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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 6, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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quickly at the wash station, to the start, attention , march, come on, come on, come on, yogo, what, come on , kostya, well,
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guys, a little more, carefully, oh, come to me, so, hold it, girl with a paddle, be careful, oh, misha, misha, misha, hold on, you ’re alive, what am i to you, misha, where is that damn general with the documents, what’s wrong with him, how long will we have to wait for him, i refuse the deal. misha, misha,
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stop, where are you going, misha, good afternoon, hello, you are sick, we are from the police. we are looking for one person, but there is a card, there is a card, you know from a citizen, you know, in the photo you have flights mikhail smirnov from traumatology, who has no memory , but you know, he’s already been discharged, but we know that he’s been discharged, the question is where, well, how to go home to his wife, yaderina matrinovna, and she, where does she live in moscow, huh? i don’t know, i’ll look now, but no,
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you know, local, um, sosnov, from the north lane, house 46, m, but for some reason the apartment is not included, uh-huh, yeah, what’s this for? this is for assistance to law enforcement agencies, uh-huh, and non-disclosure of classified information during the investigation, uh-huh, uh-huh. and what we didn’t have here, okay, uh-huh, okay, here you go the pills that nelya arkadyevna prescribed for you, now you want to drink it, i didn’t already swallow it, well, thank you, i don’t know that she found me, forgive me, please, i didn’t mean to at all, i did it by accident. and i actually wanted
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to tell you something, no, wait, let me tell you, thank you, i understand that i’m not a gift, hold on, i throw fits and tantrums, well, you don’t have any fits at all, you’re a very good person, in everything is fine for you, your face, your soul, and amnesia, i am amnesiac, i don’t remember anything, i don’t even understand who it is? oh, and you don't you give up, the country took me out with friends, introduced me, in general, thank you very much,
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guys, go eat a watermelon! let's go to! well, what did you want to say? me. oh, you swim so well, so fast, come to me, oh, chekoto, wait, let's go. to lead a patience, turn around your day, see how the world goes, fill the empty space, cuz
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love is wonder than this place, joy is what makes you real, now you've been up. joy is your place, joy beats your life, breads your illusion, joy is your queen. the song of iradzim stops, maybe everything will change, the forests are clear, the smoke of spring is unknown, the trees are clear, only this life will
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not be hourly, it will be an eternal life, as in the bright folk words, a monthly squeezing on the grass. and let’s live not the great sand, you, kamu aychyny pain balіts, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, there is a life.
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this year, to maintain the high production rates set over the past few years, we will have to add at least 5%. the start of the year is already showing positive dynamics; the task is not just to increase exports, but also to diversify supplies. in addition to the russian market, priority is given to the markets of africa, latin america, and southeast asia
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, among other important areas of import substitution. belarus implements many of these projects jointly with russia. for this purpose, moscow is ready to allocate additional funds. details in minsk and moscow are growing with union projects, it is proposed to replace imports with everything that can guarantee technological sovereignty, on the one hand, on the other - to use our own know-how, introduce an innovative component to create ours union product. the government will say that this is a non-stop process, and concerns a variety of areas, from space biology to micro.
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next year, which is important, they affect not only large but also small cities, and this is a good help for the development of the regions. those
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decisions that were previously made within the framework of the union state are starting to work. do you remember how difficult the document in the field of microelectronics was, but it was signed in the russian federation, then the belarusian development program was approved microelectronics, and today we see how rapidly, i emphasize again, our integral is developing, the salary for last year was 3,000. 300 rub. according to the ministry of industry, the salary is 2.171. imagine, this is what all this gave, what work gave, this gave an increase in production volume over 2 years of the integral by 2.2 times, that is, this is not just wages paid, this is the salary that the workers earned, there was a problem with personnel on the integral , we didn’t find these personnel, but this is the process that began, which today allowed us to completely close the problem regarding personnel, then we have come... young professionals who receive decent wages and also enjoy the work they
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do. salary is only one of the indicators of the stable operation of industry; in general , six out of ten have been fulfilled, but the key ones are: growth in production and exports, among them. the government recognizes the obvious saturation of the number one russian market, and therefore it is necessary to more actively diversify foreign sales, for the benefit of partners who are interested in our equipment in abundance. we. did a lot of work on the markets of the south america, in central america, we are now directing all our efforts to the markets of africa and asia and there are very good prospects for this, today we worked very well in uzbekistan, and the president’s visit to this country showed this, a contract worth more than $140 million was signed, and today i... hope that this year will become decisive, one that will show that we
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can work in other markets, we set ourselves the task of reorienting 25% of the total export volume to those markets that i mentioned. beginning of the year for industrialists turned out quite well, the industry operated with a growth rate of 105.4%, the cabinet of ministers knows its weak and strong points and the main task is to grow by at least 5% by the end of the year. and also to sell, assertive marketing is not only welcome by today’s standards, it is required. olga onishchenko and roman filyutich, area of ​​interest. the driver of industry development is our regions. so in pinsk this year they will begin to build an industrial park. the city needs a modern site for new production, especially since there are already those who are ready to come to regions and open new jobs there. it is planned that the first area of ​​the future park will be commissioned by the end of the year. this was discussed at the time. a meeting of the government with the local power hierarchy, because a new enterprise means new products,
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profits, and, of course, salaries. in terms of these indicators, the region is still lagging behind; at the meeting , growth points were determined, especially for the goods of many pinsk enterprises; there is demand in belarus and in the eac market. about the industry of the region today tomorrow, svetlana lukinyuk. pinsk is a city that... in the accelerated development program, there are not just more than 80,000 residents, all 125, so updating the lines of existing enterprises and opening new ones is an important task. at the end of the twenty-second year , a visiting meeting of the council of ministers was held here, they spoke at all major regional centers, summing up the work and, of course, special attention to pinsk. that’s when they decided to create an industrial park, because there simply wasn’t enough free industrial space for rent here. and the approval of the project was delayed. for a year, although there are companies ready there
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they will work, they will produce buildings, they will produce batteries, they will produce mineral fertilizers, they will produce roofing in different directions, uh, firstly, they will have to prove their innovativeness, which will still be there, this is the future, but today economic indicators are lame, reasons like the prime minister notes that little investment has been made in development for 3 years, so the same soil for growth was not there for a long time, but since last 2023, the situation began to change, social and infrastructure facilities under the investment program done. in general, the district received about 300 million rubles of investment, so of course, this will give its results, while there is enough criticism, well, from our side, after all , the district lags behind its neighbors in the brest region in many indicators, in terms of wages , that means, in terms of housing commissioned , in terms of profitability of sales, in terms of exports, but there is no other way than to get
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a return on the investments that are now being made in the industrial sector, this high-tech production has been opened under the one-district program. one project, conditions those proposed by the state, the prime minister will say, turned out to be beneficial for the owner of the enterprise, they completed the construction of a new workshop, new equipment and new goods, and instead of what they previously bought from imports, today they were able to master the technology. upon implementation of the first stage of modernization of our plant, we mastered the production of lead plate, which is the main component of the battery and accounts for up to 70% of the cost of the battery. owl plate, that is, the main component. today the battery is in belarus, it is import-substituted by 95%. we can almost completely make it in belarus from our belarusian components, from plastic to lead to electrolyte, all this is our fatherland. at the beginning of next year , they plan to build a new plant in pinsk, which will produce plastic components for batteries, in other
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words, up to 3 million boxes per year. this will compensate for the sanctions restrictions.
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this is the key destination for this technology, and in fact, such a wide range of products helps in many ways today work in the markets of our partner countries. money from the state treasury, as well as investments , are invested not only in production, but in the social sphere in pinsk. thus
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, a new infectious diseases building of the central hospital was opened in the city, and here assistance will be provided not only to the residents of pinsk, but also to residents. menavita here is increasingly diligent izyaslaul, known to the shmatlik pa lyagendze ab izyaslaul and iago matsi ragnedze. let's remember folk traditions. you are just a peep, such a jumper for me. i am very glad that the zaslavs have expanded the belarusian museum little ones. and we are so
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familiar with everything that it was an inexorable phenomenon, as long as the erosion of the little one was going on, and we did not know. in the project there is a cultural appreciation, an amazing adventure of a foreigner in belarus, hello, my name is, what is your name, and my name is olga, very nice.
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you felt yourself, probably now the soldiers should feel it, come on, okay, let's go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by the hands of our children, and wow, the children were made, he is happy to talk about the most colorful places in the country, it was unexpected, my mind wants to build some kind of film, that people have already walked here, ran around all sorts of battles, all sorts of epic history,
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a simnik in place. it is also important to remember that we are descendants of winners and will not settle for anything less. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . this. our area of ​​interest is now continuing to talk about exchange rates on the foreign exchange market without sharp fluctuations: the dollar and yuan are falling, the russian ruble is going up. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 23 kopecks. euro now at the national bank rate it is 3.5. for 10 ua they don’t ask for 4.47, 100 russian rubles costs 3.54. at the end of last year, the budget of belarus was executed with a surplus of 1.6 billion rubles. at the same time, it was initially predicted that in the twenty-third, expenses at.
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balance and sustainability of budget execution today depends on how quickly the real sector of the economy adapts to new conditions. yes, external difficulties have not gone away, they remain, but the numbers
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confirm adaptation: the restoration of economic activity, the growth of external trade, industrial production, retail trade , cost optimization. let me remind you that we reached 2024 with these results. what is important is that we fulfill our external obligations in full on time.
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we built, this is an iron-free station, providing citizens with clean water in a different format, which means from artesian wells, well , that is, a whole series of investment projects have been started, we need to complete them. basic revenues are traditionally generated through taxes, and government spending, as always, has retained its social focus. priority the main areas of focus remain social protection of the population, increasing the well-being of citizens through rising wages. other payments, we have tasks to reach the level of wages that was determined for public sector employees of the program by the social development economy and the government, you know what was added there, which means additional tools such as an increase in industry allowances, so earlier we reached the salary doctors, now we are reaching teachers’ salaries due to the growth of the corresponding industry allowances, they remain
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some other categories of state employees. which fall short, we must also make separate decisions on them this year. for this year, the main purse is in deficit in the amount of 4.7 billion rubles. the ministry of finance notes that these figures are under control; they will be covered with the balances of last year’s budget and through borrowing. alina lopoi and vitaly selyavka, area of ​​interest. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business. we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, the most prominent in the economy. see you. the song of iradzim stops, maybe everything will change, ale yanya nepadzelnyya, do not know the smoke
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of eight. there will be a song, herod will live. for its unique historical flavor.
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this city is called the belarusian suzdal. it is famous not only for its archaeological sites, but also for its traditions. and in the summer , many tourists gather here, since it is in this city that the knight festival takes place. dear friends, i think you have already guessed where we are; today we are building a route to one of the oldest cities in belarus, mstislavl. today in our program you will find out. where does he get his story from? modern mstislavel? what shrines does the holy assumption monastery hide? why was the museum of the people's icon opened in mstislavl and what exhibits are stored in it? we will also drop in on a master class with the national master of belarus and taste the most authentic italian pizza in mstislav style.


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