do not hide my emotions, i am proud. and i very i am grateful to the people and worried no less than the first time, more because i went for the second time and i was counting off what i had done in previous years, then i also don’t hide it, i want to work even better, because i think that in 5 years and in 10, because i want to always be useful to this country, so work, what are you getting ready for, well, of course for me, of course, on the one hand , this is a feeling of joy, on the other hand, a sense of responsibility begins. very important such a responsible stage of activity, in during which there is a lot to be done to maintain peace in the world, improve the lives of our citizens in general for the successful development of our state, so of course there is a great responsibility and a responsible approach to business, i think this will be the leadership of my deputy, but the elections were calm
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in general, of course , this speaks of a certain maturity of our society, which means people have come to a conclusion about what these radical revolutionary transformations that we see are spreading can lead to. to the whole world, yes, that means or among our southern neighbors, this is the most striking example of how easy it is to lose peace and tranquility and what can be achieved as a result, so the attitude is the same, there is no need to destroy what exists , we need to improve it and develop it further, and it turns out interesting, the calmer it is we have elections, especially an irritated enemy, this means that we need to prepare for the fact that they will somehow try to take revenge, of course, this means that these western centers of power are determined to shake up as many countries and states as possible . more along the perimeter of the russian federation, given that we have a union state with the russian federation, in belarus this is the preservation of peace, it’s like an eyesore for these western bigwigs, of course, i believe that this is absolutely true, this is, unfortunately, a geopolitical situation oleg sergeevich , as an experienced politician, i want to ask you, because it is clear that when
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leaders make some statements at a high level, then what is important is how they speak and what they say, almost a set of words, because here every shade matters the president talks to reporters. after the elections, wake up in some other country, everything is destroyed, everything is all over again, some populist is standing, talking, there is, and the worst thing for any belarusian,
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that’s why the elections went well, that we woke up in the same country, the same terrible, we will soon come to a bright future, and many generations still remember this gorbachev and yeltsin, this is the first reaction, here within the country. means that they won’t rock it, they’re just our enemies far beyond the border, they also had a sigh, just a sigh of sadness, because it’s not they themselves understand perfectly well that in the scenario that the president voiced, it will be more difficult to shake things up, that is, look, lukashenko is the only one who breathed a sigh of relief, but behind the word, in one sentence, he hasn’t even said anything yet, in fact, he said, tell me, i’ll go, i’ll go, he didn’t say anything further.
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we will move on to discussing the context in which our elections took place and in which we will prepare for the next important stages: nato is preparing for war, and how else can we understand such movements. the baltic railway, which will pass through stalin, riga, kaunas, warsaw, and berlin, is included in the military
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mobility project. this will allow fighters to freely move military supplies across europe. later, the route will include finland, and there are plans to convert moldovan and ukrainian routes to european gauge. on the way, under the pretext of an imaginary russian invasion, nato functionaries are openly moving nato’s military infrastructure closer to the borders of russia and belarus. alexey, here you are a couple of days ago, when we met on a big talk show, we were all told that, in general , nothing would end quickly, that until 2035 they would test our teeth, you also had this in mind, yes, the only thing here, i’ll probably add that according to nato plans, they were approved back in the fifteenth year, a program of investments began in the creation of not only transport and logistics infrastructure, but also military...
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writes: after sweden joined the alliance, the baltic sea became internal to nato,
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if russia dares to challenge the north atlantic alliance, kaliningrad will be neutralized first. yes , and please note that these major exercises that began in february of this year, which unites a huge group of nato forces, at the beginning they said that it would be about 40,000, now it is already 90,000. moreover, the main issue that was worked out was not just maneuvers at our borders, but most importantly, it was working out topics related to the transfer of a huge number of forces and assets from port infrastructure, that is, american troops, british troops, through german ports, directly to our border, that is, what does this mean , it is clear that this is preparation for an offensive operation, including remember that more than once... the topic of expanding the suwalki corridor was discussed, expansion, it is clear that at the expense of our territory, that is, this
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just within the borders of grodno and ivya, but for them the most dangerous thing, of course, they are openly discussing this, is the presence on our territory of tactical nuclear weapons and multiple launch rocket systems that have a large range of action, look, the minister of defense answers in tv channel interview: russia 24, victor khrenin says: “we will not stand on ceremony.” here are two short quotes. ukraine has turned its border area into a fortified area, concentrated an attack force of 112-114 thousand people on the border with belarus, and sabotage groups are being sent from ukraine. and this: the armed forces of belarus are fully prepared for the development of any situations in the region. for this, we have a well-trained army, equipped with the most modern types of weapons, including.
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belarus, this is impossible, nothing will happen in a direct collision, why alone the sarmat missile, one example, you don’t even
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have to go far, one sarmat missile with a nuclear charge hits the entire territory of france, this is about comrade macron, who was talked about a lot, further means further, that is, there will be no direct collision, everyone will be destroyed, and our minister of defense very tactfully and diplomatically hints at this, that if anyone thinks that someone will stand on ceremony with these tank divisions standing on the border.
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russia should not and cannot win,
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macron concluded. this resonated even with some meeting participants. prime minister of slovakia robert fitzer said this: about what has already been said here, that nato is an instrument of the united states of america, naturally, this means that these are the ruling elites who are in power today in the vast majority of european countries, they, unfortunately, probably for their peoples , they do not represent their interests, but are moving in the russle given to them from overseas, in the russles, in fact, which is aimed at weakening european countries, on the one hand, the elimination
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of an economic competitor, on the other hand, complication means the situation in some way of the russian federation, but by retraction. these countries, possible military conflicts, the transfer of weapons, this is what macron is talking about, this all goes in line with overseas interests, which means that they are promoted by the united states of america, trying to preserve this unfair unipolar world order, in this you need to be clearly aware of, but what do you think, this is the reaction there from germany, other countries, including stoltenberg, who say no, no, no, we are not going to send our troops, macron got something wrong, it ’s really a reluctance to send in, or they were just afraid that macron... told what they talked about behind closed doors, i think, most likely the second, because they seem to be calculating possible options, it is clear , that means they are waiting for an opportune moment, as was said, they are talking about the situation in some new states, including here in belarus, in order to use this moment for the next round of this military tension, resistance, pulling into maximum of their own is interesting, there is one more
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truth for europe, a sad truth that they should know, that the americans will never fight for them, yeah. nato plans, which were still discussed at the beginning of 2010, that is, we see very clearly that nato at some stage decided, so they decided to take the black sea from the russian federation and take the baltic sea. they discussed this back in 2010, and it was just
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some theory or some discussions, but now the situation has unfolded after the start of the svo. not in their direction, that is, they are not in the black sea captured as they planned , did not receive crimea, russia was not cut off from the black sea coast, they, now through the involvement of finland and sweden in nato, are actually trying to take revenge, revenge for the black sea, taking away the baltic sea, but we have already included this in our programs more than once they said where this ideology comes from, remember in 1800. colonel lasley evans, british, writes the book “transformation of russia”, he wrote in this book even then: in order to deprive the russian empire of its status. world power, it is necessary to cut it off from the seas, why? because the sea is a continuation of trade routes. moreover, he wrote in this book that it is necessary to bomb
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kronshtat and sevastopol, that’s all, all those maneuvers that we see now, they fit exactly into this ideology, but the problem is that this is exclusively their desire, this is their ideology, both macron and scholz, the american british elite, they studied according to these old canons, these old... i also looked at the comments that medvedev gave, he called this statement by macron, uncontrolled enuresis, verbally, well, probably yes
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, some kind of uncontrollable flow of words, but it seems to me, you know, here is europe, it really is some kind of phantom pain there, they are madly afraid of russia, you remember 1812, when napoleon fled, and through the berezina , they remember the second world war, they also remember other historical ones... they are furious with the statement, so i will now quote a french politician and journalist, an influential person in france, jean luc milanchon, he says this: sending troops to ukraine will make us a warring country, war
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with russia would be madness, this bellicose verbal escalation by one nuclear power against another major nuclear power is an irresponsible act concludes that parliament must say no, it is time to negotiate peace in ukraine with mutual security terms.
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they brought europe to its knees, just as they , by the way, tried to bring russia to its knees in the early nineties, when we were receiving humanitarian aid, and chicken, chicken,
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supposedly this was help, at that time they were taking everything out of russia, today the americans are taking everything from europe they are exporting, they are exporting industry, they are exporting everything that is left, the best minds are being exported, all because of the loss of sovereignty, that is why our president, every meeting, every speech, begins with sovereignty for... 5 years of zelensky’s presidential term are ending, one of the main issues that are being discussed within ukraine are the issue of zelensky’s legitimacy, such as
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the military situation and the machine gun. 2004, 2014, in 2024, the monolith of power in ukraine begins to crumble. here is vyacheslav viktorovich, what does this tell you? well, of course, this suggests that, unfortunately, ukraine is approaching the line beyond which it can simply be liquidated as a state, and those ruling elites who are at the head, yes, that means, who actually led the country to the situation that today day is available, they are naturally
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responsible for this, and i think that...
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they plunged it into a military conflict, which means, in fact, the resources, the richest country ukraine, this is the richest breadbasket of the soviet union, was once in the end it turns out, it has come to its collapse and is actually suffering this catastrophe of statehood, what we are today, but what do you think, the question of legitimacy, how far it will go, well, does this threaten zelensky? well, of course, from my point of view, it is threatening, it is quite possible , which means that he will lose power, which means his sad end may be, even completely, which means that his life may end... today we have come to the situation where zelensky’s rating , trust, distrust of the population in him, does not affect anything in the fate of ukraine, because it is under complete external control, if zelensky tomorrow the rating will be zero, but biden will decide and the white house that he still needs to lead ukraine, he will lead ukraine if
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he has... a rating of 50%, figuratively speaking , or 40, but biden and the white house will decide that it’s time to clean up and exchange for a more convenient candidate, which would seem to give a new breath to the war, then they will do it, the trouble is that without asking people, look how interesting it is, in 2004, in 2014, the osce applauded, the closer kiev was to the disaster, the louder they became, everyone was there. in the west speaks of undemocratic my friends, the osce said in 1414 that maidan is not bad, it’s wonderful when people are killed in the street, it’s good when people are burned, when elections turned into a civil war, this is normal, this is democracy, the whole essence of these international structures , we must understand, not in tracking the elections, not in actually observing the voting process, this is you know who is watching the geopolitics.
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decides, osce, russia is now making a decision , unfortunately they don’t even have this, the european parliament itself doesn’t do anything at all the state duma about leaving the osce platform , volodin already said this, the head of the state duma, because it has simply turned into a stupid gathering, so our
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chairman of the commission on international affairs - sovenykh andrei vladimirovich came, he spoke there on behalf of belarus, he said that what’s happening there, the organization has lost so much sovereignty, here’s an interesting observation, he ’s speaking on the sidelines and coming up.
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the outcome is inevitable, the question is how long will it take, how many people will go to their graves, well , this is obvious to everyone now, if only the negotiations went well at the beginning of the northern military district, well, it was a completely different situation, no matter how many people were kept alive, but today we see how many are in their graves, that’s what ’s scary, and today the president is telling them again if you don’t sit down at the negotiating table now , ukraine as a state will disappear altogether.
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russia has not yet used the weapons that it has, by 30%, because we can now perfectly compare how the united states acts in the middle east, simply wiping out cities from the face of the earth, and how it acts russia. alexey, yes, here, probably, for a comprehensive understanding of that situation by our viewers.
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this company, in the end, they themselves came to the age of trying to implement everything, but they started a dead end, they realized that they did not have enough resources, they were faced with a huge, not just a machine, but a makina in the form of the russian federation, including allies, we must say that there are allies, and the west is faced with the fact that it does not control the whole world, and the whole world is not subordinate to them. and this is the biggest shock for them, naturally, in these situations, they have only one scenario , to escalate the situation further, they are already going to the bank, in fact, they will either lose or at least win something, but within these elites, the
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statements that we see, there is definitely an understanding that if they take another such strategic negative step towards russia, then this may end, of course , it won’t not just work out, but they will try from within,
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for example, through the topic of an imaginary takeover, by a province there, and so on, it would seem, after twenty second year general topic irrelevant, but from time to time strange articles appear in the russian media, by the way, on sunday journalists asked alexander lukashenko, including the union state, what is bad, i see my colleagues, this does not concern president putin, two or three others. maybe this doesn’t even concern the military in russia, they understand that there must be two sovereign, independent states, which, as i said, can create a unique association that will be more powerful than some unitary state, so today we can say that on the knees belarus stands before russia, tomorrow we will include it in russia, even if you work in russia, you would never vote for this, this should not be done, it will not bring any benefit. we need to step by step, step by step
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, calmly, evolutionarily solve the problems that face us, here in our union state, just like the mess with sanctions began, many issues have disappeared on their own, and if in russia, especially , yes, in belarus, someone thinks that a union state, tomorrow we will unite, there will be power in the kremlin again and so on and so forth, look, i'm the outgoing president, i say this often.
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conditions under which it is necessary to tear off directly such a term is introduced: tear off they say: our main task is to create belarus from the russian federation within the framework of a union state, that is , a union state for them, for western countries, is a direct threat, there is no union state, which means belarus alone with its conventionally armed forces with its own economy, naturally on the scale of global sanctions, on the scale...
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supposedly threatens our sovereignty from the moment of its creation, but if at the time of its creation
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there was nothing to compare with, then now, 30 years later, it is possible to compare the european union and the union state, where sovereignty disappears? today in the european union , the countries of eastern europe that entered there have lost their sovereignty, and the proof is right now in the square of paris, other countries where farmers dump crap, it’s true, there is no sovereignty, countries are not independent in making decisions, the second thing is why this is being done ? there is only one goal: to destroy the union state, drive a wedge, and if they write about this in the russian media, i have only one conclusion, the fifth column that exists in russia is still... not completely cleaned up, because only an enemy of the union state, only an enemy of real integration can speak that belarus is on the bread market, that belarus can somehow - which means it must lose its statehood, and there is a third truth that everyone in russia knows, politicians, i meet with all the leaders of
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the state duma faction, not only russia strengthens the sovereignty of belarus and the statehood of the union, and this is true, it strengthens the sovereignty, but also russia. strengthens its sovereignty and statehood in an alliance with belarus, we mutually strengthen each other, this is a fact of life, and lukashenko, the most ardent supporter of integration, he came to power with these slogans, he fought for this integration, he met with governors when yeltsen it was not necessary when the top of russia did not need this integration, he sat down in minsk, he received governors and built an alliance brick by brick, but then russia got lucky. just as we were lucky in 1994, when lukashenko came to power, so russia was lucky, they did not expect putin to come, they thought yeltsin’s successor would continue the disastrous policy of the collapse of russia, and he began to raise russia from its knees, one of the steps for russia to become strong - this is the union of belarus and russia. and the last point: here are the baltic friends, hear me, your sovereignty and independence
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are possible only in a union state with belarus and russia. therefore, quickly leave the european union, drive away crazy with yours. russia is worried that russia will not be strong, well, we must understand already, there will not be a strong russia, there will not be a single strong post-soviet country, there will not be a safe europe, and the most amazing thing is that there will be no europe without russia, this is a fairy tale. but there is one more truth, without a strong, independent belarus, a restless belarus, without the belarus that exists now, there will be no strong russia, why did they invest millions to overthrow the government here, for one simple reason, if it worked out, russia would have weakened, as they would have digested belarus, but the main goal was different,
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since the collapse of the ussr, there has been one goal, to destroy russia once and for all, and belarus is like a brez fortress, like when the nazis were surprised how they passed through all of europe.
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udc. at the moment, in practice, we have frozen our participation in this organization, he said this while on a visit to france. according to pashinyan, the udkb did not fulfill its responsibilities towards armenia during the karabakh events. this is not the first time that such an assessment has been made by the prime minister of armenia. in in 2022, pashinyan refused to sign the final document of the csto council for the absence of a clause in it condemning azerbaijan. in 2023 , armenia demonstratively did not participate in the csto exercises. instead trying to build contacts with nato. at the polling station on sunday, journalists asked alexander lukashenko about this situation and he commented. why are there such statements, the prime minister said about this. and...
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usa biden will support ukraine, armenia and so on, tomorrow the government will change and trump will say, listen, i don’t know you, friends my friends, this is the first time i see you, what was wrong, and even worse in afghanistan, remember when the afghans clung to the shasha, take us, take us, we worked for you, we fell and died, in such a compact, small state as armenia , there... belarus and others, there is no need to make sudden movements , thin ice, we will fall through, no one will reach,
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on the contrary, push with your foot so that you will choke there, so there is no need to rush for the armenians, it seems to me that nikola byvaevich was just in a hurry and made an emotional statement, well, the president is very tactful, diplomatically, like a wise leader who works for creation. in the post-soviet space commented on this situation , this is correct, because it is easy to destroy alliances, belarus has always done its best to maintain these alliances and remove contradictions, by the way, if anyone criticizes the csto, my friends, i want them to look at nato, there are contradictions in the csto, well, 100 times less than in the nato bloc, there’s turkey, they generally have their own vision, even though they are a member of nato, but believe me, they will never talk to do as the americans want them to do on many issues is another matter, which means armenia.
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you correct yourself, how much sovereignty there is in this decision of armenia, and then you follow the next, as it were, logical path, into the next chain, which leads to the fact that we already see the example of ukraine, why armenia thinks that these will be different, the security guarantees that france has already given, there will be no security, they need a war, but where does it all begin? the last thing and i’m silent, it means there’s no need to come to power from the street, no we need to let the soros foundation into the country, everything will be fine, as soon as the soros foundation is in the country...
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because either you are in the csto, or you left the csto. the country’s parliament has not made any decisions on this matter, this is the first, second, really very complex region, and armenia must understand that it needs to interact with russia, it needs to be friends, it needs to be in a bloc alliance. france, well, we know that it likes to wag its tail, then, you know, france, well, let’s think about it, here’s the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan, you do you think france will join? armenia
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is now looking towards iran and iran supports armenia, allegedly even supplies weapons there, there is such information, but iran has a very difficult relationship with azerbaijan, and we must not forget that more than, well, there are, in my opinion, 35 million ethnic azerbaijanis living in iran almost 42% and iran. came all the countries that actually refused and renounced the military presence of france, because france did not defend any of their interests, these states, but
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promoted its interests, where these countries turned states in the russian federation. the french republic , on which there is a monument to those french soldiers , there is also a separate territory of the army, soldiers, officers who died just crossing this through the berezina next to the student, so we probably
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need to organize such massive visits of french citizens to us. yes, we have no visas , come, look, see how many graves there really are, and show what the policies of populists like macron always lead to in the end, and - in our region and in the region where they are trying to enter, this is armenia, azerbaijan, yes, but something else is important, if in part of armenia, they are trying through - armenia to stab us in the back through those through integration projects that we, yes, including thanks efforts of our president , created a long period of time, yes, if we focus on security issues, yes, security issues are not related to the policy of aggression, they are always related to the policy of defense, protection of us, members, then we openly
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see that those forces who are now... operates in armenia, it is not only pashinyan , pashinyan is only a certain leader, yes , who act in this, they act precisely to create a separation of all our forces, so of course we must take measures to ensure the protection of interests adkb, in principle , there is only one moment left in our interests in this region, which means, you understand, everyone wants us to quarrel in the post-soviet world, i want to point out. this means, after all, the position of our president that he never succumbs to this, in any conflict disputes, he knows that they would applaud, let’s all quarrel there, belarusians with armenians, azerbaijanis with everyone, yes , he’s working for unity, look how he carefully assesses any conflicts in the post-soviet space, do you think he ’s afraid to say something, no, he can say much harsher and ruder, he just understands
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that we need to work for unity, this is very important, behind a single day there is a voice.
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well, finally, we talk a lot about ukraine, but it’s clear why, only one of the answers is who benefits from the war. bbc: the war in ukraine is dramatic spurred demand for american weapons, their exports in the last fiscal year rose to a record $238 billion, according to a state department report. once again, this is not the only reason, but one of the answers to the question of who benefits. that's when we say
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that there is a global demand for justice and... the world order is bursting at the seams, it is important to understand that the inhabitants of the wondrous garden, in barel's terminology, will fight to the end, and do it desperately, whoever we are opposing is best suited... time-tested definition about 300% profit, it is attributed to marx, but the author of capital was just quoting a real expert on the issue, thomas dunning. capital avoids the noise of abuse and is distinguished by its fearful nature. this is true, but it is not the whole truth. capital fears no profit or too little profit, just as nature fears emptiness, but once sufficient profit is available, capital becomes bold. provide.
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he violates all human laws, at 300% there is no crime that he would not risk, at least under pain of the gallows, a global battle is coming, we are certainly not in it first roles, but this does not mean at all that we will be able to sit out in the country, the world is taking an exam, and we are passing it. state as a people, we should not forget about this. that's all for today, happy. let's go on a trip to belarus. it consists of a defensive line, a trench and dugouts. the crossing was held and within a few hours the main forces
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of the tank corps moved along it. with us, you will receive a charge of positive emotions. can i do what? stars appeared from my eyes because this, this is incredibly delicious. visit vivid sights of our country. dear friends, we are in a city that has long been considered the cultural center of belarus. it is famous primarily for its luxurious castle, which for a long time was the residence of the rodivils. tourists can easily immerse themselves in the era when this place was ruled by a famous tycoon. mouth, who knows, perhaps one of the rodivil princes once sat in this chair, look in the program, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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